02:41 < bridge> 50$ from steam 02:41 < bridge> [steamcommunity.com/gift/76566894433985465](https://qptr.ru/DHAu) 02:41 < bridge> @everyone 03:20 < bridge> teeguesser!! That sounds epic. @murpi good job. When can matrix/irc users play it? 03:51 < bridge> Hi, is there any api for rendering skins? 03:52 < bridge> Yes I think so 03:52 < bridge> There were so many projects I lost track of where the latest shit is 03:53 < bridge> I think teeskins had one 03:54 < bridge> Should add such web services to a listing on the wiki @ryozuki 05:57 < bridge> still nothing 06:11 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ finally fixed the "user already logged in error" <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 06:12 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705640992.png 06:12 < ws-client> oh and my production password is totally not 4 letters 07:14 < bridge> You password's `pass` isnt it :gigachad: 07:14 < bridge> :greenthing: 07:35 < bridge> I can neither confirm nor deny 08:52 < bridge> Lol @gerdoe why ecs? 08:52 < bridge> How does that help and how do you even imagine ecs being a superset of ddnet physics 08:53 < bridge> The biggest strength of ecs is not being deterministic per frame 08:53 < bridge> That allows to reorder events etc. And thus allows multithreading 09:03 < bridge> GameServer()->m_pController->Function 09:07 < bridge> Nice chiller. Maybe in 200 years I use the chat again 09:08 < ws-client> xd 09:08 < ws-client> i am using it more since weechat over ssh with 200 ping is no fun 09:10 < bridge> if u want 09:11 < ws-client> me? 09:11 < ws-client> no u 09:12 < ws-client> your head of wiki 09:13 < bridge> no 09:13 < bridge> wiki is everyone 09:13 < bridge> edit 09:13 < bridge> go 09:13 < bridge> im lazy 09:13 < bridge> im developing llvm 09:13 < ws-client> :( 09:20 < bridge> chillerdragon ive never used ruby. All i know something related to it is that DHH made ruby on rails :justatest: 09:20 < ws-client> yep you know a lot already 09:21 < ws-client> i give you another fun fact. It feels like any other scripting language such as python but uses ``do`` and ``end`` for scopes 09:21 < ws-client> you can do curley too but yeh 09:21 < ws-client> know u know ruby your welcome 09:21 < ws-client> now* 09:22 < bridge> I dont know pyson xd 09:22 < ws-client> go use ``irb`` as calculator 09:22 < ws-client> works like ``node`` 09:23 < ws-client> i am surprised people outside of ruby lands know DHH 09:23 < bridge> Ive heard his takes :justatest: 09:24 < ws-client> but have you seen him race? 09:24 < ws-client> he has 6 seconds on run_blue 09:24 < ws-client> jk i mean this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNQl0x6WS3M 09:24 < ws-client> average developer 09:25 < bridge> Average dynamically typed language enjoyer 09:25 < ws-client> xd 09:27 < bridge> +struct RescueComponent 09:27 < bridge> add all functionality in RescueComponent 09:27 < bridge> +BasicTee->AddComponent(new RescueComponent) in DDNetTee constructor 09:27 < bridge> or something like that 09:28 < ws-client> omg jipsotiti 09:28 < ws-client> i fixed fucking text selection 09:29 < ws-client> YOU CAN NOW HILITILE LETTERS WITH DA MOUSE 09:29 < bridge> Epic 09:29 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705652948.png 09:29 < ws-client> haters would say websites can do that out of the box 09:29 < bridge> chiller who deleted all the terminals on your system 09:29 < bridge> you preffered to talk from irs 09:29 < bridge> irc 09:29 < bridge> preferred* 09:29 < ws-client> i use irc via ssh 09:30 < ws-client> and i have 200 ping via ssh so typing is pain af 09:30 < ws-client> chat.zillyhuhn.com has bleeding edge anti ping typing is smooth af 09:30 < bridge> u use discord via web-browser via your own web-server 09:30 < ws-client> i use irc via my own web frontend :D 09:30 < bridge> okey 09:31 < ws-client> discord stole the design from me 09:31 < ws-client> i had it first 09:31 < bridge> chillerdragon ever tried using discord? 09:31 < bridge> u use discord via irc-server via your own web-server via web-browser 09:31 < ws-client> something like that 09:31 < ws-client> @milkeeycat ye didnt like it 09:31 < bridge> @chillerdragon 09:31 < ws-client> @zhn 09:32 < bridge> i was linking your profile 09:32 < bridge> pingdragon 09:32 < ws-client> axaxax 09:32 < bridge> Chillerdragon when use svelte for frontend? 😏 09:32 < bridge> Or solid 09:32 < ws-client> do i look like webdev? 09:32 < ws-client> vanilla all the way 09:32 < bridge> pure html+css+js 09:32 < ws-client> bloat enough that i use webpack 09:32 < bridge> chillerdragon u know htmx? 09:33 < ws-client> no 09:33 < bridge> he really thinks using bloatware discord via his own bloatware is something better xd 09:33 < bridge> That sounds useful anyway ^^ 09:33 < bridge> But yeah I understand what you mean, but ecs over the whole code base doesn't sound trivial 09:33 < bridge> yeah Jupstar that's why i asked i final question in issue 09:33 < bridge> a* 09:34 < bridge> i don't like idea of introducing ecs to existing ddnet codebase xd 09:34 < bridge> even in server-side only 09:34 < bridge> chillerdragon frontend webdev is all about bloat 09:34 < bridge> Ah yeah. I guess we don't really have such event registering 09:35 < bridge> Use wasm and webgpu 09:35 < bridge> use the irc wtf 09:35 < bridge> Svelte and solid not that bad 09:36 < bridge> And htmx ofc 😏 09:36 < bridge> @chillerdragon you could make web-client for chatting on tw server without loading full tw-client on board instead of irc-proxied discord web-client 09:38 < bridge> i just don't get the point of reinventing square-shaped wheel 09:38 < bridge> It feels good when it's urs square shaped wheel 09:38 < bridge> It feels good when it's ur square shaped wheel 09:39 < bridge> he could use matrix instead anyway 09:39 < bridge> and make his own matrix client xd 09:39 < bridge> zillytrix 09:41 < bridge> im sorry if im being rude chiller xd 09:41 < bridge> :poggers2: 09:41 < bridge> hadn't my meal in a while 09:41 < bridge> in rust we trust 09:41 < bridge> friday 09:41 < bridge> no 09:41 < bridge> its fenec friday 09:42 < ws-client> @zhn i built such tw webchat in verry crappy already years ago. And do plan to build a bit nicer one. But who knows when i find time for that 09:42 < bridge> When i see ur name, i always read it zsh :justatest: 09:42 < bridge> read it as zohan 09:44 < ws-client> @zhn yea reinventing is only useful for educational reasons. I don't really like educating my self. I do it because i am convinced my chat platform is the best out there 09:44 < ws-client> its much faster and nicer looking than any other irc/matrix client 09:44 < ws-client> and its selfhosted and customizable since i know the code 09:44 < bridge> you can do the same with matrix 09:44 < ws-client> easy to deploy 09:44 < bridge> its literally just a protocol 09:44 < ws-client> no matrix is ass 09:45 < ws-client> irc is much nicer 09:45 < bridge> i don't get it anyway 09:45 < ws-client> it works so good 09:45 < ws-client> im texting with you just fine 09:50 < bridge> anyone also too i guess xd 09:53 < ws-client> yea so why use matrix 09:54 < ws-client> because in matrix is nothing just fine 10:15 < bridge> lol i read it as zuhn 10:30 < bridge> Wtf. Rename back to gerdoe xd 10:31 < ws-client> its gerdoe!? 10:31 < bridge> Yes 10:31 < ws-client> wtf 10:31 < ws-client> that should be illegal 10:31 < bridge> Ikr 10:47 < bridge> bro's still on irc xd 11:11 < bridge> chillerdragon: ffr, what do you want to learn about programming? 11:12 < ws-client> e 11:12 < ws-client> i dont do rust 11:12 < ws-client> ping ryo 11:13 < ws-client> also friday already over time to go for an evening swim :p 11:15 < bridge> lol how did http code affect client 11:21 < bridge> Mh 11:22 < bridge> It downloads skins 11:27 < bridge> I always ping him, it's more fun with other ppl too. And you as tw unionist should be prepared for being able to code rust 11:27 < ws-client> ok hit me 11:27 < bridge> But ofc you can also ask a vulkan question 11:27 < ws-client> ok i have vulkan question 11:28 < bridge> We can also discuss what modding model is the best 11:28 < ws-client> how do i do a graphical game in c without libraries? 11:28 < bridge> You can implement everything that exists as library you own 11:29 < bridge> Copy and paste whole Linux ecosystem into a single c file 11:29 < ws-client> oof 11:29 < ws-client> isnt there a simple gfx linux api you can call from raw c directly? 11:29 < bridge> Would be beyond funny 11:29 < ws-client> and go start do some opengl and vulkan 11:30 < bridge> I don't think so 11:30 < ws-client> if i wanna go a gfx game in C wat i do? SDL? glfw? glew etc? 11:30 < bridge> The GPUs firmwares are often not even open source 11:30 < bridge> SDL has a renderer indeed 11:30 < ws-client> annoying 11:30 < bridge> Enough to so very simple things 11:33 < bridge> self note: dont update ur llvm pr branch because u will have t compile 4000 files again 11:33 < bridge> self note: dont update ur llvm pr branch because u will have to compile 4000 files again 11:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1197851450592735303/image.png?ex=65bcc518&is=65aa5018&hm=c2d1beac24ba3ae23f93da31bd472d447ccd0e7530893b1be8b317c252190f24& 11:34 < bridge> :Kill: 11:34 < ws-client> bloat 11:34 < bridge> True 11:34 < ws-client> when suckless C compiler 11:34 < bridge> Disable some backends 11:34 < ws-client> ah wait there is TinyCC 11:34 < bridge> The problem with c isn't the compiler 11:34 < bridge> i only have x86_64 target, and MLIR,clang and lld projects on 11:35 < bridge> not even full llvm 11:35 < bridge> It's the build system 11:35 < bridge> Buy more cores 11:39 < bridge> Hey, can someone tell me what defines an entity in the code? 11:39 < bridge> My question is more about the dragger. If it didn't visually have the "blue laser" that drags you in would it still be considered an entity? Or just a tile that "sucks you in"? 11:39 < bridge> 11:39 < bridge> And btw are there any "in deep" (even if just a bit) blogs about the code? It's a bit though to understand some of the checks / methods with names alone 11:43 < ws-client> here are pretty much all dev blogs i know about https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Development#External_resources 11:43 < ws-client> oh no is it missing my epic tw net procotol docs? https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/ 11:45 < bridge> i need more coffee 11:49 < ws-client> finally good looking mobile support 11:49 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1705661356.png 11:53 < bridge> Aimazing 11:53 < bridge> Bruh do you really use everything in white design xd 11:53 < ws-client> xd 11:54 < bridge> Is your phone not oled 11:54 < ws-client> idk 11:54 < bridge> Rest in pixels 11:54 < ws-client> lol 11:54 < bridge> ChillerDragon: Thanks, I think I found some links that might interest me. Sadly I don't think it will answer half of my questions as there's no link about tiles 11:55 < ws-client> yep tiles defs need some docs 11:55 < ws-client> mapitems.h character.cpp is where you wanna look at for tiles and maybe collision.cpp if i have to think out of the top of my head 11:55 < bridge> Do you know if you talk about them in your game controller video? might take a look at it x) 11:56 < ws-client> i have been successfully procrastinating recording an episode on tiles for years 11:56 < ws-client> sorry xd 11:56 < bridge> Nah but there's also entities which might be what I really want 11:56 < ws-client> i didnt cover any of that in the video series 11:57 < ws-client> ah you mean code files 11:57 < bridge> ehh yes? 11:58 < ws-client> yea my entitity xp boils down to creating "plants" that grow shotgun bullets in 2019 and never really finish it :D 11:58 < ws-client> https://github.com/DDNetPP/DDNetPP/commit/b1ee7e5ee3fcb5e71ed1209cdb623207cdd9f75a 12:00 < ws-client> having a clean blog post for that would be really cool indeed 12:00 < ws-client> oke bye 12:04 < bridge> Chillerdragon, do you play star dew valley? 12:17 < bridge> Plants that grow sg bullets? Crazy xD 12:20 < bridge> Chillerdragon: do you think that, if I play stardew valley I'm allowed to join the farmer protests? 12:24 < bridge> @heinrich5991 what do you want to know about rust? 12:24 < bridge> Today is ffr 12:25 < bridge> I was stumped a couple of days ago by this: https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=a1bff247acdeee922c8a05cb9acb68d8 12:26 < bridge> I know the solution now, but it's still pretty tricky IMO 12:26 < bridge> line 24 compiles, line 26 doesn't. why? 12:27 < bridge> Ah yeah I have that too very often 12:28 < bridge> I guess this is simply the borrow checker being too annoying? 12:28 < bridge> 12:28 < bridge> I don't see why the args have to outlive the outer call 12:28 < bridge> make a local 12:29 < bridge> yes, but why? 12:29 < bridge> i wonder why 12:29 < bridge> maybe it doesnt take into account its copy? 12:29 < bridge> unrelated to the question, I asked "why?", not "how to fix?" 12:29 < bridge> @heinrich5991 do u think this is also a bad code itself, u take mut self when u dont need to 12:30 < bridge> hmmm 12:30 < bridge> Mh dunno. The question to me would be, is this fixable. So if it's not, then for some reason the scope of arguments does not end. In asm ud fill the arguments beforehand, so I dunno what the blocker should be 12:31 < bridge> maybe it does some logic across statements 12:31 < bridge> and within the same statement the function arguments are an expression 12:31 < bridge> Is the new borrow checker also not allowing this? 12:31 < bridge> so it evaluates the same statement with that expression 12:31 < bridge> vs 12:31 < bridge> evaluating a statement with another statement 12:31 < bridge> this is only example code to show a problem 12:31 < bridge> yes 12:31 < bridge> Why would it be allowed? Can't have more than one mut borrow 12:31 < bridge> yes, this is fixable 12:31 < bridge> why is line 24 allowed then? 12:32 < bridge> Do you know the answer BTW? 12:32 < bridge> I do, but it's unsatisfying 12:33 < bridge> I guess simply the process of how the borrow checker evaluates statements? 12:33 < bridge> i think yes 12:33 < bridge> i explained it 12:33 < bridge> . 12:34 < bridge> I thihnk your explanation doesn't show why line 24 would be treated differently from line 26 12:34 < bridge> line 24 has a shared reference at the same time as a unique one, line 26 has two unique ones 12:34 < bridge> both is forbidden 12:34 < bridge> Maybe because it Parsees the function call as functional 12:34 < bridge> Like there is no real self 12:35 < bridge> @heinrich5991 do u know the answer? 12:35 < bridge> yes, but it's unsatisfying 12:35 < bridge> well tell it xD 12:35 < bridge> let's move to the answer I guess 12:35 < bridge> the answer is that line 24 is allowed by https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/borrow_check/two_phase_borrows.html 12:35 < bridge> Yeah 12:35 < bridge> Yes this 12:36 < bridge> and the only reason line 26 is not included is that they didn't want to whitelist this case, too 12:36 < bridge> I was trying to find the docs frantically 12:36 < bridge> because they thought it would be unintuitive 12:36 < bridge> Oh 12:36 < bridge> I thought it was called a reborrow, not a two phase borrow 😛 12:36 < bridge> So it's actually a self made restriction 12:36 < bridge> Funny 12:36 < bridge> yes 12:38 < bridge> Funnily enough it turned out more unintuitive this way 😄 12:38 < bridge> this is interesting 12:38 < bridge> bookmarked 12:38 < bridge> and im gonna quiz my coworkers kek 12:39 < bridge> credit goes to @patiga for finding this btw 12:45 < bridge> https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/2094-nll.html 12:45 < bridge> This was the rfc 12:45 < bridge> ```rust 12:45 < bridge> pub fn allows_two_phase_borrow(&self) -> bool { 12:45 < bridge> match *self { 12:45 < bridge> BorrowKind::Shared 12:45 < bridge> | BorrowKind::Fake 12:45 < bridge> | BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::Default | MutBorrowKind::ClosureCapture } => { 12:45 < bridge> false 12:45 < bridge> } 12:45 < bridge> BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::TwoPhaseBorrow } => true, 12:45 < bridge> } 12:45 < bridge> } 12:45 < bridge> ``` 12:45 < bridge> Before that it also wasn't allowed apparently 12:46 < bridge> yep 12:47 < bridge> https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2017/03/01/nested-method-calls-via-two-phase-borrowing/ 12:49 < bridge> Man, how did u use rust before non lexical lifetimes 12:49 < bridge> yo is it worth just predicting the hook for coll checking to avoid smth like https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/295908390956433410/1197865529285816320 12:49 < bridge> Looks very annoying xd 12:50 < bridge> yo is it worth just predicting the hook for coll checking to avoid smth like https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/295908390956433410/1197865529285816320 ? 12:51 < bridge> :greenthing: 12:52 < bridge> ? 12:52 < bridge> Well predict the hook instead of doing line collision? 12:52 < bridge> The line literally is the hook prediction 12:52 < bridge> When standing still 12:52 < bridge> No it is not xd 12:52 < bridge> Yea 12:53 < bridge> 100% 12:53 < bridge> Check showroom 12:53 < bridge> Without standing it's not possible 12:53 < bridge> It sure is lol? 12:54 < bridge> Depends on what you mean 12:54 < bridge> Is this video from the person that also hooks 12:55 < bridge> Or does he spec smone 12:55 < bridge> nah i mean 12:55 < bridge> it downloads skins from server on server select? 12:56 < bridge> @teero777 that the hookline is wrong if u spec someone is bcs it is send as normalized vec2 rounded to int 12:56 < bridge> It's not because the prediction is wrong 12:57 < bridge> The server literally sends the wrong cursor position 12:57 < bridge> Vanilla has some weird decisions like that sadly 12:57 < bridge> He's not speccing 12:58 < bridge> Then someone introduced a bug 12:58 < bridge> The hookline is the prediction if u stand still 12:58 < bridge> And this guy stands still 12:59 < bridge> I don't see his cursor tho 12:59 < bridge> It must be demo or spec 12:59 < bridge> Both use snapshot info 13:01 < bridge> it happens even without demo or spec :pepeW: 13:01 < bridge> Your own tee? 13:01 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 13:02 < bridge> This has to be a bug then.. The code for the hookline is literally just call tick a few times 13:02 < bridge> Or its some windows vs Linux inaccuracies or similar 13:02 < bridge> Floating point 13:03 < bridge> This is not comparable to the video in showroom 13:03 < bridge> The video in showroom has a hookline color 13:03 < bridge> If u add a bookable block and its green 13:03 < bridge> i also had yellow color when tee was falling xd 13:03 < bridge> And u still can't hook 13:04 < bridge> Try on local server and send a video 13:05 < bridge> I can only repeat myself. Hook line is hook prediction.. At least the color u see must be right 13:05 < bridge> Anything else is a bug in either server code or client 13:05 < bridge> Except I'm missing something important here 13:06 < bridge> Last time I checked hookline code it was simply doing prediction ticks as if the time stands still 13:06 < bridge> So as if nothing is moving except the hook 13:10 < bridge> is it a bug when it shows that i cant hook thru but its actually possible? 13:12 < bridge> I'd in first place only trust the color of the hook line 13:13 < bridge> The line itself is also just the direction of the hook multiplied by the theoretical length 13:13 < bridge> This can include FP inaccuracies already 13:14 < bridge> So put a hookable block and look if it's green 13:14 < bridge> i never used map editor xd 13:15 < bridge> i joined the same server 13:15 < bridge> and when tee falls hook like becomes yellow 13:15 < bridge> but i cant hook thru 13:16 < bridge> But tbh since the cursor is not real 360° I'd already be surprised of you can easily reproduce a hook line that doesn't match the color 13:16 < bridge> This would already surprise me 13:17 < bridge> With mouse sens 1 it should be easy to reproduce on the same map 13:17 < bridge> Always noting I talk about your local player 13:17 < bridge> Demo and spec are a different problem 13:18 < bridge> idk if its useful anyhow but here u go 13:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1197877798883295302/bug.mp4?ex=65bcdda2&is=65aa68a2&hm=bacf23b5142997fd7c8e2e365ad514ec219d14117009a28ea79f7b3180150edf& 13:19 < bridge> Do you compile your own? 13:19 < bridge> ye 13:19 < bridge> Could be optimizations 13:19 < bridge> Just send map name 13:20 < bridge> I can later check 13:20 < bridge> wasteland 13:20 < bridge> and that guy from showroom uses windows 13:20 < bridge> i use linux btw 😏 13:21 < bridge> But I also can't judge your video very well on mobile 13:21 < bridge> Maybe u are moving your cursor for 1 frame 13:21 < bridge> Is the hook color yellow? 13:21 < bridge> ye 13:33 < bridge> Can someone tell me what is "snap"? A lot of classes implement some method with that name. it is used to send info or something? 13:34 < bridge> It's basically a memory dump of the current game that is send to keep clients in sync 13:34 < bridge> Snapshot 13:36 < bridge> Yeah okay thanks. I wasn't too sure about it 13:38 < bridge> @murpi how 2 play teeguesser? or does it not exist yet lmai 13:41 < bridge> @patiga btw what are u up to rn? 13:43 < bridge> currently `twsnap`, a rusty and heavily typed snapshot representation shared between Zwelfs twgame and my twgpu. I am currently nearly done with adding compatibility (via conversion) with the ddnet snap format via libtw2 13:44 < bridge> Not done yet 13:44 < bridge> https://gitlab.com/ddnet-rs/twsnap/-/ 13:44 < bridge> Getting enough images for the quizzes takes quite a lot of time 13:45 < bridge> aw 13:45 < bridge> for rendering I need some physics, and we also have some plans with other funky stuff where we need interoperability 13:45 < bridge> it would be funny if there was also like difficulty sorting 13:46 < bridge> hm seems to be private still xd 13:46 < bridge> Epic 13:46 < bridge> or an alternative view in entities 13:46 < bridge> no its not 13:46 < bridge> just delete `-/` at the end 13:46 < bridge> but it was afaik xd 13:46 < bridge> checked ddnet-rs week ago 13:46 < bridge> nice, works 13:46 < bridge> So demo viewer ready? 13:47 < bridge> well thats where I need physics: dead reckoning and projectiles (coz they also need tunes and stuff) 13:49 < bridge> do you have an active project rn? :) 13:50 < bridge> Is the Id generator limited by tw code. Is that how tw generates ids too? 13:55 < bridge> is it not automated? 13:55 < bridge> I thin that originates from Zwelfs twgame 13:55 < bridge> i thought ddnet has map webview? 13:56 < bridge> Mh OK. Bcs I see legacy Id etc. Xd 13:57 < bridge> Ddnet also has a demo viewer on web 13:57 < bridge> thats a small compatibility feature. afaik it does not interfer with the uid system 13:57 < bridge> How do I not accidentally show the map logo? How do I make sure I actually get a part of the map and not just a blank space of the map? 13:58 < bridge> It would probably be interesting if twgame is capable of accepting unique integers as IDs 13:58 < bridge> That's the approach I did.. So not divided into player etc 13:58 < bridge> just set up some requiremtns. so 13:58 < bridge> -> dont show anything within spawn tile reach 13:58 < bridge> -> atleast x types of block on the screen 13:58 < bridge> just set up some requiremtns. so 13:58 < bridge> -> dont show anything within spawn tile reach 13:58 < bridge> -> atleast x dioffrent types of block on the screen 13:59 < bridge> just set up some requiremtns. so 13:59 < bridge> -> dont show anything within spawn tile reach 13:59 < bridge> -> atleast x dioffrent types of block on the screen 13:59 < bridge> if that is what you are implying, yea twgame is built to be extendible to more than 64 players with uids 14:00 < bridge> right and in twsnap, player character ddnetcharacter ddnetplayer and whatever else existed is merged into a single object 14:00 < bridge> I mean for me an entity has a unique Id. No matter the entity type 14:01 < bridge> Ok 14:01 < bridge> hm iirc that is not the case in twgame as of now, @zwelf2 ? 14:04 < bridge> 1. Logos aren't necessarily at or near the spawn tile (e.g after noobfilters) 14:04 < bridge> 2. this wouldn't work well at all and just makes most quizzes impossible to guess 14:08 < bridge> Logos aren't really an issue imo. On geoguessr you can spawn in front of a very known monument/somewhere where the name of the city it's written. It's not necessarily a bad thing. 14:08 < bridge> And for 2., Couldn't you just take screenshots closer to the center of the map?afaik borders are usually empty but the more you go into the middle the higher is the chance to get some parts (might be wrong, it's a feeling). 14:08 < bridge> just set up some requiremtns. so 14:08 < bridge> -> dont show anything within spawn tile reach 14:08 < bridge> -> atleast x diffrent types of block on the screen 14:09 < bridge> A image quiz with the answer literally written on the image is not a problem? lmao 14:09 < bridge> :troll: 14:10 < bridge> LMAO imagine like on google maps where they censor license plates 14:10 < bridge> That's ohw it works on geoguessr ^^ . And by the name of your game it looks like you got inspired out of it 14:10 < bridge> so logos get censored 14:10 < bridge> :troll: :troll: :troll: 14:10 < bridge> And it's never been an issue 14:11 < bridge> It can even make it more pleasant as you can get some free guesses, and not only impossible ones where only people who know 10000 maps can answer ^^ 14:21 < bridge> Automate it 14:22 < bridge> consider reading the rest of the chat, chillerdragon 14:23 < bridge> Ye saw it too now 14:24 < bridge> I do not play it. And what farmer protests? 14:25 < bridge> Lmao. Did you emigrate already 14:25 < bridge> ? 14:25 < bridge> :D 14:25 < bridge> Idk what you talking about 14:26 < bridge> Yeah, maybe that is also better 14:26 < bridge> Enjoy life. Peace out 14:26 < bridge> Enlighten me pls 14:26 < bridge> Bro is somewhere in asia 14:26 < bridge> Read German news 14:26 < bridge> chiller when speak japanese 14:26 < bridge> japanization beam 14:27 < bridge> I am not planning to learn any Lange 14:27 < bridge> Maybe Russian 14:28 < bridge> axaxaxaxaxa rip germans https://www.dw.com/en/germany-farmers-protest-causes-nationwide-disruption/live-67913441 14:29 < bridge> xd 14:29 < bridge> xd 14:29 < bridge> in twgame all non-tee entities have a unique id and all tees have a separate unique id pool 14:29 < bridge> you didnt realise this is a thing? man you lost your german privileges 14:29 < bridge> I had no idea 14:30 < bridge> This channel is my news 14:30 < bridge> i couldnt get to work for 3 days - was great 14:30 < bridge> lots of teeworlds! 14:30 < bridge> axaxa 14:30 < bridge> Holy that’s intense 14:30 < bridge> bayern eben 14:31 < bridge> <@1142119515782643823>: but yea I think stardew valley qualifies. Since this game is clearly also affected by the government planned changes to agriculture 14:31 < bridge> Go get your shovel and sit somewhere on a street for 20 hours 14:32 < bridge> pay him 14:32 < bridge> chillerdragon: did you know that söder wants the wehrpflicht back 14:33 < bridge> wtf no 14:33 < bridge> But I mean wants and something happening is different 14:33 < bridge> Oh ok 14:34 < bridge> Did you just ping yourself? 14:36 < bridge> I actually wanted to ask if u want to play it against me. But since u never played, would be unfair for you 14:36 < bridge> I pinged you 14:36 < bridge> Ye I nob 14:36 < bridge> No 14:36 < bridge> And is it pvp game wtf? 14:36 < bridge> You pinged urself 14:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1197897556416540742/ima_2956a88.png?ex=65bcf009&is=65aa7b09&hm=618a090f4c0d76bd166ba55d4ba96471365435b1d3c18b3545b536320b6ce289& 14:37 < bridge> Go ping your self! 14:37 < bridge> No, but true capitalists battle each other in a economy game 14:37 < bridge> Xd 14:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1197897796045512765/IMG_20240119_143806.jpg?ex=65bcf042&is=65aa7b42&hm=076ea564b5ac06504c97b65572b80bccd2493dcd46f6c65027770fd0507b8edf& 14:38 < bridge> Bridge Moment 14:38 < bridge> Ah yeah 14:38 < bridge> Probably a bug 14:38 < bridge> Because u pinged the bot 14:38 < bridge> Average matrix functionality 14:39 < bridge> U pinged my matrix acc 14:39 < bridge> That's why 14:39 < bridge> <@1142119515782643823>: Jupstar ✪ @jupeyy_keks 14:39 < bridge> https://github.com/mautrix/discord/issues 14:39 < bridge> Xdd 14:40 < bridge> It even changes the name of the ping afterwards 14:40 < bridge> Now it's zwelf 14:40 < bridge> if anyone wants to report 14:40 < bridge> I'm too lazy 14:40 < bridge> I guess impossible to fix 14:40 < bridge> And probably known 14:40 < bridge> did someone move channels? 14:40 < bridge> guys i want to use github as storage for a lot of files (each ~10mb) 14:40 < bridge> how i can push their and do not take up local disk space? 14:40 < bridge> for example delete from working directory and maybe where from `.git` folder? or create new branch per file, push and delete local branch and branch history? 14:40 < bridge> It’s a feature 14:40 < bridge> That’s the bot renames 14:41 < bridge> They could at least remove the ping 14:41 < bridge> chillerdragon: can you link the known issue? 14:41 < bridge> Im not browsing their gh now 14:41 < bridge> ah, thats why 14:41 < bridge> complaining is easy, report bugs 14:41 < bridge> Nah it takes time 14:41 < bridge> i complain that complaining is easy 14:41 < bridge> And I’m pretty sure it’s known 14:41 < bridge> where do i report that 14:41 < bridge> :troller: 14:42 < bridge> Use multiple repositories 14:42 < bridge> chillerdragon: will you send me 10€ if it's not an I report it? 🙂 14:42 < bridge> chillerdragon: will you send me 10€ if it's not and I report it? 🙂 14:42 < bridge> No I’m poor 14:42 < bridge> 😬 14:43 < bridge> Stfu jospri 14:44 < bridge> Better fix real issues than report non bugs 14:45 < bridge> For example that element shows I have a new notification at all times -.- 14:46 < bridge> Or Ryozukis message empty is 14:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1197899832115867658/image.png?ex=65bcf227&is=65aa7d27&hm=514932cf9aa193f478bcbd384c362a5e6b10ff40cdf8bcc4b3942bcf8e3e85fa& 14:46 < bridge> a sticker 14:46 < bridge> Or that the preview of this channel contains a different message than the lastest 14:49 < bridge> lol go is such a mess 14:49 < bridge> Yes go is literally a tracking spy ware by google 14:49 < bridge> Least privacy respecting language eu west 14:50 < bridge> Not as cool as C and not as safe as rust 14:50 < bridge> And weird nil checks 14:50 < bridge> yes rust is better 14:50 < bridge> the only thing go has that rust doesnt is the goroutines 14:51 < bridge> and gc 14:51 < bridge> Ye I was told they pog 14:51 < bridge> preemptive scheduling 14:51 < bridge> i bet someone released gc for rust 14:51 < bridge> Xd 14:51 < bridge> As a macro 14:51 < bridge> no but u cant do some stuff in rust that u can in go 14:51 < bridge> cuz go gc and scheduler allow to interrupt the program at places u cant in rust 14:51 < bridge> cuz it needs compiler support 14:51 < bridge> ah yes 14:51 < bridge> but rust is better 14:51 < bridge> more perf 14:52 < bridge> will anyone make a rust runtime to do go-debug xd 14:52 < bridge> xd 14:52 < bridge> did u hear the term debugging the past 14:52 < bridge> or smth like that 14:52 < bridge> time debugging 14:52 < bridge> nope 14:52 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel_debugging 14:53 < bridge> https://undo.io/products/udb 14:53 < bridge> https://firedbg.sea-ql.org/ 14:53 < bridge> frame \#1 14:53 < bridge> gdb has you covered 14:54 < bridge> gdb cant do this iirc 14:54 < bridge> rr 14:54 < bridge> is what you need 14:54 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rr_(debugging) 14:54 < bridge> does rr work for rust 14:54 < bridge> I don't know, but I'd guess so 14:54 < bridge> I only need backtrace and old variables frame command can do that in gdb 14:54 < bridge> since it only uses the linux syscall interface and gdb 14:54 < bridge> What else would you need from the past 14:55 < bridge> I used it to debug ddnet in the past 14:55 < bridge> stepping back can be quite useful 14:55 < bridge> to see where a function returned, e.g. 14:55 < bridge> Isn’t that in the backtrace already? 14:56 < bridge> no 14:56 < bridge> Ah not the return I guess if there are multiple. Just where it called from 14:56 < bridge> Yea I see 14:56 < bridge> say a function returns `nullptr` 14:56 < bridge> you want to figure out why 14:56 < bridge> with rr, it's simple 14:56 < bridge> Ye I got it 14:57 < bridge> Sounds good 14:57 < bridge> still want to elaborate 14:57 < bridge> you go past the return, and then just step back once 14:57 < bridge> Okay matrix started shuffling messages again 14:57 < bridge> you see where the function returned 14:57 < bridge> I go rq 14:57 < bridge> chiller dont be rude, heinrich is explaining stuff to you atm 14:57 < bridge> Ye ye I saw his msg 14:57 < bridge> not necessarily to chillerdragon 14:57 < bridge> i like the explanation 14:57 < bridge> Made sense 14:57 < bridge> same, sounds cool 14:57 < bridge> Now I rq 14:57 < bridge> just because I wanted to elaborate 14:58 < bridge> never refuse to learn :owo: 14:58 < bridge> :brownbear: 14:58 < bridge> https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge 14:58 < bridge> unless its pyson 14:58 < bridge> :NekoEvil: 14:58 < bridge> also in go 14:58 < bridge> time to do bridge in rust xd 14:58 < bridge> yea, that project is quite nice 14:58 < bridge> 😏 14:59 < bridge> matterbridge goes strange if you change configurations files in wrong way 14:59 < bridge> went at least 14:59 < bridge> afair it printed nothing if you messed up config 14:59 < bridge> didn't change configuration a lot 15:00 < bridge> I guess I never ran into it 15:05 < bridge> ooh, could be neat to track where a repeatedly-propagated error originally comes from in Rust 15:05 < bridge> yea, stuff like that 15:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1197909505967661157/GEND8wqWgAAYfmV.png?ex=65bcfb2a&is=65aa862a&hm=d3c2228a719dec6fc5aad39f6e609938b9cbe15bf0b5a5635e7ddaf4d424b784& 15:24 < bridge> do u agree 15:24 < bridge> i personally say peeNgee 15:24 < bridge> like in spanish 15:24 < bridge> XD 15:25 < bridge> do u know how to pronounce json correctly? 😏 15:26 < bridge> i say 15:26 < bridge> jason 15:26 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR-f4b0G9lo 15:29 < bridge> who doesnt pronounce it pe-en-gee? XD 15:29 < bridge> jizzon 15:29 < bridge> https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-394 15:30 < bridge> jsml 😏 15:30 < bridge> go = jo 15:30 < bridge> because gif = jif 15:36 < bridge> hard p hard n and hard g 15:36 < bridge> p from project 15:36 < bridge> n from nails 15:37 < bridge> g from go 15:37 < bridge> 100% wtf 15:37 < bridge> ping 15:38 < bridge> i also don't like klang for clang 15:38 < bridge> we call it shlang 15:38 < bridge> gedo for godot 15:38 < bridge> what about malloc :p 15:38 < bridge> shmalloc xd 15:38 < bridge> m alloc 15:38 < bridge> sqrt 🤨 15:39 < bridge> square root 15:39 < bridge> i dont cut it 15:39 < bridge> sql ? äskiuel 15:39 < bridge> ure not in the club :justatest: 15:39 < bridge> oh yeah i hate sequel 15:39 < bridge> i call it S Q L 15:39 < bridge> :D 15:39 < bridge> same 15:51 < bridge> This is wrong and illegal 16:08 < bridge> if you pronounce sql as sequel, you have to pronounce png as pengel 16:09 < bridge> more like peneg 16:09 < bridge> panic 16:09 < bridge> png = panic confirmed 16:11 < bridge> Also gif is pronounced with a hard g, not a j 16:11 < bridge> give 16:11 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/reading-sign-cant-stop-me-no-one-can-stop-me-gif-13921932 16:14 < bridge> https://ferrous-systems.com/blog/rustls-borrow-checker-p1/ 17:59 < bridge> for me it is accurate 17:59 < bridge> tested with mouse sens 1 17:59 < bridge> all possible angles are either going through or not 17:59 < bridge> using steam client 18:02 < bridge> then its my problems :\ 18:02 < bridge> or i am not able to reproduce it 18:02 < bridge> i mean u also tried like 1 minute 18:04 < bridge> but anyway, i'd say on a local server, where client & server use the same FP calculations, it should as far as i know be accurate 18:05 < bridge> and if not, ofc would be nice to fix it, but i guess it's more an accuracy problem than a missing prediction feature or whatever 😄 18:05 < bridge> then its a feature for me 😏 18:06 < bridge> that's the spirit 18:06 < bridge> :bluekitty: 18:06 < bridge> i have a website with bunch of features :justatest: 18:06 < bridge> it's not a bug, it's a feature 18:06 < bridge> i have a website with bunch of "features" :justatest: 18:06 < bridge> ez 18:06 < bridge> ddnet "features" 18:17 < bridge> where does CQuad.m_Points[4] // pivot appears to be used? 18:17 < bridge> appear* 18:17 < bridge> in graphics code you mean? 18:17 < bridge> anywhere xd 18:17 < bridge> i don't think server-side does anything with quads 18:17 < bridge> is it only [4] not [5]? 😄 18:18 < bridge> yep 18:18 < bridge> ```cpp 18:18 < bridge> struct CQuad 18:18 < bridge> { 18:18 < bridge> CPoint m_aPoints[5]; 18:18 < bridge> CColor m_aColors[4]; 18:18 < bridge> CPoint m_aTexcoords[4]; 18:18 < bridge> 18:18 < bridge> int m_PosEnv; 18:18 < bridge> int m_PosEnvOffset; 18:18 < bridge> 18:18 < bridge> int m_ColorEnv; 18:18 < bridge> int m_ColorEnvOffset; 18:18 < bridge> };``` 18:18 < bridge> server could be optimized to not use them 18:18 < bridge> yeah 5 makes more sense 18:18 < bridge> its the 4 corners + the mid 18:19 < bridge> in maplayers it's used for rendering ofc 18:19 < bridge> but u can also simply search all references 18:19 < bridge> in your IDE 18:19 < bridge> yeah that's what i did xd 18:19 < bridge> server could be optimized to not load them 18:19 < bridge> this one goes brr 18:19 < bridge> `void *pID = &pQuad->m_aPoints[4]; // use pivot addr as id` 18:20 < bridge> ah that's fine 18:20 < bridge> it accesses the 5th point as center 18:20 < bridge> i dunno why it uses that as ID, but i guess that's bcs of our weird UI code 18:20 < bridge> its editor code 18:21 < bridge> yeah 18:21 < bridge> quad rotates to its center 18:21 < bridge> thats why it should be saved xd 18:21 < bridge> yeah 18:21 < bridge> too much for me to understand from the first look ig 18:22 < bridge> 🕵️ 22:06 < bridge> rearranging furniture xd