01:49 < bridge> Is there a way to get access to players data the way DDstats and ddnet.org do? 01:49 < bridge> Is there a way to get access to players stats the way DDstats and ddnet.org do? 01:51 < bridge> Is there a way to get access to players stats the way DDstats and ddnet.org do? 01:51 < bridge> and ¿can i do it? 01:57 < ws-client> The first link I sent you is the ranks database and this is where you see all currently playing players https://master2.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 01:57 < ws-client> @epicbanana20 01:59 < bridge> Ah i think its rank 01:59 < bridge> unsure what is master server tbh 02:02 < ws-client> You can also access the rank data directly in the browser by the way https://db.ddstats.org/ 02:03 < bridge> Oh 02:03 < bridge> i think thats way better actually 02:03 < bridge> can i link that to my code in some way? 02:04 < bridge> Im trying to make my bot print the stats like the website does 02:09 < ws-client> Then you might want this https://ddnet.org/players/?json2=Freezestyler 02:12 < ws-client> Is macOS Monterey 12.7.4 still supported by ddnet? 02:12 < ws-client> who here has an old mac? 02:13 < ws-client> ``Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:`` 02:13 < ws-client> ``"_SDL_FlashWindow", referenced from:`` 02:13 < ws-client> ``CGraphicsBackend_SDL_GL::NotifyWindow() in backend_sdl.cpp.o`` 02:15 < ws-client> ``ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64`` 02:23 < bridge> YES 02:24 < bridge> Ty it works pretty good! now i just gotta learn to read json xd 02:24 < bridge> Ty it works pretty good! now i just gotta learn to read this json xd 02:29 < bridge> @epicbanana20 02:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1239736230451613746/ddnet-playtime.py?ex=664401d6&is=6642b056&hm=1bc3127676ac271d648ebbe74adb8520b6105c00386935d8816e9303e1d691fc& 02:30 < bridge> Ty @mpft 02:30 < bridge> how did u know i was using python 02:30 < bridge> i just had this from when i wanted to do the same thing 02:30 < bridge> but u did tell me at some point 02:30 < bridge> 😃 02:30 < bridge> ohhh 02:30 < bridge> GOAT 02:30 < bridge> :D 02:30 < bridge> :D 05:13 < ws-client> I took a game that looked like this 05:13 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1715656363.png 05:13 < ws-client> And made it look like this 05:13 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1715656263.png 05:13 < ws-client> success am I right? 05:28 < bridge> awesome 05:37 < bridge> use lynx 05:46 < bridge> morning 06:41 < bridge> gm 06:51 < bridge> morning :pepeW: 07:31 < bridge> gm 07:43 < bridge> Good morning linux enjoyers and others 09:20 < bridge> all good now 10:16 < bridge> yes! trees biologically accurate 10/10 10:17 < bridge> shall i swap from ubuntu to just plain debian, or is there anything it does better :3 10:18 < bridge> gen2 10:22 < bridge> Fedora 10:23 < bridge> Ubuntu IS basically a more User friendly Debian 10:23 < bridge> If you dont Care much about the Backend of your distribution in General i would Stick to Ubuntu 10:23 < bridge> Im planning hopping on debian 10:23 < bridge> In soon future 10:24 < bridge> Im Constantly hopping between Environments its a drug 10:24 < bridge> I Used every Distro known to man (apart from gentoo and Kali Linux) 10:25 < bridge> Thoughts in uwuntu? 10:25 < bridge> linux from scratch 10:25 < bridge> My favourites are nixOS Arch and Fedora 10:25 < bridge> Hate it 10:25 < bridge> Cba 10:25 < bridge> :kek: 10:26 < bridge> Linus torvals fan detected 10:26 < bridge> Linus torvalds fan detected 10:27 < bridge> Love this dude 10:27 < bridge> :owo: 10:29 < bridge> @heinrich5991 is there any performance advantage from this change? 10:30 < bridge> yes. `str_format(…, …, "%d", …)` is now as fast as `str_from_int` 10:47 < bridge> morning gentoo users and others 10:48 < bridge> ☕ 10:48 < bridge> a coffee a day keeps the segfaults away 10:48 < bridge> a monster a day gives u diabetes type II - I do it anyway :justatest: 11:07 < bridge> iron oxide also keeps the segfaults away 12:20 < bridge> My Students are perverts 12:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1239884958328164423/PXL_20240514_101628640.mp4?ex=66448c5a&is=66433ada&hm=1d5ac1df7d5d715350d0f48bc25ea6cd8100b0ac949a71adb5753e0cd980f81b& 12:20 < bridge> They Just had to make them move once and retracting after Reaching end pos, Dude Made it so it keeps on going 12:23 < bridge> They were laughing for Like 30 minutes 12:32 < bridge> :justatest: 12:32 < bridge> how are u full-time ddnet player, blockworlds mod, ddnet discord support guy, software dev, linux user and now also TEACHER at the same time???? 12:33 < bridge> A Lot of Alkohol and 5 energys every day 12:33 < bridge> :justatest: 12:35 < bridge> :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: 12:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1239888859051987006/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_dcf3811e-8e05-49b0-852f-4c23f0af6ecd.jpg?ex=66448ffc&is=66433e7c&hm=0b6986b1064e466f3d1e3086b839321aa27a11fd74f80f65218de959da37c0f7& 12:36 < bridge> GG 12:36 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KnGjNwVSLqk 12:36 < bridge> Can someone explain redstone? 12:36 < bridge> when redstone in teeworlds? 12:36 < bridge> ty thats it for today, sorry 12:37 < bridge> :MonkaS: 12:45 < bridge> gg 13:07 < bridge> https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/ 13:08 < bridge> heinrich was first 😬 13:11 < bridge> lmao 13:12 < bridge> today i woke up thinking i wanted to make my own package manager 13:13 < bridge> edpkgs when 13:13 < bridge> https://patternlanguage.cc/ 13:13 < bridge> cool web 13:18 < bridge> :poggers2: (edpkg Install python@2.7) 13:18 < bridge> edpkg install ddnet 13:21 < bridge> Allow GitHub Tags to be installed aswell 13:26 < bridge> Edpkg Install ddnet@tags-10.0 13:38 < bridge> quote of the day 13:38 < bridge> > In a high-level language, the programmer is deprived of the dangerous power to update his own program while it is running. Even more valuable, he has the power to split his machine into a number of separate variables, arrays, files, etc.; when he wishes to update any of these he must quote its name explicitly on the left of the assignment, so that the identity of the part of the machine subject to change is immediately apparent; and, finally, 13:38 < bridge> > 13:38 < bridge> > Unfortunately, many of these advantages are not maintained in the design of procedures and parameters in ALGOL 60 and other languages. But instead of mending these minor faults, many language designers have preferred to extend them throughout the whole language by introducing the concept of reference, pointer, or indirect address into the language as an assignable item of data. This immediately gives rise in a high-level language to one of th 13:38 < bridge> > 13:38 < bridge> > Unlike all other values (integers, strings, arrays, files, etc.) references have no meaning independent of a particular run of a program. They cannot be input as data, and they cannot be output as results. If either data or references to data have to be stored on files or backing stores, the problems are immense. And on many machines they have a surprising overhead on performance, for example they will clog up instruction pipelines, data look 13:38 < bridge> > 13:38 < bridge> > — C.A.R. Hoare, Hints on programming-language design 1974 13:46 < bridge> does something distinguish your package manager? @ryozuki 13:54 < bridge> Edpkg --add-repo @{GitHub url} and automatically building Said repo with any detected build Tool ! 13:55 < bridge> @ryozuki Go add that !:owo: 14:02 < bridge> didnt think of any idea yet 15:05 < bridge> is there any cons of using systemd as regular user? 15:26 < bridge> No, similarly to how there are no cons to just using Windows as a regular user. A regular user just doesn't care about anything but convenience 16:54 < bridge> also not for me as a developer 16:54 < bridge> actually, I like using systemd 🙂 16:54 < bridge> but I don't like using windows 17:00 < bridge> same - windows is bloated as hell, its startup is ~5times higher than linux - and you have to register everywhere to use basic features 17:07 < bridge> what do you think of vim motions in the f1 console? xdd 17:10 < bridge> meh. extra code 17:11 < bridge> XDD 17:19 < bridge> i only recently discovered through someone that alacritty supports vim motions if you press ctrl+lshit+space. my mouse wheel is kinda broken so it's a live saver xd 17:20 < bridge> shift-pgup/pgdown sometimes works in terminals, too 18:36 < bridge> https://hackaday.com/2024/03/21/why-x86-needs-to-die/ 19:50 < bridge> Q: What is your preference in writing a quick parser? Regex or just string manipulation by hand? 19:53 < bridge> Also I had a hilarious issue today. While debugging something I had to set a breakpoint somewhere within the json decode function in go standard library. Then I made a call within the debugger, and suddenly it told me I was trying to do "next while nexting`. I was stuck for about 20 minutes there not understanding what was going on. Turns out the debugger is also written in go and uses that exact method I had a breakpoint on when doing injected ca 19:54 < bridge> So my injected call was ending up triggering my breakpoint while I was already breaked on there which broke the debugger for some reason 😄 19:56 < bridge> depends on how quick u need it xd 19:56 < bridge> 19:56 < bridge> i'd probably use regex tho 19:58 < bridge> depends on the complexity. if it's just splitting by spaces, I'd go for hand parsing 19:58 < bridge> can you give an example? 20:03 < bridge> I don't usually use regex, so I wanted to use it just to see how it feels. So I was writing a regex today that splits variable names of mixed conventions into tokens (obv opinionated, as there is no real correct answer). Since the regex engine in go doesn't have lookahead it ended up being quite tricky. All the while I was thinking I could have iterated through the string and split it in 20 minutes but getting the regex right took me 2 hours 😄 20:04 < bridge> That's why I wanted to ask around, see what sorts of tasks people use regex for here 20:04 < bridge> u need gpt 4 xddd 20:05 < bridge> If I let gpt write it I wouldn't have learned so much 20:05 < bridge> it's a native regex speaker 20:05 < bridge> And I'm quite certain it won't get it correct on the first try as this is not a common task asked on stackoverflow all the time 20:05 < bridge> i often use regex and still forget everything about them everytime 20:06 < bridge> esp. the 2 trillion regex variants that are there 20:06 < bridge> I used to have a small postit with a cheatsheet, then I misplaced it 20:07 < bridge> What sorts of things do you do with it? 20:07 < bridge> i often replace stuff in code, recently i also wrote a parser 20:07 < bridge> 20:07 < bridge> but yeah most often replace stuff 20:07 < bridge> or search stuff 20:17 < bridge> I usually use regexes in sed/vim 20:42 < bridge> how would i go about hosting a server on a headless raspberry pi? 20:46 < bridge> please don't cross-post your question to multiple channels 20:46 < bridge> - install ddnet from package manager or self compile 20:46 < bridge> - open ports in router 20:47 < bridge> yeah i did try both of them and neither worked 20:47 < bridge> mb i posted in questions first and figured it may have been more ideal to post in developers. will not happen again 20:48 < bridge> that's sad, but these are the steps required. 20:48 < bridge> 20:48 < bridge> also `sv_register 1` 20:48 < bridge> or `sv_register ipv4` 20:48 < bridge> i tried self compiling and it had an error making it 20:49 < bridge> another required command may be "sudo rm -rf' / --no-preserve-root" 20:49 < bridge> if it was on latest master u could open an issue on ddnet github. 20:49 < bridge> 20:49 < bridge> but make sure it's an actual compile time error 20:49 < bridge> another required command may be "sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root" 20:49 < bridge> anything else is more likely a missing dependency 20:49 < bridge> i’ll try again 20:50 < bridge> python had an issue installing and i just had to add -is-python3 20:50 < bridge> i’m not sure if that had anything to do with it 21:02 < bridge> @harrynfr please don't tell people to delete their hard drives 21:07 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 21:07 < bridge> i get a CMake error 21:08 < bridge> CMake Error: The source directory "/home/lukron/DDNet-Server" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. 21:08 < bridge> Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI. 21:08 < bridge> CMake Error: The source directory "/home/lukron/DDNet-Server" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. 21:08 < bridge> Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI. 21:12 < bridge> sorry 21:15 < bridge> u didnt follow the readme properly. 21:15 < bridge> 21:15 < bridge> create a build dir 21:15 < bridge> then `cmake ..` 21:15 < bridge> so .. points to the source root directory 21:16 < bridge> I want one (for science) 21:16 < bridge> huh? what readme 21:16 < bridge> the readme 21:17 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/master/README.md 21:17 < bridge> also so i shouldn’t enter the build directory when doing cmake? 21:17 < bridge> you can 21:17 < bridge> but it's not necessary 21:17 < bridge> cmake --build build if your build dir is called build 21:17 < bridge> or cmake --build . 21:17 < bridge> if u cd into it first 21:17 < bridge> wait i’m following a tuto that extremely out of date 21:18 < bridge> as far as doing a server only build goes u should do something like this 21:18 < bridge> ``` 21:18 < bridge> cmake -B build -S . -DCLIENT=off 21:18 < bridge> cmake --build build --config Release --parallel 21:18 < bridge> ``` 21:18 < bridge> and then ur ddnet server should be shat out into the build folder 21:19 < bridge> run these from the ddnet root 21:19 < bridge> i suck at cmake, why are you specifing --parallel ? is that -j on crack? 21:19 < bridge> same thing 21:19 < bridge> i see 21:19 < bridge> more explicit i guess 21:20 < bridge> it runs unlimited jobs (according to the documentation), doesn't seem like a good idea 21:21 < bridge> Error: could not loads cache after running second command 21:21 < bridge> rm -r Build 21:21 < bridge> and then try again 21:22 < bridge> rm -r Build (or whatever your build folder is called) 21:23 < bridge> still getting the error after removing it and adding it 21:24 < bridge> did the first command error already? can you post the output of the first command? 21:25 < bridge> completely missed the error lmdao 21:25 < bridge> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:641 (message): 21:25 < bridge> You must install Rust and Cargo to compile DDNet 21:25 < bridge> curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh 21:25 < bridge> okay so for ease of understanding, please refer to the readme of https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 21:25 < bridge> 21:25 < bridge> scroll down a bit - you'll need the "dependencies on linux / macOS" 21:25 < bridge> according to rust-lang.org 21:26 < bridge> follow the readme instead of going to rust-lang.org 21:26 < bridge> like @blaiszephyr says 21:26 < bridge> lmfao im using an outdated wiki to install dependacies 21:26 < bridge> that might help 21:27 < bridge> which one? i'll update :D 21:27 < bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/LAN_Server 21:28 < bridge> oh lol - we're not only focusing only on the apt package manager, this hasnt been updated since rust has been added :kek: 21:29 < bridge> perhaps that should be removed from the wiki, and instead point to our readme 21:29 < bridge> will do that 21:29 < bridge> agree 21:29 < bridge> at least for the building steps. forwarding the ports etc. still makes sense 21:32 < bridge> thanks guys and he she it das s muss mit 21:33 < bridge> its stuck? 21:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240024116958859284/image.png?ex=66450df4&is=6643bc74&hm=7904b3b4ffcf4c0d3eef66367e882e742f15594fcd2c69bb3e32d7ce50bdf61f& 21:34 < bridge> does the loading bar update? 21:34 < bridge> no its been stuck like that for the last 5 minutes 21:35 < bridge> heinrich did you ever work with the wiki.ddnet.org page? am i free to delete translation markers ? - i'd personally just dump the entire column and leave it as plain text XD 21:35 < bridge> translation markers are important for the translation 21:35 < bridge> you can't remove them for the stuff that is still there 21:35 < bridge> yeah thats quite obvious, im talking about this: 21:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240024799091228812/image.png?ex=66450e96&is=6643bd16&hm=37db1bff9f31a6542b1cbc83b16a04f542cafce82191bfcdc5de7b23f0bb09b9& 21:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240024810923233411/image.png?ex=66450e99&is=6643bd19&hm=f698c14f9e92b4d7de7a5b7b3d90d7e7aebe21a36d72e39e99a38a6f58ea086a& 21:36 < bridge> dont wanna mess up the entire translation just because they're not in order anymore lmao 21:36 < bridge> whoops 21:36 < bridge> how did you 21:36 < bridge> XD 21:36 < bridge> flip the image from a screenshot XD 21:37 < bridge> the desktop environment im using for arch has a shortcut to flip a screenshot 21:38 < bridge> although i do need help its stuck like that] 21:39 < bridge> the same percentage 21:41 < bridge> thats odd - did you follow all the steps from the readme and installed the neccessary packages? 21:41 < bridge> 21:41 < bridge> if you're using make -j(nproc) 21:41 < bridge> try just using "make" 21:41 < bridge> 21:41 < bridge> it'll be significantly slower but wont stress your cpu all that much 21:54 < bridge> okay i updated the wiki page, who is overseeing the wiki anyway? - couldnt find anything 21:56 < bridge> @zwelf2 is 21:56 < bridge> great to know 21:56 < bridge> ah wait, @ryozuki 21:56 < bridge> not sure. maybe both 21:56 < bridge> both 21:56 < bridge> Zwelf and/or Ryo, i am sorry for whatever mistakes i made 21:56 < bridge> :kek: 22:02 < bridge> ` `^ 22:02 < bridge> You need this to be cool, @blaiszephyr 22:10 < bridge> ill forgive you if you use rust 22:11 < bridge> :kek: 22:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240033853775675503/image.png?ex=66451705&is=6643c585&hm=e8c63cf2ab6f3982e016bf54bd755265f421301b1d12a1857f5f407e23df04b6& 22:27 < bridge> hey @lukron55 this probably wasnt the best way to go about this but i brute forced your raspberry pi and installed it for you 22:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240037895121666108/image.png?ex=66451ac8&is=6643c948&hm=38b46dd2a472aa14e157534404549f5c988afce1975261f4014c6072e9d4e0c6& 22:28 < bridge> :MonkaS: 22:29 < bridge> imagine you have someone brute forcing a connection over ssh just to fix your build environment :kek: 22:29 < bridge> imagine you have someone brute forcing your raspberry just to fix your build environment :kek: 22:30 < bridge> wtf 22:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1240038434698039437/IMG_2276.png?ex=66451b49&is=6643c9c9&hm=3fa1dfa0106c7d70aaab6934a74a30a73aab0526b503c09a9be6796395cdacf3& 22:30 < bridge> @heinrich5991 doxxed himself 22:30 < bridge> @heinrich5991 - doxxed himself 22:30 < bridge> imagine talking to yourself in a public chat 22:30 < bridge> OMG 22:30 < bridge> ty ^^ 22:30 < bridge> I DIDNT REALISE LMFAO 22:32 < bridge> i forgot termius just shows it in a big green box 22:32 < bridge> 😭 22:33 < bridge> - Cybersecurity & Networking student 22:33 < bridge> 22:33 < bridge> gigachad frfr 22:33 < bridge> that’s my friend btw 22:33 < bridge> i gave up and let him ssh into my pi 22:33 < bridge> :kek: 22:38 < bridge> it was quite funny though 22:49 < bridge> where do you get the server config file 22:58 < bridge> autoexec? 23:03 < bridge> Its in your Data folder `myServerconfig.cfg` 23:03 < bridge> 23:03 < bridge> The Changes will only Take effect If you Change it under `ddnet/Data/` 23:03 < bridge> 23:03 < bridge> If you Change the File located under `ddnet/build/data` you loose all Changes upon rebuilding 23:14 < bridge> i do not have that 23:14 < bridge> nvm it’s autoexec_server.cfg 23:16 < bridge> Its still recommended to use myServerconfig.cfg - Check autoexec_server.cfg 23:16 < bridge> it executes myServerconfig.cfg in its Last line 23:16 < bridge> cba to Format my Messages on my Phone rn :D 23:17 < bridge> huh all i see is the autoexec config file? 23:17 < bridge> Oh sorry i forgot to Tell you to create Said File :monkaStop: 23:17 < bridge> ohhh 23:19 < bridge> Reminder that naming is important, it HAS to be called myServerconfig.cfg 23:19 < bridge> 23:19 < bridge> Not MyServerConfig.cfg 23:19 < bridge> Not myserverconfig.cfg 23:19 < bridge> Etc 23:19 < bridge> :owo: 23:21 < bridge> got it 23:22 < bridge> so i copy everything in the autoexec config 23:22 < bridge> into the myServerconfig 23:24 < bridge> i get a “failed to open myServerconfig” 23:24 < bridge> Only add stuff to your myServerconfig that you want to Change, it overrides the config in autoexec 23:24 < bridge> 23:24 < bridge> Important is only 23:24 < bridge> Sv_register 1 23:24 < bridge> For now 23:24 < bridge> 23:24 < bridge> Maybe rcon pw 23:25 < bridge> Did you rebuild? 23:25 < bridge> i ain’t registering it 😭 23:25 < bridge> Huuuh 23:25 < bridge> its not for public 23:25 < bridge> :justatest: why are you building from source and doing all that Work then 23:25 < bridge> fun innit 23:25 < bridge> :monkaStop: 23:26 < bridge> Anyway, rebuild and try again 23:26 < bridge> how do i rebuild 23:26 < bridge> 😭 23:27 < bridge> @harrynfr Mind doing a Clean rebuild for him :justatest: 23:27 < bridge> every time i update the config it needs to be rebuilt? 23:27 < bridge> If i Tell you what to do it might Just Break again Like the First time 23:28 < bridge> Go into your build folder and Just do: 23:28 < bridge> 23:28 < bridge> `Cmake .. -DCLIENT=OFF @@ cmake --build -j .` 23:28 < bridge> If an Error occurs Send it in 23:28 < bridge> are you on your phone 23:28 < bridge> what build folder 😭 23:29 < bridge> Yes sry 23:29 < bridge> I know you hate my autocorrect 23:29 < bridge> Go into your build folder and Just do: 23:29 < bridge> 23:29 < bridge> `Cmake .. -DCLIENT=OFF && cmake --build -j .` 23:30 < bridge> someone wanna brief me on the issue here 23:31 < bridge> Building ddnet server from source on a Raspberry remotely. Now wanting to add myServerconfig.cfg 23:31 < bridge> but the server is built? 23:32 < bridge> His friend did it for him ig 23:32 < bridge> during my stream I noticed that autoexec_server.cfg from the build directory was not being recognized by the server 23:32 < bridge> he'd need to put it in his data directory 23:33 < bridge> Yes 23:33 < bridge> mainly for: 23:33 < bridge> the name 23:33 < bridge> the welcome message 23:33 < bridge> the announcement timer 23:33 < bridge> No 23:33 < bridge> the ddnet data directory 23:33 < bridge> like ~/.local/share/DDNet or whatever it is 23:34 < bridge> Im 99.8% Sure thats Not true, But i cant Check rn because im in bed lol 23:34 < bridge> yeah it also seems weird to me 23:35 < bridge> but when i was testing my server it only worked from there 23:35 < bridge> let me look into it 23:35 < bridge> omg 😨 23:35 < bridge> Might have to add the File to cmakelists? 23:36 < bridge> what? 23:36 < bridge> Lemme Check my fork 23:36 < bridge> http://2143.christmas/f/JDz5.png 23:36 < bridge> it def shuold work from either path 23:36 < bridge> but i think it's possible something else was taking precedence 23:39 < bridge> all i want to do is change the name change the welcome message and the map or starts on 23:39 < bridge> all i want to do is change the name change the welcome message and the map it starts on 23:39 < bridge> This works If you add myServerconfig.cfg under 23:40 < bridge> 23:40 < bridge> set(EXPECTED_DATA 23:40 < bridge> 23:40 < bridge> In your cmakelists.txt 23:40 < bridge> 23:40 < bridge> Atleast thats how i Made it Work for some godforsaken reason 23:40 < bridge> Has been almost a Year lol 23:40 < bridge> Meh Change autoexec and See If it works 23:40 < bridge> i did 23:40 < bridge> hold on 23:41 < bridge> do i need to rebuild when i **edit** the file 23:41 < bridge> definitely not 23:41 < bridge> such weird advice 23:41 < bridge> ok 23:42 < bridge> so i did change the autoexec config file 23:42 < bridge> and it didn’t update 23:42 < bridge> can u tell me the absolute path of the file u edited 23:43 < bridge> /home/lukron/ddnet-harry/ddnet/data/autoexec_server.cfg 23:43 < bridge> ^^ 23:44 < bridge> he’s ssh my pi 23:44 < bridge> before ddnet/ is irrelevant since i just created a separate directory when i built it 23:44 < bridge> i cloned the repository in ddnet-harry 23:46 < bridge> Can you Check ewans theory and Just nano into ~/.local/share/DDNet/data/myServerconfig.cfg and Just Check If the Server opens the File correctly ? 23:46 < bridge> probably just call it autoexec_server.cfg 23:47 < bridge> one sec guys i accidentally shut off the power to my pi 23:47 < bridge> give us a minute 23:47 < bridge> lol 23:47 < bridge> :kek: 23:47 < bridge> Gl! I Go AFK a bit 23:50 < bridge> right it’s back on 23:57 < bridge> what does this mean 23:57 < bridge> when starting the server it says fails to open myServerconfig.cfg 23:59 < bridge> @mpft what is he on about