00:49 < bridge> Now that we know how a DDoS works in detail we can finally fix it :toptri: 01:53 < ws-client> new bot dev axaxax 01:55 < ws-client> @kdaniel what are "network topics"? You mean ddnet / teeworlds related or in general? 01:55 < ws-client> trying to improve your ddos tooling? xd 01:55 < ws-client> @mr.teetorial what are you building? 02:34 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1712709169.png average magnus code snippet 02:36 < ws-client> The size of an item is obviously located at the index of some offset .. duh 02:36 < ws-client> if that wasnt clear enough here the implementation of Offsets() 02:36 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1712709308.png 06:52 < bridge> awesome 07:42 < bridge> dummy has nothing to do with input handling honestly. 07:46 < bridge> Yes but it would maybe make an easy workaround possible. If the left mouse button inputs would not be like 100ms long but instead 1 ms it barely stops dummy copy. Obviously it would be much better if you could really use copy and hammer at the same time but I think that solution would be far more complicated that’s why I’m trying to make smth easier work first. At the moment I’m trying to work with some of chillers tutorials on YouTube. 07:46 < bridge> also I believe some are opposing the idea of expanding dummy ability further due to various reasons. but if you really want to or just curious. dummy inputs are handled directly in the network layer 07:48 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/39dd2a552d814e45e92e71cf762437fe52353b9a/src/game/client/gameclient.cpp#L445 07:48 < bridge> But I having struggles because it’s my first time in c++ and originally only coded in Java when I was younger 07:51 < bridge> dummy is not a game design where it was just a entity that interact with a player. it is literally a spoofed client connection, so a dummy will send their input independently to the non-dummy player. any desync and delay is likely unsolvable unless you remade the network protocol to pack two players input as one single piece of information. 07:51 < bridge> it is very likely that the dummy system is more rudimentary and unreliable than you thought 07:51 < bridge> or you can make the server aware that the character belongs to your player as well and mirror the actions on its side 07:51 < bridge> or that 07:52 < bridge> server-side dummy is actually prefered by deen at some point 07:52 < bridge> server-side dummy is actually preferred by deen at some point 07:52 < bridge> iirc 07:58 < bridge> I get that dummy movement in theory is independent but as soon as dummy copy is on the main tee movement inputs are copied each frame into the dummy movement inputs. If the main tee +fire input is now shortened to 1ms the dummy’s input will be 1 ms long aswell. This would cause dummy copy to stop working for only 1ms. You get what I mean with that? Or is it dumb? 08:01 < bridge> on a tick based system, movements are being process exactly the same rate, there is no milliseconds to speak of 08:01 < bridge> by all mean look at the code 08:02 < bridge> if there is one or two ticks of discrepancy that is definitely a problem worth fixing. 08:04 < bridge> If you just want to lower the client input latency. then the best you can do is to lower it as early in the chain as possible (hardware, input handling, fps) so the input can maybe catch a tick earlier on average. but for anything going through the network. an average of 1/25th second of input latency and jittering is expected 08:06 < bridge> that's just how multiplayer game works. you could tap into subticks like CS2 does, but that requires a significant amount of protocol redesign, it is definitely doable but expect great difficulty and community push back. again. I'm not saying don't do it. I'm just saying it might not be worth your time to dive this deep into 08:16 < bridge> why is server-side dummy unrealistic? 08:17 < bridge> it's not 08:18 < bridge> just no one really did it to the point where it is worth shipping 08:18 < bridge> well u can still easily use old system on old clients 08:18 < bridge> there were server-side dummy servers. but for ddnet I guess you'd be really good at pushing the idea forward cuz it's generally a community push back thing. 08:19 < bridge> but you can have the server do both and opt into server-side dummy 08:19 < bridge> it's a benefit for both client and server 08:19 < bridge> I'm 90% sure if you just made a PR for server-side dummy, I would 100% support it 08:19 < bridge> lol 08:19 < bridge> less traffic and your dummy copy inputs and such will be predictable even on lag 08:20 < bridge> perhaps 08:21 < bridge> at this point it is all about changes 08:21 < bridge> nobody wants to change anything 08:21 < bridge> heinrich will find some reason to veto a pr i make 08:21 < bridge> you'd really need to emulate all the features to disgusting details where it can comfortable for people to say it is worth it 08:21 < bridge> the thought of it is already made most people not wanting to develop 08:21 < bridge> beside, it is just a lot of effort to spend on for not a lot of features. 08:22 < bridge> not that we are pushing features like crazy anyway. but still 08:22 < bridge> most changes are ui stuff im noticing 08:22 < bridge> also why am I commenting. I don't even PR 08:22 < bridge> that's just because Robyt3 is very passionate about UX and he's probably the most active right now 08:23 < bridge> true 08:23 < bridge> that's kinda my forte generally 08:23 < bridge> but there is no need for it in ddnet 08:23 < bridge> even within teeworlds, it is Robyt3 pushing UXs 08:23 < bridge> but there is no need for me to do it in ddnet 08:23 < bridge> phew 08:24 < bridge> xd 08:24 < bridge> was about to say you can't just tell others to stop working cuz it is useless 08:25 < bridge> yeah 08:25 < bridge> tbh, even if I were to make PR, idk what I can do 08:25 < bridge> I feel like the thing I care about are already taken care of 08:25 < bridge> ya there aren't a whole lot of ideas worth pursuing that aren't too big or too small 🙃 08:25 < bridge> either add some 5 second thing 08:25 < bridge> or accounts 08:26 < bridge> well account system maybe, but that's not just ddnet. infrastructure is a commitment 08:26 < bridge> honestly i wish i saw a little bit more leadership from deen because if he had chosen even just his preferred method we would probably have some kind of accounts system by now 08:26 < bridge> he doesn't even have to do it. just decide 08:26 < bridge> someone within the admins really has to push it plus we have to address the additional cost 08:26 < bridge> yeah 08:26 < bridge> additional cost i don't see being a massive issue 08:26 < bridge> you won't need all that much storage 08:27 < bridge> it already shares playtime stats by name 08:27 < bridge> if they have infrastructure for that then putting shit in dbs based on accounts isn't gonna be more demanding than putting shit in a db based on their name 08:31 < bridge> hah I start to receive mails https://mas-bandwidth.com/xdp-for-game-programmers/ 08:33 < bridge> cool 08:47 < bridge> it's probably more than just storage. 08:47 < bridge> why 08:47 < bridge> the auth itself should have very little traffic 08:48 < bridge> you need people to properly manage all that. mods are cool and all, but when it comes to accounts, we are holding players information and should be properly handled. 08:49 < bridge> okay but there's no cost in that 08:50 < bridge> :owo: it will be if you find out that no one are willing to help 08:50 < bridge> volunteer operation 08:50 < bridge> there will never be funding for this 08:50 < bridge> unless ppl work for free this feature cannot exist 08:50 < bridge> but it should be low maintenance 08:50 < bridge> and we only entrust admins with manual account db changes and password changes and stuff 08:53 < bridge> should be 08:53 < bridge> honestly, we are just scared 08:53 < bridge> at least I would be 08:59 < bridge> i think u dont understand him 08:59 < bridge> i think too 09:00 < bridge> he wants deepfly on dummy for 1 frame or smth? 09:00 < bridge> but is 1 frame is really a thing 09:00 < bridge> 1 tick maybe 09:00 < bridge> 1 tick 09:01 < bridge> anyway i'm in the "stop developing dummy features" gang 09:01 < bridge> because dummy copy doesnt work during deepfly 09:02 < bridge> deepfly is really a weird binding artifact imo 09:03 < bridge> i think its because tutorial is on a novice server which usually have teams, so you need a team for practice mode, but tutorial has teams turned off 09:03 < bridge> yes 09:03 < bridge> i mean the dummy bind. not deepfly itself ofc 09:04 < bridge> so you cant even practice in tutorial 09:04 < bridge> lmao 09:05 < bridge> ddnet is really a weird game in genersl 09:06 < bridge> ddnet is really a weird game in general 09:06 < bridge> I'm sitting on the good side 🥲 09:07 < bridge> i feel like dummy is weirder than ddrace itself 09:07 < bridge> i mean the idea is just that you can play with yourself if no one is playing with you. most tech nowadays are just dummy binds gone wild i feel like 09:10 < bridge> I think I developed trust issues working with interns all the time 09:10 < bridge> company only hires interns and swaps them out 09:10 < bridge> at this point I just stop letting them doing anything 09:49 < bridge> damn 09:49 < bridge> hire me as intern 09:49 < bridge> and me :owo: 09:55 < bridge> This is the hard part. People have extremely tight dummy timings on their weird 5 line binds. You aren't allowed to break any of them. Some binds change dummy settings, those would also need to become part of the input and be applied to specific ticks. Etc. Lots of work just to eliminate some bandwidth use, of which we have plenty 09:56 < bridge> bandwidth isn't plenty in CHN i think 09:56 < bridge> i hate dummy copy and it desyncing 99% of the time 09:56 < bridge> also was it about bandwidth tho 09:57 < bridge> I could push mine but I have a feeling it would step on a lot of toes. This sort of flat hierarchy is very nice for maintainance time, very political and tough to navigate for times of improvement 09:58 < bridge> @learath2 have I told you that I think you are cool 09:58 < bridge> can admins help with getting saves on maps back 09:58 < bridge> theres some saves i forgot 09:59 < bridge> The other benefit mentioned was predictability under lag. Which is nice but is it nice enough to navigate all the edge cases and recreating what we have? 09:59 < bridge> and i dont have them in my pc cuz i switched 09:59 < bridge> Yes, create an admin mail ticket for it 09:59 < bridge> that's what I believe as well 09:59 < bridge> ok thx 10:00 < bridge> modal is pretty easy to do I've done it 10:01 < bridge> oh wait what. 10:01 < bridge> i mixed up work and discord.. 10:01 < bridge> 😄 10:01 < bridge> ignore the modal thing 10:01 < bridge> lmao 10:01 < bridge> When modals in tw? 10:02 < bridge> I can't believe I just typed a message meant for coworkers into discord and automatically did it in english as well 10:27 < bridge> same 10:28 < bridge> tbh i think server side dummy is worth it 10:28 < bridge> to eliminate dummy copy lag at all 10:28 < bridge> but it would break many binds 10:29 < bridge> but im now wondering if we can somehow use the client’s binds on the server on behalf of the player 10:29 < bridge> it would be wild 10:36 < bridge> definitely not 10:40 < bridge> yoy’re not thinking creatively enough 10:41 < bridge> if you make all dummy related settings part of the input state, you may be able to simulate the old behaviour close enough that most binds don't break 10:41 < bridge> That’s kinda what i mean 10:45 < bridge> but why tho 10:45 < bridge> sounds like an awful thing to maintain 11:04 < bridge> what would serverside dummy break 11:06 < bridge> how would that even work 11:06 < bridge> last time i saw serverside dummy was in some weird ddrace server with old multimap 11:07 < bridge> and you needed chat commands 11:11 < bridge> ideally nothing, but practically everything the binding only players care about 11:11 < bridge> you can't possible cover all the weird binding that people found over the years in server side dummy 11:11 < bridge> and people will find every weird thing they could do in the new server side dummy too 11:38 < bridge> 12:15 < bridge> No weekends? 13:32 < bridge> no 13:32 < bridge> there should be 15:25 < bridge> @ryozuki https://suno.com/song/24e1851a-60b7-4158-90ea-72f2464dd665 15:27 < bridge> xd 15:27 < bridge> is voice real or ai 15:27 < bridge> ai 15:27 < bridge> it's a website which creates ai songs 15:27 < bridge> it's the website which creates ai songs 15:28 < bridge> lol 15:34 < bridge> https://suno.com/song/0b5a4e29-db87-4dde-804c-ad520e42657e 15:41 < bridge> ok can i send last one or it is already spam :justatest: 16:12 < bridge> can suno do funk instrumental 16:12 < bridge> like for video games 16:13 < bridge> would be cool if i can generate loops and samples to construct my own out of 16:51 < bridge> gm 16:52 < bridge> gm =] 17:28 < bridge> Can someone make a feature for the new freeze bar so that it can be set to the old stars. just like the old mouse mode / old gun position. would be nice ❤️ 17:29 < bridge> why not use old client? 17:30 < bridge> because then he couldnt use the new cool features? 18:12 < bridge> good morning 18:12 < bridge> agree 18:12 < bridge> won't fix, used in some software from 1990 that runs somewhere in production xd 18:22 < bridge> i think someone i met at a meetup is offering to like 18:22 < bridge> pay for a professional headshot for me 18:22 < bridge> which is very morally challenging 18:23 < bridge> cuz i don't want to take their money but also how am i gonna turn something like that down 18:25 < bridge> in other words: they know they abuse you and try desperately to not make it sound like they are the bad ones 18:27 < bridge> "No thank you" usually works 18:27 < bridge> well 18:27 < bridge> i don't mean how as in i want to turn it down 18:27 < bridge> i mean it would just be stupid to reject something like that 18:27 < bridge> it's not a small deal 18:27 < bridge> im just torn here 18:27 < bridge> bcus i don't really know the guy and he gives off MLM/mormon vibes (unfortunately i think many of you won't really get that) 18:27 < bridge> so maybe he will want me to owe him something in the future 18:29 < bridge> Do I misunderstand? Is getting a photo taken a big deal? 18:29 < bridge> it's expensive from a professional 18:30 < bridge> and career wise it is a big deal (from what i hear) 18:30 < bridge> employers are not gonna click ur profile on whichever site if u don't even have a photo 18:32 < bridge> How expensive is it? I don't know US prices but in Italy and Turkey it's not too bad to get a professional headshot 18:37 < bridge> it's entirely likely i don't know how much it costs 18:37 < bridge> and just assumed it was more 18:38 < bridge> but i feel like a proper photographer that u work with 1 on 1 is gonna have insights on like, how to frame you the best 18:38 < bridge> you're not only paying for 5 minutes but for planning and their professional judgement 18:38 < bridge> I'm guessing it's more of an artistic thing rather than a biometric passport photo 😄 18:39 < bridge> they do both in my photo store 18:39 < bridge> for same price 18:39 < bridge> xd 18:39 < bridge> didn't get me a nice job tho 18:39 < bridge> 18:39 < bridge> so was a waste of money 😏 18:40 < bridge> well 18:41 < bridge> so how expensive is it for you 18:41 < bridge> my mom and one of her employees say don't do it 18:41 < bridge> how much will you owe this random guy 18:41 < bridge> I heard you dont even put headshots on resumes in germany 18:43 < bridge> mh i'd say you do, but maybe that's some next level anti racist thing 18:43 < bridge> don't judge on look etc 18:43 < bridge> because in the U.S. you cannot hire based on looks at all so i guess if they even subconsciously associate my face with my application then it will have to go in the bin 18:43 < bridge> also companies here tend not to prefer white men 18:46 < bridge> i went to the photography page at my local department store and i can't find a quote without scheduling an appointment 18:46 < bridge> and i don't really have anyone i can ask 18:46 < bridge> but yes it's probably way cheaper than i thought 😁 18:54 < bridge> <0xdeen> Back when I applied to German companies around 2015 the guides said to put your photo in, but I never did, and no company seemed to care. 20:06 < bridge> it sounds like it is just asking for discrimination 20:07 < bridge> at least to me the resume is never supposed to contain any mention of a "protected characteristic" in an explicit way 20:08 < bridge> like... race, etc 20:09 < bridge> yeah this is how it should be... there is no value in an employer seeing that info 21:13 < bridge> yeah 21:13 < bridge> doesn't matter cuz they're gonna think all the same stuff during the interview 21:17 < bridge> the photo would not go on the resume though 21:22 < bridge> ah right u like teenager 21:22 < bridge> rip to you 21:22 < bridge> i never had it in high school 21:22 < bridge> i think i have developed it by staying at home doing nothing 21:22 < bridge> i eat fine and wash my face so i think i just gotta wait until im older/am leaving the house more often 21:27 < bridge> i hear that the diet thing is mostly a myth 21:27 < bridge> i don't rly have genetics for it 21:27 < bridge> just inactive lifestyle 21:28 < bridge> well as soon as i eat potato chips my skin reacts to it ^^ 21:28 < bridge> dang 21:28 < bridge> but yeah depends on the person ofc 21:28 < bridge> fragile european genetics not used to eating ungodly amounts of processed food like american 21:28 < bridge> lmao