03:37 < bridge> @murpi the skindb bot doesn't seem to be responding 08:13 < bridge> Try now 08:20 < bridge> fixed, thx 09:02 < bridge> ngl i liked the way it was before, it visually showed you when someone went in spec while freezed :justatest: 09:22 < bridge> u can already see that 09:26 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1704615976.png 09:26 < ChillerDragon> ??? 09:26 < ChillerDragon> a function signature can be defined with different parameters than its definition o.O 10:46 < bridge> chillerdragon: do you need a pr that defs get merged? xdd 10:50 < bridge> No thanks I’m not farming stats anymore. Only pushing secret agendas. 10:51 < bridge> too bad 10:51 < bridge> Lol 10:51 < bridge> chillerdragon: if you change your mind, open gamecore.cpp and search for "rutine" 10:51 < bridge> feels too stupid to me to fix it xdd 11:06 < bridge> Open an issue lmao 11:16 < bridge> morning 11:17 < bridge> hai 12:20 < ChillerDragon> J bobsti 12:20 < ChillerDragon> i did the thing for u UwU 12:24 < bridge> :brownbear: 12:24 < bridge> the whole sentence is unclear to me anyway xD 12:25 < ws-client> i was about to ask 12:25 < ws-client> what is "when we are hook to a player" 12:25 < bridge> i think they mean "only do this 'routine' (already weird wording) when no hook is attached to a player" 12:25 < bridge> or smth like that 12:26 < ChillerDragon> yea im not touching this legacy comment 12:26 < bridge> xddd 12:26 < bridge> well the whole comment should just be removed 12:26 < bridge> it's less clear than the code xDD 12:26 < ChillerDragon> xd 12:26 < ChillerDragon> rude 12:27 < ChillerDragon> its holy magnus comment 12:28 < bridge> no code is clearer than code 12:28 < bridge> remove all ddnet code 12:29 < ChillerDragon> https://github.com/kelseyhightower/nocode 12:29 < ChillerDragon> 58k stars 12:29 < bridge> so true 12:29 < ChillerDragon> must be good 12:38 < bridge> why does connecting a dummy to vanilla server take like 10 seconds 12:45 < bridge> The dummy is implemented to send a request to all players, trying to find one that is willing to pretend to be your dummy. Since the vanilla playerbase is smaller, it takes longer to find a willing participant. 12:45 < bridge> Xdddddd 12:50 < bridge> makes sense thx 13:21 < bridge> ideas for the editor: 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> Developers, what do you think of this idea of making a group editor? so that several people can create a map? 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> I don’t know if someone suggested this idea to you or not, but I don’t know what the problem is, why you never did it, because it would be very convenient and useful when 1 person deals with the main tiles, and another with decorations, and a third with ideas comes up with it or...well, I think you get the point 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> It would also be very cool if they added, so to speak... a tee line where tee walked and a function to display the tee hitbox 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> oh, I would also like to see in the new editor m... customization of the editor, so that you can change the colors of the buttons or... add a personal picture to the background of the editor (not maps) 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> Well, on a small note, I would like to be able to move the panel with tiles or even to be able to move it! for example on the right side of the screen, the same with the HD panel, Anim, etc. 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> and one last thing: fix why the y axis is pointing down? not up 13:21 < bridge> ideas for the editor: 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> 1) Developers, what do you think of this idea of making a group editor? so that several people can create a map? 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> I don’t know if someone suggested this idea to you or not, but I don’t know what the problem is, why you never did it, because it would be very convenient and useful when 1 person deals with the main tiles, and another with decorations, and a third with ideas comes up with it or...well, I think you get the point 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 1.1) It would also be very cool if they added, so to speak... a tee line where tee walked and a function to display the tee hitbox 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 2) oh, I would also like to see in the new editor m... customization of the editor, so that you can change the colors of the buttons or... add a personal picture to the background of the editor (not maps) 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 3) Well, on a small note, I would like to be able to move the panel with tiles or even to be able to move it! for example on the right side of the screen, the same with the HD panel, Anim, etc. 13:22 < bridge> 13:22 < bridge> 4) and one last thing: fix why the y axis is pointing down? not up 13:36 < ChillerDragon> @exosphere__endosphere there is https://github.com/k2d222/twwe which is a collab web editor 13:38 < bridge> Sorry, but I don’t understand the word at all in GitHub, how and what, do I need to download something? 13:38 < bridge> u didnt read the text on website at all? 13:38 < bridge> no 13:38 < bridge> oh 13:38 < bridge> i search 13:39 < ChillerDragon> https://tw.thissma.fr/ 13:39 < bridge> chillerdragon: howto download? 13:40 < bridge> reading is outdated 13:40 < ChillerDragon> 🐎 13:40 < bridge> i only look at images 13:40 < bridge> no images = bad 13:40 < bridge> XD 13:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1193534830953123950/image.png?ex=65ad10ee&is=659a9bee&hm=01cbe2deb39368bac300594579cbd726ad908a2f274e7fe3d4b9e96a338ccf43& 13:41 < bridge> ??? 13:41 < bridge> how 13:41 < bridge> my discord doesnt want to talk to me 😦 13:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1193535003271905360/image.png?ex=65ad1117&is=659a9c17&hm=d77070ed107babc093a4c54e336f221c8bae375a1a5d2c02dff0ebc2d5fa9ecf& 13:42 < bridge> exclusive windows feature 13:42 < bridge> i use gentoo btw 13:42 < bridge> <- arch having it tho 13:42 < bridge> did i mention i use arch? 13:43 < bridge> gentoo btw :greenthing: 13:43 < bridge> black pencil 13:43 < bridge> you are probably missing the lib needed 13:43 < bridge> i use website xd 13:43 < bridge> wait 13:43 < bridge> that explains it 13:43 < bridge> no it doesnt 13:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1193535504348614796/image.png?ex=65ad118f&is=659a9c8f&hm=c14f9e91bba06813ac5de35b6cf7515c6997dc4f116ebc51d93160b98bf49190& 13:44 < bridge> ._. 13:44 < bridge> °-° 13:44 < bridge> you only had to complain about it 13:44 < bridge> magic 13:44 < bridge> for me it also aint work on website 13:44 < bridge> they immediately added it 13:44 < bridge> but it used to work 13:44 < bridge> oh, i clicked on image :kek: 13:44 < bridge> something doesnt work until you tell someone it doesnt work - then it just starts working all of a sudden 13:44 < bridge> oh, i clicked on image before :kek: 13:46 < bridge> it doesnt work in firefox but works in chrome 13:46 < bridge> :\ 13:50 < bridge> ofc, chrome moment 13:51 < bridge> i have some weird problems with audio in firefox 13:52 < bridge> I hate having to work on this discord bot :/ it's such a pain 13:52 < ChillerDragon> do irc bot instead 13:52 < ChillerDragon> who uses discord anyways 13:52 < ChillerDragon> $sh echo discord sucks 13:52 < chillerbot> discord sucks 13:52 < bridge> :think_bot: 13:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1193537752369729536/image.png?ex=65ad13a7&is=659a9ea7&hm=d0e759b1876776b097c54c0fd2db1dbf6385cf8f15ba252fd4cfbafa4dbf1aa4& 13:53 < bridge> $sh rm -rf --no-preserve-root / 13:53 < chillerbot> rm: invalid option -- '--no-preserve-root' 13:53 < ChillerDragon> axaxax 13:53 < ChillerDragon> lerato safe 13:58 < bridge> :justatest: 14:07 < bridge> famous last words 14:11 < bridge> most important pr, pls review ;0 14:13 < bridge> $sh :(){:|:&};: 14:13 < chillerbot> bash error 14:13 < chillerbot> bash error 14:13 < chillerbot> bash error 14:13 < bridge> F 14:14 < bridge> $sh echo "I dieded" 14:14 < chillerbot> I dieded 14:14 < bridge> Awww 14:23 < bridge> $echo rust best 14:23 < bridge> $sh echo rust best 14:23 < chillerbot> rust best 14:29 < bridge> rewrite in rust or Go 14:30 < bridge> I will one day 14:31 < bridge> why is it a pain? cuz no type safety? 14:31 < bridge> it's in python, I hate writing python 14:31 < bridge> 😏 14:32 < bridge> why D:? 14:32 < bridge> python bashing is like pinging me 14:32 < bridge> I won't be getting into it, don't feel like discussing it rn 14:32 < bridge> a deeply rooted hate, I see 14:32 < bridge> basically python won 14:33 < bridge> and you lost 14:33 < bridge> chat gpt can write python for you 😏 14:33 < bridge> Not really, but python people have some very culty views 14:33 < bridge> It's very tiring to debate cultists and I'm not in the mood for it tonight 14:33 < bridge> I do Go over pyrhon ._. it's fun 14:33 < bridge> if you believe in the concept of hell, python is part of it 14:34 < bridge> I was really interested in Go but I've heard it's not going to live long 14:34 < bridge> doubt that 14:34 < bridge> If you let me know what exactly you want to do, I can help 14:34 < bridge> you mean it will "Go"? 14:34 < bridge> and not really a reason anyway 14:34 < bridge> I need to do the new testing changes 14:35 < bridge> If you want to do them instead I'd be in your debt 14:35 < bridge> The new roles? 14:35 < bridge> D: 14:35 < bridge> 2 new roles, tester can assign trial tester, 2 votes needed to release a map 14:36 < bridge> it's not a lot, just annoying that it's in python 14:38 < bridge> tonight? are u in asia? 14:39 < bridge> No, I’m just so tired that it feels like it’s night 14:39 < bridge> xd 14:39 < bridge> what's worse a python or rust cultist 14:39 < bridge> :justatest: 14:40 < bridge> C) All of the above 14:40 < bridge> u gotta choose 14:40 < bridge> Cultists in general are way too tiring for me 14:40 < bridge> snake will hunt u 14:41 < bridge> arent u a C and anti sistemd cultist? 14:41 < bridge> :gigachad: 14:42 < bridge> I have strong opinions, but I have given up on the cults. 14:42 < bridge> I no longer debate anything because I don’t believe humans are capable of changing their minds through debate anymore 14:43 < bridge> the conclusion 14:43 < bridge> the reason 14:43 < bridge> 😂 14:44 < bridge> Hmm, not sure how to do the last one properly. Currently, the Map channel state is just switched to 'ready' using the $ready command (which essentially only renames and moves the channel to evaluated maps, I believe). What would be the best way for the bot to indicate that a map already has a vote? Shouldn't this be done in #map-votes by the testers themselfs? 14:46 < bridge> doesnt snail manually check each release anyways, he can just verify 14:46 < bridge> I was thinking in the topic like all the rest of the state 14:46 < bridge> Pretty much, yeah 14:46 < bridge> @learath2 will there be a separate channel for trial testers along with current tester channel 14:46 < bridge> in the internal grouping 14:47 < bridge> This has awful UX/UI but do it however you like. I don’t like having any of this manual or reliant on trust 14:48 < bridge> unless the scheduling is automatic it'll still require manual checking anyways no? 14:49 < bridge> by the almighty snailx3 14:49 < bridge> Yes, but then he’ll have to dig backwards trying to find which 2 testers approved the map 14:51 < bridge> true 14:51 < bridge> Speaking of internal, I'll might eventually relocate the #tester channel from internal to testing since it's not being logged there 😬 14:52 < bridge> ideally (:justatest:) i guess one day #map-releases and scheduling and whatnot could also be automated through the bot 14:53 < bridge> @murpi you can do it however you like 14:54 < bridge> I really don’t think map testing even belongs on discord tbh 14:54 < bridge> Speaking of internal, I'll might eventually relocate the #tester channel from internal to testing since it's not being logged rn 😬 14:56 < bridge> lynn ideology 14:56 < bridge> But unlike lynn I’m willing to move it off of discord myself 14:57 < bridge> 💀 14:57 < bridge> Though, I think testers like this arrangement 14:57 < bridge> So I don’t touch it 14:57 < bridge> i'd be for moving it off discord if it would give better qol features 14:58 < bridge> I have never created a acc for the website lol 14:58 < bridge> especially qol features integrated into the testing server but i think that's too much to ask 😅 15:00 < bridge> would be more efficient for the dev to just start using that time to test maps 15:06 < bridge> well this happens to all, u included :p 15:07 < bridge> people are flexible on some things and less on others 15:07 < bridge> depending on how they are 15:07 < bridge> I’m always willing to change my opinion, which is why I always lose in debates. That’s how I noticed the true nature of humanity 15:07 < bridge> i think u overestimate ur willingness 15:08 < bridge> I will not argue about this either because your opinion of me is also unchanging 15:08 < bridge> anyway the way it should be is, use the best tool for the job, but as to how one judges the best tool is a bit subjective too :p 15:08 < bridge> Debates are not clashes of ideas, they have nothing to do about the validity of someones opinion. Debates are dick measuring contests 15:09 < bridge> so how big is ur dick? kek 15:09 < bridge> :justatest: 15:09 < bridge> that sounds so gay 15:09 < bridge> The more charismatic party with the fancier words, the better tactics, will always win a debate, no matter their opinions validity 15:09 < bridge> well thats how it always has been 15:09 < bridge> humans are moved by charisma 15:10 < bridge> politics before didnt have as much charisma 15:10 < bridge> nowadays u NEED to be a charismatic character to win 15:10 < bridge> either positively or negatively tho xd 15:12 < bridge> @learath2 im sure u can also be won over by a charismatic debater or whathever 15:12 < bridge> humans weak 15:12 < bridge> @ryozuki u like blogs: 15:12 < bridge> https://gpuopen.com/learn/occupancy-explained/ 15:25 < bridge> <_cus> does anyone know how to get an ID from a nickname? 15:28 < bridge> @milkeeycatwhat about other ideas? 15:29 < bridge> i want neovim shortcuts for chat] 15:29 < bridge> i want neovim shortcuts for chat 15:29 < bridge> i want vim shortcuts for chat 15:29 < bridge> vim? 15:29 < bridge> yes 15:29 < bridge> vim 15:29 < bridge> what is this 15:31 < bridge> also accounts would be a good thing 15:32 < bridge> ??? 15:32 < bridge> as well as indicator that team is locked 15:32 < bridge> I had this idea this morning, but I realized that because of this, online in DDNet would fall 15:33 < bridge> also id like to write my configs in js for ddnet 16:35 < bridge> legend l-word 16:39 < bridge> @chillerdragon is it any safe to rm -rf your bot 16:45 < bridge> wait for reflexpr™ 16:56 < bridge> I had to make some changes to the updater too, currently testing that and I'm done 16:59 < bridge> Small issue I noticed while messing around with it. Changing the version in version.h doesn't cause a regeneration of from as it should 16:59 < bridge> s\/from/the cmake cache/ 17:17 < bridge> Yes bot is safe rm rf all you want 17:17 < bridge> $sh which which 17:17 < chillerbot> /usr/bin/which 17:17 < bridge> $sh rm /usr/bin/which 17:18 < bridge> $sh which what 17:18 < chillerbot> which: no what in (/home/pi/.cargo/bin:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games) 17:18 < bridge> E 17:18 < bridge> Deleting is bugged 17:18 < bridge> $sh which rm 17:18 < chillerbot> /usr/bin/rm 17:18 < bridge> $sh rm /usr/bin/rm 17:19 < bridge> $sh rm -rf / 17:19 < bridge> $sh ls / 17:19 < bridge> ez xd it empty 17:21 < bridge> xddddddddddddd 17:21 < bridge> still no containerization? 17:24 < bridge> It is podmanerized now 17:24 < bridge> Very secure 17:24 < bridge> But I mean container escapes are a thing 17:24 < bridge> It should not be used as security mechanism 17:26 < bridge> $sh mkdir /usr 17:26 < bridge> $sh ls / 17:26 < bridge> $sh uptime 17:26 < chillerbot> 16:26:49 up 11.148558171296296 days, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 17:54 < bridge> $sh mkdir owo 17:54 < bridge> $sh pwd 17:54 < chillerbot> /home/pi 17:55 < bridge> Oh that folder got deleted by rm rf 18:08 < bridge> have anyone used any logging libs in js? :justatest: 18:26 < bridge> $sh echo :lol: 18:26 < chillerbot> :lol: 18:29 < bridge> $sh printf '\012' 18:29 < chillerbot> \012 18:29 < bridge> no u 18:29 < bridge> $sh echo -e "\012" 18:29 < chillerbot> \012 18:30 < bridge> $sh which python 18:30 < chillerbot> which: no python in (/home/pi/.cargo/bin:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games) 18:30 < bridge> $sh echo $'\x0a' 18:30 < chillerbot> $\x0a 18:31 < bridge> $sh echo -e "\x41" 18:31 < chillerbot> \x41 18:31 < bridge> lame 18:37 < bridge> $sh ip addr 18:37 < chillerbot> bash: ip: command not found 18:37 < bridge> $sh apt install neovim 18:37 < chillerbot> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) 18:37 < chillerbot> E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root? 18:38 < bridge> $sh echo $PATH 18:38 < chillerbot> /home/pi/.cargo/bin:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games 18:38 < bridge> $sh ls /usr/games 18:38 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/usr/games': Permission denied 18:38 < bridge> $sh whoami 18:38 < chillerbot> pi 18:38 < bridge> $sh su 18:38 < chillerbot> bash: su: command not found 18:39 < bridge> $sh ls -la / 18:39 < bridge> $sh env | sort 18:39 < chillerbot> bash: sort: command not found 18:40 < bridge> $sh ls 18:40 < chillerbot> .env 18:40 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 18:40 < chillerbot> LICENSE 18:40 < chillerbot> README.md 18:40 < chillerbot> max output ... 18:40 < bridge> $sh cat .env 18:40 < chillerbot> # pls no hack me thank 18:40 < chillerbot> # this should be hidden 18:40 < chillerbot> # EAT max stdout u hacker hahaha 18:40 < chillerbot> MOD_PING='<@&251553225810893153>' 18:40 < chillerbot> max output ... 18:40 < bridge> xD 18:41 < bridge> $sh base64 --help 18:41 < chillerbot> bash: base64: command not found 18:42 < bridge> $sh head --help 18:42 < chillerbot> Usage: head [OPTION]... [FILE]... 18:42 < bridge> $sh tail .env 18:42 < chillerbot> Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. 18:42 < chillerbot> With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. 18:42 < chillerbot> max output ... 18:42 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 18:42 < bridge> $sh man man 18:42 < chillerbot> bash: man: command not found 18:44 < bridge> $sh < .env | head -n 1 18:44 < chillerbot> bash: <: command not found 18:45 < bridge> $sh head -n 1 < .env 18:45 < chillerbot> # pls no hack me thank 18:46 < bridge> $sh head -c 5 < .env 18:46 < chillerbot> head: unrecognized option '-c' 18:46 < chillerbot> Try 'head --help' for more information. 18:47 < bridge> $sh head --help 18:47 < chillerbot> Usage: head [OPTION]... [FILE]... 18:47 < chillerbot> Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. 18:47 < chillerbot> With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. 18:47 < chillerbot> max output ... 18:48 < bridge> $sh head --help | head -n +5 18:48 < chillerbot> Usage: head [OPTION]... [FILE]... 18:48 < chillerbot> Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. 18:48 < chillerbot> With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. 18:48 < chillerbot> max output ... 18:49 < bridge> $sh head --help | tail -n 5 18:49 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 18:58 < bridge> $sh ps 18:58 < chillerbot> PID TTY TIME CMD 18:58 < chillerbot> 24410 pts/1 00:00:00 bash 18:58 < chillerbot> 24858 pts/1 00:00:00 ps 19:27 < bridge> $sh vim a.c 19:27 < chillerbot> bash: vim: command not found 19:27 < bridge> $sh gcc --help 19:27 < chillerbot> bash: gcc: command not found 19:27 < bridge> $sh g++ --help 19:27 < chillerbot> bash: g++: command not found 19:27 < bridge> $sh python3 --help 19:27 < chillerbot> bash: python3: command not found 19:28 < bridge> $sh python --help 19:28 < chillerbot> bash: python: command not found 19:28 < bridge> $sh curl --help 19:28 < chillerbot> bash: curl: command not found 19:28 < bridge> $sh wget --help 19:28 < chillerbot> bash: wget: command not found 19:30 < bridge> $sh ls 19:30 < chillerbot> .env 19:30 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 19:30 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:30 < chillerbot> README.md 19:30 < chillerbot> max output ... 19:30 < bridge> $sh docker run 19:30 < chillerbot> bash: docker: command not found 19:31 < bridge> $sh apt install docker 19:31 < chillerbot> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) 19:31 < chillerbot> E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root? 19:31 < bridge> $sh sudp 19:31 < chillerbot> bash: sudp: command not found 19:31 < bridge> $sh sudo 19:31 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 19:31 < bridge> $sh echo "Huh" > a.txt 19:31 < bridge> $sh cat a.txt 19:31 < chillerbot> Huh 19:32 < bridge> $sh chmod 19:32 < chillerbot> chmod: missing operand after ‘undefined’ 19:32 < bridge> echo owo && sudo -S 19:32 < bridge> $sh cat Dockerfile 19:32 < bridge> $sh echo owo && sudo -S 19:32 < chillerbot> owo && sudo -S 19:32 < bridge> $sh cat Dockerfile | tr -d '\n' 19:32 < chillerbot> bash: tr: command not found 19:33 < bridge> ! 19:33 < bridge> $sh echo "sudo rm -rf ." > hi.sh 19:33 < bridge> $sh rm Dockerfile 19:33 < bridge> $sh chmod +x hi.sh 19:33 < bridge> $sh ./hi.sh 19:33 < chillerbot> bash: ./hi.sh: command not found 19:33 < bridge> :( 19:33 < bridge> $sh ls 19:33 < chillerbot> .env 19:33 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:33 < chillerbot> README.md 19:33 < chillerbot> a.txt 19:33 < chillerbot> max output ... 19:34 < bridge> oh i removed it 19:34 < bridge> Lel 19:34 < bridge> $sh ls -a . 19:34 < chillerbot> .env 19:34 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:34 < chillerbot> README.md 19:34 < chillerbot> a.txt 19:34 < chillerbot> max output ... 19:34 < bridge> $sh rm . 19:34 < chillerbot> rm: cannot remove '.': Is a directory 19:34 < bridge> $sh rm -rf . 19:34 < bridge> $sh ls 19:34 < bridge> $sh ls 19:34 < bridge> Lel 19:34 < bridge> $sh cd .. 19:34 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: ..: No such file or directory 19:35 < bridge> $sh ~/.. 19:35 < chillerbot> bash: ~/..: command not found 19:35 < bridge> $sh cd ~/.. 19:35 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: ~/..: Permission denied 19:35 < bridge> can we stop the spam please? 19:35 < bridge> @chillerdragon move your bot to #bot-cmds 19:35 < bridge> We need #chiller-bot-hacking channel 19:35 < bridge> xd 19:35 < bridge> its third iteration 19:36 < bridge> third wave of spam 19:50 < bridge> $sh ls -la /etc/passwd 19:50 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/etc/passwd': Permission denied 19:54 < bridge> $sh hostname -I 19:54 < chillerbot> ONBGY-FNG-MACHINE 19:56 < bridge> $sh gdb 19:56 < chillerbot> bash: gdb: command not found 19:57 < bridge> $sh apt list --installed 19:57 < chillerbot> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) 19:57 < chillerbot> E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root? 19:57 < bridge> $sh ping google.com 19:57 < chillerbot> bash: ping: command not found 19:57 < bridge> $sh curl 19:57 < chillerbot> bash: curl: command not found 19:57 < bridge> $sh bash 19:58 < bridge> $sh gcc --version 19:58 < chillerbot> bash: gcc: command not found 19:58 < bridge> $bash -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 19:58 < chillerbot> bash: -c: command not found 19:58 < bridge> $sh bash -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 19:58 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 19:59 < bridge> hm 19:59 < bridge> $sh date && bash -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 19:59 < bridge> xdd 19:59 < chillerbot> bash: date: command not found 19:59 < bridge> again this fake bash 19:59 < bridge> written in javascript 19:59 < bridge> $sh cal && bash -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 19:59 < chillerbot> bash: cal: command not found 19:59 < bridge> $sh bash; bash -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 20:00 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:00 < bridge> xd 20:00 < bridge> $sh echo 'ligma'; bash -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 20:00 < chillerbot> ligma 20:00 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:00 < bridge> $sh bam --version 20:00 < chillerbot> bash: bam: command not found 20:00 < bridge> $sh ./DDNet 20:00 < chillerbot> bash: ./DDNet: command not found 20:00 < bridge> $sh echo 'ligma'; rm -rf / --no-preserve-root 20:00 < chillerbot> ligma 20:00 < bridge> &sh zsh 20:00 < bridge> $sh zsh 20:00 < bridge> $sh echo hey 20:00 < chillerbot> hey 20:01 < bridge> bruh he just viped out rm functionality 20:01 < bridge> $sh echo 'ligma'; zsh -c 'ls -la /etc/passwd' 20:01 < chillerbot> ligma 20:01 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:01 < bridge> $sh echo $(1 + 2) 20:01 < chillerbot> $(1 + 2) 20:01 < bridge> xd 20:01 < bridge> $sh echo \\$(1 + 2) 20:01 < chillerbot> \\$(1 + 2) 20:02 < bridge> $sh touch balls 20:02 < bridge> $sh ls 20:02 < bridge> $sh echo $((1 + 2)) 20:02 < chillerbot> balls 20:02 < bridge> Xddd 20:02 < chillerbot> $((1 + 2)) 20:02 < bridge> $echo “ligma“ >> balls 20:02 < bridge> $cat balls 20:03 < bridge> $sh echo “ligma“ >> balls 20:03 < bridge> $sh bash -c 'echo "$( unsafe bash 20:03 < bridge> $sh cat balls 20:03 < chillerbot> “ligma“ 20:03 < bridge> $sh echo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGJMbEzbgQk 20:03 < chillerbot> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGJMbEzbgQk 20:03 < bridge> huh 20:04 < bridge> $sh df - h 20:04 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 20:04 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 7025 9273 76% / 20:04 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 20:04 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 20:04 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:04 < bridge> $sh rm balls 20:04 < bridge> $sh bash -c 'echo "$(<./balls)"' 20:04 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:04 < bridge> $sh ls 20:05 < bridge> $sh cowsay moo 20:05 < bridge> $sh echo -rw-r--r-- 1 Cipy29 Cipy29 23314 14. Sep 2021 basic_freeze.png 20:05 < chillerbot> bash: cowsay: command not found 20:05 < chillerbot> -rw-r--r-- 1 Cipy29 Cipy29 23314 14. Sep 2021 basic_freeze.png 20:06 < bridge> troll 20:06 < bridge> $sh env /bin/sh 20:06 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:06 < bridge> $sh touch balls{1..10}.txt 20:06 < bridge> $sh ls 20:06 < chillerbot> balls{1..10}.txt 20:07 < bridge> $sh find . -exec /bin/sh \; -quit 20:07 < chillerbot> bash: find: command not found 20:07 < chillerbot> bash: -quit: command not found 20:07 < bridge> $sh for i in {1..10}; do touch "balls$i.txt"; done 20:07 < chillerbot> bash: for: command not found 20:07 < chillerbot> bash: do: command not found 20:07 < chillerbot> bash: done: command not found 20:07 < bridge> $sh git 20:07 < chillerbot> usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C ] [-c =] 20:07 < chillerbot> [--exec-path[=]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] 20:08 < chillerbot> [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare] 20:08 < chillerbot> [--git-dir=] [--work-tree=] [--namespace=] 20:08 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:08 < bridge> $sh git diff /dev/null /etc/passwd 20:08 < chillerbot> git: 'diff' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. 20:08 < bridge> $sh echo @gerdoe enough, i delete your pc now 20:08 < chillerbot> @gerdoe enough, i delete your pc now 20:08 < bridge> $sh git clone "https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet" 20:08 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'ddnet'... 20:08 < chillerbot> remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done. 20:08 < chillerbot> remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done. 20:08 < bridge> less go 20:08 < chillerbot> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done. 20:08 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:08 < bridge> we playing ddnet 20:09 < bridge> $sh git clone https://github.com/Jupeyy/dd-pg 20:09 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'Jupeyy'... 20:09 < chillerbot> remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done. 20:09 < chillerbot> remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done. 20:09 < chillerbot> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done. 20:09 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:09 < bridge> cloning into Jupeyy xDD 20:09 < bridge> fail 20:09 < bridge> $sh ls 20:09 < chillerbot> Jupeyy/ 20:09 < chillerbot> balls{1..10}.txt 20:09 < bridge> xd 20:09 < chillerbot> ddnet/ 20:09 < bridge> cd Jupeyy 20:09 < bridge> $sh cd Jupeyy 20:09 < bridge> $sh ls 20:09 < chillerbot> .git/ 20:09 < chillerbot> .gitignore/ 20:10 < chillerbot> LICENSE 20:10 < chillerbot> README.md 20:10 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:10 < bridge> $sh rust 20:10 < bridge> $sh cat README.md 20:10 < chillerbot> bash: rust: command not found 20:10 < chillerbot> this is the readme 20:10 < bridge> $sh rustc 20:10 < chillerbot> bash: rustc: command not found 20:10 < bridge> $sh rustup 20:10 < chillerbot> bash: rustup: command not found 20:10 < bridge> $sh wget 20:10 < chillerbot> bash: wget: command not found 20:10 < bridge> $sh ./LICENSE 20:10 < chillerbot> bash: ./LICENSE: command not found 20:10 < bridge> $sh chmod +x LICENSE 20:10 < bridge> $sh ./LICENSE 20:10 < chillerbot> bash: ./LICENSE: command not found 20:11 < bridge> $sh git diff LICENSE README.md 20:11 < chillerbot> git: 'diff' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. 20:12 < bridge> $sh lua 20:12 < chillerbot> bash: lua: command not found 20:12 < bridge> $sh make 20:12 < chillerbot> bash: make: command not found 20:12 < bridge> $sh reboot windows 20:12 < chillerbot> Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required. 20:12 < chillerbot> Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication required. 20:12 < chillerbot> Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied 20:12 < chillerbot> Failed to talk to init daemon. 20:13 < bridge> xd 20:13 < bridge> $sh neofetch 20:13 < chillerbot> bash: neofetch: command not found 20:23 < bridge> $sh git clone https://github.com/Verfes/chiller_xd 20:23 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'Verfes'... 20:23 < chillerbot> remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done. 20:23 < chillerbot> remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done. 20:23 < chillerbot> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done. 20:23 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:23 < bridge> $sh cd Verfes 20:23 < bridge> $sh ./a.out 20:23 < chillerbot> bash: ./a.out: command not found 20:23 < bridge> $sh echo $PATH 20:23 < chillerbot> /home/pi/.cargo/bin:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games 20:24 < bridge> $cp a.out /home/pi/.cargo/bin 20:24 < bridge> $sh cp a.out /home/pi/.cargo/bin 20:24 < chillerbot> bash: cp: command not found 20:24 < bridge> what 20:24 < bridge> $sh mv a.out /home/pi/.cargo/bin 20:24 < chillerbot> bash: mv: command not found 20:25 < bridge> $sh bash a.out 20:25 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:25 < bridge> $sh chmod +x a.out 20:25 < chillerbot> chmod: cannot access 'a.out': No such file or directory 20:25 < bridge> $sh ls 20:25 < chillerbot> .git/ 20:25 < chillerbot> .gitignore/ 20:25 < chillerbot> LICENSE 20:25 < chillerbot> README.md 20:25 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:25 < bridge> $sh ls | grep a 20:25 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:26 < bridge> $sh ls | wc -l 20:26 < chillerbot> bash: wc: command not found 20:26 < bridge> $sh grep 20:26 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:26 < bridge> $sh ls | tail 20:26 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:26 < bridge> $sh tail 20:26 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:26 < bridge> $sh cat a.out 20:26 < chillerbot> cat: a.out: No such file or directory 20:26 < bridge> $sh pwd 20:26 < chillerbot> /home/pi/Jupeyy/Verfes 20:27 < bridge> $sh cd .. 20:27 < bridge> $sh git clone https://github.com/Verfes/chiller_xd 20:27 < chillerbot> fatal: destination path 'Verfes' already exists and is not an empty directory. 20:27 < bridge> $sh rm -rf Verfes 20:27 < bridge> $sh git clone https://github.com/Verfes/chiller_xd 20:27 < chillerbot> fatal: destination path 'Verfes' already exists and is not an empty directory. 20:27 < bridge> $sh ls 20:27 < chillerbot> .git/ 20:27 < chillerbot> .gitignore/ 20:27 < chillerbot> LICENSE 20:27 < chillerbot> README.md 20:27 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:27 < bridge> $sh cd .. 20:27 < bridge> $sh git clone https://github.com/Verfes/chiller_xd 20:27 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'Verfes'... 20:27 < chillerbot> remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done. 20:27 < chillerbot> remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done. 20:27 < chillerbot> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done. 20:27 < bridge> lol 20:27 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:28 < bridge> $sh cd Verfes 20:28 < bridge> $sh cat a.out 20:28 < chillerbot> cat: a.out: No such file or directory 20:28 < bridge> $sh pwd 20:28 < chillerbot> /home/pi/Verfes 20:29 < bridge> $sh raspi-config 20:29 < chillerbot> bash: raspi-config: command not found 20:30 < bridge> $sh type ls 20:30 < chillerbot> ls is hashed (/usr/bin/ls) 20:30 < bridge> $sh ls 20:30 < chillerbot> .git/ 20:30 < chillerbot> .gitignore/ 20:30 < chillerbot> LICENSE 20:30 < chillerbot> README.md 20:30 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:32 < bridge> $sh ls /usr/bin 20:32 < chillerbot> apt 20:32 < chillerbot> bash 20:32 < chillerbot> cat 20:32 < chillerbot> chmod 20:32 < chillerbot> max output ... 20:32 < bridge> $sh find . 20:32 < chillerbot> bash: find: command not found 20:33 < bridge> $sh sed 20:33 < chillerbot> bash: sed: command not found 20:33 < bridge> $sh head 20:33 < bridge> $sh tail 20:33 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 20:33 < bridge> $sh awk 20:33 < chillerbot> bash: awk: command not found 20:34 < bridge> $sh neofetch 20:34 < chillerbot> bash: neofetch: command not found 20:35 < bridge> u got ideas how to get past the `max output ...` ?? 20:35 < bridge> ChillerDragon: u must do this 20:35 < bridge> hi there 20:35 < bridge> It's not real bash, you are wasting your times 20:35 < bridge> And spamming this channel 20:35 < bridge> $sh ls | head -n -3 20:35 < chillerbot> .git/ 20:36 < chillerbot> .gitignore/ 20:36 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/spongebob-challenge-gif-18899849 20:36 < bridge> chillerdragon no spamming developer channel challenge 3 seconds 20:36 < bridge> chiller, do you made money on your sv with CEntity or CProjectile ? 20:37 < bridge> or something else ? 20:38 < bridge> bruv i wanna keep doing this but it's spam aaa xd 20:40 < bridge> what do u even hope to accomplish xd 20:40 < bridge> Community filters seem a bit more annoying to use than the previous setup, since you can't use your favorites as servers you trust / frequently play on anymore, it has to be used like the previous ddnet tab. Then when servers get ddosed, they don't keep the ddnet community tag, so they just disappear from your favorites. Seems like a step backwards in terms of playability. 20:41 < bridge> find where chillerdragon lives so i can hug him 20:41 < bridge> please write that on github, i agree with it 😏 20:41 < bridge> used it a few times already, but more annoying than tabs 20:41 < bridge> muinch 20:41 < bridge> spoilers 20:42 < bridge> munich 20:42 < bridge> now go and hug him 20:42 < bridge> xd 20:42 < bridge> ChillerDragon: do you made money on your sv with CEntity or CProjectile ? 20:44 < bridge> bro wants to make money in his sv :feelsamazingman: 20:44 < bridge> it's a shame nobody play in it 20:56 < bridge> Having a function: `void abc(vector>);`. 20:56 < bridge> Am I able to call it with an parameter created in line? 20:56 < bridge> Like: `abc({})` works, but with an empty vector ofc. 20:56 < bridge> Tried around with things like `abc(std::move(vector>{make_unique(1)}))` and so on but could not get it done. 20:59 < bridge> initializer lists 20:59 < bridge> Try just `abc({make_unique(1)})` 21:00 < bridge> Does not work 21:00 < bridge> Yeah probably should have a look into them. 21:01 < bridge> Because of something: `In template: no matching function for call to 'construct_at'` 21:05 < bridge> Yes that would be nice. How? 21:05 < bridge> Hm, initializer lists implicitly do get converted, I winder what’s going wrong with unique_ptr there 21:07 < bridge> Yeah just tried with initializer_list and it worked 21:07 < bridge> OHH, I see the issue 21:08 < bridge> The initializer list invokes the copy constructor 21:08 < bridge> unique_ptrs can’t be copy constructed 21:10 < bridge> ah, so in `vector<...>{make_unique(1)}` the part `{...}` get's copy constructed and there is no way I could move the values? 21:11 < bridge> man this syntax is so cursed no joke xD 21:12 < bridge> aksing in a #linux channel be like: 21:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1193648256329203832/Screenshot_2024_01_07-22_11_09.png?ex=65ad7a91&is=659b0591&hm=3061b0ab3647c9678ea53055f8a13e5b02c4bbb9c3cef10320920a2543e9e194& 21:12 < bridge> imagine using `std::` as well all the time ... 21:13 < bridge> Yes, the individual values need to be copied from to construct the vector 21:13 < bridge> Honestly I did not know that off the top of my head. I had to look at the error the compiler gave 21:16 < bridge> Mhm thank you. I have to use an `initializer_list>` then I guess. If it's possible to move the value out of this list then. 21:17 < bridge> Wait, no that shouldn’t work either 21:17 < bridge> The entire issue is that you can’t move out of an initializer_list 21:18 < bridge> I see 21:18 < bridge> Was happy that i didn't get an compiler error exchanging `vector` with `initiailzer_list` at first. But then I cannot just loop and move out xD 21:19 < bridge> That's bad because I need to call the Base-Class-Constructor with a `vector>` ... but that's probably super bad software design then xD 21:19 < bridge> You might be able to with `std::make_move_iterator` though that’s quickly moving out of my knowledge 21:23 < bridge> Won't work I think 21:24 < bridge> Nvm, I'll go with a redesign of the classes xD 21:24 < bridge> Nvm, I'll go with a redesign of the classes 21:24 < bridge> Thank you 21:25 < bridge> It should work 21:27 < bridge> ```cpp 21:27 < bridge> void abc(initializer_list> x) { 21:27 < bridge> auto a = vector>(make_move_iterator(x.begin()), make_move_iterator(x.end())); 21:27 < bridge> } 21:27 < bridge> ``` 21:27 < bridge> Just like this? Or how would I do this? 21:28 < bridge> (Sorry if I'm wrong, that's just a bit fast/much for my brain :o) 21:32 < bridge> That’s what I thought would work. I guess `make_move_iterator` wasn’t as magic as I thought 😄 21:34 < bridge> I think initializer_lists aren't that flexible as I thought. 21:34 < bridge> + Working with unique_ptrs and collections is actually not that easy :( 21:41 < bridge> Yeah, move only types are a pain with collections 21:43 < bridge> By your server you mean the dropped money on F-DDrace? I forgot what it was. It’s basically a shotgun projectile what class you use for it shouldn’t matter too much just make sure in the end there is a projectile added to the snap 21:51 < bridge> Could try shared ptr, but theres the counter overhead which is not needed. They should be copyable 21:52 < bridge> https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/p0065r0.pdf a shame this never made it in 21:53 < bridge> yes, thaks 21:53 < bridge> yes, thanks 21:55 < bridge> Btw, if you do need to pass it the usual way is to just construct the vector by hand and pass it instead of using a temporary. The compiler should optimize it properly too 21:55 < bridge> thats nice 21:56 < bridge> but in a base constructor call from the derived constructor there is nothing I can do in this scenario I think 21:56 < bridge> Only option to change the constructor probably 21:58 < bridge> Using raw pointers in a vector would work 21:58 < bridge> but there are the raw pointers I don't want 21:58 < bridge> you should be able to make a helper function 22:07 < bridge> if you really want it to be in one line you can declare a lambda and call it in the same line, but that's all kinds of sad and horrible 22:07 < bridge> Helper function should work, true 22:08 < bridge> Doesn't need to be same line 22:08 < bridge> Why didn't I think of helper functions 22:08 < bridge> Thank you 22:10 < bridge> https://github.com/HolyBlackCat/better_braces someone seems to have made an entire library around a template solution to it 22:13 < bridge> That's cool, I like it 22:20 < bridge> $sh alias 22:20 < chillerbot> bash: alias: command not found 22:21 < bridge> $sh dd 22:21 < chillerbot> bash: dd: command not found 23:04 < bridge> When the map is saved in the editor there is a small animation, I think it will be more suitable than an hourglass 23:05 < bridge> $sh ls /bin 23:05 < chillerbot> bash 23:05 < chillerbot> cat 23:05 < chillerbot> chmod 23:05 < chillerbot> dmesg 23:05 < chillerbot> max output ... 23:05 < bridge> why don't u take all the output & put it in \`\` 23:14 < bridge> irc limit i think 23:21 < bridge> $rust 23:21 < bridge> It's not a real bash, you are wasting your time. The outputs are predetermined. `git clone` always prints the same exact output with wrong number of objects and path. `ls` always prints the same files with a `LICENSE` files that didn't exist in one of the cloned repositories and `.gitignore/` is printed like a folder. 23:21 < bridge> $c 23:21 < bridge> xddd 23:21 < bridge> they know that 23:21 < bridge> they just more troll than the bot 23:22 < bridge> $sh sudo su -- Robsterbyte 23:22 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 23:22 < bridge> $sh sudo doas su root 23:22 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 23:31 < bridge> Why does holding down any modifier key (ctrl, shift, alt) cause large positive FPS spikes in the FPS graph (on Windows)? :thonk: 23:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1193683461861560340/image.png?ex=65ad9b5a&is=659b265a&hm=d071560c7869f5f978d3d7469609668e0000ab800bba175857b0552fa013ee7b& 23:34 < bridge> Only on windows? 23:34 < bridge> Haven't tried other systems 23:35 < bridge> But would be weird 23:35 < bridge> Maybe some accessibility thing 23:37 < bridge> Also, the spikes are Vulkan only, don't appear with OpenGL 3 23:39 < bridge> Then it's a feature 23:39 < bridge> Is it real fs 23:39 < bridge> Full screen 23:40 < bridge> Happens with real fullscreen and windowed fullscreen 23:40 < bridge> Well weird 23:41 < bridge> What does input have to do with rendering 23:43 < bridge> Yeah, really weird. I had `gfx_refresh_rate 1500` and the spikes go above the 1500, but it's the same with `gfx_refresh_rate 0` 23:43 < bridge> And cl refresh rate 0? 23:43 < bridge> yeah 23:44 < bridge> If I don't forget. I'll test tm