00:12 < bridge> Why? Are you byte_ing_? 00:13 < bridge> i cannot go to europe for a conference 00:23 < bridge> I didn't go to a conference oversee yet too. Attending is entirely different whether it is only a 2h train ride away or needs transatlantic flight. 00:27 < bridge> And nowadays after the pandemic, mostly conferences offer hybrid attendance. 00:27 < bridge> And nowadays after the pandemic, conferences mostly offer hybrid attendance. 00:48 < bridge> does ddnet server send a chat message to 0.7 clients when someone finishes a race? I don't seem to receive anything 01:07 < bridge> 0.7 has special netmessages for race which are being used 01:07 < bridge> They send the text clientside 01:08 < bridge> hmm for some reason I think I dont receive any type of message when someone finishes, I get the start message tho 01:08 < bridge> I will keep looking.. 01:10 < bridge> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/a1911c8f7d8458fb4076ef8e7651e8ef5e91ab3e/src/game/client/components/infomessages.cpp#L103 01:15 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/ee2dd0ac1c2f5bfa7d13675e97585e256bae0f12/src/game/server/teams.cpp#L786 01:37 < bridge> Ok I understand the problem. If I'm on 0.7 client and someone with 0.7 client finishes, it works. But if I'm 0.7 and the one finishing is not on 0.7, I have this message in console instead : [client]: dropped weird message 'invalid' (0), failed on '(type out of range)' 01:46 < bridge> @learath2 02:29 < bridge> quick question, what is the formula for converting ddnet score points into race timings? 02:30 < bridge> score + 9999 = milliseconds? 02:30 < bridge> something along the lines? 02:42 < bridge> hmk, it's just seconds ._. 07:39 < ChillerDragon> @Ewan thanks for teaching me english i never get a vs an. Also why do you talk about js not bout error? is the "a" not pointing to error instead of js in the stence "a javascript error" 07:41 < ChillerDragon> @fudgy_ are you working on something or just playing? On official ddnet servers? with latest teeworlds client? 07:43 < bridge> Im playing with a 0.7 client from like 3 years ago. It's annoying to not see finish times when playing race with others 07:57 < bridge> Since other players are not using 0.7, it's sending the 0.6 net message and my 0.7 client cant parse it or smth 08:07 < bridge> Yeah, that's a bug. I'll try to fix it. 08:10 < ChillerDragon> lmao ofc furo is fixing it xd 08:11 < ChillerDragon> @furo321 thanks for writing it. I mean i shouldve guessed it by now that youll fix it xd. But i almost started looking into it xd 08:13 < bridge> :) 08:16 < bridge> because it only has to do with the word immediately after it 08:16 < bridge> "a stack overflow" 08:16 < bridge> "an overflow" 08:16 < bridge> something to do with having to have a constinent sound to make the words flow smoother 08:16 < bridge> because something like "a error" creates an awkward transition from vowel to vowel 08:17 < bridge> uhh errurr 08:18 < bridge> 08:18 < bridge> something to do with having to have a *consonent sound to make the words flow smoother 08:41 < bridge> O thanks 10:27 < bridge> i can't see what is CNetObj_CharacterCore and it's members 10:28 < bridge> i just know the core read and write with it 10:52 < bridge> Because the code is generated with python. That confuses most IDEs 10:53 < bridge> You can open the src folder in your build folder to see its defintion 11:09 < bridge> thank you that explains 11:27 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 11:27 < bridge> > It's not called out in the release notes announcement, but rustc will now automatically enable cross-crate inlining for small functions. This leads to both compilation time wins and runtime performance improvements. They are small in this initial implementation, but I expect it to be tuned over time. 11:28 < bridge> nice 11:28 < bridge> 2024 will be the year of good rust additions 11:42 < bridge> > "cargo new" inside a workspace now automatically adds the new crate to the workspace members! 13:37 < bridge> is https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6914 fully implemented? because i don't see a redirect rcon command anywhere 13:42 < bridge> I don't think there's a command for it, you're meant to manually send the `NETMSG_REDIRECT` net message in your code, but maybe one should be added? 13:44 < ChillerDragon> @warner6439 yes its fully implemented and working. Ofc not all clients support it yet. You are meant to use this api ``void CServer::RedirectClient(int ClientID, int Port, bool Verbose)`` 13:45 < ChillerDragon> @burnyllama there is no rcon command and heinrich was against adding one so there probably wont be any any time soon 13:45 < ChillerDragon> > No, I think that options in the official DDNet server are also important. If people want to use this for moderation, they'd have to patch the source by themselves, which can be enough friction that people might not do it. 13:59 < ChillerDragon> @furo321 when add colored broadcast hehe 13:59 < ChillerDragon> its on my todo so it must also be on urs 15:08 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks another unsound MT access rust would prevent 15:13 < bridge> ```cpp 15:13 < bridge> int a = 5; 15:13 < bridge> if(a != -1 && (int b = 2)) 15:13 < bridge> { 15:13 < bridge> 15:13 < bridge> } 15:13 < bridge> ``` 15:13 < bridge> why does this throw a syntax error? 15:13 < bridge> why are you doing this 15:13 < bridge> xd 15:13 < bridge> making things better 15:14 < bridge> i want "b" only to be in the scope of the if statement and also check if the variable i assign to b is not 0 15:15 < bridge> too bad that you cannot code it in the next 48hours :/ 15:15 < bridge> well it works like `if(int b = 2)` 15:15 < bridge> but not with parentheses around it 15:16 < bridge> why not simply do a brace around it 15:16 < bridge> 15:16 < bridge> { 15:16 < bridge> int b = 2; 15:16 < bridge> 15:16 < bridge> if ... 15:16 < bridge> 15:16 < bridge> } 15:16 < bridge> then the braces are your scope 15:16 < bridge> int a = 5; 15:16 < bridge> 15:16 < bridge> if (int b = 2; a != -1 && b != 0) 15:16 < bridge> { 15:16 < bridge> 15:16 < bridge> } 15:16 < bridge> the 2 in my example might be a function call that i dont want to do twice 15:16 < bridge> compiler expects an expression, not a declaration ig? 15:16 < bridge> kinda ugly but it was my first guess too 15:17 < bridge> declarations in if's are allowed since cpp17 15:17 < bridge> `if(int a = 4)` 15:17 < bridge> is fine 15:18 < bridge> ah wait i overlooked it 15:18 < bridge> mybad 15:18 < bridge> well honestly. you really never need to have a declaration inside a if 15:18 < bridge> 15:18 < bridge> i bet there is a better way 15:18 < bridge> works ty 15:18 < bridge> in worst case accept a second if statement 15:18 < bridge> :owo: 15:18 < bridge> shit code anyways 15:19 < bridge> :owo: 15:21 < bridge> see, im big dev 15:21 < bridge> should get that role at some point 15:26 < bridge> big 15:26 < bridge> :owo: 15:27 < bridge> couldnt you use structured bindings for that use case? https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/structured_binding 15:29 < bridge> cpp hard 15:29 < bridge> ```cpp 15:29 < bridge> int a = 5; 15:29 < bridge> 15:29 < bridge> if(a != -1) { 15:29 < bridge> auto [b] = FooBar(); 15:29 < bridge> } 15:29 < bridge> ``` 15:31 < bridge> ```cpp 15:31 < bridge> int a = 5; 15:31 < bridge> if (auto [b] = fooBar(); a != -1 && b != 0) 15:31 < bridge> { 15:31 < bridge> } 15:31 < bridge> ``` 15:31 < bridge> 15:31 < bridge> to assign value to b and then check if b != 0) or smth 15:35 < bridge> thats what nouaaa said earlier xd 15:35 < bridge> . 15:35 < ChillerDragon> @ryozuki now that you llvm and rust core maintainer you are basically professional language designer right? Any chance you get some fixed into the german spec for me? 15:36 < ChillerDragon> for example the german number system is fucked some drunk lang designer messed up ordering of double digit numbers 15:36 < ChillerDragon> s/fixed/fixes/ 15:37 < bridge> structured bindings allow you to assign complex types to b, while the latter only allows simple types, but yeah, they basically do the same 😛 15:39 < bridge> wdym simple types 15:39 < bridge> well it works with CGameContext 15:39 < bridge> is that a simple type? 15:41 < bridge> ```cpp 15:41 < bridge> simple: 15:41 < bridge> 15:41 < bridge> int a = 5; 15:41 < bridge> float b = 3.14; 15:41 < bridge> char c = 'A'; 15:41 < bridge> 15:41 < bridge> complex: 15:42 < bridge> 15:42 < bridge> int arr[] = {1, 2, 3}; 15:42 < bridge> ``` 15:43 < bridge> classes are actually considered complex types, because they can hold data structures with multiple values, i dun fckn know >_< 16:31 < bridge> xD 16:37 < bridge> brah, i just found out you guys remove the m_hookTick in Core upon character getting endless hook, i thought the problem was my code for 1 hour :justatest: 16:53 < bridge> this makes cpp programmers cry 17:07 < bridge> don't fix it tho, i wanna make hook upgrading system with it :feelsamazingman: 17:07 < bridge> it works fine with prediction 🙂 17:23 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i broke my promise 17:23 < bridge> i coded in rust 17:27 < bridge> i got a minimalistic game idea 17:27 < bridge> time to try again with bevy 17:32 < bridge> rust makes you weak 17:33 < bridge> Did you talk to meloƞ? How did the therapy session go? 17:33 < bridge> :NekoEvil: 17:34 < bridge> (I'm refering to this btw :kek: ) 17:35 < bridge> 😬 17:44 < bridge> :kek: 17:45 < bridge> Ryo if rust keeps you hostage, write unsafe code twice and we'll help you! 19:19 < ChillerDragon> @blaiszephyr xd 20:00 < bridge> hum 20:02 < ChillerDragon> ger10 doing some extra shenangians today? 20:02 < ChillerDragon> i cant connect .-. 20:03 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1703876587.png 20:05 < bridge> use https://ger10.ddnet.org/ 20:08 < ChillerDragon> did you update something? 20:08 < ChillerDragon> ah nice it works now 20:09 < ChillerDragon> wat did u do 20:09 < ChillerDragon> oh holy shit or does http://ger10.ddnet.org/ not work? 20:09 < ChillerDragon> somehow neither my browser nor the webserver upgrades me to https 20:09 < ChillerDragon> it still says verified but does not seem to work 20:11 < ChillerDragon> @deen if you did not fix something i assume the http version does not work. Maybe you could setup a redirect c: 20:15 < bridge> @davide55 ^ 20:16 < ChillerDragon> deen arent u hosting the web? 20:18 < bridge> yes, but not the way the whitelist works 20:18 < ChillerDragon> then you can fix it 20:18 < bridge> Pretty weird 20:18 < ChillerDragon> no need to adapt the whitelist 20:18 < ChillerDragon> just add a http to https redirect 20:19 < ChillerDragon> sounds reasonable anyways 20:19 < bridge> It should be http only as I can remember 20:19 < ChillerDragon> well i typed ger10.ddnet.org into my browser arrived at http and it didnt work then i clicked deens https link and i could join 20:19 < bridge> Oh nvm, it's HTTPS too, still, even HTTP whitelists you, both works 20:19 < ChillerDragon> maybe it was just some other bug then 20:19 < bridge> Let me check 20:19 < ChillerDragon> i didnt change anything 20:20 < ChillerDragon> i tried like 3 servers when it didnt work 20:20 < bridge> I confirm it should work even with HTTP 20:29 < ChillerDragon> i am not at home. I think at home usually the http also works for me. Yea maybe it was something else. 20:29 < ChillerDragon> Do you need me to test something? You can kick me and i can try http again if you are curious @davide55 20:29 < bridge> Sure, send me your IP addr somwhere and I'll remove you from the verified map 20:30 < bridge> Sure, send me your IP addr somewhere and I'll remove you from the verified map 20:30 < ChillerDragon> i can whisper u in game 20:30 < ChillerDragon> securest channel 20:30 < ChillerDragon> u online? xd 20:30 < bridge> Wait 20:30 < bridge> Done, joined 20:30 < bridge> Username is Davide55 20:31 < ChillerDragon> go join me at zillyhuhn.com 20:31 < ChillerDragon> i wanna grab ur ip too xd 20:31 < bridge> Oh, I'm in a random DDNet server 20:31 < bridge> Just search for my username 20:31 < ChillerDragon> bliet ok 20:31 < ChillerDragon> on a random ger10 ? -. 20:32 < bridge> Yes 20:33 < ChillerDragon> ok i can confirm http works 20:33 < ChillerDragon> still deen i think a https redirect would be cool just for coolness sake 20:33 < bridge> Good 20:34 < ChillerDragon> no idea what happend earlier tho 20:34 < ChillerDragon> thanks for the quick response davide UwU 20:35 < bridge> No problems 20:35 < bridge> I'll also check the UDP challenge as soon as I can 20:35 < bridge> Maybe it needs a few updates 20:35 < ChillerDragon> i personally do not mind the http request too much since it can even be done via curl 20:35 < ChillerDragon> but i guess the general public would appreciate it 20:35 < bridge> Okok 20:36 < ChillerDragon> maybe it also doesnt work because of my hax client 20:36 < bridge> Would be good to implement an automatic curl request before the join 20:36 < bridge> Oh, yes can be 20:36 < ChillerDragon> i send some custom ddnet ex messages 20:36 < ChillerDragon> identifying my client as it self to the server 20:36 < bridge> 😄 20:37 < ChillerDragon> i think some custom client does the automatic curl within the client already 20:37 < bridge> Just tried with latest version from Steam and seems to work, pretty slowly but it works 😄 20:38 < ChillerDragon> ok nice 20:38 < bridge> Can be 20:38 < ChillerDragon> if it rly is my extra msg that confuses ur prot thats totally fine 20:38 < ChillerDragon> its one alt+tab and ctrl+r ger10 enter 20:38 < bridge> 😄 20:38 < ChillerDragon> i had the curl running in a loop on my raspi for fokkos server when i was actively playing xd 20:39 < bridge> LOL 20:39 < ChillerDragon> worked like a charm 20:39 < bridge> Sadly DDNet is super sensitive, so protections must be extremely aggressive to avoid crash/lags 20:39 < bridge> Sadly DDNet is super sensitive, so protections must be extremely aggressive to avoid crashes/lags 20:39 < ChillerDragon> seems fair 20:40 < ChillerDragon> as i said i have no problem but it would be sad if new players or even old but non technical players rq on the issue :c 20:41 < ChillerDragon> but i think everything is smooth and the protection does work really well 20:41 < ChillerDragon> i barley play these days last time i played there were a few lags on ger10 but never longer than a few seconds 20:42 < ChillerDragon> might as well have been non ddos issues idk 20:43 < bridge> I should move the DDNet VM to the new DC, it would be probably even more stable as connectivity 20:43 < bridge> And even less ping 20:43 < bridge> And even less ping (2-3ms, nothing crazy) 20:43 < bridge> And even less ping (2-3ms less, nothing crazy) 20:43 < bridge> I should move the DDNet GER10 VM to the new DC, it would be probably even more stable as connectivity 20:44 < bridge> Maybe we can plan that @deen 20:44 < bridge> what is the best method to give the player msg without spamming his chat ? (not broadcast) 20:44 < bridge> Maybe we can schedule that @deen 20:44 < bridge> what is the best method to give the player msg without spamming his chat ? (don't wanna use broadcast) 20:45 < bridge> sure, i can spin down the servers and tell you when it‘s done? 20:46 < bridge> Else I can just create you a new VM on the new DC, maybe it's faster? Depends on your installer 20:46 < bridge> Else I can just create you a new VM on the new DC, maybe it's faster? Depends on your install script 20:49 < bridge> (Migrating a VM can require a few hours depending on the disk size) 20:52 < ChillerDragon> @mamad_melanin there is also the message of the day `sv_motd` and you can also use non important broadcast that will not overwrite important broadcasts in ddnet server code 20:53 < ChillerDragon> you could also use in game stuff like projectiles in the snap for conveing information 20:53 < ChillerDragon> fng even uses it for score numbers or BW for texts on kills 20:54 < bridge> yes i seen it 20:54 < ChillerDragon> if you need another channel for sending text like custom popups you would have to modify the client 20:55 < bridge> i seen "balance the teams" in fng, the msg shows up on screen, how about that ? 20:55 < ChillerDragon> there are a few of those but they are hardcodet 20:55 < ChillerDragon> you can not set a custom message there 20:55 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 20:56 < ChillerDragon> ye its not like in minecraft 20:56 < ChillerDragon> its insane what custom ui a vanilla minecraft client can display 21:42 < bridge> yes, that‘s faster. then we can shut down the old after a few hours 21:44 < bridge> ger11 incoming! 21:44 < bridge> :poggers2: 21:44 < bridge> road to 100 21:45 < bridge> i read it as binary 21:45 < bridge> 21:45 < bridge> ger10 = ger2 21:45 < bridge> 😏 21:48 < bridge> xd 22:01 < bridge> Yes 22:09 < bridge> I'm installing UE5 for the second time today 22:09 < bridge> 😬 22:10 < bridge> The first was for linux but the performance wasn't very good. Now it's windows time :pepeW: 22:10 < bridge> teeworlds ray tracing edition? 😮 22:10 < bridge> im using bevy 22:11 < bridge> would a teeish vampire survivors be fun? 22:11 < bridge> xd 22:11 < bridge> i dunno, probably not as much xd 22:11 < bridge> maybe some tower defense game 22:12 < bridge> the nade shooter 22:12 < bridge> the hooker 22:16 < bridge> 😏 22:16 < bridge> ofc 22:17 < bridge> :brownbear: 22:17 < bridge> nice 23:43 < bridge> is there some special url format to start ddnet and connect to a specific server? 23:43 < bridge> is there some special url format to start the ddnet client and connect to a specific server? 23:43 < bridge> (just ping me) 23:51 < bridge> 23:51 < bridge> ddnet://host:port 23:51 < bridge> `ddnet://host:port` 23:52 < bridge> awesome, thanks 23:54 < bridge> Or https://ddnet.org/connect-to/?addr= 23:54 < bridge> is an official DDNet server. 23:54 < bridge>