00:08 < bridge> I am currently playing with the clang tidy config. It has a lot of features. It might be able to feed it the cursed ddnet code style 05:19 < bridge> someone can tell me how i can host my server to play with friends? 05:25 < bridge> An easier means to play solely with your friends is to join a /team before the starting line, then /lock the team 05:27 < bridge> bro ik but like i want to show them my map 05:28 < bridge> and i cant play it con public servers xd 06:13 < ws-client> @ladronexperto use dis https://trashmap.ddnet.org/ 06:15 < ws-client> It is the second time i use the non standard setup to compile ddnet that i get this error on current ddnet master 06:15 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/7e8dc57194b542c425dd6a6158fe952702a96298/src/game/client/gameclient.cpp#L23 06:15 < ws-client> line 22 compiles 06:15 < ws-client> line 23 does not 06:15 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1711257260.png 06:16 < ws-client> somewhere src/game/generated/client_data.h is copied out of the build folder into the src folder. And client_data7.h is not. So all systems that depend on that will get compile errors. Does someone know where this move happens? 11:50 < bridge> Can you fix that? 11:50 < bridge> or send it to the person who handles the bot. 11:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1221410771024744538/image.png?ex=66127a6c&is=6600056c&hm=bc7cd96103e3c896773566a6b9321e390b223c6a7d1c13a550d734d03d3e8f5f& 11:54 < bridge> <0xdeen> @murpi ^? 12:18 < bridge> There is this website 12:19 < bridge> Status.tw 12:19 < bridge> And why does it even exist 12:19 < bridge> It seem like it just displays the info from https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 12:21 < bridge> And why is there a link to that website at http://master.ddnet.org/ 13:17 < bridge> I'll look into it. 14:09 < bridge> <0xdeen> status.tw existed already before the http master 14:10 < bridge> <0xdeen> That is the TW master, not the DDNet master at master1 14:19 < bridge> so there is teeworlds master and ddnet master 14:19 < bridge> and thats like two seperate things? 14:21 < bridge> Yes 14:32 < bridge> ddnet master should really be call something like a "serverlist" 14:32 < bridge> 14:32 < bridge> imo 14:55 < bridge> @learath2 do u know a tool like cheat engine for linux? 14:55 < bridge> to do dynamic analysis 15:02 < bridge> oh well it would be to work with a program under wine 15:02 < bridge> maybe i can make it work 15:15 < bridge> <0xdeen> It does have a master server behind though, to which DDNet servers connect 15:29 < bridge> I have PINCE bookmarked incase I ever needed it, but never had to use it so idk if it's any good 17:38 < bridge> https://github.com/gunnarmorling/1brc it seems fun 18:02 < bridge> I just noticed I know a couple of my fairly important passwords only by muscle memory 18:12 < bridge> pince is good 18:13 < bridge> https://github.com/korcankaraokcu/PINCE 22:58 < bridge> i just accidently wiped my entire home partition :owo: 22:59 < bridge> happens.. i guess :justatest: 22:59 < bridge> 4 years worth of configs gone ☺️ 22:59 < bridge> good thing backups exist! 22:59 < bridge> also some smaller projects that i didnt push to the cloud 23:00 < bridge> it's time to rewrite it 23:00 < bridge> and much better than before 23:00 < bridge> yes! 23:00 < bridge> all nighter today trying to reconfigure everything 23:01 < bridge> How does one accidentally do that? 23:01 < bridge> alacritty, neovim, vscode, i3, ddnet, firefox, zsh 23:02 < bridge> you can remove vscode from the list 23:02 < bridge> what config did you have for firefox 0_o 23:02 < bridge> had to expand my root partition since it was full. (includes making my home partition smaller and moving it) 23:02 < bridge> gparted crashed while doing so xd 23:02 < bridge> prefab smth but it looked pretty nice 23:02 < bridge> xDD 23:02 < bridge> true 23:09 < bridge> alacritty, neovim, vscode, i3, ddnet, firefox, zsh, rofi