00:22 < bridge> oh damn the demo menu is changed 00:22 < bridge> i like it 00:43 < bridge> TIL 00:56 < bridge> clock 01:26 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_algorithm 01:26 < bridge> pretty cool stuff πŸ™‚ 08:34 < bridge> lol wtf 08:40 < bridge> galactic algorithm on SAO 10:41 < bridge> Hi there! 10:41 < bridge> 10:41 < bridge> I've some questions for dev community 10:41 < bridge> 10:41 < bridge> ~~~~~~~ 10:41 < bridge> 10:41 < bridge> 1st I think is simple: 10:41 < bridge> β€” There is a console command "dump_local_console" for saving console log, clearly.. Also u can do like "bind X dump...colsole" 10:41 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> Does anyone have the idea to make Some Button in the settings to do saving logs like.. like with shutting down the game by Quit button or Alt+F4 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> ~~~~~~~ 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> 2nd one: 10:42 < bridge> β€” Also about console... 10:42 < bridge> There is a red color for the text to the friends list (β™₯️) 10:42 < bridge> Is it possible to make functional to color yourself like with another one color 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> Like on screenshot (photoshoped) 10:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172833551834681414/image.png?ex=6561c15c&is=654f4c5c&hm=36501a0f8ce39b86d622db933e7ad36bcb4f6884b6f42f7b9143f846d139bd71& 10:42 < bridge> Hi there! 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> I've some questions for dev community 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> 1st I think is simple: 10:42 < bridge> β€” There is a console command "dump_local_console" for saving console log, clearly.. Also u can do like "bind X dump...colsole" 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> Does anyone have the idea to make Some Button in the settings to do saving logs like.. like with shutting down the game by Quit button or Alt+F4 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> 2nd one: 10:42 < bridge> β€” Also about console... 10:42 < bridge> There is a red color for the text to the friends list (β™₯️) 10:42 < bridge> Is it possible to make functional to color yourself like with another one color 10:43 < bridge> 10:43 < bridge> Like on screenshot (photoshoped) 10:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172833551834681414/image.png?ex=6561c15c&is=654f4c5c&hm=36501a0f8ce39b86d622db933e7ad36bcb4f6884b6f42f7b9143f846d139bd71& 10:48 < bridge> 1. there is a command log or logfile that does that automatically 10:48 < bridge> 2. currently not, but would theoretically be possible 13:06 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks come here! 13:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172870019227582525/image.png?ex=6561e353&is=654f6e53&hm=8b6a76e74c06bd2b54282e39a22c6a60d15baf75ef52d2c68b5f28cb38219e7b& 13:06 < bridge> it works with wine 13:07 < bridge> This so hard xd 13:07 < bridge> I tried to play this 13:07 < bridge> wtf even is that game xd 13:07 < bridge> Fun project maybe 13:08 < bridge> Or no :tee_thinking: 13:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172870524318257152/image.png?ex=6561e3cb&is=654f6ecb&hm=7ccebf2b7ae2ca874851de120a4c84183ce3fa58269c62d04d4795cda2223851& 13:09 < bridge> hmm 13:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172870755889987666/image.png?ex=6561e403&is=654f6f03&hm=058b61d8f1c17551296cac6781652094dd82819ec7f3b4e0059449a7758ca560& 13:09 < bridge> its tetris kinda 13:09 < bridge> but with tees 13:09 < bridge> and rooms 13:09 < bridge> xdd 13:09 < bridge> and chat 13:10 < bridge> come join if it works 13:10 < bridge> ui is a bit weird for me 13:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172870863259971605/image.png?ex=6561e41c&is=654f6f1c&hm=710429809333602cd58e467c564639ab1a06346e83bc97d9994a9f57dbca968e& 13:10 < bridge> type smth in username and lets go 13:10 < bridge> it it works :justatest: 13:10 < bridge> if it works :justatest: 13:14 < bridge> nubs 13:14 < bridge> Yes, It's me 13:14 < bridge> was teero even in? 13:18 < bridge> lm ao 13:30 < bridge> yo xd 13:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172875903953547384/image.png?ex=6561e8ce&is=654f73ce&hm=b291619a7994b554763c25f474044c18f57d1fbfc507dcac71eacaba93f4c23f& 13:32 < bridge> why did u rq 13:32 < bridge> 1 botter among us 13:32 < bridge> u want to hack me over long names 13:32 < bridge> i c 13:32 < bridge> ok enough 13:33 < bridge> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA xd 13:33 < bridge> but defs funny game 13:33 < bridge> XDDD 13:33 < bridge> funny that the servers are still up xd 13:33 < bridge> yea 13:33 < bridge> somehow 13:33 < bridge> there is no limit to name length xdd 13:33 < bridge> it seems 13:33 < bridge> Hmmmm 13:33 < bridge> Sec, I need cheat engine 13:35 < bridge> ah that's what it looks like when you lose 13:35 < bridge> interesting 13:35 < bridge> realllyy 13:35 < bridge> xDD 13:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/927729760308719677.gif?size=64 13:35 < bridge> 500 symbols and game crashed xdd 13:35 < bridge> XDD 13:35 < bridge> 541 13:35 < bridge> Maybe buffer is 512? 13:36 < bridge> maybe 13:37 < bridge> is there no limit on the textbox? xd 13:37 < bridge> Yap, 512 is limit 13:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172877831181697104/image.png?ex=6561ea99&is=654f7599&hm=8a2a09059a154b768487aba960eec6b361d004a1d53bf881fd5f806fa520776a& 13:38 < bridge> xDD 13:38 < bridge> ban 13:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172878116021092434/image.png?ex=6561eadd&is=654f75dd&hm=2d0863737a5a13c4ac0dd0d44a8426ec4aca3b46e3dc2ff2475e92a16156bdec& 13:39 < bridge> XDDD 13:39 < bridge> firs ban recorded in teepop 13:40 < bridge> you also cant use some characters such as '?' '!' '_' '-' 13:40 < bridge> you also cant use some characters such as '?' '!' '_' '-' '(' ')' 13:41 < bridge> UI in this 16 yo better than in teeworlds 0.6 xdd 13:41 < bridge> true 13:41 < bridge> Server changing it? 13:41 < bridge> Or textbox? 13:41 < bridge> no it just says it can create acc 13:41 < bridge> when logging in 13:41 < bridge> lel 13:42 < bridge> I think we need tournament in teepop 13:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> cyberfighter will beat u guys in it 13:46 < bridge> but 13:46 < bridge> it should be called Teetris 13:47 < bridge> let @tsfreddie remake it xdd 13:47 < bridge> like biggernouis 13:48 < bridge> k 13:50 < ChillerDragon> robsti the long quitting ddnet client becomes super annoying for try and error development my fakin gnome dies for 20 secs after i tested a feature for 2 secs 13:53 < bridge> ropester 13:54 < bridge> gemΓΌtlichdrache: 13:54 < bridge> u could add a std::quick_exit when closing client: 13:54 < bridge> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/quick_exit 13:54 < bridge> 13:54 < bridge> since u probs work on custom client? 13:54 < ChillerDragon> i work on ddnet 0.7 13:54 < ChillerDragon> but need quick exit everywhere 13:54 < bridge> ddnet what good sir? 13:54 < ChillerDragon> you mean mod my client to kill it self? 13:54 < ChillerDragon> thats conflict surface and doesnt help me while working on ddnet prs 13:55 < ChillerDragon> i understand that it is a clean close of things 13:55 < bridge> then work on ddnet 2 13:55 < ChillerDragon> but the dirty shutdown never caused any issues for me and the slow shutdown is horrible 14:00 < bridge> yeah it defs sucks 14:00 < bridge> just wanted to give u a way to stay sane 14:00 < ChillerDragon> thanks uwu 14:00 < ChillerDragon> its just 1 line i slap in somewhere? 14:01 < ChillerDragon> yeah no i do not see my self patching that in and out all the time or making sure i do not commit it 14:02 < ChillerDragon> i guess its time to close ddnet same as i close element .. ``kill`` 14:02 < bridge> xDD 14:03 < bridge> i bet there is some fancy linux way to bind kill to alt + f4 for a program 14:03 < ChillerDragon> ctrl+r kill 14:04 < bridge> lmao, when bash dies during auto complete 14:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172884513748168774/image.png?ex=6561f0d3&is=654f7bd3&hm=486b9e3f20d37582d45d3ddaf0f0a62802eb2d0d49dc7bac81261636eed023f7& 14:04 < ChillerDragon> average windows momemnt 14:04 < ChillerDragon> jopsti windows enjoyer 14:05 < bridge> ikr 14:05 < bridge> such a windows system 14:05 < bridge> /var/mail 14:05 < bridge> 14:05 < bridge> who'd use such a path 14:05 < ChillerDragon> only bill gates 14:05 < bridge> he'd use /var/gates_bank/your_money 14:06 < ChillerDragon> xd 14:06 < ChillerDragon> there is no difference between using KDE and windows 14:06 < ChillerDragon> change my mind 14:10 < bridge> ok, start gnome then your mind should automatically change 14:14 < ChillerDragon> playing vanilla ctf demos in ddnet very smoothly 14:14 < ChillerDragon> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/video.php?t=ddnet7demos.mp4&u=chiller 14:30 < bridge> wdym chiller, kde is not an os, and it's much better than windows' de 14:36 < ChillerDragon> is it better? 14:37 < ChillerDragon> you have to remember windows has windows in the name so it is the OG window manager 14:38 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699709935.png 14:38 < bridge> well it doesnt hang randomy and its pretty customizable, thats at least +2 for kde 14:38 < ChillerDragon> getting there 14:38 < ChillerDragon> send me one good kde porn 14:39 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699710022.png 14:40 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699710083.png 14:40 < bridge> you'll have to wait till i get to my pc 14:40 < ChillerDragon> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD 14:41 < bridge> horrible theme 14:41 < ChillerDragon> kde issue 14:41 < bridge> qt theme issue 14:57 < bridge> tbf even that theme looks better than gnome 15:09 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/ 15:09 < bridge> every second post is kde xdd 15:09 < bridge> :poggers2: 15:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i wanna find one i think looks pretty 15:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> but idk 15:44 < bridge> be carefull of your eye tho 15:45 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/reaction-my-eyes-cant-unsee-burn-gif-7225082 15:45 < bridge> (again) 15:45 < bridge> xd 15:46 < bridge> atleast now you got a warning xd 15:46 < bridge> true 15:46 < bridge> but that just made me even more curious xd 15:46 < bridge> πŸͺ€ 15:51 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i wonder how easy it is to customize windows like this 15:52 < bridge> I think it's doable (and easy but not sure) 15:54 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i already have wallpaper engine 15:54 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i just need to find a way to customize desktop icons 15:54 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/desktops/comments/syhcnf/ricing_windows_11/ for eg 15:55 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ok thats windows 11 15:55 < bridge> ah you use 10 I forgot 15:55 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i still use windows 10 like a sane person 15:55 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yea 15:55 < bridge> me too (for games) 16:19 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699716012.png 16:19 < ChillerDragon> @teero777 first image is this 16:20 < ChillerDragon> proofs my point that KDE users are windows enjoyers 16:20 < bridge> xddd 16:23 < bridge> First KDE when sorting to all-time xdd 16:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172919512094474331/Screenshot_20231111-162255.png?ex=6562116b&is=654f9c6b&hm=fe358c290914e0918477ad39e05f0d1267942020d26e931024450a64842b48be& 16:33 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> when kde that looks like smth from stark enterprise 17:44 < bridge> good one 18:12 < bridge> Oh. And how can I make 1st one thing? (^_^) 18:14 < bridge> logfile "log.txt" 18:14 < bridge> 18:14 < bridge> restart 18:14 < bridge> then u have a log.txt in $configdir 18:14 < bridge> $configdir 18:18 < bridge> windows 11 is no different ngl 18:18 < bridge> *cough* shittiest taskbar ever *cough* 18:19 < bridge> who even uses taskbar anymore 18:19 < bridge> window key shortcuts >> 18:19 < ChillerDragon> are there still some number value fields hidden in the editor envelopes? I would like to enter some values for amount and time and not only depend on dragging my mouse 18:28 < bridge> In the context menu of the env points 18:31 < ChillerDragon> woah im totally lost in the editor after not touching it for years :D 18:32 < ChillerDragon> how do i even copy quads? 18:32 < ChillerDragon> ah nice thanks @marmare_314 18:32 < ChillerDragon> ah its ctrl+c and ctrl+v 18:33 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> me :cammostripes: 18:33 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> also yes its different 18:33 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> the left click options got oversimplified 18:34 < bridge> you should update your client if you want the old behaviour πŸ˜„ 18:36 < ChillerDragon> me? 18:37 < ChillerDragon> my client is at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/8bde57a1cab57f340f85bb9994d89a1c21d070d5 18:37 < bridge> Then you should copy quads like before, just by selecting them with the mouse 18:37 < bridge> never found this annoying 18:37 < bridge> i think he means right click 18:37 < ChillerDragon> i can not select quads like i used to remember it 18:38 < ChillerDragon> at current master 18:38 < ChillerDragon> but ctrl+c seems fine 18:38 < ChillerDragon> does it also still work for multiple quads? 18:38 < bridge> ye ik 18:39 < bridge> No idea what changes you have in your client, chiller, but Ctrl+C doesn't work for quads anymore with ddnet master 18:40 < bridge> this is the best taskbar behavior 18:40 < bridge> 18:40 < bridge> good luck translating it 18:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172953916409913364/image.png?ex=65623176&is=654fbc76&hm=5acf5ab9f5cb1f88ff5d19706c03cbde28f137ea537197f41a25a857ef73234d& 18:41 < bridge> On latest ddnet master quads are copied by dragging the selected rectangle over the quad pivot point 18:41 < ChillerDragon> hue maybe my update script is broken again 18:41 < bridge> On latest ddnet master quads are copied by dragging the selection rectangle over the quad pivot point 18:41 < bridge> @robyt3 when do you coup ddnet release process 18:42 < bridge> :monkaS: 18:42 < bridge> it's time for a release, yeah 18:42 < bridge> with #7408 18:42 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7408 18:42 < bridge> so i can finally forget about that pr xd 18:43 < ChillerDragon> ah yes it is 18:43 < ChillerDragon> i knew it that i did not dream about the new icons 18:43 < ChillerDragon> somehow it launched a old client xd 18:43 < bridge> Any I can work on PRs that conflict with it 😏 18:43 < bridge> yeah i already smell your refactors xd 18:44 < ChillerDragon> ah omg /usr/local/bin is in PATH before /usr/bin omgawgd 18:45 < bridge> Amazing improvement by avoiding some `malloc` and `mem_copy` for texture data (i.e. moving existing pointers) 18:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172955371128770560/Picture1.png?ex=656232d0&is=654fbdd0&hm=4de5cae82c9faa5e59441227787747975eb60ff1d667399f99829bceb6061ce0& 18:46 < bridge> in dd-pg you directly write into driver memory πŸ˜„ 18:46 < bridge> in fact the png loader already writes into it 18:46 < bridge> power of vulkan 18:47 < bridge> ok that also exist in opengl, but that's not a selling argument 19:06 < bridge> do u think we should disallow maps where at least x or y axis is >= 2¹⁢ 19:08 < bridge> LOL 19:08 < bridge> well 19:09 < bridge> sounds stupid but serious question 19:09 < bridge> this would conclude that you can store these coordinates in a uint16_t 19:09 < bridge> => i can save another 4 bytes per tile vertex 19:09 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1162710181109571646 19:09 < bridge> but that would really disallow it.. hard limit 19:10 < bridge> If it helps with sth, sure. That's like huge already 19:10 < bridge> isnt that only 64000 19:10 < bridge> yeah yeah but like a 60k x 100 19:10 < bridge> map is actually not thaaat big 19:10 < bridge> i know maps that large 19:10 < bridge> Why 2^16? Specifically? 19:10 < bridge> uint16_t 19:11 < bridge> 2^16-1 19:11 < bridge> xd 19:11 < bridge> 64000 in just one coordinate?? 19:12 < bridge> Damn 19:12 < bridge> 65β€―535 19:12 < bridge> xd 19:12 < bridge> theres a map where you drop down 60,000 tiles 19:12 < bridge> well that's the only map that large afaik πŸ˜… 19:12 < bridge> e.g. the 4k x 1k map is almost the same size 19:12 < bridge> tile wise 19:12 < bridge> like a 60k x ~100 19:12 < bridge> What is it? 19:13 < bridge> but it's only by teero to break physics right? 19:14 < bridge> who needs a taskbar? what for? 19:15 < bridge> forgot who its by but i think its older 19:15 < bridge> exactly what i described lol 19:15 < bridge> it was uploaded to testing st some poing 19:15 < bridge> well there are ppl that code without mouse 19:15 < bridge> 19:15 < bridge> and there is me 19:15 < bridge> 19:15 < bridge> and i claim i am faster with my mouse 19:15 < bridge> i learned to get used to 4800 DPI 19:15 < bridge> so i can quickly navigate 19:15 < bridge> https://ddnet.org/testlogs/show/60000up 19:15 < bridge> keyboard is slower in these cases 19:16 < bridge> but u have to switch between mouse and keyboard? xdd 19:16 < bridge> mouse is for gaming 19:16 < bridge> nothing else 19:16 < bridge> Ah, I thought it was a released map, was looking for a name 19:16 < bridge> but how do u else switch your tasks? 19:16 < bridge> alt + tab is slower than clicking task bar IMO 19:16 < bridge> tiling can be annoying 19:16 < bridge> if u have too many windows open 19:16 < bridge> huh? 19:16 < bridge> use workspaces 19:16 < bridge> thats also a keyboard click 19:17 < bridge> yea? 19:17 < bridge> a single keyboard click xdd 19:17 < bridge> yeah but this is faster 19:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172963315585142935/image.png?ex=65623a37&is=654fc537&hm=6417379692ec1d7bf944c314006b8ecd23a4b1ffce0a1a8b114992975e80eb4b& 19:17 < bridge> single? 19:17 < bridge> u gotta swtich to the screen u want 19:17 < bridge> or workplace 19:17 < bridge> in a single click yea? 19:17 < bridge> Use eye tracker :thonk: 19:18 < bridge> SUPER+ 19:18 < bridge> u need at least a hotkey of 2 keys 19:18 < bridge> see 19:18 < bridge> already making your fingers spread like that is slower than me clicking with mouse 19:20 < bridge> never. 19:20 < bridge> @teero777 u'd maybe also arguee that 3 monitors are better than one 19:20 < bridge> 19:20 < bridge> i had 3 in the past. and i have to say 1 is much better 19:20 < bridge> 1 to max 2 19:20 < bridge> tiling wm and workspace hotkeys 19:20 < bridge> 1 is for focus xd 19:21 < bridge> we can do some codewars if you wanna test out how fast you are 😏 19:21 < bridge> xDDD 19:21 < bridge> whats that? 19:21 < bridge> ah lol u dont know it 19:22 < bridge> u have smal hand? 19:22 < bridge> it's basically solve programming puzzles 19:22 < bridge> https://www.codewars.com/dashboard 19:22 < bridge> leaked dwarf? 19:22 < bridge> i dunno, probably normal sized 19:22 < bridge> how far can you get ? 19:22 < bridge> but meta key is simply a bad case to press numbers 19:22 < bridge> CTRL + P 19:22 < bridge> i get around from 1 windows to the other 19:22 < bridge> with single hand 19:23 < bridge> yea 19:23 < bridge> little finger to thumb 19:23 < bridge> yes 19:23 < bridge> wait 19:23 < bridge> lemme find my phone 19:23 < bridge> ill prove u wrong 19:24 < bridge> go ahead 19:25 < bridge> i like to be proven wrong xd 19:26 < bridge> Jupstar hands leaked 19:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172965622284566639/5ncglu6se9921.jpg?ex=65623c5d&is=654fc75d&hm=c1c473726e0fff936cb090f66070215ca3cf9c723cd6640bcba0e6c0de786110& 19:26 < bridge> i didnt say left CTRL 😏 19:29 < bridge> XDDD 19:32 < bridge> hope no leak 19:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172967197392506920/VID_20231111_192958919.mp4?ex=65623dd4&is=654fc8d4&hm=0e06c3eb235a5260b374e4218055b973ca2c902fcaed0e225a507ded7ef1ce14& 19:33 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 19:33 < bridge> no need to grab the mouse 19:34 < bridge> yeah dunno, i can also press META + to switch windows 19:34 < bridge> but now open your calculator 19:34 < bridge> then firefox 19:34 < bridge> then terminal 19:34 < bridge> then steam 19:34 < bridge> the vscode 19:34 < bridge> then ddnet 19:34 < bridge> bre i have program launcher and also keybinds for every single one of them xdd 19:34 < bridge> yeah then do it xd 19:35 < bridge> just hitting those keys without misses is already hard enough xd 19:35 < bridge> huh? 19:35 < bridge> how often have i started a program i didnt want to xD 19:35 < bridge> never used vim huh 19:35 < bridge> xdd 19:41 < bridge> u never used vim huh 19:51 < bridge> i dislike it yes 19:52 < bridge> vim is cool for text editing and small projects. 19:52 < bridge> for big stuff i also use vscode 19:52 < bridge> sadly im not into emacs 19:53 < bridge> i mean ryo is pro 19:53 < bridge> im not into emacs 19:53 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 19:53 < bridge> he should stream, then i judge if i like his way of coding xd 19:53 < bridge> but he once shared a video of him using neovim 19:54 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn4FwvmA6uI 19:54 < bridge> 19:54 < bridge> look at this imposter 19:54 < bridge> ryo using GO 19:54 < bridge> πŸ˜‚ 19:54 < bridge> very beautiful 19:55 < bridge> but he uses unicode chars.... 19:55 < bridge> not tty conform 19:56 < bridge> the font is off. that annoys me the most xdd 19:56 < bridge> the edges arent aligned 19:57 < bridge> i just dislike the moving around with keyboard 19:58 < bridge> chillerdragon: why are your issues always such no issues xD 19:58 < bridge> what the mapper does in design is completely unrelated to what he's doin in entities 19:58 < ChillerDragon> omagawd 19:58 < ChillerDragon> the map design would then not cover the gameplay correctly 19:59 < bridge> that would be a cool feature 19:59 < ChillerDragon> teero gets it! 20:00 < bridge> yeah yeah 20:00 < bridge> because this game jank 20:00 < bridge> i get it too u want ground contact 20:00 < ChillerDragon> we like touching the grass 20:00 < ChillerDragon> jopsti too fly 20:01 < bridge> chillerdragon: is that something for blmapchill? :troll: 20:01 < ChillerDragon> yea maybe 20:01 < bridge> chillerdragon: now i want to see you hover over the ground so normal speedups look incorrect 20:01 < bridge> hold yourself half a tile over the ground 😬 20:02 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699729356.png 20:02 < ChillerDragon> @cyberFighter could be used here 20:02 < ChillerDragon> not that it would affect gameplay at all :D 20:02 < bridge> i was imagining it like a waterfall type of thing, but then the part that goes up makes no sense 20:03 < ChillerDragon> you can use a 1 tile elevator 20:03 < ChillerDragon> hold right to go up and left to go down 20:03 < bridge> if this was to get added then it would be nice to have 1 way 1 pixel tiles that work like actual solid tiles 20:04 < ChillerDragon> @Jupstar βœͺ if you make it 2 tiles high and flex gores skills you can feel it. But its hard to get it on video 20:04 < bridge> yeah wow, 2 tiles 20:04 < bridge> troll 20:04 < bridge> u want ground effect, but use 2 tiles 20:04 < bridge> xdd 20:04 < bridge> chillerdragon: if u move on the speedups then u go flying lol 20:05 < ChillerDragon> omg jopsti no 20:05 < ChillerDragon> wait 20:05 < bridge> it's ok chiller 20:05 < bridge> i am not on your master level brain thinking yet 20:06 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699729617.png 20:06 < ChillerDragon> in that part you notice the diff 20:06 < ChillerDragon> also while balancing a tee that is in the speedup 20:06 < bridge> yeah yeah yeah 20:06 < bridge> ok ok 20:07 < bridge> chillerdragon: pls fix holes in tiles 20:07 < ChillerDragon> dude its 2 lines of code and there is a full layer for speedup might as well do it 20:07 < bridge> how do u want it to look in entities? 20:07 < bridge> i swear this one is more important lol 20:07 < ChillerDragon> like shown in ma first screenshot 20:08 < bridge> in ingame entities 20:08 < ChillerDragon> idk how big the arrows should be 20:08 < ChillerDragon> idk much tbh 20:08 < bridge> ok we all stupid bye 20:08 < bridge> could it just be placed on top of a block 20:08 < bridge> like inside a block 20:08 < ChillerDragon> maybe small arrows or sumsin 20:09 < bridge> but ground speedtiles only go left and right? 20:09 < bridge> or do they also catapult ya 20:09 < ChillerDragon> depends on the tilt 20:09 < ChillerDragon> in my head it was just a normal speedup with a smaller hitbox 20:09 < bridge> left/right/up/down right? 20:10 < ChillerDragon> the hitbox should have the full width but only the smallest possible height 20:10 < bridge> ok 20:10 < bridge> its basically like a forcing minecraft ladder in all directions 20:10 < bridge> no diagonal speedups 20:10 < bridge> we dont have slopes yet 20:10 < bridge> :justatest: 20:10 < bridge> new bezier curve collision coming soon xdd 20:11 < ChillerDragon> lmao minecraft ladder yes 20:12 < bridge> im right no? xdd 20:12 < ChillerDragon> yes 20:12 < ChillerDragon> minecraft ladder hitbox 20:12 < ChillerDragon> maybe even smaller 20:12 < ChillerDragon> minecraft ladder hitbox is huughe 20:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172977331950858461/iu.png?ex=65624744&is=654fd244&hm=99b2f159d0237f4c7b4e3ed78614942bf649ab79b33905901a3faf6b830a3da0& 20:13 < bridge> xd 20:13 < bridge> ye ik 20:14 < ChillerDragon> yes me pushing 0.7 makes me relate to jesus 20:14 < bridge> XD 20:14 < bridge> im a follower πŸ™ 20:14 < ChillerDragon> pog 20:14 < ChillerDragon> fellow seven enjoyer 20:14 < bridge> some things are cool. 20:15 < bridge> most of them are not.... 20:15 < bridge> *all of them are cool 20:15 < ChillerDragon> playing a round of ctf with steam plebs is worth it all 20:15 < bridge> xd 20:18 < bridge> 0.7 sux 20:21 < bridge> oh yeah pls work harder on 0.7 chiller 20:21 < bridge> i am awaiting this awesome feature since years 20:30 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i dont wanna know how tees would look like walking on slopes 20:30 < bridge> lol 20:58 < bridge> beans with jam 20:58 < bridge> @mr.gh0s7 lul server crash? 20:58 < bridge> I don't think so 20:58 < bridge> it's more like ddos 20:59 < bridge> some msgs were coming through 21:05 < ChillerDragon> @_voxeldoesart you really dont want to know? Then you probably will not click on this 10yr old video uploaded to heinrichs channel to not see it :D _voxeldoesart 21:05 < ChillerDragon> was planned for 0.7 21:07 < ChillerDragon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWkpvgJhQlw 21:07 < ChillerDragon> omg i pasted ur name twice instead of the link. irc struggle of copy paste pings xd 21:08 < bridge> omg wtf is this 21:08 < bridge> thats so weird 21:08 < ChillerDragon> hater 21:08 < bridge> it's not meant in a bad way 21:08 < bridge> i ask, where the fuck this comes from 21:08 < bridge> was it a discussion once? 21:08 < bridge> i mean someone clearly spent time implementing it xD 21:09 < ChillerDragon> yes big time 21:09 < ChillerDragon> multiple people implemented it 21:09 < ChillerDragon> https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=110876#p110876 21:09 < bridge> those legs 21:09 < ChillerDragon> https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=7447 21:09 < ChillerDragon> https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4063#p4063 21:09 < ChillerDragon> https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/issues/93 21:09 < bridge> chillerdragon: can u check if someone implemented ragdolls xD 21:09 < ChillerDragon> watfak is ragdolls 21:11 < bridge> but thanks for sharing heinrichs yt channel 21:11 < ChillerDragon> i am totally not stalking heinrichs public favorites on yt rn 21:11 < bridge> he even has his favorites public 😬 21:11 < bridge> xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 21:11 < ChillerDragon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jx1Unhhn94&list=FLyoLoCKS6ylnSL9e3dmIq9w&index=6 21:11 < bridge> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 21:12 < ChillerDragon> we are so getting banned 21:12 < bridge> he watches video ads from 1992 21:12 < bridge> maybe he is older than i assumed 21:12 < ChillerDragon> how can u not know heinrichs channel? 21:12 < ChillerDragon> its on the teeworlds.com front page since years 21:12 < bridge> i dunno bro 21:12 < ChillerDragon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIF9B-4CWj8 21:13 < bridge> ah yeah quite possible 21:13 < ChillerDragon> https://teeworlds.com/ 21:13 < ChillerDragon> he is top tier tw yter 21:13 < ChillerDragon> 87k views 21:13 < bridge> xd 21:13 < ChillerDragon> with reuploads axaxax 21:13 < bridge> good that u dont know my yt channelk 21:13 < bridge> good that u dont know my yt channel 21:13 < bridge> congrats on 2 subs 21:13 < ChillerDragon> has it tw content? 21:14 < bridge> no 21:14 < ChillerDragon> then im not interested 21:14 < bridge> but i have more subs than heinrich 21:14 < bridge> ez 21:14 < ChillerDragon> weird flex 21:14 < bridge> i still have a direct yt name 21:14 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/jupeyy 21:14 < bridge> bcs i'm so oldschool 21:15 < ChillerDragon> leak 21:15 < bridge> sub me for more content 21:15 < bridge> x * 0 = 0 21:15 < ChillerDragon> https://www.youtube.com/GermanMinecraftZC 21:15 < ChillerDragon> GermanMinecraftZC 21:15 < ChillerDragon> pog 21:15 < bridge> yeah you are actually fame xDD 21:15 < ChillerDragon> og yt names 21:15 < ChillerDragon> totally not cring 21:16 < bridge> xDD 21:17 < ChillerDragon> @heinrich5991 when update official tw trailer from 0.6 to 0.7 ? :D 21:19 < bridge> i've made tetris before. never made puyo 21:21 < bridge> chiller 21:21 < bridge> dragon 21:21 < ws-client> jopsti 21:21 < bridge> do you find this video funny: 21:21 < bridge> https://youtu.be/89gUWwWEsJs 21:21 < ws-client> get out of heinrichs favs 21:21 < ws-client> this is priacy invasion 21:21 < bridge> was just a test 21:22 < bridge> now i know u stalked 21:22 < ws-client> fak 21:22 < ws-client> holy shit i remember watchin that video 8yrs ago 21:23 < ws-client> no hate but i think even back then it didnt really hit my humor 21:23 < ws-client> still cute video 21:23 < bridge> when someone makes a 0.7 trailer 21:23 < ws-client> predictable answer 21:23 < ws-client> so you can yoink the content again? :p 21:23 < ws-client> axaxax 21:24 < ws-client> no front btw. I honor your attempt of making the whole internte a 404 free place 21:25 < ws-client> heinrich the permalink stable archive warrior 21:25 < ws-client> @Jupstar βœͺ somehow webchat unbugged it self idk how 21:25 < bridge> nice, so i can use it again? 21:25 < ws-client> yes 21:25 < bridge> epic 21:26 < ws-client> i just realized one message got lost idk what happend there xd 21:26 < bridge> that's ok 21:26 < bridge> i often read out of context 21:26 < ChillerDragon> @ryozuki some trol rewrote `ping` in rust. Somehow gh recommended me this xd https://github.com/orf/gping 21:27 < ChillerDragon> my for you page is full of rust 21:27 < bridge> ryo the GO developer 21:27 < ChillerDragon> jopsti so do you think the video is funny? 21:28 < bridge> i find it funny that ppl find it funny 21:28 < bridge> Can anyone help with GLSL shaders? I'm making lasers from this video into my client, I've done custom shader processing but don't know how to write a bloom shader, couldn't find a working solution for my code on the internet xdd 21:28 < bridge> https://youtu.be/ESZbuNHYNXY?si=69-gJyaMMZPSfUi7 21:28 < ChillerDragon> @heinrich5991 do you think the video is funny? 21:28 < ChillerDragon> aaaa context 21:28 < bridge> bloom is post processing 21:28 < bridge> u can't just add it. u need engine support for this 21:29 < bridge> Hmmmm 21:29 < bridge> Time for editing ddnet engine xd 21:29 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699734592.png 21:29 < ChillerDragon> dis? 21:29 < ChillerDragon> just render portel.png 21:29 < bridge> he said laser bra 21:29 < bridge> No, Im about lasers 21:29 < ChillerDragon> a 21:29 < bridge> xd 21:29 < ChillerDragon> which laser then 21:29 < bridge> u could try without bloom tho 21:30 < ChillerDragon> keko send screen 21:30 < ChillerDragon> ah the blurred sg? 21:30 < bridge> dd-pg ofc has post processing support 😏 21:30 < ChillerDragon> dd-pog 21:30 < bridge> Smth like this 21:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172996893912072375/image.png?ex=6562597c&is=654fe47c&hm=a8131e1969bf0968388230fbac7d66832925db4bba53fefe85d6cd70edb2d8e0& 21:30 < ChillerDragon> aa 21:31 < ChillerDragon> i would buy 21:31 < ChillerDragon> let me know when you finish 21:31 < bridge> xd 21:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1172997052049920110/image.png?ex=656259a2&is=654fe4a2&hm=0da07bbdf072f6e0e34c8a3957127a2a8f14a3f6c4542c498d345977738c2fea& 21:31 < bridge> ew 21:31 < bridge> i should make a video 21:31 < bridge> and put it on yt 21:32 < bridge> k 21:32 < ChillerDragon> @cyberFighter yes 21:35 < bridge> Hm, looks like easy task in OpenGL xd 21:36 < ChillerDragon> ok pro 21:36 < bridge> challenge accepted 21:38 < bridge> gn Teero thanks for testing ❀️ 21:38 < bridge> do u have a list of features? 21:38 < bridge> i wanna take a look 21:39 < bridge> ~~just look at the source code~~ 21:39 < bridge> I'm making one now xD 21:42 < bridge> xd 21:48 < bridge> flagball in dfng ;) 21:49 < bridge> ChillerDragon check this out 21:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1173001459349073990/flagdfng_cut.mp4?ex=65625dbd&is=654fe8bd&hm=f31bde5180d88e484c2e702ad4c51cb3b265385fb17ea8f2def5bf0a4098388e& 21:49 < bridge> what the 21:49 < bridge> u really took that serious 21:50 < bridge> hehe ghost πŸ₯Ό 🎩 21:50 < bridge> I remember I tryharded the hook-flag collision 21:56 < ChillerDragon> ou i played flag ball once or twice years ago but i still remember it as much fun 21:56 < bridge> :) 21:56 < ChillerDragon> not sure if fng is annoying or cool for flagball 21:56 < ChillerDragon> but would def try 21:56 < ChillerDragon> are you playing rn? 21:56 < bridge> this map isn't good though 21:56 < bridge> yeah 21:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> when u find out how to do it can u teach me pls? 21:58 < bridge> ask the vulkan god ofc 21:58 < bridge> Im just does some code in ddnet render engine and it works xd 21:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1173004007191613601/image.png?ex=6562601c&is=654feb1c&hm=bb4e885f5fbc3916bde662834a54107c218c409e24ac4d7fdd673d02aefb770f& 21:59 < bridge> 😏 21:59 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> well i tried to look at the code but grahhh 21:59 < bridge> Now I need to render app game to texture and apply post process shader to it xdd 21:59 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> you CANT EVEN SWIZZLE IN data/shaders!!!!! 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> is this gpt 22:00 < bridge> it's gpt-4 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ew 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> id rather learn it from a human 22:01 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> anyways how easy is it to jailbreak vulkan gos 22:01 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> anyways how easy is it to jailbreak vulkan god 22:01 < bridge> i dunno, what exactly do you want to jailbreak 22:02 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> idk but i hate chatbots 22:02 < bridge> here it gave me a link to an example: 22:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1173004828016902204/image.png?ex=656260e0&is=654febe0&hm=7015e79a824aa476bd7c55d3e1a160984dd212e9e5c413e7440a0625d8923ef9& 22:02 < bridge> https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan/tree/master/examples/bloom 22:02 < bridge> https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan/tree/master/examples/bloom 22:03 < bridge> (the answer is pretty shit btw) XD 22:03 < bridge> so be happy voxel 22:03 < bridge> it's not on human level 22:03 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> im not reading that 22:03 < bridge> Oh no, raw vulkan API 22:04 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> oh LOL 22:17 < bridge> ty for the games ChillerDragon <3 22:18 < ChillerDragon> ye was fun ty for the invite 22:18 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1699737526.png 22:18 < ChillerDragon> ez 22:18 < bridge> It was I. 22:20 < ChillerDragon> @Jupstar βœͺ @onbgy check this! zogtib added selfkill while frozen for fng its truly revolutionary 22:20 < bridge> noby knows ;) 22:20 < ChillerDragon> he should also add it 22:20 < ChillerDragon> every fng mod needs that 22:21 < ChillerDragon> fng will never be the same 22:24 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ghh i just got home and im tired 22:24 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> but that looks like fun 22:35 < bridge> finally tees get some privacy 22:35 < bridge> revolutionary