00:11 < bridge> idk 00:12 < bridge> where is the file 00:12 < bridge> so what IS the way to update the stuff then 00:12 < bridge> this 00:12 < bridge> please move it 00:13 < bridge> again, i just cloned the repository from github directly into ddnet-harry 00:13 < bridge> can't help you if you're not gonna try what i propose 00:14 < bridge> i’m so confused 00:14 < bridge> cant try what you propose if you dont elaborate 00:14 < bridge> where should it be moved to 00:14 < bridge> yea sass me that's gonna help XD 00:14 < bridge> melon can help u 00:14 < bridge> im gonna go do other things 00:15 < bridge> i just want to update the config file to change the name what am i meant to do? i’ve updated at that path and it doesn’t do anything. i’ve added a myServerconfig file and that doesn’t do anything 00:17 < bridge> @heinrich5991 do you think there is a proper way to disable whispers? i thought about maybe whispering back that the player does not receive whisper messages but that would need to be translated. 00:30 < bridge> where should i put maps 00:30 < bridge> i downloaded this repo 00:30 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-maps 00:43 < bridge> i’ve given up with config files i just want maps now icl 01:50 < ws-client> > what do you think of vim motions in the f1 console? xdd 01:51 < ws-client> @teero777 I added emacs motions but they got removed with new line inputs :( 01:51 < ws-client> i still keep pressing them without anything happening :( 04:55 < bridge> -j option will work as -j$(nproc), no? 06:17 < bridge> -j is usually ideal 07:47 < bridge> Not with make 09:45 < bridge> :monkaStop: 09:45 < bridge> xd 09:51 < bridge> At this Point He should Just give remote Access so i can do it :gigachad: 10:10 < bridge> Student & able to figure it out 😄 I know a lot of students who are studying CS and they dont know how to use Linux or even more worse: Microsoft Excel 10:10 < bridge> ah 10:10 < bridge> i don’t know students 10:11 < bridge> maybe i will next semester 10:11 < bridge> I'd say 35% of my bachelor's degree class were like this xD 10:11 < bridge> I'd expect them to know bash basics If they call themself Cybersecurity smth xD 10:11 < bridge> Assumptions over assumptions. They know how to fill out forms with XSS 10:11 < bridge> my mom’s friend took a cybersecurity class and she was telling me that she learned how to make a DNZ 10:11 < bridge> Im studying at uni computer science and am a neanderthal 😬 10:11 < bridge> And they got the info from stackoverflow 10:12 < bridge> im like idk what a DNZ is but do u mean a DMZ 10:12 < bridge> and she was like oh yea 10:12 < bridge> bless her 10:12 < bridge> xDDD 10:12 < bridge> Lol 10:12 < bridge> Typical CS student 10:12 < bridge> Hahahah 10:12 < bridge> u got ur own language bro ur chilling 10:12 < bridge> im over here with my little scripts and PRs 10:12 < bridge> nothing like a real project 10:13 < bridge> I finished the 0.7 tee renderer, now I can do cool stuff like this :kek: 10:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240215345495674922/image.png?ex=6645c00c&is=66446e8c&hm=144a151e141e43dfcc3d9e644e23d50aa323b577cf2d29c64a707af33f77b2cd& 10:13 < bridge> but i don’t think that’s a knowledge thing just depression 10:13 < bridge> I was invited to a cybersecurity class once, it was horrible 10:13 < bridge> Looks nice 👍 10:14 < bridge> Is it able to render 0.6 aswell? 10:14 < bridge> ty 10:14 < bridge> yup, first message is 0.6 10:14 < bridge> and for the second i joined using the 0.7 client 10:14 < bridge> Oh, nice 10:14 < bridge> You get the info from ddnet master, no? 10:14 < bridge> yea 10:14 < bridge> Ah so its unified already, thats good tho 10:15 < bridge> I need to make stricter types for the master data, but so far this looks clean-ish 10:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240216017821630504/image.png?ex=6645c0ac&is=66446f2c&hm=fe79f96d5ec9bcc7df99149412ec804e2673e116663e7c9d7a5fc2994d0cd8f2& 10:15 < bridge> write some docs! 10:16 < bridge> 😛 10:16 < bridge> https://sans3108.github.io/DDNet 10:16 < bridge> I mean about how to render a 0.7 tee ^^ 10:16 < bridge> it's all there 10:16 < bridge> ohh 10:16 < bridge> uhm 10:16 < bridge> I kinda winged it 10:16 < bridge> I'd say it looks close enough tho 10:18 < bridge> I tried my best to make the code for the 0.7 renderer be as easily understandable as I could 10:18 < bridge> https://github.com/Sans3108/DDNet/blob/master/src/classes/skins/TeeSkin7.ts 10:18 < bridge> Positions for each of the parts I've pulled out of thin air lol 10:31 < bridge> morning MLIR and LLVM devs and others 10:32 < bridge> Morning Rust enjoyers and Others 10:32 < bridge> @melona.3650 i got a new 240L aquarium 10:32 < bridge> @blaiszephyr i got a new 240L aquarium 10:32 < bridge> Who is melona 10:32 < bridge> but no fish yet 10:32 < bridge> idk 10:32 < bridge> Are you cheating on me 10:32 < bridge> yes :justatest: 10:32 < bridge> :poggers2: :poggers2: :owo: :owo: :owo: :owo: 10:32 < bridge> 10:32 < bridge> :feelsbadman: :monkaStop: :MonkaS: 10:33 < bridge> bought it on ebay 10:33 < bridge> for 250€ with equipment 10:33 < bridge> its a steal 10:33 < bridge> this usually costs 750€ or more 10:35 < bridge> I just noticed how heavy water is 😄 10:35 < bridge> That acquarium would be 240 kilos just with water in it 10:35 < bridge> yep 10:36 < bridge> it also came with the thing u put the aquarium on 10:36 < bridge> you also need a layer of substrate/ gravel 10:36 < bridge> of 5cm 10:36 < bridge> atleast 10:36 < bridge> LOL good idea. I think it would break my table. I didn't even think about it 10:36 < bridge> and if u make it pretty some rocks and wood 10:37 < bridge> yes with big aquarium u need to take lot of care where you place it 10:37 < bridge> also it should be leveled 10:37 < bridge> or u put more pressure in 1 place 10:38 < bridge> btw the bigger the aquarium the easier to maintain 10:38 < bridge> because parameters stay stable against changes for longer 10:39 < bridge> cuz more buffer 10:40 < bridge> That sounds sensible 10:40 < bridge> Lessons learned: Think big 10:40 < bridge> nano aquariums are the hardest 10:41 < bridge> Learath plans his own waterpark now 😎 10:42 < bridge> some teaching: a aquarium needs a cycle, fish waste turns into amonia, so u need a filter where bacteria live and turns it into nitrite and then nitrate (or the other way around i forgot) then it's safe for fish and plant food 10:45 < bridge> As a natural filter, you could get something like this: https://www.donauauen.at/en/facts/nature-science/fauna-engl/freshwater-mussel 10:46 < bridge> My parents bought a few of them, so the fishies have a great place. Some fish also use this as "lovehotel" 10:47 < bridge> ye but thats not viable in a closed aquarium xd 10:50 < bridge> There might be some species for closed aquariums 10:51 < bridge> but you need atleast 1m^3 10:51 < bridge> but you need atleast 1m^3 of water 10:51 < bridge> but you need atleast 1m^3 of water for one mussel 😄 10:55 < bridge> xd 10:56 < xjh> How to set up a KOG server on Ubuntu 10:56 < bridge> btw the cycle is why you should never ever put fish in a aquarium you just set up 10:56 < bridge> you need to let it cycle for some weeks so bacteria live 10:56 < bridge> or ur fish die 10:56 < bridge> i think kog is private 10:57 < bridge> @avolicious u can answer xd 10:57 < bridge> they're apparently planning on open-sourcing it, but it's not done yet 10:57 < bridge> see this 10:58 < bridge> did i miss news? is kog dying? 10:58 < bridge> no. see surroundings 10:58 < xjh> I can't understand the tutorial on github 10:59 < xjh> Can someone teach me or is there a tutorial 11:00 < bridge> i think u can still run custom kog servers 11:00 < bridge> Gores* 11:00 < bridge> don’t they provide a server binary somewhere? 11:00 < bridge> not KoG 11:00 < bridge> ah 11:00 < bridge> Old one tho 11:00 < bridge> Windows, DDNet 9 binary is available on our website 11:01 < bridge> Windows, DDNet 9 based binary is available on our website 11:05 < bridge> ah. I'd suggest you open-source the variant you're actually running (i.e. don't strip the non-bare metal parts, at most make it runnable on bare metal, but even that is not necessary). otherwise it's bound to get out of sync 11:06 < bridge> But you cant chat nor use commands nor login into rcon 11:06 < bridge> You cant add sql 11:07 < bridge> I'm asking from a preservation angle, I guess. it could be made to work if someone wants to restart kog after it dies 11:08 < bridge> i.e. the work you want to do could be done after a disaster, doesn't have to be done now 11:09 < bridge> Mhmmm, I would need to open source everything then 11:10 < xjh> There are still many people who play ddrace in China 11:12 < bridge> Terraform, Ansible, Descriptions of how to setup staged vault, how to setup kubectl, how to build & deploy, CI/CD 11:12 < bridge> So the easier way even after KoG would die is to move the gameplay parts to ddnet instead 11:12 < bridge> so you can run vanilla ddnet 11:12 < xjh> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts Is this URL the code deployed by the kog server?,There's no readme file. 11:12 < bridge> no, its ddnet 11:12 < xjh> this one ? https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 11:12 < bridge> its also ddnet 11:13 < xjh> Em 11:13 < xjh> So which one is kog's 11:14 < xjh> Thank you for your help 11:15 < bridge> but that could also be done after the fact, if you'd open-source your current game server implementation. even if it's not runnable on its own 11:16 < bridge> The current implementation implies to open source everything. You basically cant run it, there are no commands, no rcon, no database 11:18 < bridge> you cant even load cfgs like votes 11:18 < bridge> but the gameplay is completely in the game server, is it not? 11:18 < bridge> kog does not have one. it’s a closed source product 11:18 < bridge> so you don't have to open-source everything, just the game server. even if it's not runnable 11:18 < bridge> Yes, gameplay/physics are handled by the gameserver 11:18 < bridge> +1 11:18 < bridge> this guys did their best on some icpc kind thinga and cant even use anything properly 11:21 < xjh> That is to say, there is no kog server now, and those previous kog servers are the shell of ddnet? 11:23 < xjh> I don't really understand what you mean, it's a bit of a barrier to comprehension because I don't speak English very well 11:26 < bridge> hey xjh, idk if kog has their irc bridge or something similar to interact, but yep, ddnet is not affiliated with kog directly 11:29 < xjh> yes, I thought kog was just a special mode of ddnet 11:31 < xjh> Thank you guys, thank you very much for your help, I'm going to ask how other people in China set up servers 12:11 < bridge> Sure, but all the data is coming from other services like Agones/K8s 12:11 < bridge> So the gameserver just handles physics 12:11 < bridge> We are also using quilkin 12:12 < bridge> We also use SpiceDB for permissions 12:12 < bridge> And map votes are being retrieved from keydb ( redis ) 12:13 < bridge> Well that doesn't mean you can't open source the ddnet server part with the modifications actually interesting to the wider community. You don't need to make it functional or provide any of the stuff around it if you don't want to. No? 12:14 < bridge> But you have to provide proper documentation atleast 12:14 < bridge> otherwise the open source project is useless for me 12:16 < bridge> Mh, not everything we do is documented either. Look at the jumble of scripts that run ddnet. Anyway, just wanted to get a better understanding of why you operate the way you do 12:16 < bridge> because its easier to scale 12:17 < bridge> Whether the ddnet part of your code is open source or not doesn't really have much to do with scaling 12:17 < bridge> It does. Software has to be adopted to be scalable 12:18 < bridge> I'm confused. how does the scalability of kog depend on whether you open source the kog game server? 12:18 < bridge> I don't even understand that argument 12:18 < bridge> Oh god 12:20 < bridge> because you cant operate the KoG GameServer. You cant run it on your machine. 12:20 < bridge> 12:20 < bridge> You said its totally fine, which I agree on. But if people cant run it to develop, where is the benefit for KoG? 12:20 < bridge> To run it, we need proper documentation, so people can develop stuff & test it 12:20 < bridge> Why don't you just say that from the start? It makes sense now 12:21 < bridge> there's no immediate benefit to kog. there's a benefit for the community. it can try running kog servers 10 or 20 years into the future 12:21 < bridge> That's a weak argument. The answer is always, we'll release before our project dies 12:22 < bridge> when the project dies, it no longer has the resources to open source 12:22 < bridge> in the common case 12:22 < bridge> In case kog dies, you can have the gameserver as is. Then I dont care about any documentation anymore 😄 12:22 < bridge> see e.g. teerace. or teedata 12:22 < bridge> teerace's DB vanished 12:22 < bridge> What we ask of them is in essence ideological, if he doesn't agree with the ideology there isn't much of a way to convince them 12:22 < bridge> The database will not be open source 12:22 < bridge> teedata doesn't publish their DB anymore 12:22 < bridge> never 12:22 < bridge> not even after kog dies? 12:23 < bridge> the rank db? 12:23 < bridge> No, maybe redacted 12:23 < bridge> Yeah, just the finishes maybe 12:23 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 12:23 < bridge> the real thing is gone 12:23 < bridge> but all the tickets, emails and whatsoerver will be removed 12:23 < bridge> ofcc 12:23 < bridge> ofc 12:23 < bridge> but I'm telling you from experience that it doesn't work. if you don't open something while the project, it will usually be gone when the project is dead 12:24 < bridge> Those are of no value to the community anyway 12:24 < bridge> I've seen plenty of teeworlds projects vanish 12:24 < bridge> that's why I try to archive stuff while the projects are still running 12:29 < bridge> These discussions always boil down to a couple of core values. In this case it's benevolence. Liking the community doesn't mean you contribute to it with no expectation of return, unless you are benevolent 12:29 < bridge> ok. maybe kog is benevolent to the community 12:30 < bridge> Well we can hope 🙂 12:34 < bridge> After getting involved with more career and business minded people, I've noticed that this small community we have gathered here is more an exception than the norm. We are far too open compared to anyone else I see 12:35 < bridge> maybe kog will understand that as teeworlds players a lot of their user base will understand what it means to be open source and why that’s good 12:35 < bridge> think of how many contributions ddnet has gotten thanks to ppl browsing free games on steam 12:35 < bridge> and eventually making some stuff 12:35 < bridge> Why is "too open" a bad thing? 12:35 < bridge> I woudln't necessarily expect contributors popping up at kog's door step just because the code is out there 12:36 < bridge> you’d he surprised 12:36 < bridge> you’d be surprised 12:36 < bridge> lots of ppl just want to make a name for themselves in open source work now 12:36 < bridge> It's not IMO. But I've been among people with this mindset since I was 10. I'm obviously extremely biased 12:37 < bridge> Yeah, I would say it's an anomaly 12:37 < bridge> Even among the related free games developed for decades 12:37 < bridge> is your gf foss? :troll: 12:38 < bridge> :pepeW: 12:38 < bridge> I should have become a cool investor 12:38 < bridge> jesus 12:38 < bridge> how do u cope lerato 12:39 < bridge> Hyperfocusing on work so I don't have time to think 12:39 < bridge> god if only 12:39 < bridge> Lots of music so I can't hear my own thoughts when not working 12:39 < bridge> Tunnel vision is actually good many times 12:39 < bridge> i like the tunnel vision 12:40 < bridge> i sort of realized lately that my adhd tendencies are terrible for trying to keep working at something 12:40 < bridge> It's very scary how focused I can get sometimes yet sometimes I can't focus on anything and waste entire days 12:42 < bridge> always hyperfocused and then burnout for increasing periods of time 12:42 < bridge> yeah 12:42 < bridge> lots of it is life 12:42 < bridge> yea I have the same experience 12:42 < bridge> u need multiple facets 12:42 < bridge> I definitely need a very understanding and flexible boss. I will get things done, just on my timetable not yours :/ 12:42 < bridge> Some days I write 5 lines. Some days I get 3 days of work done 12:42 < bridge> most days i wake up at 3 pm and listen to music and don’t eat and play games until my body tells me to sleep 12:42 < bridge> now I get work done one in ten days at best 12:42 < bridge> idk how it got like this 12:42 < bridge> I was like indoctrinated now that I think about it 😄 The people who helped me while I learned programming were all almost militant open source enjoyers 12:44 < bridge> You are me, but 3 years ago. I don't have any idea how I snapped out of it, but it just randomly fixed itself. So no advice 12:44 < bridge> damn 12:45 < bridge> i think it would be pretty easy to get out if an employer gave me a chance 12:45 < bridge> i tend to do well with a schedule 12:45 < bridge> but it is near impossible to keep one with nothing to do 12:45 < bridge> Waking up and seeing the sky dark was when I fixed my sleep. That is very upsetting to see 12:45 < bridge> the very worst 12:46 < bridge> Somedays I can wake up at four am and be productive for like 8hrs straight and one some days I can't even manage to wake up at noon 12:46 < bridge> And then I'm kinda depressed that I wasted so many hours 12:46 < bridge> Oh wait this isn't #off-topic 12:47 < bridge> We derailed heinrich's attempt at getting avo to open source kog 12:47 < bridge> it’s not happening anyway 12:47 < bridge> Just the mod or everything 12:47 < bridge> avo would rather make sure his product is scalable as it sits on his hard drive than usable by others in any capacity 12:48 < bridge> Yeah, I fear it's a more fundamental disagreement on values that won't be resolved over a conversation 12:48 < bridge> i wouldn’t be upset if kog died 12:48 < bridge> maybe the ranks would be missed 12:48 < bridge> I care about just the mod 12:49 < bridge> honestly the mod adds like 3 things which could be reimplemented in less than a week by a knowledgeable developer 12:49 < bridge> all strong, no buffer hammer, moving freeze 12:49 < bridge> what else… 12:49 < bridge> U dont like kog that much huh 😬 12:50 < bridge> its a valid point 12:50 < bridge> my resume is 100% open source experience 12:51 < bridge> but it’s not enough for these snotty ski jackoffs 12:51 < bridge> Good luck in the job market bozo. 5 years of professional experience required 12:51 < bridge> if u didn’t spend at least 5 figures on tuition you can say goodbye to any glimpse of a career u had 12:51 < bridge> ddnet helped me find the job i have 12:51 < bridge> did the market change that much in 3 years 12:51 < bridge> i already have 3y xp lol 12:51 < bridge> seems you live in a less saturated market 12:52 < bridge> or maybe my projects are more interesting :EZ: 12:52 < bridge> but what about your first job 12:52 < bridge> btw they aproached me for the job 12:52 < bridge> i didnt search for it 12:52 < bridge> rub it in xd 12:52 < bridge> Didn't you have a paypal wrapper or something? Companies love anything that involves money and payments 12:53 < bridge> was like a internship u have to do 12:53 < bridge> have to? 12:53 < bridge> I've considered putting up a repo called "libdollar" or "libmoney" 12:53 < bridge> in spain its called "grado superior" and to get the title u have to do 4 month internship 12:53 < bridge> unpaid or paid 12:53 < bridge> usually unpaid 12:53 < bridge> Probably part of his education, it's called a curricular internship. 12:54 < bridge> ah education 12:54 < bridge> good one 12:54 < bridge> easiest way to get 1st job is via education 12:54 < bridge> Or connections 12:54 < bridge> my first job got me connectionts 12:54 < bridge> to the second job 12:54 < bridge> and then i had xp to get aproached by current job 12:54 < bridge> so funny 12:55 < bridge> I'll hire you dw 12:55 < bridge> don’t tease me 12:56 < bridge> This catch 22 is just ridiculous, and I can't tell who it benefits 12:56 < bridge> employers want devs with field experience because the standard of education is getting lower and lower 12:56 < bridge> It doesn't seem like a matter of convenience, or necessity for anyone 12:56 < bridge> HR costs are lower when you can just discard a lot of resumes outright 12:57 < bridge> I guess the filters are for me 12:57 < bridge> And yeah universities produce horrible software engineers 12:57 < bridge> But thank god they learned electromagnetism and chemistry 12:57 < bridge> right 12:57 < bridge> This is how all the "get a job" advice feels 12:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240256844073537597/GNZItEzawAAQmAn.jpg?ex=6645e6b2&is=66449532&hm=ea51dd265b8828d4664f29ce1fe6f52d10e4400ad56a8ecd0ca2bc0682ec330b& 12:58 < bridge> yea 12:58 < bridge> 10 keywords for your resume 12:58 < bridge> But have you considered building one? 12:58 < bridge> not so easy without experience 12:58 < bridge> Then you'll get web development job offers 😄 12:58 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 12:59 < bridge> Or I see "the cloud" 12:59 < bridge> It's all AI this cloud that 12:59 < bridge> Exactly what am I supposed to learn about "the cloud" 12:59 < bridge> Programming I can get and learn, I can see what it means, the cloud seems like just learning what each of Google, oracle, Amazon, Microsoft's marketing buzzwords mean 13:00 < bridge> It's not... Anything 13:00 < bridge> It's all overwhelming and I don't know what to begin or do 13:00 < bridge> it’s mainly a corporate circle jerk 13:00 < bridge> yes there are some things that might separate the cloud from other established techs but it’s mostly marketing built on top of web tech 13:01 < bridge> If you want a devops or it job I hear cloud certifications can help. And btw you do need some experience with those things to get a job in that area, the AWS and GCP consoles were created for a different breed of human 13:01 < bridge> It feels like operating a spaceship, mostly so you lose track of what you are doing and spend thousands 13:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240257902678380626/GLP1Y-PWcAA65za.jpg?ex=6645e7ae&is=6644962e&hm=11660b314dc1e17f5ca31cb901b357b81a41572938ec684c7e9f67bc007b16d8& 13:02 < bridge> How many words can they make up for the same thing 13:02 < bridge> they have teams of people whose only job it is to come up with said names 13:02 < bridge> Another friend of mine works at a mid-large company, a colleague of his made a configuration error that cost almost 200k$ over the weekend 13:02 < bridge> where do u think those billions go 13:03 < bridge> Yeah it does seem like the purpose is to swindle you at least slightly 13:03 < bridge> Not even slightly 13:04 < bridge> I only know the GCP names of things, and a couple AWS equivalents 13:05 < bridge> this stuff kinda turns my stomach 13:05 < bridge> Me too 13:05 < bridge> I see this and feel anxiety 13:06 < bridge> seems like a lot of it is created for the sole purpose of giving people something to do 13:06 < bridge> more people need more jobs 13:06 < bridge> and i get it 13:06 < bridge> but damn 13:06 < bridge> I like the ideas behind some of it, I'm not the biggest enjoyer of how corporate is though 13:07 < bridge> i know MLIR so i got my niche 13:07 < bridge> and LLVM 13:07 < bridge> someone from intel.com aproached me 13:07 < bridge> u told us 13:07 < bridge> Like serverless architectures (Lambda, Cloud Functions) are a cute idea or Event driven architectures (pub/sub) 13:07 < bridge> no need to flex more 13:07 < bridge> :owo: 13:08 < bridge> Ur depressing Ewan with your job prospects 13:08 < bridge> i rly am happy for u but the last thing i wanna hear about is how well ur career is going 13:08 < bridge> do more projects 13:08 < bridge> impossible 13:09 < bridge> Honestly, I agree. Do more projects and apply to smaller places where they can actually take time to look at your portfolio 13:09 < bridge> but not typical web projects 13:09 < bridge> do something more interesting 13:09 < bridge> I've been trying for a month, submitted 15, and am still yet to talk to a real person 13:09 < bridge> give up and get a job at the grocery store 13:09 < bridge> this market is not for us 13:09 < bridge> Because amazon, google, facebook and those kinds are just mass discarding resumes with some algorithm 13:10 < bridge> It might be okay if it were just Amazon, Google, and Facebook 13:10 < bridge> unless u come from some kind of money or incredible willpower to work on projects nonstop there’s basically no way 13:10 < bridge> Some mid sized local companies still respect decent university names, so you can try the education route 13:11 < bridge> The earlier friend I mentioned who doesn't shell without gpt submitted a whopping 400 applications before landing his job 13:11 < bridge> He always tells me I'm not applying enough. He must be right 😄 13:14 < bridge> I'm straight up unable to do that 13:14 < bridge> I don't have the mental stamina required to write 400 cover letters 13:14 < bridge> The fucking cover letters 13:14 < bridge> God 13:14 < bridge> I might as well give up already if that's what it takes 13:14 < bridge> i can’t even write one 13:14 < bridge> All of that effort for 99.75% of them to go in a shredder 13:14 < bridge> Not all jobs require them. But he is a gpt enjoyer, he probably wrote like 5 cover letters and made gpt remix and adjust them per job 13:15 < bridge> i am taking a kind of employment counseling from someone who says otherwise 13:15 < bridge> apparently millennials were taught they don’t matter as much but when many of them went to apply employers were looking for them 13:16 < bridge> and they’re still ‘in’ 13:16 < bridge> market differs in places tho 13:16 < bridge> thats true, apply everywhere even if u dont meet 13:16 < bridge> requirements 13:16 < bridge> I didn't say they don't matter. I said not all places require them 13:16 < bridge> i never wrote a cover letter 13:16 < bridge> well it’s hard to tell where it will and won’t matter 13:17 < bridge> and 9 times out of 10 it strengthens your application anyway 13:17 < bridge> yes they reached out to u 13:17 < bridge> i applied to jobs too 13:17 < bridge> 👍 13:17 < bridge> For big big companies it might be a waste of your time. Their ai hr will discard your resume immediately when it can't spot your 5 years of work experience. But in general yeah just apply everywhere 13:17 < bridge> they also play the big game 13:17 < bridge> they bot the messages 13:17 < bridge> so u play the game too 13:18 < bridge> the hr guy wont notice 13:18 < bridge> Exactly. If you need a cover letter. Just gpt it. They wont hesitate to have gpt read it 13:18 < bridge> the recruiter definitely will notice a cover letter 13:18 < bridge> gpt it 13:19 < bridge> i hate this world 13:19 < bridge> i don’t wanna play that fucking game 13:19 < bridge> i just wanna be honest 13:19 < bridge> it doesn't matter for big companies 13:19 < bridge> for smaller companies, maybe 13:20 < bridge> (I don't mean gpt it as the zoozers do it for their homework, do it properly, use it as a tool, dont make it so the entire thing) 13:20 < bridge> I had one point where I had to record videos talking into a camera 13:20 < bridge> i did one of those 13:20 < bridge> terrible vibes 13:20 < bridge> The rejection I got said something like "due to volume of applicants, we don't give feedback to candidates we don't interview" 13:20 < bridge> Hahahah, me too, we applied for a couple startup accelerators so we had to make a video for those 13:20 < bridge> and if you fail you’re likely to be weeded out from that company forever 13:21 < bridge> retailers are notorious for that 13:21 < bridge> I don't think so 13:21 < bridge> But I don't know 13:21 < bridge> This no feedback thing is awful. There should be a law forcing them to tell you what's wrong imo 13:21 < bridge> Here's the wording in the email: 13:21 < bridge> ``` 13:21 < bridge> We regret to advise you that the position you have applied for has been filled and we will not be progressing with your application on this occasion. We have really enjoyed finding out more about you, your skills and experience and appreciate the time you have taken to apply. 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> Due to the volume of applications we receive, we only provide feedback for candidates who reach the interview stage. 13:21 < bridge> ``` 13:21 < bridge> nobody watched your application 13:21 < bridge> "has been filled" you mean to tell me they already interviewed people by the time I got the rejection? 13:21 < bridge> Was this position even real? 13:22 < bridge> Probably not 13:22 < bridge> it could be an internal transfer, i had that happened to me once 13:22 < bridge> And discussing this with family is like "the world doesn't owe you" and similar irritation 13:23 < bridge> you talk to your parents about this? xd 13:24 < bridge> This is something I've been pondering a while. It sounds sane when people say it, but my opinion is that it's actually false. I do believe the world does owe me some things to a certain extent 13:24 < bridge> I think the world owes everyone everything 13:24 < bridge> class warfare is real 13:24 < bridge> but that debate I won't elaborate here 13:25 < bridge> I'll disagree with the everything part, but things like healthcare, elderlycare, fulfillment in ones existence, etc are imo things the world/society does owe you 13:25 < bridge> agree 13:26 < bridge> that's basically what I meant by "everything" anyway 13:26 < bridge> and the world is currently failing at this, on an enormous scale 13:28 < bridge> the truth 13:28 < bridge> ppl love to think it’s all about hard work 13:28 < bridge> but there are simply no realistic paths for growth at places where the lower class starts 13:29 < bridge> (I also believe you owe the world some work, that's the deal I believe in, I contribute so that you take care of me) 13:29 < bridge> yeah 13:29 < bridge> there are too many people on this damn planet 13:31 < bridge> For your specific case, I suggest you find what niche you want to do and really do some portfolio projects, something you can point at if you get employment. And try smaller companies as small and local as possible, the faster you can get to a face to face or phone interview the better 13:31 < bridge> maybe 13:31 < bridge> For your specific case, I suggest you find what niche you want to do and really do some portfolio projects, something you can point at if you get an interview. And try smaller companies as small and local as possible, the faster you can get to a face to face or phone interview the better 13:31 < bridge> but everyone in my family has worked hard their whole adult life and still has to work for the rest of their existence 13:32 < bridge> to live a sub par life 13:32 < bridge> Our kinds of CVs are very niche. They look awful to big corpo hr. You need to get to someone with technical knowledge to look at it somehow 13:32 < bridge> Yeah, that is a little beyond the scope of what us here can hope to fix. That's the new deal 13:33 < bridge> this is probably why the U.S. military is so successful 13:33 < bridge> so many people struggle badly enough where they grasp for something that just gives them direction no matter the consequences 13:33 < bridge> a lot of people choose it for funding for univerisity degrees and such 13:33 < bridge> no one with options would choose that, it's the "poverty draft" 13:33 < bridge> The US military isn't actually a horrible career track if you don't mind contributing to turning poor people in the middle east into pink mist 13:35 < bridge> I talked to a relevant professional about my experience and he pointed to his nephew who lived with him and joined the military, who now is in the middle of some heavily guided training for a career 13:35 < bridge> which sounds fine but i don’t want to turn people into mist 13:35 < bridge> or be affiliated with that at all 13:36 < bridge> fuck me for being driven by principle i guess 13:37 < bridge> Have you considered an injection of patriotism? 13:37 < bridge> no but i have considered milking this country for what I can and just going to prison for a long time 13:37 < bridge> they feed you and give you a routine 13:37 < bridge> what more do u rly need 13:38 < bridge> US prisons suck, first migrate to norway 13:38 < bridge> yea well i commit a crime there and I’ll be returned to U.S. most likely 13:38 < bridge> Or become extremely rich, then commit tax fraud. Those prisons are really nice 13:38 < bridge> if only 13:50 < bridge> https://github.com/Mr-Wiseguy/N64Recomp damn, someone took my idea and made it a thing 13:50 < bridge> Well not exactly what I had planned but still very close 13:50 < bridge> sad 13:50 < bridge> 3k already 13:51 < bridge> was at 1.4 or something when i starred it like 2 days ago 13:51 < bridge> It emits C per instruction, then relies on the compiler to reoptimize it 13:51 < bridge> hmmm 13:51 < bridge> is that safe 13:51 < bridge> I was planning to lift the assembly into LLVM IR 13:52 < bridge> It is, because of the "as-if" rule. The compiler isn't allowed to change the observable behaviour of the program when optimizing 13:53 < bridge> well good 13:53 < bridge> it's kinda like good ol' php files. just drop them via some file transfer protocol 13:53 < bridge> I'm unsure how well it optimizes though. Already optimized code does lose context that might make it hard for the compiler to reason about it 13:53 < bridge> what does it do about what are usually hardware subsystems 13:53 < bridge> video, input, sound 13:53 < bridge> Heh, perhaps that's why I find it cute. I'm used to thinking in the PHP manner 13:54 < bridge> the php deployment is honestly just insanely good 13:54 < bridge> Probably not supported, iirc those things are mmio controlled in the N64 13:54 < bridge> Uch 13:55 < bridge> Lamba functions are kinda like a php script running on a server that can spin down and spin up for requests 13:56 < bridge> Lambda* 13:56 < bridge> bedtime 13:57 < bridge> @heinrich5991 do you know if there is any way to manipulate the virtual memory mappings of a process from userspace? I know `mmap` can allow some things 13:58 < bridge> in linux? 13:58 < bridge> Yes 13:58 < bridge> of your own process? or of others? 13:58 < bridge> I'm wondering if I can do things like map a physical piece of ram twice in a row e.g. 13:58 < bridge> own process 13:58 < bridge> yes, should be able to map the same memory twice 13:58 < bridge> mmap 13:59 < bridge> mmap requires it to be backed by a file though, no? 13:59 < bridge> there's `MAP_ANONYMOUS` 13:59 < bridge> but I can't refer to a `MAP_ANONYMOUS` again without there being a file that refers to it iirc, no? 13:59 < bridge> but according to stackoverflow, you want a shm object as FD: https://stackoverflow.com/a/71781135/870079 14:01 < bridge> `memfd_create` looks interesting 14:01 < bridge> in windows you do this with named memory mapped objects 14:01 < bridge> they exist in a global namespace 14:01 < bridge> it’s quite hacky 14:01 < bridge> can also share handles 14:03 < bridge> what do you need it for? 🙂 whatever it is, it sounds interesting 14:03 < bridge> (and tricky wrt. compilers) 14:04 < bridge> First time I pondered this question was when I was thinking about abusing it to make a ring buffer without having to do a division 14:04 < bridge> If the ring buffer truly appears to be infinite to the process, then there is no need to modulo 😄 14:05 < bridge> infinite isn't really possible though 14:06 < bridge> Second time I had mappings come up was when I was thinking of how I would map a gameboy cartridge inside memory, it would be nice if all memory access didn't require me to map the address in userspace 14:08 < bridge> Yes, I did notice that later, but just having two of them in a row would allow writing blocks that can cross the discontinuity 14:08 < bridge> yup 14:08 < bridge> So I wouldn't get my no modulo one, but I would get a cute ringbuffer that actually appears continuous 😄 14:09 < bridge> @learath2 i think llvm can still optimize more if the target is different from the original right 14:10 < bridge> It can, the only problem I can think of is that llvm if given the original code may have taken a different branch of optimization that is now no longer obvious 14:12 < bridge> I don't know enough about how llvm optimizes code and about compiler theory to know if the optimal form of a program is unique or whether llvm can backtrack when optimizing 14:13 < bridge> Say whatever they compiled with unrolled a loop, but it's more optimal to vectorize that code on the new target. Can it roll it back up and vectorize I wonder 14:55 < bridge> How would I go about offering to re-make the @DDNet bot :heh: in typescript 14:55 < bridge> I see no reason for a rewrite 14:56 < bridge> From one interpreted language to another 14:56 < bridge> Huge change 14:57 < bridge> I see a couple 14:57 < bridge> mainly, the bot being out of date 14:57 < bridge> $points Sans3108 14:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240286862745145405/points_Sans3108.png?ex=664602a7&is=6644b127&hm=ae6011614bf7219b0ba967552f79c1a38f6563ba6aadc005664fcf1566e6fdb9& 14:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240286915794829405/image.png?ex=664602b4&is=6644b134&hm=ea764509e403f3067482f99f7aa17d645fa4c242a21509077bbcd3b22516c305& 14:57 < bridge> is that somethign that cannot be fixed with an incremental update? 14:57 < bridge> im not sure, it's all written in python 14:58 < bridge> also it could be made nicer :p 14:58 < bridge> Why doesn't it show correct data btw? 14:58 < bridge> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14:59 < bridge> also I could make a version of the bot which has user installable commands 14:59 < bridge> which look like this and can be used anywhere 14:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240287368951631962/image.png?ex=66460320&is=6644b1a0&hm=3f6e713a31975872720775c16c4de08407ea16ba5a57c596ba54bfff8490e49b& 14:59 < bridge> this all doesn't sound like a reason for a rewrite 14:59 < bridge> you can write a bot in typescript if you want 15:03 < bridge> I didn't know that lol 15:03 < bridge> because i'm not done yet 😄 15:03 < bridge> Oh, ure still writing it 15:03 < bridge> I'm pretty sure most libs for python are lacking some features 15:03 < bridge> I'm pretty sure most discord libs for python are lacking some features 15:03 < bridge> I mean, the points and everything is pretty much done since last month, but I keep finding more stuff that could be changed/improved 15:04 < bridge> interesting. why do you think so? python is a very popular language, probably also for writing discord bots 15:05 < bridge> @heinrich5991 gave me more ideas to implement just yesterday which im currently working on 15:05 < bridge> After the stuff with discord.py I'm not so sure 15:05 < bridge> pretty sure at some point the dev just didnt want to implement slash commands 15:05 < bridge> How about rewrite in COBOL :poggers: 15:05 < bridge> That was true maybe 2 years ago xd 15:05 < bridge> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 15:06 < bridge> I don't trust python with anything discord related every since 15:06 < bridge> im actually converting all commands into slash/app commands btw 15:06 < bridge> neat 15:07 < bridge> you planning to use message components, or context commands? 15:07 < bridge> They'd be all ephemeral too, resulting in significantly less server spam 15:07 < bridge> that's sorta bad, how are people supposed to know there's a bot xd 15:07 < bridge> Both, some commands are hybrids 15:07 < bridge> We have #bot-cmds? 15:14 < bridge> alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 15:55 < bridge> does anyone know why I can't find the simd function `_mm_shuffle_pi8` in rust? (http://intel-intrinsics.dpldocs.info/inteli.tmmintrin._mm_shuffle_pi8.html) 15:55 < bridge> I even found an old usage of it in `packed_simd`: https://github.com/gnzlbg/packed_simd/blob/7486a9c3425c1e90d591214f9f86156d8f7865ac/src/codegen/shuffle_bytes.rs#L35 15:58 < bridge> according to `git log -S _mm_shuffle_pi8` in the rust repository, it has never existed 15:59 < bridge> I don't know specifics about simd in rust. perhaps just and oversight? 16:00 < bridge> I generally see no `_pi8` functions in the list on the left: https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.78.0/core/arch/x86_64/fn._mm_shuffle_epi8.html 16:01 < bridge> hm that occurence in `packed_simd` is probably not from rust's core 16:01 < bridge> I didn't notice that it doesn't use the full path with `core::` 16:02 < bridge> I guess I'll open an issue and ask 16:02 < bridge> sounds good 16:05 < bridge> apparently the one in rust comes from https://github.com/rust-lang/portable-simd 16:07 < bridge> uhm 16:07 < bridge> I think this is relevant: https://github.com/rust-lang/stdarch/pull/890 16:08 < bridge> so not supported on x86_64? 16:13 < bridge> it appears so 16:20 < bridge> lol 16:20 < bridge> @ryozuki my wiki entry was accepted :o 16:20 < bridge> *dabs* 16:20 < bridge> its hard to not be accepted 16:21 < bridge> ur edits are now auto accepted btw 16:21 < bridge> i saw - time to rm -rf 16:21 < bridge> :justatest: 16:21 < bridge> u cant 16:21 < bridge> u can delete but i can revert 16:21 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 16:21 < bridge> i cant even grief, gg 16:21 < bridge> (also obviously, please don't) 16:22 < bridge> there are even off-site backups of the wiki 😄 16:22 < bridge> god damn it! :D 18:00 < bridge> Did something regarding map changes change on the network side? 18:00 < bridge> Only thing I can think of is the early flush robyt3 added 18:00 < bridge> suddenly map design switching (sending a map change) doesnt seem to work reliably anymore and client is stuck in sending initial client info 18:01 < bridge> mh, that wouldn't be related then 18:01 < bridge> weird 18:01 < bridge> is it for all clients? 18:02 < bridge> https://formal.land/blog/2024/04/26/translation-core-alloc-crates 18:02 < bridge> was this shared? 18:02 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks imagine formally verified ddnet 18:02 < bridge> no, ddnet only, got reported recently and i just experienced it the first time in 18.2 18:02 < bridge> after i updated 18:02 < bridge> in 18.1 it worked 18:03 < bridge> you can try it on my server, `/design dark` 18:05 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/8271 18:05 < bridge> possibly this @learath2 ? 18:06 < bridge> well idk, might not be related 18:06 < bridge> unlikely that 18:06 < bridge> mh, I don't think it's related either 18:06 < bridge> unlikely to be that 18:07 < bridge> RIIR is da reason :P 18:07 < bridge> I guess when you have a minute the fastest way to figure this out is just a bisect 18:07 < bridge> do inital PR :gigachad: 18:07 < bridge> also im sorry for interrupting you guys, but had anyone experience with cross-building docker images for raspberry pi? 18:07 < bridge> true yea 18:08 < bridge> 300~ commits between 18.1 and 18.2 that's only 8-9 steps to bisect 18:08 < bridge> i just don't want to compile 1000+ c/cpp files on this lil thing 18:08 < bridge> no experience 18:09 < bridge> sad 18:10 < bridge> are you looking for a way to do it or how to do it efficiently? i did that with docker Buildx, because my VPS was weak as hell and compiling ddnet would've taken approx 10-15 minutes :D 18:11 < bridge> both, since rpi is arm based 18:11 < bridge> and it not such a nutcracker for compiling huge projects :p 18:11 < bridge> my host machine is x86_64 and rpi is arm64 18:12 < bridge> i tried to use tutorial guide from docker documentation but its outdated lulz 18:12 < bridge> you'd just do `docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t container:latest` or smth ig 18:12 < bridge> that would be insane. and insanely hard 😄 18:12 < bridge> 18:12 < bridge> maybe even harder than the rust stuff 18:12 < bridge> it hangs on not finding /bin/sh, idk why 18:13 < bridge> ill try one more time though 18:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240339436475121775/RDT_20240515_1819251927972218925925153.png?ex=6646339e&is=6644e21e&hm=45af86e2ef5fa72cfabc53907c5be722d67ea40b1c806d8ade43319f8c5b08f6& 18:26 < bridge> 🏃 18:42 < bridge> My 18.2 win x64 client crash every time even with a fresh download. Is that a common problem? I did not find the crash log if there is any 18:43 < bridge> There should be a crash log in the `dumps` folder in your config dir 18:43 < bridge> $configdir 18:43 < bridge> I know. It is empty. 18:43 < bridge> Already checked it the very first moment 18:43 < bridge> Sth is wrong before the log system works 18:44 < bridge> Hmm, maybe a driver problem then. Update your graphics drivers, install all available windows updates, then reboot 18:50 < bridge> hmm i can't find it even in .local/share/ddnet 18:50 < bridge> In which version was the config folder moved? 18:50 < bridge> which path does it use there for you 18:51 < bridge> dunno long ago.. smth with 15 or 16 18:51 < bridge> .teeworlds/maps 18:51 < bridge> 16.1 18:51 < bridge> well then that path exist 18:51 < bridge> then it uses ~/.teeworlds 18:52 < bridge> it uses teeworlds dir when it already existed before 18:52 < bridge> else it uses the new paths 18:52 < bridge> $configdir 18:52 < bridge> that's why there is Old and New 18:52 < bridge> it doesnt exist 18:52 < bridge> I c. Did not even realize the move 18:53 < bridge> i think im not schizo but i dont see it 18:53 < bridge> mh 18:53 < bridge> open terminal do 18:53 < bridge> ls -l ~/.teeworlds 18:53 < bridge> open terminal do 18:53 < bridge> ``` 18:53 < bridge> ls -l ~/.teeworlds 18:53 < bridge> ``` 18:53 < bridge> maybe it's hidden by your file explorer 18:54 < bridge> if u use KDE 18:54 < bridge> 18:54 < bridge> CTRL + H 18:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240346558571085824/image.png?ex=66463a40&is=6644e8c0&hm=6e6b300de0797d00e9d259e3a1e98b4d947892f9954877d1c05982a4ff6f94f2& 18:54 < bridge> tbf i'm using the version from gnome software tools because i wanted to see if it was any different 18:55 < bridge> it might be some dumb thing w that 18:55 < bridge> tbf i'm using the version from gnome software library because i wanted to see if it was any different 18:55 < bridge> when u start the client it should tell which path it uses actually 18:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240346788662214686/image.png?ex=66463a76&is=6644e8f6&hm=f7bb65a467dd8d4693171b27eea8d25cb259c461e6c531b10c72beebd6adb96e& 18:56 < bridge> ye none of them exist 18:56 < bridge> lmao how buggy is that version 18:56 < bridge> maybe they use some kind of sandboxing 18:56 < bridge> so it ends up in some very weird directory 18:56 < bridge> u could try to find it manually 18:56 < bridge> ye thats what i was thinking 18:57 < bridge> ``` 18:57 < bridge> locate settings_ddnet.cfg 18:57 < bridge> ``` 18:58 < bridge> i think flatpak puts it in some obscure ass container -.- 18:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240347589501648997/image.png?ex=66463b35&is=6644e9b5&hm=112b5bd766979f05fb3dc8a014837de20f5cc828212d4d081fd817df41c1bf1b& 18:58 < bridge> u can use 18:58 < bridge> ls -lt | head -n 6 18:59 < bridge> to list the last 6 modified file after a new demo or sth 19:00 < bridge> are you on linux btw? 19:02 < bridge> No, not now. I am using a server to train machine learning model. Linux desktop is not handy 19:03 < bridge> I disagree with the last part but anyway: 19:03 < bridge> 19:03 < bridge> Did earlier versions worked? Do they still work? Do you use steam or website? 19:06 < bridge> Do you mean client on linux? It worked back in 2018. IDK now, i am inactive 19:14 < bridge> mh ok, i just wondered if u played a few days ago before 18.2 dropped 19:17 < bridge> Uh, you mean client crash? Well, it worked just fine 5 min ago and sth is wrong after I hit the update button in settings. It showed "no update" after that but without restart and I knew something was wrong. Then crashed after restart 19:17 < bridge> ffs ddnet wont build anymore rn xd 19:18 < bridge> @learath2 could u try to bisect 19:18 < bridge> oh ok that's weird, was your old client rather old or new? 19:20 < bridge> I believe it is early 17. After the crash, I downloaded a fresh 18.2/17.2 from website but all crash. 19:20 < bridge> mh maybe rename DDnet/Teeworlds in appdata 19:20 < bridge> and maybe try nightly: 19:20 < bridge> https://ddnet.org/downloads/DDNet-nightly-win64.zip 19:23 < bridge> Tried. Still crash. Will try nightly 19:23 < bridge> Nightly crash 19:23 < bridge> What are your computer specs? 19:23 < bridge> really weird 19:31 < bridge> I guess there should be a log when updating client in-game. Sth must happened during that 19:31 < bridge> if u use a fresh client and fresh config directory then the ingame updater is irrelevant 19:31 < bridge> I'm not in the mood to get up and get to my computer rn, sorry 19:32 < bridge> np 19:33 < bridge> Whats the issue anyway? 19:33 < bridge> IDK. When the crash happened, I switched to ddnet.old and it worked. And I pressed update again :< 19:33 < bridge> client doesnt reconnect properly after /design 19:33 < bridge> it stays in "sending initial client info" after downloading the map 19:33 < bridge> I meant with the bisect 19:33 < bridge> ah 19:33 < bridge> my ddnet doesnt build 19:33 < bridge> but here u said a fresh 17.2 still crashed 19:34 < bridge> anyway i assume something fixed it? 19:34 < bridge> 19:34 < bridge> what was it 19:34 < bridge> I can't really fix that 😄 19:34 < bridge> xdxd 19:36 < bridge> Not really. I just download a even older version of ddnet. 15.4 works. 19:36 < bridge> wtf 19:36 < bridge> Surprice 19:37 < bridge> Surprise 19:40 < bridge> Ok, I will press in-game update. Let's see what will happen 19:41 < bridge> dont do it lmao 19:41 < bridge> clearly new versions are broken for you 19:45 < bridge> WTF, it works! Hahaha Why!? 19:45 < bridge> ❓ XD 19:45 < bridge> ❓ XD if it works, it works 19:45 < bridge> i don't question that 20:34 < bridge> heya visitor 20:35 < visitor> is this channel used very often? 20:35 < bridge> yeah, we often plan revolutions and stuff here 20:49 < bridge> Welcome! We have multiple lovely Souls Here! And while ddnet is a Mix of c++ Python and Rust - we agreed on calling Rust Superior in every aspect (this is a Joke btw) 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Ryozuki is Our daily information source, He regularly sends Wiki articles to enjoy to Our morning Coffee and has lovely fishies. 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Learath is a great source of information aswell If you want to Hear about stuff where understanding Takes ages! 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Milkeeycat with His Obsession over Milk 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> And many Others! 20:49 < bridge> Welcome! We have multiple lovely Souls Here! And while ddnet is a Mix of c++ Python and Rust - we agreed on calling Rust Superior in every aspect (this is a Joke btw) 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Ryozuki is Our daily information source, He regularly sends Wiki articles to enjoy to Our morning Coffee and has lovely fishies. 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Learath is a great source of information aswell If you want to Hear about stuff where understanding Takes ages! 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Milkeeycat with His Obsession over Milk 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> Jupsti with His Obsession over Lots of lines of Code at a time And many Others! 20:51 < bridge> mine is the shortest 20:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240375949485150368/images.png?ex=6646559f&is=6645041f&hm=42b6076040e4cbbdca59c83ceacf62da09474bb5cc92e9ee64e8cdca13f3a4d4& 20:52 < bridge> everyone who i didnt mention rn: :angy: 20:52 < bridge> u even wrote my name wrong :feelsbadman: 20:53 < bridge> Welcome! We have multiple lovely Souls Here! And while ddnet is a Mix of c++ Python and Rust - we agreed on calling Rust Superior in every aspect (this is a Joke btw) 20:53 < bridge> 20:53 < bridge> Ryozuki is Our daily information source, He regularly sends Wiki articles to enjoy to Our morning Coffee and has lovely fishies. 20:53 < bridge> 20:53 < bridge> Learath is a great source of information aswell If you want to Hear about stuff where understanding Takes ages! 20:53 < bridge> 20:53 < bridge> MilkeeyCar with His Obsession over Milk 20:53 < bridge> 20:53 < bridge> Jupsti with His Obsession over Lots of lines of Code at a time And many Others! 20:53 < bridge> fixed - ty 20:53 < bridge> car 20:53 < bridge> :kek: 20:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240376591943467079/image.png?ex=66465638&is=664504b8&hm=6425b871eea71bec55d2826a1cddc113c5090762a215d670d68fbf1e153049a1& 20:54 < bridge> i remember how llm didnt want to give answer to user because it was unsafe :kek: 20:54 < bridge> i remember how llm didnt want to give answer about C++ because it was unsafe :kek: 20:54 < bridge> i remember how llm didnt want to give answer about C++ because it was unsafe :kek: 20:55 < bridge> i just find it funny that such a video is rated NSFW (**To give you an age-appropriate experience on YouTube, content that isn’t suitable for viewers under 18 is age-restricted.**) 20:56 < bridge> u can write in python, js, lua without verifying age. but if you want to write in c, c++, rust u gotta verify ur age :justatest: 20:56 < bridge> :justatest: all that memory jiggling really be nsfw sometimes 21:15 < bridge> <_gwendal> why does C threads exist 21:15 < bridge> <_gwendal> can we delete them 21:26 < bridge> delete c_threads; 21:26 < bridge> 21:26 < bridge> _Segmentation fault_ 21:27 < bridge> at least you have yours 21:52 < bridge> p threads 22:06 < bridge> We almost never Talk :justatest: 22:07 < bridge> We usually Just Spam someone If they need Help async :kek: 22:51 < bridge> When is the next one? 22:51 < bridge> :owo: 23:11 < bridge> yesterday