02:46 < bridge> Could we add a .soundmap file send by server. Then server could send client custom sound by it with CNetMsg_ExtraSound, and server could stop it by CNetMsg_ExtraSoundStop. 02:46 < bridge> Maybe it's not useful for ddnet 02:47 < bridge> Could we add a .soundmap file send by server. Then server could send client custom sound by CNetMsg_ExtraSound, and server could stop it by CNetMsg_ExtraSoundStop. 02:47 < bridge> Could we add a .soundmap file send by server. Then server could send client custom sound by CNetMsg_ExtraSound, and server could stop sound play by CNetMsg_ExtraSoundStop. 02:48 < bridge> But i think if we add this we'll get more interesting mod, isn't it? 02:50 < bridge> We can create the file by ddnet editor 02:50 < ws-client> well that wasnt quite under 24h but my github acc is back <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 02:50 < ws-client> but i for sure need to get less dependent on this platform 02:51 < bridge> Could we add a .soundmap file send by server? Then server could send client custom sound by CNetMsg_ExtraSound, and server could stop sound play by CNetMsg_ExtraSoundStop. 02:52 < bridge> And i think it 02:53 < bridge> And i think it a great change for some custom sound needed mod like TeeWare 04:44 < bridge> that mouse is nasty dude 06:14 < ws-client> To everyone who was wondering why i got banned on github. It is because i copied all prs from teeworlds to a community fork. 06:14 < ws-client> Please let me know if you want write access to that repo. 06:14 < ws-client> https://github.com/teeworlds-community/teeworlds/issues/71 06:20 < bridge> How can that get you banned? 06:22 < bridge> Ah, that a bad message, but this project is great (I think) 06:23 < bridge> Official project updated 8 months ago 06:36 < bridge> Why does the graph move over like this with dummy connected 06:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210097844388892723/image.png?ex=65e95270&is=65d6dd70&hm=1e62903b0682c3a83262714be620133100a4acdb2572a334f0d4c2f620c2249f& 06:52 < bridge> I opened too many pullrequests in a a too short time 07:07 < bridge> its called touch feedback 08:52 < bridge> sounds a bit like forth (or maybe even lisp(?)) 09:00 < bridge> Do you mean tactile feedback? 09:00 < bridge> Or haptic 09:00 < bridge> Ehatrver 09:00 < bridge> Whatever 09:00 < bridge> Never heard someone say touch feedback before 09:10 < bridge> @nouaa mornin 09:10 < bridge> morning, son 09:12 < bridge> yummy 09:13 < bridge> Thats why I hate complicated designs with many spots to clean. Very annoying 09:26 < bridge> ye 09:26 < bridge> it was early and was sleepy xd 09:26 < bridge> xd 10:39 < bridge> from new pixel users* 10:39 < bridge> most of them had both 6 and or 6 and 8 10:40 < bridge> 6 and 7* 10:42 < bridge> Thanks @orbilo ! 10:44 < bridge> from old :gigachad: 12:14 < bridge> chillerdragon https://github.com/teeworlds-community/mirror-bot/blob/master/mirror-bot.sh you really like bash. wouldn't it be easier to write pyson or js script 12:16 < bridge> chillerdragon: why 12:17 < bridge> i love a good personal space 12:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210183590894374962/image.png?ex=65e9a24c&is=65d72d4c&hm=2f80a15bdd8febe4853d683f63554767dedddefd2640c0256005c413356a3375& 12:19 < bridge> chillerdragon: why are you inviting people to the repo instead of that org btw 12:19 < ws-client> @TsFreddie i spend some time waiting for people to reject the idea and then i went through a bunch of people i thought might be interested 12:19 < ws-client> @TsFreddie you contributed a lot to tw 12:20 < bridge> has anyone rejected you 12:20 < ws-client> @TsFreddie the whole org might get bit out of control i do not want to run around see if ppl created garbage repos 12:20 < bridge> you can do write process only members iirc 12:20 < bridge> you can do read write only members iirc 12:20 < ws-client> dont think anyone has rejected yet 12:21 < bridge> i mean technically no one can really reject a fork, but i suspect people might not be up for contributing. 12:22 < ws-client> I totally get that. I do not expect anyone to actively work on it. I just want the people that are active in the scene to have voting power in case they want to approve a pr. 12:22 < bridge> teeworlds repo itself has nothing to do with why i stopped contributing to it 12:22 < ws-client> I know you are busy 24/7 game dev 12:22 < bridge> not that I did much anyway 12:22 < ws-client> but if you feel like pressing approve on any prs you can do so now c: 12:22 < bridge> bro i wish. working does not feel like game dev man 12:22 < ws-client> i tried to leave out sending invites to the people that might not be interested 12:23 < bridge> also are you just giving out free write accesses 12:23 < bridge> well chiller why tf is my inbox empty then?! 12:23 < ws-client> @milkeeycat bash is best 12:23 < ws-client> i invited you lol @meloƞ 12:23 < bridge> ?! 12:23 < bridge> chillerdragon: did u send invite to oy? :DDD 12:24 < bridge> oh refreshing helps 12:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210185219261599835/image.png?ex=65e9a3d0&is=65d72ed0&hm=251254f430c28bb52f13066b92a5f456f6008361e3e555f54ee2b53b2443b753& 12:24 < bridge> :kek: 12:24 < ws-client> @milkeeycat i did not send invites to tw ppl yet i will wait a bit for the reactions from you guys 12:24 < bridge> did you turn on branch protection 12:24 < bridge> im not a tw person :twinbop: (sad one, not happy one) 12:25 < ws-client> i do plan to invite dune, oy, sonix etc but i give them a bit of time to respond on irc to maybe voice their disinterest 12:25 < ws-client> @milkeeycat but you are one of my top5 fav githubbers 12:25 < bridge> @milkeeycat your "improve startup time" lives forever in my heart 12:25 < ws-client> @TsFreddie yes you have write access but you can not push to the branch nor merge prs 12:25 < ws-client> only approve and it needs 3 yes votes 12:25 < bridge> ye that make sense 12:26 < bridge> > voice their disinterest 12:26 < bridge> 12:26 < bridge> that's very assumptious of you 12:26 < ws-client> it might happen 12:26 < ws-client> sometimes ppl say that they do not like a certain idea 12:26 < bridge> i don't like idea that aren't mine 12:26 < ws-client> xd 12:27 < ws-client> its yours now 12:27 < ws-client> you can have it 12:27 < bridge> no thanks, i already had my own 12:27 < ws-client> nah you cant give it back 12:27 < bridge> i dont like most of my ideas after a week 12:27 < ws-client> if anyone complains it was freds idea 12:27 < bridge> 12:27 < bridge> i should get off work 12:28 < bridge> agreed 12:28 < ws-client> @milkeeycat i even added server support for this stunt xd 12:28 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1708601283.png 12:28 < ws-client> you can spam the holy teeworlds channel now from chat.zillyhuhn.com pls dont do it ._. 12:28 < bridge> are you going to open a discord for the "community"? given you probably don't even use discord now 12:28 < bridge> thanks, i definitely will 12:28 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 12:29 < ws-client> @TsFreddie no :p the project doesnt need me 12:29 < ws-client> github and the official teeworlds irc should be enough communication platform 12:29 < bridge> who's merging then? 12:29 < ws-client> @TsFreddie everyone who got an invite 12:29 < ws-client> can merge if it has enough approvals from others 12:30 < ws-client> konsti, spsomeone and headshot could be merging dick picks right now and i wouldnt know 12:30 < bridge> do you have a bot that do that? 12:30 < ws-client> nah its github feature 12:30 < ws-client> worked fine in my test run https://github.com/teeworlds-community/teeworlds/pull/1 12:30 < bridge> f my life then 12:30 < ws-client> why @TsFreddie 12:31 < bridge> get rid of bam first 12:31 < bridge> shut! 12:31 < ws-client> why f ur life 12:31 < bridge> bam is great 12:31 < ws-client> bam maximalist entered the chat 12:31 < bridge> nothing. i just feel like i don't know anything about github anymore 12:32 < ws-client> idk if any repo uses that stuff 12:32 < bridge> it is too great, we need to protect it from the outside world 12:32 < ws-client> maybe bitcoin does 12:32 < bridge> i should get off work *2 12:33 < bridge> Time to git gut in teeworlds source code and write my real first LGTM 12:34 < ws-client> lmao konsti accepted xd 12:34 < ws-client> @milkeeycat xd 12:34 < bridge> :poggers2: 12:34 < bridge> btw should it still be called teeworlds :justatest: 12:34 < ws-client> why not? 12:35 < ws-client> rename to catworlds? 12:35 < bridge> Basedworlds 12:35 < bridge> rename it to teewars and handle the lawsuit like real man 12:35 < bridge> rename it to teewars and handle the lawsuit like real men 12:36 < bridge> if it really takes off like "everyone" would hoped so. it might just turn into a modding monster with extended protocol everywhere in which case might not be compatible with actual teeworlds 12:37 < bridge> :kek: 12:37 < bridge> I should get off work *3 12:37 < bridge> lmao Freddie will just overtake 12:38 < ws-client> oh yea thats not the plan @TsFreddie the plan is not to take off and replace teeworlds. Just get some merges in that fix bugs and deprecations. Not to add protocol breaking features. 12:39 < ws-client> also relistically speaking not a single person gives a shit so nothing will happen. But at least i can say i tried xd 12:39 < bridge> i thought it was my idea 12:39 < ws-client> right 12:39 < ws-client> my bad 12:39 < ws-client> modding monster it is 12:40 < bridge> let see if everyone can collectively really reject the 6th weapon and the 0.8 water 12:40 < ws-client> :D 12:41 < bridge> im getting off work 12:41 < bridge> make teeworlds a real engine 12:41 < bridge> add scripting :kek: 12:41 < ws-client> make it a unreal engine 12:41 < bridge> just use godot 12:41 < bridge> In bash 12:41 < ws-client> lmao 12:43 < bridge> chillerdragon rewrite https://github.com/monkeytypegame/monkeytype/blob/master/bin/buildChangelog.mjs in bash and send it to me or u no longer true bash enjoyer 12:43 < bridge> if someone came in and just refactored everything into rust then ill learn rust 12:45 < bridge> get ATH lua scripts back >:( 12:45 < bridge> @gerdoe hear that? we have a new project 12:46 < ws-client> @milkeeycat https://gitlab.com/teeworlds-network/twnet_parser/-/blob/master/scripts/gen_changelog.sh?ref_type=heads 12:47 < bridge> xd 12:48 < ws-client> fred wat if i told you i have a bash script that does that 12:48 < ws-client> refactor to rust 12:48 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/bash-to-rust 12:50 < bridge> Can you write doom in rust 0.o 12:50 < bridge> Can you write doom in bash 0.o 12:50 < bridge> can you document all changes between 0.6 and 0.7 pls? 🙏 12:50 < ws-client> no because i got skill issues 12:50 < ws-client> @miguilim its on ma todo but for the meantime you can ask me i implemented a client side bridge and might still remember most 12:51 < ws-client> https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/shared/06_vs_07.html 12:51 < ws-client> but i only compiled this cring list so far 12:51 < ws-client> a bunch of msg ids changed 12:51 < ws-client> the packet header changed 12:51 < ws-client> 0.6 packet https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/06/packet_layout.html 12:51 < ws-client> 0.7 packet https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/07/packet_layout.html 13:00 < bridge> :pepeW: 13:01 < ws-client> its like a lot of changes on the message payload level you can compare all messages its big 13:01 < ws-client> https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/master/gamenet/generate/spec/teeworlds-0.6.json 13:01 < ws-client> https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/master/gamenet/generate/spec/teeworlds-0.7.5.json 13:11 < bridge> :justatest: 13:22 < bridge> jupjopjapsti patiga and zwelf did it already 13:22 < bridge> its still raw though 13:23 < bridge> jupjopjapsti :kek: 13:28 < bridge> They are my enemies tho. But legends 13:28 < bridge> That's my real name 13:30 < bridge> I hacked my router so i don't have to open 2 apps just to open discord anymore 13:31 < bridge> damn 14:00 < bridge> xd 14:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210209522522656788/image.png?ex=65e9ba72&is=65d74572&hm=a8f5685e85be1ced4e65c63388074d5bfe85000714d429b0799163205ccd80e7& 14:04 < bridge> :kek: 14:05 < bridge> unite 14:05 < bridge> :owo: 14:10 < bridge> wat 14:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210212025569902623/Screenshot_20240222-1409582.png?ex=65e9bcc7&is=65d747c7&hm=01832b42157669ff55c5a0d47ef59dfbb51fbd7697cd314407bf3a4fef748e1b& 14:10 < bridge> Chiller watcha doin? 14:12 < bridge> He's stealing ur account 14:12 < bridge> :o 14:12 < bridge> oh no 14:12 < bridge> All my bots leaked!!??!! 14:12 < bridge> Yep 😔 14:12 < bridge> 😟 14:14 < bridge> Chiller please don't release the server rcon list ;( 14:14 < bridge> I gathered then for years 14:14 < bridge> I've gathered then for years 14:14 < bridge> I've been gathering themfor years 14:14 < bridge> I've been gathering them for years 14:15 < bridge> select * from rcon_list; 14:15 < bridge> OK, 0 rows affected 14:15 < bridge> it would print an empty table though but nvm 14:16 < bridge> Squeal 🤓 14:18 < ws-client> primagen enjoyer? 14:18 < bridge> yeah 14:18 < bridge> Noooooo chiller deleted it 14:18 < ws-client> @teero777 https://github.com/teeworlds-community/teeworlds/issues/71 14:21 < bridge> Oke 14:21 < bridge> What kind of quality of life fixes? 14:21 < bridge> Can we just copy over features from ddnet? xD 14:21 < bridge> For examples the community things 14:21 < bridge> For example the community things 14:22 < bridge> it 14:22 < bridge> it's time to open teeworlds client 2nd time in my life :poggers2: 14:23 < bridge> true. I think I have like 150hr on steam teeworlds xd 14:23 < bridge> Basically opened 2 times 14:24 < bridge> Idk if we could get the feel of ddnet into Teeworlds it would be very cool. The skin alignment and the lack of antiping(idk if it still isn't there) kind of put me off 14:25 < bridge> The skin system is great but I feel like the settings are missing many things that I'm used to from ddnet 14:26 < bridge> Last time i played with the tw client it was kind of a downgrade. 14:28 < ws-client> @teero777 ideally we start by looking at the prs that are already pending on the repo. And then keep it low profile on features. More like compiler deprecation warnings and fixes of crashes and so on. 14:28 < bridge> is it just me or there're not that many options ._. 14:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210216639795302400/image.png?ex=65e9c113&is=65d74c13&hm=137f4ecac401f17b0696e67bbe8021b7e668239927818e948036e5608a5c930e& 14:29 < ws-client> i cant see images 14:30 < bridge> booted bloatrix ah wasn't about tw community 14:33 < bridge> your documentation says about the teeworlds huffman weight tree 14:33 < bridge> and gives this link https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/26d24ec061d44e6084b2d77a9b8a0a48e354eba6/src/engine/shared/huffman.cpp#L7-L20 14:33 < bridge> however, this value is not available on teeworlds 0.6 code, do you know where can I find it there? 14:47 < bridge> damn sql is really getting to you now lol 14:48 < bridge> this one https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/808ccd7913d8a463423e3ffdb2715e859878fcbb/src/engine/shared/huffman.cpp#L7 ? 14:49 < bridge> bruh why can't i delete embed from phone 14:51 < bridge> it have the same line even on 0.6 branch 15:00 < bridge> ? https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/0.6/src/engine/shared/huffman.cpp 15:06 < bridge> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/93f5bf632a3859e97d527fc93a26b6dced767fbc/src/engine/shared/network.cpp#L382 15:07 < bridge> sry, had another brach 15:07 < bridge> branch 15:15 < bridge> :poggers2: 15:30 < bridge> It’s the same Huffman for both versions. 15:33 < bridge> Also same frequency table 15:36 < bridge> There should be more. Did you investigate what happened? 15:43 < bridge> nop 15:43 < bridge> im fighting with docker now 15:49 < bridge> will something bad happen if i rm rf `/var/lib/docker` :thonk: 16:50 < bridge> is there any snap item I have to send every time? 16:51 < bridge> I don't know when to send which snap items. I still didn't get this logic 16:52 < bridge> I would send all object snap items (such as weapon, pickup, projectile) that should be visible on screen every time and thats it XD 16:53 < bridge> what do I do with snaps like obj_game_info, obj_game_data, obj_player_info? 16:54 < bridge> and about these, do I need to send them every time if they are visible on screen? 17:21 < bridge> @chillerdragon epyc idea, but we'd also need the website and steam account. so pls throw up your hacker skillz to obtain them 17:25 < bridge> they're sent on first join/data update afair 19:50 < bridge> wtf 💩 who had this idea? 19:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210297551971025006/image.png?ex=65ea0c6e&is=65d7976e&hm=59382495a3889a32e2dbaff560032577140e7a6b7477a52930da7e6b751da463& 19:55 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/wineponmoo-monkey-fat-chubby-eating-gif-20522356 19:57 < bridge> 🤫 19:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1210299296767934524/image.png?ex=65ea0e0e&is=65d7990e&hm=7a40dc151c8eed7baf3edab91665a758fc2a58718a2e5843fc23b7e3707a598c& 20:01 < bridge> :bluestripe: 20:33 < bridge> Why not? 20:34 < bridge> its called "packing" 20:52 < bridge> chillerdragon: how many times in your life u exited from teeworlds using ctrl + shift + q? 23:55 < bridge> lol 8008 kinda funny number right