03:32 < ws-client> watefek who dis? https://github.com/Jipok 03:32 < ws-client> found him while browsing non tw github repos ?! 03:33 < ws-client> tw fame? 04:19 < ws-client> the gpl they are talking about here what is it? Is the the license? https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/linux-6-7-3-545-29-06-550-40-07-error-modpost-gpl-incompatible-module-nvidia-ko-uses-gpl-only-symbol-rcu-read-lock/280908/55 04:19 < ws-client> did a fucking license break the nvidia compile during my debian update!? 04:31 < ws-client> bruv kernel panic on boot. And debian is stable they said^^ 04:48 < ws-client> Yea so if there are any debian users here that have the nvidia package installed I recommend holding back updates for a while. 07:21 < bridge> As soon as it gets the extended sever info 07:21 < bridge> So in this case the master server script 07:22 < bridge> But maybe Heinrich didn't add this 07:49 < bridge> chillerdragon: had this at work yes 07:49 < bridge> With my RTX A500 08:24 < bridge> funny tho debian tells me it's a A1000 08:25 < bridge> funny tho debian tells me it's a A1000, maybe it is 08:27 < bridge> well what do you expect it to do 08:27 < bridge> what encoder & settings are you using 08:27 < bridge> can't really blame obs 08:28 < bridge> libavcodec does all the heavy lifting as far as video encoding is concerned 08:43 < bridge> I expected storage not to stall the entire process when you're only running on memory 08:43 < bridge> Yes myself was the issue 09:11 < bridge> Maybe this looks bad, but it looks fine to me. My first hud in lua xdd 09:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207600024582623263/image.png?ex=65e03c29&is=65cdc729&hm=e23a34a1d56b5fe0790d2f608ad3ab92a2cd745fb1391352e86387909f1407e9& 09:12 < bridge> Hot 09:17 < bridge> You need to recv the client extend serverinfo msg. 09:19 < bridge> The client send a packet with NET_HEADER_EXTENDED 09:20 < bridge> The packet like this mode 09:20 < bridge> [NET_HEADER_EXTENDED] [Extra Data] 09:21 < bridge> You need to get the extra data, and 09:22 < bridge> analyze it 09:23 < bridge> broke ass 09:23 < bridge> MRPG0.6 ? 09:23 < bridge> i don't speak broke 09:24 < bridge> Nope 09:25 < bridge> Oh 09:29 < bridge> Are you planning to hard fork like ninslash or nodes? 09:36 < bridge> is this client <-> server lua communication or is it just clientside lua binding baloney 09:41 < bridge> The server sends the lua code its full on remote code execution axaxaxa 09:42 < bridge> At least that’s what I understood from his previous message 09:45 < bridge> Lmao 09:46 < bridge> No, I think 09:47 < bridge> Server is avaible for standard ddnet client 09:47 < bridge> But custom client can receive lua code from server and execute 09:48 < bridge> axaxaxa 09:49 < bridge> How are you going to advertise this rat? @kekomonter 09:50 < bridge> :justatest: 09:50 < bridge> Jokes on me by the way 09:50 < bridge> I gave you the same access on my vps lmao 09:50 < bridge> Yeah be a bit careful xd 09:50 < bridge> Yikes 09:50 < bridge> xDDD 09:50 < bridge> xd 09:50 < bridge> The Russian hackers 09:50 < bridge> This opens a huge door for hackers 09:51 < bridge> Lua itself also has quite some cve apparently 09:51 < bridge> Use wasm with rust 09:51 < bridge> 😏 09:52 < bridge> I think it was lerato who once said „client side rce is a feature so servers can send better prediction code to reduce lags“ 09:52 < bridge> Rust? 09:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207610367241363546/ryo.png?ex=65e045cb&is=65cdd0cb&hm=dceb898a09d28a3a3b6ec72f823819618530fd2fbe2ebe6197104edfc187dd1d& 09:54 < bridge> Fake rust doesn't require parenthesis after a if or for token 09:55 < bridge> Else indeed looks like rust 09:56 < bridge> Are there any more PVE mod like Zod, Monster? 09:57 < bridge> theres a syntax error on line 12 09:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1170067019446632548.webp?size=48&quality=lossless 10:03 < bridge> Huh, why? 10:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207613132239802428/image.png?ex=65e0485f&is=65cdd35f&hm=eb204f554187cbac18f5901d3d0ba847f78e61a6ab9d0ffa1fd1c53b7406243e& 10:04 < bridge> What is your question 10:04 < bridge> thursday vulkan? 10:04 < bridge> Different styles xd 10:04 < bridge> Oh yeah 10:05 < bridge> Ah yeah xd 10:05 < bridge> Who cares 10:05 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/programming-rust-c-lang-cpp-cplusplus-gif-26743262 10:05 < bridge> @learath2 how has your vk experience been so far? 10:05 < bridge> @tsfreddie 10:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207613770608807946/how-do-you-bath-v0-3b2t7eqpfrgc1.png?ex=65e048f7&is=65cdd3f7&hm=bd606acf38fc01fd26d18cf7230707b36c52ce3ce36a37ef9ea9311227867a1f& 10:06 < bridge> looks like js 10:06 < bridge> I couldn't work on it for a couple days. I was in germany 10:06 < bridge> no semicolons, recurring 5-character red identifier used as the only one makes me think `const` 10:06 < bridge> It looks like it wants to be written RTL instead of LTR 10:08 < bridge> No way 10:08 < bridge> Would be very funny 10:09 < bridge> Opening parentheses the other way around 10:09 < bridge> wtf it's Arabic programming language ? 😄 10:10 < bridge> wtf is it Arabic programming language ? 😄 10:10 < bridge> Maybe xd 10:11 < bridge> RTL language on LTR idea noice 😄 10:12 < bridge> @hussainx3 can u read left to right just as good as right to left? 10:12 < bridge> 10:12 < bridge> Is one easier/harder? 10:31 < bridge> https://edgarluque.com/ 10:31 < bridge> updated the look a bit 10:31 < bridge> control-f5 to remove cache 10:31 < bridge> :owo: 10:34 < bridge> how can I get my bot's ID in the twnet_parser library 10:34 < bridge> pyson andy spotted 10:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207621058576777236/image.png?ex=65e04fc0&is=65cddac0&hm=2cf6a3e45067cb03e973808e1f59e0d26c2cdc65ae8b6c1533e2f5be30e4c945& 10:37 < bridge> remote bot clients :thonk: 10:40 < bridge> haha i did double precision and i can literally see a bug xDDDD 10:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207622360614703205/image.png?ex=65e050f7&is=65cddbf7&hm=25251b20f7f4f396528979a667e2ed287e47bd622c03471da03b5ed19cf4da07& 10:40 < bridge> i was wondering what those shapes where 10:42 < bridge> and it takes so long to compute that i timeout ...... 10:42 < bridge> 🤔 10:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207622887670943796/image.png?ex=65e05174&is=65cddc74&hm=32a2ab75756bab765735e67af80f91406781ec41b6cdedac55423c729cb9eed1& 10:43 < bridge> I don't think walking through walls has been added yet 10:43 < bridge> i dont think my screen res is high enugh on this laptop 10:44 < bridge> i don't think my screen res is high enough on this laptop 10:45 < bridge> ehhh ooga booga language please 10:49 < bridge> Are we openly sharing client bots in developer now? 10:50 < bridge> yes visuals very bot! 10:51 < bridge> only pathfinding no bot 10:51 < bridge> thanks for the heads up :p 10:57 < ws-client> @va_ll you are using the flood.py as base right? Then this should work https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/Fz 10:57 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707991049.png 10:57 < ws-client> irc code snippets be like 11:01 < ws-client> axaxaxax i love how i converted two client skids to 0.7 users 11:01 < bridge> Thank you 11:01 < ws-client> :3 11:06 < bridge> <4ipset> what is "ws-client" 11:16 < bridge> its already there like i can see max and current players on browser but doesnt go more than 16 11:25 < ws-client> @4ipset https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 11:31 < ws-client> huhuhuh 11:32 < bridge> ChillerDragon: i can't register pls help 11:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207635425846366248/image.png?ex=65e05d22&is=65cde822&hm=87e678cbe46e15a0bbc7ebfd081a72c053ff3c05c43464a085dafe26ca0ebb10& 11:33 < bridge> <4ipset> i too cant 11:34 < bridge> token is nimrocks 11:34 < ws-client> <4ipset> hi guys 11:35 < bridge> ah lol i thouht it was a password confirm box xddd 11:36 < ws-client> Hello World! 11:36 < ws-client> <4ipset> hi 11:39 < ws-client> hi\ 11:39 < ws-client> <4ipset> yo 11:39 < ws-client> <:brownbear:346683497701834762> 11:39 < ws-client> <:hisnail:768893210726367232> 11:39 < ws-client> <4ipset> <:tee_thinking:478629518358085653> 11:40 < ws-client> oh 11:52 < ws-client> hey 11:52 < ws-client> hi 11:54 < bridge> my bot only writes the first message it sees 11:54 < bridge> ```python 11:54 < bridge> if (time.time() - self.last_send_time) > 0.1: 11:54 < bridge> self.send_msg(CtrlKeepAlive()) 11:54 < bridge> for msg in packet.messages: 11:54 < bridge> if msg.message_type == "game" and msg.message_name == "sv_chat" and msg.client_id != -1 and msg.message.find('!test') != -1 and msg.client_id != bot_info["id"] and msg.message != "Do you know someone who uses a bot? Please report them to the moderators.": 11:54 < bridge> print(1234) 11:54 < bridge> msg = MsgClSay(message = msg.message) 11:54 < bridge> msg.header.flags.vital = True 11:54 < bridge> self.send_msg(msg) 11:54 < bridge> ``` 11:55 < bridge> but he writes message 1234 to the console 11:55 < bridge> a friend just walked by me and saw me playin tw and he compared it to coolmathgames...... 12:02 < bridge> now he only writes if there is 1 letter 12:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207643194817519696/image.png?ex=65e0645e&is=65cdef5e&hm=c776ce0863493740d17feace1a48af1cd3a8b86f9865847355bf73d142c6c244& 12:03 < bridge> and the Russian doesn’t see 12:19 < bridge> @va_ll: is your code public somewhere? 12:20 < bridge> A person called vali using flood.py to connect bots to tw servers. Anyone else getting nostalgia from this? C: 12:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207648113968283708/message.txt?ex=65e068f3&is=65cdf3f3&hm=2119078631d6cbce45381d61b4ab9a19b01848764b1802c773dd327e6daf164f& 12:23 < bridge> *vall 12:23 < bridge> xd 12:23 < bridge> Oh 12:23 < bridge> nostalgia hitting hard 12:23 < bridge> xd 12:24 < bridge> <4ipset> why does everyone call Vall by the name Vali? xd 12:24 < bridge> Looked like an I 12:25 < bridge> I just don’t expect the name vall 12:26 < bridge> Differentiating between I and l is mostly context for me 12:26 < bridge> https://pastebin.com/nZmhy3uM 12:26 < bridge> <4ipset> a lot of people called Vall named Vali ingame 12:26 < bridge> I was talking about a very limited language though. Something perhaps intentionally not turing complete even 12:26 < bridge> Sure sure 12:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207649306564239440/image.png?ex=65e06a0f&is=65cdf50f&hm=df7ca3b8442a7278d5dc6494f54947cbb5b5fb49e0ba51b39188009a0e9951eb& 12:30 < bridge> he also sometimes writes messages to the logs 2 times 12:30 < bridge> but it's probably my ping 12:30 < bridge> :wtf: 12:32 < bridge> <4ipset> :what: 12:34 < ws-client> @va_ll looks like chance to me 12:35 < ws-client> ah wait no hmm 12:35 < ws-client> ah yes it is chance 12:36 < ws-client> ``if (time.time() - self.last_send_time) > 0.1:`` this seems to be the problem i assume 12:36 < ws-client> last_send_time gets set on every packet send including keepalives 12:36 < ws-client> <4ipset> what is it 12:37 < ws-client> you put all the if statements with your reply logic into the keep alive branch 12:38 < ws-client> <4ipset> bot have ping 999 for no reason 12:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207652381320548363/image.png?ex=65e06cec&is=65cdf7ec&hm=703e535c6a6e6dd4010bd3c31de5d5b55d4169666dfa356af19012ec71127176& 12:39 < bridge> I removed if (time.time() - self.last_send_time) > 0.1 12:40 < ws-client> you wanna keep the keepalive 12:40 < ws-client> just put your logic outside of the if statement like all the other if statements 12:41 < ws-client> and lmao there is a bug in the parser my bad 12:42 < ws-client> <4ipset> the bot still cant write letters 12:42 < bridge> <4ipset> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207653138442747955/image.png?ex=65e06da1&is=65cdf8a1&hm=0a8e52b7f5808082c8b10f17362e003b99cd666bf19ffae9bc37392e73b5952c& 12:43 < bridge> he answers for a while and then stops 12:43 < ws-client> oh and you overwrite msg 12:44 < ws-client> wasnt a bug in my parser you just confused me 12:44 < ws-client> you send a chat message and store it in ``msg =`` 12:44 < ws-client> then you do a if statement based on msg as if it was a server sent message 12:44 < bridge> Ouch 12:45 < bridge> <4ipset> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207653969753800765/image.png?ex=65e06e67&is=65cdf967&hm=8830e4aceaca5f7ddf7d1b5e225f4a326998be4da01898999693aa0228905420& 12:48 < bridge> @va_ll You are creating bot in python? xdd 12:49 < bridge> Then I want to connect it to my discord bot 12:49 < bridge> Lel 12:49 < bridge> <4ipset> they want to create bot with ai 12:49 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707997758.png 12:49 < ws-client> ah your code is chatgpt? 12:49 < ws-client> that explains things xd 12:49 < bridge> <4ipset> no 12:49 < bridge> Huh 12:50 < ws-client> https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/A1 12:50 < ws-client> lmao i got A1 paste like AI 12:50 < ws-client> i made your code somehow functional 12:50 < ws-client> ah i swapped out the ip to localhost 12:50 < ws-client> you might wanna change that back 12:52 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707997906.png 12:52 < bridge> oh thank you he started answering 12:52 < ws-client> no code shaming and all but like watfk bro 12:52 < ws-client> <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 12:53 < bridge> Hmmm 12:53 < ws-client> and a new bot dev is born poggies 12:53 < bridge> If 3 is greater that three I will get Dev role in ddnet 12:54 < bridge> If 3 is greater that 3 I will get Dev role in ddnet 12:54 < ws-client> int(dev) 12:54 < bridge> <4ipset> no i mean that it will be a bot with artificial intelligence that will answer questions in the chat 12:55 < ws-client> i see 12:55 < bridge> By sing openai API? 12:55 < bridge> By using openai API? 12:55 < bridge> <4ipset> i think yes 12:55 < ws-client> i should really build an chat bot example idk why i did not do it yet. 12:55 < bridge> <4ipset> we already try to build it 12:55 < bridge> Yea add another repo to you 165 12:55 < ws-client> nah just a file in examples/ folder 12:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207656644855472158/image.png?ex=65e070e5&is=65cdfbe5&hm=eea0b5f157f745de2dcb2ae13de4af1fb87158be3e7ac056d605b654b8eae885& 12:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207656668398358548/image.png?ex=65e070ea&is=65cdfbea&hm=6da18dfbb59b8aec531a136f34675d54d1386e388453f41f741e9e12ced5cf3c& 12:56 < bridge> again he doesn't like something 12:57 < ws-client> did you touch the code? :D 12:57 < bridge> Not 12:57 < bridge> I just changed the IP and port 12:57 < ws-client> ah i can reproduce 13:02 < bridge> @ryozuki `error: internal compiler error: compiler/rustc_middle/src/ty/generic_args.rs:898:9: type parameter `U/#1` (U/#1/1) out of range when substituting` 13:02 < bridge> 13:02 < bridge> found a compiler bug in rust stable 13:02 < bridge> 13:02 < bridge> 13:02 < ws-client> seems like it does not auto calc size 13:02 < bridge> epic compiler moment 13:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207658186048413766/image.png?ex=65e07254&is=65cdfd54&hm=3e8525318555669ea06e47261ce0e8fd8f502f152785ca1c337cbae4048ed720& 13:03 < bridge> only responds to my first message 13:03 < ws-client> yes the message length calc is off 13:05 < bridge> If you create a bot, either ask the server provider for their consent and mark it as bot 13:06 < bridge> this is the server @4ipset 13:07 < bridge> I'm the admin there 13:07 < bridge> Fair enough. I was talking about a general process like that 13:08 < bridge> If you are an admin you can approve yourself, but also mark it as bot, otherwise players might think that someone is on your server 13:08 < ws-client> @va_ll yea im too lazy to fix that now but thats a bug on my end thanks for testing 13:08 < bridge> avo is scarred by iF xD 13:08 < bridge> I dont care about iF tbh 13:08 < bridge> Its more the player experience 13:09 < bridge> this is a temporary nickname until the bot is not fully operational yet 13:11 < ws-client> oh i think its a pyson momemnt tbh 13:11 < ws-client> where it remember last constructor arguments 13:11 < ws-client> or something like that 13:14 < bridge> You can also announce `"is_player": false,` in the HTTP register. But to do this you need to rewrite some code# 13:17 < ws-client> @va_ll okay so for now you can only ever send the same message length. Or set ``msg.header.size`` manually but its a bit trappy. I will not fix it today but its on my todo now. 13:18 < bridge> Fine 13:23 < bridge> hi 13:24 < bridge> hi 13:27 < bridge> :poggers2: 13:29 < bridge> <4ipset> hey 13:29 < bridge> нi 13:32 < bridge> wazzup 13:37 < bridge> the moon 13:44 < bridge> No it's down 13:44 < bridge> it’s up right now 13:44 < bridge> Where's up? 13:44 < bridge> above me 13:45 < bridge> You are standing sideways 13:46 < bridge> definitely not 13:46 < bridge> If you're a line and you take the normal at the height of your feet and then draw a plane is it on the upper side or the other oeb 13:46 < bridge> If you're a line and you take the normal at the height of your feet and then draw a plane is it on the upper side or the other one 13:46 < bridge> If you're a line and you take the normal at the height of your feet and then draw a 3d plane is it on the upper side or the other one 13:47 < bridge> The moon is above me dude 13:47 < bridge> If you're a line and you take the normal at the height of your feet and then draw a 2d plane is it on the upper side or the other one 13:47 < bridge> Ah ok cool 13:47 < bridge> What direction are you pointing in? 13:47 < bridge> UP 13:47 < bridge> Hmmm. 13:48 < bridge> away from the gravitational pull we describe as DOWN 13:48 < bridge> Woah cool so the moon is above me too? 13:49 < bridge> Since it is not inside the planet? 13:49 < bridge> It is in that direction 13:49 < bridge> Below 13:49 < bridge> Moon is down for u 13:49 < bridge> What is moon for earth? 13:49 < bridge> Below or up? 13:50 < bridge> Depends on where you make the measurement 13:50 < bridge> there is no objective up or down in space 13:50 < bridge> you need an anchor of some kind 13:50 < bridge> I believe the earth isn't perfectly circular so highest point is the head 13:50 < bridge> Ok 13:50 < bridge> /anchor 13:51 < bridge> *anchor 13:51 < bridge> Not really 13:51 < bridge> That’s not how anyone defines a head 13:51 < bridge> It is the furthest point on a generally spherical mass 13:52 < bridge> My toes are furthest out from my center of mass so they must be my head 13:52 < bridge> Yea do the average of all points on the earth and then check which is furthest 13:52 < bridge> That is the truth 13:53 < bridge> Okay mount Everest with 8849m is the anchor 13:54 < bridge> So where is the moon rn? 13:54 < bridge> Above you? 13:54 < bridge> If so we need to know where you are 13:54 < bridge> It’s above me yes 13:54 < bridge> Not you 13:54 < bridge> It’s below you 13:55 < bridge> Also not sure what furthest point has to do with it 13:56 < bridge> So if we assume you are the moon and are represented as a 2d vector pointing from the center of the earth 13:56 < bridge> And I am the same but somewhere else where the moon is not above me 13:56 < bridge> I’m Not the moon 13:56 < bridge> I’m me 13:57 < bridge> So if we assume you are the moon and are represented as a 2d vector of angles pointing from the center of the earth 13:58 < bridge> Since the moon is above you I can say you are the moon +-90° 13:58 < bridge> No 13:58 < bridge> The moon is above me because it’s night time 13:58 < bridge> So in the current time you are almost the moon 13:58 < bridge> *+-90° 13:59 < bridge> * +-90° 13:59 < bridge> I am not the moon 13:59 < bridge> I’m not almost the moon 13:59 < bridge> But in my head you are and you can do nothing against it 14:00 < bridge> You rock 🪨 14:17 < bridge> C++23 still doesn't have compound literals... 14:23 < bridge> I know it worked in msvc once 14:23 < bridge> Idk if it still does 14:24 < bridge> you could pass vec2(x+x,y+y) as a reference to a function directly. If that's what you mean with compound literals 15:18 < bridge> what a cool yavascript feature. took only few hours to find it :pepeW: 15:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207692391759216641/image.png?ex=65e09230&is=65ce1d30&hm=35fdbf7db5256b998b5466f2dfd22a5e87a85512804e9accf7e784311d6ee1d8& 15:38 < bridge> use map) 15:38 < bridge> it can finally draw something :poggers2: (coordinates are fucked up tho) 15:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207697359425773628/image.png?ex=65e096d0&is=65ce21d0&hm=9269755dc9685e1e48c776e4c47a56b5d2f60848b21bfe21e89de32b00c660ee& 15:38 < bridge> xd, had something similar on pyson 15:39 < bridge> it was just weird that it went thru loop one time and all 50k elements have the same value :justatest: 15:44 < bridge> Had something similar on lua 15:44 < bridge> And this was memory leak, cuz gc in lua 5.4 is shit, LuaJIT better 15:54 < bridge> To quote ryo. Wouldn't have happened with rust 15:55 < bridge> U'd have need to call clone for each and the type would be Rc 15:55 < bridge> Watcha working on 15:56 < bridge> https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/ddnet_demo_web_viewer :justatest: 15:56 < bridge> Epic 15:56 < bridge> i can somehow parse data 15:56 < bridge> but cant draw anything 15:57 < bridge> Does your loader support glsl es? 15:57 < bridge> That's cool 15:57 < bridge> am looking at ddnet graphics code and making it in js 15:59 < bridge> Do you already know typescript? 15:59 < bridge> yea xd 15:59 < bridge> I c 16:00 < bridge> https://github.com/DDNet-Team-Searcher/website is in ts 😏 16:28 < bridge> what was the url to ddnet client compiled to wasm> 16:28 < bridge> what was the url to ddnet client compiled to wasm? 16:29 < bridge> Ddnet.github.io 17:00 < bridge> xd its on version 15.9.1 17:03 < bridge> Yeah nobody uses it anyway xd 17:03 < bridge> true 17:03 < bridge> Not wasting time with updating 18:51 < bridge> when the hint hints the hint 18:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207746105190654054/image.png?ex=65e0c436&is=65ce4f36&hm=ddade555eb73c5ad0582bcfab4a40003491ff163b8db65dc272750bfbb68270b& 19:00 < bridge> server auto kicks afk players without a timer when it hits player cap feature when 19:02 < bridge> today i learned floats are 2 to 5 times slower than integers 19:04 < bridge> in what task? 19:04 < bridge> multiplication 19:04 < bridge> so when is 2 times slower and when 5 times? 19:05 < bridge> at multiplication 19:05 < bridge> *according to llm 19:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207749630914203728/image.png?ex=65e0c77e&is=65ce527e&hm=922814f4de424382658e34397e675617830e8ec30f5e3372c25da3fe551b4332& 19:06 < bridge> last few months i dont trust any word chat gpt says 19:07 < bridge> its very bad at coding ik 19:07 < bridge> xdd 19:09 < bridge> and to my tests the higher the floating point numbers are the slower it gets 19:10 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks when we finally convert all those vec2s into ivec2s in ddnet code we can do 512 players xd 19:11 < bridge> DDNet 2.0 19:11 < bridge> ask your chatgpt if that also applies for fixed point numbers at division 19:13 < bridge> spouting the same shit again 19:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207751502006063104/image.png?ex=65e0c93d&is=65ce543d&hm=94fd4fba7d1f24291312b088e101f30a114c7d95544969e2fff75d1a1252f113& 19:14 < bridge> it's not even gpt4 is it? 19:14 < bridge> nop i dont have xddd 19:14 < bridge> gpt3 is dumb af. better not to use it than use it xD 19:14 < bridge> true 19:14 < bridge> gpt4 at least sometimes is correct xD 19:14 < bridge> i don't trust a word from it when it comes to coding 19:15 < bridge> and it doesnt even know what optimization is.... 19:15 < bridge> and it cant find memory leaks ;( 19:16 < bridge> it doesn't even know what optimization is.... 19:16 < bridge> and it can't find memory leaks ;( 19:43 < bridge> i think both are wrong on x64 and on any high end cpu 19:43 < bridge> or most desktop cpu 19:43 < bridge> floating point division or multiplication implies 23 bits or 51 bits operation while integer one is 32 or 64 19:46 < bridge> hmm, 3 or 4 cycles for integer ones, 5 cycles for floating point ones 19:46 < bridge> https://www.agner.org/optimize/instruction_tables.pdf 19:47 < bridge> (for haswell architecture, already quite old with jupstar's standard) 19:48 < bridge> however, floating point division is faster (22-96 integer vs 10-24 for floating point) 19:49 < bridge> but i guess it also depends on how exactly the calculations are used 19:49 < bridge> 19:49 < bridge> in a tight simd sceneraio ofc every cycle matters 19:49 < bridge> 19:49 < bridge> but if u mix calculations with other stuff (pointer acces etc.) the calculations are often offloaded to the floating point unit while other stuff happens simultaniously 20:18 < bridge> does anyone have experience in analyzing discrete data? 20:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207767946399842314/image.png?ex=65e0d88d&is=65ce638d&hm=fb454624cb073ee7509f2be20325f8da417bc7302d2a7bffae39dec0f58d558e& 20:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207767946701836298/image.png?ex=65e0d88d&is=65ce638d&hm=f7d0b659b9b9b4bd9dbd31ec0155e8f363a7014d841000f33c265ac5aab865bf& 20:18 < bridge> I need to split the data into approximately the following intervals (segments with a beginning and an end time) 20:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207767961939480597/image.png?ex=65e0d891&is=65ce6391&hm=08bc0129bd39e376c21fe013a0cbe3c4b2d41460e989b93f6e200a5326ff0183& 20:33 < bridge> fft, retrieve main frequency, sample at the correct interval 20:33 < bridge> you can also look at the derivative to detect sign changes 20:34 < bridge> which is where this kind of stuff might occur 20:34 < bridge> (but it's not 100%) 20:34 < bridge> Damn u woke chairn 20:34 < bridge> what you trying to achieve exactly? 20:34 < bridge> determination of useful work based on the current strength of the press 20:35 < bridge> determination of useful work based on the current generic of the press 20:35 < bridge> determination of useful work based on the generic current of the press 20:35 < bridge> shouldn't you try some computation and integration then ? 20:37 < bridge> now a very stupid algorithm has been made, to consider everything above a certain value as useful work, this would be enough, but on different days this limit either rises or falls, such an algorithm is not suitable, a more universal one is needed 20:37 < bridge> fft its Fast Fourier Transform ? 20:37 < bridge> yes 20:38 < bridge> but now, im not sure this is the way to go given your problem 20:43 < bridge> thanks, I'll study it 21:33 < bridge> "useful work" sounds hard to define, especially starting from just "current" 21:35 < bridge> Current through a resistance creates power, how much of that power is useful to you? Can you even model this system as a resistance? 21:36 < bridge> The intervals you marked roughly looks like just threshold comparisons, maybe with a bit of hysterisis 21:37 < bridge> The intervals you marked roughly looks like just threshold comparisons, maybe with a bit of hysteresis 21:40 < bridge> If you are having an issue with the thresholds changing, the slope of this graph looks very steep, maybe the derivative is more telling about when the machine is doing "useful work" 21:43 < bridge> Another tip would be to discard the DC component, for which you can use the 0th component of the FFT, you'll just have to play around with a couple of these ideas until you find something that looks distinct enough 22:07 < bridge> @chairn https://uops.info/ 22:07 < bridge> https://uops.info/table.html 22:33 < bridge> damn, pretty nice