04:04 < bridge> What's an easy way to flip the image-data with lodepng? I used `lodepng_decode32_file` but it doesn't return all the necessary info to flip it. So I'm trying to use `lodepng_load_file` and then `lodepng_decode` right now. I just thought I would ask while doing so. 04:05 < bridge> you can flip it by hand after loading it 04:06 < bridge> yeah that's what I am doing rn. 04:09 < bridge> well... I made zogtib write a the function to flip it >:), but he said that it'd require some extra info (the bytes per pixel) 04:12 < bridge> I could just hardcode it to only use 32-bit images and segfault for others but I don't think that's a good idea 04:14 < bridge> well, you gotta know how many bytes per pixel it is for doing anything with it ^^ 04:16 < bridge> ikr that's why I'm trying to use `lodepng_decode` instead. It assigns a `LodePNGState` which has `LodePNGInfo` 04:17 < bridge> do you read the comments btw? 04:17 < bridge> yeah 04:17 < bridge> ```c 04:17 < bridge> /*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image. 04:17 < bridge> ``` 04:18 < bridge> this means it's always doing 4 bytes per pixel 04:18 < bridge> hmm. Even if the image isn't 32-bit? 04:19 < bridge> ``` 04:19 < bridge> /*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image. 04:19 < bridge> ``` 04:19 < bridge> ```c 04:19 < bridge> /*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image. 04:19 < bridge> ``` 04:19 < bridge> so yes 04:19 < bridge> ok :) thanks for the help 08:29 < bridge> It looks so strange 08:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1173887424204656650/image.png?ex=656596db&is=655321db&hm=d921b1b57680bb2ef498dfd58107f30122143d147245fd42298a26436bd2f078& 08:56 < bridge> M-Client 08:56 < bridge> Matodor Client 😮 08:57 < bridge> Macho Client :troll: 10:16 < bridge> is it possible to make a layer not get selected by ctrl + right click 12:35 < bridge> https://tuta.com/blog/chat-control 12:35 < bridge> @heinrich5991 ! 12:36 < bridge> > Today the EU Parliament decided on an alternative version of chat control - one that fortunately does not deserve this name anymore: After huge opposition against the surveillance methods included in the CSA Regulation (see 'Opposition against chat control' below), the EU Parliament has decided to uphold every citizen's right to privacy and underlined the importance of upholding our democratic values. We in Europe must not follow autocratic regim 12:36 < bridge> > 12:36 < bridge> > Patrick Breyer, Member of the EU Parliament and part of the CSAR negotiations says: 12:36 < bridge> > 12:36 < bridge> > "Under the impression of massive protests against the looming indiscriminate chat control mass scanning of private messages, we managed to win a broad majority for a different, new approach to protecting young people from abuse and exploitation online. As a pirate and digital freedom fighter, I am proud of this breakthrough. The winners of this agreement are on the one hand our children, who will be protected much more effectively and in a co 12:36 < bridge> > 12:36 < bridge> > "Even if this compromise, which is supported from the progressive to the conservative camp, is not perfect on all points, it is a historic success that removing chat control and rescuing secure encryption is the common aim of the entire Parliament. We are doing the exact opposite of most EU governments who want to destroy digital privacy of correspondence and secure encryption. Governments must finally accept that this highly dangerous bill c 12:36 < bridge> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38261415 12:39 < bridge> > A huge win for our privacy rights is also that the EU Parliament has decided to "clearly exclude so-called client-side scanning". 12:43 < bridge> https://blog.vero.site/post/noulith 12:52 < bridge> will u do AoC? 12:55 < bridge> a bit yes 12:55 < bridge> with fully idiomatic enterprise style rust 12:56 < bridge> maybe i should make a library 13:13 < bridge> Anyone in here tried https://github.com/authzed/spicedb ? 13:13 < bridge> Anyone in here tried https://github.com/authzed/spicedb ? If so, whats your experience? 13:15 < bridge> its in go so its bad 13:15 < bridge> (its a joke) 13:16 < bridge> Actually I just like that it is zanzibar inspired. But zanzibar is too expensive for my use-case 13:17 < bridge> https://casbin.org/ 13:17 < bridge> is this about authorization? 13:17 < bridge> i looked a bit only at this 13:18 < bridge> obviously i only used the rust library 13:18 < bridge> but they have like a lang to declare the things 13:18 < bridge> https://casbin.org/editor 13:18 < bridge> Seems also interesting 13:18 < bridge> it is 13:19 < bridge> what lang u using 13:19 < bridge> https://youtu.be/jn4FwvmA6uI?si=DV5zKwnPnZZ4vsEz :santatrollet: 13:19 < bridge> ye i did that before i discovered my beloved rust 13:19 < bridge> I am searching for a language independent solution, because some parts are written in rust, others in golang, c++ and python. Some parts also use JavaScript 13:20 < bridge> well this looks independent as in the client lib has lot of impls 13:20 < bridge> idk 13:20 < bridge> In Casbin, the policy storage is implemented as an adapter(aka middleware for Casbin). To keep light-weight, we don't put adapter code in the main library (except the default file adapter). A complete list of Casbin adapters is provided as below. Any 3rd-party contribution on a new adapter is welcomed, please inform us and I will put it in this list:) For details of adapters, please refer to the documentation: 13:20 < bridge> https://casbin.org/docs/adapters 13:21 < bridge> it certainly has quite the ecosystem 13:30 < bridge> hello im doing this issue 13:30 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7435 13:30 < bridge> and its pretty simple 13:31 < bridge> but 13:31 < bridge> i have a question regarding how to do it well 13:32 < bridge> Like the issue is that i want the combination "in OP_SELECT mode and pressed ESC" to have priority over "pressed ESC" 13:34 < bridge> Like the issue is that i want the combination "in OP_SCALE mode and pressed ESC" to have priority over "pressed ESC" 13:55 < bridge> I think what I'd like to do is to move s_Operation or similiar to a new member variable of CEditor 13:56 < bridge> So when we enter editing states like OP_SCALE we can check for it in different functions 14:15 < bridge> i love simple macro_rules in rust 14:15 < bridge> sometimes they make it so magical 14:15 < bridge> i love macros specially to reduce boilerplate in test code 14:17 < bridge> ```rust 14:17 < bridge> macro_rules! jit_struct { 14:17 < bridge> ( $($x:expr),* $(,)? ) => { 14:17 < bridge> crate::values::JITValue::Struct { 14:17 < bridge> fields: vec![$($x), *], 14:17 < bridge> debug_name: None 14:17 < bridge> } 14:17 < bridge> }; 14:17 < bridge> } 14:17 < bridge> macro_rules! jit_enum { 14:17 < bridge> ( $tag:expr, $value:expr ) => { 14:17 < bridge> crate::values::JITValue::Enum { 14:17 < bridge> tag: $tag, 14:17 < bridge> value: Box::new($value), 14:17 < bridge> debug_name: None, 14:17 < bridge> } 14:18 < bridge> }; 14:18 < bridge> } 14:18 < bridge> 14:18 < bridge> assert_eq!(result, [jit_enum!(0, jit_struct!(jit_struct!(20u32.into(), 21u32.into(), 22u32.into(), 23u32.into())))]); 14:18 < bridge> ``` 14:18 < bridge> ez 14:37 < bridge> I have a fork of ddnet and a pull request waiting for some1 to look at it 14:38 < bridge> but i also wanna make a new pull request for another issue 14:38 < bridge> can i re-use the same fork? 14:38 < bridge> im github nob 14:39 < bridge> I saw in your current PR, you're using your master branch. It's better if you create a new branch for each PR. 14:40 < bridge> oh ok makes sense 14:40 < bridge> but then i can just create a new branch for this new issue and leave old on master? 14:41 < bridge> Yes 14:41 < bridge> Sounds good, but don't forget to remove the commits you made in master in your new branch. 14:42 < bridge> no, wait until your PR is approved 14:42 < bridge> u mean the merge commits? 14:42 < bridge> or rejected 14:42 < bridge> ah 14:42 < bridge> nvm 14:42 < bridge> for the new PR, the commits of your old PR shouldn't be in it 14:43 < bridge> oh yeah sure 17:11 < bridge> https://gist.github.com/erikw/654386d35ecfdb0354cd2b71763f19ae 17:11 < bridge> > Generate git commit message from git-status. Will generate a commit message like "Added: file1.py file2.py file3.py Modified: file4.py file5.py Deleted: README.md Renamed: test.txt-> test2.txt". Put this in your .gitconfig. 17:11 < bridge> i found my ok replacement 17:14 < bridge> is that useful? 17:33 < ws-client> github also does that with your default commit messages. Usually also fast to type and not very informative. But it would still be cool for non code repos. 17:33 < ws-client> like map repos. All my commits in those repos are "Add Multimap" "Add Kobra" anyways so there its nice 17:35 < ws-client> But a full on alias is bloat. The time it takes me to to write `git commit-status` it the same as `git commit -m "Add file"` 17:36 < ws-client> would be nice if it was just `git commit` and it prefills the default text in your editor like github does it. 17:36 < ws-client> im sure git offers a hook for that 17:37 < bridge> doesn't sound very useful, this information is already in the commit 17:37 < bridge> more interesting is the "why", as usual 17:42 < bridge> yeah 17:42 < bridge> but u also put ok or stupid commit comments 17:42 < bridge> when u dont bother 17:43 < bridge> so i just use this now 17:43 < bridge> xd 17:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1174028238356488252/image.png?ex=65661a00&is=6553a500&hm=fc124197a43a53cc7ac61081715d8e1a6bc7f8ce686cca2141b5192540635cb6& 17:49 < bridge> no u 17:55 < bridge> use copilot 17:56 < bridge> <_noby> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/725802949124685937/1082312239828172830/Screen_Shot_2023-03-06_at_8.41.39_AM.png 17:56 < bridge> remove 100% pcu 17:56 < bridge> remove 100% cpu 17:56 < bridge> ez 17:56 < bridge> <_noby> 🧠 17:57 < bridge> ♿ 17:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1174030451552309258/image.png?ex=65661c10&is=6553a710&hm=c5f4995830221396950abb7cd728bbaeca271e87eec409386358b3d721438124& 18:25 < bridge> When merge https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7453 @heinrich5991 ? 18:26 < bridge> Still two more prs to go before I can start creating a ddnet mod. I am itchy 18:30 < bridge> among sus 18:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1174038680374087811/image.png?ex=656623b9&is=6553aeb9&hm=849b4d4adab1fb7dbd00860002be17654229d4ed8c2af992357a29fe4692891b& 18:31 < bridge> Turkish kids 18:49 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks maybe ill do it with nasm 18:49 < bridge> if i dont feel lazy 18:49 < bridge> and idk whether to call c methods 18:52 < bridge> yeah why not, u'll learn smth new 18:58 < bridge> I never joined aoc , so no idea what u even need lol 18:59 < bridge> I assume the challenges are similar to code wars 18:59 < bridge> ye 18:59 < bridge> well christmas themed 18:59 < bridge> Ez 18:59 < bridge> https://adventofcode.com/2023/leaderboard/private/view/677828 19:00 < bridge> you can join ddnet leaderboard with code `677828-82ec4df2` 19:00 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1174046123539832912/image.png?ex=65662aa8&is=6553b5a8&hm=5f06f05cc99d17ad746d751c00201cf5b8caf569c72e5e988f6c826ea6451b5e& 19:28 < bridge> Doesn't aoc start on Decmeber 1st? 19:31 < bridge> yes, it does 19:33 < bridge> ah I was confused but it appears that you can join a leadboard in advance :) 19:34 < bridge> I'm haven't made up my mind if I want to take part though. I am still feel newbie and that I would ask zogtib for help 😜 19:35 < bridge> Well time to go full Jupstar mode and tryhard learning 8 hours min a day ^^ 19:37 < ChillerDragon> you doing aoc in vulkan? 19:38 < bridge> les go 19:38 < bridge> 19:38 < bridge> aoc in compute shaders 19:38 < bridge> why not 19:38 < bridge> xD 21:09 < bridge> @heinrich5991 @jupeyy_keks https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=8119fb019b65ad5b4cc55bc3d69d21d7 21:09 < bridge> does this make sense? 21:11 < bridge> ```rust 21:11 < bridge> use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; 21:11 < bridge> 21:11 < bridge> const COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); 21:11 < bridge> 21:11 < bridge> fn main() { 21:11 < bridge> assert_eq!(COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed), 0); 21:11 < bridge> assert_eq!(COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed), 1); // 0 21:11 < bridge> } 21:11 < bridge> ``` 21:11 < bridge> second assert is 0 too 21:19 < bridge> https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#borrow_interior_mutable_const 21:22 < bridge> there was smth similar in this weird rust quiz 21:22 < bridge> explaining it 21:23 < bridge> but 100% not intuitive xd 21:29 < ChillerDragon> @Robyt3 @heinrich5991 ddnet mods not wanting teams is such a non problem to me. I do not understand it. Can someone explain to me how my pr relates to what a mod want or not? Did we not agree on that a mod wants a controller and we want to get rid of the casts? 21:30 < ChillerDragon> i fakin created a issue first to avoid discussion later on. The issue got super side tracked to the moon. Then heinrich agreed on removing the casts. And now we start from zero again with some unrelated discussion. 21:30 < ChillerDragon> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/7127#issuecomment-1712732820 21:30 < ChillerDragon> > Yea, these casts should go away. 21:32 < ChillerDragon> Not having a way to create a controller is a real problem if you want to have a ddnet mod and keep merging upstream. 21:33 < ChillerDragon> Teams are not a problem omg. Teams that are not in the way. Nice to have in every possible mod. Opt in and not active unless uses/activated. 21:33 < ChillerDragon> how can you argue that the possibly unwantness of teams jusitfys not merging a pr that enables controllers? 21:35 < ChillerDragon> Would mixins be cool? Yea probably. But can we just get in the controller support again to restore teeworlds codebase functionality? 21:36 < ChillerDragon> This mindset annoys me. I create a pr solving a issue or adding a feature and as feedback i get: "wont merge because does not include a totally different feature" 21:36 < bridge> if u ask me, teams are shitty implemented in ddnet anyway 21:36 < bridge> xdd 21:49 < bridge> the casts should go away. but not necessarily in the way of moving ddnet teams to the generic gamecontroller 21:49 < bridge> sounds fun (at least at first :owo: ) 21:49 < bridge> yes. use `static` instead 21:50 < bridge> const is like typing out the constant each time @ryozuki 21:50 < bridge> i know 21:50 < bridge> just found it curious 21:50 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks what happens if the shader doesn't terminate for a while? will it time out? 21:51 < bridge> depends i guess, afaik windows kills processes where the GPU hangs after 2 seconds 21:51 < bridge> linux like 5 seconds, but i assume u can also disable that 21:52 < bridge> and probably also where the display hangs, not the GPU itself 21:52 < bridge> so offscreen maybe there is no real timeout 21:53 < bridge> maybe we'll get some task which can be done nicely with gpu ^^ 21:53 < bridge> kinda doubt it 21:53 < bridge> smth with a huge loop xd 21:53 < ChillerDragon> @heinrich5991 whats your solution then 21:54 < ChillerDragon> @heinrich5991 and what is the issue of moving it to the generic controller? 21:54 < bridge> maybe some game of life stuff ^^ 21:54 < bridge> I don't have a solution 21:55 < bridge> I tried to explain it in the PR 21:55 < ChillerDragon> then at least explain the problem 21:55 < ChillerDragon> i did not understand it at all 21:55 < ChillerDragon> could you try again please? 21:56 < ChillerDragon> is he typing? 21:56 < ChillerDragon> omg 21:57 < ChillerDragon> @heinrich5991 i dont want this to take weeks .-. dont afk on me pls 21:58 < bridge> I'm not available 24/7 21:58 < ChillerDragon> just gimme a quick live chat 21:58 < bridge> not right now 21:58 < bridge> I don't seem to have the answers you need readily available 22:48 < bridge> @hcirnieh 22:48 < bridge> i nede lehp 22:50 < bridge> ask 23:22 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://dontasktoask.com/ 23:23 < bridge> i aws kingjo 23:23 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/dance-jul%C4%B1an-dance-gif-1139695495022300889 23:23 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> are you drunk 23:23 < bridge> nuo 23:24 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :jaouis: 23:24 < bridge> 23:50 < bridge> :justatest: