03:51 < bridge> why are you always doing cool stuff 09:25 < bridge> :owo: 09:35 < bridge> hi ryoi fhuiehfb 09:36 < bridge> are you aware 09:36 < bridge> ye 09:58 < bridge> do you moisturize 09:58 < bridge> very important 10:23 < bridge> Except when it causes memory corruption on your production systems, I spent quite some time reproducing and figuring that out: https://github.com/moka-rs/moka/issues/281 The author was extremely helpful though. 10:24 < bridge> ohh 10:24 < bridge> well bugs can happen 10:25 < bridge> would u still not recommend or recommend moka 10:25 < bridge> `cd moka && git grep unsafe | wc -l` returns 191 btw. It seems to be doing lots of manual memory stuff 10:25 < bridge> i see 10:25 < bridge> i think the readme lists some alternatives 10:25 < bridge> We haven't used it since then, so no idea 10:25 < bridge> did u try them too? 10:26 < bridge> what do you use 10:26 < bridge> No, we just implemented our own without unsafe code 10:26 < bridge> oh nice 10:27 < bridge> i didnt know moka used so much unsafe 10:32 < bridge> vi sitter har i venten och spelar lite dota 10:34 < bridge> ye 10:36 < bridge> are u winning 10:40 < bridge> equal 10:40 < bridge> im streaming it on discord if u wanna see 10:40 < bridge> dota is better than league 10:41 < bridge> nice frames 10:41 < bridge> does it look bad? 10:41 < bridge> xd 10:41 < bridge> discord sucks 10:41 < bridge> it's good now 10:41 < bridge> it sucked for a sec 10:42 < bridge> oh i gotta go to bed 10:42 < bridge> xd 10:42 < bridge> dayummmm when it get so late 12:34 < bridge> How do I pass HEX to ColorRGBA? 12:37 < bridge> Isn't it a float from 0.f to 255.f 12:38 < bridge> ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA(255.f, 0.f, 0.f, 255.f); ? 12:38 < bridge> Yes 12:39 < bridge> I don't think we have a constructor from string hex, check how I did it in CConsole 12:39 < bridge> But I can't pick the value via float, is there any way I can specify HEX? 12:39 < bridge> okay 12:43 < bridge> I console: R: 6, G: 127, B: 26, #077F1A 12:43 < bridge> How do I convert these values to float 12:49 < bridge> Divide the RGB values by 255. So, `ColorRGBA(0.02f, 0.49f, 0.10f, 1.0f)`. Last value is the Alpha. 12:50 < bridge> Right now I just multiply the approximate float by 255 until I get the correct answer in the console, but that's not very convenient 13:16 < bridge> We have a `color_parse` function that parses a color from a hex string (length 3/4/6/8, without `#` or `$` prefix) 14:00 < bridge> https://seanmonstar.com/post/730794151136935936/hyper-http2-rapid-reset-unaffected 14:00 < bridge> @heinrich5991 :poggers2: 14:02 < bridge> @heinrich5991 a new interop crate for c++ 14:02 < bridge> https://github.com/HKalbasi/zngur 14:49 < bridge> cat moment 16:27 < bridge> 16:29 < bridge> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9225 16:49 < bridge> u sending it for something specific? 16:49 < bridge> or cuz its interesting itself 16:51 < bridge> just for itself 17:01 < bridge> @heinrich5991 its a bit hilarious 17:01 < bridge> > Endeavoring to reduce the number of degradations in the future, implementers MUST NOT introduce bugs when writing software 17:01 < bridge> cmon ddnet devs, dont introduce bugs! 17:01 < bridge> ah its a april fools joke? 17:01 < bridge> xd 17:07 < bridge> The aphorism "It's not a bug, it's a feature" is considered rude. 18:06 < bridge> i think i posted this before but i wanna share it again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmTwlEh8L7g 18:06 < bridge> dude is a genius 18:16 < bridge> https://www.nesdev.org/wiki/CPU_unofficial_opcodes 18:50 < bridge> too bad, they didn't write rocket's code in rust 🦀 19:11 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> damn, android backcompat is getting removed