00:24 < bridge_> @mrgokturk delete the repository only after it has been merged please :P it autocloses the PR 13:54 < bridge_> https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1cax01q/httpexplained/ 14:07 < bridge_> ah nice http code explaination 14:07 < bridge_> 14:16 < bridge_> http.cat error 405 is wild 14:19 < bridge_> https://http.cat/405 14:19 < bridge_> too bad the cat's ones are mostly memes and not natural photos 14:20 < bridge_> and im sad you still see dogs and cats on 404 - should just be a blank picture imo 14:21 < bridge_> but cool nontheless :D 15:19 < bridge_> What parameters does ddnet.org/players/ have other than json2 16:15 < bridge_> <0xdeen> none of use: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-scripts/blob/master/servers/scripts/players.py#L424 `player=`, `query=` and `json=` 16:29 < bridge_> thx 17:44 < bridge_> blake3 is really blazingly fast 17:44 < bridge_> 17:44 < bridge_> epyc 17:45 < bridge_> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3/master/media/speed.svg 17:45 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1232356702385340532/speed.png?ex=6629291d&is=6627d79d&hm=89c3b49210360deb686293b2b5983c03e6c4c9b40e6833fd68b44b410c3a4c8e& 20:16 < bridge_> how come i haven't heard of this 20:26 < bridge_> u have to subscribe to ryo's newsletters 20:26 < bridge_> he probably posted it 2 days after it got released xdd 20:28 < bridge_> it's pretty old 20:28 < bridge_> and relatively well used 20:28 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1232397666462466048/image.png?ex=66294f44&is=6627fdc4&hm=3b332b13be3d16ea3ee672023535598d6b8cec12d71e81e026c11dcf9e45b7aa& 20:29 < bridge_> i guess i don't often have a need for cryptographic hashes 20:29 < bridge_> when i need to hash for hash tables and shit i just use fnv-1a 20:29 < bridge_> because it's simple 21:55 < bridge_> (F-DDrace is open source now :))[https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace] 21:55 < bridge_> (F-DDrace is open source now)[https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace] 21:55 < bridge_> F-DDrace is open source now: 21:55 < bridge_> https://github.com/fokkonaut/F-DDrace 21:58 < bridge_> hell yeah 21:59 < bridge_> Happy to answer questions 21:59 < bridge_> :) 22:18 < bridge_> happy open source day fokko 23:02 < bridge_> why did you make it opensource? :D 23:02 < bridge_> Time has come 23:03 < bridge_> oh no i see fokko is looking for a diciple to look after his servers 23:03 < bridge_> It was open source before for some time, decided to make it private again knowing it'll be open source in the future 23:03 < bridge_> Now here we are 23:03 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/future-squidward-spongebob-gif-4767609 23:03 < bridge_> True 23:03 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1053718957879730177.gif?size=48&quality=lossless&name=heart%7E1