01:06 < bridge> @learath2: can you send a voice memo on how to pronounce Learath2? Or did we do that already. I vaguely remember something. 01:08 < bridge> What’s Getty? Is it this https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/photo/illustration-of-black-curly-woman-on-pink-royalty-free-image/1480840544 01:09 < bridge> What do they do? Do they sell this simple cartoon image for 500 dollar? A single image? Not as physical painting by an artist? Just a png? Or what is this about 01:21 < bridge> Feature! No bug. It’s down for maintenance trying to make its ping smoother. 01:28 < bridge> lmao automatic heating 04:33 < ws-client> am i too stupid to use bindaddr in ddnet? is anyone using it? 04:35 < bridge> what does it do? 04:35 < ws-client> it binds a address 04:35 < ws-client> if u have multiple ips you can choose one 04:35 < ws-client> from the ones that show up in ``ip a`` 04:36 < ws-client> i am too stupid to use it in ddnet 04:36 < ws-client> works like a charm in vanilla 04:37 < bridge> like LAN or localhost or smt? 04:38 < ws-client> ye 04:38 < ws-client> ur wifi might have a different local ip than ur lan 04:39 < ws-client> or your vps might have two public ipv4s assigned 04:40 < bridge> do you set it in cfg? how do you use it? 04:41 < ws-client> either 04:41 < ws-client> als cli arg or cfg 04:41 < ws-client> work both in vanilla and none in ddnet 04:41 < ws-client> for example this should work at all times imo ```./DDNet-Server "bindaddr;sv_port 8888"``` 04:41 < ws-client> given ur 8888 is free 04:43 < bridge> does it through an error or smt? 04:45 < ws-client> yes that it can not bind it 04:45 < ws-client> and then the server stops 04:45 < bridge> yeah same 04:46 < ws-client> It has to be an user error 04:46 < bridge> well vanilla tw server also fails 04:46 < bridge> yeah 04:46 < ws-client> wait what vanilla fails for you? 04:46 < ws-client> send screen 04:46 < bridge> `./teeworlds_srv "bindaddr;sv_port 8303"` 04:46 < ws-client> is 8303 free on ur sys? 04:46 < bridge> yeah 04:47 < ws-client> ```./teeworlds_srv "bindaddr;sv_port 8303"``` 04:47 < ws-client> does this work for u? 04:47 < bridge> it does 04:47 < ws-client> leak ``ip a`` pls 04:47 < ws-client> maybe you have no loopback defined or sumsin 04:47 < ws-client> for me 127 works 04:48 < ws-client> oh which tw version? im latest commit 04:48 < ws-client> I use debian BTW 04:48 < bridge> pastebin or do you have a paste service? 04:48 < bridge> I use antiX BTW 04:48 < bridge> (debian without systemD) 04:48 < ws-client> https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/ 04:48 < ws-client> run this as root <:justatest:572499997178986510> 04:48 < ws-client> ``wget -O /usr/local/bin/cstd https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/0 && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cstd`` 04:49 < bridge> xD pastebin it is ig 04:49 < ws-client> then ``cstd logfile.txt`` 04:49 < ws-client> fakof 04:49 < ws-client> then do this xd ``wget -q -O - --post-file https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/`` 04:49 < bridge> why does it need root though? 04:49 < ws-client> to install into /usr/local/bin 04:50 < bridge> yeah but why would a custom usr path suffice? 04:50 < ws-client> u can also install it elsewhere but then you have to use ur own brain xd 04:50 < ws-client> yes 04:50 < bridge> ah 04:52 < bridge> welp I'm too bored to set that up xD. https://pastebin.com/ss1hgKaL 04:52 < bridge> it'll expire after 1h 04:54 < ws-client> omagawd xd 04:54 < ws-client> wat shell u use? 04:54 < bridge> oksh I think or ksh 04:54 < bridge> lemme see 04:54 < ws-client> wats the rc file location? 04:55 < bridge> hmm 04:55 < ws-client> ``echo $SHELL`` 04:56 < ws-client> ``mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/;wget https://paste.zillyhuhn.com/0 -O ~/.local/bin/cstd;echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> .kshrc`` 04:56 < ws-client> that could work 04:56 < ws-client> untested might delete ur harddrive 04:56 < bridge> ru Learath though? 04:56 < ws-client> hmm u have right there why does it work for me but not for u 04:57 < ws-client> i am not as evil as lerato 04:57 < ws-client> wat dis do ``./teeworlds_srv "bindaddr;sv_port 8888"`` 04:57 < ws-client> also thank for ur ip enjoy ddos 04:57 < bridge> np 04:57 < bridge> same 04:58 < ws-client> watafak 04:58 < ws-client> how 04:58 < bridge> xD 04:58 < ws-client> it works for me 04:58 < ws-client> which tw version is that? 04:58 < bridge> latest from site 04:58 < ws-client> latest commit? 04:58 < ws-client> or latest release 04:58 < bridge> latest release yeah this one 04:59 < ws-client> ah cring outdated 04:59 < ws-client> but i somehow doubt it got fixed on master 04:59 < bridge> story of vanillaa 05:00 < bridge> btw that one `./tee... "bindaddr;...` aslo fails to bind 05:01 < ws-client> u said that alr no? 05:01 < bridge> I said np and same to this 05:01 < bridge> > also thank for ur ip enjoy ddos 05:01 < ws-client> aaaa lol 05:01 < ws-client> i thought "same" also fails 05:01 < bridge> yeah it did 05:02 < ws-client> communication skills 05:02 < bridge> we're pro grammars 05:02 < ws-client> go build tw from source 05:02 < bridge> 😬 ok 05:02 < bridge> from github repo right? 05:06 < bridge> yeah the build from source also fails with that 05:06 < bridge> > ./teeworlds_srv "bindaddr;sv_port 8888" 05:06 < ws-client> how 05:07 < ws-client> what about 05:07 < bridge> yeap same ```[2024-01-28 06:07:21][net]: failed to bind socket with domain 10 and type 2 (99 'Cannot assign requested address')``` 05:08 < ws-client> thats not an error 05:08 < ws-client> that always shows no matter wat u do xd 05:08 < ws-client> but does the tw server run without crashing? 05:08 < bridge> this time it didn't (I tried running with this `./teeworlds_srv "bindaddr '';sv_port '8888'"`) 05:09 < ws-client> doubt 05:09 < ws-client> fakin korn shell 05:09 < ws-client> watafalk 05:09 < bridge> :) 05:09 < ws-client> isnt that a posix string command?! 05:10 < bridge> idk I have a the bad habbit of closing something I see and I no longer see what to do with it so lemme rerun the cmds again 05:10 < ws-client> ```./teeworlds_srv 'bindaddr;sv_port 8888'``` 05:10 < ws-client> maybe this works in korn shell 05:10 < ws-client> then defs do not run the cstd install command i sent u 05:10 < ws-client> your quoting will for sure reformat the harddrive 05:10 < bridge> xD 05:11 < bridge> Chillerato 05:12 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 05:12 < ws-client> okay thats it 05:12 < ws-client> i am filing a complaint 05:12 < bridge> to? 05:12 < ws-client> these ddnet guys 05:12 < bridge> ah 05:13 < ws-client> angry ddnet customer moment 05:13 < bridge> did you pay your fee though? 05:13 < ws-client> uhm .. 05:13 < ws-client> yes i am totally paying the full premium ddnet pro monthly membership fee 05:14 < bridge> nice 05:14 < bridge> I was about to write where you should pay 05:14 < ws-client> my company has a deal with ddnet corp so all employees get a ddnet membership for free 05:14 < ws-client> #corporatebenefits 05:15 < bridge> nice 05:21 < ws-client> bisect time i guess idk how far to go back 05:21 < ws-client> i went 14k commits back that was before bam 5 support <:justatest:572499997178986510> 05:21 < bridge> do you think it could be a firewall issue? 05:21 < ws-client> 05:21 < bridge> ikr 05:22 < ws-client> its all behind the firewall 05:22 < bridge> oh idkr 05:22 < ws-client> also i tested 3 networks 05:22 < ws-client> also why does the firewall only mess with ddnet and not tw? 05:22 < ws-client> then ddnet should hack the firewall in the same way teeworlds does it 05:23 < ws-client> yikes 14k commit old ddnet segfaults 05:23 < ws-client> classic C++ moment 05:24 < ws-client> hah okay but bindaddr works! 05:24 < bridge> xD maybe the formating of the cmd inputs changed or smt 05:24 < ws-client> ?? xd 05:25 < bridge> :monkaStop: me nobo 05:33 < bridge> idk why it work with this though `./DDNet-Server "bindaddr localhost"` 05:33 < ws-client> localhost is a broken concept anyways 05:34 < ws-client> @Mr.Gh0s7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfy4Q-uDV6I 05:34 < bridge> I thought localhost was 05:34 < ws-client> cuz dns and localhost doing extra shits 05:34 < ws-client> na watch the video localhost might be more than 05:34 < bridge> k 05:35 < ws-client> lmao i sent u the prime reaction for extra commentary in case your attention span drops otherwise 05:40 < bridge> now what's the difference between `` and ``? 05:41 < ws-client> as far as i know is basically bind all u can get or sumsin like that 05:41 < ws-client> also usually the default 05:41 < ws-client> but this is more me assuming than knowing 05:42 < ws-client> what i do know is that when you bind you do not need a firewall anymore. Because nobody from outside of your device can reach it 05:42 < ws-client> while if you bind its usually reachable 05:42 < ws-client> check ``netstat -tulpn`` 05:42 < ws-client> i see my ssh server at 05:43 < ws-client> and a bunch of local services at 05:43 < ws-client> so the test "bindaddr" might be useless its probably same as no bindaddr at all 05:44 < ws-client> and then "bindaddr" is one specific ip you have and not all or the first 05:44 < ws-client> idk what even does. can it bind multiple ips? 05:44 < ws-client> who knows 05:44 < ws-client> networking is something that in all those years acting all techy never really clicked for me <:feelsbadman:391614770303991808> 05:45 < bridge> :( 05:46 < bridge> btw this is where the code for the bindaddr is (I think) (src/engine/server/server.cpp@2765) 05:46 < ws-client> i am just not exposed to any problems facing it usually so there is no hands on expiriecne 05:46 < ws-client> every time i lookup some yt vids on routing and iptables im lost xd 05:46 < ws-client> thanks but i know how to find a string in the code xd 05:46 < bridge> :O 05:46 < bridge> hax 05:46 < ws-client> i could blame the shit out of it but i decided to bisect instead 05:46 < bridge> ;) 05:48 < ws-client> also why u even awake 05:48 < bridge> yru? 05:49 < ws-client> isnt it 6 in the morning for u? 05:49 < ws-client> for me its almost lunch time :D 05:49 < bridge> :) 05:49 < bridge> have you ever seen a ghost sleep? 05:49 < ws-client> wat time is it for u? 05:49 < bridge> 6:50 05:49 < ws-client> ye watfak 05:49 < ws-client> why u awake 05:50 < bridge> 🛏️ :scedule: 🔫 05:50 < ws-client> get some help 05:50 < bridge> It was I. 05:51 < bridge> well now it's almost time to wake up. It'd be a waste if I slept ^^ 05:52 < ws-client> bruv 05:53 < bridge> maybe it's the jetlag from coming from spending too much time in the underworld 🤔 05:53 < ws-client> wtf 05:53 < ws-client> which underworld 05:53 < bridge> fng 05:53 < ws-client> xxxxxxxD 05:53 < ws-client> jetlag from fng 05:53 < ws-client> classic 06:04 < bridge> bought myself an rx 7600, midrange gpu for only 260€ 06:05 < bridge> still better than what I had lmao (1050ti with low cache and 4gb vram) 06:05 < bridge> Now I can truly run teeworlds with rtx :owo: 06:07 < bridge> I was actually surprised it was that cheap for the performance it gives on most games with 1080p 07:10 < bridge> :justatest: 07:10 < bridge> amd consistently goes for way lower than nvidia used 07:10 < bridge> brand loyalto 07:10 < bridge> y 07:10 < bridge> xnmx 07:10 < bridge> i would have gone for 6650 xt 07:10 < bridge> it's very good valur rn 07:10 < bridge> gm 07:11 < bridge> well, for my specs it was the most optimal tho 07:11 < bridge> and I wouldnt spend too much noney on it, I just needed a replacement 07:12 < bridge> gm :brownbear: 07:37 < ws-client> In 2019, a person chose a vanity license plate that said "NULL" and subsequently received thousands of dollars in fines from random vehicles for which the license plate was unavailable. Some database programmers somewhere along the way failed to consider the difference between the string NULL and the value NULL. 07:39 < bridge> lmao 07:40 < bridge> devs' worst nightmare: null as string debugging 08:18 < bridge> i remember that 08:26 < bridge> can you name yourself in tw null? xd 08:53 < bridge> Yes but it will break ddnet servers axaxaxax 08:54 < bridge> @tsfreddie: yo fred did he say anything interesting? I just randomly found this https://bamcane.github.io/articles/DDNetPP.html too lazy to use translator xd 08:55 < bridge> i'm not your translator 08:55 < bridge> but it's just a general guide of the mod 08:56 < bridge> also you can just ask the person @remakepower 09:01 < bridge> he might not know ur joking 09:01 < bridge> fred u aint gotta be rude.. 09:01 < bridge> they did wrote a hit piece about how dead (admittedly true) TeeworldsCN was in 2022 so I don't feel like commenting more about how I feel about anything related to the guy lmao 09:02 < bridge> fred do u have fortnite 09:03 < bridge> i don't 09:05 < bridge> Thanks mr translator c: 09:05 < bridge> 09:06 < bridge> Ah he is a friend of yours 09:07 < bridge> Look another one of your friends just donated :) 09:07 < bridge> wdym friend 09:07 < bridge> racist Dragon axaxaxax 09:07 < bridge> Im troling a Bit 09:07 < bridge> lmao 09:08 < bridge> Define hit piece? 09:08 < bridge> Was it trending on TikTok? 09:08 < bridge> Drunk deen 09:09 < bridge> @tsfreddie: 09:09 < bridge> just an article 09:09 < bridge> on some chinese website 09:10 < bridge> Such hit 09:10 < bridge> What even is teeworldsCN 09:10 < bridge> me 09:10 < bridge> i am TeeworldsCN 09:10 < bridge> How can you die? 09:10 < bridge> :kek: 09:10 < bridge> cuz I abandoned the servers 09:10 < bridge> probably 09:10 < bridge> Game servers! 09:10 < bridge> ? 09:11 < bridge> idk they just think we don't host more teeworlds servers anymore and no one mods them anymore 09:11 < bridge> Not sure I ever saw them. Are they behind GFW? Or is it my china ping filter 09:11 < bridge> and i think we literally stopped modding all our server after that since everyone is getting jobs at that point 09:11 < bridge> There are china specific mods? 09:12 < bridge> Like what? 09:12 < bridge> just mods that I could find back in 2013 or 2014 09:12 < bridge> and my solofng 09:12 < bridge> Ah like ball and shit? 09:12 < bridge> ye 09:12 < bridge> Cool 09:12 < bridge> occasionally there might be some other things I made 09:13 < bridge> Wowo developer 09:13 < bridge> other than every fng reimplementation, everything just dies in a week i think 09:13 < bridge> i think i've made like 3 or 4 fngs 09:14 < bridge> from with fstd code, from vanilla teeworlds, from ddnet and then from ddnet but ddnet-pvp 09:14 < bridge> :kek: 09:14 < bridge> still, everything is dead tho 09:14 < bridge> ddnet 1v1s lol 09:14 < bridge> i couldn't bother to update any of them 09:14 < bridge> ddnet-pvp is literally made for 1v1s 09:15 < bridge> What is ddnet-pvp 09:15 < bridge> cuz them 1v1 players keep kicking everyone just to have a server 09:15 < bridge> it's just a ddnet server stripped back to teeworlds gameplay and with multiple rooms 09:16 < bridge> well one things for sure 09:16 < bridge> https://github.com/teeworldscn/ddnet-pvp 09:16 < bridge> need good maps to make good gameplay 09:16 < bridge> Cool 09:16 < bridge> How merge friendly is it tho? 09:16 < bridge> probably not 09:17 < bridge> Or will it outdated ddnet over time :c 09:17 < bridge> I see 09:17 < bridge> yep, not merge friendly at all 09:17 < bridge> i made it to have like 64 gamecontrollers and gameworlds 09:17 < bridge> :justatest: 09:17 < bridge> for them rooms support lmao 09:17 < bridge> each room can have their own gamemode too 09:17 < bridge> so it's a bit janky 09:17 < bridge> oh damn 09:18 < bridge> probably better off with a proxy approach in the first place 09:18 < bridge> Ah it’s multi gamemode 09:18 < bridge> ye, multi gamemode 09:18 < bridge> Looks like the thing I started working on 09:18 < bridge> i abstracted a lot of stuff in gamemode class 09:18 < bridge> Modding via a proxy? 09:19 < bridge> i even had a weapon class so you can just code a new weapon without keep modifying the same entities 09:19 < bridge> rooms via a proxy? 09:19 < bridge> i think fok had that 09:20 < bridge> since ddnet-pvp is still capped at 64 clients 09:20 < bridge> Ah you want like multiple games. But one entry in the master server 09:20 < bridge> Fokko has minigames but no proxy 09:20 < bridge> ye 09:20 < bridge> Some block servers and mmo servers had that I think 09:21 < bridge> mainly for everything pvp related 09:21 < bridge> zcatch fng instagib and stuff 09:21 < bridge> I build the exact same thing wtf 09:21 < bridge> Didn’t know yours exist 09:21 < bridge> so the pvp players can just have one or two servers for everything they want to play 09:21 < bridge> Yes 09:22 < bridge> i didn't manage to finish multi maps 09:22 < bridge> I named it ddnet-insta because I only intend to add instagib based mods no vanilla damage CTF etch 09:22 < bridge> it's a lot harder than i thought. or i'm just bad 09:22 < bridge> I think I will just spam servers 09:22 < bridge> check the issues on that repo 09:23 < bridge> it was... optimistic 09:23 < bridge> :D 09:24 < bridge> i was quite proud about the gamecontroller interfaces tho 09:25 < bridge> Go pr them to ddnet 09:25 < bridge> probably can't 09:25 < bridge> 09:25 < bridge> i would need to add ddrace back which seems too much work 09:26 < bridge> I decoupled a lot of things, like one player can hold more than 5 weapons now. and you just register the weapons in your gamemode controller 09:27 < bridge> Cool stuff oke gtg 09:27 < bridge> ye, imma take a nap as well 10:19 < bridge> can we maybe move the community filter out of the whole (info/filter/friends) block? 10:19 < bridge> 10:19 < bridge> i still find it extremly unintuitive 10:19 < bridge> 10:19 < bridge> and currently the UI is also pretty unfair towards non-community servers 10:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201094064263659580/image.png?ex=65c89104&is=65b61c04&hm=49b84409ea5654fecdeb056537db9827169181ee083fbcad2660d139d6e93a8c& 10:20 < bridge> our UI generally always feels so overwhelming, because there is so much text displayed at once 10:38 < bridge> ball 10:42 < bridge> dragon 10:44 < bridge> hi jkupstar 10:44 < bridge> fix windows issue yet 10:52 < bridge> no, i won't fix it for now since it's very very edge case and also depends on the mentioned SDL bug 11:09 < bridge> What about #7848? 11:10 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7848 11:10 < bridge> Maybe could be fixed by setting correct window size when changing screen 11:11 < bridge> i dont have 2 screens 11:11 < bridge> i also never implemented anything for it 11:11 < bridge> I see, you'd also need two screens of different size 11:12 < bridge> Well, I think the shipping for one of my screens for cheaper than the screen itself 11:12 < bridge> Well, I think the shipping for one of my screens for more expensive than the screen itself 11:13 < bridge> Well, I think the shipping for one of my screens was more expensive than the screen itself 11:17 < bridge> ill do it 11:32 < bridge> I wanted it up top 11:54 < bridge> @swarfey: bot supporter axaxaxax https://youtu.be/caIs71IpWTM?si=QIKELrxG1qHWbtZM 11:54 < bridge> flooding for skids 11:56 < bridge> O_o 11:56 < bridge> Wasnt there some too many connections in a short time thingy at some point? 12:00 < ChillerDragon> maybe its rigged local server 12:56 < bridge> fair enuf 12:56 < bridge> its kog, they might run some rigged ddnet 12:56 < bridge> seems like kog, they might run some rigged ddnet 12:57 < bridge> How did this even happen? Github knows my avatar but at the same time doesn't know my avatar 12:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201133853121716305/image.png?ex=65c8b612&is=65b64112&hm=6567bfcda3597a2c4aa6b576bb2b9174a85846d40a4f148344293afcde5750ee& 12:58 < bridge> javascript devs 12:58 < bridge> 😬 12:58 < bridge> web developers, try not to have 50 sources of truth challenge, impossible difficulty 12:59 < bridge> facts :justatest: 12:59 < bridge> thats why u gotta use htmx :gigachad: 12:59 < bridge> the more i use javascript(or typescript etc.) the less i like async coding. not bcs async is bad, but bcs javascript uses it for everything xD 13:00 < bridge> oh the profile picture component is out of sync, let's just ignore the error 13:00 < bridge> instead of handling it 13:00 < bridge> we can't recover anymore anyway 13:01 < bridge> ive seen some lib which takes async function to set .env variables. you can easily send 10 requests collect all data and then run the app 13:17 < bridge> Exactly that. +100 ❤️ 13:22 < bridge> Exactly that. +100 ❤️ 13:22 < bridge> I've complained about this issue back on Oct 8 when the PR was opened, as it hurts a lot. 13:23 < bridge> Exactly that. +100 ❤️ 13:23 < bridge> I've complained about this issue back on Oct 8 when the "Communities" PR was opened, as it hurts a lot. 13:27 < bridge> dunno why you wouldn't just put it next to the existing filters.. 13:28 < bridge> Where? Above the filter seems doable, but left or right is impossible because we still support 5:4 resolutions 13:32 < bridge> Press F4 for free hat 13:38 < bridge> The new type filter seems be similar to the "game types filter", only difference is the new type filter only select the communities (in the communities filter) server 13:39 < bridge> and it's has less game types for you to choose 13:42 < bridge> oh, that's a bug? 13:42 < bridge> Sorry, i didn't see the commit 13:51 < bridge> Seen this avatar today already. I think it’s Microsoft fucking stuff up again 13:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201149455827738695/screenshot_2024-01-28_13-58-09.png?ex=65c8c49a&is=65b64f9a&hm=4e9c5262a32949d629fa787e9f88c90a92d752ce8ae6015cfba08361807f6d85& 14:00 < bridge> wow, pretty ui 14:01 < bridge> but why we need to add the page button join again 14:21 < bridge> ooh that's nice 14:35 < bridge> it would be epic without kog there 14:36 < bridge> :NekoEvil: 14:37 < bridge> @ryozuki please trashing other people's projects, at least in a lazy way 14:37 < bridge> im not trashing anything 14:37 < bridge> its closed source and we should foster a open source community 14:38 < bridge> you can say that, but not the first thing, please 14:38 < bridge> ??? 14:38 < bridge> > #1 Be nice – Don't insult others or engage in lazy negativity towards other people's projects, even as a joke. 14:39 < bridge> i didnt do that accordinf to my judgement 14:39 < bridge> ah 14:40 < bridge> in my view, saying negative stuff about other projects, e.g. kog, falls under that rule, if it's not accompanied by some reasoning 14:40 < bridge> saying u dont want kog in ddmet client doesnt mean saying its bad or trashing it 14:41 < bridge> @robyt3 maybe we should reserve the community filters for communities hosting more than a couple of servers, while still allowing others to get a logo 14:43 < bridge> maybe that was an overly strict reading of the rules, ok 🙂 15:01 < bridge> nais 15:01 < bridge> cant wait for tabs back 😬 15:08 < bridge> 4:3 problem? 15:11 < bridge> he means if left & right side are used for filters 15:11 < bridge> 5:4 has the lowest width available, so only 3 favorite tabs are possible 15:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201167765332049940/screenshot_2024-01-28_15-09-41.png?ex=65c8d5a7&is=65b660a7&hm=0ed2074d979d88bb48201677617cc19e7c79979fbc3d4a9266f0e2a2bc1f1898& 15:12 < bridge> 5:4 has the lowest width available, so only 3 favorite community tabs are possible 15:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201167765332049940/screenshot_2024-01-28_15-09-41.png?ex=65c8d5a7&is=65b660a7&hm=0ed2074d979d88bb48201677617cc19e7c79979fbc3d4a9266f0e2a2bc1f1898& 15:12 < bridge> but that sounds good already 15:12 < bridge> what happens if u select 4? XD 15:12 < bridge> peng 15:12 < bridge> Removes the oldest one so at most 3 are selected 15:13 < bridge> i see 15:13 < bridge> i mean that is probs already lot of work. 15:13 < bridge> 15:13 < bridge> theoretically we could maybe add some kind of arrow that lets you select out of all favorites and throws the most right out or smth like that xD 15:14 < bridge> yeah i guess your solution is fine 15:17 < bridge> @ryozuki for AGPL, the worst of all licenses, is the one that shares a modified library always the one that takes responsiblity? 15:17 < bridge> 15:17 < bridge> e.g. i modify a AGPL lib, but don't release the source code. now this lib gets widely shared, so basically impossible to revert the "damage" 15:17 < bridge> 15:17 < bridge> are the users that use it also doing smth illegal then? 15:17 < bridge> What is i release the lib annonymously and it will still spread as said 15:18 < bridge> you have to share the source when u share the lib/software 15:18 < bridge> for normal copyrighted stuff users are probably also doing illegal stuff if they get a copy 15:18 < bridge> yes but what happens if that doesnt happen 15:19 < bridge> if u never share it or let anyone else use it i think u dont have to share, its when a user uses the software he has the right to have the source 15:19 < bridge> for agpl if the user uses the server software he has the right to have the source too 15:19 < bridge> but if he doesnt have the source that's no problem for the user? 15:19 < bridge> only for the one that shared it? 15:20 < bridge> wdym 15:20 < bridge> u mean in the context of a server? 15:20 < bridge> if u get GTA 5 illegal.. you criminal 15:20 < bridge> 15:20 < bridge> if you get a modified AGPL game, whos modifications are not shared, is that illegal for the user to use? 15:20 < bridge> like GTA 15:21 < bridge> i think its the duty of the distributor 15:21 < bridge> im sure this is all defined in legal jargon xd 15:21 < bridge> but gpl is all about the user 15:21 < bridge> so its proba fault of the one who has given the user the software 15:22 < bridge> so if he released it annonymously, the AGPL software can be distributed without any fear? 15:22 < bridge> bcs the end user defs doesnt know he is doing smth illegal 15:22 < bridge> and he might share it with friends 15:22 < bridge> using the software is probs never ilegal in gpl, but if u dont have the source its more about someone broke the right u have to have the soutce 15:22 < bridge> fokim mobile 15:22 < bridge> or even in internet, not knowing it's AGPL 15:23 < bridge> mh ok 15:23 < bridge> the end user will never be dojng anything ilegal 15:23 < bridge> more like someone is breaking the user rights 15:23 < bridge> because the user by using agpl software has the right to obtain thw source code 15:24 < bridge> i see, so the sharer is highly criminal 15:24 < bridge> he betrayed 8 billion ppl 15:24 < bridge> potentially 15:35 < ws-client> Lol, where did DDNet community go ingame? 15:36 < bridge> xDD 15:37 < bridge> what os do you guys use? 15:37 < bridge> kog invaded us 15:37 < bridge> @heinrich5991 when fix 15:37 < bridge> pls go back to old ddnet, why delete the tab ddnet and Kog??? 15:38 < bridge> @vena6080 15:38 < bridge> again random shit done in dev 15:38 < bridge> they will come back 15:38 < bridge> @deen DDNet community is missing, related to adding turkey servers to info? 15:38 < bridge> i want to install some reasonably easy to use linux distro 15:39 < bridge> kubuntu 15:39 < bridge> i dont use it 15:40 < bridge> but i'd say thats a good distro 15:43 < bridge> Fixed it, was a missing comma in the servers json 15:43 < bridge> 😄 15:44 < bridge> deen biggest trol 15:45 < bridge> casual rm -rf /root in a commit disguised as „no more variables.h“ 15:45 < bridge> that's when u dont use vscode to edit your json 15:46 < bridge> i use gentoo btw 😏 15:46 < bridge> i was thinking about fedora or pop os 15:47 < bridge> fedora because some other internet person told me about it 15:47 < bridge> pop os because it seems like a popular distro on proton db lol 15:47 < bridge> have u ever used linux before? 15:47 < bridge> yes 15:47 < bridge> i am using linux rn 15:47 < bridge> well then fedora might be a new challenge 15:47 < bridge> why 15:47 < bridge> I use iOS BTW 15:48 < bridge> well i dunno what your are interested in linux. 15:48 < bridge> 15:48 < bridge> fedora is simply a distro that doesnt inhered from debian or arch 15:48 < bridge> like most do 15:49 < bridge> if u just want good desktop experience, kubuntu or pop os might be better 15:49 < bridge> fedora was the first to use LTO no most packages afaik 15:49 < bridge> thats what i thought since no one on protondb uses fedora 15:50 < bridge> so far i have used linux mint and manjaro 15:51 < bridge> well i am biased, i don't like pop os bcs of gnome. 15:51 < bridge> 15:51 < bridge> but i guess u can try and see if u like it 15:54 < bridge> other than gentoo, nixos or arch most distros are same boring 15:54 < bridge> What is LTO 15:54 < bridge> its whether u choose rolling distro or not 15:54 < bridge> rolling means more updated software 15:54 < bridge> optimizations at linking time 15:54 < bridge> link time optimizations 15:54 < bridge> Ah 15:54 < bridge> lets implement tto 15:54 < bridge> tee time optimization 15:55 < bridge> vto 15:55 < bridge> rto 15:55 < bridge> CTO 15:55 < bridge> i guess its possible to install some other desktop enviroment 15:55 < bridge> What’s the point then 15:56 < bridge> yeah dunno, chiller likes gnome 15:56 < bridge> Isn’t pop os mostly about the desktop environment? 15:56 < bridge> maybe ur brain is like chillers 15:56 < bridge> gnome is pog 15:56 < bridge> My brain is crack 15:57 < bridge> I don’t like pop os because it’s not Debian 15:57 < bridge> is ubuntu debian for you? 15:57 < bridge> Pop os sounds like Ubuntu to me 15:57 < bridge> it is 15:57 < bridge> xd 15:57 < bridge> No 15:57 < bridge> No 15:57 < bridge> based 15:58 < bridge> Same as C++ is not C 15:58 < bridge> you read out of sync 15:58 < bridge> As oy would say it 15:58 < bridge> i would use a window manager if i was *pro* enough to use it 15:58 < bridge> i agreed with you 15:58 < bridge> Oh no 15:58 < bridge> Windows manager 15:59 < bridge> kwin 15:59 < bridge> 15:59 < bridge> KDE window manager 15:59 < bridge> 😏 15:59 < bridge> KDE = Windows 15:59 < bridge> KDE = Windows but in better 15:59 < bridge> Gnome = macOS 15:59 < bridge> Gnome = Android just for tablets only 15:59 < bridge> Wot 15:59 < bridge> Rude 15:59 < bridge> Android is ugly af 15:59 < bridge> you got it 15:59 < bridge> finally 16:00 < bridge> 😉 16:00 < bridge> .\_. 16:00 < bridge> You tricked me 16:01 < bridge> is android a linux distro? 16:02 < bridge> no, but modified linux kernel 16:02 < bridge> so it is linux 16:02 < bridge> a bit 16:02 < bridge> since android 8 there is also SELinux 16:02 < bridge> actually i think we need more OSes for mobile devices 16:03 < bridge> i think we need one that isnt built around java 16:03 < bridge> :cammostripes: 16:03 < bridge> but its not gonna happen 16:04 < bridge> because everyone just uses android lol 16:04 < bridge> yep 16:04 < bridge> sadly that is the case 16:04 < bridge> at least better than ios 16:04 < bridge> the only issue with ios is apple 16:05 < bridge> how much java is it in practice? 16:05 < bridge> for me iOS is red flag anyway.. it forces you to use safari 16:05 < bridge> is it JITed? 16:05 < bridge> it's not about performance 16:05 < bridge> how is that even legal lol 16:05 < bridge> without java u cant request most APIs 16:05 < bridge> i dunno 16:05 < bridge> apple has graciously allowed you to provide more browser engines thanks to the dma 16:05 < bridge> but only in the eu 16:05 < bridge> but afaik the backend is still safari 16:06 < bridge> or did that change recently? 16:06 < bridge> yes, chnged like two days ago 16:06 < bridge> yo what enum does spawn tile have again? 16:06 < bridge> but no browser engine has been released, I think 16:06 < bridge> ok 16:06 < bridge> finally webgl 2 support on iOS XD 16:06 < bridge> fcking apple 16:06 < bridge> Did you see apple skirting the eu law requiring them to allow sideloading? 16:06 < bridge> yes 16:07 < bridge> I hope hte hammer comes down on them 16:07 < bridge> i also heard they now allow other stores? but still want money from those 16:07 < bridge> I wonder if the eu will just let it slide 16:07 < bridge> core technology fee 16:08 < bridge> nope 16:08 < bridge> they dont even comply with the law 16:08 < bridge> with the goals of the law 16:08 < bridge> maybe the US is going to get some better legislation around it 16:08 < bridge> if they start seeing browser enginees popping up on ios 16:08 < bridge> Goals/spirit of the law interpretations are much different to letter of the law interpretations 16:11 < bridge> they are one of the biggest companies in the world and they are afraid allowing people to actually use their devices will destroy their bussiness lol 16:12 < bridge> The people will even defend their behaviour. If not for the pesky governments they wouldn't really even need to change anything ever 16:14 < bridge> not allowing users to install software without apple's consent is actually a feature 16:14 < bridge> because 16:14 < bridge> malware 16:14 < bridge> and children 16:14 < bridge> lol 16:14 < bridge> So sorry to disturb but can u check this client's legallity https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/295908390956433410/1200936283363627008 16:15 < bridge> I need an offical recommend, really 16:16 < bridge> i am pretty sure only the features present in the official client are allowed 16:18 < bridge> also whats the point of developing a separate client 16:18 < bridge> when you could just improve the official one 16:22 < bridge> if it changes what you can do with your dummy, it's not allowed 16:22 < bridge> Modifying how the dummy works for any kind of advantage is against the rules. 16:29 < bridge> What about chika's private Client then? Controlling what Inputs are copied by cl_dummy_copy 16:30 < bridge> (only movement, only Hook, dont JUMP when Main jumps) 16:39 < bridge> chillerdragon: you had to finish the refactoring and only then merge :kek: 16:42 < ws-client> oh @milkeeycat why xd 16:43 < bridge> It does almost nothing. I thought we had to refactor everything and then merge :p 16:44 < ws-client> I take every fix in master I can get c: 17:08 < bridge> ty all ! it is hard to accept but I'm sure I have to put a stop to this project :( . My main motivation was making dummy more controllable and advanced. Also I wonder about Chika's private client. Is it acceptable to modify which input dummy can copy separately? 17:19 < ws-client> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/617612976584654868/1201199673969483816/image.png?ex=65c8f35f&is=65b67e5f&hm=03286118113dc34a09c28fc7f079c35be628ab2df0b49e26ced108bd067a4c05& 17:19 < ws-client> by @woona6793 17:33 < bridge> yes good server come blmapchill 17:33 < bridge> good 17:35 < hellchancho> hola 17:35 * hellchancho slaps hellchancho around a bit with a large fishbot 17:35 * hellchancho slaps ChillerDragon around a bit with a large fishbot 17:43 < bridge> yo are there any instructions on how to compile old clients with bam? 17:46 < bridge> smt like this https://teeworlds.com/?page=docs&wiki=compiling_everything_linux ? 17:46 < bridge> thx 17:53 < bridge> shit i need bam 0.4.x bug there are no releases for that.... 17:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1201208404945948712/image.png?ex=65c8fb81&is=65b68681&hm=e5f452e37e27f036983512324a985f40010d1a8f1852d8d48bfa8179624dd095& 17:53 < bridge> https://github.com/matricks/bam/ 17:54 < bridge> nvm 17:57 < bridge> okay it works 17:57 < bridge> nvm 18:04 < bridge> okay ddnet 3.0 is uncompileable without pulling old versions of the libraries 18:47 < bridge> why is it when i comment out entire sections of code that are seemingly important, there is no change in-game? or, visually there is a change, but, it just appears very "laggy" 18:47 < bridge> (i know this is a very stupid question, but if someone could humor me i would appreciate it) 18:48 < bridge> and i'm talking about core features of the game, like firing the weapon, or changing "Tick" code 18:55 < bridge> @lukaskawalec are you compiling your own client or server? 18:55 < bridge> i cloned ddnet and am working on that, if that's what you mean? 18:56 < bridge> i make changes to game-server for example 18:58 < bridge> are you suggesting that i am only making changes client-side, and server side nothing is affected? @patiga 19:00 < bridge> Ahhhhhhhh 19:00 < bridge> i guess i wasn't building the solution... i was only pressing 'Play" as that worked in the past 19:00 < bridge> now it's making a difference 19:01 < bridge> thank you 🙂 19:16 < bridge> @deen it'll have to be a 18.0.3 sorry :/ 19:23 < bridge> I seem to have messed up the updater much more than I thought. Just never tested a client/server update, data updates worked fine so I assumed those would also work 19:35 < bridge> only advantage would be to not copy movement 19:36 < bridge> if you want to copy movement and hook, but not jump, then you can do that with dummy control 19:36 < bridge> simultaneously ? 19:36 < bridge> I have grown so rusty that it's actually shameful 19:37 < bridge> cl_dummy_control 1; cl_dummy_copy_moves 1; bind mouse2 “+hook; +toggle cl_dummy_hook 1 0” 19:44 < bridge> interesting, the dummy gets the jump input, but doesnt jump (indicated by movement arrows) - also there's a typo in cl_dummy_control lol 20:01 < bridge> yes this is a core feature of dummy_copy and dummy_control. if you have both enabled at the same time, the dummy will only copy movement and aim - and it makes jump, hook and fire optional. 20:02 < bridge> never noticed the typo 20:02 < bridge> "Whether can you control dummy at the same time" doesnt sound right 20:03 < bridge> yeah its the same on ddnet.org 20:57 < bridge> @ryozuki you use neovim, right? 21:03 < bridge> not much lately 21:03 < bridge> mostly vscode 21:06 < bridge> what made you go back? 21:06 < bridge> i had smth in my config that annoyed me 21:07 < bridge> and i didnt find time to fix it so i just used vscode xd 21:07 < bridge> Another question, did you have LSP working within cmake projects? 21:07 < bridge> yes 21:07 < bridge> i always ln -s the compile_commands.json to base dir tho 21:08 < bridge> Did you use a cmake plugin or did you generate your own cmake projects and symlink? 21:08 < bridge> i run cmake myself 21:08 < bridge> linux as a ide if u use nvim 21:08 < bridge> xd 21:08 < bridge> i run cmake myself with vscode too tho xd 21:09 < bridge> i have a script tho 21:09 < bridge> for ddnet 21:09 < bridge> and another for llvm 21:11 < bridge> one last question, did you use something like `project.nvim`? 21:13 < bridge> no 21:14 < bridge> maybe my way is outdated tho 21:14 < bridge> are you gonna use neovim? 😏 21:15 < bridge> yeah, I'm considering it, I kinda got bored of vscode so I need something to waste my time learning so I can feel productive 21:15 < bridge> :gigachad: 21:15 < bridge> Learath Just Pass the clangd Compiler flag through cmake and make it an alias to get clangd working correctly with nvim 21:15 < bridge> https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim you can check this out if you want :owo: 21:16 < bridge> I don't follow 😄 21:16 < bridge> I wish we had a cmake target for `generated` 21:17 < bridge> I'd rather not make local changes to the cmakelists, nor do I want to lock myself into only compiling with clang, keep that in mind 21:19 < bridge> Not modifying the local cmake - But passing the flag: cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/path/to/clangd" 21:29 < bridge> Nvim is a Lot of fun espacially configuring it in lua 22:58 < bridge> ``` 22:58 < bridge> 2024-01-28 22:57:43 I gfx: Created OpenGL 1.4 context. 22:58 < bridge> 2024-01-28 22:57:43 I gfx: unable to create window: Couldn't find matching GLX visual 22:58 < bridge> 2024-01-28 22:57:43 I gfx: out of ideas. failed to init graphics 22:58 < bridge> ``` 22:58 < bridge> 22:58 < bridge> ay kurwa 23:03 < bridge> ``` 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 23:01:52 I gfx: Created Vulkan 1.1 context. 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 23:01:52 I gfx: unable to create window: Installed Vulkan doesn't implement the VK_KHR_surface extension 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 23:01:52 I sdl: SDL version 2.28.4 (compiled = 2.28.4) 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 23:01:52 I gfx: Created OpenGL 3.0 context. 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 23:01:52 I gfx: unable to create window: Couldn't find matching GLX visual 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 23:01:52 I gfx: setting resolution to 640x480 and trying again 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 22:57:43 I gfx: Created OpenGL 1.4 context. 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 22:57:43 I gfx: unable to create window: Couldn't find matching GLX visual 23:03 < bridge> 2024-01-28 22:57:43 I gfx: out of ideas. failed to init graphics 23:03 < bridge> ``` 23:03 < bridge> 23:03 < bridge> ``` 23:03 < bridge> melonarch@melonarch ~/P/d/build (master) [SIGSEGV]> vulkaninfo | grep VK_KHR_surface 23:04 < bridge> VK_KHR_surface : extension revision 25 23:04 < bridge> VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities : extension revision 1 23:04 < bridge> ``` 23:04 < bridge> ay kurwa 23:21 < bridge> It's not your graphics driver it's your x server that looks broken 23:43 < bridge> yep, seems like i made an oopsie in my `xorg.conf.d` - a rollback fixed it 23:51 < bridge> sorry was my first pr so I closed it by wrong, check if it's fix that switch screen problem or not 23:59 < bridge> no need to close it tho :P - the PR is there to check if anything's wrong to it and give feedback/comments etc