00:25 < bridge> WTF it is?! 00:25 < bridge> !sh ls 00:25 < bridge> Command not found! 00:25 < chillerbot> .env 00:25 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 00:25 < chillerbot> LICENSE 00:25 < chillerbot> README.md 00:25 < chillerbot> max output ... 00:25 < bridge> Omg it is 00:25 < bridge> Did I not turn it off? 00:26 < bridge> Ah I think Heinrich only told me to turn off the pinger messages 00:26 < bridge> What made you randomly try that xd 00:27 < bridge> !sh echo voxel will be replaced by AI > truth.txt 00:27 < bridge> Command not found! 00:28 < bridge> !sh cat truth.txt 00:28 < bridge> Command not found! 00:28 < chillerbot> voxel will be replaced by AI 00:28 < bridge> @ddnet bot maintainer I had the prefix first please don’t spam -.- at least not on collisions 00:30 < bridge> !sh cat /\* 00:30 < bridge> Command not found! 00:30 < chillerbot> cat: /env.example: No such file or directory 00:30 < chillerbot> cat: /hex_to_pack.py: No such file or directory 00:31 < chillerbot> cat: /index.js: No such file or directory 00:31 < chillerbot> cat: /LICENSE: No such file or directory 00:31 < chillerbot> max output ... 00:31 < bridge> That seems bugged xD 00:31 < bridge> !sh pwd 00:31 < chillerbot> /home/pi 00:31 < bridge> Command not found! 00:37 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> just remembered it and how fun it was 00:37 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> !sh echo AI will die out in 3 years > truth.txt 00:37 < bridge> Command not found! 00:37 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> !sh cat truth.txt 00:37 < bridge> Command not found! 00:37 < chillerbot> AI will die out in 3 years 00:38 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :owo: 00:41 < bridge> It’s supper annoying with the other bot 00:41 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> change the command 00:42 < bridge> I was first 00:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ~sh rm -rf 00:42 < bridge> Try me 00:42 < bridge> It’s all safe now 00:42 < bridge> Since the lerato incident 00:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :justatest: 00:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> babysafing your but just like how openai babysafes gpt 00:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> *your bot 00:43 < bridge> !sh git 00:43 < chillerbot> usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C ] [-c =] 00:43 < bridge> Command not found! 00:43 < chillerbot> [--exec-path[=]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] 00:43 < chillerbot> [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare] 00:43 < chillerbot> [--git-dir=] [--work-tree=] [--namespace=] 00:43 < chillerbot> max output ... 00:44 < bridge> !sh ls /dev 00:44 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/dev': Permission denied 00:44 < bridge> Command not found! 00:44 < bridge> !sh id 00:44 < chillerbot> bash: id: command not found 00:44 < bridge> Command not found! 00:44 < bridge> !sh echo $PATH 00:44 < bridge> Command not found! 00:44 < chillerbot> /home/pi/.cargo/bin:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games 00:44 < bridge> !sh ls /usr/bin 00:44 < bridge> Command not found! 00:44 < chillerbot> apt 00:44 < chillerbot> bash 00:45 < chillerbot> cat 00:45 < chillerbot> chmod 00:45 < chillerbot> max output ... 00:45 < bridge> !sh ./truth.txt 00:45 < bridge> Command not found! 00:45 < chillerbot> bash: ./truth.txt: command not found 00:45 < bridge> Oh wow xd 00:55 < bridge> !sh ls 00:55 < bridge> Command not found! 00:55 < chillerbot> .env 00:55 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 00:55 < chillerbot> LICENSE 00:55 < chillerbot> README.md 00:55 < chillerbot> max output ... 01:02 < bridge> !sh rm Dockerfile 01:02 < bridge> Command not found! 01:12 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> !sh echo Command not found! > notfound.txt 01:12 < bridge> Command not found! 01:12 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> !sh cat notfound.txt 01:12 < bridge> Command not found! 01:12 < chillerbot> Command not found! 01:41 < bridge> !sh cat \*.txt 01:41 < bridge> Command not found! 01:42 < chillerbot> AI will die out in 3 years 01:42 < chillerbot> Command not found! 01:52 < bridge> Discord bot 02:09 < bridge> ayo 02:12 < bridge> :justatest: 02:12 < bridge> sorry did i just ping you both at like 3 am 07:58 < bridge> !sh uname -a 07:58 < bridge> Command not found! 07:58 < chillerbot> Linux raspberrypi 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:24:00 GMT 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux 07:58 < bridge> hmm cool 07:59 < bridge> !sh neofetch 07:59 < bridge> Command not found! 07:59 < chillerbot> bash: neofetch: command not found 08:02 < bridge> !sh ls ~ 08:02 < bridge> Command not found! 08:02 < chillerbot> .env 08:02 < chillerbot> LICENSE 08:02 < chillerbot> README.md 08:02 < chillerbot> env.example 08:02 < chillerbot> max output ... 08:02 < bridge> !sh cat /dev/urandom 08:02 < chillerbot> cat: /dev/urandom: No such file or directory 08:02 < bridge> Command not found! 08:02 < bridge> 😭 08:03 < bridge> !sh which zsh 08:03 < chillerbot> /usr/bin/zsh 08:03 < bridge> Command not found! 08:03 < bridge> !sh print -lr -- /**(.om[1]) 08:03 < bridge> Command not found! 08:03 < chillerbot> bash: print: command not found 08:03 < bridge> !sh zsh -c print -lr -- /**(.om[1]) 08:03 < bridge> Command not found! 08:03 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 08:03 < bridge> damn 08:05 < bridge> !sh which pacman 08:05 < bridge> Command not found! 08:05 < chillerbot> which: no pacman in (/home/pi/.cargo/bin:/home/pi/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games) 08:05 < bridge> !sh which apt 08:05 < bridge> Command not found! 08:05 < chillerbot> /usr/bin/apt 08:10 < bridge> !sh echo chillerdragonrocks | sudo -S apt -y install neofetch 08:10 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 08:10 < bridge> Command not found! 08:12 < bridge> !sh ln -s \`which sudo\` ~/notsudo 08:12 < bridge> Command not found! 08:12 < chillerbot> bash: ln: command not found 08:13 < bridge> !sh cp `which sudo` ~/notsudo 08:13 < chillerbot> bash: cp: command not found 08:13 < bridge> Command not found! 08:13 < bridge> !sh echo chillerdragonrocks | ~/notsudo -S apt -y install neofetch 08:13 < bridge> Command not found! 08:13 < chillerbot> bash: ~/notsudo: command not found 08:13 < bridge> ls ~ 08:13 < bridge> !sh ls ~ 08:13 < chillerbot> .env 08:13 < bridge> Command not found! 08:13 < chillerbot> LICENSE 08:13 < chillerbot> README.md 08:13 < chillerbot> env.example 08:13 < chillerbot> max output ... 08:14 < bridge> !sh find . -type f -name notsudo 08:14 < bridge> Command not found! 08:14 < chillerbot> bash: find: command not found 08:14 < bridge> WTF u have nothing 08:14 < bridge> !sh ls ~ | grep notsudo 08:14 < bridge> Command not found! 08:14 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 08:14 < bridge> xxxxxxxx 08:15 < bridge> !sh cat \`which sudo` > ~/notsudo 08:15 < bridge> Command not found! 08:15 < chillerbot> cat: \`which: No such file or directory 08:15 < chillerbot> cat: sudo`: No such file or directory 08:15 < bridge> WTF 08:16 < bridge> !sh cat which sudo > ~/notsudo 08:16 < chillerbot> cat: which: No such file or directory 08:16 < bridge> Command not found! 08:16 < bridge> oops 08:16 < chillerbot> cat: sudo: No such file or directory 08:16 < bridge> !sh cat `which sudo` > ~/notsudo 08:16 < bridge> Command not found! 08:16 < chillerbot> cat: `which: No such file or directory 08:16 < chillerbot> cat: sudo`: No such file or directory 08:16 < bridge> !sh which sudo 08:16 < bridge> Command not found! 08:16 < chillerbot> /usr/bin/sudo 08:16 < bridge> !cat /usr/bin/sudo > ~/notsudo 08:16 < bridge> Command not found! 08:16 < bridge> !sh cat /usr/bin/sudo > ~/notsudo 08:16 < bridge> Command not found! 08:16 < bridge> !sh echo chillerdragonrocks | ~/notsudo -S apt -y install neofetch 08:17 < bridge> Command not found! 08:17 < chillerbot> bash: ~/notsudo: command not found 08:21 < bridge> !sh chown root ~/notsudo 08:21 < chillerbot> bash: chown: command not found 08:21 < bridge> Command not found! 08:21 < bridge> WTF 08:21 < bridge> !sh stat -c %a /usr/bin/sudo 08:21 < bridge> Command not found! 08:21 < chillerbot> bash: stat: command not found 08:22 < bridge> oh i know 08:22 < bridge> !sh ls -l /usr/bin/sudo 08:22 < chillerbot> -rwxr-xr-x pi pi Apr 30 10:10 sudo 08:22 < bridge> Command not found! 08:22 < bridge> !sh ls -l ~/notsudo 08:22 < bridge> Command not found! 08:22 < chillerbot> -rw-r--r-- pi pi Apr 30 10:10 notsudo 08:23 < bridge> chmod 4755 ~/notsudo 08:23 < bridge> !sh chmod 4755 ~/notsudo 08:23 < bridge> Command not found! 08:24 < bridge> ~sh ~/notsudo --help 08:24 < bridge> !sh ~/notsudo --help 08:24 < bridge> Command not found! 08:24 < chillerbot> bash: ~/notsudo: command not found 08:24 < bridge> WTF 08:24 < bridge> !sh ls -l ~/notsudo 08:24 < bridge> Command not found! 08:24 < chillerbot> -rw-r--r-- pi pi Apr 30 10:10 notsudo 08:24 < bridge> !sh whoami 08:24 < bridge> Command not found! 08:24 < chillerbot> pi 08:25 < bridge> !sh chmod 0 ~/notsudo 08:25 < bridge> Command not found! 08:25 < bridge> !sh ls -l ~/notsudo 08:25 < bridge> Command not found! 08:25 < chillerbot> -rw-r--r-- pi pi Apr 30 10:10 notsudo 08:26 < bridge> your chmod is broken 08:27 < bridge> !sh alias notsudo=/usr/bin/sudo 08:27 < bridge> Command not found! 08:27 < chillerbot> bash: alias: command not found 08:28 < bridge> !sh echo "notsudo() { sudo $@ }" > ~/.bashrc 08:28 < bridge> Command not found! 08:29 < bridge> !sh source ~/.bashrc 08:29 < chillerbot> bash: source: command not found 08:29 < bridge> Command not found! 08:29 < bridge> erfghipnmkesjrfdbmkllerghfnldnfxgbv 08:29 < bridge> !sh cat ~/.bashrc 08:29 < bridge> Command not found! 08:29 < chillerbot> notsudo() { sudo $@ } 08:29 < bridge> What is dis 08:30 < bridge> i think he is using string based command identification bcs this syntax of sudo doesn't require a password on the tty 08:30 < bridge> so i want to bypass it and send in a password on tty 08:30 < bridge> trying to make sudo alias so his dumb string search doesn't find it 08:30 < bridge> but his system is missing all the cool commands 08:32 < bridge> !sh reboot 08:32 < bridge> Command not found! 08:32 < chillerbot> Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required. 08:32 < chillerbot> Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication required. 08:32 < chillerbot> Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied 08:32 < chillerbot> Failed to talk to init daemon. 08:32 < bridge> !sh touch woman 08:32 < bridge> Command not found! 08:32 < bridge> hahaha 08:33 < bridge> !sh echo test 08:33 < bridge> Command not found! 08:33 < chillerbot> test 08:33 < bridge> !sh ls ~/.bashrc 08:33 < chillerbot> .bashrc 08:33 < bridge> Command not found! 08:34 < bridge> er 08:34 < bridge> !sh cat ~/.bashrc 08:34 < bridge> Command not found! 08:34 < chillerbot> notsudo() { sudo $@ } 08:34 < bridge> !sh notsudo —help 08:34 < bridge> Command not found! 08:34 < chillerbot> bash: notsudo: command not found 08:34 < bridge> ququququququququqy 08:34 < bridge> he has bash but it’s not sourcing bashrc 08:34 < bridge> or maybe he never rebooted 08:35 < bridge> !sh uptime 08:35 < bridge> Command not found! 08:35 < chillerbot> bash: uptime: command not found 08:35 < bridge> q 08:35 < bridge> !sh w 08:35 < bridge> Command not found! 08:35 < chillerbot> bash: w: command not found 08:40 < bridge> !sh cat /etc/sudoers 08:40 < bridge> Command not found! 08:40 < chillerbot> cat: /etc/sudoers: No such file or directory 08:40 < bridge> >>> >> > 08:41 < bridge> !sh cat /etc/passwd 08:41 < chillerbot> cat: /etc/passwd: No such file or directory 08:41 < bridge> Command not found! 08:44 < bridge> wat is this system bro 08:44 < bridge> !sh cat /usr/bin/cat 08:44 < bridge> Command not found! 08:44 < chillerbot> @@@88 q:q:```zx@|@888PDDStd888PPtdmmmQtdRtdz/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2@GNU GNU}#V8G<^wuGNU9a9a ELQ+/ 08:45 < bridge> !sh grep -E '^UID_MIN|^UID_MAX' /etc/login.defs 08:45 < bridge> Command not found! 08:45 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 08:45 < bridge> 634yer 08:48 < bridge> !sh rm -rdf / —no-preserve-root 08:48 < chillerbot> rm: invalid option -- '-rdf' 08:48 < bridge> Command not found! 08:48 < bridge> ? 08:49 < bridge> !sh rm —help 08:49 < bridge> Command not found! 08:49 < chillerbot> rm: cannot remove '—help': No such file or directory 08:49 < bridge> !sh rm -rf / —no-preserve-root 08:49 < bridge> Command not found! 08:49 < bridge> 😀 08:49 < bridge> !sh echo wassup 08:49 < chillerbot> wassup 08:49 < bridge> Command not found! 08:50 < bridge> it doesn’t like my command 08:50 < bridge> !sh sudo -s 08:50 < bridge> Command not found! 08:50 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 08:50 < bridge> ttue 08:54 < bridge> !sh ls ~/notsudo 08:54 < bridge> Command not found! 08:54 < chillerbot> notsudo 08:54 < bridge> !sh cat ~/notsudo 08:54 < chillerbot> ELF(tj44 (pt444 TTT.00pppDDQtdRtdtt/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3GNUMOWSlR@h0SGNU&<`:HV- 08:54 < bridge> Command not found! 08:54 < bridge> !sh chmod 4755 ~/notsudo 08:54 < bridge> Command not found! 08:55 < bridge> !sh ~/notsudo —help 08:55 < bridge> Command not found! 08:55 < chillerbot> bash: ~/notsudo: command not found 08:55 < bridge> u are so bad 08:55 < bridge> !sh mv ~/notsudo /usr/bin 08:55 < bridge> Command not found! 08:55 < chillerbot> bash: mv: command not found 08:55 < bridge> !sh cat /usr/bin/sudo > /usr/bin/notsudo 08:55 < bridge> Command not found! 08:56 < bridge> !sh chmod 4755 /usr/bin/notsudo 08:56 < bridge> Command not found! 08:56 < bridge> !sh notsudo —help 08:56 < bridge> Command not found! 08:56 < chillerbot> bash: notsudo: command not found 08:56 < bridge> !sh bash -c /usr/bin/notsudo —help 08:56 < bridge> Command not found! 08:56 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 08:56 < bridge> ohhhhh 08:56 < bridge> he just has command whitelists 08:56 < bridge> and any sh -c is unsafe 09:00 < bridge> !sh curl 09:00 < chillerbot> bash: curl: command not found 09:00 < bridge> Command not found! 09:00 < bridge> !sh wget 09:00 < bridge> Command not found! 09:00 < chillerbot> bash: wget: command not found 09:44 < bridge> Chillerdragon: install some cool things 09:44 < bridge> We need 09:46 < bridge> !sh apt install curl 09:46 < chillerbot> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) 09:46 < bridge> Command not found! 09:46 < chillerbot> E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root? 10:44 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 10:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1178994921315766312/image.png?ex=65782b95&is=6565b695&hm=d26003155c7511bf992b3ae7cf8f7c51fc65931d2bc180d1a0deffe68e2ed47e& 10:44 < bridge> i got 1 month midjourney 10:44 < bridge> with nitro 10:47 < bridge> sick 10:48 < bridge> im gonna run https://buildbot.net/ 10:48 < bridge> on my home server 10:48 < bridge> and try it with ddnet commits first 10:48 < bridge> its what llvm uses 10:49 < bridge> https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/ 10:53 < bridge> Nice, generate some nice pfps 😏 10:54 < bridge> does cloudflare support dynamic dns 10:55 < bridge> https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient 10:55 < bridge> xd 10:55 < bridge> funny name 10:58 < bridge> @heinrich5991: remembered more bugs! Element on iOS crashes a lot and on arch it can’t he quit at all unless using kill command. „Jump to unread“ jumps to random locations and is slow as fuck. If I have new messages in 3 channels it takes me 20 secs to mark everything unread if it all goes smoothly. But at least I managed to get rid of the one notification that never marked it self as red. By leaving a dm room .\_. Hope I didn’t block 10:59 < bridge> element is just super shitty ux too i feel 10:59 < bridge> too much emphasis on glowy shit and not enough on the actual chat essentials 10:59 < bridge> making sure that simple features that u need in a chat app are not only implemented but actually working smoothly seems to be an issue for them 10:59 < bridge> also gotta hate it because it's web based 12:07 < bridge> Can we change https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/0213535dd8ce88e9eb2088c894a9536a05736758/src/game/server/scoreworker.cpp#L1622C3-L1622C3 conveying that the saves are automatically scheduled to be inserted into the database within the next 24 hours? 12:08 < bridge> This is technically not done automatically by the client but by a script included in the ddnet-scripts repository (I think) 12:08 < ChillerDragon> $a 12:08 < bridge> $test 12:08 < bridge> @murpi: you are ddnet bot dev 12:08 < bridge> right? 12:08 < bridge> Sometimes 12:08 < ChillerDragon> !sh echo chillerbot used bang first 12:09 < bridge> Command not found! 12:09 < chillerbot> chillerbot used bang first 12:09 < bridge> Why? ^^ 12:09 < ChillerDragon> whats this garbage about 12:09 < ChillerDragon> it keeps saying command not found 12:09 < ChillerDragon> Can you not do that -.- 12:10 < bridge> Use a different comamnd prefix 12:10 < ChillerDragon> i was first omagwd 12:11 < bridge> ! 12:11 < bridge> Command not found! 12:11 < bridge> this is puretrol 12:11 < bridge> @learath2 Is it fine if I hide the YADDB bot from all channels but #bans ? 12:11 < bridge> ah true its the bot that cant do anything anyways right? :D 12:11 < bridge> Yep 😄 12:12 < bridge> that seems even more reasonable then 12:12 < bridge> I thought about it not saying command not found or at least for the known chillerbot commands and the empty ! but what you say makes more sense 12:27 < bridge> it has no commands 12:27 < bridge> your silly ass robot 12:27 < bridge> i can’t hack the mainframe with it 12:28 < bridge> ! 12:28 < bridge> Command not found! 12:28 < bridge> why have chmod at all if it’s just not gonna do anything 12:28 < bridge> his name stands for Your Average DDnet Bot? 12:29 < bridge> yet another 12:31 < bridge> ewan actually my silly as bot has one pog command that is !p 12:34 < bridge> !p 12:34 < bridge> Command not found! 12:34 < chillerbot> ```[twnet_parser v0.8.0][huffman=rust-libtw2] udp payload: ``` 12:34 < chillerbot> ```--- 0.7``` 12:34 < chillerbot> error 12:34 < bridge> Shut up 12:34 < chillerbot> ```--- 0.6``` 12:34 < bridge> error 12:34 < chillerbot> error 12:34 < bridge> error 12:38 < bridge> error 12:38 < bridge> error 12:44 < bridge> u have to give it tw network traffic as argument 12:46 < bridge> !p hello i am tee id 3 i was killed and killer is id 5 and he used grenade 12:46 < bridge> Command not found! 12:46 < chillerbot> invalid hex 12:47 < bridge> broken bot 12:47 < bridge> idk 12:47 < ChillerDragon> its not a language model it needs raw network traffic encoded as hex 12:48 < ChillerDragon> !p \x04\x0a\x00\xcf\x2e\xde\x1d\04 12:48 < bridge> Command not found! 12:48 < chillerbot> invalid hex 12:48 < ChillerDragon> e 12:48 < bridge> noob 12:48 < ChillerDragon> well its fakin painton string 12:49 < ChillerDragon> !p 02 7e 01 48 1f 93 d7 40 10 0a 80 01 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 00 74 65 73 74 00 00 00 12:49 < bridge> Command not found! 12:49 < chillerbot> ```[twnet_parser v0.8.0][huffman=rust-libtw2] udp payload: 02 7e 01 48 1f 93 d7 40 10 0a 80 01 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 00 74 65 73 74 00 00 00``` 12:49 < chillerbot> ```--- 0.7``` 12:49 < chillerbot> ```: {'flags': , 'ack': 638, 'token': b'H\x1f\x93\xd7', 'num_chunks': 1, 'connless_version': 1, 'response_token': b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'}``` 12:49 < chillerbot> ```: {'message_type': 'game', 'message_name': 'cl_call_vote', 'system_message': False, 'message_id': 32, 'header': , 'type': 'option', 'value': 'test', 'reason': '', 'force': False}``` 12:49 < chillerbot> ```--- 0.6``` 12:49 < chillerbot> error 12:50 < bridge> !sh exit 12:50 < chillerbot> bash: exit: command not found 12:50 < bridge> Command not found! 12:50 < bridge> !sh poweroff 12:50 < chillerbot> bash: poweroff: command not found 12:50 < bridge> Command not found! 12:50 < bridge> !sh shutdown -h now 12:50 < chillerbot> Shutdown scheduled for Tue Nov 28 2023 11:50:42 GMT+0000, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel. 12:50 < bridge> Command not found! 12:51 < bridge> gg 12:51 < bridge> it’s gonna troll u 12:51 < bridge> !sh echo hi 12:51 < bridge> Command not found! 12:51 < chillerbot> hi 12:51 < bridge> !sh reboot 12:51 < bridge> Command not found! 12:51 < chillerbot> Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required. 12:51 < chillerbot> Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication required. 12:52 < chillerbot> Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied 12:52 < chillerbot> Failed to talk to init daemon. 12:52 < bridge> !sh echo im alive 12:52 < bridge> huh 12:52 < chillerbot> im alive 12:52 < bridge> Command not found! 12:52 < bridge> Didn't it shutdown 12:52 < bridge> No 12:52 < bridge> it’s a troll 12:52 < bridge> !sh shutdown now 12:52 < bridge> Command not found! 12:52 < bridge> !sh echo nope 12:52 < chillerbot> nope 12:52 < bridge> Command not found! 12:52 < bridge> Troll 12:53 < bridge> !sh echo fu 12:53 < chillerbot> fu 12:53 < bridge> Command not found! 12:53 < bridge> !sh ls /dev 12:53 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/dev': Permission denied 12:53 < bridge> Command not found! 12:53 < bridge> !sh cd /boot 12:53 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: /boot: Permission denied 12:53 < bridge> Command not found! 12:53 < bridge> !sh rm -rf / —no-preserve-root 12:53 < bridge> Command not found! 12:53 < bridge> !ls / 12:53 < bridge> Command not found! 12:53 < bridge> hahah 12:53 < bridge> !sh ls / 12:53 < bridge> Command not found! 12:53 < bridge> it just trolls 12:54 < bridge> !sh echo a 12:54 < bridge> Command not found! 12:54 < chillerbot> a 12:54 < bridge> !sh ls / 12:54 < bridge> Command not found! 12:54 < bridge> qwqwqwqwqw 12:54 < bridge> !sh cd / 12:54 < bridge> Command not found! 12:54 < bridge> !sh pwd 12:54 < chillerbot> / 12:54 < bridge> Command not found! 12:54 < bridge> !sh echo hi > file 12:54 < bridge> Command not found! 12:54 < bridge> !sh ls 12:54 < chillerbot> file 12:54 < bridge> Command not found! 12:54 < bridge> LOL 12:54 < bridge> all gone 12:54 < bridge> LOL 12:55 < bridge> :justatest: 12:55 < bridge> though it’s still trolling 12:55 < bridge> !sh whoami 12:55 < chillerbot> pi 12:55 < bridge> Command not found! 12:55 < bridge> is it a honeypot? 12:55 < bridge> !sh reboot 12:55 < bridge> Command not found! 12:55 < chillerbot> Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required. 12:55 < chillerbot> Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication required. 12:55 < chillerbot> Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied 12:56 < chillerbot> Failed to talk to init daemon. 12:56 < bridge> !sh sudo 12:56 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 12:56 < bridge> Command not found! 12:56 < bridge> ya see 12:56 < bridge> and then u provide it passwd 12:56 < bridge> !sh echo password | sudo -S echo test 12:56 < bridge> Command not found! 12:56 < chillerbot> sudo: a password is required 12:56 < bridge> still shits itself 12:57 < bridge> chiller send root pass 12:57 < bridge> wont even work 12:57 < bridge> i tried to alias sudo to something else to see if it’s a stupid naive check for sudo but it’s locked down 12:58 < bridge> !sh DDNet-Server 12:58 < bridge> Command not found! 12:58 < chillerbot> bash: DDNet-Server: command not found 12:58 < bridge> cp doesn’t exist, can’t chmod to make scripts or to make copies from the shell executable, no alias command, no source command 12:58 < bridge> hmm 12:58 < bridge> !sh ls ~ 12:58 < bridge> Command not found! 12:58 < chillerbot> .bashrc 12:58 < chillerbot> .env 12:58 < chillerbot> LICENSE 12:58 < chillerbot> README.md 12:58 < chillerbot> max output ... 12:58 < bridge> !sh cat ~/.bashrc 12:58 < bridge> Command not found! 12:58 < chillerbot> notsudo() { sudo $@ } 12:59 < bridge> !sh source ~/.bashrc 12:59 < bridge> Command not found! 12:59 < chillerbot> bash: source: command not found 12:59 < bridge> see 12:59 < bridge> or we can try this 12:59 < bridge> !sh cat .env 12:59 < bridge> Command not found! 12:59 < chillerbot> cat: .env: No such file or directory 12:59 < bridge> !sh cat /usr/bin/sudo > ~/notsudo 12:59 < bridge> Command not found! 12:59 < bridge> !sh chmod +x ~/notsudo 12:59 < bridge> Command not found! 12:59 < bridge> ~/notsudo 12:59 < bridge> Suzux 13:00 < bridge> !sh ~/notsudo 13:00 < bridge> Command not found! 13:00 < chillerbot> bash: ~/notsudo: command not found 13:00 < bridge> :owo: 13:00 < bridge> !sh alias notsudo=/usr/bin/sudo 13:00 < bridge> Command not found! 13:00 < chillerbot> bash: alias: command not found 13:00 < bridge> !sh bash -c echo test 13:00 < bridge> Command not found! 13:00 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 13:00 < bridge> he locked it down 13:27 < ChillerDragon> $sh echo fixed fakin ddnet bot collision 13:27 < chillerbot> fixed fakin ddnet bot collision 13:27 < ChillerDragon> $sh mkdir git && cd git 13:27 < ChillerDragon> $sh git clone --recursive git@github.com:ddnet/ddnet 13:27 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'ddnet'... 13:27 < chillerbot> remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done. 13:27 < chillerbot> remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename : No space left on device 13:27 < chillerbot> fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed 13:27 < chillerbot> max output ... 13:27 < bridge> LOL 13:28 < ChillerDragon> wtf why fail 13:28 < bridge> he dun run outa space 13:28 < ChillerDragon> $sh df -h 13:28 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 13:28 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 8048 8058 100% / 13:28 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 13:28 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 13:28 < chillerbot> max output ... 13:28 < ChillerDragon> yikes 13:28 < bridge> lerato banish yaddb 13:28 < bridge> Yes that's fine, I assumed chiller would just change the !... 13:28 < ChillerDragon> -.- 13:28 < ChillerDragon> fakin lerato 13:29 < bridge> Omg my beloved bot is back 13:29 < ChillerDragon> but yea i did now .-. 13:29 < ChillerDragon> it was never gone 13:29 < bridge> Learath doesn't ban anything 13:29 < bridge> He chill 13:30 < bridge> lorato 13:30 < bridge> But when Heinrich Back, u dead 13:30 < bridge> so see ya in heaven 13:30 < bridge> Or hell 13:30 < bridge> https://youtu.be/4spaKc2GoeE?si=nCGzrgRUVPBnudS7 13:30 < ChillerDragon> not sure if ill go to 13:30 < ChillerDragon> ye 13:30 < ChillerDragon> im more a hell kinda dude 13:30 < ChillerDragon> omg ewan found lerato theme song 13:32 < ChillerDragon> !sh rm -rf * 13:32 < bridge> Command not found! 13:32 < ChillerDragon> a old habits 13:32 < ChillerDragon> $sh df -h 13:32 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 13:33 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 7993 8058 100% / 13:33 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 13:33 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 13:33 < chillerbot> max output ... 13:33 < ChillerDragon> $sh ls 13:33 < chillerbot> .env 13:33 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 13:33 < chillerbot> LICENSE 13:33 < chillerbot> README.md 13:33 < chillerbot> max output ... 13:33 < ChillerDragon> $sh rm .env Dockerfile LICENSE README.md 13:33 < ChillerDragon> $sh ls 13:33 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 13:33 < chillerbot> LICENSE 13:33 < chillerbot> README.md 13:33 < ChillerDragon> trol!? 13:33 < chillerbot> ddnet/ 13:33 < chillerbot> max output ... 13:33 < ChillerDragon> $sh rm LICENSE 13:33 < ChillerDragon> $sh rm -rf ddnet 13:33 < ChillerDragon> $sh rm Dockerfile 13:34 < ChillerDragon> $sh ls 13:34 < chillerbot> README.md 13:34 < chillerbot> ddnet/ 13:34 < chillerbot> git/ 13:34 < ChillerDragon> =!=! 13:34 < chillerbot> hex_to_pack.py 13:34 < chillerbot> max output ... 13:34 < ChillerDragon> $sh rm hex_to_pack.py && ls | tr '\n' ' ' 13:34 < chillerbot> bash: tr: command not found 13:34 < ChillerDragon> kys 13:36 < bridge> !sh printf '😟%.0s' {1..100000000000000} 13:36 < chillerbot> 😟%.0s 13:36 < bridge> Command not found! 13:36 < bridge> Wat 13:37 < bridge> !sh printf 'e%.0s' {1..1000000000000000} > lol 13:37 < bridge> Command not found! 13:37 < bridge> !cat lol 13:37 < bridge> Command not found! 13:37 < bridge> !sh cat lol 13:37 < bridge> Command not found! 13:37 < chillerbot> e%.0s 13:38 < bridge> you suck 13:38 < bridge> chillerdragon: can you just change your command prefix please 13:38 < bridge> old bash ver 13:38 < bridge> lol 13:38 < bridge> use ■ as the prefix instead 13:38 < bridge> going thru every channel is quite a chore actually 13:38 < bridge> :troll: 13:38 < bridge> why not whitelist it 13:39 < bridge> you can just do one category and update all the channels at once no? 13:39 < bridge> yea… Lol 13:39 < bridge> erm WTF 13:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179038918918811718/IMG_4340.png?ex=6578548f&is=6565df8f&hm=07fab20a1037d5b504e786a41694311026e37b68d321756dca42109c93d43282& 13:39 < bridge> No, cuz some channels within one category has different perms 13:40 < bridge> mod channel in general category thx for the info 13:40 < bridge> :troll: 13:41 < bridge> YeTudadþay 13:44 < bridge> I'll just make the bot not respond to anything outside the intended channel 13:45 < bridge> :brownbear: 13:45 < bridge> Gn 13:47 < ChillerDragon> $sh echo @murpi i did -.- but the old ! is still available during the transitionary period 13:47 < chillerbot> @murpi i did -.- but the old ! is still available during the transitionary period 13:48 < bridge> don't use $ either xd 13:48 < bridge> lmaoooo 13:48 < ChillerDragon> omg why? 13:48 < bridge> it's used by @DDNet 13:49 < ChillerDragon> ok then just kick yaddb from #developer 13:49 < bridge> $ssh echo chillerbot > ddbot 13:49 < ChillerDragon> i refuse to resort to any other prefix 13:49 < ChillerDragon> rest is ass 13:49 < bridge> Atleast @DDNet doesn't reply to nonexistant commands 13:49 < bridge> it fills up our logs though 😄 13:49 < ChillerDragon> ah nice 13:49 < bridge> Hm true 13:50 < ChillerDragon> sounds like a you issue 13:50 < ChillerDragon> chillerbot has 3 commands 13:50 < ChillerDragon> ping,p,sh 13:50 < bridge> Let's just kick this unsanctioned bot 13:50 < ChillerDragon> ohno 13:50 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/sad-gif-13261737358986789359 13:50 < bridge> zilera rn 13:50 < ChillerDragon> i have a permit 13:50 < bridge> $kick chillerbot 13:50 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) 13:50 < bridge> Present permit 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 25s left 13:51 < ChillerDragon> my dog ate it 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 20s left 13:51 < ChillerDragon> omg watefek 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 15s left 13:51 < ChillerDragon> f4 far 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 10s left 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 5s left 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 4s left 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 3s left 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 2s left 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 1s left 13:51 < bridge> murpi#0 called for vote to kick chillerbot#0 (No reason given) — 0s left 13:51 < bridge> Vote passed. chillerbot#0 kicked by vote (No reason given) 13:51 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i quite literally requested him to use tilde as the command 13:51 < ChillerDragon> tilde 13:51 < ChillerDragon> duuude 13:51 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> what 13:52 < ChillerDragon> and you want to be a designer? 13:52 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/tilt-gif-9778843 13:52 < ChillerDragon> ~sh ls 13:52 < ChillerDragon> veri trol 13:52 < ChillerDragon> id rather go with . than ~ or : 13:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i mean no other bot is using it 13:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> .sh 13:52 < ChillerDragon> or even # 13:52 < bridge> i quite literally 13:53 < ChillerDragon> tilde top 10 worst prefixes 13:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> whats #1 worst 13:53 < ChillerDragon> ♿ 13:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> people use that as a prrfix? 13:53 < ChillerDragon> i hope not 13:53 < ChillerDragon> xd 13:54 < ChillerDragon> people use ~ as prefix? 13:54 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ♿sh rm -rf 13:54 < ChillerDragon> xxd 13:54 < bridge> $kick chillerdragon 13:54 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> no but i thought you were one for quirky, fish out of water ideas 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 30s left 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 25s left 13:54 < ChillerDragon> sos jopsti 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 20s left 13:54 < ChillerDragon> f4 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 15s left 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 10s left 13:54 < bridge> Look bad for you 13:54 < bridge> zilera when reaction bridge 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 5s left 13:54 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 4s left 13:55 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 3s left 13:55 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 2s left 13:55 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 1s left 13:55 < bridge> jupeyy_keks#0 called for vote to kick chillerdragon#0 (No reason given) — 0s left 13:55 < bridge> Vote passed. chillerdragon#0 kicked by vote (No reason given) 13:55 < bridge> $kick fokkonaut 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 30s left 13:55 < bridge> $kick aii hi fomdoek 13:55 < bridge> You can only call 1 vote at a time 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 25s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 20s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 15s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 10s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 5s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 4s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 3s left 13:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179042944825688085/image.png?ex=6578584f&is=6565e34f&hm=5dea8e4a69213d2f8b3f773401e37923d4fc125bce30c926684eab6c1c10774c& 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 2s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 1s left 13:55 < bridge> fokkonaut#0 called for vote to kick fokkonaut#0 (No reason given) — 0s left 13:55 < bridge> Vote failed 13:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179042977277030491/image.png?ex=65785857&is=6565e357&hm=5144011c9b3c92718e98998dfc504fcf5a31ce7d7e2da9281cea7e77dc3953d4& 13:55 < bridge> zilera u nob 13:56 < bridge> 😏 13:56 < bridge> :owo: 13:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> $kick chiller in the balls 13:56 < bridge> Could not find that user 13:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> booooo 13:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ! 13:56 < chillerbot> ! is deprecated moved to $ 13:56 < bridge> Command not found! 13:56 < bridge> Command not found! 13:57 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> these bots have poor edge casing 13:57 < ws-client> foggo there are reactions bridged 13:57 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1701176281.png 13:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> lol the links :kek: 13:58 < bridge> edging 😏 13:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> weirdo 13:58 < bridge> :troll: 13:58 < bridge> :troll: 13:58 < bridge> $kick Voxel (insult) 13:58 < bridge> Could not find that user 13:58 < bridge> u dont even exist 13:58 < bridge> nothing weird about it 13:58 < bridge> it’s EFFICIENT 13:59 < ws-client> you mean freeze and kill tile edges right? 13:59 < bridge> why wouldnt a ddnet discord bot use the command API in discord btw but instead ely on weird prefix? 13:59 < bridge> old 13:59 < bridge> rely* 13:59 < bridge> commands are pretty new 13:59 < bridge> 18mos or smth 13:59 < bridge> nah 13:59 < bridge> ye 13:59 < bridge> prefixes for years 14:00 < bridge> conservative 14:00 < bridge> @_voxeldoesart how u 14:00 < bridge> this pbj hitting 14:00 < ChillerDragon> ryo can i do feature requests for ed lang? 14:01 < bridge> yes 14:01 < ChillerDragon> i am in desperate need of a programming lang feature 14:01 < ChillerDragon> two elses 14:01 < ChillerDragon> if,else if, else if, else, else 14:01 < bridge> ¿ 14:01 < bridge> what 14:01 < ChillerDragon> second else is run if the first else did not run 14:01 < bridge> bro 14:01 < bridge> based on what condition 14:01 < bridge> idjit 14:01 < bridge> u can do that with literally 1 boolean 14:03 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1701176670.pnghttps://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1701176670.png 14:04 < bridge> 404 14:04 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1701176670.png 14:04 < ChillerDragon> ye i had lags 14:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179045107224285295/IMG_4341.png?ex=65785a53&is=6565e553&hm=b7ca85eaa74c07572383eb7997034b80de7dc976a44fdb8cebb34eb33d9d0a78& 14:04 < bridge> qqqqqqw 14:04 < ws-client> my internet so bad 14:04 < bridge> press q to drop the item youre holding 14:04 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1701176670.png 14:04 < bridge> upload damnit 14:04 < bridge> $kick VpnBanBypassDragon 14:04 < bridge> Could not find that user 14:05 < ws-client> stap kick me sos 14:05 < bridge> i just ended 1.5 pbj sandwiches 14:05 < bridge> ama 14:05 < bridge> ama gowd 14:05 < ws-client> @ryozuki ^ 14:06 < bridge> Ob@mpft Kenobi 14:06 < bridge> yea 14:06 < bridge> General Kenobi 14:06 < bridge> sup brah 14:07 < bridge> Hello there 14:07 < bridge> howdo youdo 14:07 < bridge> ido quitegud 14:07 < bridge> whatabout u 14:07 < bridge> p good 14:07 < bridge> about to go to sleep at 6 am 14:07 < bridge> prö? 14:07 < bridge> gotta edge this killtile first 14:07 < bridge> edge what 14:07 < bridge> :troll: 14:07 < bridge> :troll: 14:08 < bridge> think u misspelled deathgrip right there 14:08 < bridge> never jelqing 14:10 < bridge> gary there’s a bomb 14:13 < bridge> I want some potstickers 14:16 < bridge> are y'all ready for Heinorich 14:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179048283457470544/Heinorich.png?ex=65785d48&is=6565e848&hm=47a9c551164b909f2995f7612041f9916927948f4ebef092058c628fa24f1d94& 14:18 < bridge> LMAO 14:18 < bridge> so true 14:18 < bridge> heino5991 returning from janitoring his other discords only to find off topic conversation! 14:19 < bridge> or generally finding someone to be mad at 14:19 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> guys no memes in #general 14:19 < bridge> :justatest: 14:19 < bridge> It's my turn to be discord mod 14:19 < bridge> :justatest: 14:19 < bridge> nooooooo 14:20 < bridge> Am I doing this right? 14:20 < bridge> 😖😖😖😖😖😖 14:20 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> if u start deleting stuff we're bullying you 14:20 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/252358080522747904/1179049087992090695 14:20 < bridge> So true 14:20 < bridge> Lerato you’re fired 14:20 < bridge> Noo 14:22 < bridge> anyone want to play Fortnite 14:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179049761484058714/Unbenannt.png?ex=65785ea8&is=6565e9a8&hm=dbd41cf65596ce2f1c9c235e063ba2a13fd824aed28241fa8708de4dcf720852& 14:23 < bridge> Who is this dude 14:23 < bridge> Heino 14:23 < bridge> Excude me guys, no memes in #developer please 14:23 < bridge> Excuse me guys, no memes in #developer please 14:23 < bridge> :justatest: 14:23 < bridge> But how can u fire the fire 14:23 < bridge> I didn't grow a neckbeard just to allow memes in here 14:23 < bridge> Through the fire and flames 14:24 < bridge> what is this then 14:24 < bridge> It's a developer meme, that is allowed 14:25 < bridge> hi 14:25 < bridge> Heino too is a developer meme 14:25 < bridge> cuz heinorich be deleting 14:25 < bridge> he is a dev 14:25 < bridge> this is a dev channel 14:25 < bridge> I also have a permit from the supreme leader to post anything I want anywhere 14:25 < bridge> double standards 14:25 < bridge> north korea? 14:25 < bridge> as always in ddnet channel axx 14:25 < bridge> true 14:25 < bridge> So true king, go off 14:25 < bridge> Slay 14:25 < bridge> slay biiiitch 14:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179050559798526002/e9f5614b9937e4fef8a1ba6e0a35a41d7a417855801d33c53aa3928639cf4355_1.png?ex=65785f67&is=6565ea67&hm=d038933295837570a7ac4f306e6d7a8ef88eef890bb9b085ab1bc5aa9b11772b& 14:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> no, murpi is the true 1984 14:26 < bridge> its computer meme 14:26 < bridge> yea 14:26 < bridge> komputer 14:26 < bridge> It has a computer in it. I'll allow it 14:26 < bridge> murpi is good admin 14:26 < bridge> except when he deleted my copypasta 14:26 < bridge> I think you mean 1869 gerog orwin animal brother 14:26 < bridge> he seems to be the one with just the right amount of free time 14:27 < bridge> george orwell animal farm 14:27 < bridge> not enough to no-life camp the ddnet chat and delete offtopic content but plenty to do actually important and helpful things 14:27 < bridge> "Big animal is watching" 14:28 < bridge> https://github.com/federico-busato/Modern-CPP-Programming 14:28 < bridge> @learath2 c++ resource 14:28 < bridge> looks good 14:28 < bridge> computerich5991 14:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179051298541289534/Heinorich.png?ex=65786017&is=6565eb17&hm=5d369f7037739e3518d3db3938805d0d2dae385eb3634b5945c70418af36c60f& 14:29 < bridge> I usually suggest https://learncpp.com to people, but I will check this out too 14:29 < bridge> btw c++ clones implicitly unless u use move right 14:29 < bridge> its opposite of rust 14:29 < bridge> computerich5991 @mpft 14:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179051298541289534/Heinorich.png?ex=65786017&is=6565eb17&hm=5d369f7037739e3518d3db3938805d0d2dae385eb3634b5945c70418af36c60f& 14:29 < bridge> This is just a blatant attempt to subvert authority. One more and I'll time you out 14:30 < bridge> https://www.boot.dev/ is pretty fun too, but has a paywall 14:30 < bridge> Which message were you referring too? Sorry, the deletion policy in here is absurd so no idea wym 14:30 < bridge> This is so much fun. I think I'll just be a discord mod full time 14:30 < bridge> to* 14:30 < bridge> Which message were you referring to? Sorry, the deletion policy in here is absurd so no idea wym 14:30 < bridge> https://ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/infk/inst-pls/plf-dam/documents/StudentProjects/MasterTheses/2023-Andy-Thesis.pdf 14:30 < bridge> what happened i missed out 14:30 < bridge> how much do you weigh right now 14:31 < bridge> Eeeeeeh, yes if you assign 14:31 < bridge> 70kg, am I too smol to be a discord mod? :pepeW: 14:31 < bridge> @learath2 does it depend on the left hand type u use? 14:31 < bridge> not enough 14:31 < bridge> if u have a left hand type that its a ref 14:31 < bridge> and right is a ref 14:31 < bridge> it wont clone right 14:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179052053696352288/Heinorich.png?ex=657860cb&is=6565ebcb&hm=acfff25300d4db9673019d261f912f2502bff606f6d06f8ed8fa899729ac1e35& 14:32 < bridge> Yep. It all depends on what constructor gets invoked 14:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179052079352922183/Unbenannt.png?ex=657860d1&is=6565ebd1&hm=ff83fae715d3fb1435f0a30dca6113dbe542ef7ee8636ded3d0595e6897bb577& 14:32 < bridge> i see, looks a bit more hidden to me 14:32 < bridge> than rust 14:32 < bridge> who could it be now 14:32 < bridge> 🎷 14:32 < bridge> also u can grep clonee() 14:32 < bridge> also u can grep clone() 14:32 < bridge> @edrub not wholesome r/chonkers moment 14:32 < bridge> Semantic fuzzing of the Rust 14:32 < bridge> compiler and interpreter 14:32 < bridge> It's way more hidden. It's an attempt to bolt on move semantics to C which has no such concept 14:32 < bridge> found 9 miscompilations on rust (but most are on llvm level) 14:33 < bridge> i like how rust finds llvm miscompilations 14:33 < bridge> xdç 14:33 < bridge> xqc 14:34 < bridge> ryo do u wanna play fortnite 14:34 < bridge> i need a duo 14:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> #1234 14:44 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/1234 14:45 < bridge> im working at office 14:46 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 14:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i wanna make it so u can rearrange the emote wheel, but idk how to make it so u can store that arrangement 14:53 < bridge> create a config var 14:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yea but ppl could easily type in a wrong value and idk how to check for thay 14:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yea but ppl could easily type in a wrong value and idk how to check for that 14:53 < bridge> Sounds like unnecessary complexity 14:53 < bridge> wdym 14:53 < bridge> how are u doing it 14:53 < bridge> also ÿ 14:54 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i didnt start it yet but 14:54 < bridge> An if statement does wonders 14:54 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :fury: :signs: 😠 we dont need 3 angry emotes 14:54 < bridge> if u just have a 16 char long str only accepting 0-F it would be fine 14:54 < bridge> there are 16 emotes right 14:54 < bridge> ez pz 14:54 < bridge> yea but that might change in the future 14:54 < bridge> but for now i'd say the same apporahc 14:55 < bridge> yea but why at all 14:55 < bridge> Just use a comma separated list of numbers 14:55 < bridge> weird feecher 14:55 < bridge> or that 14:55 < bridge> can i get uhhhhhh 14:55 < bridge> ouhhhh 14:55 < bridge> or just use ai to guess how the player is feeling and make that the only emote in the wheel 14:56 < bridge> lmfao 14:56 < bridge> so quick with the 🤓 14:56 < bridge> they literally use AI in my new S23 to create fake moon shots 14:56 < bridge> he is on defense 100% of the time 14:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yea i saw that video LOL 14:56 < bridge> that guy taking a picture of his pc ? xd 14:56 < bridge> sam sunk 14:57 < bridge> was he on the titanic? 14:57 < bridge> perhaps 14:57 < bridge> i am recalling an event 14:57 < bridge> where i walked to the convenience store with my friend and bought some wd 40 14:57 < bridge> then we lit shit on fire with it on his balcony 14:57 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> damn 14:58 < bridge> nice story, u got time to tell it again? 14:58 < bridge> yeah 14:58 < bridge> i am recalling an event 14:58 < bridge> where i walked to the convenience store with my friend and bought some wd 40 14:58 < bridge> then we lit shit on fire with it on his balcony 14:58 < bridge> woaw 14:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> damn 14:58 < bridge> even better the second time 14:58 < bridge> this shit's lit 14:58 < bridge> it’s lit !! !!!! 14:58 < bridge> 🔥 🔥 🔥 14:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> 🔥🖋️ 14:59 < bridge> 👯 14:59 < bridge> language 💯 14:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179058993696612505/image.png?ex=65786741&is=6565f241&hm=3ab2b02e7606342bc76b60f125ebf9da2400b316cb7263d30e53335b066d8c63& 14:59 < bridge> lasagna 14:59 < bridge> luggage 15:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> lua 15:00 < bridge> lul 15:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> the peogramming languabe 15:01 < bridge> Guys I'm leaving for a couple hours. Please dont break the rules!!1! 15:01 < bridge> XD 15:02 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> im on shift now 15:02 < bridge> learath about to edge for a couple of hours 15:02 < bridge> @mpft write that down 15:02 < bridge> i wrote it down 15:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179059946134966292/IMG_4284.jpg?ex=65786825&is=6565f325&hm=ad08cbcaa7b59b93d01566f15d0808b322657dc5ad86670486063e0d76453c67& 15:03 < bridge> quantum computing 15:03 < bridge> same tho 15:10 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> damn this chat died quickly 15:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179062214745931907/20201221_124918.png?ex=65786a41&is=6565f541&hm=cd58f79055db96120152c22166098766257f0ce0c51e00898321d87145d5258a& 15:14 < bridge> Text 17:01 < bridge> @heinrich5991 @jupeyy_keks @learath2 @chairn quick question 17:01 < bridge> do you think its possible to have a functional language allowing low level memory management like C ala malloc, free? with same perfomance as C or Rust 17:01 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/d5d13i/is_it_possible_to_design_a_functional_language/ 17:02 < bridge> Hm, not a very quick question to think about 😄 17:02 < bridge> true xD 17:02 < bridge> but interesting one 17:02 < bridge> Should be possible 17:02 < bridge> i havent seen a functional lang as fast as c or rust 17:02 < bridge> perf is what deters me from using them 17:02 < bridge> like ok, good mathematical properties 17:02 < bridge> where is perf 17:02 < bridge> Haskell is probably as good as it gets for now 17:03 < bridge> does haskell have mutexes 17:03 < bridge> Sure 17:04 < bridge> I think they use another name for it though 17:05 < bridge> Yeah, `MVar` it's not exactly a mutex but something you can block on until it has a value 17:14 < bridge> I would say you could design a program that could use a malloc in such a way that it is as fast as c and still be considered functional. You'd heavily emphasize construction at allocation time i guess. I dunno how exactly u need it and if for example you want to modify it's memory later 17:15 < bridge> it was more a curiosity 17:15 < bridge> there are no functional contestants to C 17:15 < bridge> like rust is 17:15 < bridge> afaik 17:16 < bridge> Btw i like the good mix of functional and imperative in rust 17:16 < bridge> Ok bye 17:26 < bridge> shit platform ;( 17:26 < bridge> no rust courses 17:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> based platform 17:46 < bridge> it says "courses for backend" and the main course is python wtf? 17:46 < bridge> who tf has a python backend? 17:46 < bridge> php i can understand but not python 17:47 < bridge> both, php & pyson, are from hell 17:53 < bridge> a summary plz :owo: 17:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1179102729596063764/Screenshot_20231128-185224_Discord.png?ex=65788ffd&is=65661afd&hm=2bf995cc75861b9c9d498c879c848c8c6335b82d501a0278e07f80dfabbfb300& 18:01 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/reaction-my-eyes-cant-unsee-burn-gif-7225082 19:32 < bridge> It's actually extremely popular 19:32 < bridge> Uff 19:33 < bridge> Instagram runs on django e.g. 20:59 < bridge> possible yes 20:59 < bridge> Someone doing it? less likely because each one is on the extremety of the usability spectrum 21:50 < bridge> @furo321: such 0.7 enjoyer much wow 21:53 < bridge> No white theme shaming or I tell Heinrich 21:53 < bridge> Nothing relevant happens 21:57 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> why do u guys like 0.7 so much 21:58 < bridge> It’s the future 21:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> future of what? 21:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> going backwards? 21:58 < bridge> The game 21:59 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> just play 0.7. it has ddnet support 21:59 < bridge> Yea 21:59 < bridge> And the better ddnets 0.7 support the more futuristic ddnet is 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> the future of ddnet will be even worse spaghetti code 22:08 < bridge> i feel personally attacked my them 22:08 < bridge> Me, professional lawyer, knows that i'd win in a court 22:19 < bridge> xd 22:36 < bridge> lol 22:36 < bridge> i hope she made lotsa spaghetti! 22:37 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> luigi! look! its from heinrich 23:08 < bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/376915815796178955/747568956906274927/IMG_20200824_233202.jpg backwards indeed