01:03 < bridge> xd 02:13 < bridge> volume warning 02:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207132358067757098/Base_Profile_2024.02.13_-_18.07.25.24.DVR-24.mp4?ex=65de889d&is=65cc139d&hm=d8e5027a6505a8f7cd13f53dbf835188db387bed65fcb39e04e5e6460cf4644f& 02:13 < bridge> sea of spiders 03:06 < bridge> Insane 3 fps xddd 03:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207155731833290792/GFthcYRbsAAVRc0.png?ex=65de9e62&is=65cc2962&hm=d85e0ee1b9cae2daca1f23a70071fe77fb6145096a0ba7f43dce6da1a0bc55cf& 05:20 < ws-client> dude wtf i just spend 4 hours to get inotify to almost work half of the time and then achieved to solve my problem in 5mins unsing stat(2) instead lmao 05:21 < ws-client> time spend is totally worth it it saves me like 10s recompile time poggies 05:26 < bridge> is there any source so I can learn how to construct and encode snapshots? 05:34 < bridge> just found here XD https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/blob/master/doc/snapshot.md 05:34 < ws-client> @miguilim https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/07/snap_items.html 05:35 < bridge> There seemed no any doc about snap ex 05:35 < ws-client> ddnets snap? no dont think so 05:35 < ws-client> its basically registering it self with a high id 05:36 < ws-client> what are you working on @miguilim ? 05:36 < bridge> I read the code many times then i finish my work to do it 05:37 < ws-client> @miguilim there is code for that in rust, javascript and ruby already in case you need that 05:41 < bridge> If it's really that simple, then porting it doesn't require much judgment 05:45 < ws-client> @remakepower i do not understand what you mean 05:46 < ws-client> @miguilim ? 05:48 < bridge> I'm just amazed at how DDNet Snap is implemented (If you couldn't understand, that's right, sorry my bad English) 06:39 < bridge> whats os r u use 06:41 < bridge> linux 06:42 < bridge> @miguilim: ? 07:33 < bridge> Hey man, it would be for 0.6 version. Is there a difference between both versions? Your documentation seems solid 07:34 < bridge> I'm currently working on teeframe 07:35 < bridge> morning 07:38 < bridge> LGTM 07:47 < bridge> morning 07:51 < ws-client> what is teeframe o.O 07:52 < bridge> me 07:52 < ws-client> @miguilim conceptually no. Just different snap items. 07:53 < ws-client> i see nothing here but i assume you mean this https://github.com/teeframe 07:53 < ws-client> why does teeframe need snaps? 07:54 < bridge> What 07:54 < ws-client> is it a documentation? or code? what does it do @miguilim 07:54 < bridge> I remember the TeeFrame had some project 07:54 < bridge> but why now there's nothing 07:56 < bridge> Oops, they moved to https://github.com/teemods 07:56 < bridge> @miguilim Did you working on OpenGores? 07:57 < ws-client> i still have no idea how that relates to snaps 08:32 < bridge> epyc 08:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207227877263937547/image.png?ex=65dee193&is=65cc6c93&hm=9eb2fd0e21a37636be7fbec8ed542bcd5e6ec501fdd7a5b853deeece75cbd7aa& 08:40 < bridge> Morning 🌄 09:43 < bridge> Gm 10:13 < bridge> hey, i was trying to do issue #7971 and came up with this https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/9a594112d304ce38f931110e1a15d70434a82542 what do you think about it(i had to move `m_CapType` in public) 10:13 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7971 10:37 < bridge> @milkeeycat: Hope you have your GitHub Smurf account ready. Because if they see your profile pic it’s straight decline. 10:38 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 10:38 < bridge> i didnt pull request anything yet 10:38 < bridge> i dont want anyone get pinged if it's absolute garbage 10:38 < bridge> xd sure 10:39 < bridge> \#7908 10:39 < bridge> sh 10:39 < bridge> even SP \| Someone's first pr got merged axaxaxax 10:39 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/cat-cats-orange-cat-orange-cats-cat-weird-gif-17010424884748616697 10:46 < bridge> Hello, can you answer the question in PM? 10:56 < bridge> mine 😛 10:57 < bridge> #7937 10:57 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7937 11:05 < bridge> I where did you pm me 11:10 < bridge> ik but what distro 11:11 < bridge> <4ipset> i think debian 11:11 < bridge> @chillerdragon 11:11 < bridge> gm 11:11 < bridge> p sure chiller is debian 11:12 < bridge> Debian on laptop and arch on desktop 11:12 < bridge> ? Which platform did you pm me on 11:12 < bridge> Is that a discord account link? 11:12 < bridge> discord 11:12 < bridge> yeah 11:12 < bridge> omg 11:12 < bridge> Very troll of you 11:13 < bridge> wot 11:14 < bridge> he's disgusted that it's not gentoo 11:14 < bridge> <4ipset> what laptop are you use 11:14 < bridge> I might have a look within the next 3 years :) @va_ll 11:14 < bridge> Some razer mostly 11:14 < bridge> where u r live 11:14 < bridge> In Germany mostly 11:15 < bridge> what city 11:15 < bridge> street? 11:15 < bridge> Munich 11:15 < bridge> Private 11:15 < bridge> <4ipset> so fast 11:15 < bridge> where your lapto 11:15 < bridge> where your laptop 11:15 < bridge> On my desk 11:15 < bridge> мой вопрос в лс: how can I send messages to the chat via a bot on twnet-parser and how do I get the nickname of the person who sent messages to the chat with his ID? 11:15 < bridge> Wtd is happening 11:15 < bridge> great 11:15 < bridge> Ouch 11:15 < bridge> give me screen from google maps pls 11:15 < bridge> chillerdragon: i though you were in Asia ;-; 11:15 < bridge> indonesia 11:15 < bridge> Yes thus the mostly 11:16 < bridge> I am not in Germany right now 11:16 < bridge> he's mixing it up i guess 11:16 < bridge> why do you need it though 11:16 < bridge> another chat-bot spreading 11:16 < bridge> for the server 11:16 < ws-client> @va_ll yea asking me such questions here is totally fine 11:16 < bridge> сазать член 11:16 < ws-client> uhm how far did you get? 11:16 < ws-client> what do you need? 11:17 < bridge> you can make fake player to interact via chat 11:17 < ws-client> a server or a client? 11:17 < bridge> on server-side 11:17 < bridge> there's no need to use bot-player/client-player 11:17 < ws-client> @ukrf314 did you get any of the examples running? 11:17 < ws-client> https://gitlab.com/teeworlds-network/twnet_parser/-/tree/master/examples/07?ref_type=heads 11:18 < ws-client> The whole thing is a bit immature still. If you leak more details about your use case I can give you some more hints 11:18 < bridge> this is so easy 11:18 < bridge> on js 11:18 < ws-client> then use js? 11:19 < bridge> a friend of mine wrote such a bot on ws and it works fine idk 11:19 < bridge> cool 11:19 < bridge> maximum 30 lines 11:19 < bridge> why are u saying it tho 11:19 < bridge> xd 11:19 < bridge> like you can't also use js? 11:19 < ws-client> i still do not have enough information to help you. You left too many questions unanswered @ukrf314 11:20 < bridge> hi guys, discord personally notified me that you are discussing clients here 💀 11:20 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 11:20 < bridge> I didn't ask you any questions. 11:20 < bridge> where bro 11:20 < bridge> maybe @va_ll 11:20 < ws-client> ah my bad 11:21 < ws-client> yes i confused u with the other dude xd 11:21 < bridge> np 11:22 < ws-client> @va_ll pls read all pings to ukrf as pings for you -,- my bad 11:22 < bridge> chiller u ever play with mcmmo 11:22 < ws-client> wat 11:22 < bridge> minecraft 11:22 < bridge> plugin 11:22 < ws-client> no 11:22 < ws-client> i only play vanilla 0.7 minecraft 11:22 < bridge> wewtf 11:23 < ws-client> oke i think he gone 11:23 < bridge> only vanilla 11:23 < bridge> i thought u had beast computer 11:24 < bridge> u never play modded 11:24 < ws-client> no 11:24 < ws-client> @miguilim still curious about what you are working on :p 11:24 < ws-client> @Ewan i use open source hacks such as lambda 11:24 < ws-client> thats about it 11:24 < bridge> most good plugins are source-available 11:24 < bridge> good ones are switching to a donationware model tho 11:25 < bridge> u now need to pay for builds of both coreprotect and mcmmo 11:25 < bridge> u can build it urself still tho 11:25 < ws-client> single player or self hosted does not really peek my interest 11:25 < bridge> wdym 11:25 < ws-client> and mods are usually bloat the base game is good already 11:25 < ws-client> was good* 11:25 < ws-client> the new stuff is ugly af 11:26 < ws-client> have you seen dirt?! 11:26 < ws-client> or what they did to stones 11:26 < bridge> 4000 dollar pc and all he runs is fucking teeworlds and vanilla minecraft 11:26 < ws-client> unplayable 11:26 < bridge> what a waste 11:26 < bridge> yea they messed some stuff up 11:26 < ws-client> eh not dirt i meant gravel* 11:26 < ws-client> dirt is fine 11:26 < bridge> they fixed netherrack tho 11:27 < ws-client> https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgamepedia.cursecdn.com%2Fminecraft_gamepedia%2F7%2F73%2FGravel_JE5_BE3.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8ec1cf668420d2c51e446a0739bc6f882e48de01fcc7c622b55183416bb4cfdf&ipo=images 11:27 < ws-client> xxxxxxxD 11:27 < bridge> chiller my 11 year old pc my father got for free can run tw in 60 fps in like 800x600 i dont see the point in u getting a 4k dollar pc 11:27 < ws-client> it runs faster 11:28 < bridge> yea new minecraft is very well optimized 11:28 < ws-client> and i like more than 800x600 11:28 < ws-client> lmao @Ewan 11:28 < bridge> no point? 11:28 < bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1160708651296763955/1184599415281946654/sticker.gif?ex=658c8f2d&is=657a1a2d&hm=bc5cb77aca7b3aa832134b76a3f4f47cc17df734d00b5b6a4f20e73bab8175c9& 11:29 < ws-client> my old pc had some glitches idk and screen recording was never smooth @cyberFighter 11:29 < bridge> screen recordings were never meant to be more than 15 fps 11:29 < ws-client> well i guess we have different standards then 11:29 < ws-client> im spoiled. Enjoy your simple desires they make your richer. 11:30 < bridge> dont even get me started on your mapping standards 11:30 < bridge> god 11:31 < ws-client> dude i opened ma laptop to talk pyson protocol and now it was just a bunch of bs xd 11:31 < bridge> doesnt exist 11:31 < ws-client> ok rq 11:31 < bridge> Get rekt 11:32 < bridge> чв 11:32 < bridge> xd 11:32 < bridge> what mapping standards 11:34 < bridge> im assuming its 5x5 brush and spraying it all over the map 11:37 < bridge> is it too unholy if i represent a pointer in edlang like `ptr` 11:37 < bridge> use $ for pointers 11:37 < bridge> gigachad 11:37 < bridge> no 11:37 < bridge> we eurocentric 11:38 < bridge> ill use € 11:38 < bridge> lmao pls do 11:38 < bridge> €u8 11:38 < bridge> xddd 11:38 < bridge> xxxxxxxxxD 11:38 < bridge> actually 11:38 < bridge> @ would make sense 11:38 < bridge> @u8 11:38 < bridge> what's wrong with & syntax 11:38 < bridge> & is for refs 11:38 < bridge> oh @ is cool 11:39 < bridge> im talking about pointer 11:39 < bridge> *char 11:39 < bridge> char* 11:39 < bridge> oh real pointers 11:39 < bridge> abolish pointers 11:39 < bridge> there is a char @ 0x0a912f938 11:39 < bridge> im with ptr for now 11:39 < bridge> xd 11:39 < bridge> use [] 11:39 < bridge> ? 11:40 < bridge> use [] for pointer 11:40 < bridge> ptr works nicelywith how i did the ast 11:40 < bridge> unnecessary keywords ba 11:40 < bridge> d 11:40 < bridge> ```rust 11:40 < bridge> mod Main { 11:40 < bridge> 11:40 < bridge> pub fn main(argc: i64, argv: ptr) -> i64 { 11:40 < bridge> let mut a: i64 = 0; 11:40 < bridge> 11:40 < bridge> if argc > 2 { 11:40 < bridge> a = 1; 11:40 < bridge> } 11:40 < bridge> 11:40 < bridge> return a; 11:40 < bridge> } 11:41 < bridge> } 11:41 < bridge> 11:41 < bridge> ``` 11:41 < bridge> syntax of most stuff is subject to change anyway 11:41 < bridge> ill probs remove the outer mod 11:41 < bridge> wait argv would be ptr> 11:41 < bridge> kek 11:41 < bridge> gross 11:41 < bridge> keywords bad 11:42 < bridge> unless needed 11:42 < bridge> its not rly a keyword 11:42 < bridge> its a type 11:42 < bridge> i think if u are implementing it at compiler level it's a keyword 11:42 < bridge> no 11:42 < bridge> a keyword would be fn 11:42 < bridge> that's just my opinion 11:42 < bridge> ok 11:43 < bridge> not really different since they are both hardcoded and used to represent one thing 11:43 < bridge> even if the syntax differs 11:43 < bridge> technically there is nothing hardcoded, the ast recognizes the type because after : it expects a type 11:44 < bridge> and the ast supports types with generics 11:44 < bridge> im just making use of that 11:44 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aolI_Rz0ZqY 11:44 < bridge> its just at codegen that if i the type name is ptr ill handle it as a pointer 11:45 < bridge> i guess u could call that hardcoded, but not where u think it is i guess 11:45 < bridge> idk 11:45 < bridge> useless 11:45 < bridge> xd 11:45 < bridge> i think it would be cool if do like c does * but instead do [ptr] like some assemblies 11:45 < bridge> so [ptr] as a type is a declaration like `ptr_t *ptr` in c 11:45 < bridge> and [ptr] like as in `*ptr_instance` for dereference 11:45 < bridge> maybe it should be hard to make real pointers 11:45 < bridge> @mpft when making syntax choices u need to think about the rest 11:45 < bridge> [] can be used probs ambiguously 11:45 < bridge> because its also for indexing 11:45 < bridge> or to represent array types 11:45 < bridge> no because you're indexing as type[] to declare and x[y] to access 11:46 < bridge> always attached to another word 11:46 < bridge> whitespace 11:46 < bridge> what about 11:46 < bridge> `fn(a: &[T])` 11:46 < bridge> it this a reference to a ptr? 11:46 < bridge> or a array slice 11:46 < bridge> which is handled diferently 11:46 < bridge> because i store the slice length 11:46 < bridge> idk about slices 11:46 < bridge> like rust 11:46 < bridge> cuz idk how slices work 11:46 < bridge> so u got me there i guess 11:47 < bridge> a slice is a struct (ptr, u32, u32) 11:47 < bridge> idk if its u32 but u get the sense 11:47 < bridge> ptr is where the data is stored 11:47 < bridge> the 2 u32 are length and capacity 11:47 < bridge> ok wait 11:47 < bridge> a slice is just (ptr, u64) 11:47 < bridge> @ryozuki make compiler for https://github.com/TodePond/DreamBerd 11:47 < bridge> the capacity is only needed for vecs xd 11:53 < bridge> Branches have descriptions wot 11:53 < bridge> ReiTW: also I do not understand what you were saying in dms xd 11:54 < bridge> TIL i dont know git 11:56 < bridge> chillerdragon: #5662 11:56 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/5662 11:58 < bridge> lmao git maintenance 11:58 < bridge> ikr 12:03 < bridge> git gc 12:03 < bridge> git fsck 12:04 < bridge> can make git go faster 12:04 < bridge> after long time use on a repo 12:13 < bridge> @reitw this one is epic 12:13 < bridge> > The git rerere functionality is a bit of a hidden feature. The name stands for “reuse recorded resolution” and, as the name implies, it allows you to ask Git to remember how you’ve resolved a hunk conflict so that the next time it sees the same conflict, Git can resolve it for you automatically. 12:13 < bridge> https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rerere 12:15 < bridge> this talk is gold 12:22 < bridge> > git maintenance start 13:53 < bridge> what should i eat 14:15 < bridge> i ate rice with chicken 14:24 < bridge> im out of chicnen 15:13 < bridge> chicnen 15:13 < bridge> i ate it all 16:05 < bridge> https://twitter.com/rowancheung/status/1757429733837418610 16:07 < bridge> sounds cool 16:08 < bridge> lets read the post and after that if its still cool its cool 16:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207342562906476564/GGPSmfTWEAANCUF.png?ex=65df4c62&is=65ccd762&hm=4e6e1ab15e508e6c061db6df1be6c5f19c5125150f1212c8d69a064d494c39e1& 16:08 < bridge> make framework first xD 16:27 < bridge> btw if you unplug your system while DDNet is running and DDNet does some storage action it freezes 16:31 < bridge> Unplug your electricity? 16:34 < bridge> we dont do testing like sqlite 16:46 < bridge> cool smooth pathfinding with flowfields 16:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207352086069776464/2024-02-14_16-44-32.mp4?ex=65df5540&is=65cce040&hm=99831287f80a3e4df663ff64733453983879a16d908d8d7b0c9a636a3330e261& 16:47 < bridge> how bad can the quality get? 16:47 < bridge> obs: yes 16:51 < bridge> @furo321 maybe later 16:51 < bridge> 😏 16:52 < bridge> its not that efficient yet tho... gotta improve my astar 16:52 < bridge> its like 300ms for 10k searches 17:03 < bridge> :justatest: 17:23 < bridge> https://blog.stenmans.org/theBeamBook/ 17:23 < bridge> The Erlang Runtime System 17:23 < bridge> thats so cool 17:25 < bridge> why is your client in chinese? :justatest: 17:25 < bridge> that looks rly cool 17:26 < bridge> by flow field u mean this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_field ? 17:27 < bridge> yep 17:27 < bridge> its called flow field pathfinding thats why i said it 17:28 < bridge> @totar taught me 17:29 < bridge> https://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=The_Incredible_Power_of_Dijkstra_Maps 17:29 < bridge> @teero777 17:29 < bridge> https://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Dijkstra_Maps_Visualized 17:35 < bridge> Looks like wind or smth like this xdd 17:38 < bridge> https://github.com/R-O-C-K-E-T/Factorio-SAT 17:44 < bridge> My old flow prototype had a few issues 17:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207366787046576178/Teeworlds_Flow-1.mp4?ex=65df62f1&is=65ccedf1&hm=5bb35a07a492543597a8c1ff7b53fa58c36646504951e8a86a67e5e032ca2258& 17:46 < bridge> looks really cool tho 17:47 < bridge> at some point it looks like the particles are somewhat evenly distributed 17:54 < bridge> epic physics moment 17:54 < bridge> xd 17:55 < bridge> 19.0 changelog 17:55 < bridge> [Client] Added schizophrenia [Robyt3] 18:01 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/burger-eating-frieren-frieren-beyond-journey%27s-end-sousou-no-frieren-gif-13425073513713719938 18:13 < bridge> Ger10 just did 18:13 < bridge> Ger10 just died 18:43 < bridge> Random AI tees in your prediction that don't exist and disappear when you touch them 18:43 < bridge> Funny idea for troll client 19:16 < bridge> Looks like good feature for yonking into my client :) 19:18 < bridge> does anyone have that old gore client? 19:20 < bridge> https://github.com/black-roland/Goreworlds 19:20 < bridge> Maybe? 19:50 < bridge> https://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2024-February/K5IC6VYO2PB7N4HRP2FUQIBIBCGP4WAU.html 19:59 < bridge> woah i thought siile deleted it and like no one had the sources or even binaries 19:59 < bridge> thank you a lot 20:10 < bridge> me 20:12 < bridge> something something unstable system something something 20:14 < bridge> Something 21:53 < bridge> @murpi feature idea for the ticket system of the ddnet bot: add a discord-report button to alert discord moderators 21:54 < bridge> to report, people would need to tag a user and link a message or something along those lines 22:50 < bridge> do u guys know how to make fng2 server without this ugly text in front of my server name 22:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207443745226887248/image.png?ex=65dfaa9e&is=65cd359e&hm=864ff8965612b883055d14646d6ad8b16d8d0c93ae39d7a4076471d1bc0b55a7& 22:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207443770367549530/Ekran_goruntusu_2024-01-28_130324.png?ex=65dfaaa4&is=65cd35a4&hm=007da11ba71d383f4cc87c0aea869e74340c693e830992322788515fc729bcd0& 22:51 < bridge> what ugly text 22:51 < bridge> the 64+ ? 22:55 < bridge> ye 22:55 < bridge> and its writing current player number in there too 22:56 < bridge> i wanna write it to here 22:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1207445273190596728/image.png?ex=65dfac0a&is=65cd370a&hm=0d82deb4ce6e21ad897d14066dae744142a335996b2c55babf898219d3b2d21c& 22:57 < bridge> its doesnt go more than 16 max players even if i make it 32 max players 22:57 < bridge> but 32 player can play in it 23:21 < bridge> Without that the ddnet client will not load more than 16 player info 23:22 < bridge> Normally the client should replace that tho, weird 23:23 < bridge> idk what to do just wanna do it like nobys fng 23:25 < bridge> Really?