00:06 < bridge> cool 00:06 < bridge> very hard game though 00:40 < bridge> Can't find myself :feelsbadman: 00:53 < bridge> Can't find myself :feelsbadman: 00:53 < bridge> Found my dummy :poggers2: 00:54 < bridge> Can't find myself :feelsbadman: 00:54 < bridge> Found my dummy :poggers2: took over 2k 01:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220523850366980187/image.png?ex=660f406a&is=65fccb6a&hm=2a071cff8e3108e0c2a5fa531035bdb40aabd0008e4030f7d6b4e9647f647612& 01:06 < bridge> :thonk: 02:54 < bridge> cool idea though 🙂 02:55 < bridge> 2k 😮 03:00 < bridge> I'm at over 4k now lol 03:01 < bridge> I found myself in the bottoms tees, now I'm just trying to find Kix's dog and Broso56 03:02 < bridge> Imo only the most used skin should be shown 03:04 < bridge> I found myself in the bottom tees, now I'm just trying to find Kix's dog and Broso56 03:04 < bridge> I agree 03:10 < bridge> I made this tool a long time ago, figured I'd share it here as well 03:10 < bridge> https://teeview.meeu.me/ 03:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220555225618841631/image.png?ex=660f5da2&is=65fce8a2&hm=9367f60d4091467b9c4b4d27542568bb5569a7f9f3f15f7b1539dfe7055454e9& 03:12 < bridge> feature request: ability to enter a URL or just a skin name from the official DB 03:14 < bridge> yeah that'd be nice, i haven't worked on it for a year, so maybe in the future 03:21 < bridge> you can 03:21 < bridge> set your player name to the skin and it should automatically be downloaded 03:21 < bridge> set your skin name to the skin and it should automatically be downloaded 03:25 < bridge> He means for Meeu's site above 03:26 < bridge> oh lol 03:38 < bridge> eh? 03:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220562174418616461/image.png?ex=660f641b&is=65fcef1b&hm=64d38381f98d0732cf3cd5a0ca638e946d1c40427644ebe3a90068d06fdad0a0& 03:40 < bridge> @matodor feature request: ability to choose player region 04:11 < bridge> feature request: show tees that are online on the servers you are online on 04:40 < bridge> yeah it really needs choose player region 04:41 < bridge> i had no idea who any of those tees were 05:24 < bridge> https://danluu.com/slow-device/ 05:30 < bridge> I feel like I've been trying to make fun web stuff for ages but I can't for the life of me finish any of them 05:31 < bridge> personally i just don't have ideas for fun little sites like this 05:32 < bridge> I can barely do anything after work :cammostripes: 05:32 < bridge> how i wish i had that problem 05:33 < bridge> fred hire me at ur work and i will guarantee 200% revenue within 2 days 05:33 < bridge> 05:33 < bridge> Come and replace me so I can just leave 05:38 < ws-client> Any advice on how to manage different ddnet configs for different devices? 05:39 < ws-client> I currently have only one git repo with all my settings but my laptop and desktop have different screens and specs 05:39 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerTW/GitSettings/blob/583c3aedf1ae1580f06070c2fba95fc8c3f01fe2/swap_settings/gfx.cfg#L24 05:40 < ws-client> my poor laptop struggles with 666 refresh rate I guess i would either need two configs and then conditionally load those. I wish ddnet configs were turing complete -.- 05:41 < bridge> ChillerDragon: adjust the way you start ddnet 05:41 < bridge> you could pass another device-specific config on start 05:41 < ws-client> yes 05:41 < ws-client> thats thw two configs approach 05:42 < bridge> why do ddnet configs need to be turing complete? 05:42 < ws-client> i dont like it too much but seems like there is no other option 05:42 < bridge> that seems backwards for configs 05:42 < ws-client> so i can have one config for all devices 05:42 < bridge> you can have that, using the approach I gave you 05:42 < bridge> no need for more complexity in ddnet 05:43 < ws-client> but then i need complexity elsewhere 05:44 < bridge> yes. it's not on ddnet to maintain, but on the users that need it 05:44 < bridge> sounds amazing 05:44 < ws-client> hm ye 07:38 < ws-client> 07:38 < ws-client> https://private-user-images.githubusercontent.com/20344300/315909079-c3bebe56-374d-4fb6-aa89-87f26d927d23.mp4?jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJnaXRodWIuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoicmF3LmdpdGh1YnVzZXJjb250ZW50LmNvbSIsImtleSI6ImtleTUiLCJleHAiOjE3MTEwODk3MjQsIm5iZiI6MTcxMTA4OTQyNCwicGF0aCI6Ii8yMDM0NDMwMC8zMTU5MDkwNzktYzNiZWJlNTYtMzc0ZC00ZmI2LWFhODktODdmMjZkOTI3ZDIzLm1wND9YLUFtei1BbGdvcml0aG09QVdTNC1ITUFDLVNIQTI1NiZYLUFtei1 07:38 < ws-client> DcmVkZW50aWFsPUFLSUFWQ09EWUxTQTUzUFFLNFpBJTJGMjAyNDAzMjIlMkZ1cy1lYXN0LTElMkZzMyUyRmF3czRfcmVxdWVzdCZYLUFtei1EYXRlPTIwMjQwMzIyVDA2MzcwNFomWC1BbXotRXhwaXJlcz0zMDAmWC1BbXotU2lnbmF0dXJlPTJkYTMwNjU1Mjk3MThhZmY3MzMzNjgyOTIxYWFhNDFhYjg4NDk1ZGQ3NTc3Y2ZlN2Y3ZDVhZjhmYWZiNmFmZmEmWC1BbXotU2lnbmVkSGVhZGVycz1ob3N0JmFjdG9yX2lkPTAma2V5X2lkPTAmcmVwb19pZD0wIn0.QhfdANYlwhlWsBJue90ogWflKSZjJUF9Z3XfK2IEqSc 07:38 < ws-client> does it preview well on discord? 07:39 < ws-client> i did share ddnet hotreloading before. But I am using it again right now and it is just so much fun I had to reshare it :D 07:40 < ws-client> https://private-user-images.githubusercontent.com/20344300/315909079-c3bebe56-374d-4fb6-aa89-87f26d927d23.mp4 07:40 < ws-client> hmm does it need a jtw wtf 07:40 < ws-client> jwt* 07:47 < bridge> open source? i want add it to https://github.com/tee-community/awesome-tee 07:55 < ws-client> yes but it is a bit messy and linux only https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet_hotui/tree/master 07:55 < bridge> Matador replied to Meeu xd 07:56 < bridge> Matodor replied to Meeu xd 07:57 < ws-client> ah gg 07:57 < ws-client> did the video even preview? -.- 07:58 < bridge> I dont see it 08:05 < bridge> ur missing teesmash, my blogs and some other repos i have 08:05 < bridge> check the wiki 08:05 < bridge> in development 08:30 < bridge> which ticket should i open cause at kog.tw it says that theres a problem with the migration and i should create a ticket and add ref6745259 08:30 < bridge> $kog 08:50 < bridge> https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/21/technology/apple-doj-lawsuit-antitrust.html 08:51 < bridge> https://www.justice.gov/opa/media/1344546/dl?inline 08:53 < bridge> ``` 08:53 < bridge> For folks who don't have time to read a 90 page document, the case rests on specific claims, not just the general claim that iPhone is a monopoly because it's so big. Here are those claims: 08:53 < bridge> 08:53 < bridge> 1. "Super Apps" 08:53 < bridge> 08:53 < bridge> Apple has restrictions on what they allow on the App Store as far as "Super Apps", which are apps that might offer a wide variety of different services (specifically, an app which has several "mini programs" within it, like apps within an app). In China, WeChat does many different things, for example, from messaging to payments. This complaint alleges that Apple makes it difficult or impossible to offer this kind of app on their platform. Apple its 08:53 < bridge> 08:53 < bridge> 2. Cloud streaming apps 08:53 < bridge> 08:53 < bridge> Similar to "super apps", the document alleges that Apple restricts apps which might stream different apps directly to the phone (like video games). It seems there are several roadblocks that Apple has added that make these kinds of apps difficult to release and promote - and of course, Apple offers their own gaming subscription service called Apple Arcade which might be threatened by such a service. 08:53 < bridge> 08:53 < bridge> 3. Messaging interoperability 08:54 < bridge> 08:54 < bridge> Probably most people are familiar with this already, how messages between (for example) iOS and Android devices do not share the same feature-set. 08:54 < bridge> 08:54 < bridge> 4. Smartwatches 08:54 < bridge> 08:54 < bridge> Other smart watches than the Apple Watch exist, but the document alleges that Apple restricts the functionality that these devices have access to so that they are less useful than the Apple Watch. Also, the Apple Watch itself does not offer compatibility with Android. 08:54 < bridge> 08:54 < bridge> 5. Digital wallets 08:54 < bridge> 08:54 < bridge> It is claimed that Apple restricts the APIs available so that only Apple Pay can implement "tap to pay" on iOS. In addition to lock-in, note that Apple also collects fees from banks for using Apple Pay, so they get direct financial benefit in addition to the more nebulous benefit of enhancing the Apple platform. 08:54 < bridge> ``` 10:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220660461716897793/ima_abe5765.jpeg?ex=660fbfa4&is=65fd4aa4&hm=87d5bc3041299caa00d8f772b9f7c94c801f114b2f587f96a1f9305b2f04b137& 10:09 < bridge> lmao I just debugged with a pen. It’s a simple problem but drawing it out helped :D 10:10 < bridge> heh, nice 🙂 11:55 < bridge> have you had time to look at registering at multiple masters? @learath2 11:56 < bridge> I'm having a bit of computer trouble so not yet 11:56 < bridge> I'm getting random crashes that are textbook ram issue, but it passes memtest86 no issue 11:57 < bridge> eeh 11:57 < bridge> that sounds bad 11:57 < bridge> do you have a backup of your data? 11:57 < bridge> in case your computer completely fails 11:57 < bridge> Of the important stuff yes 11:58 < bridge> I have almost a dozen terabytes of storage, so it's hard to have a full backup 11:59 < bridge> oh wow 11:59 < bridge> Next time I move around I'll build like a 20TB NAS 😄 11:59 < bridge> that reminds me of the teehistorian script I'm supposed to fix 11:59 < bridge> go big or go home, atleast 1 PB 11:59 < bridge> how do you build that? 11:59 < bridge> and what are the power costs? 12:00 < bridge> depends, do you need it as hot storage or can it be cold storage aswell? 12:01 < bridge> Going to a PB would probably be cost prohibitive unless I land an insane job 12:01 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/n71mh1/who_has_a_petabyte_in_their_home/ 12:01 < bridge> Especially since I wouldn't run less than a RAID5 12:03 < bridge> Cannabis will be decriminalized in Germany starting from April 12:03 < bridge> Excluded in Bavaria 😄 12:04 < bridge> Well, they can't undo the law. 12:04 < bridge> But they can do everything in their power to make it as annoying as possible for people living there 12:05 < bridge> I wonder if it's the very slight overclock I'm running 12:05 < bridge> Maybe I should give it a little more voltage. Though it's been stable for like 3 years now, it's odd for it to be failing now 12:07 < bridge> 12:07 < bridge> only for personal consumption and personal growing though 12:07 < bridge> no, in bavaria, too 12:07 < bridge> Bavaria will introduce their "cannabis police" 12:07 < bridge> I guess thats good enough? Unless you wanted to be a kingpin 12:07 < bridge> They'll do literally anything to make it annoying there 12:08 < bridge> It is good enough, and starting in July there will be those growclubs 12:08 < bridge> carrying weed was without penalty before, too. consumption was never illegal 12:08 < bridge> The next big step will be a full market, but that has to be done with changing some EU laws 12:08 < bridge> carrying weed for personal consumption was without penalty before, too. consumption was never illegal 12:08 < bridge> Sorry to inform you that it wasnt 12:08 < bridge> drop the "sorry" ^^ 12:09 < bridge> Was it not only technically though? I remember reading Germany only has it decriminalized 12:09 < bridge> There was the "Freimenge für Eigenbedarf", which was never really something they cared about. Bavaria for example opened a case for 0.1g 12:09 < bridge> As in it is illegal but you wont be charged for it 12:09 < bridge> Yeah, but bavaria is known for being stricter than others 😄 12:09 < bridge> yes, without penalty. it's illegal, but the worst that'll happen is getting it taken away 12:09 < bridge> afaik 12:10 < bridge> No, they opened cases which would later be dropped if it was below a specific amount 12:10 < bridge> But e.g. in bavaria they didn't close them more often than in other federal states 12:10 < bridge> And because possession was illegal, it was in your criminal record 12:11 < bridge> I'm guessing this is more about getting the actual law in line with practice. Though idk, I don't read german so it's hard for me to have a good understanding of it 12:11 < bridge> Which leads to you being "recognized" and potentionally when getting pulled over by the cops you have to do a piss test 12:12 < bridge> The practice is very different from many people's theoretical understanding 12:12 < bridge> ah, interesting 12:13 < bridge> So, the most important thing in this whole new law is: 12:13 < bridge> - possession legal 12:13 < bridge> - driving legal (higher values allowed for drug testing) 12:13 < bridge> Driving legal? As in driving under the influence? 12:13 < bridge> (most important for an individual, the other things about youth protection etc is also very important) 12:13 < bridge> No, but the original limit was 0.1ng/ml blood serum 12:14 < bridge> and that was literally not meaningful 12:14 < bridge> And they gonna raise it now, so at least on the next day after sleep you should be fine to drive again legally 12:14 < bridge> (when ur sober ofc, u may not drive while under the influence) 12:15 < bridge> That number does need some context. Idk how serum levels of THC(? I assume they test for) correlates to how high you are 12:16 < bridge> Ok. That makes more sense 12:16 < bridge> they tested THC COOH, that's a byproduct when THC gets reduced in your body 12:16 < bridge> and firstly, testing that is very dumb 12:17 < bridge> secondly, the limit of 1ng/ml was very stupid, because that basically means "this person consumed cannabis within the last few weeks" 12:17 < bridge> and if you're like noby who consumes a lot, daily, then you'll always be above that level, even when sober 12:17 < bridge> because thc reduced exponentionally 12:17 < bridge> the last rest can be in your system for up to 2-3 months when you're a heavy user 12:18 < bridge> I'm guessing THC COOH isn't psychoactive 12:18 < bridge> no, but it leads to conclusion you consumed 12:18 < bridge> I see 12:18 < bridge> Yeah sounds silly 12:19 < bridge> Indeed xD 12:19 < bridge> It's unbelievable this went through now 12:19 < bridge> Did y'all see apple getting sued in the US? 12:19 < bridge> yes 12:19 < bridge> lmao 12:19 < bridge> I never thought I'd see the day 12:20 < bridge> It has been decades since the US government last pulled out the anti trust laws against such a successful company 12:20 < bridge> I hope they have actual teeth and the election doesn't interfere 12:21 < bridge> Bush saved Microsoft in the last instance, sadly 12:21 < bridge> Would be so much better if they were split 12:21 < bridge> do you think it's good they did? 12:22 < bridge> Yes, but I won't really elaborate further. My opinion on these things is rather extreme and I can't argue for it within a couple sentences 12:23 < bridge> im unsure whether that has to be regulated, cuz they own their software, so why do they have to make it accessible for anyone else that is competitive? (thats why they didnt do all of that yet) 12:23 < bridge> i mean its probably right they get sued, but it's also kinda unfair (even tho i dislike apple anyways) 12:23 < bridge> It's monopolistic 12:23 < bridge> yea 12:23 < bridge> taking that aspect, elon musk will never get his X imperium 12:23 < bridge> xd 12:24 < bridge> Control of my own computing matters, not that I have an iPhone anyway 12:25 < bridge> Anti trust laws ensure a healthy free market in the capitalist understanding of the economy, and advocate for the user in a more social understanding of the economy 12:25 < bridge> I see 12:26 < bridge> This is just how the capitalism goes 12:26 < bridge> You used to have symbian, java, windows phone, probably some I'm forgetting 12:26 < bridge> It's one thing we all should agree on, but our communal understanding of capitalism has gone very cloudy especially in the last 2-3 decades. People interpret the concept of a free market in such a bizarre manner 12:26 < bridge> It's inherent how it ends up, it functions that way 12:27 < bridge> Exactly why anti trust laws are integral to make sure no company becomes too powerful that they don't need to innovate anymore 12:28 < bridge> Well, it's more like it's broken fundamentally and you need crappy "fixes" like that 12:28 < bridge> But yes 12:33 < bridge> I try to avoid calling it broken or pointing out any inherent flaws in it since people suddenly get very defensive when you do so 12:57 < bridge> holy shit the game is unplayable for me in linux 12:58 < bridge> same settings but it feels so different 12:59 < bridge> guys add pen tools like in ps pls 🫡 12:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220703294804987914/20240322141933_1.jpg?ex=660fe789&is=65fd7289&hm=dc9b88ff6fe48dcbbcca5842ab5a29de10625c068f63aced940a028cc210aa5a& 12:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220703295136469023/image.png?ex=660fe789&is=65fd7289&hm=00a868e633eff8e9fb4f29ff90cbaf14125cb2b40021a70ff7e7fda3568e3a8c& 12:59 < bridge> guys add pen tool like in ps pls 🫡 12:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220703294804987914/20240322141933_1.jpg?ex=660fe789&is=65fd7289&hm=dc9b88ff6fe48dcbbcca5842ab5a29de10625c068f63aced940a028cc210aa5a& 12:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220703295136469023/image.png?ex=660fe789&is=65fd7289&hm=00a868e633eff8e9fb4f29ff90cbaf14125cb2b40021a70ff7e7fda3568e3a8c& 13:29 < bridge> after I saw this I be able to uninstall Illustrator 🙂 13:41 < bridge> Oh no, an era of animations in tw 14:01 < bridge> It does feel extremely different. I still play ddnet on windows for that reason 14:04 < bridge> tried linux because i now have a bug on windows where my pc just freezes for half a second randomly 14:04 < bridge> check HDD 14:05 < bridge> ? 14:05 < bridge> check HDD (if you have) 14:06 < bridge> windows slows down when trying to read from corrupted hdd blocks, I had this problem recently as cats jumped on the system unit and damaged the hard disk) 14:06 < bridge> when registering on the DDNet Wiki https://wiki.ddnet.org/ the e-mail you receive will not display your ipv4, but display a private ip (, is that intended? :D 14:07 < bridge> oh 14:07 < bridge> webserver proxy pass maybe 14:08 < bridge> if it would be related to hdd wouldnt i see it on linux too 14:09 < bridge> perhaps now there is no reading from those places 14:09 < bridge> perhaps now there is no reading from those blocks 14:09 < bridge> well if its a physical damage, yes, if its logical damage, linux might just skip those 14:10 < bridge> you can use `badblocks` to search for blocks of memory which are either unreliable or corrupted 14:34 < bridge> capcom 14:34 < bridge> @learath2 14:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220727361956216932/GJPbKYuWgAIBlnN.png?ex=660ffdf3&is=65fd88f3&hm=73166d1bae025a94ba6d6df23a515b4669bdab119abc7ba88a3c4caae68bf9f8& 14:34 < bridge> and dragons dogma 2 14:34 < bridge> how to now make a game 14:34 < bridge> luckily i didnt prebuy it, cuz this reeks of shit 14:35 < bridge> xd 14:35 < bridge> how to not make a game 14:58 < bridge> I don't get it. Why are people acting so surprised about this? This has been a thing since MH:World 14:59 < bridge> there.. was a shop in mh world to buy stuff? 14:59 < bridge> It's a CAPCOM title, of course there's going to be appearance vouchers 15:01 < bridge> https://store.steampowered.com/app/861870/Monster_Hunter_World__Character_Edit_Voucher_Single_Voucher/ 15:01 < bridge> and in Rise too: 15:01 < bridge> https://store.steampowered.com/app/1798007/MONSTER_HUNTER_RISE__One_Character_Edit_Voucher/ 15:01 < bridge> oh whatafak - TiL 15:01 < bridge> Funnily enough, they're even more expensive in MH, lmao 15:29 < bridge> #developer 15:32 < bridge> its only a thing with capcom 15:32 < bridge> @murpi even if its a thing with them, people should be outraged at this practices regardless 15:35 < bridge> It's really not. There's a multitude of other games with silly DLCs like this one. 15:35 < bridge> my point is, people should complain and do good complaining about this xD 15:37 < bridge> @heinrich5991 is m1 l1 cache 2mb? 15:37 < bridge> isnt that insane 15:37 < bridge> Oh yes, I definitely agree. It's just surprising how some folks act like CAPCOM's track record with questionable DLCs is a new thing 15:37 < bridge> mac m1 15:38 < bridge> how to know the size of a cache line? 15:39 < bridge> ❯ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index0/coherency_line_size 15:39 < bridge> 64 15:39 < bridge> i see 15:39 < bridge> mac m1 has 128 byte line size 15:40 < bridge> ❯ getconf LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE 15:40 < bridge> 64 15:40 < bridge> `int SDL_GetCPUCacheLineSize(void);` 15:40 < bridge> lol 15:40 < bridge> sdl has a method for this 15:43 < bridge> Did somebody say `std::hardware_destructive_interference_size`? 15:43 < bridge> xd 15:45 < bridge> Only correct for the target you are compiling for btw 15:46 < bridge> epic names 15:46 < bridge> as always from cpp 15:51 < bridge> epyc 15:54 < bridge> yo why is that? 15:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220747471903395890/2024-03-22_15-52-45.mp4?ex=661010ad&is=65fd9bad&hm=55c05044eee3426f4f5aba91a11e94253326357cf30754a2cda551d5a2408fef& 15:55 < bridge> my ground_jump_impulse tune is 3.63 15:55 < bridge> because you can use your groundjump before your tee hits the ground, I think 15:55 < bridge> hmm 15:55 < bridge> seems like it 15:56 < bridge> the jump impulse values should scale linearly rigth? 15:56 < bridge> so if default is 13.2 and i use 6.6 it should be half the height? 15:57 < bridge> not, sure, don't think so 15:58 < bridge> in classical physics, kinetic energy is ½mv², but potential energy is mh 15:58 < bridge> so if you double the initial jump impulse, it should quadruple the height(?) 15:58 < bridge> maybe 15:58 < bridge> hmmm 15:58 < bridge> (given that teeworlds very roughly approximates normal physics) 15:59 < bridge> well if i do half the ground impulse jump and then half the air_friction (0.95^(1/2)) then i wouldnt jump the same height would i? 15:59 < bridge> air_friction only works horizontally, I think 16:00 < bridge> oh so its just gravity then 16:00 < bridge> afaik yes 16:01 < bridge> hmm. gravity is the same as jump impulse ig. i mena vel.y += gravity; vel.y -= jump 16:01 < bridge> but it doesnt seem like halving both results in the same jump height 16:02 < bridge> it's not the same. one is applied once (like velocity), one is applied in each tick (like acceleration) 16:03 < bridge> try taking a quarter of the ground jump impulse and half the gravity @teero777 16:07 < bridge> when taking half of the gravity and half of the ground jump the jump is already way too low 16:07 < bridge> so that cant be 16:09 < bridge> let's compute i 16:09 < bridge> let's compute it 16:09 < bridge> ground jump impulse v0 16:09 < bridge> gravity g 16:10 < bridge> then we are at h(t) = v0 * t - g * t * (t-1) 16:11 < bridge> ``` 16:11 < bridge> 2024-03-22 16:01:53 I Tunings: TPS:25 16:11 < bridge> 2024-03-22 16:01:53 I DefaultTunings: 16:11 < bridge> ground_control_speed:1000 16:11 < bridge> ground_control_accel:200 16:11 < bridge> ground_friction:50 16:11 < bridge> ground_jump_impulse:1320 16:11 < bridge> air_jump_impulse:1200 16:11 < bridge> air_control_speed:500 16:11 < bridge> air_control_accel:150 16:11 < bridge> air_friction:95 16:11 < bridge> hook_fire_speed:8000 16:11 < bridge> hook_drag_accel:300 16:11 < bridge> hook_drag_speed:1500 16:11 < bridge> gravity:50 16:11 < bridge> 2024-03-22 16:01:53 I Tuning: 16:11 < bridge> ground_control_speed:500 16:11 < bridge> ground_control_accel:100 16:11 < bridge> ground_friction:70 16:11 < bridge> ground_jump_impulse:660 16:11 < bridge> air_jump_impulse:600 16:11 < bridge> air_control_speed:250 16:11 < bridge> air_control_accel:75 16:11 < bridge> air_friction:97 16:11 < bridge> hook_fire_speed:4000 16:11 < bridge> hook_drag_accel:150 16:11 < bridge> hook_drag_speed:750 16:11 < bridge> gravity:25 16:11 < bridge> ``` 16:12 < bridge> i thought just halving them but after looking at the 2x spedup demo it all seems wrong 16:12 < bridge> ``` 16:12 < bridge> 2024-03-22 16:01:53 I Tuning: TPS:25 16:12 < bridge> 2024-03-22 16:01:53 I DefaultTunings: 16:12 < bridge> ground_control_speed:1000 16:12 < bridge> ground_control_accel:200 16:12 < bridge> ground_friction:50 16:12 < bridge> ground_jump_impulse:1320 16:12 < bridge> air_jump_impulse:1200 16:12 < bridge> air_control_speed:500 16:12 < bridge> air_control_accel:150 16:12 < bridge> air_friction:95 16:12 < bridge> hook_fire_speed:8000 16:12 < bridge> hook_drag_accel:300 16:12 < bridge> hook_drag_speed:1500 16:12 < bridge> gravity:50 16:12 < bridge> v(t) = v0 - g * t 16:12 < bridge> so we reach v(t) at t = v0/g 16:12 < bridge> so we reach v(t) = 0 at t = v0/g 16:12 < bridge> so we reach the height h(v0/g) = v0 * v0/g - g * v0/g * (v0/g - 1) 16:14 < bridge> okay wait 16:14 < bridge> is v0/g supposed to be v0 divided by g? 16:14 < bridge> yes 16:14 < bridge> ascii math xd 16:14 < bridge> okay thx 16:15 < bridge> but the result looks wrong, I'm trying to figure it out 16:15 < bridge> solve for y with default values and then solve for y with the calculated height and g/2 16:15 < bridge> ah! I think the initial formula for the height was wrong 16:15 < bridge> if i understand correct 16:16 < bridge> solve for y with default values and then solve for x with the calculated height and g/2 16:16 < bridge> if i understood correctly 16:16 < bridge> h(t) = v0 * t - ½ g * t * (t-1) 16:17 < bridge> so now we reach the height h(v0/g) = v0 * v0/g - ½ g * v0/g * (v0/g - 1) = ½ v0²/g - ½ v0 16:17 < bridge> Is teeworlds' numerical approximation of this set of differential equations? 16:18 < bridge> I tried to use tw math, not physics 16:18 < bridge> hence the weird (t-1) 16:19 < bridge> ah 16:19 < bridge> btw do you think you could completely represent the simple tw physics (hook/ad) as a formula? 16:19 < bridge> hook has saturated add, won't look nice 16:20 < bridge> xD i'd play tw on pen and paper in school 16:20 < bridge> xD i'd play tw with pen and paper in school 16:26 < bridge> hmm my calculator says "no answer" when trying to solve the equation 16:26 < bridge> *with the default valuews 16:26 < bridge> *with the default values 16:33 < bridge> Wym? That equation has a value forall v0 in R and forall g in R\\{0} 16:35 < bridge> ah lol im stupid 16:35 < bridge> bruhh 16:36 < bridge> i thought h(v0/g) = (v0 * v0/g - ½ g * v0/g * (v0/g - 1) = ½ v0²/g - ½ v0) 16:36 < bridge> yea my brain smol 16:36 < bridge> How did you figure this out btw? It doesn't smell familiar to me 16:39 < bridge> https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/03/hackers-can-extract-secret-encryption-keys-from-apples-mac-chips/ 16:39 < bridge> oof 17:18 < bridge> 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … + (n - 1) = n(n-1)/2. gauß 17:19 < bridge> first tick your speed is v - 0 * g, second tick it's v - 1 * g, … 17:19 < bridge> Oh, that makes sense 17:22 < bridge> yo im confused. 17:22 < bridge> the default jump height is 5.23875 blocks 17:22 < bridge> i want to calculate the jump impulse that leads to the default jump height under the condition of the gravity. 17:22 < bridge> so i should have `5.23875 = (1/2)*((x*x)/a)-(1/2)*x` 17:22 < bridge> which i then solve for x. 17:22 < bridge> then `x = (a+sqrt(a*(a+41.91)))/2` 17:22 < bridge> but the values doesnt seem right 17:22 < bridge> ah wait 17:23 < bridge> maybe its something with 32 unit block 17:23 < bridge> wait 17:23 < bridge> so actually 5.23875*32 17:25 < bridge> ah man it works 17:25 < bridge> sometimes i question myself 17:26 < bridge> `x = (a+sqrt(a*(a+1341.12)))/2` thats it 17:28 < bridge> if we half the games tickspeed would the gravity half too? based on what heinrich said i dont think so 17:28 < bridge> hmm 18:15 < bridge> btw its not supposed to be possible to crash the client from the serverside right? 18:16 < bridge> it would be good if it wasn't possible 18:16 < bridge> if you want to fix such a crash, it's appreciated 18:16 < bridge> currently, there are many ways to crash the client from the server 18:17 < bridge> inserting 18:17 < bridge> ```cpp 18:17 < bridge> static int i = 0; 18:17 < bridge> if(++i % 2 == 0) 18:17 < bridge> return; 18:17 < bridge> ``` 18:17 < bridge> into CGameWorld::Tick() 18:17 < bridge> crashes the client on join xd 18:17 < bridge> that sounds bad ^^ you can create an issue if you want 18:18 < bridge> inserting 18:18 < bridge> ```cpp 18:18 < bridge> static int x = 0; 18:18 < bridge> if(++x % 2 == 0) 18:18 < bridge> return; 18:18 < bridge> ``` 18:18 < bridge> into CGameWorld::Tick() 18:18 < bridge> crashes the client on join xd 18:20 < bridge> tbh would be funny to crash botters automatically if they are detected. theyll blame it on the client and receive constant random crashes. that would confuse the bot devs and the botclient would gain a bad reputation xd 18:20 < bridge> jk 18:21 < bridge> it would be great to break their entire pc so they would never be able to join the game again 18:23 < bridge> wtf 18:23 < bridge> i just bricked my game with a bind i think 18:24 < bridge> cant join kog anymore xd 18:24 < bridge> crash on login 18:24 < bridge> and no local server 18:24 < bridge> wtff 18:24 < bridge> default client 18:25 < bridge> what did i do? 18:25 < bridge> oh no maybe this is why 18:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220785518841692320/image.png?ex=6610341c&is=65fdbf1c&hm=9673c5a73820be71e5a38e876fd880d185e0b9bcad6a5ee1b77c2bbe4c9b9c1f& 18:25 < bridge> tf 18:27 < bridge> Srv looks fine :kek: 18:30 < bridge> okay i tried to reinstall newest version. 18:30 < bridge> ``` 18:30 < bridge> running 8 tests 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole::Register (line 101) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole_IResult::GetString (line 26) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole_IResult::GetColor (line 41) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole_IResult::NumArguments (line 29) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole_IResult::GetInteger (line 27) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole_IResult::GetVictim (line 29) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::CreateConsole (line 28) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> test src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole_IResult::GetFloat (line 27) ... FAILED 18:30 < bridge> 18:30 < bridge> failures: 18:30 < bridge> 18:30 < bridge> ---- src/engine/console.rs - console::ffi::IConsole::Register (line 101) stdout ---- 18:30 < bridge> error: linking with `cc` failed: exit status: 1 18:30 < bridge> ``` 18:30 < bridge> now i get errors wtf is wrong 18:30 < bridge> ima go reboot 18:30 < bridge> brb 18:35 < bridge> @heinrich5991 @learath2 @jupeyy_keks https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2024/03/22/2024-edition-update.html 18:36 < bridge> I considered this for a while but I didn't think I could convince the others 18:40 < bridge> > Change the range operators a..b, a.., and a..=b to resolve to new types ops::range::Range, ops::range::RangeFrom, and ops::range::RangeInclusive in Edition 2024. These new types will not implement Iterator, instead implementing Copy and IntoIterator. 18:40 < bridge> @heinrich5991 this will be in ed 2024 18:40 < bridge> finally ranges will be nice 18:40 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/3550 18:43 < bridge> https://github.com/orgs/rust-lang/projects/43/views/5 18:43 < bridge> Hm, why is this nice? 18:43 < bridge> the Range type right now is not copy 18:43 < bridge> its a big pain point 18:44 < bridge> When would one need Range types to be copy?> 18:44 < bridge> a range is 2 integers 18:44 < bridge> if its not copy u need to call .clone() when u pass it around 18:44 < bridge> its a burden 18:44 < bridge> xd 18:44 < bridge> rustc itself has its own Span type 18:45 < bridge> which is like Range 18:45 < bridge> and its copy 18:45 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/2848 18:52 < bridge> cause it has nice syntactic sugar so you want to embed it into data structures which in turn can't implement copy then 18:52 < bridge> this sounds bad though, we'll have distinct types that are called `std::ops::Range` and `std::ops::range::Range` 18:52 < bridge> Could you perhap show a smol example on what this would enable? 18:53 < bridge> https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/0ab9edfdf882830db8599878763f7cd38fb6c9ff/map/src/reader.rs#L55-L64 18:54 < bridge> basically it gives me a way to say that something represents a range, without adding two members called start and end, or start and length 18:56 < bridge> this is conspicuously missing the unsafe `std::env::set_var` function 😦 19:08 < bridge> https://twitter.com/rustlang/status/1771208644475994450 19:33 < bridge> maybe it could improve by using nvidia reflex ¿is it too hard to implement? 19:35 < bridge> nvidia reflex wouldnt fix screen tearing, it would improve device input 19:35 < bridge> nvidia reflex wouldnt fix screen tearing, it would decrease input lag 19:36 < bridge> yeah, the input lag increased because of the vsync which fix the tearing xd 19:36 < bridge> am i wrong?} 19:37 < bridge> well its not input lag, its input delay / latency 19:37 < bridge> which is expected to happen when using vsync 19:37 < bridge> roby might have an idea on how to fix your issues 19:56 < bridge> @ryozuki u said u have a google pixel 8 pro right? 20:04 < bridge> yes 20:16 < bridge> Doesn't happen for me, do you have the crash log? 20:21 < bridge> @robyt3 👀 20:23 < bridge> AFAIK if you want the least input delay, disable VSync and select unlimited refresh rate everywhere 20:25 < bridge> already recommended that to him, it didnt work :c 20:26 < bridge> using (exclusive) fullscreen should be the best, but I guess you could try with all of them if you haven't already 20:42 < bridge> in older computers, its the same feeling 21:23 < bridge> ``` 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:23 I http: task done: https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:23 I http: task done: https://info.ddnet.org/info 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I client: connecting to '' 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I host_lookup: host='' port=8303 3 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I client: connected, sending info 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I datafile: could not open 'maps/NyantoFT.map' 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I motd: Visit https://kog.tw to find out your rank in this server. For news, join our discord. By playing here you automatically agree to our Terms of Service: https://kog.tw/#p=tos 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I chat: *** 'Teero' entered and joined the spectators 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I chat: *** Gores Mod. Version: 0.6/0.7 2.3.32-beta 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I chat: *** please visit KoG.tw or say /info and make sure to read our /rules 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I chat: *** Welcome to the |*KoG*| server of Gores maps 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I demo_recorder: Recording to 'demos/auto/NyantoFT_2024-03-22_21-22-24.demo' 21:23 < bridge> 2024-03-22 21:22:24 I demo_recorder: Recording to 'demos/replays/replay_tmp_NyantoFT_2024-03-22_21-22-24.demo' 21:23 < bridge> [1] 22790 segmentation fault (core dumped) DDNet 21:23 < bridge> ``` 21:23 < bridge> looks like it crashes since it cant find a specific map 21:24 < bridge> also happens on older versions 21:26 < bridge> The message seems unrelated, can you compile in debug mode and run with gdb to get a stack trace? 21:26 < bridge> sure 21:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1220832878271795331/message.txt?ex=66106038&is=65fdeb38&hm=6ca2ed51d166f8e48ebe8e87fc2c8f489754274383ed6fc1b93232f5e55d7196& 21:34 < bridge> bt full after crashing 21:34 < bridge> seems like a opengl issue 21:34 < bridge> im stupid 21:35 < bridge> still needs fixing no? 21:35 < bridge> i had opengl 3.0.0 selected 21:36 < bridge> idk if it needs fixing. never happened before. maybe cuz of drivers 22:18 < bridge> you know, there is that mechanic in kog that you can despawn, but in ddnet servers its not allowed. Why? It would open new mechanics to build around maps 22:18 < bridge> it also exists in ddnet. it is not allowed on every map as it would break a lot of them ^^ 22:21 < bridge> you mean people could skip parts or? 22:21 < bridge> Yes 22:30 < bridge> i cant remember any situation ngl 23:24 < bridge> can i turn off the info window when joining a server or? I literally never need any information from it 23:37 < bridge> `cl_motd_time 0` 23:38 < bridge> thx