06:42 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> what is reckoning 07:49 < bridge> the reckoning 07:49 < bridge> :justatest: 08:06 < bridge> quantum physics. 08:06 < bridge> if you observe it. it breaks 11:54 < bridge> pls use this name when making the pr 11:55 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks u havent been around much lately 11:55 < bridge> bbut tooday is tuesday vulkan 11:55 < bridge> or was it tuesday gentoo 11:58 < bridge> omg firefox failed to compile 11:59 < bridge> https://bugs.gentoo.org/915083 11:59 < bridge> ah its reported 12:07 < bridge> @robyt3 gm 12:18 < bridge> `Kernel()->RequestInterface()->SetGameInfo()` 12:37 < bridge> Server predicts what the client will predict, if it's prediction of the clients prediction is correct, we dont need to send anything 12:42 < bridge> :owo: ❤️ 13:13 < bridge> hello 13:13 < bridge> u can now view live master server events 13:13 < bridge> https://ddstats.org/events 13:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1158723628997812345/image.png?ex=651d48f9&is=651bf779&hm=33ceaae73e1f4070fc01ff83c2ad19667733d288b6bcacdde4144d9630ec7ecd& 13:14 < bridge> needs improvement probs but smth is smth xd 13:14 < bridge> (yes my color choices show im a artist) 13:19 < bridge> Not even #ff0000 red, bad artist 14:57 < bridge> im trying to cross compile to windows from arch linux 14:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1158749753375477811/image.png?ex=651d614d&is=651c0fcd&hm=88a1a92af84c9351522714c5ccf2ab9c7330209efd7f1b4538ba26c9f4d59f5b& 14:57 < bridge> i keep getting this error 14:58 < bridge> Did you try what cargo suggested there? 14:59 < bridge> many many times 14:59 < bridge> actually it might be because im using root for one and my own user for the other 14:59 < bridge> gimme a sec imma try that out 15:00 < bridge> works ;-; 15:00 < bridge> there gos 2 hours 15:10 < ChillerDragon> is there a way to only spec team 0? 15:10 < ChillerDragon> ah got it its /specteam 15:10 < bridge> LOL 15:11 < ChillerDragon> somehow i thought its /specteam 0 15:17 < bridge> rip 15:18 < Ryozuki> irc gang 15:22 < ChillerDragon> gang 15:30 < Ryozuki> chiller did u see teeobserver 15:30 < Ryozuki> ChillerDragon: 15:47 < ChillerDragon> i alr starred and commented on gh before u plugged it here 15:48 < ChillerDragon> i follow u on gh and i have my gh feed open 8 hours a day 16:21 < bridge> xdd 16:21 < bridge> epic 16:21 < bridge> INFO teeobserver: sent 101 events to 3 receivers 16:21 < bridge> 3 ppl watching 16:22 < bridge> i need to make it show the ppl there 16:22 < bridge> amount of watchers 16:22 < bridge> tf 16:22 < bridge> 12 ppl now 18:05 < bridge> *chineese intensifies* 18:05 < bridge> \*chineese intensifies* 18:18 < bridge> @essigautomat hey Do you remember the sticky block idea? If so, please respond, was this idea implemented? 18:18 < bridge> i eeetadam 20:21 < bridge> How do I get the list of players of the server I am currently on, in ``client.cpp`` 20:21 < bridge> And the maximum number of players on this server 20:25 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> are you talking about like, the info that's linked to the server browser? 20:25 < bridge> Yes 20:28 < bridge> epic 20:34 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> theres a json for that 20:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 20:35 < bridge> Well, there is a method SetGameInfo(char *CurrentPlayers) in the plan 20:36 < bridge> Or how do I get the information from the json? 20:36 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> its what i used for #7238 20:36 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7238 22:59 < bridge> no 23:31 < bridge> @learath2 Sorry, the hook not being shown was a team bug - it's fixed.