01:09 < bridge> @jxsl13: you work on ddnet-insta stat boards? I am half done with that .\_. 01:17 < bridge> rude @bencie. I will no longer accidentally read your name as „be nice“ 01:20 < bridge> the pause command was used in ddnet tournaments to allow everyone to download the map before starting. And we use it heavily in ddnet-insta to pause pvp games and it works well c: 01:24 < bridge> Yes every windows version is bad and gets a bad rap. Spying increases with every version as far as I know. But every somewhat second version is especially bad. So windows 8 and windows 11 have a worse rap than 7 and 10. 01:28 < bridge> This is why we have to build foss league of legends using ddnet game engine. To give lol gamers a choice that respects their privacy and freedom. 01:30 < bridge> wtf I did not know that. But now system.c makes more sense hehe. Do you have some links for that event happening? 01:31 < bridge> What’s vanilla support? 01:31 < bridge> Ah physics nvm 02:45 < bridge> league of tees 04:00 < ws-client> hmm i implemented the habit of adding todo comments i wonder if it gets out of hand 04:01 < ws-client> i created a simple method that takes a string does one for loop and returns a value. Only for that method I added two TODO comments and one issue on github .. 04:01 < ws-client> somehow i started using it to justify writing bad code and pushing it straight to master :D 04:01 < ws-client> ``// TODO: at least i know its bad`` 04:14 < ws-client> @fokkonaut @Jupstar ✪ @milkeeycat showing messages on https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ is now an optional plugin make sure it is activated if you want to see messages. 04:14 < ws-client> since displaying messages in a chat app is clearly bloat and should be made configurable to not happen at all 04:15 < bridge> yeah the main functionality of a chat app would be to see who's typing 04:15 < ws-client> uhm .. that can also be turned off <:justatest:572499997178986510> 04:16 < bridge> the main functionality of a chat app should be to collect data* 04:16 < bridge> :) 04:16 < ws-client> that indeed can not be turned off! :D 04:17 < bridge> gotcha 06:15 < bridge> chillerdragon: did u see those replies? xd 07:13 < bridge> chillerdragon: 07:17 < bridge> chillerdragon: remember i registered on your files hosting service? That account should rly work for chat as well :Pepechill: 07:17 < bridge> Pls fix 07:17 < bridge> Or maybe it works and i just don't remember credentials 07:17 < bridge> Can't tell 07:22 < ws-client> file hosting? you mean opentube video thingy @Anime.pdf ye i have like a zillion dbs with passwords. I am procrastinating to build my own zentral account solution maybe even oauth 07:23 < ws-client> just use the same password for now on register and it also works lmao 07:25 < bridge> It's funny that you actually use the web chat more now 07:27 < ws-client> 200ping ssh can just not compete with locally predicted browser textboxes 07:37 < bridge> morning 07:41 < bridge> mornin 07:41 < bridge> raining here :pepeW: 08:00 < bridge> chillerdragon: i dont have code to register 08:13 < bridge> woah my pc was in the future 08:13 < bridge> by 40 seconds 08:13 < bridge> forgot to set chonyd service on boot xd 08:13 < bridge> forgot to set crhonyd service on boot xd 08:13 < bridge> ``` 08:14 < bridge> guru/games-action/ddnet on  dev [$⇡] took 2s 08:14 < bridge> ❯ git push 08:14 < bridge> Enumerating objects: 9, done. 08:14 < bridge> Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done. 08:14 < bridge> Delta compression using up to 16 threads 08:14 < bridge> Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done. 08:14 < bridge> Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 1.35 KiB | 1.35 MiB/s, done. 08:14 < bridge> Total 5 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 08:14 < bridge> remote: Push certificate time is too skew (sign-nonce). 08:14 < bridge> remote: It's possible your system clock is off by up to 50 seconds vs limit 30 08:14 < bridge> remote: Run NTP, pull & rebase your commits if needed, and push again. 08:14 < bridge> remote: ---cut-here--- 08:14 < bridge> remote: certificate version 0.1 08:14 < bridge> remote: pusher A526411959A794FE 1706771467 +0100 08:14 < bridge> remote: pushee git.gentoo.org:repo/proj/guru.git 08:14 < bridge> remote: nonce 1706771417-02f371ec4c754c35b70034f005cca50294f476a6 08:14 < bridge> ``` 08:14 < bridge> by more than a min? 08:15 < bridge> Maximum limit 30, i wonder how github will display that, like changes were committed 30 seconds in the future? 08:31 < bridge> no, I do not 08:31 < bridge> @learath2 tried https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode ? 08:31 < bridge> i cant cuz it depends on libsystemd lol 08:41 < ws-client> when you google a simple js question. And the first answer on SO says "just read the webkit source code duh" and thats all 08:41 < ws-client> bruv 08:42 < ws-client> @Anime.pdf the secret sign up token is: nimrocks 08:44 < ws-client> nice 08:45 < ws-client> you should change buttons styles to more button-ish <:justatest:572499997178986510> 08:54 < ws-client> ye i know @Animepdf discord has them blue it should look like there 08:54 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ your approach to blazingly moddable insipired me to write modular code :3 08:55 < ws-client> your message pinging jupstar pinged me too 08:55 < ws-client> wtf? 08:55 < ws-client> ah ye 08:55 < ws-client> because its one message 08:55 < ws-client> fix fix fix or else.... 08:55 < ws-client> no bug 08:55 < ws-client> its a feature 08:55 < ws-client> <:pepedead:773232467658145822> 08:56 < ws-client> Basically everything is a plugin. And now plugins can say what they implement and other plugins can request plugins that implement a certain thing. The user can then toggle competing plugins. @Jupstar ✪ 08:56 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706774011.png 08:57 < ws-client> send plugin api 08:57 < ws-client> here we have a crash logger plugin sending an error to the first alert plugin that is active it can find 08:57 < ws-client> so the user could turn off the alert plugin and turn on another alert plugin that maybe only prints to the console or something like that 08:58 < ws-client> @Animepdf https://github.com/discord-irc/discord-irc/tree/master/src/plugins 08:58 < ws-client> `troll project not meant to be actually used` 08:59 < ws-client> nice 08:59 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 09:04 < ws-client> i ain't no web dev but manual dom manipulation looks dangerous and a lil silly <:monkaS:397449067661099008> 09:04 < bridge> Nice one chiller :kek: 09:04 < bridge> Chillers PW ist tw07 btw 09:06 < bridge> Chiller epic coder moment. 09:06 < bridge> Sometimes it's very hard, never give up 09:09 < ws-client> @Animepdf frameworks are bloat. Vanilla is where its at. 09:09 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ notin is hard if you use nob language like js axaxax 09:10 < bridge> Lmao. JavaScript, the language known for great software xd 09:11 < ws-client> it is web scale 09:13 < bridge> JS goes brrrrr 09:23 < bridge> chillerdragon one day ill take you in htmx cult 09:24 < bridge> :banhammer: 09:26 < bridge> 😏 10:37 < bridge> > 200ping ssh can just not compete with locally predicted browser textboxes 10:37 < bridge> have you tried mosh? 🙂 11:52 < ws-client> yes mosh was the first thing i tried it did not help at all 11:52 < ws-client> i used mosh 24/7 at home because my ssh would cut off due to internet bugs but here its useless 11:53 < ws-client> This looks funny somehow https://sketch.metademolab.com/ 11:53 < ws-client> Internet bubbles are such a facinating thing. I scrolled through the comments section on 3 videos on yt featuring the same viral clip. With totally different moods. But all were agreeing 12:12 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 when i first heard about mosh i thought its amazing for ping. But the prediction code just sucks hard. 12:13 < ws-client> there are a few things that are hard to predict like curses applications. But not even the prompt works properly. Ideally it would emulate tab completion and history search etc. But it can not even do letter typing or deleting in a usable way 12:14 < ws-client> It feels like maybe 100 ping instead of 200. But imo if this was done correctly it would feel like 0 12:15 < ws-client> And then it comes with misspredictions as well. So its worse than normal ssh actually. 12:21 < bridge> chillerdragon: i cant connect to server in ur chat :justatest: 12:25 < bridge> ChillerDragon: There is a server settings in 0.7 : m_SpecVote, it allow 0.7 client vote when spec 12:37 < bridge> was there something changed in how loading skins works, since latest nightly? because when activate and deactivate `cl_vanilla_skins_only` it now loads for a long time and sometimes my game even crashes 12:42 < ws-client> @remakepower ? could you link the line of code 12:43 < ws-client> @milkeeycat wot? you want your local dev front end attached to my backend or what? Or whats breaking 12:43 < bridge> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/a1911c8f7d8458fb4076ef8e7651e8ef5e91ab3e/src/game/client/components/menus_ingame.cpp#L720 12:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1202579965585920040/image.png?ex=65cdf8de&is=65bb83de&hm=4a710f99aa0779f6cc70e674923000cca121cece26433889f51f454a9863880e& 12:43 < ws-client> thanks 12:43 < bridge> Wait 12:43 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat do you have the plugin to load messages active :D 12:43 < bridge> Oh no 12:43 < ws-client> you probably want "message_loader" 12:44 < ws-client> oh my god 12:44 < bridge> I think i need to see a doctor about my eyes 12:44 < bridge> the margins look beautiful 12:44 < bridge> chiller is web designer 12:44 < ws-client> weeb designer 12:44 < ws-client> @remakepower ye thats not it is it? :D but would have been nice 12:44 < bridge> make a design for ddts :owo: 12:45 < ws-client> wats ddts 12:45 < bridge> why ddts 12:45 < bridge> why not moabs 12:45 < bridge> ;-; 12:45 < bridge> That's not it 12:45 < bridge> I got a wrong meaning from my eye 12:46 < bridge> Maybe i should be more carefully 12:46 < bridge> May i should be more carefully 12:46 < bridge> chillerdragon you should be ashamed of yourself by not knowing what ddts is 12:46 < ws-client> ok i google 12:46 < ws-client> defense travel system 12:46 < bridge> twmap with json is btw used by the tw web map editor https://github.com/k2d222/twwe 12:47 < bridge> no it has 2 ds 12:47 < ws-client> @patiga pog moni worth spent 12:47 < ws-client> @cyberfighter first hit on duck.com idk wat u want from me xd 12:55 < bridge> Nice, good project. But never used it ^^ 12:56 < ws-client> I also never used it. But I can see my self switching at some point when its more polished. And never looking back. 12:57 < bridge> ``` 12:57 < bridge> Build started... 12:57 < bridge> 1>------ Build started: Project: rust_engine_shared_target, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 12:57 < bridge> 1>Generating release/ddnet_engine_shared.lib 12:57 < bridge> 1> Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s 12:57 < bridge> 1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(249,5): warning MSB8065: Custom build for item "E:\Taha\DDNet_Client\build\CMakeFiles\b0a5718acb6a4c6e46251314f60766b6\ddnet_engine_shared.lib.rule" succeeded, but specified output "e:\taha\ddnet_client\build\release\ddnet_engine_shared.lib" has not been created. This may cause incremental build to work incorrectly. 12:57 < bridge> 1>Done building project "rust_engine_shared_target.vcxproj". 12:57 < bridge> 2>------ Build started: Project: game-client, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 12:57 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_NtCreateFile referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows2fs20open_link_no_reparse17h2951eea6795ed2d0E 12:57 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_RtlNtStatusToDosError referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows2fs20open_link_no_reparse17h2951eea6795ed2d0E 12:57 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_NtReadFile referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows6handle6Handle16synchronous_read17h2daccb4eddab61b0E 12:57 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_NtWriteFile referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows6handle6Handle17synchronous_write17h52324ccada88a341E 12:57 < bridge> 2>E:\Taha\DDNet_Client\build\Debug\DDNet.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals 12:57 < bridge> 2>Done building project "game-client.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 12:57 < bridge> ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 11 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== 12:57 < bridge> ``` 12:58 < bridge> can't build DDNet 16.9 😦 12:58 < bridge> ``` 12:58 < bridge> Build started... 12:58 < bridge> 1>------ Build started: Project: rust_engine_shared_target, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 12:58 < bridge> 1>Generating release/ddnet_engine_shared.lib 12:58 < bridge> 1> Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s 12:58 < bridge> 1>Done building project "rust_engine_shared_target.vcxproj". 12:58 < bridge> 2>------ Build started: Project: game-client, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 12:58 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_NtCreateFile referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows2fs20open_link_no_reparse17h2951eea6795ed2d0E 12:58 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_RtlNtStatusToDosError referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows2fs20open_link_no_reparse17h2951eea6795ed2d0E 12:58 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_NtReadFile referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows6handle6Handle16synchronous_read17h2daccb4eddab61b0E 12:58 < ws-client> @ChillerDragon nice printing speed 12:58 < ws-client> xd 12:58 < bridge> 2>ddnet_engine_shared.lib(std-287abad1c0bdb9b8.std.2781fb3ad214b392-cgu.0.rcgu.o) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_NtWriteFile referenced in function _ZN3std3sys7windows6handle6Handle17synchronous_write17h52324ccada88a341E 12:58 < bridge> 2>E:\Taha\DDNet_Client\build\Debug\DDNet.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals 12:58 < bridge> 2>Done building project "game-client.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 12:58 < bridge> ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 11 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== 12:58 < bridge> ``` 12:58 < bridge> can't build DDNet 16.9 😦 12:58 < ws-client> its not me @Animepdf its the irc networks ratelimit 12:58 < ws-client> the bridge adapts to it to not get kicked 12:59 < ws-client> thats why it is not encouraged to edit big walls of text 4 times in a row in this channel 12:59 < ws-client> because we are essentially mute during that time 12:59 < ws-client> @Animepdf also u broke the emebd by writing during the pastings :D 12:59 < ws-client> <:monkaS:397449067661099008> 12:59 < ws-client> Having it as a browser tab. No client booting needed. (no client quitting needed lol). And imagine the polished out collab feature. @Jupstar ✪ me planning BlmapChill changes with fokko and contributors would be so pog 13:01 < ws-client> windows build errors always look so ugly <:hisnail:768893210726367232> 13:02 < ws-client> if you build with msvc 13:03 < ws-client> @Robyt3 mr windows pro can you spice up the ddnet discord bot to deal with common windows build errors pls? I wanna respond to windows logs with $win the same way as $kog is currently automated 13:03 < ws-client> $kogi 13:06 < bridge> I use visual studio 2022 and it's fine with 17.1 and later but need to build 16.9 and I tested on linux it's fine just have problem with windows don't know why 13:06 < bridge> Why do you need old version 13:07 < ws-client> the legit client fork is in that version 13:08 < bridge> One world with 3 letters is enough as answer for me 13:08 < bridge> One word with 3 letters is enough as answer for me 13:09 < ws-client> say it! 13:09 < bridge> U didn't ping robster btw 13:09 < ws-client> .-. 13:10 < ws-client> say the word 13:10 < bridge> I have a problem with high cpu usage on my client that I send a video for you last week so I need to check cpu usage on my client base and my first commit 13:10 < ws-client> i could think of many 3 letter words: sus bot gay guy girl nob nub win wtf 13:10 < bridge> sorry was thinking about words to find correct one 😄 13:10 < ws-client> girl is 4 letters 13:10 < ws-client> just saying 13:10 < bridge> 😄 13:10 < ws-client> wtf xd 13:11 < ws-client> s/girl/bad/ 13:11 < ws-client> here u go 13:11 < bridge> on default ddnet i have 8 - 12 % of usage and on my client it's 40% 😄 13:11 < ws-client> all the legit cpu cycles 13:12 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ wats the word omg 13:12 < ws-client> rst c++ 13:12 < ws-client> cpu gpu lol 13:12 < bridge> Chiller can you check your main discord account DM ? 13:13 < ws-client> yes @diariesvexar i will probably do so this or next year why? 13:13 < bridge> #7887 13:13 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7887 13:14 < ws-client> blame 13:14 < bridge> You 13:14 < ws-client> no 13:14 < bridge> Yes 13:14 < ws-client> furo 13:14 < bridge> :monkalaugh: 13:14 < bridge> Oh I did send like 5 or 6 text that want to ask you something but nvm we'll talk next year then 13:15 < bridge> chillerdragon: 2025 the year when u leave irc and start using discord? 13:15 < ws-client> yikes 13:15 < ws-client> yea my response times on discord are low. You can reach me much better via different channels @diariesvexar for example right here or in game 13:16 < bridge> Chiller isn't it clear 13:16 < ws-client> no! 13:16 < ws-client> dms are also possible via irc/matrix/email/wire @diariesvexar o.O 13:16 < bridge> Your user name in discord even includes it 13:16 < bridge> chilllerdragon: who mentioned go daddy yesterday? 13:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1202588321763688500/image.png?ex=65ce00a6&is=65bb8ba6&hm=706942049b80ea26837aee126b7387604aa3c7ae9d5066e083bc700046f38a26& 13:16 < ws-client> i did 13:16 < bridge> Your client does too 13:16 < ws-client> THEY ARE LISTENING 13:16 < ws-client> OMG 13:17 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ so i guessed it ez 13:17 < ws-client> its "bo" 13:17 < ws-client> t 13:17 < ws-client> i go kms 13:17 < bridge> Ok then I'll talk to you on irc later and any tips or idea about that errors on ddnet 16.9 ? 13:17 < bridge> No need to kill yourself 13:17 < ws-client> @milkeeycat google is clearly reading this chat and targetting us with ads! 13:18 < bridge> guys urgently send me a Discord webhook for this channel, I'm creating another cool Discord bridge: I use notepad.exe for this, write a message in the text area, press CTRL + S and the messages are sent. Written in Rust language, there is support for servers 0.7 \🤡 13:18 < bridge> once i had an ad where they wanted to teach me drawing korean hentai 13:18 < ws-client> @matodor wtf xd 13:18 < ws-client> @MilkeeyCat i get them too all the time 13:19 < ws-client> @matodor here is a discord webhook https://ws-irc.zillyhuhn.com/webhooks/1/61263761231283 13:21 < bridge> Chiller how good are your project naming skills? 13:21 < bridge> chiller see what you get people to come up with, just to avoid using irc/matrix 13:21 < ws-client> @jxsl13 took me about 5 years to pick the name Prudrugtiq judge me on that 13:21 < bridge> every single one of his projects starts or ends with chiller, so i guess it's decent 13:22 < bridge> perfect 13:22 < bridge> xD 13:22 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706790136.png 13:22 < ws-client> melon has a point 13:22 < ws-client> @ChillerDragon ngl i didnt even try to read that name, i just saw prud... and it was enough 13:23 < bridge> TeeworldsEconVPNDetectionGo needs a better name 😉 13:23 < ws-client> no thats good @jxsl13 also its already a established brand 13:23 < ws-client> maybe cut the Go but thats all u can do 13:24 < bridge> hmhm 13:24 < bridge> :greenthing: 13:24 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706790243.png 13:24 < ws-client> my fav 13:24 < bridge> sits like a melon, rolls like a melon 13:24 < bridge> is a melon 13:24 < bridge> looks like a melon 13:24 < bridge> your branding icons are the shit 13:25 < bridge> creds to @.insanity_ 13:25 < ws-client> https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/41025440?s=200&v=4 13:25 < ws-client> they really are 13:25 < bridge> du bist der hammer! 13:25 < ws-client> xd 13:25 < bridge> insanity made them? 13:25 < bridge> thought you made them :0? 13:26 < ws-client> nono i made them 13:26 < bridge> ? :justatest: i cant even hold a pencil straight 13:26 < bridge> profile pic and banner made by insanity 13:26 < ws-client> mostly with gimp some with a bit of inkscape and some even in my own js drawing tools 13:26 < bridge> oh, you refer to your profile picture 13:26 < bridge> ChillerDragon: why by the way did you decide to use webhooks, you could use the discord api and write your own client, since for some reason you don’t like using the official one 13:26 < bridge> or the melon pepe? 13:26 < bridge> AH GG 13:26 < bridge> nono 13:26 < ws-client> https://chillerdragon.github.io/qpaw/ 13:26 < ws-client> the one and only image manipulation software 13:27 < bridge> I was refering to chillers repo/organization images 13:27 < ws-client> @matodor i am not touching anything discord right now and im not planning to do so 13:27 < bridge> admins moderators ChIllEr Is AdVerTiSiNg OuTSiDe Of #off-topic 13:27 < bridge> :banhammer: 13:27 < ws-client> i have no access to #off-topic 13:27 < ws-client> so i am untouchable when it comes to that rule 13:27 < ws-client> i just call lawayer jopsti and ez 13:27 < bridge> that's your problem >:D 13:28 < bridge> im gonna fly over to asian land and eat your shoes 13:28 < bridge> and then i want you to say " i am untouchable" once more 13:28 < ws-client> dude chil 13:28 < bridge> nein! 13:28 < ws-client> ok enuff shittalking bye gamers 13:28 < bridge> bye baby 13:29 < bridge> i'm not a gamer :0 13:29 < bridge> b 14:49 < bridge> Does anyone know any free & lightweight HTML-focused IDEs? 14:52 < ws-client> vscode is lightweight and probably has html plugins? 14:52 < bridge> (it's not open-source by default though) 14:53 < ws-client> who is talking about open source? :D 14:56 < bridge> That's exactly what im trying to avoid, having to setup an entire IDE with plugins and such. 14:56 < bridge> "HTML-focused" ^^ 14:58 < bridge> Sublime text 3 with some plugins 15:01 < bridge> What features do you need tho? 15:01 < bridge> Vscode includes basic web tech by default 15:08 < ws-client> @murpi it's literally no entire IDE + 1 plugin u can search and install in 30 seconds. 15:08 < ws-client> If it requires a plugin at all 15:11 < bridge> what html-specific features would you like to have? 15:11 < bridge> basic syntax highlighting should be available in notepad++ already 15:16 < bridge> A preview of the site would be nice, a split view and something that formats the code to a proper tree automatically 15:16 < bridge> vscode is the way to go, atleast its maintained 😄 15:17 < bridge> Alright alright, VSCode it is 15:18 < bridge> Might as well move away from pycharm and use vscode for everything python 😬 15:18 < bridge> Both are good, used PyCharm in the past 15:18 < bridge> But I am used to VSCode and I dont have to setup key mappings everywhere. VSCode is my fav. editor 15:19 < bridge> And vscodium for enjoyers 15:20 < bridge> I really like pycharms inlay hints 15:20 < bridge> not sure if VSCode has that 15:23 < bridge> What is an inlay hint? A hint that is always visible? 15:25 < bridge> https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/viewing-reference-information.html#inline-quick-documentation 15:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1202620762175832104/image.png?ex=65ce1edd&is=65bba9dd&hm=069d107a2061ceb0334af75bd52456e6fffc47f731134e96fda07dfc27d17ad7& 15:26 < bridge> I like them generally. I'm not sure what to do with the author hints though 15:27 < bridge> You know who to blame when something breaks 15:27 < bridge> what are these inlay hints 💀 15:28 < bridge> these are proper inlay hints 15:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1202621590609727498/image.png?ex=65ce1fa2&is=65bbaaa2&hm=3bfc67f73a60b2c0b0755d1386efe4fdfe812a1e9406513b57e8f556101d287e& 15:29 < bridge> Ah yeah I know them as phantom code or phantom text 15:29 < bridge> That's only useful in a team environment I'd say 15:30 < bridge> Co-op coding 👀 15:30 < bridge> I guess just start a Python project and see 15:30 < bridge> Rust and CPP have them 15:31 < bridge> it depends on lsp implementation 15:34 < bridge> these are proper hints 😼 15:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1202623030950371338/image.png?ex=65ce20fa&is=65bbabfa&hm=3c92d227a2d271a097907609d064cf5e688a4f9bced745c5bf8712e3fa86fccb& 15:35 < bridge> these are just hints, not inlay ones :pepeW: 15:37 < bridge> I'd call that ghost text 15:38 < bridge> It's mrghosy sitting in ur ide and giving you tips 15:39 < bridge> is he sitting in my neovim too? 15:39 < bridge> :justatest: 15:39 < bridge> In your highly tuned text editor that has all features a ide has? Yes 15:55 < bridge> the he has to work harder when i write rust 15:55 < bridge> then he has to work harder when i write rust 16:05 < bridge> don't I make it hard enough? ok I'll do my best! 16:33 < bridge> nvim is great, if the setup wouldnt be so harsh, i'd say its one of the best web dev tools 16:33 < bridge> 16:33 < bridge> split terminal by just echoing the webpage, and auto-formatting + LSP server's widely available 16:33 < bridge> screams in rust 17:21 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706804354.png 17:21 < ws-client> can you spot the suddle differences between real discord and the clone? 17:23 < bridge> Chillerdragon 17:24 < bridge> Irc question time 17:24 < bridge> Can i send a message in a channel but that only 1 user can see it 17:29 < bridge> just send a private message like a normal person 17:29 < bridge> ,/MSG or ,/QUERY ig 17:31 < bridge> It shouldn't be in a new tab 17:31 < bridge> Or whatever u call it 17:31 < bridge> It has to be in the same channel 17:32 < bridge> chiller i wanna know aswell 17:32 < bridge> wakey wakey 19:16 < bridge> the discord clone seems to be a youtube video, nearly got mr. 19:17 < bridge> me 19:19 < bridge> it does have them, i often find em more annoying than useful in any editor tho xd too much clutter 19:52 < bridge> I like the discreet type hints of intellij ides 20:29 < bridge> damned 20:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1202697326745886770/image.png?ex=65ce662b&is=65bbf12b&hm=f79ca637d2ae68c0e345205b05994f74135add8007bf160824419c14060d8dbb& 21:09 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/3559 21:09 < bridge> https://github.com/RalfJung/rfcs/blob/provenance/text/0000-rust-has-provenance.md 21:19 < bridge> there should really be some kind of changelog for server modders to keep up with important and breaking changes. 21:19 < bridge> ddnet's development pace is really high these days 21:22 < bridge> what kind of changes do you want to see in the changelog? can you give an example? 21:23 < bridge> e.g. the change for target being sent zoomed 21:23 < bridge> or the change with colors for teams 21:24 < bridge> those are changes that can break things on serverside 21:24 < bridge> I see. could you open an issue for that? I like the idea 21:24 < bridge> sure 21:34 < bridge> And chillerdragon's stuff always breaks 😦 21:35 < bridge> ``` 21:35 < bridge> if(!str_comp(Config()->m_SvGametype, "mod")) 21:35 < bridge> m_pController = new CGameControllerMod(this); 21:35 < bridge> else 21:35 < bridge> m_pController = new CGameControllerDDRace(this); 21:35 < bridge> ``` 21:35 < bridge> 21:35 < bridge> The change is nice, but it was nasty without any notice haha 22:05 < bridge> Does anyone have a quick idea of what's the best way to detect whether a tee crossed a line of tiles, or whether it might have touched it but went out of the line of tiles in the same direction it came from? I want to detect, whether a tee entered an area without placing two different rows of tiles next to each other (e.g. detect going through a laser door) 22:19 < bridge> Codewise you can treat two halves of the collision box differently basically the two tile thing but in one tile 22:21 < bridge> how would that work for independent rotation? 22:23 < bridge> hm, i think i'll try your approach 22:24 < bridge> but i really dont know how exactly it should be done, especially considering the fact that i would like to keep the possibility for it to be horizontal aswell (while i currently only use vertical line) 22:28 < bridge> i might take a look at the directional hook blocker/through