00:31 < bridge> python on wasm on js? gotta be slower than BF :kek: 01:32 < bridge> very cool 01:32 < bridge> the only actually modern gpu framework 01:33 < bridge> named parameters in aggregate initialization 😍 01:33 < bridge> i like these guys 01:33 < bridge> i had only seen the c api before 04:32 < ws-client> what shortcuts do you all use for compiling? 04:32 < ws-client> F5 is too far away and all the other keybindings seem used 04:33 < ws-client> i use just "c" in normal mode in vim and love it but im thinking about adding one for vscode and can not think of any good keybinding 04:37 < ws-client> okay i went with ctrl+return lets see 08:40 < bridge> I switch to another workspace super+3 where I have a term open press up and then enter xd 08:42 < ws-client> @teero777 yeye i also mostly do that but it was too slow for my ui hotreloading setup. ctrl+enter was okay 08:43 < bridge> Ah okay. Do you have your vim conf uploaded 08:43 < ws-client> i should probably finally setup my vim to have enough c++ support so it can do ddnet development 08:43 < ws-client> ctrl+enter i used in vscode 08:43 < ws-client> in vim i have c and it works like a charm 08:43 < ws-client> and ofc all my configs are open src 08:44 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/dotfiles/blob/c531bff15537581966a0d6772e61d29c4132ff2a/vscode/keybindings.json#L50-L67 08:44 < ws-client> here my vscode 08:44 < ws-client> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/dotfiles/blob/master/vimrc 08:44 < ws-client> here my vim 08:44 < ws-client> but its a huge mess 08:44 < bridge> yea I'm still stuck on vscode also. I tried neovim for a few days and I must say configuring with lua is quite intuitive but I couldn't get everything perfectly working. 08:44 < ws-client> can not recommend 08:45 < bridge> The only feature I was missing was jumping around function definitions in a source file 08:46 < ws-client> oh that i have 08:46 < ws-client> i use ctags 08:46 < bridge> Like you can do in vscode ctrl+p @ 08:46 < bridge> I'll look at it again 08:46 < ws-client> oh 08:46 < bridge> Also mutlicursor 08:46 < ws-client> that i have too 08:47 < ws-client> ctrl+p @ lists all hmm i never use that i only do ctrl+click on a method call do see its definition and i can do the same in vim. 08:47 < ws-client> ``Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'`` 08:48 < ws-client> ah wait no thats something else xd 08:48 < ws-client> ``Plug 'mg979/vim-visual-multi', {'branch': 'master'}`` 08:49 < ws-client> with a bit of config because i am arrow key enjoyer i could make this one work almost like in vscode https://github.com/mg979/vim-visual-multi 09:53 < bridge> Chiller 09:53 < bridge> Your PR looks wrong 09:54 < bridge> What u want is to check it against 0 maybe. But relative mouse can have the same relative change 09:55 < bridge> Or is the function returning the current mouse position? 09:55 < bridge> Then rename the function lmao 10:02 < bridge> morning after gym 10:36 < bridge> morning 11:15 < bridge> Oh yes I think you are right 13:28 < bridge> I can Pick Up my PC parts After Work 13:28 < bridge> gz 13:35 < bridge> Damn 13:36 < bridge> U can play tarkov then 13:36 < bridge> Oh Shit you're right 13:36 < bridge> My god i have so many Games to play 13:36 < bridge> U need windows with it :ReiTroll: 13:36 < bridge> *still plays teeworlds for 10h every day* 13:36 < bridge> U need windows for it :ReiTroll: 13:36 < bridge> :OHNOOOO: 13:39 < bridge> Wanted to sleep at work but have to do stuff in the datacenter, rip 13:39 < bridge> 2 hours of noises :KEKSad: 13:51 < ws-client> There is no way to show fps in the editor is there? If there was a big performance regression how would we even notice? 13:52 < bridge> hm I never had a look, but does the Steam fps counter match the DDNet fps counter? 14:01 < bridge> ChillerDragon: debug mode shows FPS, and the debug graphs show them in more detail (though both also influence FPS by being rendered) 14:06 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/d0f3f802e22a2a6a29ab590db46cb8bdcd83db1b/src/engine/client/client.cpp#L4286 why does 2nd param use std::move and 1st doesnt. `SetLoggers` takes 2 `std::shared_ptr&&` :\ 14:06 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/d0f3f802e22a2a6a29ab590db46cb8bdcd83db1b/src/engine/client/client.cpp#L4286 why does 2nd param use `std::move` and 1st doesnt. `SetLoggers` takes 2 `std::shared_ptr&&` :\ 14:10 < bridge> Besides the update rate it should match. And probably they use different averages ^^ 14:15 < bridge> @milkeeycat because the first pointer should be copied 14:16 < bridge> multiply fps counter in ddnet by 5 for a better impression, ||I did that before it was cool :happy:|| 15:45 < bridge> https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/02/08/Rust-1.76.0.html 15:45 < bridge> @heinrich5991 @jupeyy_keks 16:05 < bridge> Ah yeah, i remember that 16:07 < bridge> Nothing for me, but thx for sharing 17:01 < bridge> ye tame release 17:01 < bridge> wonder when 2024 edition 17:19 < bridge> btw whats up with the default language? XD 17:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1205186120212549674/image.png?ex=65d7740a&is=65c4ff0a&hm=d7ae2cd88c2f8d6d6ed0970532ce6146ba1145a8a919189f941f425b33736b04& 17:31 < bridge> i think that's the taiwan cryers 17:31 < bridge> the chinese cry that taiwan is no country 17:31 < bridge> and make negative review on steam 17:31 < bridge> such fuckers :lol: 17:33 < bridge> xDDDDD 18:44 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/7dc446e08679795f97aebbec257c3853cd9b1e30/src/engine/client/serverbrowser_http.cpp#L348 what should happen here if `m_pGetServers->State()` is `EHttpState::ERROR`? 18:52 < bridge> I guess Success should start out as pGetServers->State() != ERROR and never call ResultJson if !Success 18:53 < bridge> I guess Success should start out as `pGetServers->State() != ERROR` and never call `ResultJson` if `!Success` 18:53 < bridge> I'd say that condition should be `if(!m_pGetServers->Done())` (which is technically still the same condition) and `ResultJson` should only be called when `pGetServers->State() == EHttpState::DONE`. We still need the fallback code at the end if the task has failed. 19:29 < bridge> right now im in hardware security against side channel attacks and fault injection attacks 19:48 < bridge> guys i need help 19:48 < bridge> how tf does windows work 19:49 < bridge> no. 19:49 < bridge> idk, i use linux btw 19:49 < bridge> forced to use windows for work 19:49 < bridge> what do i do 19:50 < bridge> install virus and tell your employer: "wouldnt have happened with linux" 19:50 < bridge> good idea 19:56 < bridge> that should be enough for now 19:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1205225707157065738/up_and_running.png?ex=65d798e8&is=65c523e8&hm=1cc26bcd5cbb6c90ddd8b2b386e2274c63026d847bf9920d35a682860b1bfc60& 19:56 < bridge> time to play teeeworlds with 6K fps 19:57 < bridge> Bad work 20:45 < bridge> https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys 20:45 < bridge> https://github.com/veler/DevToys 21:10 < bridge> Ah nice thanks 23:02 < bridge> windows is fun 23:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1205272450179403916/unknown_2024.02.08-22.59_1.gif?ex=65d7c471&is=65c54f71&hm=29718b9b58b3baa940e5ec2513522f86b3fa47f726bc98139d492e04f8214a2c& 23:03 < bridge> i want my `sudo apt-get install mariadb libmariadbclient-dev` back 23:07 < bridge> Ping me when someone fix dis 23:12 < bridge> so my IDE figured that msvc build tools are required, and told me to install them, so you'd assume they set that as default, well, mingw it is - windows man 23:12 < bridge> so my IDE figured that msvc build tools are required, and told me to install them, so you'd assume they set that as the default toolchain, well, mingw it is - windows man