00:34 < bridge> There is no "delta value" 00:48 < bridge> the second byte of a snap single chunk is the delta number I'm talking about 00:51 < bridge> Although I dont know if this is the problem here 01:28 < bridge> nvmd the delta tick was wrong XD 01:37 < bridge> thats something :feelsamazingman: 01:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208210587503562763/image.png?ex=65e274cb&is=65cfffcb&hm=303b474fd6a95dae2bd151f98732e93907f290057075ff912c047a609778feb1& 01:53 < bridge> yes. ask chiller tho he's the expert 01:54 < bridge> my life 02:12 < bridge> Just think of something that you wouldn't have thought of if you hadn't known to think of something you wouldn't have thought. That always gives me random ideas and reminds me of other approaches 05:15 < ws-client> My fever stopped <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> now that i can think straight again i realized how easy the hack is to fix the python bug 05:15 < ws-client> @va_ll this works https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/aH 05:16 < ws-client> I will still fix it in the lib it self cleanly but for now you can just set the size to None and it will calculate the correct one for you https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1708143370.png 05:17 < ws-client> i fucking hate python for caching constructor arguments across different objects its the most stupid thing that could ever be done 05:19 < ws-client> like wtf pyson ``msg = MsgClSay()`` is creating a new object of the MsgClSay class. Who in their right mind would expect that pyson sets its header size to whatever the first instance of MsgClSay had 05:53 < bridge> wow, thank you very much 06:00 < bridge> and how to authorize in rcon and so that the bot can use commands in f2 06:02 < bridge> and how to authorize in rcon and so that the bot can use commands in f2? 07:22 < bridge> That mod snap the players clientid = -1 to hide players info, maybe it will make some client crashed (huh? 07:37 < bridge> ๐Ÿ’ช :owo: 09:00 < bridge> ChillerDragon: You might be aware of this but I didn't see it anywhere on the bug checklist for ddnet 0.7 (besides for ddnet-insta servers), but on any 0.7 vanilla server every player's skin gets reset to 0.6 default when any server setting vote is passed until rejoining or map is changed. You can set your skin back to the 0.7 skin by just reselecting it in 'Tee 0.7', but everyone else will remain 0.6 default. Still loving the client n much better 09:50 < bridge> Why don't you give him a issue on github 09:50 < bridge> Why don't you open a issue for him on github 09:50 < bridge> Why don't you open a issue for ChillerDragon on github 10:22 < ws-client> @pisstine cool thanks for reporting. I think I was not aware of that. I activated issues on my fork so you can open issues here now https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet/issues you can also comment in the pr here https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5949 10:24 < ws-client> @pisstine i attached it to the known issues in the pr and will have a look as soon as i find some time to do some bug fixing again c: 10:29 < bridge> allow 0.7 to die, chiller 10:48 < bridge> 10:50 < bridge> It's too late. He is the 0.7 10:53 < bridge> there must be a way of remedying this 10:53 < bridge> :owo: 10:54 < bridge> Brainwashing 10:54 < bridge> was thinking of a much simpler way, but yea.. 10:58 < ws-client> @va_ll here you go I added !rcon command :3 UwU https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/x3 10:59 < ws-client> You might wanna change this line unless your password is the same as mine o.O ``auth = MsgRconAuth(password = "x")`` 10:59 < bridge> Thank you 11:02 < bridge> 0.8 release would change my mind hehe 11:03 < ws-client> I am this close to looking into element code. Its the worst piece of software ever built omg 11:33 < bridge> 1.0 xD 11:38 < bridge> yeah pls conquer the tw repo 11:44 < bridge> no why its common practice 12:42 < bridge> Is it possible to somehow make the client work without while True:? 12:43 < bridge> and so that the other part of the code below while True: can be executed while the client is running 13:13 < ws-client> @va_ll put it in a thread or rewrite in ruby axaxax 13:13 < ws-client> my ruby lib has built in thread support 13:14 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/teeworlds_network/tree/master so in here you can say detach: True and get a thread pog 13:15 < ws-client> @va_ll what code is it that you want to run? Does it have a tick? You can also call your tick from within the while loop. 13:18 < bridge> I wanted to install a discord bot along with the bot client 13:18 < ws-client> install? 13:18 < bridge> translator) 13:18 < ws-client> then install it before the while starts 13:19 < ws-client> also learn english) 13:19 < bridge> ) 13:19 < ws-client> yea i can only smile and laugh in russian thats about it .. 13:19 < ws-client> im trying 13:20 < bridge> chillerdragon: when learn russki axaxaxaxa?) 13:20 < ws-client> dude all these translator ppl really motivate me to do so 13:21 < ws-client> but im such a slow learner i always rq after 5mins of lookin into rus 13:21 < bridge> motivate to learn Russian language ? 13:21 < bridge> Start with slurs YEP 13:22 < ws-client> yes @diariesvexar i speak germand and english the other relevant language that is spoken in my tw ping zone is russian 13:22 < ws-client> so thats the only thing i am missing to communicate with everyone 13:22 < ws-client> even the 8yo turks speak flawless english 13:22 < bridge> maybe learning Persian would be nice ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:22 < ws-client> they are bubble 13:22 < ws-client> like china etc 13:22 < ws-client> they are not relevant to me 13:22 < bridge> When learn ukrainian owo? 13:23 < bridge> oh you left us alone don't want to deal with us I see ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:23 < ws-client> i can not respond to that without being a dick 13:23 < ws-client> @diariesvexar wot where are you from? 13:23 < bridge> Iran 13:23 < ws-client> o 13:24 < bridge> that because my English level are shit ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:24 < ws-client> well i mean you have the whole firewall intranet thing going on 13:24 < ws-client> so you are partly cut off anyways 13:24 < ws-client> then your community does further cutting off with custom client enforcement 13:24 < bridge> let's not talk about Iran internet and firewalls ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:24 < ws-client> and you are just too far out of my ping zone so i will never play with any of you 13:25 < ws-client> so you are not interesting for me no offense :D 13:25 < bridge> chillerdragon: do you have in plans adding nitro to ur chat? 13:25 < ws-client> xd watfak is that @MilkeeyCat 13:25 < bridge> yeah it's fine I understand what you talking about ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:25 < bridge> Do u know discord nitro? 13:26 < bridge> Like u get useless cosmetics for $10 a month 13:26 < ws-client> @diariesvexar its always the russians that come with the translator english. All others i either never speak to or they know english 13:26 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat ye ik 13:26 < ws-client> but how would that work for us? @MilkeeyCat 13:27 < bridge> U get useless cosmetics and u donate either to ddnet or me ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:27 < ws-client> lmao 13:27 < ws-client> such trol 13:27 < bridge> we talked a few time before on discord's DM but you didn't know that I was Iranian so you respond politely, so i think i was lucky back then ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:27 < bridge> Ur rich anyways 13:27 < bridge> U dont need moni 13:28 < ws-client> thats what i mean @diariesvexar its only the russians where the communication is sooooo bad 13:28 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat and ukranians mostly speak russian anyways 13:28 < bridge> shit ๐Ÿ˜„ 13:29 < bridge> chillerdragon: with ur chat u can send custom emojis, make thist feature paid 13:29 < bridge> :santatrollet: 13:30 < ws-client> yes but i just cba to code payment system 13:30 < bridge> but I like them cuz their talented like Chinese and German people have great mind to write new features 13:30 < ws-client> @diariesvexar Im sure there is a bunch of chinese with HORRIBLE to non existant english. But those do not start conversations with me. Because they are not on the same tw servers or discords. 13:31 < bridge> yeah that make sense 13:31 < bridge> chillerdragon: imagine being lazy to get millions dollars a month 13:31 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat right .. from which users? 13:31 < ws-client> will you pay? 13:31 < ws-client> who else is there 13:31 < bridge> Am poor 13:32 < bridge> If i had a job, i would think about wasting my $10 in /dev/null 13:32 < ws-client> xd 13:32 < bridge> jobless poor programmers ๐Ÿ˜ฆ 13:33 < bridge> we should build our community with that title 13:33 < bridge> JPP ๐Ÿ˜› 13:33 < ws-client> morgan 13:34 < ws-client> oh is it non iran friendly joke? 13:34 < ws-client> jp morgan .. e watever 13:34 < ws-client> enuff shittalk for today 13:35 < bridge> maybe don't know 13:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208391159638925384/image.png?ex=65e31cf7&is=65d0a7f7&hm=211510b2198f62e1e55ebc01eb562b65667379df62f8f12ac1a8b1210a4dbe12& 13:35 < bridge> we talked again after 4 years 13:42 < ws-client> no sorry i do not remember anyone going by the name diariesvexar :c 13:43 < ws-client> ah the "dont know" was not about you was it? cring xd 13:43 < ws-client> but im curious now what was the discord name you used to write with me? 13:46 < ws-client> @diariesvexar also i do not see images anymore :( just that you sent something not what 13:54 < bridge> 4 years ago i don't remember my name 13:54 < bridge> again maybe don't know =)) 13:55 < bridge> 2x again don't remember so just know I was send you a hotfix about your serverside bot to fix crashes on windows 13:55 < bridge> that's too bad ๐Ÿ˜ฆ 13:56 < bridge> it's a video of my Iranian custom client that you can play it, it's not like other clients 13:56 < bridge> is there any platform to share video with you ? 13:59 < ws-client> @diariesvexar you can share videos here if i feel like booting matrix which i do not right now. You can always share non discord videos/images by putting in urls to external sites. Or shoot me an email to chillerdragon@gmail.com or add @zillyhuhn on wire 14:01 < bridge> I understand that email part so i just do that ๐Ÿ˜„ 14:01 < bridge> I understood that email part so i just do that ๐Ÿ˜„ 14:05 < bridge> check your mail box when you had free time and tell me your opinion then I ask you a few question if it's okay with you 14:48 < bridge> it works ๐ŸŽ‰ 14:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208409527351779358/image.png?ex=65e32e12&is=65d0b912&hm=f037df0af13e2302a40cbdc4f423748b0f7be5f09a6d15fb71704b77f76b0972& 14:51 < bridge> gz 15:02 < bridge> rewrite in async ez 15:03 < bridge> I launched it via Thread 15:52 < bridge> > mustprogress 15:52 < bridge> > 15:52 < bridge> > This attribute indicates that the function is required to return, unwind, or interact with the environment in an observable way e.g. via a volatile memory access, I/O, or other synchronization. The mustprogress attribute is intended to model the requirements of the first section of [intro.progress] of the C++ Standard. As a consequence, a loop in a function with the mustprogress attribute can be assumed to terminate if it does not interact wi 15:52 < bridge> one does rly learn a lot with llvm 16:15 < bridge> Rich text in lua :) 16:15 < bridge> (Textures without filter xd) 16:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208431442821120110/image.png?ex=65e3427b&is=65d0cd7b&hm=8b1da09b8b6580cf4cd3272d533352a15c25d41794cfb2e8e53253090a86e338& 16:15 < bridge> :poggers: the day i can :kek: ingame is the day my ingame time peaks 18 hours a day 16:15 < bridge> :poggers: the day i can :kek: ingame is the day my play time peaks 18 hours a day 16:17 < bridge> im currently taking inspiration from a python script that marzzzello wrote and rewrite it in rust for DDNet ingame chat translation using DeepL's API, having this to highlight translated text 16:17 < bridge> im currently taking inspiration from a python script that marzzzello wrote and rewrite it in rust for DDNet ingame chat translation using DeepL's API, having this to highlight translated text will be bonkers 16:40 < bridge> nice 16:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208437766879318066/image.png?ex=65e3485f&is=65d0d35f&hm=3aff74215e172612cfcbbaf32d6d35a5edc31e5f3ea0658c13c2551551c2113f& 16:43 < bridge> :greenthing: 17:22 < bridge> i got references working on edlang using my IR :gigachad: 20:09 < bridge> ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 21:19 < bridge> @remakepower there is max and current player info but doesnt work when more than 16 player 21:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208508047836577812/image.png?ex=65e389d3&is=65d114d3&hm=2cbd8d66b055abb3b0b1a34199292ba1a9fe25d82b963e7edbd9c55692fff86c& 21:20 < bridge> in tw_api file 21:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1208518106184687717/startaskingtherealquestions-v0-okyo9hdp81jc1.png?ex=65e39331&is=65d11e31&hm=7605806fe668b0bfc196b597f0b1569e2226161a206c612079464c3b57ddbd07& 22:01 < bridge> wtf even return for 22:22 < bridge> this is perfectly legal 23:12 < bridge> I don't know enough C++, is it really? Looks dangling to me 23:12 < bridge> ah coz static? 23:13 < bridge> static variable lifetime is program lifetime 23:13 < bridge> so whenever the function is called anywhere, they all modify the same "return value" 23:16 < bridge> and as a bonus the intialization of result must be thread safe 23:16 < bridge> and will slow down all further calls of the function 23:31 < bridge> initialization is done once, all calls will just perform the addition and the store. I don't get the second part of your message 23:32 < bridge> it will have to check if initialized for ever 23:32 < bridge> no? initialization is done at program startup of library loading 23:32 < bridge> no? initialization is done at program startup or library loading 23:32 < bridge> not if the static is inside a function 23:33 < bridge> static variables are initialized once, not every function calls 23:33 < bridge> that's not what i said 23:34 < bridge> u said at program startup 23:34 < bridge> then i don't get what you say 23:34 < bridge> but it happens when the function is called 23:34 < bridge> only once, but has to check 23:35 < bridge> afaik, there is no check as C/C++ mandates initialization occurs before program starts 23:35 < bridge> no 23:35 < bridge> since c++11 it has to intialize it in a thread safe way 23:35 < bridge> note i only talk about intialization 23:35 < bridge> writing it is still not thread safe 23:37 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/a/8102145 23:37 < bridge> the best i can find rn 23:37 < bridge> i have to sleep xd 23:39 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23829389/does-a-function-local-static-variable-automatically-incur-a-branch 23:39 < bridge> looks like you're right 23:39 < bridge> good night 23:55 < bridge> @davide55 GER10 auto-whitelisting isn't working anymore? 23:58 < bridge> Let me check 23:59 < bridge> Seems working for me @deen