07:54 < bridge> name is familiar 10:32 < bridge> r=10 10:43 < bridge> gm 10:43 < bridge> :owo: 11:06 < bridge> I need two more pieces, any ideas to optimise the font? 11:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1167026523648307290/IMG_20231026_110543226.jpg?ex=654ca125&is=653a2c25&hm=4d245fe6143067355a7f1b829711d2f90f1b6849aa9bcab6fd0fa733296e9d09& 11:07 < bridge> two missing pieces for the last parameter closing bracked on int main 11:08 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks @ryozuki this is important 11:09 < bridge> your semi si upside down 😇 11:09 < bridge> your semi is upside down 😇 11:17 < bridge> maybe some ligatures? the N and C of include, the S and the T of stdio or the M and the A of main? 11:19 < bridge> or, you could include cstdio which is shorter 🙂 11:20 < bridge> This is new IDE? :gigachad: 11:22 < bridge> I will implement syntax highlighting and auto completion soon 11:22 < bridge> Killer of CLion 11:23 < bridge> good fix but you cant use cstdio in c99 right? 11:35 < bridge> Tf is that 11:35 < bridge> Godot 11:35 < bridge> With gi? 11:44 < bridge> looks pretty real right? 11:56 < bridge> Looks photo realistic at least. Hard to say if light would look like that in a static scene ^^ 11:57 < bridge> I couldn't tell if it's not a real photo from my phone 12:34 < bridge> So what r u doing? Creating a coding game? 12:40 < bridge> :twinbop: 13:04 < bridge> 😂😂😂 13:39 < bridge> Don't tell me u had nothing better to do than doing this in rl xd 13:40 < bridge> 🤣🤣🤣😂 13:40 < bridge> 💀 xD 13:40 < bridge> the new vim 13:40 < bridge> I started doing opengl again 🎉 13:41 < bridge> The point that I rq everytime was the build system. 13:41 < bridge> just use cmake and ure fine if? 13:41 < bridge> just use cmake and ure fine ig? 13:41 < bridge> :justatest: 13:42 < bridge> I do it manually for now. 13:42 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/crazy-insane-stewie-family-guy-finals-gif-5655336 13:42 < bridge> First I gotta understand how it works, else I don't remember anything ;) 13:43 < bridge> more like 🥼 🎩 13:43 < bridge> Do it on paper I dare u 13:43 < bridge> U could also not do it cross platform 13:43 < bridge> That makes it easier 13:43 < bridge> Yeah for now it's only for linux (only at my machine but could work on others ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 13:44 < bridge> I also dislike working with build systems 13:44 < bridge> zogtib has made an implementation of the redo build system 13:44 < bridge> But it triggers me every time because I can't grasp it xD (shell nobo) 13:45 < bridge> https://github.com/gotroyb127/baredo 13:48 < bridge> Plus I hadn't work much with C and C++ besides tw so and I wanted to write it in C so the translation from C++ to C from the tutorial () also was difficult for me xD 13:49 < bridge> But I kinda worked with OpenCascade CAD Kernel in C++ at first (I didn't know there was build123d which is in python) so I got a little bit more familiar 13:50 < bridge> POSIX shell makes redo seem ugly (although redo is not restricted in using it, just the scripts) 13:51 < bridge> ye look at this https://github.com/gotroyb127/deeworlds/blob/master/default.shdStr.do 13:53 < bridge> that's pretty simple, I'd say this is not even a just bad example but it even supports the opposite 13:53 < bridge> no u 13:58 < bridge> Just try to use no build system at all 13:58 < bridge> Lmao 13:58 < bridge> You won't need it for a simple project 13:58 < bridge> f3 13:59 < bridge> I wonder what you mean by "no build system" ^^ probably "a simple build system" like a project file in your IDE or a bash script? 14:00 < bridge> prob they mean something without support for incremental builds 14:02 < bridge> ah 14:02 < bridge> just `c++ -o out.exe srf1.cpp srcf2.cpp ...` 14:11 < bridge> Quick question. Do you have 2 mice in your disposal? 14:13 < bridge> I am having an argument with @gotroyb. I say that a game that would use 2 mice and no keyboard (maybe sometimes uses keyboard but not the main focus) would be really fun and innovative. zogtib says that using 2 mice wouldn't really change much and 2 mice are hard to find anyway. What do you think? 14:14 < bridge> React with hat to vote for 2 mice and Z to vote for zogtib 14:14 < bridge> I have 0 mice, i just have a touchpad :pepeW: 14:14 < bridge> get another laptop so you have 2 14:16 < bridge> (I'm mostly saying that using 2 mice wouldn't help as much currently while also having great difficulties (no current support etc)) 14:16 < bridge> We would make the support. You have to be the change you want to see in the world (ft. Ryozuki) 14:31 < bridge> @mr.gh0s7 which ogl do you target? 14:32 < bridge> 3.3 is the tutorial. 14:32 < bridge> mh ok 14:32 < bridge> which do you recommend? 14:33 < bridge> well opengl 4.5 ofc xD 14:33 < bridge> xD 14:33 < bridge> besides new features, they often also fix stuff in a sense that they don't do it so overcomplicated 14:34 < bridge> e.g. in newer opengl versions u can just bind a texture to a shader slot, instead of binding it to a slot and bind that slot to the shader 14:34 < bridge> i dunno afaik they added a lot of these named bindings, instead of doing it as stateful as in older versions 14:34 < bridge> 👍 14:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> related but unrelated 14:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> has there been Any game that utilizes svg rendering 14:35 < bridge> I'll look to it when I am done with the tutorial (maybe earlier too ;)) 14:35 < bridge> well the problem with SVG is really, u either have very optimized clean SVGs or u waste perf 14:35 < bridge> it's simply not a data format that targets max perf 14:35 < bridge> and that's usually something desired by games 14:36 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> fair enough 14:36 < bridge> but i'd look out for 2d games 14:36 < bridge> they might have it 14:37 < bridge> for 3d i never seen it.. the maximum i've seen is clear text rendering(since fonts are also kind of SVGs/vector graphics) 14:37 < bridge> but yeah, fonts are much less powerful ofc^^ 14:37 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> was thinking 2d since i recall us babbling about svg rendering in ddnet 14:38 < bridge> i mean i'd defs like to test it out.. but lot of work just to already know that it's 100% slower xD 14:38 < bridge> and only worth for zooming in 14:38 < bridge> and what also is annoying is, integrating it into your renderer 14:40 < bridge> I mean a polygon mesh is kinda like an SVG 14:40 < bridge> I think in 3d, voxels are rather rare 14:41 < bridge> yeah true, but also simpler 14:41 < bridge> SVGs support blur etc 14:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> im right here 🥹 14:42 < bridge> xd 14:43 < bridge> :kek: 14:43 < bridge> but voxels are 3d pixels only right? 14:43 < bridge> not vector graphics 14:43 < bridge> i know a few games 14:43 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i mean 2d cubes are easy 14:43 < bridge> xd 14:43 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> *3d 14:44 < bridge> minecraft are textured voxels xdd 14:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yea 14:56 < bridge> ``` 14:56 < bridge> Bus 003 Device 006: ID 0483:374b STMicroelectronics ST-LINK/V2.1 14:57 < bridge> Bus 003 Device 005: ID 0483:374e STMicroelectronics STLINK-V3 14:57 < bridge> ``` 14:57 < bridge> epic 14:57 < bridge> cool 14:57 < bridge> 👍 14:57 < bridge> good morning 14:57 < bridge> ty 15:02 < bridge> ``` 15:02 < bridge> ❯ openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f3x.cfg 15:02 < bridge> Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0 15:02 < bridge> Licensed under GNU GPL v2 15:02 < bridge> For bug reports, read 15:02 < bridge> http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html 15:02 < bridge> Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "hla_swd". To override use 'transport select '. 15:02 < bridge> Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD 15:02 < bridge> Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections 15:02 < bridge> Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections 15:02 < bridge> Info : clock speed 1000 kHz 15:02 < bridge> Info : STLINK V2J37M26 (API v2) VID:PID 0483:374B 15:02 < bridge> Info : Target voltage: 2.902491 15:02 < bridge> Info : [stm32f3x.cpu] Cortex-M4 r0p1 processor detected 15:02 < bridge> Info : [stm32f3x.cpu] target has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints 15:02 < bridge> Info : starting gdb server for stm32f3x.cpu on 3333 15:03 < bridge> Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections 15:03 < bridge> ``` 15:03 < bridge> im a hacker 15:11 < bridge> ST sux 15:12 < bridge> How many times I had to reset my stm32 card 15:16 < bridge> What sets apart svgs for me is that they have arbitrary quality. meshes don't really support curvature, so you need more and more complex meshes the closer the camera 15:22 < bridge> @ryozuki in case i forget to ask tomorrow: ||do you know any allocator (that i can pass to Vec, Arc etc. that supports some kind of "initial memory size" and then "alloc size if full".. so basically it should be dynamic but i want to allocate lot in advance, since i can estimate the roundabout size. Additionally would be nice if it's using a spinlock instead of normal mutex or whatever|| 15:22 < bridge> only read tomorrow ofc xD 15:30 < bridge> ill get a microbit soon 15:30 < bridge> thhe new rust embedded tutorial uses microbit 15:30 < bridge> hmm explain further 15:30 < bridge> initial memory size? u can ask vec to preallocate using with_capacity 15:31 < bridge> idk what u mean by alloc size if full 15:31 < bridge> but maybe u want a bump allocator? 15:31 < bridge> https://docs.rs/bumpalo/latest/bumpalo/ 15:32 < bridge> u also got https://docs.rs/slab/0.4.9/slab/ 15:32 < bridge> > Slab provides pre-allocated storage for a single data type. If many values of a single type are being allocated, it can be more efficient to pre-allocate the necessary storage. Since the size of the type is uniform, memory fragmentation can be avoided. Storing, clearing, and lookup operations become very cheap. 15:32 < bridge> > 15:32 < bridge> > While Slab may look like other Rust collections, it is not intended to be used as a general purpose collection. The primary difference between Slab and Vec is that Slab returns the key when storing the value. 15:32 < bridge> > 15:32 < bridge> > It is important to note that keys may be reused. In other words, once a value associated with a given key is removed from a slab, that key may be returned from future calls to insert. 15:32 < bridge> why use a spinlock instead of a mutex? 15:33 < bridge> afaik, normal mutexes only enter the kernel on contention 15:33 < bridge> ye a spinlock should be worse right? 15:33 < bridge> I was using micropython + some async lib for BLE 15:33 < bridge> but maybe he has no_std needs @heinrich5991 15:33 < bridge> The documentation was horrible af 15:33 < bridge> i wont touch python 15:34 < bridge> u should read it tomorrow keks 15:34 < bridge> xd 15:34 < bridge> why not, i never want to enter any sleep 15:35 < bridge> i think slab is quite good when making trees 15:35 < bridge> if the crates doesn't use a spinlock, it's probably a slow implementation 15:36 < bridge> well i need it as allocator i can pass to vec etc. 15:36 < bridge> to rust std data types 15:37 < bridge> hm. in that case I'd still prefer a normal mutex. if contention is a bug, then I'd prefer the process to sleep over using a lot of CPU when that assumption is broken 15:38 < bridge> well additionally i don't trust the implementations. e.g. windows xd 15:44 < bridge> a lockfree impl is also welcome, but probably doesn't work with a heap like data structure 15:45 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/a/70355738/870079 according to a random stackoverflow post, srwlock (which rust's mutexes use on windows) behave like futexes on linux 15:45 < bridge> not sure if I trust a random stackoverflow post though 15:46 < bridge> i just don't like that in theory the hybrid system can decide to go to the thread scheduler... 17:37 < bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/cell/struct.UnsafeCell.html 17:45 < bridge> https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/10/26/broken-badges-and-23k-keywords.html 17:46 < bridge> @heinrich5991 17:46 < bridge> a crate with 23000 features 17:46 < bridge> cargo features 18:19 < bridge> geschichten aus dem paulaner garten 18:20 < bridge> i like paulaner beer 18:20 < bridge> xd 18:20 < bridge> actually this is exactly this 18:20 < bridge> it's a beer garden xd 18:20 < bridge> xd 18:21 < bridge> when ppl tell their fairy tails about stuff that doesnt exist 18:21 < bridge> xd 18:22 < bridge> https://docs.rs/crate/icondata/0.1.0/features 18:22 < bridge> this is the crate btw 18:23 < bridge> he made one feature per font icon 18:23 < bridge> wtf 18:23 < bridge> is wrong with some ppl 18:24 < bridge> " Every icon is packaged as its own cargo feature to reduce build times." 18:24 < bridge> 18:24 < bridge> sure.. parsing 23000 features is soo much faster 18:24 < bridge> lmao 18:31 < bridge> howdy 18:31 < bridge> morning 🍵 18:31 < bridge> morning 18:31 < bridge> foggy today 18:32 < bridge> @ryozuki im in ddnet gentoo club, right? its been more than 1 month :gigachad: 18:33 < bridge> yes 18:33 < bridge> how are u enjoying it 18:33 < bridge> @milkeeycat put gentoo logo as pfp 18:34 < bridge> and ill be as jupstar :justatest: 18:34 < bridge> but with gentoo 18:35 < bridge> its definitely go + htmx thursday 18:35 < bridge> today is definitely go + htmx thursday 18:39 < bridge> use this 18:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109067034848919562/Voxel.png?ex=6544cd2a&is=6532582a&hm=6d364e449eea618317e168e5fe81bbc6ced89805b57e47688fd4912c0e8decda& 18:43 < bridge> lol 18:51 < bridge> not a huge voxel fan 18:51 < bridge> can put js logo 18:51 < bridge> :justatest: 18:51 < bridge> can put js logo tho 18:52 < bridge> not a huge voxel's fan 18:53 < bridge> MilkeeyCat sadly doesn't fit. way too long name xd 18:54 < bridge> most ppl read my name as MickeyCat :feelsbadman: 18:54 < bridge> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Opengl-logo.svg 18:54 < bridge> and when u spanish person: 18:54 < bridge> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/OpenGL_ES_logo_%28Nov14%29.svg 18:54 < bridge> xd 18:58 < bridge> lmfao 18:59 < bridge> xd 18:59 < bridge> luckily im catalan 19:00 < bridge> ya but in barcelona 19:02 < bridge> i want one tooo 19:05 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i forgot you did that :justatest: 19:13 < bridge> wait he did that lmfao 19:13 < bridge> i thought you would have 19:32 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/17goyxf/sqldevlearningmongodb/ 19:50 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> thats not in character 21:57 < bridge> hmm, admin impostor? 21:57 < bridge> there's a deen on every pol server, and a robyt as well 21:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1167190230995046512/image.png?ex=654d399c&is=653ac49c&hm=201aad27a17d71dcdea3b776c6a682a2bc6a9765cd6fd3ce70f54afa2c6188ee& 22:03 < bridge> sus 22:08 < bridge> this is the same as what was happening to USA a few months ago, their names were also colors in case the admin names were temporarily banned 22:08 < bridge> blue green yellow etc 22:08 < bridge> same source iirc 22:26 < bridge> oh look at that 22:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1167197565008220190/image.png?ex=654d4070&is=653acb70&hm=58782922a5b1281e53236c74b4289f4b711ebeed605655065a3315b89e4d0c95& 22:28 < bridge> im getting flashbacks 22:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1167198191352021002/image.png?ex=654d4106&is=653acc06&hm=e711a16fab621c5bbcd6232a978fb5356a247aae3fb7acb5431b3f3a308a0e1f& 22:31 < bridge> deen's here too 22:32 < bridge> yeah 22:32 < bridge> annoying 22:32 < bridge> @robyt3 swing your master ban hammer 22:32 < bridge> someone's doign it already 22:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1167199164342480897/image.png?ex=654d41ee&is=653accee&hm=e8ddd8f604fcbdac5b32f5deb32dab865c5b70916a3c575712df767b59d58d5c& 22:32 < bridge> no mod in lobby 22:33 < bridge> or maybe this is how bans work if done on another server 22:33 < bridge> never seen it 22:56 < bridge> you might want to censor that link though 23:02 < bridge> i... guess so 23:02 < bridge> oh look at that 23:02 < bridge> oh look at that (i removed an image containing a link to a cheat client discord server as per chairn's request) 23:03 < bridge> hopefully that bot can be detected and banned on usage ... 23:03 < bridge> unfortunately not 23:03 < bridge> unless someone decides to add text blacklist features & auto-ban accordingly 23:04 < bridge> nah i mean the bot client he is talkin about 23:06 < bridge> oh this is actually a different client than i thought 23:08 < bridge> <_gwendal> yeah i was thinking about this just right now and came here to propose it, any message containing their discord invite link > ban gg 23:08 < bridge> it is so very easy to make a new invite link, it would not be worth it 23:08 < bridge> ban for sending links 23:08 < bridge> gg ez 23:09 < bridge> <_gwendal> @mpft I think they use a bot to spam every servers, it would probably make them struggle if they had to automatically create a new invite idk.. 23:10 < bridge> if the person who made these bots did it the way a sane person would then it would be very easy to change the link 23:10 < bridge> <_gwendal> the thing is we would need mods to be able to say "hey this link is that spambot discord" so we can refresh the autoban/blacklist messages feature when they change inv ig 23:10 < bridge> Fast login and ban 23:11 < bridge> :gigachad: 23:11 < bridge> well i would see it in the chat 23:12 < bridge> 3 seconds is enough 23:12 < bridge> :owo: 23:32 < bridge> I knew deen was a spambot 23:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1167216104662372372/F9XXUyHXAAARkE0.jpg?ex=654d51b5&is=653adcb5&hm=04fc1537f20086b896a43611f3c4230f8e6b820c00e73392c9f2987ee725949e& 23:40 < bridge> c++23 is Rust-- 23:40 < bridge> change my mind 23:42 < bridge> 🧠 + 🔧 23:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> are vectors just a fixed list of numbers 23:42 < bridge> fixed would be array 23:42 < bridge> vectors are growable list 23:42 < bridge> also its numbers in this case, its generic over the data type 23:43 < bridge> bruh i still libe in a world where c++20 is unsupported by all compilers xd 23:43 < bridge> there's c++23