00:14 < bridge> <0xdeen> I can't open https://ddnet.org in Chrome, which is kind of confusing 00:19 < bridge> I can 00:21 < bridge> <0xdeen> Probably a me-problem, nevermind then 00:29 < bridge> firefox gang 00:40 < bridge> <0xdeen> I had an old ipv6 only entry in /etc/hosts. Turns out Chrome prefers ipv6 even if it doesn't work, while other browsers fall back to ipv4 00:58 < bridge> :justatest: 02:31 < ws-client> @deen hookrace.net down? 02:32 < ws-client> @borsmatyas02 ``bind k kill;say /kill`` it works but it is dangerous :D 02:42 < bridge> Onlyfans leaks + Teen content here❤️ 02:42 < bridge> https://discord.gg/nudeporn 02:42 < bridge> @everyone 07:47 < bridge> <0xdeen> Thanks, totally forgot about that 😄 10:03 < bridge> what naming conventions do you use in your c++ projects(ddnet doesn't count)? 11:41 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/117472/ 12:07 < ChillerDragon> @0xdeen or @heinrich5991 could one of you check irc? 12:13 < deen> checking 12:16 < bridge> ```c 12:16 < bridge> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details 12:16 < bridge> Error LNK1327 failure during running mt.exe game-client D:\Github\ddnet\build\LINK 1 12:16 < bridge> Error MSB8066 Custom build for 'D:\Github\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\5965244a5faaf7a353c5695a588a64bf\DDNet-18.1-win64.zip.rule;D:\Github\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\95b75db787ca3a1b432b6e8be6ee9841\package_zip.rule' exited with code 1. package_zip D:\Visual Studio 2022\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 254 12:16 < bridge> Error MSB8066 Custom build for 'D:\Github\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\5965244a5faaf7a353c5695a588a64bf\DDNet-18.1-win64.tar.xz.rule;D:\Github\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\95b75db787ca3a1b432b6e8be6ee9841\package_tar_xz.rule' exited with code 1. package_tar_xz D:\Visual Studio 2022\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 254 12:16 < bridge> Error MSB8066 Custom build for 'D:\Github\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\5965244a5faaf7a353c5695a588a64bf\DDNet-18.1-win64.tar.gz.rule;D:\Github\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\95b75db787ca3a1b432b6e8be6ee9841\package_tar_gz.rule' exited with code 1. package_tar_gz D:\Visual Studio 2022\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 254 12:16 < bridge> 12:16 < bridge> ``` 12:16 < bridge> I get this after changing "asInvoker" to "requireAdministrator" in `ddnet/other/manifest/client.manifest.in` 15:08 < ws-client> @davide55 can i dm you somewhere? 15:08 < ws-client> did it ping? 15:17 < bridge> Hey ChillerDragon 15:18 < bridge> TG/Discord, my username is always Davide55/davide55 15:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1219289229759221850/image.png?ex=660ac295&is=65f84d95&hm=0b4a4dbd63b37f0a86338af89bdc517a65890318294b0d4825e2f101668f928f& 15:46 < ws-client> tg is telegram? 15:47 < ws-client> @davide55 could we meet in game maybe? :D 15:49 < bridge> Yes TG is Telegram 15:49 < bridge> Maybe later we can meet in game, sure 15:49 < ws-client> do you have tw installed? 15:49 < bridge> Yeah but I'm busy atm 15:49 < ws-client> shit 15:50 < ws-client> ok lets do it tomorrow then :) 16:41 < bridge> why is that weapon change has more delay than attacks? It happens with me often that i press 1 (hammer) and click after that but the previous weapons hit goes off and only after changes the weapon. Laser also has some weird stuff when change to that 16:55 < bridge> if shooting a weapon, your weapon swap is linked to the cooldown of the weapon, for example shooting a laser and immediatly trying to swap to hammer by pressing 1 will delay until you "could" shoot the laser again before actually swapping 17:02 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bhrp0o/easy_anticheat_makes_its_first_tweet_in_5_years/ 17:02 < bridge> rip 17:13 < bridge> Any idea how this could be solved? 17:24 < bridge> <0xdeen> Don't run the final packaging step 17:25 < bridge> <0xdeen> it's not required for you, try another target, like the server or client directly 17:34 < bridge> It's still there 17:34 < bridge> ```Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details 17:34 < bridge> Error LNK1327 failure during running mt.exe game-client D:\Github\ddnet\build\LINK 1 17:34 < bridge> ``` 17:38 < bridge> What problem are you trying to solve by forcing the client to start with admin privileges? This seems like a bad idea that's likely to cause issues. 17:42 < bridge> Due to some features implemented inside the client, admin rights is needed or they won't function properly 17:44 < bridge> You'll likely run into more issue because users have to run the client as admin. One bug and the client could delete your user's system files without warning. Would be better if you a) don't need admin rights, or b) use a separate program that only does the necessary steps that need admin rights. 17:44 < bridge> You'll likely run into more issues because users have to run the client as admin. One bug and the client could delete your user's system files without warning. Would be better if you a) don't need admin rights, or b) use a separate program that only does the necessary steps that need admin rights. 17:55 < bridge> yo, I'm curious if implementing a CAPTCHA verification system on both the client and server sides could be advantageous. introducing it might help prevent fake or spoofed clients from connecting and unfairly appearing at the top of the server browser, which has been, and still is today an issue. perhaps there's another way to prevent such attacks? 18:06 < bridge> <0xdeen> captchas are probably easier to solve for AI than for many humans 19:40 < bridge> why not just blacklist spoofers from master 19:41 < bridge> ah that wouldn't solve client spoofers ig 20:12 < bridge> spoofed clients are not an issue anymore afaik