03:53 < bridge> omg maybe languages should get a feature where you can just include a file as a string or format. 03:53 < bridge> i would love that 03:54 < bridge> better, without the need to escape quotes or something, it would just be a string. 03:55 < bridge> :owo: 03:55 < bridge> templating be like 03:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1229248577528664084/image.png?ex=662efdf3&is=661c88f3&hm=2a5657788b17ca409e3d86340ad84f4449cbcf6e82e606f27c1d422ab354267a& 03:55 < bridge> bruh 03:55 < bridge> what are you doing 03:55 < bridge> porting ddnet to every stinkin nintendo console 03:55 < bridge> are there even wiis in Venezuela 03:55 < bridge> yes i had a wii when i was a kid many years ago 04:02 < bridge> not many people can be confident porting native codes to consoles. 04:03 < bridge> I had to port some native libraries our last company uses for PS5 and switch, no one know how to do it in-house, and they reached out to library devs and they couldn't do it too. I just did it in an afternoon and quit the job.:owo: 04:03 < bridge> it feels cool 04:03 < bridge> nothing graphical tho 04:04 < bridge> just some scripting engine they were using 05:30 < bridge> do u used iterator for "it" 05:30 < bridge> ? 05:30 < bridge> yes 05:31 < bridge> Not needed use auto for it? 05:31 < bridge> you can either use auto or the iterator type name 05:31 < bridge> auto is shorter 05:31 < bridge> Example auto Collision = m_pClient->Collision; 05:31 < bridge> Ah 05:38 < bridge> pro 05:38 < bridge> :feelsamazingman: 05:40 < bridge> had a day off after like 20 days 05:41 < bridge> feeling worse than before 06:23 < bridge> are u doing anything 06:31 < bridge> I have many 2-4 lines like dat, should i create separate files for each piece of asm? 06:31 < bridge> @ar1gin what u think 06:57 < bridge> i slept through sunday 06:57 < bridge> closed my eyes saturday night, wake up it is monday morning again 06:58 < bridge> ouch 06:58 < bridge> i think u should still try to get up moderately early on days off 06:58 < bridge> 10 am latest 06:58 < bridge> it's not rewarding when u sleep as long as you can and you waste the best part of your day 07:15 < bridge> what was the issue? 07:15 < bridge> with network 07:30 < bridge> ye but i havent slept for like 40hrs 07:30 < bridge> and i got home saturday night at like 4am (so sunday morning 07:33 < bridge> damn 07:33 < bridge> Yeah maybe noon 07:33 < bridge> or 1 pm 07:33 < bridge> but the day seems over by then 07:34 < bridge> i need to quit my job asap 07:37 < bridge> why have this attitude 07:37 < bridge> just work less 07:37 < bridge> push deadlines and give yourself time to breathe 07:37 < bridge> sounds like you have some kind of mania if ur working working working to the point of being this tired 07:38 < bridge> and if ur boss won’t let you then fine, fuck the job but I would not go straight there 07:39 < bridge> u come in here and post the same thing expecting different responses than what u already knew before posting 07:39 < bridge> i'm not the one pushing it 07:40 < bridge> did u talk to boss 07:40 < bridge> also i was gonna quit anyway 07:40 < bridge> i already told them i quit, if they really need me then they need to prove it 07:43 < bridge> I couldn't care less about job security so they either let me go, fix their management or let me manage my own team. 07:43 < bridge> :owo: 07:48 < bridge> <0xdeen> Big decision! 07:48 < bridge> 07:56 < bridge> I think I'm in a position that company really needs me. since both of my two job seems to be throwing me into tech lead position without explicitly giving me a lead role 07:56 < bridge> which is kinda weird but also kinda epic 07:56 < bridge> but it's about time to change that 07:57 < bridge> epyc 07:57 < bridge> three years of work exp straight into lead role would be epic 07:57 < bridge> but failing that, I would just open my own studio cuz everyone sucks at making video games 08:32 < bridge> morning from gym 08:32 < bridge> i would say its more mismanagement, i also kinda thought that till i landed where i am 08:33 < bridge> imho u need more xp for tech leas 08:33 < bridge> lead 08:34 < bridge> but ye indeed if u have a edge over company push it for better 08:35 < bridge> where you at now 08:35 < bridge> i would say im the thing after junior 08:35 < bridge> but with strong technical skills 08:36 < bridge> in fact, i proba have more tech skills than my manager who is tech least 08:36 < bridge> lead 08:36 < bridge> but he knows more about other stuff 08:37 < bridge> managing time, difficulties, expectations, not letting juniors add useless stuff, focusing on the real stuff 08:37 < bridge> pushing us to add more docs xd 08:38 < bridge> and well he has like native english he also deals with some clients 08:38 < bridge> i mean ye 08:38 < bridge> well, with the clients tech lead/ manager 08:38 < bridge> he has like 15y xp 08:39 < bridge> are u good dealing with ppl? 08:39 < bridge> are you managing a team of three plus deciding the tech stack plus building the scaffold from scratch 08:39 < bridge> i kinda did 08:39 < bridge> oof 08:39 < bridge> ok i didn't 08:40 < bridge> he tech lead managed us 08:40 < bridge> then i guess i'm not worthy yet. 08:40 < bridge> but i lead 08:40 < bridge> the project from scratch 08:40 < bridge> i lead 2 in fact 08:40 < bridge> the 2 compiler related projects 08:40 < bridge> **shaking in gamedev** 08:40 < bridge> like the core dev i meam 08:40 < bridge> mean 08:40 < bridge> god mobile 08:40 < bridge> and shaky arm cuz gym 08:49 < bridge> these two I've worked for just called me to join 08:49 < bridge> xd 08:49 < bridge> u dont have chinese linkedin? 08:49 < bridge> microsoft closed it 08:49 < bridge> we use other platform 08:49 < bridge> we should make ddnet game studio 08:49 < bridge> good devs here 08:49 < bridge> and I did looked for jobs 08:49 < bridge> i do backend with rust 08:49 < bridge> wasn't good at it 08:49 < bridge> :owo: 08:49 < bridge> also I don't feel like doing software cuz it'd be grinding from the bottom all over again since I have mostly gamedev exp 08:49 < bridge> gamedev is just not where the moneys at rn 08:49 < bridge> ig 08:49 < bridge> i mean it is where the moneys at, but not for employees 08:49 < bridge> xd 08:49 < bridge> i guess usually gamedev studios here are just really small sized where two or three people do basically all the core work 08:57 < bridge> Gotta reach lvl 30 to enchant the workers kekw 08:59 < bridge> <0xdeen> Gamedev being stressful sounds like an industry wide problem, one of the reasons I didn't want to work in that area. 09:00 < bridge> <0xdeen> I don't think that's true necessarily 09:01 < bridge> <0xdeen> Starting your own company is probably even more stressful though, but at least you get returns if it's successful 09:01 < bridge> :justatest: i think i just suck at interviews 09:03 < bridge> <0xdeen> There are some good Chinese database companies 09:04 < bridge> i'm also not sure if I want to not do gamedevs tho 09:04 < bridge> any database company is a red flag in this world, regardless where it is 09:05 < bridge> Better to do your own, but who am I kidding, as a casual google drive user 09:05 < bridge> ur comments sometimes are so out of touch 09:06 < bridge> And you love it :owo: 09:06 < bridge> I keep you all entertained 09:06 < bridge> <0xdeen> I was thinking of https://github.com/pingcap/tidb but somehow PingCap doesn't seem Chinese? https://www.pingcap.com/careers/ Maybe I confused something 09:06 < bridge> yugabyte and materialize are quite famous 09:06 < bridge> i had coworkers send me articles 09:07 < bridge> <0xdeen> > Its open-source distributed database provides compatibility and enables users to build applications. The company was founded in 2015 and is based in Beijing, China. 09:07 < bridge> <0xdeen> Cool. That reminds me that I still have my blog article half-finished, should continue on that 09:08 < bridge> I also need to write more about llvm and mlir 09:08 < bridge> 09:16 < bridge> Btw why do you write blogs? 09:17 < bridge> i think i'm just scared of software dev 09:18 < bridge> feel like software dev are more technical than gamedev. and I can feel like I'm the most technical person on a gamedev team. that's a me problem for sure tho 09:21 < bridge> u learn more, u learn how to explain which makes u understand more, it also allows u to show ur knowledge and build reputation either for general stuff or to find jobs, also cuz it genuinely helps some ppl specially for niche stuff 09:21 < bridge> there is barely blogs about mlir and llvm 09:21 < bridge> all deva who like what they do should write 09:22 < bridge> all devs who like what they do should write 09:28 < bridge> It feel like everytime I want to do anything productive then a crunch hits 09:28 < bridge> and I don't want to do anything afterwards 09:28 < bridge> https://yorickpeterse.com/articles/how-to-write-a-code-formatter/ 09:42 < bridge> that too 09:43 < bridge> u can also make a blog post about why u blog post 09:43 < bridge> inception 10:52 < bridge> ```rust 10:52 < bridge> let foo = concat_with::concat_line!( 10:52 < bridge> "section .data", 10:52 < bridge> " fmt: db '%d', 10, 0", 10:52 < bridge> "", 10:52 < bridge> "section .text", 10:52 < bridge> " extern printf", 10:52 < bridge> " extern fflush", 10:52 < bridge> " global main", 10:52 < bridge> "", 10:52 < bridge> "printint:", 10:52 < bridge> " mov rsi, rdi", 10:52 < bridge> " mov rdi, fmt", 10:52 < bridge> " xor rax, rax", 10:52 < bridge> "", 10:52 < bridge> " call printf", 10:52 < bridge> "", 10:52 < bridge> " ret", 10:52 < bridge> "", 10:52 < bridge> "main:", 10:52 < bridge> ); 11:18 < bridge> Eh, doesn't look too bad 11:19 < bridge> It works for just string literals but i can't format string there 11:19 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 11:34 < bridge> https://agner.org/optimize/ 11:46 < bridge> @learath2 so are u working at this very moment? 11:46 < bridge> oh idk why i talked here 11:47 < bridge> https://larswander.com/writing/spectral-ray-tracing/ 12:45 < bridge> @learath2 is it UB to pass size 0 to realloc? 13:01 < bridge> Apparently it's not 13:12 < bridge> is it possible to compile DDNet 18.1 for android release ? 13:19 < bridge> I think ddnet doesn't support android anymore 13:19 < bridge> It was discontinued 13:28 < bridge> hmm tnx 🤝 13:47 < bridge> It is or at least should be possible to compile for. See the README in scripts/android. But the touch screen controls found in the older APKs are no longer supported. 14:01 < bridge> I'll check it ty 14:03 < bridge> I totally missed this 14:09 < bridge> :owo: 14:42 < bridge> looks like its ub from c23 onwards 14:42 < bridge> but impl defined before 15:18 < bridge> https://www.integral-calculator.com/ 15:18 < bridge> kek 15:19 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting_yard_algorithm 16:49 < bridge> my god 16:50 < bridge> i removed email notifications 16:50 < bridge> from github 16:50 < bridge> the spam is unreal 17:38 < bridge> https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-Kconfig-Tabs 17:40 < bridge> xd 17:49 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetric_numeral_systems 17:51 < bridge> zstd uses this 17:51 < bridge> when ddnet? 17:52 < bridge> Now imagine if he added a couple "fuck you"s in there 17:52 < bridge> reformed 17:52 < bridge> Linus has been compromised 17:52 < bridge> :gigachad: 17:53 < bridge> Today I've encountered a tool that parses the command line output of docker to determine stuff. It breaks for podman because capital letters and stuff 17:53 < bridge> Idk what it is with modern applications and an allergy to do things properly 17:53 < bridge> doesnt docker has a json output 17:53 < bridge> doesnt docker have a json output 17:55 < bridge> For some things it does. Truly every part of modern programming is baffling 17:58 < bridge> It does for this too actually. So no reason for them not to parse it properly instead of relying on the exact format of the message on stderr 17:59 < bridge> nice tee btw 18:02 < bridge> It also relies on the absurd behaviour by docker to add leading slashes to their container names internally 19:10 < bridge> what's wrong with json 19:10 < bridge> not entirely libre? 19:12 < bridge> huh xd 19:45 < bridge> Nothing, it’s great at what it is