00:19 < bridge> 👏 01:46 < bridge> rude. Stop banning people. He might be using a bit of a insulting language. But I think what he suggests would be cool. Why not remove keywords like class and private from a C codebase to make it more portable to C++ 01:46 < bridge> 01:46 < bridge> Also Linus torvalds insults and the kernel is doing fine. Political correctness should be banned instead! 01:51 < bridge> I didn’t read the full post yet just watched his propaganda video xd 01:51 < bridge> 01:51 < bridge> „DEATH TO LINUS TORVALDS“ for not allowing to run the kernel headers from C++ is a bit intense I agree •.• 02:33 < ws-client> Meh I have to use some spreadsheets. What office suites are yall using? I somewhat managed to dodge any "word" tooling with a hello world latex file :D 02:33 < ws-client> Libreoffice is just horrible 02:33 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706319033.png 02:34 < ws-client> look at this bloated uglyness i cant 02:34 < ws-client> Isnt there some neat new lightweight linux desktop blazingly fast hyper modern dark mode spreadsheet tool? 02:34 < ws-client> something like this 02:34 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1706319132.png 02:35 < bridge> native app vs electron based one 02:35 < bridge> yeah bloatware no way 02:37 < ws-client> I think im going with this vscode extension and raw csv files for now as long as i can 02:37 < ws-client> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=janisdd.vscode-edit-csv 02:37 < ws-client> but something non electron that can also load xlsx would be pog 02:38 < ws-client> someone has to have built something already in a day. I don't need fakin turning complete excel function macros. Just read write common office formats 02:40 < bridge> :poggers2: 02:47 < ws-client> shit the extension has too many bugs 02:47 < ws-client> @ryozuki do you ever have to use spreadsheets? 02:49 < bridge> no 02:49 < ws-client> lucky u 02:56 < bridge> lol 02:56 < bridge> use excel online 02:56 < bridge> it's quite good 02:56 < ws-client> i rather not depend on a working internet connection and web tools are usually bloat since the browser it self is bloat already 02:56 < bridge> then i guess you are SOL 02:56 < ws-client> do you have a link to a good one? 02:57 < bridge> i have a link to excel online 02:57 < bridge> by microsoft 02:57 < bridge> who makes excel 02:57 < ws-client> do i need to sign in there? 02:57 < bridge> well yea 02:57 < bridge> just to ms 02:57 < bridge> it's free 02:57 < ws-client> thats not an option either 02:57 < bridge> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 02:57 < ws-client> why would i want to sign in to an account to do tables? :D 02:57 < bridge> so u can access your tables when you log in somewhere else 02:58 < ws-client> i dont want that 02:58 < bridge> why has anyone ever signed into any cloud service 02:58 < bridge> lmfao 02:58 < ws-client> i dont have to sign in to watch youtube videos 02:58 < ws-client> i dont have to sign in to do jsfiddles 02:58 < ws-client> etc 02:58 < ws-client> sign in can always be made optional 02:59 < bridge> i agree but the world doesn't work that way 02:59 < ws-client> but ye i rather use google than ms since their web is better. But the google spreadsheet is too slow for me already. Given my pc power and internet speed its just not smooth enough 02:59 < bridge> google's web is not better than microsoft's LOL 02:59 < ws-client> it is i was told 02:59 < bridge> i will always choose the MS product over the google one 02:59 < bridge> it' 02:59 < ws-client> for desktop maybe 02:59 < bridge> it's consistently faster and more well-integrated 02:59 < bridge> no, for mobile too 03:00 < bridge> and web 03:00 < ws-client> but google is king of the web 03:00 < ws-client> duude there has to be a simple foss tool for simple spreadsheets 03:01 < ws-client> is this the world we live in? Where everyone signs in to accounts to use spreadsheets!? 03:01 < bridge> yes 03:01 < ws-client> i refuse to believe 03:01 < bridge> u can't even use desktop office without signing in 03:01 < bridge> u can run some old version of excel in wine and it would probably run very well 03:02 < ws-client> if i want something that probably runs well i rather run libreoffice calc 03:03 < ws-client> but i want something that runs good, is fast and looks hot af 03:06 < ws-client> https://edit-csv.net/ 03:06 < ws-client> uwan check this out 03:07 < ws-client> but its not there yet 03:07 < ws-client> still too bloat ugly and slow cuz web 03:23 < bridge> linus stopped doing it 03:24 < bridge> ChillerDragon: just use libreoffice ^^ 03:27 < bridge> https://youtu.be/lLv1s7rKeCM 03:32 < bridge> There seems to be a theme with you and enjoying closed source software and walled gardens, don’t make me ping ryozuki 03:34 < bridge> Should be taken to an asylum 03:59 < bridge> google drive is oss now? 03:59 < bridge> or what are u trying to imply 03:59 < bridge> lol 04:00 < bridge> i am a big foss proponent but that does not mean that i will personally choose the open source alternative every time 04:01 < bridge> when it comes to actual functionality you can't really beat the existing closed source software that still is on top in many fields 04:27 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 libreoffice is so ugly :c 04:28 < ws-client> lerato thanks for C propganda video i added it to watch later 04:28 < ws-client> Hello #developerGPT i have the following code in my tick ``if(time_get() % time_freq() == 0)`` and want it to be true once a second. But it doesnt work. Can you write me some correct code? 04:32 < ws-client> ah i guess i need to use tick instead otherwise it might not tick when this condition is true 04:33 < ws-client> ok got it this works ``if(Server()->Tick() % Server()->TickSpeed() == 0)`` 04:33 < bridge> was about to say that but then I thought I would say something dumb 04:33 < ws-client> idk i have been using Server()->Tick() for years and suddenly decided to use time_get() at least now i understand why time_get() doesnt work 04:34 < ws-client> @Mr.Gh0s7 i started my question with "Hello #developerGPT" so i was ready to handle some halucinations xd 04:34 < bridge> :O true 04:34 < bridge> my first though was to say (bropaganda) 04:35 < bridge> my first though was to say bropaganda 04:35 < ws-client> watfak 04:35 < bridge> My GPT was in need of water 04:35 < ws-client> xd 04:35 < ws-client> as a language model i find this funny 04:36 < ws-client> @ryozuki when write blog post about time_get() vs Server()->Tick() 04:56 < bridge> aghhhh!!! 04:57 < bridge> me when 04:57 < bridge> ``` 04:57 < bridge> D:\Qt\Tools\CMake_64\bin\cmake.exe -B ./build-android -S . -G=Ninja -DANDROID_ABI:STRING=armeabi-v7a -DANDROID_NDK:PATH=D:/Android/ndk/21.3.6528147 -DANDROID_PLATFORM:STRING=android-21 -DANDROID_SDK:PATH=D:/Android -DANDROID_STL:STRING=c++_shared -DANDROID_USE_LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=D:/Android/ndk/21.3.6528147/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DENABLE_SYSTEM_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH=D:/Qt/5.15.2 04:57 < bridge> 04:57 < bridge> ... 04:57 < bridge> 04:57 < bridge> CMake Warning at src/CMakeLists.txt:15 (find_package): 04:57 < bridge> By not providing "FindQt5.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has 04:57 < bridge> asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5", but 04:57 < bridge> CMake did not find one. 04:57 < bridge> 04:57 < bridge> Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5" with any of 04:58 < bridge> the following names: 04:58 < bridge> 04:58 < bridge> Qt5Config.cmake 04:58 < bridge> qt5-config.cmake 04:58 < bridge> 04:58 < bridge> Add the installation prefix of "Qt5" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Qt5_DIR" 04:58 < bridge> to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Qt5" provides a 04:58 < bridge> separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. 04:58 < bridge> 04:58 < bridge> 04:58 < bridge> CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:20 (message): 04:58 < bridge> Unable to locate Qt5! 04:58 < bridge> 04:58 < bridge> 04:58 < bridge> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! 04:58 < bridge> ``` 04:58 < bridge> i literally set cmake prefix path 04:58 < bridge> could the toolchain file be interfereing 04:58 < bridge> could the toolchain file be interfering 04:59 < ws-client> ewwan .exe 05:18 < bridge> pulling my hair out rn 05:23 < bridge> can you tell me why i cant configure my dev environment. I just cloned the repo fresh and tried to configure cmake. im on windows using visual studio. followed the readme but it aint workin 05:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200657315167207424/image.png?ex=65c6fa43&is=65b48543&hm=252295f618c20208d94269b2b8f7a0e0b5683cb95b4de828322a94e765cdf2cb& 05:28 < bridge> thats where ryo would recommend you to use linux :KEKW: 05:29 < bridge> ngl I had a damn easy setup with a set command, dependencies downloaded and directory set in like 1 minute 05:29 < bridge> on linux 05:29 < bridge> on windows, kill it with fire 05:29 < bridge> i mean the error tells me there is no instance of visual studio 05:29 < bridge> do i actually need vs cus i use vs code 05:30 < ws-client> wot @stepfunn developin? 05:30 < bridge> yea gonna do chat filter myself 🙂 05:30 < bridge> then either visual studio has been incorrectly setup, or cmake had been. try reinstalling cmake first, faster 05:30 < bridge> just need the project to run 05:30 < ws-client> @stepfunn use chillerbot-ux it has chat filter already 05:30 < bridge> :owo: lmao, old recommendation by me 05:30 < bridge> bruh 05:31 < bridge> when add it to ddnet client 05:31 < ws-client> https://chillerbot.github.io/ 05:31 < ws-client> its ddnet based 05:31 < bridge> alongside blackmagic coding, ye why not 05:31 < bridge> :owo: 05:31 < ws-client> i just cba to pr this right now and do all the politics to get it merged 05:31 < bridge> oh zamn, chiller injection 05:32 < bridge> :poggers2: 05:32 < ws-client> f1 ``chat_filter_add badword`` and you wont see messages in chat containing "badword" 05:32 < bridge> since when do you have a chatfilter on the client 05:32 < ws-client> it wont save if you quit the client 05:32 < ws-client> so add your fav blacklisted words to your autoexec.cfg 05:32 < bridge> bruh 05:32 < bridge> ah ok 05:32 < ws-client> since idk a few years i think 05:32 < bridge> then its good 05:33 < ws-client> i needed it once when the spam on BlmapChill block server was too bad 05:33 < bridge> :pepeW: :question_ddnet: 05:33 < bridge> but will the words be blocked anywhere. so im talking kill message, voting, scoreboard.... 05:33 < ws-client> it was a "NIGGER WE THE BEST" copy pasta every 2seconds so i added the filter 05:33 < bridge> and still got no actual blacklist on ddnet client?? 05:33 < ws-client> this is only for chat 05:33 < bridge> makes sense 05:34 < bridge> similar case for stepfunn 05:34 < bridge> hm its a start but kinda need it for everything 05:34 < bridge> the whole package 05:34 < bridge> what else do you have in that client? 05:34 < bridge> you mean a wordlist full of curses? 05:34 < ws-client> adding it everywhere should be easy but it might conflict with ddnet so i will probably not do it to reduce maintencane effort 05:34 < ws-client> @stepfunn block warlist so you have green and red names 05:35 < ws-client> @stepfunn password manager to auto login in accounts like ifcity kog rcon etc 05:35 < ws-client> @stepfunn automated smalltalk you can reply to "how are you?" "whats your mouse sense?" etc with a single bind 05:35 < bridge> So like all qol features? 05:35 < bridge> do you have that tabbed out auto responder as well? 05:36 < ws-client> ye 05:36 < bridge> ah thats nice 05:36 < bridge> so you can set up "sry im afk" while tabbed out, cool 05:36 < ws-client> afk is exta feature 05:36 < bridge> idk why build instructions have u use cmake gui 05:36 < bridge> it's not the right way to do it 05:36 < bridge> you have visual studio yeah? 05:36 < ws-client> you can say "afk 5" in f1 and it will reply to pings "i am back in x minutes" 05:36 < bridge> vs code 05:36 < bridge> ahhhh 05:37 < bridge> starting to like this chiller client thing :gigachad: 05:37 < bridge> i guess thats not enough 05:37 < ws-client> and it has virus that steals your data and mines bitcoin 05:37 < bridge> nop vscode is p different from real visual studio 05:37 < bridge> :justatest: 05:37 < ws-client> axaxaxxa 05:37 < bridge> but you can get a dev setup easy 05:37 < bridge> if u buy my book 05:37 < bridge> ah fck it, Ill fund you :kek: 05:37 < bridge> yea i used visual studio back then when i deved c# 05:37 < ws-client> wowo stepdev 05:37 < bridge> idk i just like vs code so much more now 05:37 < bridge> yeah vscode is good 05:38 < bridge> problem is vs comes with compilers and tools when u install the workflows, vscode doesn't 05:38 < bridge> u either need to install standalone vs build tools, the whole ide, or use msys 05:38 < ws-client> if this gets a streamer to use chillerbot-ux i might accept some feature requests from you @stepfunn hehe 05:38 < bridge> yea cant i just install a compiler extension :kek: 05:38 < bridge> vscode is what I use, the plugins are nicer there 05:38 < bridge> for c++ vs is better 05:38 < bridge> it's a big hassle 05:38 < bridge> false 05:38 < bridge> well 05:38 < bridge> depends 05:38 < bridge> usually false 05:39 < bridge> it has such a good dev environment from scratch tho 05:39 < bridge> lol 05:39 < bridge> @stepfunn there is a vscode workspace for ddnet in the other folder of the src tree, but it was hard to set up on windows since nobody ever tested it there lol 05:39 < bridge> well i waited like over 2 years for a chat filter so im kinda done waiting 05:39 < bridge> i have it working but with other compilers n tools than you would be using 05:39 < bridge> the easiest way to build ddnet for u rn is to just download real visual studio 05:39 < bridge> :owo: recommend account system 05:40 < bridge> hm yea i guess i will just get vs community 05:40 < bridge> its what ever 05:40 < ws-client> @stepfunn but u know a chat filter will be a cat and mouse game right? 05:40 < bridge> the dream 05:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200661557265322034/image.png?ex=65c6fe36&is=65b48936&hm=21755e02e642857b94cbd284886fecfdf2356e02537ef6a84f9e82b88e992454& 05:40 < ws-client> at least for streamers 05:40 < bridge> :justatest: 05:40 < ws-client> for me it worked because nobody knew what filters i have 05:40 < bridge> yeah, people find a way to bypass it if the filter is not configured enough 05:41 < bridge> for some reason qt creator build config doesn't put quotes around strings when u copy it ⁉️ 05:41 < bridge> i know yea. and i will have a HUGE file of filtered words at some point 05:41 < ws-client> xxxD 05:41 < ws-client> and then you get false positives 05:41 < ws-client> what about using the option to only show messages from friends? 05:41 < bridge> nah 05:41 < ws-client> because faking names in ddnet is illegal anyways xd 05:41 < bridge> they rename to friends names 05:41 < ws-client> so it cant be bypassed 05:41 < ws-client> nono thats illegal 05:41 < bridge> XDDDDDDD 05:41 < bridge> ok bro 05:41 < bridge> I mean, you could just have ***AI*** do it for u :troll: 05:42 < bridge> i fixed it 05:42 < bridge> ez regex 05:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200662010661187624/image.png?ex=65c6fea2&is=65b489a2&hm=d3b4677ee26cec33a5bf3ce694eae61947731607d1275c12a995e82473a789d8& 05:42 < ws-client> with a big list i would be super scared of false positives 05:42 < bridge> need me some agi 05:42 < bridge> eh, yeah I assume its ez idk 05:42 < ws-client> image you mess important chat messages from frints because they get detected 05:42 < ws-client> miss* 05:42 < bridge> better false positives then shit getting through 05:42 < ws-client> oof 05:42 < ws-client> mood 05:43 < bridge> at least he is optimistic 05:43 < ws-client> sure buy chilerbot today and give it a try :3 05:43 < bridge> what did you fix 05:43 < bridge> this 05:43 < bridge> oh 05:43 < bridge> as I said, lemme have your chillerbo- I mean, client yeah 05:43 < bridge> lemme have that :owo: 05:44 < bridge> problem is when i select config values and right click to copy 05:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200662497519218759/image.png?ex=65c6ff16&is=65b48a16&hm=8798e3e20e964d9789192436753b9f1de9a288c0ee48ad37db8df2274784f6f8& 05:44 < bridge> it won't put values that need quotes in quotes 05:44 < bridge> all these matches are values which should have quotes 05:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200662608039129088/image.png?ex=65c6ff30&is=65b48a30&hm=999e33e1221321aca47ba7acb8b9d5b50da7dcd0e7a3e8f1c398ebd476d7140f& 05:44 < bridge> :justatest: 05:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200662637407653938/image.png?ex=65c6ff37&is=65b48a37&hm=5e3ac5826a0724aa573c5f213f871933d12058642a80756316677f47642987dc& 05:44 < bridge> :kek: 05:44 < ws-client> ye thats why i need your streamer fame advertising it 05:45 < bridge> still safer 05:45 < bridge> than all the other bs 05:45 < ws-client> chilerbot has like 2 users 05:45 < ws-client> how i know? i track them! 05:45 < bridge> :gigachad: based dev 05:45 < ws-client> not even kidding 05:45 < ws-client> https://chillerbot.zillyhuhn.com/api/v1/users 05:46 < bridge> always cares about us by tracking us!! 05:46 < ws-client> here u can see all chilerbot users that enabled tracking 05:46 < ws-client> (did not disable it axaxax) 05:46 < bridge> bro has a zip file in a zip file 05:46 < bridge> gg 05:46 < ws-client> its a zip bomb 05:46 < ws-client> to fill ur disk 05:46 < ws-client> axaxaxaxax enjoy virus 05:46 < bridge> :pepeW: 💣 05:47 < ws-client> if u actually downloadin now @stepfunn want me to show u the pog automated chat in game? 05:47 < bridge> show him the afk thingy 05:47 < ws-client> thats borin 05:48 < ws-client> its fakin AI level automated chat 05:48 < bridge> at least its AI 05:48 < bridge> what thuuu heeaal 05:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200663570938073139/image.png?ex=65c70016&is=65b48b16&hm=422566bf244fa003bb953f7af18112006dae46c36a268049387332c07cb1b776& 05:48 < ws-client> i couldnt go back to ddnet without it 05:48 < ws-client> <:banhammer:392813948858269696> 05:48 < ws-client> @stepfunn cheater! 05:48 < bridge> how tf do i remove that 05:48 < ws-client> ``cl_chillerbot_hud 0`` 05:49 < bridge> ohhh nooo, anyways 05:49 < ws-client> i think there is also a checkbox in settings 05:49 < bridge> nvm found it 05:49 < bridge> eh, gonna go back to work, still an hour left, then moving to new apartment :poggers2: 05:49 < bridge> chiller go show 05:50 < bridge> see ya guys, have fun chillerbotting :owo: 05:50 < bridge> yo cya cellegen 05:51 < bridge> i hate signing up to report a bug 06:03 < ws-client> @stepfunn xd 06:04 < bridge> :justatest: 06:05 < ws-client> https://github.com/chillerbot/chillerbot-ux/issues/149 here u go @stepfunn make sure to like share and subscribe this issue 06:06 < bridge> 👍 06:36 < bridge> our cmake makes targeting android kind of a pain 06:36 < bridge> not ddnet 06:37 < bridge> it's supposed to make libappname-arch.so but it just makes appname 09:14 < ws-client> i have been doing ``COUNT (*) AS count`` my entire life omagawd 09:14 < ws-client> w out space omagawd 09:15 < ws-client> ``COUNT(*) AS count ORDER BY count`` 09:15 < ws-client> but why have i done it if also this works ``COUNT() ORDER BY COUNT()`` 09:15 < ws-client> even this works the same ``COUNT(69) ORDER BY COUNT(*)`` 09:18 < ws-client> okay i am officially only using this from now on ever ``COUNT('people who use count as are trols') ORDER BY COUNT(420 - 69)`` 09:21 < ws-client> okay even string concat works so this is even funnier ``COUNT('people who use ''count as'' are trols') ORDER BY COUNT(420 - 69)`` 09:26 < ws-client> i got clean 1000 finishes on ddnet pog 09:27 < ws-client> https://db.ddstats.org/ddnet-de2b829?sql=SELECT+COUNT%28%27people+who+%27%27use+count%27%27+as+are+weird%27%29%2C+name+FROM+race+WHERE+name+LIKE+%27ChillerD%25%27+GROUP+BY+name+ORDER+BY+COUNT%2869+-+420%29+DESC%3B 09:29 < ws-client> i managed to break the ``DESC`` keyword xd 09:29 < ws-client> https://db.ddstats.org/ddnet-de2b829?sql=SELECT+COUNT%28%27people+who+%27%27use+count%27%27+as+are+weird%27%29%2C+name+FROM+race+WHERE+name+LIKE+%27ChillerD%25%27+GROUP+BY+name+ORDER+BY+COUNT%28CASE+WHEN+%27onbgy%27+THEN+%27gores%27+END%29+DESC%3B 09:29 < ws-client> okay i have way too much fun with this. enuff troling for today 10:29 < bridge> lol 10:29 < bridge> near "GROUP": syntax error 10:39 < ws-client> works on my sql 10:49 < bridge> me when firefox hangs for no reason 10:49 < bridge> when i am trying to do things 11:04 < bridge> mornong 11:04 < bridge> morning 11:04 < bridge> morning 11:05 < bridge> good monring :) 11:05 < bridge> trol 11:05 < bridge> im losing my mind 11:05 < bridge> i think it's a qt creator bug 11:05 < bridge> the android plugin incorrectly reporting a kit's supported ABIs 11:12 < bridge> @robyt3 i'm on windows now 11:13 < bridge> am i right in the assumption that windows sends no maximize or restore event? 11:13 < bridge> but does send a minimized event 11:13 < bridge> it does 11:13 < bridge> not sure if it even sends a minimized event, because it already starts out minimized 11:13 < bridge> for me it sends event 7 11:13 < bridge> anyone know if i can make clangd load the whole index into memory 11:13 < bridge> for fast 11:14 < bridge> this is beyond broken xD 11:14 < bridge> wat are u debugging 11:15 < bridge> if u start a app minimized on windows, it sends a minized event.. good 11:15 < bridge> 11:15 < bridge> but if u maximize the app then it seems like it doesnt send a maximize or restore event 11:15 < bridge> so you can't really check if the window restored in a nice way 11:16 < bridge> mh wdym doesn't send event. because i can basically guarantee you that on the lowest level there is a message being sent and received and processed by sdl's windowproc, but whether it makes it to you is a different story 11:16 < bridge> @robyt3 if i tab out twice 11:16 < bridge> it works 11:16 < bridge> with the pr 11:16 < bridge> then it sends a restore event 11:16 < bridge> xD 11:16 < bridge> :pepeW: 11:17 < bridge> IMO the pr is correct.. that there is no resize event sucks, i dunno if we really should add special cases for this 11:17 < bridge> maybe it doesn't know that it's minimized so you don't get the restore event on the first try? 11:18 < bridge> i guess so. maybe it's even a SDL bug 11:18 < bridge> likely 11:18 < bridge> sdl has lots of windowing bugs on windows 11:18 < bridge> but u said u still get validation errors with the PR? 11:18 < bridge> that would really surprise me 11:18 < bridge> many instances of wrong measurements being reported in hi dpi environments 11:18 < bridge> then for you it works differently= 11:18 < bridge> then for you it works differently? 11:18 < bridge> and the thing where you can't opaquely handle window resizes 11:18 < bridge> yes, still the same errors as before, about width/height being zero 11:19 < bridge> and the thing where you can't opaquely handle window resizes without an event filter 11:19 < bridge> how is that possible, for me it never enters the code region where it could throw this error, bcs without the restore event the rendering is paused 11:19 < bridge> help me help u 11:19 < bridge> i am very curious 11:20 < bridge> ah ok 11:20 < bridge> maybe it does 11:20 < bridge> nvm then @robyt3 11:20 < bridge> D: 11:20 < bridge> If you want to log the validation errors on restart you need `dbg_gfx 4; logfile log.log` in your `autoexec.cfg`, doesn't work when in config or console argument when restarting 11:21 < bridge> i dont have vk sdk installed anyway i guess 11:21 < bridge> can we force maximized somehow xd 11:21 < bridge> not force but u can set the window maximized 11:21 < bridge> which is a thing i forgot iw as gonna add 11:21 < bridge> :X 11:21 < bridge> and is that event handled directly? xd 11:22 < bridge> I wonder if this is an sdl issue. Have you verified that we definitely get no event for the unminimize? 11:22 < bridge> not async 11:22 < bridge> i dont get any 11:22 < bridge> window messages are always handled synchronously> 11:22 < bridge> i hate it when i open the game and it's the size of my screen but it's not maximized 11:22 < bridge> and if i tab out and in again it sends one xd 11:22 < bridge> :pepeW: 11:23 < bridge> send me link to checkout 11:23 < bridge> so i can see 11:23 < bridge> Well next thing I would check if SDL is getting the winapi event properly 11:23 < bridge> i added `` 11:23 < bridge> dbg_msg("w-event", "with code %d", Event.window.event);`` 11:23 < bridge> 11:23 < bridge> in input.cpp 11:23 < bridge> and then simply start client minimized 11:23 < bridge> u are not actually debugging 11:23 < bridge> x 11:24 < bridge> we don't drop any events 11:24 < bridge> so the logging should be correct 11:24 < bridge> As long as you put it in the right place it should be fine 😄 11:24 < bridge> anyone touch cmake code related to atomic recently 11:33 < bridge> first problem 11:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200750486509342750/image.png?ex=65c75108&is=65b4dc08&hm=007e028241f46577d8db15728bd65fc47d850e29c8df370130be06859f05b03e& 11:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200750486819717190/image.png?ex=65c75108&is=65b4dc08&hm=87c4e18288c470ea634d8c6e126e0868bfc4fbc3d83edb52b9b622cf5dd211b2& 11:33 < bridge> no default case 11:33 < bridge> can't be sure ur ingesting 100% of window events 11:34 < bridge> why discord format my screenshot like that 11:35 < bridge> doesn't handle mouse enter, mouse leave, or focus gain events 11:38 < bridge> how are u starting the app minimized 11:38 < bridge> create shortcut 11:38 < bridge> and in the shortcut change the settings 11:38 < bridge> mh 11:38 < bridge> but i added the log before the switch 11:40 < bridge> fck i dont have access to my gh on windows xdd 11:42 < bridge> @robyt3 can u apply this patch? 11:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200752700057456701/bugfix.patch?ex=65c75318&is=65b4de18&hm=6210655c1a045bb729f444126f237711062b45d7e2e41e0f3db80197ea143326& 11:42 < bridge> and check if it removes the validation errors 11:43 < bridge> meanwhile i try to get https://packages.msys2.org/base/mingw-w64-vulkan-validation-layers working 11:43 < bridge> 😏 11:43 < bridge> but mingw is so hard, it always doesnt work 😀 11:43 < bridge> 😬 11:44 < bridge> wat are u doing 11:44 < bridge> checking vk validation layers 11:44 < bridge> y 11:45 < bridge> cool 11:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200753552587501578/image.png?ex=65c753e3&is=65b4dee3&hm=149c4f883f2314e485352aa8c092d100548892984d96060a6e78933a0ad38751& 11:46 < bridge> dunno what that's about 11:46 < bridge> yeah, fcking utf8 11:46 < bridge> Should never happen, maybe you have uninitialized memory somewhere 11:47 < bridge> this is upstream master xd 11:47 < bridge> maybe *you* have uninitialized memory somewhere... 11:47 < bridge> With which OS and compiler? 11:47 < bridge> win11 msys mingw ucrt runtime 11:47 < bridge> The crash dump would help a lot because it would say where the invalid UTF-8 comes from 11:47 < bridge> it was a fluke 11:47 < bridge> no idea how to reproduce 11:47 < bridge> just funny 11:48 < bridge> If you have the crash dump then that's not required 11:48 < bridge> later 11:48 < bridge> Or did you build without exception handling? 11:49 < bridge> if i start it minimized, i can't get ddnet to display anything until i minimize it again and then bring it to fg 11:49 < bridge> is this what u are trying to fix 11:49 < bridge> yes 11:49 < bridge> ic 11:49 < bridge> How do I apply this patch automatically? `git apply ./bugfix.patch` says `No valid patches in input` 11:50 < bridge> git am ? 11:50 < bridge> can i not start a shortcut in mingw64 shell?? 11:50 < bridge> 11:50 < bridge> ``` 11:50 < bridge> "./DDNet.exe\ -\ Verknüpfung.lnk" 11:50 < bridge> bash: ./DDNet.exe\ -\ Verknüpfung.lnk: No such file or directory 11:50 < bridge> 11:50 < bridge> 11:50 < bridge> ``` 11:50 < bridge> `Patch format detection failed.` 11:50 < bridge> mh 11:51 < bridge> did u run it on the pr branch? 11:51 < bridge> no, I'm on master 11:51 < bridge> ah that might be the problem 11:51 < bridge> still the same, weird 11:52 < bridge> yeah rip since 2 factor auth i dont have access to gh on windows 11:53 < bridge> and i cant get validation layers to work bcs i dunno how i can open a shortcut in mingw shell 😂 11:53 < bridge> why is this so hard 11:53 < bridge> why do you need to open the shortcut in the shell? 11:53 < bridge> mhh can i also set minimized on the real exe? 11:53 < bridge> I mean you can start the shortcut from explorer 11:54 < bridge> seems like it can find validation layers then 11:54 < bridge> u installed vulkan sdk? 11:54 < bridge> yeah, I installed VulkanSDK from the normal website 11:54 < bridge> and then the necessary MSYS2 packages to get the build going 11:54 < bridge> ok i try that too then 11:56 < bridge> lmao 11:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200756109519097957/image.png?ex=65c75645&is=65b4e145&hm=c1dddb235293ef1d8eb4ce68e62f88636c25aa6759e4bd28c8a3efbc232ba0d5& 11:56 < bridge> so classic 11:56 < bridge> all these broken overlays 11:56 < bridge> ah nice worked 11:56 < bridge> thx 11:57 < bridge> u can do that ig 11:57 < bridge> anyawaywawa 11:57 < bridge> `powershell -c "Start-Process -WindowStyle Minimized .\DDNet.exe"` 11:59 < bridge> @robyt3 u dont need to test anything anymore xd 11:59 < bridge> 11:59 < bridge> patch was wrong anyway 12:01 < bridge> trynig smth 12:01 < bridge> I can confirm that :owo: 12:01 < bridge> Always getting a black screen with this patch 12:02 < bridge> i hate this already 12:03 < bridge> it destroys everything that is good about vulkan 12:03 < bridge> a vk surface doesnt need sdl events. i already hate that android breaks this promise 12:03 < bridge> such a design flaw 😬 12:04 < bridge> android sucks… 13:20 < bridge> @chillerdragon ChillerDragon's gCTF/iCTF GER1 [0.6/0.7 bridge] [OFFLINE] 13:20 < bridge> ._. 14:24 < bridge> https://imgur.com/mCHT1A4 14:24 < bridge> 14:24 < bridge> DDNet Client 14:24 < bridge> https://imgur.com/TB7g65Y 14:24 < bridge> 14:24 < bridge> Apex Legends on Ultra graphics 14:24 < bridge> wtf? 14:25 < bridge> try limiting the frame rate 14:25 < bridge> ddnet by default renders as many frames as it can, using all the resources it has 14:26 < bridge> i see 14:26 < bridge> let me test 14:27 < bridge> ok it works, no annoying sound from the gpu now 14:27 < bridge> ty ❤️ 14:51 < bridge> Why won't we change it? This issue highly affects virtually all laptop users. 300 FPS default limit won't be visually different from 'unlimited' but it should stop the "air plan is taking off" effect, at least for some users. 14:51 < bridge> Oh no 14:51 < bridge> I think I broke this too 14:51 < bridge> this will require people to download again :pepeW: 15:16 < bridge> Why won't we change it? This issue highly affects virtually all laptop users. 300 FPS default limit won't be visually different from 'unlimited' but it should stop the "aircraft is taking off" effect, at least for some users. 15:18 < bridge> 300 fps is unplayable xd 15:18 < bridge> 15:18 < bridge> we should simply add a fps slider at the first start 15:18 < bridge> i play with 200 :justatest: 15:19 < bridge> you mean you try to play 15:19 < bridge> i just finished "Step by Step" map 15:19 < bridge> so its playable 😎 15:20 < bridge> i guess i can also finish that with controller xd 15:20 < bridge> i think i got used to it 15:21 < bridge> so its fine for me 15:21 < bridge> yeah 15:30 < bridge> I'm in favor. talk to @jupeyy_keks 15:30 < bridge> "we should simply add a fps slider at the first start" 15:30 < bridge> bad defaults are never a good idea 15:31 < bridge> wdym bad 15:32 < bridge> if we make 60 fps limit. it's a matter of time until someone says: why did u make 60fps limit and not 240, like my screen 15:32 < bridge> if we use vsync. i did i have input lag 15:32 < bridge> if we use vsync. why did i have input lag 15:36 < bridge> The 'aircraft' issue shows that the current defaults are bad. A sane limit won't hurt. 15:36 < bridge> At the same time, SLIDER for FPS is an insane idea. Usually a user want particular value, such as the display framerate of doubled frame rate. E.g. it is literally impossible to set `60` or probably any other certain value with the slider — it is always `59` or `67`. 15:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200811480694665327/fps-slider-2024-01-27_17.35.35.mp4?ex=65c789d6&is=65b514d6&hm=bdeedea9d42a756d4c74ffbbb6b876a08ba7ef92b55426752f58e9289ca6ca2f& 15:36 < bridge> The 'aircraft' issue shows that the current defaults are bad. A sane limit won't hurt. 15:36 < bridge> At the same time, SLIDER for FPS is an insane idea. Usually a user wants particular value, such as the display framerate of doubled frame rate. E.g. it is literally impossible to set `60` or probably any other certain value with the slider — it is always `59` or `67`. 15:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1200811480694665327/fps-slider-2024-01-27_17.35.35.mp4?ex=65c789d6&is=65b514d6&hm=bdeedea9d42a756d4c74ffbbb6b876a08ba7ef92b55426752f58e9289ca6ca2f& 15:36 < bridge> no. a user isn't interested in selecting the fps at first start 15:36 < bridge> slider with input then 15:36 < bridge> if they want to do that, they'll go to the settings with no problem 15:37 < bridge> then we dont need to change it 15:37 < bridge> the issue is the typical user 15:37 < bridge> anyway, it's useless to discuss with u 15:37 < bridge> impossible 15:37 < bridge> this seems unhealthy 15:37 < bridge> u wouldn't accept that other ppl can see the diff between 60 hz and 120hz 15:37 < bridge> but okay 15:37 < bridge> yep, sry 15:37 < bridge> please don't put words into my mouth 15:38 < bridge> I accept that people will see the difference between 60 and 120 hz monitors 15:38 < bridge> I accept that people see the difference between 60 and 120 hz monitors 15:38 < bridge> please don't put words in my mouth 15:38 < bridge> see, always the same 15:38 < bridge> I don't say that you say it 15:38 < bridge> that's something I'm saying 15:38 < bridge> ok 15:38 < bridge> you can't accept it, i'll leave 15:38 < bridge> u can put words in my mouf 15:39 < bridge> I accept that a user can see the diff between 60Hz and 120Hz. Can we set a doubled display refresh rate as the default value? Or set 120Hz? 15:39 < bridge> Personally I think that vsync enabled by default would be even better but I'm not an expert in this area. 🙂 15:41 < bridge> I think the main difference is in input lag 15:41 < bridge> (when switching from the screen's refresh rate to smt higher) 15:45 < bridge> there could be a default mode which would always set 2 * monitor-refresh-rate as max fps 15:45 < bridge> oh 15:45 < bridge> I literally suggested the same as @kaffeine0 😅 15:46 < bridge> sounds good to me 15:46 < bridge> yeah I think like doulbe or triple the monitors refresh rate would be a good default 15:46 < bridge> perhaps you can make a PR so we can discuss it there? 15:46 < bridge> or an issue if you don't want to code it right now 15:51 < bridge> I think that the most of players won't notice the difference, and as the players go to settings anyway (to adjust the skin, etc), they can set the needed options. If a player knows the "input lag" and other terms then they can set the wanted settings. At the same time if a player has no idea about those settings and terms then probably 2x rate or even vsync would still provide a comfortable UX for them. 15:51 < bridge> Note: we'd need to use special value for `gfx_refresh_rate` (such as `0`) to make the game calculating the rate at runtime, based on the current display. 15:52 < bridge> Well I do see the difference which is mainly input lag. My screen's refresh rate is 75hz but I cap the client's fps at 1000 15:53 < bridge> Yeah I just tried with 150hz and it feels choppy 15:57 < bridge> What's about 225? 15:57 < bridge> Though I'd be against 3x rate by default. IMO the default settings should target the needs of normal players rather than a few super sensitive pro gamers. Yet, "3x by default" would be much better than what we have now. 15:57 < bridge> 15:57 < bridge> Also, `cl_refresh_rate_inactive` should be capped by 1x display refresh rate; there is no sane reason to keep the aircraft flying when the game is not in the focus. 15:58 < bridge> What's about 225? 15:58 < bridge> Though I'd be against 3x rate by default (in favor of 2x). IMO the default settings should target the needs of normal players rather than a few super sensitive pro gamers. Yet, "3x by default" would be much better than what we have now. 15:58 < bridge> 15:58 < bridge> Also, `cl_refresh_rate_inactive` should be capped by 1x display refresh rate; there is no sane reason to keep the aircraft flying when the game is not in the focus. 15:58 < bridge> Let me see 15:59 < bridge> yeah 225 I can't see the difference 15:59 < bridge> What's about 225? 15:59 < bridge> Though I'd be against 3x rate by default (in favor of 2x). IMO the default settings should target the needs of normal players rather than a few super sensitive pro gamers. Yet, "3x by default" would be much better than what we have now. 15:59 < bridge> 15:59 < bridge> Also, `cl_refresh_rate_inactive` should be capped by 1x display refresh rate; there is no sane reason to keep the aircraft flying while the game is not in the focus. 15:59 < bridge> but now it's winter so 1000 fps ftw 😬 16:03 < bridge> season-dependant fps 16:04 < bridge> during winter, x10 refresh rate, smoothly scaled down to 3x for summer 16:04 < bridge> ♨️ 16:22 < bridge> press shift 16:38 < bridge> i guess we could try x3 16:38 < bridge> 16:38 < bridge> but only for new clients or what? else we overwrite all configs of all players 16:46 < bridge> I think there's already the functionality for that. It leaves the current cfg options if it finds it else it sets it. 23:35 < bridge> https://x.com/doctorow/status/1637443442921066497?s=20