00:05 < bridge> You have to understand that the example allows you to modify the original source code and hot reload it. It's not meant as modding or plugin base. It's basically a full replacement. I have to go off tho. I dunno if u can figure out the idea of it by just looking at it 00:33 < bridge> nice list of references! 00:33 < bridge> you might also like the list in the wiki :) https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Resources 01:21 < bridge> Yes browser extensions are amazing and I build them frequently to combat annoying tasks on websites at work. Like replacing mouse clicks with shortcuts. 01:21 < bridge> 01:21 < bridge> What ddnet extensions do you have in mind? 01:26 < bridge> Wait do you mean extensions as in add a plugin system to ddnet or build browser extensions that are ddnet related? :D 01:26 < bridge> 01:26 < bridge> We already have extensions in ddnet: antibot 01:35 < bridge> What’s furos website? Got some url? 01:36 < bridge> ChillerDragon: https://ddstats.qwik.space/ 01:37 < bridge> maybe its down right now o.o 01:37 < bridge> ah, maybe just slow 01:39 < bridge> oh wow @furo321 you are quick :heartw: 01:39 < bridge> @corneum furo has now already implemented the better-than percentage on their site 01:41 < bridge> ok now u should make him purple 😃 02:45 < ws-client> @patiga ah i know that one. I somehow thought ryo made it lol 02:46 < ws-client> @swarfey whats the name of your js lib now? The repo is called teeworlds-client and the readme calls it tw-chatonly. https://gitlab.com/swarfey/teeworlds-client/#tw-chatonly 02:46 < ws-client> you are listed as tw-chatonly here and it seems wrong https://github.com/tee-community/awesome-tee/tree/bbc4e04a4c7a53de3b2ba218948f7fb74fcf79fb#javascript--typescript- 02:47 < ws-client> sounds like underselling since you can also do snaps 03:23 < ws-client> what is https://strct.cc/ 03:44 < ws-client> ah ye right i knew i know the domain. its the ddnet discord archive 08:31 < bridge> xd 08:41 < bridge> Full already :( 08:51 < bridge> chiller its zwelf domain 08:52 < bridge> cuz im playing duos rn it won't letyou join 08:52 < bridge> fuuuck 08:52 < bridge> fortnite sux 08:52 < bridge> squads now 08:52 < bridge> join up @blaiszephyr 08:52 < bridge> trios now 09:00 < bridge> Ye got it 09:03 < bridge> ChillerDragon: yeh i renamed it when i moved from github to gitlab 09:03 < bridge> chiller join up 09:03 < bridge> play fortnite 09:03 < bridge> And i didnt change anything 09:16 < bridge> Ah gg i didnt See and i have Work now :saddyteddy: 09:53 < ws-client> @Ewan i do not plan to start playing more closed source games. Bad enough i play csgo and minecraft 09:54 < ws-client> @swarfey so the readme is outdated then? https://gitlab.com/swarfey/teeworlds-client/#tw-chatonly 10:00 < bridge> Lmao chiller ahead of his time 10:12 < bridge> fun games 10:25 < bridge> Damn 10:25 < bridge> This Guy OS's 10:31 < bridge> yo ChillerDragon wanna play cs sometime? 10:34 < ws-client> i kinda rq since the new update feels like 2fps but sure we can play in december when im back in the same ping zone :D 10:35 < ws-client> @patiga * 10:35 < bridge> wanna play minecraft sometime 10:35 < ws-client> sure 10:35 < bridge> Pog 10:35 < ws-client> ah rip i turned off my server 10:36 < ws-client> my mc server was home hosted 10:36 < bridge> i never had issues on my vps when using paper so i just did that 10:36 < ws-client> i had two issues with vps 10:36 < ws-client> one was cpu and the other was disk 10:37 < bridge> yeah shared cpu really blows 10:37 < ws-client> i just can not afford 2tb ssd vps with 4ghz cpu 10:37 < bridge> yeah 10:37 < ws-client> and if you wanna do a lil minecrafting without rules you need those specs quickly 10:37 < ws-client> not to mention the 32gb ram 10:37 < bridge> yea 10:37 < bridge> i could host on my pc tbh 10:37 < bridge> i got the 64g ram and ryzen 7900x 10:37 < ws-client> lets meet on 2b2t 10:38 < bridge> lol 10:38 < ws-client> im only a few mil out 10:38 < bridge> i played on it one time 10:38 < ws-client> its the best server 10:38 < ws-client> kinda cring they started to do some rule like shinanigan troling 10:39 < bridge> yea 10:39 < ws-client> but still the best place for online gaming 10:39 < bridge> should someone set a server up 10:39 < bridge> i really do wanna play 10:39 < bridge> love minecraft 10:39 < ws-client> i dont see my self playing much rn tbh 10:39 < bridge> fair enough 10:40 < ws-client> i wanna cross of a bit shit from my todos while online and also am doing some offline things 10:40 < ws-client> but in a few weeks i might be done for a few days of 24/7 #developer vanilla gaming 10:40 < ws-client> down* 11:04 < bridge> 2b2t is mid 11:05 < bridge> @edrub 11:19 < bridge> holy shit scrumplex i didn't realize you signed the prism builds (?) 11:20 < bridge> i just see ur name pop up on my screen when im trying to do entirely ddnet unrelated shit 11:20 < bridge> setting up a minecraft... 11:25 < ws-client> wtf 11:25 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707215120.png 11:26 < ws-client> @Ewan yes scrumplex is fakin minecraft famous 11:26 < ws-client> @cyberFighter name anything better than 2b2t 11:28 < bridge> lol 11:28 < bridge> Don't worry! You won't have to see my name anymore for the next releases because my codesigning certificate will expire in a few days and getting a new one will cost us like 300 USD 11:29 < bridge> messed up 11:29 < bridge> I hate Apple's anti-consumer and anti-competitive practices 11:29 < bridge> But their code signing is so easy and cheap compared to Windows 11:29 < bridge> But their code signing and notarization for macOS is so easy and cheap compared to Windows 11:29 < bridge> yeah 11:30 < bridge> actually the ms store will sign your code for you if you publish there 11:30 < bridge> but you would still have unsigned regular builds 11:30 < bridge> we might do that 11:30 < bridge> but yeah this sucks 11:31 < bridge> no way around it unfortunately 11:31 < bridge> need let's encrypt but for app signing 11:31 < bridge> dfodes that exist 11:31 < bridge> й фдд 11:31 < ws-client> is this even english? 11:31 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707215489.png 11:32 < bridge> GithubPT 11:32 < bridge> lol making problems out of nowhere 11:32 < bridge> just use gpg like everyone 11:32 < bridge> and provide a checksum 11:53 < bridge> literally everything else 12:16 < ws-client> fck im banned on github ... again 12:16 < bridge> chillerdragon what did u do? 12:17 < ws-client> create a fresh account and then use it to open 50 pullrequests within 2 minutes 12:17 < bridge> deserved 12:17 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 12:17 < ws-client> it was legit 12:17 < bridge> uhhh 12:17 < bridge> why do that 12:18 < ws-client> its not finished since i am banned ... 12:18 < ws-client> so i rather not share it until i get it to work xd 12:18 < bridge> i thought ur main got banned 12:18 < ws-client> yikes my main 12:18 < ws-client> that would be realllly bad 12:19 < bridge> just fork all your projects and youre good 12:19 < ws-client> fork where? 12:19 < ws-client> fork when? 12:19 < bridge> can you see the account when its blocked? :thonk: 12:19 < ws-client> its shadow banned rn 12:19 < ws-client> i see all from within the acc from outside its 404 12:20 < ws-client> but you can also get proper locked out also had that already 12:20 < ws-client> same thing happend also to swarfey 12:21 < ws-client> I opened a ticket with the support if they do not get it sorted within 24h I will increase my efforts to become less dependent on github 12:21 < bridge> time to host own github 12:21 < bridge> to create as many account as you want 12:21 < bridge> > create a fresh account and then use it to open 50 pullrequests within 2 minutes 12:21 < bridge> doesn't sound legit 12:21 < ws-client> @milkeeycat i created a bunch of forks to github.com/ChillerDragon2 and a bunch of them to gitlab.com but they are always outdated 12:22 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 yes i totally understand how the ban kicked in seems like a working spam protection 12:22 < ws-client> but i mean my use case was legit it was not spam, malicious intent or harm in any way 12:23 < bridge> what did you want to do? 12:23 < ws-client> omg do i really have to spill the beans now? 12:24 < bridge> yea pls very curious 12:24 < bridge> no\ 12:24 < ws-client> you gonna hate the idea anways xd and then you manage to discourage me so far that i never finish it 12:24 < ws-client> i didnt wanna cause any secrecy here just wanted to blow off some github steam xd 12:25 < bridge> I'm betting on chat via openingn PRs 12:25 < ws-client> lmao 12:25 < ws-client> i had the idea once to add a /issue command to my game server still think its a cool idea :D 12:26 < bridge> heinrich why do u have to be so difficult? 12:26 < ws-client> for non technical users to do quick bug reports in game 12:26 < ws-client> @Ewan wats difficult 12:26 < bridge> #7691 12:26 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7691 12:27 < ws-client> oh ur first pr? 12:27 < bridge> no 12:27 < ws-client> "I think this feature is a bit hard for a first-time pull request." 12:27 < bridge> it's neither 12:27 < bridge> hard or my first pr 12:28 < ws-client> send first pr 12:28 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6727 12:28 < bridge> it technically works very well 12:28 < bridge> but it's not feature complete 12:28 < bridge> you think accounts will be a bit hard for a first-time pull request? 12:29 < ws-client> heinrich can indeed be a bit of a pain in the ass if you wanna contribute to ddnet <:justatest:572499997178986510> but he is also the reason i can sleep during the night knowing nobody will add garbage to the ddnet codebase xd 12:29 < bridge> he's just being intentionally backwards 12:30 < bridge> declaring things a certain way but not elaborating 12:30 < ws-client> @Ewan the trick is you need to wait until heinrich sleeps then ping deen to check if he is here. Quickly open the pr. deen merges on average in under 24 seconds and maybe heinrich never notices it axaxax 12:30 < bridge> that is the best i can hope for 12:30 < bridge> but i do not want to have to undermine people 12:30 < bridge> i just want everyone to have the best interest of ddnet in mind 12:30 < bridge> :kek: sneakydragon 12:30 < ws-client> works 7/10 12:30 < bridge> heinrich obviously does not 12:31 < bridge> Yep, I agree 12:31 < bridge> I explained why I consider the current state of the PR a hack 12:32 < bridge> your explanation makes no sense 12:32 < bridge> namely that it touches a physics routine deeply down in order to create a "rescue on kill" 12:32 < bridge> that should really not be necessary 12:32 < bridge> how else do you expect it to happen 12:32 < bridge> I also explained that 12:33 < bridge> your only explanation there was that you never thought about that 12:33 < bridge> in addition to that, I also explained why I don't want the feature at all 12:33 < bridge> (in its current form, I gave an alternative that could be implemented) 12:33 < bridge> your alternative idea sounds much worse 12:34 < bridge> Besides the problems on the PR. Most ppl don't want to press additional keys to respawn. It simply sucks 12:34 < ws-client> I thought its mostly me arguing with you @heinrich5991 you so seem to do it more than i expected. How are you holding up? Please do not rage quit ._. or can you handle it well? 12:34 < bridge> I think you are the only one wanting it that way 12:34 < bridge> Practice is really just to not take the game serious 12:35 < bridge> I'd assume you mean the high-level think, @jupeyy_keks? I'd assume you also don't want the high-level feature to be implemented in a way that doesn't touch the low-level physics component? 12:35 < bridge> I'd assume you mean the high-level thing, @jupeyy_keks? I'd assume you also don't want the high-level feature to be implemented in a way that doesn't touch the low-level physics component? 12:35 < bridge> As said not judging about the code 12:35 < bridge> ah, didn't read that note, sorry 12:35 < bridge> also there's not even a rift like you're saying 12:35 < bridge> I would Just call it a day when roby/Heinrich and or deen say they dont want the Feature, or request Things to be Changed - keep in Mind they have been overlooking ddnet for a Long Time, they know what theyre talking about. Why are people so demanding about certain Things :pepeW: 12:36 < bridge> Just Change it or call it a day 12:36 < bridge> why do you capitalize random words in the sentence 12:36 < bridge> it makes it very hard to read 12:36 < bridge> German autocorrect 12:36 < bridge> "nobody will add garbage to the ddnet codebase" and then we got public `CCharacter::m_MoveRestrictions` which violates basic OOP ideas and led to bugs which we now have to keep (https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5259). 12:37 < bridge> I mean that personally I strongly tend to develop a software rather than making a game, and better code review and code quality will payoff by less bugs and easier features implementations. There is a lot of inherited issues, we don't need to contributes to that. 12:37 < bridge> the thing it replaced was much worse 😅 12:37 < bridge> Yeah, I clearly see it ❤️ 12:37 < bridge> What was the problem for this PR anyway? It looks rather simple 12:37 < bridge> i don't understand how else you would want me to implement this 12:38 < bridge> Bro, ddnet server code is the worst code base in existence :lol: 12:38 < bridge> heinrich has an issue with the in-game effects even though literally everyone else i've ever heard talk about it feels differently 12:38 < ws-client> yea wopsies happen sure @kaffeine0 but ddnet is the most bug free software i run. Maybe with or after the linux kernel. 12:38 < bridge> OOP is a scam perpetrated by satan in order to decrease code quality 12:38 < ws-client> nothing else is that stable 12:38 < bridge> Code wise I agree with Heinrich 12:38 < bridge> Why Not Just 100% riir 12:38 < bridge> about what 12:38 < bridge> I thought u meant only the feature itself 12:39 < bridge> i don't see what's wrong with the way it's coded right now, nobody has suggested an alternative so i'm kind of lost there 12:39 < ws-client> its haters 12:39 < bridge> there's no rift between high level feature / low level spot in code 12:39 < bridge> That we shouldn't make bad code even less intuitive by hooking random stuff. I'd not blame your code tho 12:39 < bridge> it's just the way it has to work to not skip a tick 12:39 < bridge> it's not hooking or random 12:39 < bridge> it's completely unobtrusive 12:40 < bridge> did you see the code 12:40 < bridge> Yes but the problem isn't your pr 12:40 < bridge> The problem is that the code sucks now 12:40 < bridge> It's not the cleanest but it is quite simple, when touch killtile if practice rescue else die 12:40 < bridge> Yes that's how all features are built 12:40 < bridge> Until it some day breaks 12:41 < bridge> 😬 12:41 < bridge> in `CCharacter::HandleSkippableTiles` you call `Die` or `Rescue` depending on some team state. instead of handling it in the kill routine itself 12:41 < bridge> the only other thing that would have to happen for it to be completely functional and light on the servers in every circumstance is to change the rescue behavior to not rescue if the tee is in danger of being killed by external forces 12:41 < bridge> why would i handle it htere 12:41 < bridge> we are only intending to handle kill tile related deaths 12:41 < bridge> because then you don't have to handle every call site of it 12:41 < bridge> and there is no descriptor for kill tile deaths past world hazard 12:41 < bridge> so we can't detect it in that routine 12:41 < ws-client> did it get lost in replies or did you ignore my question on how you are? @heinrich5991 -.- 12:41 < bridge> Im fine thanks 12:41 < bridge> he has selective hearing 12:42 < bridge> he only hears what he likes 12:42 < bridge> ChillerDragon: thought you were talking to Ewan 12:42 < ws-client> no i meant you 12:42 < bridge> Ewan you tend to get aggressive when people disagree with that 12:42 < bridge> Ewan you tend to get aggressive when people disagree with you 12:42 < bridge> i tend to get aggressive when people act irrationally 12:42 < bridge> You could probably add a death reason enum and wire it up to die. But honestly it's overengineered, we only want to handle 1 kind of death anyway 12:43 < bridge> (we already have a death reason enum, I think) 12:43 < ws-client> we need to store deaths in a redis queue 12:43 < bridge> yes and the entire point is to avoid triggering any sort of dying code 12:43 < bridge> Store them in sqlite, i agree 12:43 < bridge> as to,,, not die 12:43 < bridge> No, we should send them to a central server through a message queue and mods can rescue remotely if they determine the death reason to be a kill tile 12:43 < ws-client> oke ima go to the beach i just ask you later again :p @heinrich5991 12:44 < bridge> ChillerDragon: I'm holding up well, I think. sometimes I think, we need better moderation of some things. something you disagree with 12:44 < bridge> ChillerDragon: was just typing 12:44 < ws-client> still saw it 12:44 < ws-client> nice to hear 12:44 < bridge> hf chiller ;) 12:45 < bridge> Gl chiller, dont get to Brown 12:45 < bridge> lol what does that mean 12:45 < bridge> where's brown 12:45 < bridge> Its a Sunny day on the beach, dont want His White ass to get sunburn 12:45 < bridge> oh 12:45 < bridge> too brown 12:45 < bridge> Tbf in this case, it's always a single if, the question is whether it happens in `CCharacter::HandleSkippableTiles` or `CCharacter::Die` 12:45 < bridge> @mpft 12:45 < bridge> 12:45 < bridge> I honestly haven't read your full pr: 12:45 < bridge> 12:46 < bridge> - for me a death event always means that the character is gone. That's my intuitive understanding 12:46 < bridge> 12:46 < bridge> If you want other logic for kill tiles you should handle it in a function that makes clear that this isn't a death. 12:46 < bridge> `WEAPON_WORLD` seems like the appropriate death event to catch 12:46 < bridge> Or I guess another level of indirection, sure. But that's even more complexity for such a simple thing 12:46 < bridge> it'd make even sense for the other call site that @mpft didn't convert 12:46 < bridge> what about /kill? 12:47 < bridge> im not trying to have it rescue on any world weapon death 12:47 < bridge> just kill tiles 12:47 < bridge> You need a new `WEAPON_KILLTILE`, which would get translated back to `WEAPON_WORLD` :/ 12:47 < bridge> that's `WEAPON_GAME` 12:47 < bridge> why? 12:47 < bridge> WEAPON_WORLD seems appropriate 12:48 < bridge> wait wat 12:48 < bridge> I don't have the code up, but is `WEAPON_WORLD` only killtiles? 12:48 < bridge> ok then i agree with ewan actually 12:48 < bridge> i think i missunderstood what your idea was vs ewans 12:48 < bridge> it should ofc not be handled inside Die 12:48 < bridge> yes! because you are not dying 12:48 < bridge> yeah sry @mpft 12:49 < bridge> I checked. there are a couple of more call sites, most make sense for the rescue on practice thing 12:49 < bridge> the ones that aren't should probably not be `WEAPON_WORLD` anyway, because it's not the world letting you die 12:49 < bridge> Well, if you think of `Die` as a command to the tee that it can refuse, it might make sense 😄 12:49 < bridge> it's like `Freeze` 12:49 < bridge> you don't handle super in every call site of `Freeze` 12:49 < bridge> you handle it inside the `Freeze` function 12:50 < bridge> this is the only call site we want to act on 12:50 < bridge> yep that's why super how it is build sucks 12:50 < bridge> WEAPON_WORLD has 3 reasons: KillTile, "age" (Character StartTime > Server()->Tick()), and StartTile in certain Team states. 12:50 < bridge> AGE, and StartTile while saving should be `WEAPON_GAME` 12:50 < bridge> I wonder if rescue would work after tick restart 😄 12:50 < bridge> no you die instantly 12:50 < bridge> that's why this is basically the only way to do it 12:50 < bridge> without major surgery 12:51 < bridge> wdym, you can change the reasons 12:51 < bridge> that's not major surgery 12:51 < bridge> I feel like I'm being ignored 😦 12:51 < bridge> sorry 12:51 < bridge> i dont want to make you feel that way 12:51 < bridge> IMHO the problem is: 12:51 < bridge> 12:51 < bridge> we handle tile events directly 12:51 < bridge> 12:51 < bridge> instead we should return a list of events that happened to the tee and then handle it cleanly all at once 12:51 < bridge> the kill tile should not decide if it actually kills 12:51 < bridge> if you can guarantee that changing the weapon won't cause a behavior discrepancy across versions i can go for that 12:51 < bridge> you can think of those "events" as the method calls to the character 12:52 < bridge> but then the die call knows about the character 12:52 < bridge> that is already bad imo 12:52 < bridge> it should only know about the shape of the caracter and it's own shape and what event it can cause 12:53 < bridge> modularity for the win 12:53 < bridge> in OOP speak, calling methods is actually "sending messages" btw 12:53 < bridge> (Infclass actually uses such "refuse to die" trick and it works well; https://github.com/infclass/teeworlds-infclassR/blob/19ba18f65f98ee3f95ab0d301b7d84a801aa4a39/src/game/server/infclass/entities/infccharacter.cpp#L1837) 12:53 < bridge> yeah OOP sucks, if done like that 😂 12:53 < bridge> I think you mean `HandleTiles`, `Die` has to know what a character is and which character it's acting on to kill it 12:54 < bridge> think hierarchically, think modular 12:54 < bridge> 12:54 < bridge> a character can know about kill tiles, but then a kill tile can't know about character 12:54 < bridge> I think changing the death reasons will not cause problems 12:54 < bridge> This is like the one part of OOP that doesn't suck wym? 😄 12:55 < bridge> depends, i don't directly mean that Die should not know it, but the kill tile logic should not know about die 12:55 < bridge> i think it's extremly bad 12:55 < bridge> Methods? 12:55 < bridge> in dd-pg that's the main reason i struggle to adopt vanilla code 12:55 < bridge> no, the way all logic knows about every other logic 12:55 < bridge> with that you can very hard to read code 12:56 < bridge> black penis 12:56 < bridge> any `Die` function should be responsible for character deaths, but should stay decoupled 12:56 < bridge> Yeah, this is how I would do it if I was the one making it 12:56 < bridge> Ah, I see what you mean. Yesh that is not great 12:56 < bridge> i prefer to sometimes take the black pill and push events to an upper component to let this decide 12:56 < bridge> real 12:56 < bridge> :( 12:56 < bridge> Nooooo 12:56 < bridge> 😦 12:56 < bridge> He was contributing to the discussion 12:56 < bridge> mod striked again :( 12:56 < bridge> 😭 12:57 < bridge> it wasnt hurting nobody 12:58 < bridge> I'm out for now, other stuff calls 12:58 < bridge> This is also good design. But changing the entire tile handling is a little out of the scope of this PR. And is very risky, we can break physics 12:58 < bridge> black pencil 12:58 < bridge> yes, that's why i told ewan it's not his fault xDD 12:58 < bridge> but tbh i compltely missread the whole convo from start xD 12:58 < bridge> one thing is clear: i hate mobile devices 12:58 < bridge> rule nr. 69 on DDNet = even while fixing physic bugs or similar physic related things is fairly easy and can be done fast - we do NOT touch physics - ever - under any circumstances (atleast not before ddnet 2.0 comes out) 12:59 < bridge> Nope, there is another option. KillTile does not have to know about the character. There is a third object (GameController) which knows about the character and about the tiles, and then it can inform the character that it is dying for a reason R. I do it like that in Infclass (https://github.com/infclass/teeworlds-infclassR/blob/19ba18f65f98ee3f95ab0d301b7d84a801aa4a39/src/game/server/infclass/infcgamecontroller.cpp#L529) 12:59 < bridge> yep, could work 12:59 < bridge> isnt that a thing already? where functions like `die` dont know about the actual player's identity or state, but rather knows about his physical presence? or am i confusing myself 13:00 < bridge> if handle tiles is nice in character is a different topic anyway 😄 13:00 < bridge> 13:00 < bridge> maybe other entities want the same logic 😄 13:01 < bridge> to me if i'd mod, i'd expect tiles to know about shape of itself and some entity. then it can say "yo bro, i got hit" 13:01 < bridge> 🩷 🩷 🩷 ❤️ 13:02 < bridge> 💚 13:02 < bridge> Note: in teeworlds-0.7 the kill tiles handling is moved to Collision: https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/commit/4880ec002fc8bdc41022ea486f68681317b7f256#diff-d76009083687ba43c59dc7bb2c7357457c999c2eb9d913967d598e913c6fd01f 13:03 < bridge> i think Ewan's feature will be a great addition and QoL when the discussion about code hierarchy is set, and it can be changed accordingly (if even neccessary) - because that's what seems to be worrying heinrich the most(?) 13:03 < bridge> well, my break is over since 30 minutes, back to work i guess 13:04 < bridge> i like the feature too, but i don't review ddnet server prs and don't want to judge about them generally xdd 13:04 < bridge> my brain can't handle it 13:04 < bridge> just RiiR and Ryo will take over 13:04 < bridge> ez 13:04 < bridge> no more python scripts, no more C 13:04 < bridge> am i in heaven? 13:04 < bridge> 13:05 < bridge> ddnet 2.0 is set to be 100% Rust, ddnet 3.0 will be 100% Edlang 13:05 < bridge> letsgoo 13:05 < bridge> ez 13:06 < bridge> sadly voxel rq, he was team ddnet 2.0 13:06 < bridge> team ddnet 2.0 while he hated on rust infront of me an ryo? damn maybe i shouldnt have bullied him away 13:06 < bridge> now only teams left are: 13:06 < bridge> - heinrich & learath 13:06 < bridge> - robsterbyte & me 13:06 < bridge> - zwelf & patiga 13:06 < bridge> you forgot me and @nouaa 13:06 < bridge> (he promised) 13:06 < bridge> nice 13:07 < bridge> is it true that ddnet 2.0 come with account system ? 13:07 < bridge> we'll see 13:07 < bridge> what's the prize for winners? 13:07 < bridge> depends on which team finished first 13:07 < bridge> endless pride & glory 13:07 < bridge> i feel like we have 20 contributors, and we're just waiting for an initial commit XD 13:07 < bridge> in other words nothing? 13:08 < bridge> i want to win bcs of this awesome prize 13:08 < bridge> which team are in account system side ? 13:08 < bridge> i am generally in, but not high prio 13:08 < bridge> oh god please dont start an account discussion :monkaStop: not again 13:08 < bridge> realistically, if learath would just do centralized "normal" account system, then this is most likely 13:08 < bridge> if you win ill have ur tee skin above my bed 13:08 < bridge> that motivates me by 300% 13:09 < bridge> 0 * 300% = 0 tho 13:09 < bridge> ah gg 13:09 < bridge> after account system ddnet database get reset am i right ? 13:09 < bridge> i mean it will be there coz you will be famous 13:09 < bridge> that's not set either 13:09 < bridge> reset defenitely not. maybe a season 2 would come, if at all 13:09 < bridge> i think that once was the original plan 13:09 < bridge> hmm make sense 13:09 < bridge> the thought about it was there, and so many people f4'd on deen's announcement about it the idea got dumped immediatly 13:10 < bridge> no, deen simply forgot he has a child and wife and life 13:10 < bridge> i think many ppl actually wanted smth like that 13:16 < bridge> do you have a link to the original announcement? 13:16 < bridge> i was just looking for it, but i forgot deen's wording and forgot when he said that lmao 13:17 < bridge> same xdd 13:17 < bridge> or he deleted it 13:20 < bridge> could be xD 13:20 < bridge> lol 13:20 < bridge> Season 2 was planned to be all set up before my kid was born, but then I got lazy again 13:20 < bridge> :kek: thats totally understandable 13:20 < bridge> :kek: 13:20 < bridge> ez 13:21 < bridge> congrats tho 13:21 < bridge> Thanks 13:21 < bridge> to his child which was born exactly on the day when ddnet was released? 13:21 < bridge> I also started a new job around that time, now that I think about it 13:21 < bridge> yes congrats to planing it this accurately xdd 13:22 < bridge> aw yeah, everything's coming together 13:23 < bridge> I have an idea for ddnet 2.0 let me send it 13:23 < bridge> I actually remember there were much more f3 than f4 13:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1204402221157056512/2024-02-06_15-51-30.mkv?ex=65d499fa&is=65c224fa&hm=bf4a122f453c82c8ca0f4232b79589b81dafeddb043bad8fa36f29cfaf2fdb3d& 13:24 < bridge> Post as webm 13:24 < bridge> it should be mp4 to be playable on discord right ? 13:24 < bridge> ok 13:25 < bridge> Subset of mkv 13:25 < bridge> add it onto the github discussion :) #3411 13:25 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/3411 13:25 < bridge> it's not about account 13:25 < bridge> Mp4 good yes 13:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1204402952568049684/2024-02-06_15-51-30_x264.mp4?ex=65d49aa8&is=65c225a8&hm=2d8005a72b2f7d9a969c0e9c04d0d2e73e40e73394c7166753bce3a0251c309c& 13:28 < bridge> respect for the music, but was.. that.. your suggestion? :P 13:28 < bridge> Lmao 13:28 < bridge> able to see each other gameskin and emoticon in case that exist in assets otherwise show as default 13:28 < bridge> Ah 13:28 < bridge> ah 13:28 < bridge> Dd pg will have it 13:28 < bridge> ^ 13:29 < bridge> Support team robyte and me then 13:29 < bridge> 😏 13:29 < bridge> is it possible to ddnet have it ? 13:29 < bridge> Sure 13:29 < bridge> can we have ddnet run doom @jupeyy_keks ? 13:29 < bridge> I think that will work yes 13:30 < bridge> that client that i test it is old version before ddnet add it's own assets tab in settings 13:30 < bridge> With the unsafe graphics modules you could also create a 3d game I think 13:37 < bridge> I created this card in 0XF todo list about a year ago xd 13:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1204405424997146634/image.png?ex=65d49cf6&is=65c227f6&hm=d2ef86fa605e314c5a5b0cc31b37d2c0b632826a3350214d487208b6192bf30a& 13:37 < bridge> :kek: 13:42 < bridge> anyone ever use graalvm native image 13:42 < bridge> trying to make a native paper image for the fun of it 13:42 < bridge> building is borked on windows 13:42 < bridge> so i had to bust out the wsl to apply the patches 13:42 < bridge> fingers crossed 13:48 < bridge> @chairn can u remind me what u were researching? (hardware related) 14:24 < bridge> if you want to help build authentic DDNet in Rust, you could help @zwelf2 at https://gitlab.com/ddnet-rs/twgame with reimplementing the physics accurately. Zwelf has extensive tests (more than 1000) for all kinds of physics interactions, even for many components which are not implemented yet. Easiest way to start is probably dming Zwelf directly or opening an issue on how to best contribute :) 14:25 < bridge> I think it was related to voltage glitching 14:26 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ do you know BeaR/cinaera ? 14:28 < ws-client> i think he told me once he was working on vulkan stuff but not sure. 14:33 < bridge> I've heard of them 14:49 < bridge> Have you heard of ChillerDragon? 15:17 < bridge> No, only ws-client 15:32 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ @patiga pls build something like this for tw ui https://jsfiddle.net/ I wanna update this float and see live updates in my browser ``View.VSplitRight(15.0f, &NumberPicker, &FindEmptySlot);`` thanks 15:34 < bridge> I'll let jup take this one 15:34 < bridge> 🏃 15:36 < ws-client> big F 15:36 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707230197.png 15:37 < bridge> Rust is no script lang. But ddpg offers hot reload 15:37 < ws-client> ye hot reload is nice and all 15:37 < bridge> So u can at least see changes without requiring to restart 15:37 < ws-client> but i want fiddle 15:37 < bridge> chillerdragon: i u want do, do it :santatrollet: 15:37 < bridge> chillerdragon: if u want do, do it :santatrollet: 15:37 < ws-client> i want only 4 lines of code and share snippets in here 15:37 < bridge> chillerdragon: if u want it, do it :santatrollet: 15:37 < bridge> Then write rust scriptlang 15:38 < ws-client> just hotcompile wasm with wasm 15:38 < ws-client> cant be that hard 15:38 < ws-client> axaxax 15:39 < ws-client> @milkeeycat dude im not wgpu wasm whatever rust in the browser C++ in the browser pro like them 15:39 < bridge> write it in js :gigachad: 15:39 < ws-client> if i would do it i would fake it with html classes that emulate the tw ui code 15:39 < ws-client> yes in js xd 15:41 < bridge> Lmao 15:41 < bridge> Why do you even need it 15:41 < ws-client> to play with ui code 15:42 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1707230532.png 15:42 < ws-client> look at this big F 15:42 < ws-client> i wanna quickly fiddle around to manage to get it into row 3 15:43 < ws-client> or wait actually the N 15:43 < ws-client> dude everything is messed up fk it ima go sleep 15:44 < bridge> rq 16:22 < bridge> rq 16:25 < bridge> rj 16:26 < bridge> Chillerdragon ah nice, you also editor coder now 16:26 < bridge> Editor always had no devs, now it has millions 16:58 < bridge> My PC will arrive soon :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: 17:04 < bridge> :feelsamazingman: 17:35 < bridge> i can finally compile ddnet in 2 seconds - letsgoooooo 17:54 < bridge> u already built it? 17:54 < bridge> fast & furious 17:55 < bridge> oh na i meant like when it arrives lol 17:55 < bridge> wording hard 18:02 < bridge> but does it arrive today 18:02 < bridge> or soon™️ 18:02 < bridge> xd 18:25 < bridge> this xD ill post a pic when its here 18:28 < bridge> deen approved? :O 18:28 < bridge> deen approved? :P 19:16 < bridge> so in 3 weeks xdd 19:16 < bridge> DHL is actually pretty decent :( 19:16 < bridge> i guess 1 or 2 days 19:54 < bridge> eh, no, you can't 19:55 < bridge> sadly 19:56 < bridge> i'll prove it! 19:56 < bridge> ! 20:03 < bridge> rip pr 20:05 < bridge> :poggers2: 20:09 < bridge> @milkeeycat why u troll on gh bro. no spam no mail 20:46 < bridge> why not :feelsbadman: 20:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1204513519094071377/image.png?ex=65d501a1&is=65c28ca1&hm=b66d9ab5965b2df000d2f4ea03a5b1e61392958df5892875e2a2c5d6a91443d6& 20:48 < bridge> @milkeeycat every commit i see from you is troll xDDD 20:58 < bridge> that's exactly what the commit does. 20:58 < bridge> except foe Beasty still staying 20:58 < bridge> for 21:16 < bridge> most sane @milkeeycat's pr 21:18 < bridge> beatz dummy 21:24 < bridge> lies 21:24 < bridge> maybe 21:25 < bridge> I misread, thought it way Beasty, not Beast 21:25 < bridge> both dummy 21:25 < bridge> beatz and Beast 22:05 < bridge> The Ubuntu workflows are hanging in the CI after the line `http: task done: https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json` in the log :monkaS: 22:30 < bridge> what does hot reload mean in this context? does it keep the state or is it more like a map change? 22:35 < bridge> and they're still passing? 22:36 < bridge> Seems like they make no progress, not sure if merging is possible :/ 22:37 < bridge> I'd consider it a problem if they still passed ^^ 22:56 < bridge> that depends on how you code it but for ui it doesnt keep the state