00:03 < bridge> Had lots of requests from players recently who complained that it wasn't 00:03 < bridge> weird 00:03 < bridge> Thanks for checking 00:09 < bridge> It's probably due to people being impatient and not letting it sit on connecting for enough time 00:40 < bridge> @kekomonter hello 00:41 < bridge> ``` 00:41 < bridge> int *add(int b, int c) { 00:41 < bridge> int *a = (int*)malloc(4); 00:41 < bridge> *a = b + c; 00:41 < bridge> return a; 00:41 < bridge> } 00:41 < bridge> ``` 00:41 < bridge> :gigachad: 00:41 < bridge> rude 00:41 < bridge> Hi 00:42 < bridge> Dont cast malloc!!!!! 00:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1178720004980605089.gif?quality=lossless&size=48 00:44 < bridge> Malloc is returning void*, this need to be casted, how I remember 00:44 < bridge> Only in cpp 00:44 < bridge> C master lerato taught me 00:46 < bridge> Today I found what I haven't coded in pure C, except my test os, need to fix this 00:47 < bridge> xDD 00:47 < bridge> Go assembly then you won't have trouble differentiating between C and CPP 00:54 < bridge> I already coded in asm and reversed some stuff 03:15 < bridge> Can you show me the output of this command? \`\`ls /usr/local/share/gems/huffman\_tw-0.0.2/lib\_huffman\_tw\`\`Assuming you did not uninstall the huffman\_tw gem already 03:17 < ws-client> Did the install show any errors? 03:21 < ws-client> what a bug fest i should probably just stop using this broken chat 03:34 < ws-client> @miguilim did you use root powers during the ```gem install huffman_tw``` ? What does this show ```gem env``` 03:39 < ws-client> try ```sudo apt-get install -y ruby-dev``` ```gem install huffman_tw``` 04:34 < ws-client> @va_ll I finally released the fixed new lib. You can now do ```pip install twnet_parser --upgrade``` and do not need any size hacks anymore. 04:38 < bridge> Fine 05:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208626578666553365/image.png?ex=65e3f837&is=65d18337&hm=a81be33192c33a07fc77098eb9cc3f6f7e372793ff9f73ca8652746bf25fa501& 05:11 < bridge> finally it works in it :brownbear: 05:14 < bridge> finally ai works in it :brownbear: 06:13 < bridge> so stupid LMAO 06:13 < bridge> AI in ddnet chat 06:13 < bridge> what a world 06:48 < bridge> I think with and without root 06:49 < bridge> could not find the file or directory 06:49 < bridge> I get this 06:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208651583395594300/image.png?ex=65e40f81&is=65d19a81&hm=ab07d017aa1da68ca1657beb45be3bc233d62db7871f154fbc54509d79c85469& 06:51 < bridge> @chillerdragonbotadvanced are you sure that this Pack(-64) is correct? (https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/shared/int_packing.html) 06:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208652077828538378/image.png?ex=65e40ff7&is=65d19af7&hm=26cc9c5b64dbcafb27a22401313a05c784428624a06f1789878e5ab9729ab5d2& 06:52 < bridge> @chillerdragonbotbridgeadvanced are you sure that this Pack(-64) is correct? (https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/shared/int_packing.html) 06:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208652077828538378/image.png?ex=65e40ff7&is=65d19af7&hm=26cc9c5b64dbcafb27a22401313a05c784428624a06f1789878e5ab9729ab5d2& 06:52 < bridge> shouldn't the result be 01111111? 07:15 < bridge> shouldn't the result be just 01111111? 07:32 < bridge> shouldn't the result be only 01111111? 07:39 < bridge> okay that looks good so why does it look in a directory for it then that does not exist? When does `````gem env````` show? 07:39 < bridge> omg seriously 07:39 < bridge> EVERY FUCKING MATRIX CLIENT IMPLEMENTS CODE SNIPPETS DIFFERENTLY AND THEY ALL SUCK IN THEIR OWN WAY FFS 07:43 < bridge> Its been a while for me looking at int packers. And it indeed seems to be wrong it should be 11111111 00000001 07:45 < bridge> idk im majorly confused i would have to look into it again xd 07:46 < bridge> I don't think so man. `00000000` is 0. But `01000000` is not -0, is -1 07:46 < bridge> I just written this 07:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208665848936538152/image.png?ex=65e41cca&is=65d1a7ca&hm=90bd6ffe6670e25bf2dfc494b90a0b989bd9a9ab56350e2935420c5fb2d3d0a2& 07:46 < bridge> right that i remember 07:46 < bridge> is that libtw2? 07:47 < bridge> when in doubt trust heinrich ye 07:47 < bridge> XDDDDDDDDD 07:47 < bridge> im writing the protocol documentation for teeframe 07:48 < bridge> do you have a link for that image? 07:48 < bridge> this? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/293493549758939136/1208665848936538152/image.png?ex=65e41cca&is=65d1a7ca&hm=90bd6ffe6670e25bf2dfc494b90a0b989bd9a9ab56350e2935420c5fb2d3d0a2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=2592&height=1306 07:48 < bridge> oh no i mean the github link to the original source 07:48 < bridge> looks like github markdown to me 07:49 < bridge> I didnt published yet 07:49 < bridge> ah its yours 07:49 < bridge> not libtw2 07:49 < bridge> your rewriting the docs on it for the 3rd time then lol 07:49 < bridge> xdddddddddddddddddddd 07:50 < bridge> im trying to write the entire protocol documentation in a sequential way and less technical 07:50 < bridge> cool when publish 07:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208666902549889054/image.png?ex=65e41dc5&is=65d1a8c5&hm=69131fb2b06c35fe347665229ed35c726f31142d4832a62106c963c04b375509& 07:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208666966433468426/image.png?ex=65e41dd4&is=65d1a8d4&hm=e7e861d7d51a765925993e5b39862b43fcf6f4d9b675ab18818a9a631932a305& 07:51 < bridge> hope i get some credits for that c: 07:51 < bridge> thats my drawing o.O 07:51 < bridge> its on the first page 07:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208667081852067921/image.png?ex=65e41df0&is=65d1a8f0&hm=c67c4f4c34350cef4555836fdc751bb7b1b345bbac3fdaaf2233c5acfdb82837& 07:51 < bridge> poggies 07:52 < bridge> its a github wiki page? 07:52 < bridge> or what is that 07:52 < bridge> vitepress 07:52 < bridge> ctrl+k to search sounds epic 07:53 < bridge> XDDDDDDDDDDDD 07:54 < bridge> I get this 07:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208667955655872512/image.png?ex=65e41ec0&is=65d1a9c0&hm=4580dd1f35b2f82a6d24fae33d2ec1698644ab630d46cf602eefe0849ec70b0c& 07:55 < bridge> and you still get the same error message? 07:55 < bridge> yes 07:58 < bridge> :pepeW: 07:58 < bridge> idk i never used system ruby because its full of root shit. I need to understand ur system 08:02 < bridge> @miguilim can you run this spy command it will send a crashlog to my vps lol `ruby -e 'require "huffman_tw"' &> /tmp/ruby.txt;wget -q -O - https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/ --post-file /tmp/ruby.txt` 08:04 < bridge> :justatest: 08:05 < bridge> Was meant as a ease of use for u ^^ 08:05 < bridge> you can also just run this `ruby -e 'require "huffman_tw"'` and send me the output not as image or text and not via pastebin :p 08:05 < bridge> done 08:05 < bridge> ty 08:06 < bridge> got it 08:06 < bridge> new error! 08:06 < bridge> than in your old screenshot 08:06 < bridge> wat dis show `ls /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/gems/huffman_tw-0.0.2/` 08:06 < bridge> i think you have it installed half way one time and the other one worked but now it picks the wrong or sumsin 08:08 < bridge> `extconf.rb lib lib_huffman_tw.cpp Makefile teeworlds` 08:08 < bridge> aha 08:08 < bridge> this one failed 08:08 < bridge> lets nuke it! 08:08 < bridge> `rm -rf /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/gems/huffman_tw-0.0.2/` 08:09 < bridge> does this still print an error `ruby -e 'require "huffman_tw"'` ? 08:09 < bridge> i recommend not to mix sudo and no sudo 08:09 < bridge> best is of course to never use sudo 08:10 < bridge> yes you are totally right. Thanks for reporting i will fix it c: 08:11 < bridge> yes 08:11 < bridge> 08:11 < bridge> /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/extensions/x86_64-linux/3.2.0/huffman_tw-0.0.2/huffman_tw.rb:4:in `require_relative': cannot load such file -- /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/extensions/x86_64-linux/3.2.0/lib_huffman_tw (LoadError) 08:11 < bridge> from /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/extensions/x86_64-linux/3.2.0/huffman_tw-0.0.2/huffman_tw.rb:4:in `' 08:11 < bridge> from :159:in `require' 08:11 < bridge> from :159:in `rescue in require' 08:11 < bridge> from :39:in `require' 08:11 < bridge> from -e:1:in `
' 08:11 < bridge> :85:in `require': cannot load such file -- huffman_tw (LoadError) 08:11 < bridge> from :85:in `require' 08:11 < bridge> from -e:1:in `
' 08:11 < bridge> did you run the rm -rf command? 08:12 < bridge> yes 08:12 < bridge> a differen path 08:12 < bridge> lets delete that too xd 08:12 < bridge> XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08:12 < bridge> `rm -rf /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/extensions/x86_64-linux/3.2.0/huffman_tw-0.0.2/` 08:12 < bridge> please dont delete my pc 08:12 < bridge> i totally know what we are doing here 08:14 < bridge> done, now rerun the command? 08:14 < bridge> ok lets delete more first xd 08:14 < bridge> `gem uninstall -aIx huffman_tw` and then `sudo gem uninstall -aIx huffman_tw` 08:14 < bridge> then do a clean reinstall without root so just `gem install huffman_tw` 08:14 < bridge> then try again 08:15 < bridge> this should not be that annoying -.- just wanna see the colored snap right? 08:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208673318602022933/image.png?ex=65e423bf&is=65d1aebf&hm=f48712247eacdb1cc6eb8563faa410c356b44f7f7eb78f6bf2bede0e7f779e94& 08:16 < bridge> lgtm 08:16 < bridge> XDDDDDDDD 08:16 < bridge> 08:16 < bridge> /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/gems/huffman_tw-0.0.2/lib/huffman_tw.rb:4:in `require_relative': cannot load such file -- /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/gems/huffman_tw-0.0.2/lib_huffman_tw (LoadError) 08:16 < bridge> from /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/gems/huffman_tw-0.0.2/lib/huffman_tw.rb:4:in `' 08:16 < bridge> from :159:in `require' 08:16 < bridge> from :159:in `rescue in require' 08:16 < bridge> from :39:in `require' 08:16 < bridge> from /home/miguel/Projetos/teeframe-project/teeworlds_network/lib/packet.rb:6:in `' 08:16 < bridge> from /home/miguel/Projetos/teeframe-project/teeworlds_network/lib/teeworlds_client.rb:9:in `require_relative' 08:16 < bridge> from /home/miguel/Projetos/teeframe-project/teeworlds_network/lib/teeworlds_client.rb:9:in `' 08:16 < bridge> from 02_packet_debugger.rb:6:in `require_relative' 08:16 < bridge> from 02_packet_debugger.rb:6:in `
' 08:16 < bridge> :85:in `require': cannot load such file -- huffman_tw (LoadError) 08:17 < bridge> from :85:in `require' 08:17 < bridge> from /home/miguel/Projetos/teeframe-project/teeworlds_network/lib/packet.rb:6:in `' 08:17 < bridge> from /home/miguel/Projetos/teeframe-project/teeworlds_network/lib/teeworlds_client.rb:9:in `require_relative' 08:17 < bridge> from /home/miguel/Projetos/teeframe-project/teeworlds_network/lib/teeworlds_client.rb:9:in `' 08:17 < bridge> from 02_packet_debugger.rb:6:in `require_relative' 08:17 < bridge> from 02_packet_debugger.rb:6:in `
' 08:17 < bridge> but does it work now? o.o 08:17 < bridge> no 😦 08:17 < bridge> jesus 08:17 < bridge> it said success 08:17 < bridge> where did it successfully install it to?! 08:17 < bridge> user 08:17 < bridge> /home/miguel/.local/share/gem/ruby/gems/huffman_tw-0.0.2 08:17 < bridge> huffman_tw is there 08:17 < bridge> but thats the path its trying 08:17 < bridge> but lib_huffman_tw is not 08:17 < bridge> and there is no built binary 08:17 < bridge> so that loooks failed 08:17 < bridge> such trol success message then 08:18 < bridge> did you install ruby-dev? 08:18 < bridge> yes 08:18 < bridge> the huffman_tw is trying to call lib_huffman_tw 08:18 < bridge> that is not available 08:18 < bridge> im losing my patience here :D so lets do some other approaches. Either we install the gem manually or use a proper ruby version manager. 08:19 < bridge> Lets go for installing the gem thats less effort 08:19 < bridge> :pepeH: 08:19 < bridge> go to your fav git repo folder and run this `git clone https://github.com/ChillerDragon/huffman-tw && cd huffman-tw` 08:19 < bridge> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/huffman-tw?tab=readme-ov-file#build-the-library 08:19 < bridge> then see if those build commands work 08:19 < bridge> I think its missing the lib_huffman_tw here 08:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208674250760654898/image.png?ex=65e4249d&is=65d1af9d&hm=eb5d449196f3f0baccc48aced39d72a0ad5a237d5b1f28e8c9504511fd9659ca& 08:20 < bridge> interesting that might be a fuckup on my side 08:20 < bridge> mabye its elsewhere and i linked it in a way that does not work in your distrubuted gem structure 08:21 < bridge> it worked 08:21 < bridge> so it generated the .so necessary file? 08:21 < bridge> pog 08:21 < bridge> maybe your system have .so in those /usr/lib directories 08:22 < bridge> ye but wrong place i mean you can try moving it in there but that would be super hacky axax 08:22 < bridge> in .local should be fine 08:22 < bridge> not in /usr/lib 08:22 < bridge> but cant you distribute the .so inside the gem? (i know nothing about ruby xd) 08:22 < bridge> what if in where you build you run this `gem build && gem install huffman_tw-0.0.2.gem` 08:23 < bridge> yes thats my responsibility. I thought i did and it worked for my systems but i use rbenv and not system ruby. 08:23 < bridge> build and install worked but same error 08:24 < bridge> thats what i thought xd 08:24 < bridge> :hmmm: 08:24 < bridge> ok but i think i slowly understand the issue now lemme try to reproduce it and come back with a quicker cleaner fix @miguilim i will ping u when done. Might take forever xd 08:24 < bridge> :SipHehe: 08:30 < bridge> 08:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208680661809102885/GGiw5lLWYAMUwQF.png?ex=65e42a95&is=65d1b595&hm=6704f372c6403d7490ff9c9c1ad50de304d7d0ea2f32f6be2aef131038c8397b& 09:06 < bridge> @miguilim what distro are you using? 09:06 < bridge> having a hard time to reproduce 09:26 < bridge> idk man what does this show for you `echo $GEM_PATH;echo $GEM_HOME` 09:26 < bridge> no matter what i do on debian it always works 09:28 < bridge> okay im on to something xd 09:35 < bridge> @miguilim okay i changed the loading code now it should just work with this `gem uninstall -aIx huffman_tw;gem install huffman_tw` im 90% sure 09:36 < bridge> your trol system put the compiled lib somewhere else than the rest of the code from the lib. My machine refuses to do such shenanigans so i did not account for that. 10:00 < bridge> ```rust 10:00 < bridge> mod Main { 10:00 < bridge> 10:00 < bridge> struct Hello { 10:00 < bridge> a: i32, 10:00 < bridge> b: i64, 10:00 < bridge> } 10:00 < bridge> 10:00 < bridge> pub fn main() -> i64 { 10:00 < bridge> let x: Hello = Hello { 10:00 < bridge> a: 2, 10:00 < bridge> b: 3, 10:00 < bridge> }; 10:00 < bridge> hello(&mut x); 10:00 < bridge> return x.b; 10:00 < bridge> } 10:01 < bridge> 10:01 < bridge> pub fn hello(a: &mut Hello) { 10:01 < bridge> a.b = 5; 10:01 < bridge> } 10:01 < bridge> } 10:01 < bridge> 10:01 < bridge> ``` 10:01 < bridge> this works now epyc 10:01 < bridge> nice 10:02 < bridge> ```llvm 10:02 < bridge> ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree norecurse nosync nounwind willreturn memory(none) 10:02 < bridge> define i64 @main() local_unnamed_addr #0 !dbg !2 { 10:02 < bridge> entry: 10:02 < bridge> ret i64 5, !dbg !15 10:02 < bridge> } 10:02 < bridge> 10:02 < bridge> ; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree norecurse nosync nounwind willreturn memory(argmem: write) 10:02 < bridge> define void @hello(ptr nocapture writeonly %0) local_unnamed_addr #1 !dbg !16 { 10:02 < bridge> entry: 10:02 < bridge> %1 = getelementptr inbounds { i32, i64 }, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 1, !dbg !24 10:02 < bridge> store i64 5, ptr %1, align 8, !dbg !24 10:02 < bridge> ret void, !dbg !24 10:02 < bridge> } 10:02 < bridge> ``` 10:02 < bridge> optimized llvm ir xd 13:27 < bridge> https://bevyengine.org/news/bevy-0-13/ 13:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208754422742654976/image.png?ex=65e46f47&is=65d1fa47&hm=988a4bab070ea9df5dbe8977a904780c00432d6fb10dfbec6beac02d4201b39f& 13:38 < bridge> future bevy editor looking nice 13:41 < bridge> https://without.boats/blog/futures-unordered/ 13:43 < bridge> @patiga when twmap port for bevy 14:20 < bridge> @miguilim are you developing a platform for server mods on PHP so that the PHP category appears in awesome-tee repository? :poggers::poggers::poggers: 14:29 < bridge> tf 14:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208767371167404083/2024-02-18_14-29-25.mp4?ex=65e47b57&is=65d20657&hm=23a399bdec15a11f2c6ffc208c18a86b5be53ea870ebe56a3f47f335ba8ce7d4& 14:30 < bridge> does anyone knows why tf my ghost is sent to space 14:30 < bridge> oh file not readable 14:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208767624545042462/2024-02-18_14-29-25.mp4?ex=65e47b93&is=65d20693&hm=5264d27efbd1be61b19f7983e69691059d9f3db1eefc0dd260cdfbf31a468700& 15:51 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe4qEschyCQ 15:55 < bridge> twgpu should be compatible with bevy afaik :D 16:24 < bridge> made some reviews and merges 16:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208796292248109106/image.png?ex=65e49646&is=65d22146&hm=2a397385ce359bff000b3f03413383f9542488a87e546704013234ca7022263f& 16:51 < bridge> :poggers: 16:52 < bridge> nvm, i i thought that was the last message in this channel... 17:01 < bridge> ghost can have weird movements if you have lagspikes i think 17:01 < bridge> unless its some different bug 17:16 < bridge> Ya, looks like he jumped up left and got connection problems, it definitely records that type of lag 18:57 < bridge> @ryozuki why cant rust optimize a `skip` after a `map` call? 18:57 < bridge> statement please 18:57 < bridge> 18:57 < bridge> putting it before the `map` works. 18:57 < bridge> 18:57 < bridge> So the "information" (e.g. slice information) is lost during a `map` that's kinda sad 😄 18:57 < bridge> i wonder if it's really impossible to keep this information somehow 19:08 < bridge> i guess it doesnt know what the map closure does? idk 19:18 < bridge> fedora 19:19 < bridge> ohhhhh now it worked :poggers2: 19:46 < bridge> :greenthing: 19:59 < bridge> Teeworlds git stalker 21:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208870125495918602/image.png?ex=65e4db09&is=65d26609&hm=859a67895ea980f91d073496f60e1ed7003cf2a7db1ccdfd469c4e1b6bac1405&