00:05 < bridge> <_gwendal> Messages in #records aren't "published", so you can't receive then in another servers by following the channel 00:05 < bridge> <_gwendal> Messages in #records aren't "published", so you can't receive them in another servers by following the channel 01:59 < bridge> @deen have not tried it, would this be useful for not needing the mac to codesign the mac build? https://gregoryszorc.com/docs/apple-codesign/stable/ 02:02 < bridge> (found here: https://ruoyusun.com/2023/10/12/one-game-six-platforms.html) 04:39 < bridge> Invite the bot to your server and use the `$records register` command to enable the bot to send the messages from #records to your server's channel. 04:40 < bridge> (`$records unregister` to unsubscribe) 04:46 < bridge> <_gwendal> Messages in #records aren't "published", so you can't receive them in another server by following the channel 06:42 < bridge> you could just use the built in discord feature... 08:13 < bridge> What built in discord feature? 08:14 < bridge> https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032008192-Announcement-Channels- 08:14 < bridge> >https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032008192-Announcement-Channels-> 08:14 < bridge> 08:15 < bridge> Is there a built in feature to automatically publish messages? 08:20 < bridge> 😬 08:23 < bridge> did you read the link 08:23 < bridge> Yes, I did, did you? 08:35 < bridge> you select a channel and then people can choose to ‘subscribe’ to that channel. every message in that channel will be mirrored to any subscriber channels 08:35 < bridge> records is actually already an announcement channel 08:36 < bridge> so the bot feature is unnecessary 08:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162277545031516180/IMG_3707.png?ex=653b5a50&is=6528e550&hm=5e40b3afdfc211378c180554d8f19fddb62067ff904b349ecdc5141d33abaa3f& 08:36 < bridge> So you didn't read the article 08:36 < bridge> how does it work any differently 08:36 < bridge> it just doesn’t require the bot this way 08:36 < bridge> You haven't read Gwendals message and you linked to an article you haven't read yourself 08:37 < bridge> then tell me what i fucking missed 08:37 < bridge> The article even has a quick TLDR 08:38 < bridge> keywords are literally in quotes too 08:38 < bridge> yeah, the messages are published are they not 08:41 < bridge> Read the article you've linked yourself. :pepeW: 08:43 < bridge> derp 08:43 < bridge> the article isn’t the issue i just never saw gwendal’s message in the first place lol 08:43 < bridge> i just saw the bot feature and thought it was silly since an exact feature already exists on discord 08:44 < bridge> sorry 08:44 < bridge> still don’t know why they aren’t published messages though 09:23 < bridge> They come through a webhook, just no api to do it through there 09:24 < bridge> I wonder if we can have the bot watch that channel and publish everything 10:31 < bridge> it's not the only blocker, the dmg generation also uses Apple's proprietary tools 10:38 < bridge> if only the world used linux 10:38 < bridge> @learath2 do u know about https://skarnet.org/software/s6/index.html 10:39 < bridge> https://skarnet.org/software/s6/overview.html 10:41 < bridge> Yep, I never used it tho 10:41 < bridge> The only supervisor I tried under openrc was runit 10:41 < bridge> ic 10:41 < bridge> gm 10:42 < bridge> good 3 in the morning 10:42 < bridge> Sleep when? 10:42 < bridge> @learath2 i think it is better than runit, the only problem is its not as famous 10:42 < bridge> idk 10:42 < bridge> i have to be up at 7 10:42 < bridge> to get car from the shop 10:42 < bridge> after paying $700 for them to fix 10:42 < bridge> feelsbadman 10:43 < bridge> It might be, I never really looked too deep into it. Honestly, start-stop-daemon has never let me down 😄 10:43 < bridge> u should have a car mechanic friend 10:43 < bridge> i have one, but i have no car kek 10:43 < bridge> That's how I know pidfile races are raaare, a decade of messing around with servers and running linux desktops, only once did I have to deal with a pidfile issue and it was permissions 10:44 < bridge> I can see it being less rare at the scales of thousands of machines though 10:45 < bridge> Sell car, move to europ 10:45 < bridge> problem is they can’t find the time to do it 10:45 < bridge> No more maintainance cost for car, no more gas expense 10:45 < bridge> and i’d wanna pay them anyway 10:45 < bridge> yea 10:46 < bridge> would still like to have car tho 10:46 < bridge> car is cool 10:46 < bridge> :pepeW: 10:49 < bridge> And precision scheduled railroading is insanity too. Trains longer than the passing tracks.... 10:49 < bridge> amtrak is crazy expensive and just shoddily ran since nobody really uses it 10:50 < bridge> people really only do it to sightsee. i only know one person who’s used it to get from point a to point b, and that’s cuz they’re scared to fly 10:50 < bridge> idk about it 10:50 < bridge> There is that one cool route on that old seaside track on the west coast. I want to do that for sightseeing sometime 10:51 < bridge> im sure the route is cool but being on the west coast at all would ruin it for me 10:51 < bridge> To cut costs on personnel the freight companies started scheduling all freight at specific times so they can have monster trains that are so long that amtrak trains, even if they have priority, physically don't have the space to pass them 10:52 < bridge> damn 10:52 < bridge> Amazing for shareholder 📈 📈 10:52 < bridge> yeah 10:52 < bridge> typically 10:53 < bridge> Are you an east coast enjoyer or a midwest enjoyer? 10:53 < bridge> neither 10:53 < bridge> Perfect 10:53 < bridge> im in the mountains 10:53 < bridge> Alaskan? 10:53 < bridge> naw 10:53 < bridge> alaska cool tho 10:53 < bridge> im in Colorado 10:53 < bridge> considered west but not the same as west coast 10:54 < bridge> and technically im east of the continental divide 10:54 < bridge> i drive over it every few weeks 10:54 < bridge> Only people avoiding the law and crab catchers live in alaska 10:54 < bridge> perhaps 10:54 < bridge> Crab catchers sounds wrong. What does one call a person that catches crabs? 10:55 < bridge> fisherman 10:55 < bridge> Fisher? Surely not 10:55 < bridge> crabberman 10:55 < bridge> Are crab even fish? 😄 10:55 < bridge> nah 10:55 < bridge> overly sexually active 10:55 < bridge> Huh, apparently you still do fish for crab TIL 10:56 < bridge> yeah 10:56 < bridge> i like crab 10:56 < bridge> never had fresh crab only lobster 10:56 < bridge> it’s very hard when you’re this landlocked 11:00 < bridge> okay time to sleep for 4 hours 11:04 < bridge> lmao, i used wayland lately.. still way too unfinished 11:05 < bridge> in maplayers.cpp there often is a calculation * 6 * sizeof(unsigned int) 11:05 < bridge> 11:05 < bridge> u can change all occurances to remove the *6 * sizeof(...) 11:05 < bridge> and then apply it in the TileLayerVisual instead 11:06 < bridge> it's still legacy code when i used a different approach first. but it it's useless and makes the total number of tiles smaller 11:09 < bridge> I think we generated the DMG on linux before the change to also build the arm binaries 11:51 < bridge> https://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Rust-from-Chrome 12:10 < bridge> https://blog.kolo.app/optimising-rust-memory.html 12:10 < bridge> did somebody of you use "heaptrack" before? 🙂 12:13 < bridge> Oh, thanks for sharing. Life without any Rust is way more cleaner. 😉 12:32 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/176ts0b/iaskedaiforimagesofprogramminglanguagesashuman/ 13:14 < bridge> at work 13:14 < bridge> well i didnt use it myself 13:44 < bridge> Preventing our null partten 13:44 < bridge> NuLLL pointer dereressces 13:44 < bridge> nuuLL punte derererses 13:45 < bridge> Haskell and COBOL are the most accurate 13:45 < bridge> "RELAAIONTIIAL DABBABASES" 13:46 < bridge> also "data craces" :bluekitty: 13:46 < bridge> That's also important to prevent 13:47 < bridge> but to be fair, it managed to write the language name correctly nearly every time 13:47 < bridge> It is surprisingly good at generating actual letters. In my experience with stable diffusion, it only created things that vaguely look like letters if you look from afar 13:51 < bridge> <_gwendal> https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#discord.WebhookMessage.publish 13:51 < bridge> <_gwendal> https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#discord.Message.publish 13:51 < bridge> <_gwendal> ig the 2nd one is the easiest 13:52 < bridge> <_gwendal> btw, do anyone manually publish the messages in #announcements ? because they are, so maybe the bot already does it, just not in records 14:21 < bridge> Could be, I dont really remember 14:56 < bridge> Yes, but it doesn't support the nice DMG features with fancy images 15:11 < bridge> I think firefox generates DMGs on linux. is it using a DMGs without fancy images? 15:30 < bridge> that scoreboard lmao 15:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162381857606860850/image.png?ex=653bbb76&is=65294676&hm=7db32fb4f582981ece23056bdd6b53c57c99850dc202310b17627c8f6e35a63a& 15:31 < bridge> 0.5 15:32 < bridge> banger 15:32 < bridge> FontSize = 16,00 15:32 < bridge> 15:32 < bridge> oops, used , instead of . 15:33 < bridge> I tried to localize 0.5 with 0 c++ knowledge at the time 15:33 < bridge> failed so hard that I quit until 0.6 came out 15:33 < bridge> 15:33 < bridge> ez 15:33 < bridge> i must have joined shortly after 0.6 released 15:33 < bridge> so barely missed 0.5 15:34 < bridge> there weren't any servers for us to play anyway 15:39 < bridge> @ryozuki today is FFR 15:39 < bridge> r u tokio pro? 15:39 < bridge> Fixed Foveated Rendering 15:40 < bridge> O.O 15:40 < bridge> 15:40 < bridge> what neurons did i trigger here xd 15:40 < bridge> autocompletion 15:40 < bridge> VR 15:40 < bridge> what else xd 15:40 < bridge> :owo: 15:40 < bridge> seen too much 15:40 < bridge> also i have ADHD 15:41 < bridge> i c 15:41 < bridge> r u nvidia ceo now? 15:41 < bridge> after your 18h days for 1 year 15:41 < bridge> I think our new hire is super confused about how I communitate 15:48 < bridge> ask 15:48 < bridge> also what is FFR actually 15:48 < bridge> i dont wanna sound rude, but somehow lately it feels everyone on internet has adhd 15:48 < bridge> xd 15:48 < bridge> that's how I feel as well 15:49 < bridge> and i don't actually have ADHD, not diagnosed at least 15:49 < bridge> :owo: 15:49 < bridge> :owo: 15:49 < bridge> i think im normal 15:49 < bridge> :owo: 15:49 < bridge> :owo: I would love to know if I'm actually tho 15:50 < bridge> i kinda want to have control over when a current_thread runtime makes "one tick" 15:50 < bridge> smth like "advance all async jobs" 15:50 < bridge> i can use `block_on`. but that actually blocks the current thread until completion 15:51 < bridge> I think ADHD people love to tell everyone they might have ADHD as well 15:51 < bridge> :kek: 15:51 < bridge> yes 15:51 < bridge> and "depression" 15:51 < bridge> but talking about this is a bit taboo 15:51 < bridge> i just feel like people use their own bads to preach stuff or make it seem they got the reason just because they got x bad stuff 15:52 < bridge> haha i got cancer now i got the reason! 15:52 < bridge> anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk 15:52 < bridge> u mean polling? 15:53 < bridge> u can poll manually a future iirc 15:53 < bridge> its a bit more advanced 15:53 < bridge> me: hate people talking about that myers–briggs personality stuff. also me: haha adhd 15:53 < bridge> https://users.rust-lang.org/t/how-do-i-get-a-context-to-manually-call-poll/79898 15:53 < bridge> yeah i basically want to give all async tasks "thread time". but if they decide to yield, they should 15:53 < bridge> it should not result in a waiting state 15:53 < bridge> hmm maybe thats not possible 15:54 < bridge> i mean i think u cant forcefully make a task yield 15:54 < bridge> yeah but somehow e.g. io tasks do it 15:54 < bridge> tokio is a cooperative scheduler 15:54 < bridge> > Tasks are scheduled cooperatively. Most operating systems implement preemptive multitasking. This is a scheduling technique where the operating system allows each thread to run for a period of time, and then preempts it, temporarily pausing that thread and switching to another. Tasks, on the other hand, implement cooperative multitasking. In cooperative multitasking, a task is allowed to run until it yields, indicating to the Tokio runtime’s sc 15:55 < bridge> u cant do preemptive scheduling in tokio 15:55 < bridge> ah yeah i have no multithreading at all 15:55 < bridge> this is what golang is good at 15:55 < bridge> that's one problem xd 15:55 < bridge> mh ok 15:55 < bridge> 😭 15:55 < bridge> well its the advantage of having a gc 15:56 < bridge> u would need rust compiler support to do this this in rust iirc 15:56 < bridge> i think i mentioned this to @heinrich5991 once 15:56 < bridge> or i asked him xd 15:56 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks u can check execution time between tasks yields 15:57 < bridge> :poggers2: also a fun fact, ADHD medications is illegal here and have the same classification along with all the hard drugs. 15:57 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks what u working on btw 15:58 < bridge> i kinda would like to have some file system API.. but it should work as if u are not targeting WASM 15:58 < bridge> and i kinda dont want to introduce multi threading 15:58 < bridge> u mean this https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/fs/index.html ? 15:58 < bridge> iirc there was a high schooler got arrested for taking ritalin to improve focus. and they found him because his score got higher and a teacher got suspicious lmao. 15:58 < bridge> well wasm doesnt know about file systems 15:59 < bridge> so i made a custom API 15:59 < bridge> :poggers2: fun 15:59 < bridge> lol 15:59 < bridge> does it work so well? xd 15:59 < bridge> i always felt like shit after eating sugar to improve my performance xD 15:59 < bridge> probably not the whole story, but the premise is pretty funny 16:00 < bridge> sugar crush is a thing i think? 16:00 < bridge> I do feel like I never could work on a thing for more than a hour tho 16:00 < bridge> probably another reason i was doing 18 hour works just cuz I'm too slow 16:00 < bridge> :justatest: 16:00 < bridge> rest in peace 16:01 < bridge> 18h xd that's such anti life 16:01 < bridge> it must be teeworlds 3.0 to convince me to waste so much time 16:01 < bridge> ye, i haven't done that in two months which is a improvement i guess 16:01 < bridge> epic 16:01 < bridge> but I basically throw out my work to interns and just teach him to do them instead of doing works myself 16:02 < bridge> :justatest: probably not a ideal way of working 16:03 < bridge> but at least I could just fire like 10 ideas at him per day and do the implementation later instead of doing the boring stuff for an hour and cry 16:03 < bridge> it’s very effective 16:03 < bridge> are you experienced 16:04 < bridge> in adhd medications 16:04 < bridge> not really 16:04 < bridge> I’ve taken them 16:04 < bridge> are you neurotypical 16:04 < bridge> idk 16:04 < bridge> probably 16:05 < bridge> it’s hard to make yourself put in the effort to do something when you know there’s a pill that will let you do it without hesitation 16:05 < bridge> if it just work on anyone that's probably why it is illegal here, cuz it is kinda weird for a drug to control mental processing 16:05 < bridge> i honestly thought it wasn't really useful for normal people 16:06 < bridge> if it just work on anyone that's probably why it is illegal here, cuz it is kinda weird for a drug to control people's mental processing ability 16:07 < bridge> some would say the tech industry in the western world is run by adderall 16:07 < bridge> probably other industries too 16:08 < bridge> that's doesn't sound healthy 16:08 < bridge> definitely not 16:08 < bridge> that doesn't sound healthy 16:08 < bridge> it is also kinda wild that there are so many type of drugs that are FDA approved and you can just buy them OTC in the US tho, but ethanol is just a huge no-no there. 16:08 < bridge> wdym 16:09 < bridge> ethanol is sold ‘ootc’ to anyone 21+ 16:09 < bridge> i mean that ( 16:09 < bridge> u thinking the age limit is ridiculous? 16:09 < bridge> kinda 16:09 < bridge> yeah it is kinda 16:10 < bridge> well drinking alchohols maybe it's fair 16:10 < bridge> our rubbing alchohols are all ethanol based and available on shelves. i've never seen isopropyl alchohol here in china 16:10 < bridge> why else would you buy it? it’s already in most gasoline as an additive for efficiency’s sake & rubbing alcohol is usually isopropanol 16:10 < bridge> can you make vodka just out of pure alchohol 16:11 < bridge> im no expert but you could probably water it down for a spirit that won’t kill you 16:11 < bridge> interesting 16:11 < bridge> also some store clerk are a jerk 16:12 < bridge> people even drink mouthwash. nothing to stop them if it’s just pure off the shelf 16:12 < bridge> mostly homeless people 16:12 < bridge> alcoholism is one of the saddest conditions around here 16:12 < bridge> i was 23 while i was in the US but I don't just bring my passport everywhere, a 7-11 clerk refused to sell my friend a drink just because we talked and made me feel bad 16:13 < bridge> he would be on the line if he didn’t id you 16:13 < bridge> i can feel like he felt like he was doing justice 16:13 < bridge> don’t feel bad 16:13 < bridge> he would be in trouble if he didn’t i.d. you 16:13 < bridge> maybe not 30 years ago but that’s how it is now 16:13 < bridge> i payed for my own stuff 16:13 < bridge> they i.d. old people 16:13 < bridge> i paid for my own stuff 16:13 < bridge> he wasn't in the same line 16:13 < bridge> even if they’re sure the customer is 21+ they still do it 16:14 < bridge> it was kinda weird someone would just notice us talking even tho we are not even heading to the same place. 16:14 < bridge> i just happened to run into the guy 16:14 < bridge> and they refused to sell him a drink 16:14 < bridge> :wtf: 16:14 < bridge> damn 16:14 < bridge> i just happen to run into the guy 16:15 < bridge> man i still hate that guy lol 16:15 < bridge> i didn't like the way he talked to my friend either 16:15 < bridge> oh i misread this 16:15 < bridge> overall very weird experience 16:15 < bridge> you have to i.d. everyone involved always 16:16 < bridge> as to avoid selling the alcohol to a minor indirectly 16:16 < bridge> same deal 16:16 < bridge> like that would actually work but i guess it is fair 16:16 < bridge> It used to 16:16 < bridge> still didn't like the way he talks tho 16:16 < bridge> most 7-11 clerks are assholes 16:17 < bridge> a sorry we can't sell that to you is probably fine. 16:17 < bridge> yeah 16:17 < bridge> he was like nice try dude, don't think we wouldn't know 16:17 < bridge> one of my neighbors works at a 7-11 and he wears full face protection as to conceal his identity (???) and wears a bodycam at all time 16:18 < bridge> lmao 16:18 < bridge> and chewed out my then 9 year old brother over playing with a sign near the parking lot that happened to say that he had exclusive parking in that spot 16:18 < bridge> despite the fact that the sign was not hurt and he did actually not own the sign 16:19 < bridge> they’re insane people 16:19 < bridge> lots of ppl in this tax bracket are insane 😀 16:20 < bridge> 16:21 < bridge> :owo: oh speaking of age limit 16:21 < bridge> i’m like 95 percent sure the lady above us abuses her 2 or 3 kids 16:22 < bridge> china lowered legal age of consent 16:23 < bridge> my little brother befriended one of these kids and now he knocks at the door every few days without fail asking if he can come out and play. sometimes he does it during school hours (why isn’t he at school?) and he typically looks like he hasn’t bathed or been bathed in weeks 16:23 < bridge> but still no sexual material allowed for anyone and no video games until 18 16:23 < bridge> considering calling CPS but we don’t have any evidence 16:23 < bridge> damn 16:23 < bridge> it was lowered to 14 16:23 < bridge> no video games 16:23 < bridge> lmfao 16:23 < bridge> no fun zone 16:25 < bridge> i think the game industry here are trying so hard to change that, but it only got more strict 16:25 < bridge> are you seen as equal to someone who produces porn or smth 16:25 < bridge> as a game dev 16:25 < bridge> multi companies are trying to form an age rating system for video games, but at this point the ratings are really stupid now. 16:25 < bridge> you mean a fixed time slice with optional yielding? no, that's not possible 16:26 < bridge> :pepeW: 16:27 < bridge> no video games until 18? oO 16:27 < bridge> that sounds impossible to enforce, even in china 16:27 < bridge> well on paper 16:27 < bridge> don't children have smartphones? 16:27 < bridge> oh 16:27 < bridge> don't you worry 16:28 < bridge> with the power of the great firewall, only registered games are playable to most people i think 16:28 < bridge> and all video games published here are required to ID check 16:28 < bridge> do people <18 actually not play games? 16:28 < bridge> what about the apple app store? does apple allow control there? 16:28 < bridge> i have never taken these drugs 16:28 < bridge> apple store are censored 16:29 < bridge> sorry my American brain defaults to western world = usa 16:29 < bridge> apple as a legal business in china have to comply with local law so not really surprising? 16:29 < bridge> because you are not in the western hemisphere 16:29 < bridge> america kek 16:30 < bridge> no games in the apple app store unless you prove to be 18+? 16:30 < bridge> you can download some 16:30 < bridge> no 16:30 < bridge> you can download games 16:30 < bridge> i actually don't care how long the task runs. it should just not block 16:30 < bridge> here most 24h stores or places that sell till late are run by pakistanies or turks, and they just have shitload of cameras and well they are always in group 16:30 < bridge> also interested in the answer to this, I would have thought this to be actually impossible @tsfreddie 16:30 < bridge> but you can't login 16:30 < bridge> none of the games are offline 16:30 < bridge> block in a sense of io blocking 16:30 < bridge> not bcs of runtime 16:30 < bridge> it's not allowed to publish offline video games unless the platform itself has age verification but the platform has to be registered as a publisher 16:30 < bridge> there's no enforcement of this AFAIK 16:31 < bridge> in rust 16:31 < bridge> note that even `println!` is IO ^^ 16:31 < bridge> println is slow iirc 16:31 < bridge> yeah it also doesnt exist on WASM by default 16:31 < bridge> legally you can play games as under age, but it was like 3 hours per week and only on friday saturday and sunday between 8 and 9 pm 16:31 < bridge> getting the io lock and writing is faster i think 16:31 < bridge> and the illegal way is just steam 16:31 < bridge> i think mobile game are basically no way around 16:32 < bridge> yes, but kind of unrelated to the question at hand 16:32 < bridge> the symptoms of adhd are pretty relatable..and just reading about it makes u think u may have it 16:32 < bridge> well my point was not that anyway 16:32 < bridge> i personally didn't find these stuff difficult, but I constantly see people asking how to register other games, which involves proxies and stuff 16:32 < bridge> ok, so in a typical school class of 14 year old people. how many would play video games? @tsfreddie 16:32 < bridge> for pc, steam is available with no age restriction 16:32 < bridge> its just people using their possible neuropathies (or idk the word) as a sense of look i have this, and its a valid point in my argument kind of thing 16:33 < bridge> honestly, no idea 16:33 < bridge> its just people using their possible neuropathies (or idk the word) as a sense of look i have this, and trying to make it as if its a valid point in my argument kind of thing 16:33 < bridge> its just people using their possible neuropathies (or idk the word) as a sense of look i have this, and trying to make it as if its a valid point in their argument kind of thing 16:33 < bridge> the restriction is emposed two years ago 16:33 < bridge> i'm already an adult 16:33 < bridge> if you want my personal experience at age 14. then ye, i don't think anyone played any video games 16:34 < bridge> @tsfreddie do families follow the restriction at homes 16:34 < bridge> or just let the kid play 16:34 < bridge> damn 16:34 < bridge> sad life 16:34 < bridge> cuz phones aren't allowed at all at school and school hours were like 6am to 11pm 16:34 < bridge> I think this thing existed 10 years ago aswell..I used to play on chinese gameservers that doesn't allow u to play more than 3hours/day if you don't have verified age identity 16:34 < bridge> no phones in school 16:34 < bridge> another stupid rule 16:34 < bridge> that's per day. it is changed to per week on specific hours 16:35 < bridge> i think a crack down on education hours, put a lot of student back at home off school, so they just restricted more on video games 16:35 < bridge> i think a crack down on education hours put a lot of student back at home off school, so they just restricted more on video games 16:35 < bridge> it's probably illegal to hold school hours after 6pm now 16:36 < bridge> @thekid36 are u from china? 16:37 < bridge> I watched the change happen while we were working on a moblie game 16:37 < bridge> it was so stupid 16:37 < bridge> most mobile game changed their targeted audience overnight 16:37 < bridge> well limiting in this way what peopel can do is stupid 16:37 < bridge> i mean somehow tokio does this internally. all i want is control over it xd 16:37 < bridge> 16:37 < bridge> try_run_tasks 16:37 < bridge> 16:37 < bridge> so i guess it doesn't exists, rip 16:37 < bridge> Nope, but I'm chinese xd 16:37 < bridge> lol? 16:37 < bridge> @tsfreddie do u feel chinese anime will ever be something good 16:38 < bridge> lol 16:38 < bridge> maybe 16:38 < bridge> i mean 16:38 < bridge> if you do `std::io`/`std::fs` in a tokio task, tokio can't interrupt you 16:38 < bridge> i hope so? 16:38 < bridge> i don't watch them tho 16:38 < bridge> yes, but ofc i use the tokio variants 16:38 < bridge> ah 16:38 < bridge> now I understand the question 16:38 < bridge> @tsfreddie i know i wont watch chinese anime, because idk why but i cant stand chinese in anime, japanese sounds way better and fluid for me idk 16:38 < bridge> let me think 16:38 < bridge> maybe im just too used to it 16:38 < bridge> i also dislike korean 16:38 < bridge> racist 16:38 < bridge> chinese people feels the same way actually 16:39 < bridge> korean manhwa is good af tho 16:39 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks you could probably "just" call the poll function of all the futures you're interested in 16:40 < bridge> actually stratch that, i can't speak for all chinese people anyway 16:40 < bridge> @tsfreddie chinese manga is usually a bit boring too, and i think they cant put too much fanservice if u get what i mean 16:40 < bridge> or blood 16:40 < bridge> personally i think chinese voice acting is too new and still adjusting to the influence from japanese culture 16:41 < bridge> i mean japanese Seiyū are on another level 16:41 < bridge> its what makes anime so epic 16:41 < bridge> the old chinese cartoon voice acting are decent with that era of animation styles. but the traditional animation studio are disappearing. 16:42 < bridge> actually I'm probably not entirely sure whether I understand what you want yet 16:42 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsnxhALA-x4 16:42 < bridge> also i love the english-japanese accent 16:43 < bridge> not in that new stuff sucks, i just think they probably need to re-establish they acting principles from scratch cuz they are just trying to sound japanese while speaking chinese at this moment 16:43 < bridge> have you watched any english dub 16:43 < bridge> u think im a sinner? 16:43 < bridge> english dub is probably how i feel about chinese voice acting at this stage 16:43 < bridge> xd 16:44 < bridge> i cannot stand dubs 16:44 < bridge> i kinda wish the traditional chinese animation could make a modern return tho 16:44 < bridge> don't know how 16:44 < bridge> normal tokio will run tasks in the background. when a task yields, it puts the task at the end of the queue again (and handles it later) or smth like that 16:44 < bridge> 16:44 < bridge> i basically want to run the queue too, and if a task yields. want to ignore it for now (until the next time my wasm module is called) 16:44 < bridge> but I wish 16:44 < bridge> i can’t stand voice acting in general 16:45 < bridge> ah, so you want to be the executor yourself, somehow? 16:45 < bridge> yes 16:45 < bridge> perhaps you could patch tokio to do that? 16:45 < bridge> maybe xd 16:45 < bridge> well i guess for now i'll change my strategy and not directly support async code 16:46 < bridge> https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/1597 16:46 < bridge> closed in favor of https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/4827 16:46 < bridge> well generally tokio works on WASM, but i can only `block_on` tasks 16:46 < bridge> and that's smth i don't want 16:46 < bridge> and over WASI i am not sure if they allow threads to run 16:47 < bridge> which i do not want 16:50 < bridge> holy moly, how is it 11pm already. i feel like i just got home 16:51 < bridge> moment 16:51 < bridge> gn everyone 16:51 < bridge> gn fred 16:51 < bridge> good night 16:54 < bridge> gn 17:09 < bridge> @mpft u wont sleep right 17:09 < bridge> wdym 17:09 < bridge> ur awake 17:10 < bridge> I’m getting my car 17:10 < bridge> It’s 9am 17:10 < bridge> xd 17:10 < bridge> did u sleep 17:10 < bridge> Yea 17:10 < bridge> time flies 17:10 < bridge> Not much 17:10 < bridge> indeed 17:11 < bridge> I’m never paying to fix a starter again 17:12 < bridge> My wallet hurts 17:17 < bridge> `yield_now()` ? 17:33 < bridge> i was hoping the mechanic would do a bit more thorough of an inspection. looks like he didn't catch the rotor damage i have on the right driver's side 17:33 < bridge> says brake pads have 80% left but i know that right one's squeaking already 17:33 < bridge> xd 17:33 < bridge> highway robbery 17:33 < bridge> @learath2 my point is that u cant make a task yield between its await points 17:33 < bridge> cuz its cooperative 17:33 < bridge> i was hoping the mechanic would do a bit more thorough of an inspection. looks like he didn't catch the rotor damage i have on the front passenger's side 17:34 < bridge> but i meant outside of the task 17:34 < bridge> idk how to say it 17:34 < bridge> xd 17:41 < bridge> Well yeah this one is impossible 17:41 < bridge> That sort of interrupt you'll have to be on a lower level 18:07 < bridge> But that wouldn't fix or explain my issue. It seems like while loading a 10x10k map ddner takes about 11GBs of ram. When finished it takes about 800mb which is expected 18:08 < bridge> But that wouldn't fix or explain my issue. It seems like while loading a 10x10k map ddnet takes about 11GBs of ram. When finished it takes about 800mb which is expected 18:10 < bridge> then it takes 11GB vram 18:10 < bridge> is the 10kx10k map full of tiles? 18:10 < bridge> like no air 18:10 < bridge> There is air 18:11 < bridge> It's a matze generation including hook unhook freeze and air 18:11 < bridge> It's a maze generation including hook unhook freeze and air 18:11 < bridge> 10kx10k is quite a lot xd 18:12 < bridge> 100 million tiles 18:12 < bridge> But it should still not take 11 gigs 18:12 < bridge> storing 100 million tiles on the GPU 18:12 < bridge> with 11 gigs 18:12 < bridge> sounds ok xd 18:13 < bridge> it's also per layer ofc 18:14 < bridge> huh? When the map is loaded my GPU memory isn't even half full and those 11gigs disintegrate in to nothing 18:14 < bridge> mh 18:14 < bridge> i think in a worst case the driver doubles the memory 18:14 < bridge> so i dunno where u get that 11gigs from 18:15 < bridge> It's the same across backends. 18:15 < bridge> Usually it should only take 10000*10000*32 bits right? 18:15 < bridge> It's the same across backends. 18:15 < bridge> Usually it should only take 10000*10000* 32 bits right? 18:16 < bridge> F 18:16 < bridge> Markdown is fking with me 18:16 < bridge> It's the same across backends. 18:16 < bridge> Usually it should only take `10000*10000*32` bits right? 18:17 < bridge> this is for gpu, in gpu world everything is compact, but in ram space it may get multiplied many times 18:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162423818493632563/image.png?ex=653be28b&is=65296d8b&hm=2a3572b3443a8ec728da916204466b8218bc7ce5ccc560e7be94568636d9ead2& 18:18 < bridge> I'll get on my PC and send the map. brb 18:18 < bridge> well one quad has 4 vertices 18:19 < bridge> this is not even close for reasons stated above ^ 18:19 < bridge> 1 vertex can contain a coordinate, and a 3d texture coordinate 18:19 < bridge> and actually even a color 18:19 < bridge> the color is normalized to u8 18:19 < bridge> 4bytes for color, 12 bytes for tex coords and 8 bytes for the position 18:20 < bridge> Then why does it only take so much space when initialising and why can I render it in the editor fine? 18:20 < bridge> the editor uploads stuff on fly 18:20 < bridge> I'm only using the game layer 18:20 < bridge> when that one padding u8 is taking up extra 500mb space xd 18:20 < bridge> i dunno why it fills to 11 gigs. but i'd be surprised if your VRAM is not at around at least 5 gigs 18:21 < bridge> nah it won't do that i think 18:21 < bridge> ik, im just joking 18:22 < bridge> @teero777 can u send a screenshot of one of these maps in the editor? 18:23 < bridge> this is gameplay 18:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162425273589973082/image.png?ex=653be3e6&is=65296ee6&hm=890de9513ae3ff2d9f1864bbbbf5d98574ff4a87f1646d0c36dcac544b4712e5& 18:23 < bridge> according to the calculator each tile would take up ~120 bytes 18:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162425304824938577/image.png?ex=653be3ed&is=65296eed&hm=3785fbc07f5552225cde450aefb1bbd12a2f65635dd0a0613c37c545a40e7f64& 18:23 < bridge> i mean a screenshot with editor panel 😄 18:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162425328178831511/10x10k.map?ex=653be3f3&is=65296ef3&hm=49da9b4f8091606c6f0f3a0bdf9f908eb2548e20a6cb1bd3f9225fd490a71a58& 18:23 < bridge> uhh xd 18:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162425452728684584/image.png?ex=653be410&is=65296f10&hm=4b8c480905d88ab22e5a0611146a13d2c8c33a4b3fc9395684aaaf2c4c3fa74b& 18:23 < bridge> a totaly possible gores map 18:24 < bridge> ah ok, can u just share the map? 18:24 < bridge> ?? 18:24 < bridge> use your eyes xd 18:24 < bridge> i can't load my eyes into ddnet 18:24 < bridge> ^ 18:24 < bridge> AAAAA 18:25 < bridge> B 18:25 < bridge> thanks 18:25 < bridge> yea is sent that map back in time after you asked your question ofc 18:25 < bridge> my arch storage is so small 18:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162425942883450900/image.png?ex=653be485&is=65296f85&hm=542af04521e3d73889783af56b529eda38b9608f61d88605d7361fc9c2f0bf3d& 18:25 < bridge> i'm sweeting 18:25 < bridge> xDD 18:26 < bridge> YOU SHOULD `cargo clean` YOUR PROJECTS NOW!!! 18:26 < bridge> ik y and I won't tell xD 18:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162426313102077972/image.png?ex=653be4dd&is=65296fdd&hm=c26d672967ad574aa28b85e4aa2f196330642afb95d469a6357f3dec596e7a7e& 18:27 < bridge> xd that indeed takes like 5 gigs, but still ok 18:27 < bridge> :) 18:27 < bridge> @teero777 all except staging is VRAM 18:27 < bridge> so 7.6 GB VRAM 18:28 < bridge> I still have to contact Chiller because idk if he's intersted 18:28 < bridge> > >>> 10000 * 10000 * 24 * 4 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 18:28 < bridge> > 8.940696716308594 18:28 < bridge> maybe that 24 factor is wrong 18:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162426614030811257/2023-10-13_18-26-54.mp4?ex=653be525&is=65297025&hm=3ae70cdfabcc21d22141f3b2e0806d3dc8dcc358ba08dd0bb663cd4f87f14308& 18:28 < bridge> here 18:28 < bridge> width * height * floats * bytes_per_float 18:29 < bridge> for a sec i thought you said 'well done' i was like damn 18:29 < bridge> yep, but you have to understand one thing 18:29 < bridge> 18:29 < bridge> ddnet, having both opengl and vulkan, does not write into driver memory directly 18:29 < bridge> so it can happen that some of the upload buffers exist twice 18:29 < bridge> once by the driver, once by us 18:29 < bridge> that is shit 18:29 < bridge> i mean even without that, it would still use like 8GB RAM 18:30 < bridge> Why do you need 10k x 10k 18:30 < bridge> need for speed 18:30 < bridge> lol 18:30 < bridge> kek 18:30 < bridge> it's a square. 5kx5k would already be 4 times smaller 18:30 < bridge> my goal is 100x100k but ig its a little bit far fetched 18:30 < bridge> 2.5kx2.5k would be 16 times smaller 18:31 < bridge> probably for some kind of machine learning :justatest: 18:31 < bridge> is there a reason not to render tiles like in the editor? 18:31 < bridge> @teero777 if u don't share it in public. simply use opengl 1.x 18:31 < bridge> whats the diff? 18:31 < bridge> opengl 1 uses the same method as editor 18:32 < bridge> but it will be slower, if that matters for u 18:32 < bridge> yea isn't even springlobe like 3k x 3k xd 18:32 < bridge> I think it would be easier to rewrite the game and server to procedurally render and physics the map if you want 100k x 100k 18:32 < bridge> still 10k is within the realm of possibility 18:32 < bridge> omgg 18:32 < bridge> opengl 1.4 is soooo fast 18:33 < bridge> ? 18:33 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i love you 18:33 < bridge> thx 18:33 < bridge> Let's hope for @learath2 and @gotroyb to do it for us ;) 18:33 < bridge> what gpu do you have that the 1.4 driver is rly better than vulkan 18:33 < bridge> sad 18:33 < bridge> Vulkan is not faster?? 18:33 < bridge> it definitely can be 18:33 < bridge> the 10x10k gets loadded in 1 second 18:33 < bridge> it is faster in rendering 18:33 < bridge> ah 18:33 < bridge> but it does buffering 18:33 < bridge> vulkan is more memory consuming i think, cuz pipelines and stuff 18:33 < bridge> vulkan is why i can have 2k skins 18:34 < bridge> system memory backing for textures and such 18:34 < bridge> buy rtx 4090 18:34 < bridge> xd 18:34 < bridge> no thanks 18:34 < bridge> 20x20k works wooooh 18:34 < bridge> People using 2k skins when the entire skin takes up 100x100 pixels on their screen 18:34 < bridge> :justatest: 18:34 < bridge> i love it 18:34 < bridge> it's more sentimental 18:36 < bridge> btw besides the RAM limit, the physics will not work correctly anyway 18:36 < bridge> but for some reason hd textures still look better 18:36 < bridge> yea sure floating point rambazamba will be ther 18:37 < bridge> but client crashes it seems when i make a 100000x100000 map in the editor 18:37 < bridge> when it can write directly into vulkan driver memory it takes around 6 seconds for me 18:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162428830607228938/image.png?ex=653be736&is=65297236&hm=550d6dd0797e84978ea5abc81e40ffa3714b429684ff87e8c49a0f07725bca85& 18:38 < bridge> without open = excluding opening the file 18:38 < bridge> but tbh it probably is so slow for a different reason 18:38 < bridge> our current map format saves air tiles 18:39 < bridge> so it iterates over all air tiles too 18:39 < bridge> hmmm 18:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162429401447813270/image.png?ex=653be7be&is=652972be&hm=69b831b9d918a4a2f384936629516b847ea75a8d98ae4876aecb7a3ee8210282& 18:39 < bridge> @patiga how did u solve that issue with your tw-gpu 18:39 < bridge> air tiles? 18:39 < bridge> iterating over them 18:39 < bridge> when openinig the file 18:39 < bridge> it kinda sucks xd 18:40 < bridge> don't actually think that this is an issue, it should be quick 18:40 < bridge> how big was that? 😄 18:40 < bridge> I mean I upload the 2d-array to the gpu anyways ^^ 18:40 < bridge> @patiga well apparently it takes 6.3 seconds to create the buffer 18:40 < bridge> and i kinda doubt it's the allocation or mem_copy 18:41 < bridge> soon i'll try out a better file map format 18:41 < bridge> `>>> 4 * 32 * 100000 * 100000 18:41 < bridge> 1280000000000` 18:41 < bridge> uhh 18:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162430028705959936/image.png?ex=653be853&is=65297353&hm=9dfa2e1b2cd55e4dcb0d77e303ec00fc3a1aee241fbf9e168ea84a123c2afe22& 18:42 < bridge> i dislike the current for some obvious reasons anyway 18:42 < bridge> it seems i need to upgrade my swapfile 18:42 < bridge> sounds sane. just buy better hardware xd 18:42 < bridge> but why Bits to GBytes? 18:42 < bridge> well tbf its an unreasonable map, can't test it straight away coz I don't render the game layer 18:42 < bridge> this 18:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162430281052070028/image.png?ex=653be88f&is=6529738f&hm=5a0ebec11a72ab1b461b8dcfc5c2206e6ae33fa010435ef0862a3b80722bfbf6& 18:42 < bridge> or why 4*32 ? 18:43 < bridge> but why *4? 18:43 < bridge> it does `CTile *pNewData = new CTile[NewW * NewH];` 18:43 < bridge> ah right 18:43 < bridge> 100000x100000 18:43 < bridge> yeah all fine 18:43 < bridge> 100000*100000 18:43 < bridge> but unsigned char is 8 bits 18:43 < bridge> 1 byte 18:43 < bridge> oh lol 18:43 < bridge> i read int 18:43 < bridge> mb 18:43 < bridge> cant read 18:44 < bridge> ~`>>> 4 * 32 * 100000 * 100000 18:44 < bridge> 1280000000000`~ 18:44 < bridge> uhh 18:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162430028705959936/image.png?ex=653be853&is=65297353&hm=9dfa2e1b2cd55e4dcb0d77e303ec00fc3a1aee241fbf9e168ea84a123c2afe22& 18:44 < bridge> btw the challenge here for linux or what u use, is allocating it in one block xD 18:44 < bridge> `>>> 4 * 32 * 100000 * 100000 18:44 < bridge> 1280000000000` 18:44 < bridge> uhh 18:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162430028705959936/image.png?ex=653be853&is=65297353&hm=9dfa2e1b2cd55e4dcb0d77e303ec00fc3a1aee241fbf9e168ea84a123c2afe22& 18:44 < bridge> i also don't have enough RAM :c 18:45 < bridge> okay it is still 40 gigs though 18:45 < bridge> i only have 32 + 4gb swap 18:45 < bridge> i have enough with swap on my debian install 18:45 < bridge> but not on my arch 😂 18:46 < bridge> but i'm not sure if the allocation works tho 18:46 < bridge> i mean linux is good, maybe it works there xdd 18:46 < bridge> but this is really a weird allocation 18:46 < bridge> i could do a 50x50k map though 18:46 < bridge> i really wonder why such map sizes help for training 18:47 < bridge> as said the physics are broken at these coordinates 18:47 < bridge> they dont im just having fun 18:47 < bridge> oh ok 18:47 < bridge> 😂 18:47 < bridge> you really thought i was doing smth useful 18:47 < bridge> ill do a AStar timelapse maybe 18:48 < bridge> yes i totally expected that XD 19:05 < bridge> I would suggest a max size of like 8k (8192), as it is the first power of two after the biggest map size in ddnet 19:05 < bridge> seems like 50x50k gives me a bad alloc in the editor ;( 19:05 < bridge> 50x42k works fine ig 19:05 < bridge> (and map size matters for the raycast tilemap rendering approach) 19:05 < bridge> i suggest that RAM prices drop so hard that everyone has 512GB 19:06 < bridge> 👍 19:06 < bridge> i live on ddr2 19:12 < bridge> 512 gb of ddr2 is probably pretty cheap but it's impossible to make a system with that much ddr2 19:13 < bridge> yeah 19:13 < bridge> https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/64GB-Samsung-DDR4-3200-DIMM-CL22-Single_1335445.html 19:13 < bridge> 64gb ddr4 for 122€ 19:13 < bridge> i have 8 times 4 gigs in my system 19:13 < bridge> 256GB RAM total if ur mobo supports it 19:14 < bridge> We can, but we'll probably get ratelimited fairly quick. There's a 10 message per hour limit. 19:15 < bridge> bruhh i made the 50x42k map and the client crashed while saving it ;(( 19:15 < bridge> Wait do they rate limit web hooks to 10 messages and hour? 19:15 < bridge> crashed or hanged 19:15 < bridge> No, but publishing messages. 19:15 < bridge> segfaulted 19:16 < bridge> #records can be quite active at times, especially during new map releases. 19:18 < bridge> 40x40 works 19:19 < bridge> epic 19:19 < bridge> 40MB file? 19:19 < bridge> wait ill check 19:19 < bridge> more 19:20 < bridge> 82MB 19:20 < bridge> xd 19:25 < bridge> aaa 19:25 < bridge> the server crashed while loading the 40x40 map 19:26 < bridge> ```2023-10-13 19:25:33 I chat: *** 'Teero' called vote to change server option 'Map: BIG_MAZE' (No reason given) 19:26 < bridge> 2023-10-13 19:25:33 I chat: *** Vote passed 19:26 < bridge> [1] 8238 segmentation fault (core dumped) DDNet-Server``` 19:26 < bridge> welp its back to debugging 19:27 < bridge> probably another accident where i apparently dont have enugh memory 19:32 < bridge> heres the map btw 19:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1162442841419689984/BIG_MAZE.map?ex=653bf442&is=65297f42&hm=fb0deb4bd45dc4a78c8be9a0c696a81a245b862e7271577175c8b47c9304ce5e& 19:33 < bridge> ``` 19:33 < bridge> void CLayers::InitTilemapSkip() 19:33 < bridge> { 19:33 < bridge> for(int g = 0; g < NumGroups(); g++) 19:33 < bridge> { 19:34 < bridge> const CMapItemGroup *pGroup = GetGroup(g); 19:34 < bridge> 19:34 < bridge> for(int l = 0; l < pGroup->m_NumLayers; l++) 19:34 < bridge> { 19:34 < bridge> const CMapItemLayer *pLayer = GetLayer(pGroup->m_StartLayer + l); 19:34 < bridge> 19:34 < bridge> if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) 19:34 < bridge> { 19:34 < bridge> const CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTilemap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; 19:34 < bridge> CTile *pTiles = (CTile *)m_pMap->GetData(pTilemap->m_Data); 19:34 < bridge> for(int y = 0; y < pTilemap->m_Height; y++) 19:34 < bridge> { 19:34 < bridge> for(int x = 1; x < pTilemap->m_Width;) 19:34 < bridge> { 19:34 < bridge> int SkippedX; 19:34 < bridge> for(SkippedX = 1; x + SkippedX < pTilemap->m_Width && SkippedX < 255; SkippedX++) 19:34 < bridge> { 19:34 < bridge> if(pTiles[y * pTilemap->m_Width + x + SkippedX].m_Index) <<< segfault 19:34 < bridge> break; 19:34 < bridge> } 19:34 < bridge> 19:34 < bridge> pTiles[y * pTilemap->m_Width + x].m_Skip = SkippedX - 1; 19:34 < bridge> x += SkippedX; 19:34 < bridge> } 19:34 < bridge> } 19:34 < bridge> } 19:34 < bridge> ~probably another accident where i apparently dont have enugh memory~ 19:34 < bridge> We assume `w * h` does not cause an integer overflow in various places 19:35 < bridge> For square maps, `w * h` overflows at around `w = h = 46340` 19:35 < bridge> hmm. width and height are 40k 19:35 < bridge> or rather 40001 19:36 < bridge> are all types `int`? 19:36 < bridge> like `m_Width` 19:37 < bridge> like `m_Width`? 19:37 < bridge> yep 19:37 < bridge> In the map format yes, in other functions we try to switch to `size_t` 19:37 < bridge> ig they should atleast be unsigned 19:37 < bridge> ig they should atleast be unsigned ints 19:38 < bridge> this is C++, people don't know that number types other than `int` exist xd 19:38 < bridge> what does that function even do? i mean `void CLayers::InitTilemapSkip()` 19:40 < bridge> It initializes `m_Skip` for tiles. This is used to skip tiles which are empty during rendering (at least before the fancy buffering) 19:40 < bridge> it actually segfaults because it converts index into a pointer i think, cuz u gotta multiply index by size of one tile and add array base pointer\ 19:40 < bridge> it actually segfaults because it converts index into a pointer i think, cuz u gotta multiply index by size of one tile and add array base pointer 19:40 < bridge> it actually segfaults **when** converts index into a pointer i think, cuz u gotta multiply index by size of one tile and add array base pointer 19:40 < bridge> it actually segfaults **when** it converts index into a pointer i think, cuz u gotta multiply index by size of one tile and add array base pointer 19:42 < bridge> +1 reason to rewrite ddnet in rust :brownbear: 19:44 < bridge> pTiles is just not constructed correctly 19:45 < bridge> or rather whatever is behind pTiles 19:46 < bridge> but it segfaults when trying to access it, not because of what's inside? 19:47 < bridge> im sure u wont be able to open a map this huge without rewriting a lot of ints into long longs :) 19:53 < bridge> #define int long long int :santatrollet: 20:29 < bridge> there might be a major bug. 20:31 < bridge> since i should even be able to load the map if its only ints. 40000*40000 i only 1,600,000,000 20:31 < bridge> which is way under the limit. 20:31 < bridge> it also seems like the pTiles array is exactly as big as the file size which should not be the case 21:45 < bridge> <_gwendal> I don't know if it ever reached 10 messages an hour tho 22:41 < bridge> I’m going to take a nap 22:41 < bridge> gn 23:41 < bridge> the actual data size is over is an additional factor of 4, which should bring it over the limit 23:42 < bridge> and the data size is also stored as a signed 32 bit integer in the map 23:49 < bridge> So the maximum size of a square game layer should be 23170x23170