00:40 < bridge> that is just implemented for all types that inplement the other trait, like ryo said. its purpose is just to implement the concept of item types which expect only a single item generally (so dor example it errors if there are 2 item of the type, and it also provides a clean return value). 00:40 < bridge> that file actually had the most refactors of them all, like 3 iirc. I hope I didn't go too abstract with it, to the point where its not comprehensible 00:53 < bridge> https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-378 00:53 < bridge> insane 01:02 < bridge> good evening 02:15 < bridge> This is the most confusing thing I've ever seen 02:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157470680611307621/screenshot_2023-09-30_02-14-32.png?ex=6518ba13&is=65176893&hm=b40eb76039ecbd2389295223c87f9d195bc2c253fdfd29c3dda2f0a42d6f6cc6& 02:15 < bridge> The number on top of your own tee is not your client id but it's your strong weak id, it made it look like both tees had the same client id, made me go on a wild goose chase for 20 minutes 02:54 < bridge> damn 08:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157561338403495967/image.png?ex=65190e81&is=6517bd01&hm=d91a118f18d4ad74694f63278a8433a8759ce81eae6f337edf09df45cd62ebf9& 08:15 < bridge> https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/61384e97e23516922b0cf0be/4x.gif 08:37 < bridge> i remember this 08:55 < bridge> @ryozuki do u have rustup installed? 09:05 < bridge> OF COURSE BRO what kind of a question is that 09:05 < bridge> :owo: 09:06 < bridge> New emoji to add to ur irc client btw ChillerDragon 09:07 < bridge> just asking 09:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157574430210404412/image.png?ex=65191ab2&is=6517c932&hm=9868ee156ae98007c13edd574bffdeb7caba8d3b3c4eb822a13409333ca50590& 09:39 < bridge> is noby fng gone from the server browser for anyone else? its been like that for days now 09:40 < bridge> :owo: 09:40 < bridge> 👖 09:40 < bridge> :owo: 09:40 < bridge> 🩳 09:40 < bridge> :owo: 09:40 < bridge> \🩳 10:08 < bridge> I see it 10:33 < bridge> yes man i told u to not use system rust and use rustup and install RA with it 10:33 < bridge> u dont listen 10:33 < bridge> :justatest: 10:33 < bridge> :owo: 10:56 < bridge> The hell is RA 10:57 < bridge> My bad :feelsbadman: 10:57 < bridge> Now time to read how to install rustup package :poggers2: 10:58 < bridge> ra is rust analyzer 10:58 < bridge> Oh 10:58 < bridge> Oke 10:58 < bridge> install rustup from web 10:58 < bridge> the curl command it shows 10:59 < bridge> Did u not emerge it? 🤨 11:18 < bridge> I installed it from the repositories 11:18 < bridge> I'd probably also emerge it on gentoo 11:23 < bridge> https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2023/09/29/polonius-part-2/ 11:23 < bridge> rustup? nop 11:23 < bridge> i like my rustup from web 11:23 < bridge> linux rust binaries are optimized with lto + bolt btw 11:23 < bridge> its probs faster than ur local build 11:23 < bridge> and pgo* 11:24 < bridge> Where did u get rust? 11:24 < bridge> i just told u 11:24 < bridge> rustup 11:24 < bridge> I wouldn't emerge rustup on gentoo 11:24 < bridge> https://rustup.rs/ 11:24 < bridge> `curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh` 11:24 < bridge> this on ur local user 11:24 < bridge> its a per user install 11:24 < bridge> rustup is awesome cuz u can have lot of rust versions 11:25 < bridge> and for other toolchains 11:25 < bridge> if u havent do 11:25 < bridge> `rustup component add rust-src` 11:25 < bridge> Btw 11:25 < bridge> maybe u were missing t hat for RA 11:25 < bridge> it needs it 11:25 < bridge> what's the point of gentoo then? 😮 11:25 < bridge> https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#installation 11:25 < bridge> firefox is also pgo-ed 11:26 < bridge> Yesterday i spent 3 hours installing rust by emerging :) 11:26 < bridge> and chromium as well 11:26 < bridge> highly customizable linux distro, kernel tuning, u can customize all packages via use flags and custom patches 11:26 < bridge> You can teeeechnically have system rust from rustup, but there are some annoying issues with it 11:26 < bridge> also ebuild is awesome 11:26 < bridge> you can install rustup from emerge without also using system rust 11:26 < bridge> more than pkg thing from arch imho 11:27 < bridge> and i made packages on both 11:27 < bridge> (from my xp maintaing ddnet) 11:27 < bridge> maintaining 11:27 < bridge> at least on arch 11:28 < bridge> still think I'm missing something 11:28 < bridge> Wym without also using system rust? 11:28 < bridge> if you install rustup 11:28 < bridge> on arch 11:28 < bridge> you still use rustup to install rustc, cargo etc. 11:28 < bridge> it's just rustup that's installed using the package manager 11:28 < bridge> not on gentoo 11:28 < bridge> ah, weird 11:28 < bridge> iirc 11:28 < bridge> @milkeeycat what use flags u added to the rust pkg 11:29 < bridge> dev-lang/rust clippy rust-analyzer rust-src rustfmt 11:29 < bridge> ? 11:29 < bridge> btw if u add system-llvm u may not need to compile 2 versions of llvm 11:29 < bridge> anyway make sure u added rust-src 11:29 < bridge> RA needs it 11:29 < bridge> > In a generic installation of Rust (one that is not done with Gentoo's Rust package) things are usually updated and installed with dev-util/rustup. 11:29 < bridge> Thats what am gonna do 11:29 < bridge> Since gentoo compiles everything, it needs a system rust 11:30 < bridge> aah 11:30 < bridge> I see, that's the problem 11:30 < bridge> yeah gentoo packages that use rust use system rust 11:30 < bridge> I just ran emerge dev-lang/rust :clueless: 11:30 < bridge> @milkeeycat do u know how to add per package use flags? 11:30 < bridge> it's a bootstrapping problem 11:30 < bridge> You can have rustup, it's just that ebuilds will be tested against the rust package, so you can get weird issues 11:32 < bridge> @milkeeycat did u ever edit portage package.use 11:33 < bridge> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/package.use 11:33 < bridge> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:Parts/Working/USE#Declaring_USE_flags_for_individual_packages 11:34 < bridge> /etc/portage/package.use is a folder, not a file 11:34 < bridge> and it has cpu-flags file :clueless: 11:34 < bridge> yeah 11:34 < bridge> all files inside 11:34 < bridge> are like package.use 11:34 < bridge> u can organize better then 11:34 < bridge> make another file 11:35 < bridge> i would call it 00-general 11:35 < bridge> so i can name it however i want 11:35 < bridge> or smth 11:35 < bridge> yeah 11:35 < bridge> anything 11:35 < bridge> 00 is to change the order 11:35 < bridge> in case u add a package multiple times in multiple files iirc the last one is used 11:35 < bridge> or maybe they are merged 11:36 < bridge> soooooo, i have to delete emerged rust and install everything from web 11:36 < bridge> ye? :owo: 11:36 < bridge> no! 11:36 < bridge> keep ur system rust 11:36 < bridge> :pepeW: 11:36 < bridge> install rustup 11:36 < bridge> system rust will be used for gentoo packages that use rust 11:36 < bridge> but if u dont have any system pkgs that depend on rust well u can remove it if u want 11:37 < bridge> (its fine to have both system rust and rustup) 11:37 < bridge> i better dont delete it coz i dont want to reinstall gentoo again 11:37 < bridge> ?? zs 11:37 < bridge> xd 11:37 < bridge> it wont let u delete it if other pkgs depend on it 11:38 < bridge> simply --deselect it 11:38 < bridge> and if nobody depends on it 11:38 < bridge> --depclean will remove it 11:38 < bridge> u can also check if something depends on it with equery 11:38 < bridge> equery d rust 11:38 < bridge> iirc 11:38 < bridge> thanks god theres protection from such idiots like me :owo: 11:38 < bridge> i have a spare ryzen 3200g 11:39 < bridge> i think it can be a good initial fit for a home server 11:39 < bridge> i need a motherboard 11:39 < bridge> :tee_thinking: 11:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157612632887533568/image.png?ex=65193e47&is=6517ecc7&hm=f0106f575bc2926f8c6972c28288c8222468e58dac6258f81e206897276be87c& 11:39 < bridge> well 11:39 < bridge> u can still --deselect it 11:40 < bridge> portage will keep it as long as a package depends on it 11:40 < bridge> u only keep packages in world file that u use directly 11:40 < bridge> so how do i have to install rustup? xD 11:41 < bridge> go to ur non root usual user 11:41 < bridge> and run that 11:41 < bridge> oke 11:44 < bridge> :justatest: 11:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157613875382980648/image.png?ex=65193f6f&is=6517edef&hm=75d44b3d108d4032d53663b06619375b1fa941eccd07b6c8bbe0767b7fcc5d10& 11:50 < bridge> continue 11:50 < bridge> if ur non root its fine 11:50 < bridge> well as root would be fine too 11:50 < bridge> rustup doesnt install rust in usr bin 11:51 < bridge> it installs everything in `/home/user/.cargo/bin/cargo` 11:51 < bridge> for example 11:51 < bridge> so u add the bin dir to path in bashrc 11:51 < bridge> and ur done 12:02 < bridge> it works 🥹 12:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157618347731591178/image.png?ex=65194399&is=6517f219&hm=6c2b97c5b38d416dc16def555bb59e4dc3277cb48269b541ff93db80635ad588& 12:02 < bridge> but not in tmux yet :pepeW: 12:02 < bridge> tmux sux, use zellij 12:03 < bridge> dont u dare to say anything bad about my boi tmux 12:18 < bridge> wdym 12:18 < bridge> maybe restart ur tmux session 12:18 < bridge> btw soon is hacktoberfest 12:19 < bridge> https://hacktoberfest.com/ 12:20 < bridge> when i start tmux it changed $PATH :pepeW: 12:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157622906046660689/image.png?ex=651947d8&is=6517f658&hm=7a4c95b6199951a9e0ec9948cac74d73a687f36ae31dab0af93ee96b44fc10da& 12:20 < bridge> when i start tmux it changes $PATH :pepeW: 12:25 < bridge> ``` 12:25 < bridge> if [ -f /etc/profile ]; then 12:25 < bridge> PATH="" 12:25 < bridge> source /etc/profile 12:25 < bridge> fi 12:25 < bridge> ``` 12:25 < bridge> try adding this 12:25 < bridge> to .bash_profile 12:25 < bridge> idk about other shells i use bash 12:26 < bridge> https://superuser.com/questions/544989/does-tmux-sort-the-path-variable 12:26 < bridge> but well u should research this urself 12:26 < bridge> this is not a rust problem 12:49 < bridge> i jsut had to put same line from .profile in .zprofile xD 12:49 < bridge> and everything works 🥹 13:22 < bridge> When does deen make a studio like hypixel & makes his own tw-like game 15:11 < bridge> Have you tried fish yet? I like it better than zsh 15:11 < bridge> Well I use bash still but if I wanted to use a more “advanced” shell fish is the one I liked more 15:57 < bridge> @robnegh 16:37 < bridge> I didn't :o what did u like more in fish than in zsh? 16:44 < bridge> The syntax feels more human and the entire thing more polished 16:45 < bridge> The completion/syntax highlighting as you type is pretty nice 16:47 < bridge> I still use bash myself though because I didn't feel like installing any shell on all the machines I use 😄 16:50 < bridge> fellow fish user? 16:50 < bridge> oh u use bash 16:51 < bridge> fish not being a login shell sorta blows 17:03 < bridge> ive been using gnucash and so far its nice 17:03 < bridge> not like i have xp using any other 17:03 < bridge> i wish my bank had a export option in a format thats not excel 17:03 < bridge> imaging having standards 17:20 < bridge> have your heard about ansible? :gigachad: 17:20 < bridge> Sure 17:40 < bridge> i finally have right time 😎 17:41 < bridge> ok, maybe i didnt (its 6:40pm) 17:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157703862753427496/image.png?ex=6519933d&is=651841bd&hm=dd587ea1d2d1dbdd07493d9307406c0aa71144636e46769753433468b3beee5b& 17:42 < bridge> ok, maybe i didnt :pepeW: (its 6:40pm) 17:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157703862753427496/image.png?ex=6519933d&is=651841bd&hm=dd587ea1d2d1dbdd07493d9307406c0aa71144636e46769753433468b3beee5b& 18:11 < bridge> @robyt3 I think you might have broken something with the recent server browser changes. It seems like various server are missing on latest git master. Here's a comparison on the DDNet tab. 18:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157711289372655787/image.png?ex=65199a28&is=651848a8&hm=794165b03589fabb7ffd6464cee4fade548aeb44c3788df3e407fa257b98427a& 18:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157711289745952778/image.png?ex=65199a28&is=651848a8&hm=e556b1d1158ce2e9e90c193742e3bd01d829ff9b0ba88334f753c1caa17fd87e& 18:13 < bridge> I'll take a look later, thanks 18:46 < bridge> ok now fr fr 19:39 < bridge> Actually wasn't my changes that caused this. Bisect showed https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/c4d325e09baeff27ab800283dca4fe8cf6aff79a is the first bad commit. The servers which are not shown have clients which don't have the "afk" attribute, so their info is considered invalid. 19:40 < bridge> Would make more sense in my opinion to add backwards compatibility for missing attributes, but it looks like everything else is checked very strictly 19:47 < bridge> Oh, sorry. Yeah, the attribute should definitely be optional and be set to false if missing. 19:52 < bridge> I'll create a PR to fix it. 20:43 < bridge> wdym, not a login shell? I use it as my login shell 20:43 < bridge> python can read excel stuff 20:43 < bridge> (if you need a way to read it) 20:44 < bridge> on ddnet servers it's already installed 😄 and on all my servers, too 21:03 < bridge> `for l in (cat testmsgs); echo $l | perl -e 'my @arr = split " ", ; foreach ( @arr ) { printf("%0.2x ", $_); }; printf("\n");'; end | sed 's/^/\\\\x/' | sed 's/ /\\\\x/g' | sed 's/\\\\x$//'` cursed teehistorian debugging tool 21:03 < bridge> ??!? 21:34 < bridge> It’s my awful attempt at getting a binary message out of a teehistorian file without compiling stuff 😄 21:35 < bridge> (abusing teehistorian_dump along the way 21:58 < bridge> you must be very lucky, it does a bunch of POSIX incompatible stuff like exiting on failure (which will cause a panic if it’s the first process) 22:00 < bridge> dunno where exactly these incompatibilities are documented but both arch and gentoo wikis mention how it’s not a POSIX compatible shell (gentoo’s the only one that says it will outright break your system if you use it as a login shell) 22:01 < bridge> i think it’s intentionally nonstandard so it can address flaws of normal shells. just wish they had a mode or something where it can be used as the login shell 22:01 < bridge> it can absolutely be used as a login shell 22:01 < bridge> it might even warn if it detects it’s being used as one? 22:01 < bridge> maybe not on gentoo 22:01 < bridge> but definitely on arch 22:01 < bridge> it does not (on arch) 22:01 < bridge> arch is where i initially discovered it couldn’t 22:02 < bridge> it works as the initial process? 22:02 < bridge> after I enter my username and password I get to fish 22:03 < bridge> which init system do u use 22:03 < bridge> systemd 22:03 < bridge> oh yeah 22:03 < bridge> weird 22:03 < bridge> how did you set it up? chsh broke iirc 22:03 < bridge> chsh -s /usr/bin/fish user 22:03 < bridge> :justatest: 22:04 < bridge> also on all my servers btw 22:04 < bridge> u have magic fish 22:04 < bridge> I think you have a fear of fish ^^ 22:04 < bridge> maybe i have it setup as the login shell on my vps actually… I could be thinking of something else 22:04 < bridge> arch doesn't even warn against it anymore 22:05 < bridge> oh yeah maybe they just fixed it 22:05 < bridge> did this or smth 22:05 < bridge> they did not 22:05 < bridge> it still works in a good way 22:07 < bridge> oh, fish is partially written in rust these days: o 22:07 < bridge> oh, fish is partially written in rust these days 😮 22:07 < bridge> rust btw 22:08 < bridge> blazingly fast 22:08 < bridge> thread safe 22:08 < bridge> memory efficient 22:08 < bridge> BLAZINGLY FAST 22:08 < bridge> and also more BLAZINGLY FAST 22:12 < bridge> fish intro says this 22:13 < bridge> >Warning 22:13 < bridge> > Setting fish as your login shell may cause issues, such as an incorrect PATH. Some operating systems, including a number of Linux distributions, require the login shell to be Bourne-compatible and to read configuration from /etc/profile. fish may not be > suitable as a login shell on these systems. 22:13 < bridge> > Warning 22:13 < bridge> > Setting fish as your login shell may cause issues, such as an incorrect PATH. Some operating systems, including a number of Linux distributions, require the login shell to be Bourne-compatible and to read configuration from /etc/profile. fish may not be > suitable as a login shell on these systems. 22:29 < bridge> how is rust debugging? 23:05 < bridge> you don't "debug" rust, you just compile it and it runs perfectly 23:10 < bridge> what 23:40 < bridge> eeh, anything beyond C is a certain degree of annoying to debug 23:41 < bridge> I've had the pleasure of debugging some async rust and the 76 deep backtrace was extremely annoying 23:44 < bridge> oh sounds great 23:45 < bridge> most c/cpp debugging tools are probably completely useless on it right 23:45 < bridge> there is a gdb plugin that makes it bearable 23:46 < bridge> oh good