01:18 < bridge> So, **someone told me that this channel is a better place for my progress on translation** (correct me if I'm wrong). 01:18 < bridge> __Today (19.05.2024) I translated__, like, __4 strings__, two of them being from the load screen, one being the chat and one... can't remember, actually. At least __now I have__ (probably?) __fully translated load screen__. 01:18 < bridge> And yeah, __I made it so it says something like "[We are] doing something" instead of "doing something"__, feels a bit more personal imo. __Should get some 🇺🇦 speakers to look at it__, if it is not cringe... but I'm too shy to do that :^( 01:18 < bridge> UPD: forgot to mention: translated "Tutorial" as "Посібник" ("manual", sort of) and "Learn" as "Wiki". Sometimes you have to improvise to fit into the character limits! 01:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1241891998105862185/Translation1.mp4?ex=664bd98d&is=664a880d&hm=06f70aa4ee4674e199b659e83e7d46260552e3c9cfc8d3ad77c7c5b8e65e17bb& 01:40 < bridge> how do i “group” maps in my server by difficulty 01:50 < bridge> nvm i just redownloaded it 02:04 < bridge> @robyt3 I used git bisect to find the source of this issue, it's this commit: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/507b097ad82573f2ab975ce96ecaccd42551c53d 02:06 < bridge> Let me try smth 02:07 < bridge> ah yea no 02:24 < bridge> hah, i was missing the `CNetMsg_Sv_ReadyToEnter` on design change, which triggered the function resetting that variable :D 03:10 < bridge> <0xdeen> I think the storage.cfg is no longer loaded from the current directory, but from where the DDNet-Server executable is, which breaks my secret test server setup. Not sure this is worth changing though, I'll just add some workaround 03:17 <+ws-client> thanks a lot @Ewan setting a C++ standard fixed the macOS pipeline <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 03:17 < bridge> 😃 03:32 <+ws-client> hm but only for my simplified version not the actual code base where i need it in <:tee_thinking:478629518358085653> 03:40 <+ws-client> ok whatever i did it differently now. Its much more verbose. fakin c++ 04:55 <+ws-client> monrin fred 04:56 <+ws-client> antibot can not be compiled standalone without a ddnet source code right? 04:58 <+ws-client> I am trying to build some kind of plugin system and have a hard time designing it. I would like to be able to build stuff standalone and then run unit tests against it. And also load it on the server side during the runtime of the server. Antibot seems close. 05:01 < bridge> <0xdeen> If everything is open source, just use regular C++ classes as your abstraction and add a new target to test it in isolation. Why do you need a plugin system? 06:48 <+ws-client> oh yea nice simple idea @0xdeen c: 06:48 <+ws-client> how is that related to open source tho? 06:51 <+ws-client> Oh and i want hot reloading too. I wanted such a thing for server modding for a while now. And finally decided to give it a try. But it won't be a generic plugin system. Just a plugin system for one feature :D 06:51 <+ws-client> its for server side controlled tees. I have 10k lines of if statements that control a tees inputs based on its coordinates and i would like to extract that out of the server code base into something that can run unit tests and also compile standalone and hot reload. 06:53 <+ws-client> But yea everything is open source. But i would like to share it across multiple server projects. I think i am slowly onto something. Its gonna be a huge mess :D 09:04 < bridge> hi why does my server hosted on my pi only get hosted locally? 09:06 < bridge> usually when checking local connections there’s the local ip address and then public ip. all i can see if the local ip and none of my friends can connect with public ip 09:34 < bridge> did you port forward 09:34 < bridge> u can do like curl ipv4.icanhazip.com to see ur public ip on the pi 10:07 <+ws-client> lmao `curl ipv4.icanhazip.com` 10:25 < bridge> Works for me on Windows. According to the source code it should first check the current directory and then the directory in the path of argv[0] 10:38 < bridge> no the port is definitely open. 10:39 < bridge> it’s been open but after reinstalling server files it no longer works 10:41 < bridge> register was off before as well i just sent my friends the ip 10:43 < bridge> the public ip is correct. i just ran a speedtest-cli to see what it is 11:08 < bridge> gm 11:43 < bridge> Please comment on #8359 if you have any ideas for the ingame touch controls 11:43 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8359 12:01 < bridge> You can make up a script that switchs up 12:01 < bridge> Sadly it doesn't quite do it automatically 12:01 < bridge> I saw some bash scripts which do it 12:02 < bridge> But i thought maybe there's a setting for it to do it automagically 12:02 < bridge> + at work for example the wifi was still enabled while the cable was plugged, which was prioritized for some reason 12:02 < bridge> No, sadly there's not 12:03 < bridge> Ill yoink those scripts then 12:03 < bridge> At work I just en/dis wifi on demand 12:03 < bridge> Thanks for the help 12:20 < bridge> i have a game idea 12:21 < bridge> ill try godot 12:47 < bridge> why should the left joystick exist 12:49 < bridge> i guess a joy stick that can only go on x axis maybe 12:49 < bridge> is maybe still better than 2 buttons to hitr 12:49 < bridge> is maybe still better than 2 buttons to hit 12:49 < bridge> but dunno, no mobile gamer xD 12:50 < bridge> I jump with W so using joystick up to jump would be natural 12:50 < bridge> one of the W ppl 12:50 < bridge> 😬 12:50 < bridge> i dont know what other platformer game in existence uses a joystick to move and jump 12:50 < bridge> what would be a good deadzone tho 12:50 < bridge> maybe a button is more inuitive 12:51 < bridge> (at least for the jump) 12:51 < bridge> yeah, joystick for jumping is considered not good for pros in super smash bros. 😏 12:51 < bridge> i would prefer 3 buttons like an actual keyboard with w for jump 12:51 < bridge> (that's also why I would have used a joystick for jumping, because it comes from those games) 12:53 < bridge> kill chat and leaderboards all in the top left corner 12:54 < bridge> thats how i play mobile ddnet rn 12:55 < bridge> but tbf ddnet has no movement based on the axis value of a joy stick 12:55 < bridge> it's really more like buttons 13:12 < bridge> yea, there's no real axis. might still be useful to be able to change directions by only moving the finger, not needing to move away from the screen 13:12 < bridge> like you can change directions on a controller d-pad by just moving the finger around, not away from the controller 13:12 < bridge> yes but then x-axis only 13:12 < bridge> not add jump to it 13:13 < bridge> Just make movement and jump ceperated xD most of time you jump when go left or right very annoying . 13:13 < bridge> Different buttons for weapons . 13:13 < bridge> And maybe ability to dissable all and use mouse and keyboard ability . 13:42 < bridge> i'd find it better if ur joystick going up allows u to jump 13:42 < bridge> at least u don't have to use another finger to jump 13:42 < bridge> or maybe have the option to choose 13:44 < bridge> but we already have a mobile pro gamer that shows us how it's done 13:44 < bridge> :lol: 13:44 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4it3CFj6JcI 13:45 < bridge> he/she defs often doesnt press the buttons well 13:46 < bridge> do that on a small phone now 13:46 < bridge> :KEKSad: 13:47 < bridge> @forgottenabscat If you have any suggestions for touch controls for a new ddnet version for android, you could give some hints 😉 14:18 < bridge> robyt never said the left joystick was gonna be the exact same 14:18 < bridge> :troll: 14:19 < bridge> thanks @cyberfighter for _saddling_ this debate 14:44 < bridge> @gerdoe why didn't I ever notice you are gerdoe 16:05 < bridge> what email client do you guys use 16:06 < bridge> i really couldn't find one that i like on mobile 16:06 < bridge> thunderbird on windows is ok. k-9 mail doesn't even try to keep it alive in the background 16:15 < bridge> i use thunderbird - even tho its super slow compared to others, but the only one thats decently maintained 16:15 < bridge> i heard about postbox for mac, iirc they also have a windows version 16:15 < bridge> i heard about postbox for mac, iirc they also have a windows version ( i dunno if its free / FOSS ) tho 16:24 < bridge> the only thing i don't like about thunderbird is that it really doesn't want to be a background application 16:24 < bridge> i don't get why can't a email app just minimize to tray out of the box 16:24 < bridge> k-9 mail too. it just dies quitely. i would love email notifications 16:37 < bridge> @chillerdragon gn 16:41 < bridge> gm 16:44 < bridge> I use "fairemail", it's okay 16:44 < bridge> for the other stuff I'm using aerc 16:44 < bridge> I don't like getting notifications for emails, I check when I want to 16:44 < bridge> anything other than outlook is okay to me 16:44 < bridge> outlook is so awful, I hate it 17:45 <+ws-client> gn lol @zhn 18:49 < bridge> gm 19:16 < bridge> gm 19:47 < bridge> Im live :justatest: https://twitch.tv/milkeeycat 19:52 < bridge> 1 viewer 19:52 < bridge> uhoh 20:08 < bridge> @milkeeycat you're doing a ddnet grub screen? 20:08 < bridge> Yea 21:30 < bridge> was good, why u thought it was cringe? 21:31 < bridge> my voice is awful and my english is baad xdddd 21:31 < bridge> nah 21:31 < bridge> i think it's quite good 21:32 < bridge> clear pronounciation 21:32 < bridge> and voice always sounds weird to yourself, because you hear it differently 21:32 < bridge> Yup 21:32 < bridge> I hate hearing my voice 21:33 < bridge> Next stream about rust compiler 😏 21:33 < bridge> About compiler in rust* 21:34 < bridge> rust compiler in rust 21:34 < bridge> it was good, no homo 21:34 < bridge> it was good, all of the homo 21:35 < bridge> :poggers2: 21:35 < bridge> milklang compiler in rust 😏 21:35 < bridge> jupjophomo 21:48 < bridge> how do i get maps in my server? i’ve got cloned the ddnet-maps into /ddnet/build/data/maps 21:48 < bridge> but they dont appear inside of my server? 22:08 < bridge> shore they be moved out of the ddnet-maps directory to the maps folder? 22:08 < bridge> or can they say? 22:08 < bridge> should they be moved out of the ddnet-maps directory to the maps folder? 22:09 < bridge> or can they stay? 22:09 < bridge> try starting the server from /ddnet/build 22:09 < bridge> i do 22:09 < bridge> i.e. `cd ddnet/build` and then `./DDNet-Server` 22:10 < bridge> unpack 22:10 < bridge> what does the output say about `autoexec_server.cfg`? 22:10 < bridge> unpack into /data/maps 22:10 < bridge> one sec 22:11 < bridge> is it not already just a folder and not a tar.gz 22:11 < bridge> if your maps are located under `/ddnet/build/data/maps/ddnet-maps` rn move the files one directory up 22:12 < bridge> everything in ddnet-maps > maps? 22:13 < bridge> what should i write? 22:13 < bridge> mv /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ddnet-maps/ /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ 22:14 < bridge> mv /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ddnet-maps/* /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ 22:14 < bridge> 22:14 < bridge> to move all contents from ddnet-maps to maps 22:14 < bridge> mv /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ddnet-maps/* /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ 22:14 < bridge> 22:14 < bridge> to move all contents from ddnet-maps to maps (the `*`) 22:14 < bridge> oh yeah cheers 22:14 < bridge> mv /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ddnet-maps/* /home/lukron/ddnet/build/data/maps/ 22:14 < bridge> 22:14 < bridge> to move all contents from ddnet-maps to maps. (the `*`) 22:15 < bridge> still not there 22:20 < bridge> @blaiszephyr it just showed the normal maps still 22:21 < bridge> after moving everything, should i replace the autoexecconfig file back one to the main data folder and put it there in replacement? 22:54 < bridge> i am struggling to do this. i moved it and it did nothing 22:56 < bridge> do i move the autoexecconfig file in replace of the one that’s already in /data/ 22:59 < bridge> try that 23:12 < bridge> makes sense now 23:15 < bridge> tysm 23:15 < bridge> you're welcome 🙂 23:18 < bridge> just gotta fix up my entire data and maps folder as i managed to copy the ddnet-server back a directory twice 23:18 < bridge> just gotta fix up my entire data and maps folder as i managed to copy the ddnet-maps back a directory twice 23:18 < bridge> just gotta fix up my entire data and maps folder as i managed to copy the ddnet-maps contents back a directory twice 23:51 < bridge> ya 23:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/705876564880916522/1238230168774906007/image0.gif