03:32 < bridge> When will the results of the moderator selection be announced? 04:03 < bridge> Verysoon. We discussed some guidelines before we announced the results 09:57 < ChillerDragon> i was promised rcon! 10:47 < bridge> the test framework llvm uses is not bad 10:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1177183738141085716/image.png?ex=657194ca&is=655f1fca&hm=a338fcf02733fbae08a575f2908e29d15a013d27e816a7d7ed4cba1852c0656c& 10:47 < bridge> 82C kek 10:47 < bridge> my cpu always hot 10:48 < bridge> 15s for 2k tests 10:48 < bridge> but they compile the tests beforehand 10:48 < bridge> (its not included in the seconds) 10:54 < bridge> i saved a lot of money going with murpi’s cooler recommendation but now the fans are absurdly loud 10:55 < bridge> i was afraid of this 10:55 < bridge> one day i will bite the bullet and splurge on high quality fans for my whole case 10:55 < bridge> anyone know of fans that are quiet enough for long enough to rival noctua considering their price $$$ 10:56 < bridge> im not worried about 82C tho btw 10:56 < bridge> its normal for a high end cpu to get hot at 100% load 10:57 < bridge> i read amd squeezes out all the temp they can 10:57 < bridge> meaning they will run as hot as possible before throttling 10:57 < bridge> ill wait for next gen amd in AM5 10:57 < bridge> and upgrade tho 10:57 < bridge> i wanna compile llvm in 1 min 10:58 < bridge> maybe i should get a threadripper 10:58 < bridge> but i wonder how good it is for gaming 10:58 < bridge> First of all, die you check your temperatures? 10:58 < bridge> temps fine 10:58 < bridge> i dont like the noise 10:58 < bridge> Then lower the fans 10:58 < bridge> no 10:58 < bridge> fans will be quieter if ur cooling mass is bigger 10:58 < bridge> Speed 10:58 < bridge> i leave auto curve 10:58 < bridge> meaning u need to get a big ass cooler 10:58 < bridge> i have a big one 10:59 < bridge> thats what she said 10:59 < bridge> I’m looking for fans 10:59 < bridge> or not 10:59 < bridge> Ok but then it's normal they are loud 10:59 < bridge> The motherboard probably didn't know how good your coolers are 10:59 < bridge> yes so i want new quiet fans 10:59 < bridge> no 10:59 < bridge> adjust ur fan curve 10:59 < bridge> Mine are completely off until 70°c 10:59 < bridge> a good mobo allows u to do that 10:59 < bridge> in the mobo 10:59 < bridge> messing with settings :( 11:00 < bridge> i still have yet to overclock :feelsbadman: 11:00 < bridge> always ill do it later 11:00 < bridge> Often they come with a quite profile 11:00 < bridge> Quiet 11:01 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 11:04 < bridge> At least your can't fck up nowadays. Back in the days where there was no overheat prediction was harder^^ 11:04 < bridge> Protection 11:19 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 11:19 < bridge> it’s over 11:23 < bridge> Are you depressed because u have to change some settings ? 😂 11:23 < bridge> I feel that 11:23 < bridge> it’s over 11:23 < bridge> In a perfect world we wouldn't need mb settings 11:25 < bridge> what the hell 11:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1177193133965070366/IMG_4319.mov?ex=65719d8a&is=655f288a&hm=0e8e34991ace67eb328acf0c2d30ac9dde0d59ed436861da8260dd09643b644c& 11:25 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 11:28 < bridge> I don't get it 11:28 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks https://github.com/JuliaLabs/MLIR.jl/issues/13 11:28 < bridge> someone using julia with mlir 11:28 < bridge> linked my pr 11:28 < bridge> xd 11:29 < bridge> big network effect kek 11:29 < bridge> why does it not understand 11:29 < bridge> i had to turn my computer back on and set an alarm on there :feelsbadman: 11:30 < bridge> literally cannot even handle the single task that i still use it for 11:30 < bridge> why is it so hard for google to make a competent product 11:30 < bridge> how are they a tech giant again 11:30 < bridge> every single product of theirs feels like it’s held together by glue and prayer 11:35 < ChillerDragon> ryo famouse githubber 11:35 < bridge> U fame. Share with me 😏 11:36 < ChillerDragon> ryo 5$ if you tag me on your next pr 11:36 < ChillerDragon> axaxaxax 11:36 < bridge> XD 11:36 < bridge> I really don't get wtf Google s Role in your problem is xd 11:37 < bridge> Is it some Google laptop? 11:37 < bridge> Are you drunk or something maybe? Xd 11:38 < ChillerDragon> drunkwan 11:38 < bridge> Ryo always comes drunk here 11:38 < bridge> Better gotta ask 11:38 < ChillerDragon> ryo? 11:38 < ChillerDragon> idk wat u reply too 11:38 < bridge> ryozoozkey 11:38 < bridge> ist Matrix 11:38 < ChillerDragon> i thought you meant ewans IMG_4319.mov 11:38 < bridge> Use 11:39 < bridge> Img.mov xddd 11:39 < ChillerDragon> trollest 11:39 < ChillerDragon> average apple naming 11:39 < bridge> Iks de 11:39 < ChillerDragon> i wonder if lerato is still drunk 11:40 < ChillerDragon> @Learath2 u hungover? 11:40 < ChillerDragon> its in the middle of the week 11:40 < bridge> A smidge 11:41 < ChillerDragon> hehe 11:41 < bridge> xd 11:41 < bridge> im not 11:41 < bridge> i go work 11:41 < ChillerDragon> dont u drink at work? 11:41 < ChillerDragon> we have free beer 11:41 < bridge> there is free beer 11:42 < bridge> but i wouldnt day drink 11:42 < bridge> also i rly only drink on fridays or saturdays maybe 11:42 < bridge> gotta keep the gym fit up 11:42 < ChillerDragon> ok mr gigachad body 11:42 < bridge> soon 11:42 < bridge> gigachad rust gymbro 11:42 < bridge> did u see this memory safe program? *shows biceps* 11:43 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1700736203.png 11:43 < bridge> wish today was friday 11:43 < ChillerDragon> too bad rust is banned on thursdays 11:44 < ChillerDragon> no mention of rust in this channel unless its rust friday 11:44 < bridge> and today i go to office 11:44 < bridge> which means i have to use my mac arm 11:44 < ChillerDragon> homeoffice ass 11:44 < bridge> which means i cant rly continue my nasm programming 11:44 < bridge> cuz its completly different 11:44 < ChillerDragon> masm 11:45 < bridge> and i wont learn macos 11:45 < ChillerDragon> its pog too 11:45 < ChillerDragon> ok havent tried arm 11:45 < ChillerDragon> i only did intel mac 11:45 < ChillerDragon> i think arm is cool too 11:47 < bridge> Who tells me you aren't lying. Pic or did not happen 11:47 < bridge> Post here ofc 11:51 < bridge> im not gigachad yet 11:52 < bridge> but i can deadlift 110kg and bench 75kg 11:52 < bridge> not much i guess 11:52 < bridge> :owo: 11:54 < bridge> gimme 4 months more 11:54 < bridge> :justatest: 11:55 < bridge> arm is cool but i dont want to learn asm for 3 arches yet 11:55 < bridge> 2* 11:56 < bridge> U train arm 11:56 < bridge> In gym 11:57 < bridge> i train all 11:57 < bridge> oh 11:57 < bridge> i got ur joke xd 11:57 < bridge> late 11:58 < bridge> yesterday i made soup and i burned my tongue a bit 11:58 < bridge> rip 11:59 < bridge> btw rip is a register 11:59 < bridge> u cant use directoy 11:59 < bridge> u cant use directly 12:01 < bridge> dummy moves and dummy hammer interactions are sucks can I copy the original client and modify and use them ? or u guys will fix this dumbass controls ? 12:01 < bridge> dummy moves and dummy hammer interactions are sucks can I copy the original client and modify and use it ? or u guys will fix this dumbass controls ? 12:02 < bridge> ur nice words really encourage any devs to work on what u want 12:02 < bridge> i swear ppl dont rly know respect kek 12:04 < bridge> actually, Im a eng learner so I think I didnt express my thoughts properly 12:04 < bridge> I mean m I able to make some changes in client and use it in game ? 12:05 < bridge> secand q is do you working on this ? 12:05 < bridge> sry for my words 12:05 < bridge> im sure u know what dumbass means 12:06 < bridge> ye 12:06 < bridge> feel free to open a issue in gh with ur problem 12:06 < bridge> then it will be discussed 12:06 < bridge> then if its good it may be implemented 12:07 < bridge> sry for my words again and ty 12:07 < bridge> You can modify the client, but what exactly do you mean by "dummy moves and dummy hammer interactions are sucks"? What would you like to see changed? 12:08 < bridge> Roby licking His Fingers dropping off the Most insane and Rude commenr ever Seen by mankind on His issue 12:08 < bridge> Changing Input can result in ban 12:08 < bridge> Better discuss it first 12:09 < bridge> while dummy moves 1 if you give another input dummy_hammer 1 it stops what it is doing and moving 12:10 < bridge> Seems Like youre complaining about Dummy Copy - ..copying your Inputs ? 12:11 < bridge> Maybe u can record a video 12:12 < bridge> btw I want to say that last night I tried to understand the mechanism behind the game from srcodes for more than 3 hours and I amazed to work done. simplest game Ive ever seen but not easy to do 12:12 < bridge> I will 12:13 < bridge> Complains about code 12:13 < bridge> 12:13 < bridge> Compliments Code 3 Minutes after 12:14 < bridge> Complains about code 12:14 < bridge> 12:14 < bridge> Compliments Code 3 Minutes after 😛 12:15 < bridge> :/ 12:17 < bridge> Make a Video of your issue, But from what i got - Dummy Copy obviously overweites pervious toggles, you can Use a +toggle bind to have dummy_hammer on Input 12:17 < bridge> "Bind mouse4 +toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0" for example 12:17 < bridge> show 12:21 < bridge> Make a Video of your issue, But from what i got - Dummy Copy obviously overwrites pervious toggles, you can Use a +toggle bind to have dummy_hammer on Input 12:21 < bridge> "Bind mouse4 +toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0" for example 12:30 < bridge> I think this is what he means, activating `cl_dummy_hammer` overwrites the current dummy input. Looking at the code it seems that `cl_dummy_hammer` has it's own `CNetObj_PlayerInput` instead of using the already existing one, which seems strange. 12:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1177209612416581722/wP2sEeZ.mp4?ex=6571ace3&is=655f37e3&hm=39589daa1715036bbaaea776e1c729c1b1e6c3ac9737656571c3599ebf4da24e& 12:33 < bridge> yes, exactly ! 12:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1177210318762541126/image.png?ex=6571ad8b&is=655f388b&hm=d25bae00085685c330ec54d6d51b3122d2a2aca6f1b0fc29d9180987995252c2& 12:33 < bridge> I think this is why 12:34 < bridge> line 450 12:36 < bridge> it stores the input and execute it after dummy hammer turned off 12:37 < bridge> that is good but it ruins long hooks especially when u try to do dummy drag 12:40 < bridge> +toggle command also stop the move 12:41 < bridge> especially it gets complicated when u use dummy hammer and dummy cops at the same time 12:47 < ChillerDragon> > btw rip is a register 12:47 < ChillerDragon> @ryozuki they all refer to the instruction pointer when saying RIP on tombstones 12:48 < bridge> i dont think you want to change this unless you want to kill all the current dummy mechanics 12:51 < bridge> nah, I dont want to kill. just improve 12:51 < bridge> I donno how to do so I came to developers with my abusive words 12:51 < bridge> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/73117 12:51 < bridge> sry again 12:51 < bridge> its oficial 12:51 < bridge> merged 12:53 < bridge> @degisikadamx02 Something like this? :) 12:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1177215351738617937/nEnRlOV.mp4?ex=6571b23b&is=655f3d3b&hm=6c770f5222c576a9d94d3e42ac2d255df681413811b4e5c51554291169c53c1d& 12:54 < bridge> yes !!! 12:57 < bridge> I want more info pls 12:58 < bridge> how did u do ? 13:01 < bridge> I want more to know 13:02 < bridge> especially it gets complicated when u use dummy hammer and dummy copy at the same time 13:02 < bridge> My eyes. So bright. I can't stand your divinity. You are something better now. The next evolutionary step 13:03 < bridge> When crate blog post? 13:04 < bridge> Wowo llvm dev ryo 13:04 < bridge> Good to know I can ping llvm dev on the next compile error I get 13:05 < bridge> xd 13:15 < bridge> I broke a lot of stuff. But if you wanna try you can change `m_HammerInput` to `m_Controls.m_aInputData[!g_Config.m_ClDummy]` instead. Also I'm unsure if your way is wanted behaviour. 13:15 < bridge> hello 13:15 < bridge> is it possible to make the chat smaller? if not, then you can add this function anyway, the function will be needed 13:26 < ChillerDragon> jericho playing on 90inch monitor 13:26 < ChillerDragon> i dont think you can scale chat size 13:54 < bridge> i play with the gun low 13:55 < ChillerDragon> wot 13:55 < ChillerDragon> no way 13:55 < ChillerDragon> werent u ganfgster gun enjoyer @fokkonaut? 13:55 < bridge> nah its bad 13:55 < ChillerDragon> wowo 13:55 < ChillerDragon> chiler brain be like 13:55 < bridge> never been 13:55 < ChillerDragon> woah 13:56 < ChillerDragon> maybe you played low when i still was high 13:56 < ChillerDragon> there was something 13:56 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/snoop-dogg-straight-gangsta-gangster-into-it-supportive-gif-10455620 13:56 < bridge> snoop aint high anymore 13:56 < ChillerDragon> no? 13:57 < ChillerDragon> since when 13:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1177231402916388925/snoop-dogg-announces-hes-quitting-smoking-v0-24db5svzuq0c1.png?ex=6571c12e&is=655f4c2e&hm=4cebba8b6363cd37fed18e188e7bc2fe6d57441ce76d6a98717f91b8c8e3e751& 13:57 < bridge> he posted that 13:57 < ChillerDragon> wowo 13:57 < ChillerDragon> cannabis stock must have plummited 13:58 < bridge> xD 14:00 < bridge> chillerdragon: tell me, how do you have such words in your vocabulary but spell muscle "muzzle" since years and you even trolled me for years with that since I always thought you say it on purpose cuz it's funny 14:01 < bridge> he read too much teeworlds source code 14:01 < bridge> guns have muzzles, so do i 14:02 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/hannibal-lecter-silence-of-the-lambs-mask-evil-stare-gif-5961895 14:10 < ChillerDragon> @fokkonaut i do trol sometimes but also a lot of stuff i just don't know better. Muscle i did not know. And i am sure plummited is also wrong :D 14:11 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1700745104.png 14:12 < ChillerDragon> according to the dictonary site benzinga.com it is "Stock Plummeted" 14:41 < bridge> it was a stunt for a smokeless fireplace 15:07 < ChillerDragon> wat 15:08 < bridge> ah reply moment 15:26 < bridge> Chillerdragon: maybe it's tme you give upon irc xd 15:37 < bridge> Anyone wanna stamp https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7530 ? 15:58 < ChillerDragon> i dont see my self giving up on irc any time soon until something as good comes around 16:31 < bridge> im happy 16:31 < bridge> i compiled yo a stupid dynamic lib 16:33 < bridge> ```rust 16:33 < bridge> unsafe { 16:33 < bridge> LLVM_InitializeAllTargets(); 16:33 < bridge> LLVM_InitializeAllTargetInfos(); 16:33 < bridge> LLVM_InitializeAllTargetMCs(); 16:33 < bridge> LLVM_InitializeAllAsmPrinters(); 16:33 < bridge> let llvm_context = LLVMContextCreate(); 16:33 < bridge> 16:33 < bridge> let op = module.as_operation().to_raw(); 16:33 < bridge> 16:34 < bridge> let llvm_module = mlirTranslateModuleToLLVMIR(op, llvm_context); 16:34 < bridge> LLVMDumpModule(llvm_module); 16:34 < bridge> 16:34 < bridge> let memory_module = LLVMWriteBitcodeToMemoryBuffer(llvm_module); 16:34 < bridge> 16:34 < bridge> let mut error_buffer = null_mut(); 16:34 < bridge> let bin = LLVMCreateBinary(memory_module, llvm_context, error_buffer); 16:34 < bridge> 16:34 < bridge> if bin.is_null() { 16:34 < bridge> // error_buffer 16:34 < bridge> panic!("null binary") 16:34 < bridge> } 16:34 < bridge> error_buffer = null_mut(); 16:34 < bridge> 16:34 < bridge> let target_triple = LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple(); 16:34 < bridge> let target_cpu = LLVMGetHostCPUName(); 16:34 < bridge> let target_cpu_features = LLVMGetHostCPUFeatures(); 16:34 < bridge> 16:34 < bridge> let mut target: MaybeUninit = MaybeUninit::uninit(); 16:34 < bridge> let target_ok = LLVMGetTargetFromTriple(target_triple, target.as_mut_ptr(), error_buffer); 16:34 < bridge> dbg!(target_ok); 16:34 < bridge> xd 16:34 < bridge> behold unsafe 16:34 < bridge> this is how u compile with llvm c api 16:34 < bridge> in rust 16:34 < bridge> As good as irc, alright 😂 16:34 < bridge> And you call me minimalistic 16:36 < bridge> @mpft happy thanks giving 16:36 < bridge> :owo: 16:36 < bridge> give me my thanks 16:47 < ChillerDragon> @Jupstar ✪ instant messaging with zero delay. App startup as fast as vim. No authentication bullshit. No bugs. Blazingly fast and bug free clients. Open and decentralized. 16:49 < bridge> I guess there are console clients for matrix, ChillerDragon 16:49 < ChillerDragon> yes there are 16:49 < ChillerDragon> even weechat can do matrix the client i love for irc 16:50 < ChillerDragon> i also have matrix client with vim bindings 16:50 < ChillerDragon> and one that can render images in the terminal 16:50 < ChillerDragon> but none of these clients not even weechat have a acceptable user expierience 16:50 < ChillerDragon> login is pain und bugged af 16:50 < bridge> in what way? 16:50 < ChillerDragon> many 16:50 < bridge> give an example 16:50 < ChillerDragon> some notfications can not be marked as read 16:51 < ChillerDragon> message ordering is random 16:51 < ChillerDragon> and changes on client reboot 16:51 < ChillerDragon> messages get lost 16:51 < ChillerDragon> its unusably slow 16:51 < ChillerDragon> gotta get back to work but the list goes on 16:51 < bridge> that sounds super bad indeed 16:54 < ChillerDragon> some images and videos do not load 16:54 < ChillerDragon> some load for minutes 16:54 < ChillerDragon> some clients can not do proper authentication 16:54 < ChillerDragon> then all clients get an alert that some login is pending that can not be finished 16:54 < ChillerDragon> authentication in general is painful 16:56 < bridge> irc doesn't have any images at all, I guess 17:03 < ChillerDragon> i rather see a link to a image i can click which loads instant in my browser than see a bugged empty message 17:03 < ChillerDragon> if i really want images i just use a irc client that supports images 17:03 < ChillerDragon> i can send images just fine via irc 17:04 < ChillerDragon> if there are too many images sent here and i want to go all gui mode i go to chat.zillyhhn.com 17:04 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1700755439.png 17:05 < ChillerDragon> ignore my wip tenor support :D 17:05 < breton> yeah, irc is great! 17:05 < ChillerDragon> woah 17:05 < ChillerDragon> random irc user appeared 17:06 < bridge> Chiller what i want to say is. Irc is annoying. U often read out of context etc 17:06 < ChillerDragon> breton: is lurking here since 5 years waiting to defend irc axaxaxax 17:06 < ChillerDragon> yes i hate discord for adding reply feature 17:06 < breton> my time has come 17:06 < ChillerDragon> and fakin matter bridge for not supporting it 17:06 < ChillerDragon> breton: u play ddnet? 17:06 < breton> a bit 17:07 < ChillerDragon> what username? 17:07 < bridge> Imagine chatting to yourself 17:07 < breton> you will not believe 17:07 < ChillerDragon> omg jopsti 17:07 < ChillerDragon> go leak 17:07 < ChillerDragon> username 17:07 < ChillerDragon> dnt be so dramatic im dying breton 17:07 < ChillerDragon> wait is it "breton" ? 17:08 < bridge> ChillerDragon: you can contribute to matterbridge 17:08 < ChillerDragon> yea yea 17:08 < ChillerDragon> i thought about it 17:08 < ChillerDragon> but then i nob 17:08 < bridge> the reply feature is quite nice 17:08 < bridge> it helps add context 17:08 < ChillerDragon> sounds like work and my todo is quite big 17:09 < bridge> it's always a matter of priorities 17:09 < ChillerDragon> also not sure if i want irc replys even 17:09 < ChillerDragon> with quakenetes current ratelimit 17:09 < ChillerDragon> replying to a wall of text would resend the wall of text and ban the bridge 17:09 < ChillerDragon> one more trap next to code snippets and edits 17:09 < ChillerDragon> yes time is always a matter of priorities 17:10 < ChillerDragon> and replies are not high enough 17:10 < ChillerDragon> also way to time consuming for my developer skills to make it work 17:10 < bridge> classic 17:10 < ChillerDragon> breton: why you idle in this irc? :D 17:11 < ChillerDragon> breton: can you speak russian? 17:11 < ChillerDragon> are you one of those russian hackers lurkin in irc? 17:12 < ChillerDragon> he gone 17:12 < bridge> U scared him 17:12 < ChillerDragon> dude i got excited 17:13 < ChillerDragon> one of the 10 mysterious ideling irc users woke 17:13 < ChillerDragon> used to be more before heinrich swang the banhammer axaxax 17:13 < ChillerDragon> classic heinrich 17:13 < ChillerDragon> swung? 17:13 < ChillerDragon> was swinging? 17:13 < ChillerDragon> swem? 17:15 < bridge> swung 17:15 < bridge> I don't think I banned anyone from IRC permanently 17:15 < bridge> only stopped people from talking on IRC when they were trying to circumvent bans 17:20 < ChillerDragon> yes thats what i was referring to 17:20 < ChillerDragon> kicking the poor souls that cant defend them selfs 17:20 < ChillerDragon> pulling the plug of life support irc users 17:20 < ChillerDragon> dramatic day 17:22 < ChillerDragon> oh wait no that was not what i was referring to 17:22 < ChillerDragon> i meant the people you were running a bouncer for @heinrich5991 17:23 < ChillerDragon> but yea too discord trolls 17:27 < ChillerDragon> rip XXLTomate 17:27 < ChillerDragon> he will be remembered 17:35 < ChillerDragon> omg all irc users ded again breton gone :( m!nus is the only epic irc user who actually gets pings on irc 17:38 < bridge> nheko 17:38 < bridge> https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko 17:39 < bridge> if u have space for a terminal, you also have space for this 17:40 < ChillerDragon> I prefer weechat over gui 17:41 < ChillerDragon> also a good client can only safe so much 17:41 < bridge> it's ok chiller, you are allowed to come to the year 2023 17:41 < bridge> i officially allow you 17:41 < ChillerDragon> if the network protocol is inherently fucked and the matrix.org china controlled spy instance is slow at stealing your data 17:41 < bridge> i still consider you a hipster afterwards 17:44 < ChillerDragon> xd 17:47 < bridge> it’s a Google home 17:47 < bridge> is my irc user there 17:47 < bridge> happy Thanksgiving 17:48 < bridge> turkey 🦃 Turkey 17:49 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem 18:00 < ChillerDragon> Ryozuki: is here yes 18:00 < ChillerDragon> !online 18:00 < bridge> Command not found! 18:00 < ChillerDragon> stfu discord robot 18:30 < bridge> ChillerDragon: did the slow messages also occur when not using matrix.org? 18:30 < bridge> perhaps you could simply use a different server 19:46 < ChillerDragon> i never tried a different insance 19:46 < ChillerDragon> sounds like work 20:04 < ChillerDragon> @furo wats ur github? 20:04 < ChillerDragon> who is dobrykafe 20:04 < ChillerDragon> sus 20:10 < bridge> me 20:20 < bridge> who 20:25 < bridge> ChillerDragon: furo321, why you asking? 20:36 < bridge> me 20:47 < ChillerDragon> @furo321 who is dobrykafe then 20:47 < ChillerDragon> you are in his pr video 21:58 < bridge> me 22:11 < bridge> me 22:20 < bridge> ow 22:33 < bridge> no me 23:12 < bridge> no you 23:12 < bridge> how far do map borders go 23:12 < bridge> uh like 23:13 < bridge> how far in are the border kill tiles or smth 23:14 < bridge> 201 tiles away from the game layer. 23:21 < bridge> thanks