00:08 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :brownbear: 00:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i think its really goofy that in shell theres the if...fi concept 00:45 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> like, i mean this in a funny manner 00:45 < bridge> also case…esac 00:45 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> LOL 00:46 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> cant wait for an update that makes do...while...done loops do...while...od 00:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> build.yml 00:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1168336686137213068/image.png?ex=65516554&is=653ef054&hm=ab5ffbde071b4c8d538a2c4d7dbfa02cb80741db3beb17c3e5581372787dd75e& 00:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> why is rm -rf here specifically xd 00:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> oh wait no theres a mkdir 00:53 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> it flushes out the folder 02:17 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Is all the shader logic inside ddnet/data/shaders? 02:17 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Or is there a different path to how things are rendered onto the screen? 06:37 < bridge> morning 07:00 < bridge> mornin 07:13 < bridge> k what to code 07:32 < bridge> Well hard question. The memory management is not in the shaders 09:25 < bridge> I think ye 10:29 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks soon https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/linker-plugin-lto.html 10:29 < bridge> > The -C linker-plugin-lto flag allows for deferring the LTO optimization to the actual linking step, which in turn allows for performing interprocedural optimizations across programming language boundaries if all the object files being linked were created by LLVM based toolchains. The prime example here would be linking Rust code together with Clang-compiled C/C++ code. 10:33 < bridge> Epic 11:11 < bridge> im learning godot 11:14 < bridge> nice 11:14 < bridge> i think patiga is done learning godot 😂 11:15 < bridge> wdym 11:15 < bridge> is this bad or good xd 11:16 < bridge> for what he wants to do it's not flexible enough 11:17 < bridge> what does he need that godot doesnt have 11:18 < bridge> better custom shaders and stuff like that. 11:18 < bridge> 11:18 < bridge> It simply depends on what your goal is. he tried to do ddnet related-rendering. 11:18 < bridge> 11:18 < bridge> In 3d you probably don't need custom shaders 11:18 < bridge> https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/shaders/your_first_shader/index.html 11:18 < bridge> ? 11:19 < bridge> the shader subset is simply too bad 11:19 < bridge> u can't push custom uniforms etc. 11:20 < bridge> @ryozuki that shouldn't demotivate you ofc. you'll learn something useful from using it 11:20 < bridge> even if it's just understanding stuff u never used before 11:20 < bridge> ehh well 11:20 < bridge> its the 5 time i said im learning godot 11:20 < bridge> im just lazy 11:21 < bridge> me2 xdd 11:21 < bridge> tbh i wanted to keep using bevy for the teecity game 11:21 < bridge> but doing ui code is so tedious 11:21 < bridge> and since its such a simple game 11:21 < bridge> i hoped godot makes it easier 11:21 < bridge> ui code is tedious if you don't have hot reloading 11:21 < bridge> or a ui editor 11:21 < bridge> xd 11:21 < bridge> does bevy offer that or do u need to recompile= 11:22 < bridge> recompile 11:22 < bridge> rip 11:22 < bridge> wait for ddnet-rust 11:22 < bridge> i just love how bevy is done 11:22 < bridge> 😏 11:22 < bridge> but im lazy 11:22 < bridge> the ecs just feels good to use 11:22 < bridge> and makes lot of sense 11:22 < bridge> also im using rust 11:22 < bridge> i think ill never be a true game dev 11:22 < bridge> cuz when i have to do a asset 11:22 < bridge> btw i am using rust 11:22 < bridge> i just go play games 11:23 < bridge> nice 11:23 < bridge> every developer knows this feeling xd 11:23 < bridge> the greatest indi games are from ppl that are more designers than coders xd 11:23 < bridge> team up with voxel. he's awesome artist 11:24 < bridge> voxel hates me cuz i love rust 11:24 < bridge> :owo: 11:24 < bridge> deep in his heart, he also loves rust and linux 11:24 < bridge> its the tilemaps that are not performant enough :/ 11:25 < bridge> i see 11:25 < bridge> https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/2d/using_tilemaps.html 11:25 < bridge> this right? 11:25 < bridge> yea 11:26 < bridge> small maps are fine 11:26 < bridge> but bigger ones destroy performance 11:26 < bridge> yes i heard godot is not ready for big tilemaps or open world games 11:27 < bridge> it needs to implement chunks or smth idk tbh i just over read this xd 11:27 < bridge> https://gitlab.com/Patiga/ddnet-godot 11:27 < bridge> you can try it out if you like ^^ 11:28 < bridge> @ryozuki omg yes, do another ddnet impl 11:28 < bridge> 11:28 < bridge> 11:28 < bridge> robyte & me vs. Patiga & Zwelf vs. Ryozuki & Voxel 11:28 < bridge> such a great setup 11:28 < bridge> a story for the history books 11:28 < bridge> xd 11:28 < bridge> i doubt i have the will to do such a big project rn 11:29 < bridge> sadly i think work takes my 90% will to code afterwards 11:29 < bridge> my will is beyond reach 11:29 < bridge> thats dope 13:35 < bridge> damn so many things i want to do 13:35 < bridge> now iwant to keep going with edlang 13:35 < bridge> now i want to keep going with edlang 13:37 < bridge> midlife (23) developer crisis :pepeW: 13:45 < bridge> Exactly you are only 23 13:45 < bridge> 1 year edlang, 1 year ur game 13:45 < bridge> And u still only 25 13:46 < bridge> 1 year edlang and then the game with edlang 13:46 < bridge> :gigachad: 13:46 < bridge> :brownbear: 13:46 < bridge> builtin vulkan support 13:46 < bridge> Epic 13:58 < bridge> @jupos 13:59 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks do u knwo about https://haxe.org/ 13:59 < bridge> its a lang made specifically for game dev 13:59 < bridge> Interesting. Looks very high level tho 13:59 < bridge> Maybe nice for scripting 14:02 < bridge> https://ldtk.io/ 14:02 < bridge> haxe was used when making the games papers please, dead cells, northgard, evoland, etc 14:02 < bridge> and this editor 14:03 < bridge> > Haxe is an open source high-level strictly-typed programming language with a fast optimizing cross-compiler. 14:04 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks it looks like js but its stricly typed 14:04 < bridge> and uses a optimizing compiler instead of a runtime like js 14:05 < bridge> afaik https://armory3d.org/ uses haxe but it can also use "visual" code 14:06 < bridge> I made my first game in qbasic 14:07 < bridge> that looks cool 14:07 < bridge> i made my first "game" more like engine in C 14:08 < bridge> https://github.com/edg-l/SimpleGame 14:08 < bridge> it lacks geometry nodes (modifiers in general) to be part of the game 14:08 < bridge> it has nothing rly 14:08 < bridge> xdd 14:08 < bridge> just a tilemap kek 14:09 < bridge> https://github.com/edg-l/SimpleGame/blob/master/src/engine/list.h 14:09 < bridge> my own list lol 14:10 < bridge> `#define engine_list_for(list_name, node) for(Node *node = list_name->head; node; node = node->next)` 14:10 < bridge> lul i even had a macro to loop 14:10 < bridge> Pro. You directly started professional xd 14:10 < bridge> I started with dots and circles xdd 14:10 < bridge> Literally 14:11 < bridge> 14:11 < bridge> i even had my own string impl 14:11 < bridge> ok very simple tho 14:12 < bridge> 14:12 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks look opengl code 14:14 < bridge> i had so much free time 14:14 < bridge> i need to make this in rust 14:16 < bridge> Nice even ogl 3.3 14:16 < bridge> ye 14:21 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i even had clang-format 14:21 < bridge> i was ahead of times 14:27 < bridge> permalink: https://github.com/edg-l/SimpleGame/blob/f1e8d30750da7d59466d6e1cd7b10ec998b2f284/src/engine/tilemap.c#L106-L167 14:28 < bridge> @learath2 how much of a old C user are you, do you prefer to use typedef when defining a struct, or you like to put the struct keyword everytime 14:29 < bridge> I will only typedef away a struct for an opaque type 14:29 < bridge> so my code is not idiomatic f 14:50 < bridge> @learath2 r u out of uni yet 14:51 < bridge> 3 days left 14:51 < bridge> :poggers2: 14:51 < bridge> Well assuming I don't fail an accounting exam 😄 14:51 < bridge> xD 14:52 < bridge> If I do fail it 6 months more :pepeW: 14:53 < bridge> Wow finished uni with 12. 14:53 < bridge> I'm so proud my kid 14:53 < bridge> 💵 16:59 < bridge> damn 16:59 < bridge> we missed this but 16:59 < bridge> its big 16:59 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7393 16:59 < bridge> @archimede67 poggers 17:14 < bridge> @learath2 @jupeyy_keks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8s9uzPIqQ4 17:14 < bridge> this video is good 17:14 < bridge> it has the sentence "windows sucks" in it 17:14 < bridge> I think I posted this before 😄 17:16 < bridge> gnu core utils for plan9 17:16 < bridge> nagato is too based or smth 17:16 < bridge> down bad 17:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1168584598301716541/image.png?ex=65524c37&is=653fd737&hm=d057de99e2a9ef39b2318d02ee492141bf82a245f6dade01298136061ea00969& 17:18 < bridge> holy based 17:22 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CopPj3S3YQ0 17:22 < bridge> :justatest: 17:22 < bridge> down bad 17:22 < bridge> funny thing is i also got a white monster when i installed gentoo on my sv recently 17:24 < bridge> this guy is cheating cuz its a vm tho 17:24 < bridge> so he didnt use lynx to get the url for the stage3 kek 17:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> just the embed thumbnail alone tells me this dude has not taken a shower in a year 17:26 < bridge> its a girl 17:27 < bridge> :justatest: 17:27 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> the person who made the vid? 17:27 < bridge> No way 17:27 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> 🛑👍 17:27 < bridge> That is a dude, I know dude hands 17:28 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> anyways windows is based 17:31 < bridge> Auch a ryo video xd 17:34 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ryo videos are just boomer humor for linux users 17:35 < bridge> this was actually pretty funny actually 17:37 < bridge> this was actually pretty funny 17:37 < bridge> the edit is because I had 2 `actually` 17:43 < bridge> good morning 17:44 < bridge> 🍵 17:45 < bridge> making noises my little furry friend would make 17:47 < bridge> his firefox is desparately out of date 17:47 < bridge> they may have been dude hands at one point 17:48 < bridge> i think ryo is troll 17:48 < bridge> this dude is a dude 17:48 < bridge> That is a fair point, I guess I should have said that person has been assigned male at birth 😄 17:55 < bridge> damn 17:55 < bridge> just got a battery for my electric-acoustic preamp and the tuner is working but not the output 17:55 < bridge> im starting to believe tees have fingers 17:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> what 17:56 < bridge> and not just a thumb 17:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> tees have 6 fingers 17:56 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> source: i made it up 17:56 < bridge> 5 17:56 < bridge> they gotta give middle fingers 17:57 < bridge> listen to squonk 17:57 < bridge> by the best band to ever exist 17:57 < bridge> and the hands in tee images are just clenched fists 17:59 < bridge> such a ryo video xd 18:11 < bridge> haha she says she has 8k cores but uses -j5 XDD 18:12 < bridge> nub 18:14 < bridge> 8k distrobuted around many pcs xdd 18:14 < bridge> maybe -j5 per computer xd 18:15 < bridge> we have a chillerbot-zx on a ger2 novice server 18:15 < bridge> xd 18:15 < bridge> chiller creating weapons of mass destruction 18:18 < bridge> maybe 18:18 < bridge> what do u guys think about this 18:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1168599700644036619/image.png?ex=65525a48&is=653fe548&hm=165df98b1e52fac007a7839f6a71484a91aeb86e0849b544bb17a20abb0b0a6f& 18:18 < bridge> damn 18:18 < bridge> damn 🔥 18:19 < bridge> stable resolution 18:19 < bridge> what do u mean 18:19 < bridge> stabile auflösung xd 18:19 < bridge> nice resolution 18:19 < bridge> gg xd 18:20 < bridge> oh 18:20 < bridge> lol 18:20 < bridge> thanks 18:20 < bridge> zoom 10 is a headache on a big screen 18:21 < bridge> hi teereo 18:21 < bridge> teero 22:32 < bridge> hello, I'm pretty new on this development world so uh... 22:32 < bridge> is there a way to host a ddnet server using Amazon AWS? 22:32 < bridge> and in case there's a way... how? 22:33 < bridge> I don't really understand, I tried using EC2 with docker but it doesn't work at all for some reason? I can't even pull the files onto AWS 22:33 < bridge> thx in advance for your help :] 22:34 < bridge> Do you get any errors? Which docker image are you using? 22:34 < bridge> I was trying to ise DDNetPP 22:35 < bridge> to make a server for friends 22:35 < bridge> to make a server for my friends 22:35 < bridge> I was trying to use DDNetPP 22:36 < bridge> And also, I get error in most of the things 22:36 < bridge> Did you create an dockerfile your self for ddnet++ ? 22:36 < bridge> there was one already 22:36 < bridge> Could you link it? 22:36 < bridge> omw, one sec 22:38 < bridge> Do you want a ddnet or ddnet++ server? 22:38 < bridge> a ddnet++ one 22:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1168665322182684733/Dockerfile?ex=65529765&is=65402265&hm=ff5f32fd4542ef543ee8087f7f3be2370824060e992ecc7f37a124bf51b9112b& 22:38 < bridge> here's the dockerfile 22:39 < bridge> Doesn’t preview well on iOS 22:39 < bridge> dunno if you can see it via IRC so lmk 22:39 < bridge> Where is it from? 22:39 < bridge> the official repo 22:39 < bridge> The Debian 11 one? 22:39 < bridge> I think? 22:39 < bridge> Idk which brand I downoaded 22:40 < bridge> Yea that’s not really functional. That was inherited from vanilla ddnet which was built by I think lerato in the 90s 22:40 < bridge> branch* 22:40 < bridge> For idk what 22:40 < bridge> Ohhh 22:40 < bridge> I recommend getting this image to run to test your aws Config https://hub.docker.com/r/chillerdragon/ddnet-simple 22:40 < bridge> It’s a simple out of the box ddnet server 22:41 < bridge> I can build you one for ddnet++ that you can drop in replace tomorrow 22:41 < bridge> oh, well, if you want I would appreciate it 22:47 < bridge> That must be some beefy school computers to have atleast 8 cores xd. 22:54 < bridge> I can't open hub.docker.com 22:54 < bridge> 💀what 23:01 < bridge> they barely make processors with less than 6 anymore 23:01 < bridge> only quad cores nowadays are i3s and super low end/mobile processors that you couldn't run a compiler on anyway 23:01 < bridge> and those are hyperthreaded 23:02 < bridge> why even 8 cores? 23:02 < bridge> -j5 = 5 threads 23:03 < bridge> -j600, so every translation unit has its own thread for ddnet 23:03 < bridge> xd 23:10 < bridge> 😅 23:11 < bridge> when are we gonna compile on the gpu 23:11 < bridge> not shaders 23:22 < bridge> Yeah develop a language that can be compiled in a way that gpu cores profit from it 23:23 < bridge> Would be very interesting and extremely challenging project 23:29 < bridge> yea 23:29 < bridge> fun time