06:36 < bridge> ddracenetwork 08:06 < bridge> friday rust 08:08 < bridge> I missed Thursday gentoo night. Fucking hell 10:02 < bridge> β˜• 10:02 < bridge> 🍡 10:16 < bridge> its llvm 17 time 10:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157229441508978749/image.png?ex=6517d967&is=651687e7&hm=a1ef13495474630cce1b0e94d0faaa72239b84dc2a87fae1e867a9a206307e7c& 10:38 < bridge> fikonaut 10:38 < bridge> xDDDDDD 10:38 < bridge> good morning 10:44 < bridge> https://audio-video.gnu.org/video/gnu40/rms-gnu40.webm 10:44 < bridge> oof 10:44 < bridge> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37699851 10:44 < bridge> :Sadge: 10:45 < bridge> hope he push all code before he leaves 10:49 < bridge> `Richard Stallman has cancer. Fortunately it is slow-growing and manageable follicular lymphona, so he will probably live many more years nonetheless. But he now has to be even more careful not to catch Covid-19.` 10:50 < bridge> he is already 70y old btw 10:50 < bridge> :cammo: 10:50 < bridge> time flies 12:22 < bridge> :twintri: 12:48 < bridge> discord mostly down via app? website still works for me 12:49 < bridge> App works for me 12:49 < bridge> At least on android 12:52 < bridge> might only be desktop(?) 12:52 < bridge> https://old.reddit.com/r/discordapp/ 12:52 < bridge> almost only posts about discord not working 12:57 < bridge> Both website and the app didn't work for me. Had to connect to a VPN first before I could access Discord. 14:07 < bridge> its not a discord prpblem, its a misconfigured cloudflare problem 14:09 < bridge> source? 14:10 < bridge> Whats automapper used for? 14:11 < bridge> What automapper is used for? 14:12 < bridge> just look at full image, it says that user triggered security something 14:15 < bridge> from that image it might be anything from discord's fault to cloudflare's fault IMO. it only affects discord for me though 14:18 < bridge> ye it might be discord's fault, i thought you meant that the servers are down 15:04 < bridge> automatically generate a tiles layers tilemap depending from physics layers tiles 15:05 < bridge> Sounds fun :pepeW:, thanks 15:16 < bridge> works for me again 15:36 < bridge> @ryozuki do you know a rustfmt that doesn't shy away from sorting derives, adding trailing commas in macros? 15:37 < bridge> its just a temporary block, ive got blocked 7 times today :justatest: 15:37 < bridge> oh 15:38 < bridge> you probably just have to configure it? 15:38 < bridge> no, explicitly out of scope for rustfmt 15:39 < bridge> because it might (in a very theoretical way) break code 15:39 < bridge> hm idk, but as u say i seen rustfmt not touch much macro code 15:39 < bridge> my only grip with rustfmt is big arrays how it formats them in a column 15:39 < bridge> otherwise it would be perfect 15:45 < bridge> when ddnet 18 15:45 < bridge> ddnet no longer underage 15:46 < bridge> interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_majority 15:47 < bridge> hmm. the US is marked as 18, yet you can only drink from 21 onwards 15:55 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> 18 is age of consent 15:57 < bridge> i consent 15:57 < bridge> doesn't look like it in the US: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States 16:19 < bridge> it might have something to do with their driving age πŸ˜„ 16:32 < bridge> doubt it, I once heardβ„’ that you can drive with 14 in parts of the US 16:33 < bridge> > In some jurisdictions in the United States and Canada, drivers can be as young as 14 (with parental supervision).[citation needed] 16:33 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driver%27s_licenses_in_the_United_States 16:34 < bridge> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Restricted_license_age_requirements_by_US_State.svg 16:36 < bridge> so the older they start drinking at the better πŸ˜„ 16:42 < bridge> aah 16:49 < bridge> its funny it states the height and weight 16:49 < bridge> and eyes 17:03 < bridge> I wonder what they write to people with heterochromia 17:24 < bridge> > **Heterochromia is a variation in coloration most often used to describe color differences of the iris**, but can also be applied to color variation of hair[1] or skin. 17:36 < bridge> @patiga how does this work? :pepeW: https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap/-/blob/master/twmap/src/map/parse.rs?ref_type=heads#L211 17:49 < bridge> permalink: https://gitlab.com/Patiga/twmap/-/blob/fb8f8a4371bf405d1f45a9513a8f678089ad4688/twmap/src/map/parse.rs#L211 17:49 < bridge> (press y to generate it) 17:56 < bridge> https://github.com/edg-l/ddnet-map-diff 17:56 < bridge> here u can see simple usage 17:56 < bridge> of the lib 17:57 < bridge> if u want to make a map like the default in editor, this is my best effort: https://github.com/edg-l/ddnet-map-gen/blob/83dc864d3a25e1c3e7d57524ef65beacc44c7f5e/src/generators/mod.rs#L46 17:59 < bridge> im trying to understand 500iq rust code 17:59 < bridge> my grug brain rejects it 18:00 < bridge> so 18:00 < bridge> `impl ItemParseErrorTraitSingle for T {}` 18:00 < bridge> thanks, its my 2nd time being on getlab 18:00 < bridge> u want to understand this 18:00 < bridge> yea 18:00 < bridge> this implements a trait for a generic type T 18:00 < bridge> it implements this trait for any type T that implements ItemParseErrorTrait + Default 18:01 < bridge> ItemParseErrorTrait and Default are traits to 18:01 < bridge> :pepeW: 18:01 < bridge> thanks 18:01 < bridge> so if a struct implements 18:01 < bridge> ItemParseErrorTrait 18:01 < bridge> and implements Default 18:01 < bridge> it will implement ItemParseErrorTraitSingle 18:01 < bridge> and since this trait has no body as you can see 18:01 < bridge> its used as a marker trait 18:02 < bridge> unless it has a impl somewhere else 18:02 < bridge> > Marker traits are used to mark types as having some property. They usually don't have any associated types and methods and are used to tell the compiler about some property of a type. Note that some of those traits are auto traits, which means that the compiler will automatically implement them for types, if it reasons it is safe to do so (you can still implement them manually, but it may require unsafe keyword). 18:02 < bridge> > 18:02 < bridge> > Currently (rustc 1.70.0) there are 5 stable traits in std::marker module. They have the following meaning. If type T implements: 18:02 < bridge> > 18:02 < bridge> > Copy it means that it can be Cloned by using bitwise copy 18:02 < bridge> > Send it means that value of type T can be send across thread boundary 18:02 < bridge> > Sync it means that value of type T can be shared between threads (that is &T is Send) 18:02 < bridge> > Sized means that size of type T is known at compile time 18:02 < bridge> > Unpin means that value of type T can be moved after it was pinned 18:02 < bridge> do i have to install anything else except rust-analyzer to make it work 18:02 < bridge> its kinda broken now 18:02 < bridge> and idk why :pepeW: 18:02 < bridge> ? 18:02 < bridge> u shouldnt need anything else than rust 18:03 < bridge> how are u using rust analyzeR? 18:03 < bridge> what editor are u using 18:03 < bridge> u dont use rust-analyzer directly 18:03 < bridge> mf is clueless 18:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157346868951519353/image.png?ex=651846c4&is=6516f544&hm=d69850699cfc48f38855ccd7217320fdae6a7b1f24c41253d735357d54ee2661& 18:03 < bridge> neovim 18:03 < bridge> and mason 18:03 < bridge> it worked before 18:03 < bridge> but doesnt now :pepeW: 18:03 < bridge> :pepeW: 18:03 < bridge> :pepeW: 18:04 < bridge> hmm odd 18:04 < bridge> whats ur rust version btw 18:04 < bridge> i recommend u use rustup regardless of gentoo rust 18:04 < bridge> and use rust-analyzer from rustup 18:04 < bridge> which is more up to date too 18:04 < bridge> `let mut map_old: TwMap // size = 224 (0xE0), align = 0x8` 18:04 < bridge> my RA tells me this 18:05 < bridge> so it works for me 18:05 < bridge> ` let mut map_old = TwMap::parse_file(map_old)?;` 18:05 < bridge> for this line 18:05 < bridge> @milkeeycat ah 18:05 < bridge> i use mason plugin and it uses this version 18:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157347390089596938/image.png?ex=65184740&is=6516f5c0&hm=7a164d3650a74fdff59598c89d133e804126e15d27bf93612e973c72bc46be5f& 18:05 < bridge> does it compile 18:05 < bridge> with rust? 18:06 < bridge> ❯ rust-analyzer --version 18:06 < bridge> rust-analyzer 1.72.1 (d5c2e9c 2023-09-13) 18:06 < bridge> xd 18:06 < bridge> Why does the version of rust-analyzer matter? Something this simple has been deduced properly since rust-analyzer was first created πŸ˜„ 18:06 < bridge> ye idk 18:06 < bridge> just wondering maybe he had ancient ra 18:07 < bridge> aren't there logs or sth with neovim? 18:07 < bridge> :LspLog or smth 18:07 < bridge> let me check 18:07 < bridge> with vscode I'd check the extension logs, they usually tell you what went wrong 18:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157347977870966845/image.png?ex=651847cc&is=6516f64c&hm=9f3afaaaa91a2a4f541c1236532d6cdd06fd3e0ab2a1356ccc3565951031edae& 18:07 < bridge> i forgot how to trigger a hover in neovim 18:07 < bridge> xdd 18:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157348109014282260/image.png?ex=651847eb&is=6516f66b&hm=3b7c11f36353546e7765fd891ccf13bd179ca6114c039e7547a487ca362794c0& 18:08 < bridge> i have it on shift+k 18:08 < bridge> what does :LspInfo do 18:08 < bridge> say 18:08 < bridge> * 18:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157348220310138931/image.png?ex=65184806&is=6516f686&hm=26a5aaa649f84e21029148ad6b0f9d1f85bf36c6f86f55ed44984dc3d57d056a& 18:08 < bridge> hi alex 18:09 < bridge> he edgar 18:09 < bridge> ive already sent screenshots with my name 18:09 < bridge> :LspLog 18:09 < bridge> and press shift g 18:09 < bridge> what does it say 18:09 < bridge> `[ERROR][2023-09-29 21:41:44] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734 "rpc" "/home/alex/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/rust-analyzer" "stderr" "[ERROR rust_analyzer::main_loop] flycheck 0: File with cargo diagnostic not found in VFS: file not found: /rustc/eb26296b556cef10fb713a38f3d16b9886080f26/library/std/src/panic.rs\n"` 18:10 < bridge> :o 18:10 < bridge> btw are u in a cargo "project!" 18:10 < bridge> aka 18:10 < bridge> u have cargo.toml and all 18:10 < bridge> yea 18:11 < bridge> i just yoinked patiga's code 18:11 < bridge> and place dbg's 18:11 < bridge> nothing more 18:11 < bridge> does autocomplete work? 18:12 < bridge> nuh uh 18:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157349201798234172/image.png?ex=651848f0&is=6516f770&hm=8bc117212049783dd868b1582a97f9088bc16d0698900c291e6c61a1151f2399& 18:12 < bridge> this error cant be date doesnt match 18:12 < bridge> it does xd 18:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157349289924767764/image.png?ex=65184905&is=6516f785&hm=b6934f9fa07b327274cc04e5835a69bd5e47392e14e1b9e9e7e0f6d466d20e00& 18:13 < bridge> oh u have snippets first xd 18:13 < bridge> I wonder if somehow it's just not aware of twmap 18:13 < bridge> just in case 18:13 < bridge> but it doesnt show return type for some funtions 18:13 < bridge> exit neovim 18:13 < bridge> cargo clean 18:13 < bridge> cargo b 18:13 < bridge> enter 18:15 < bridge> :pepeW: 18:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157349984186929222/image.png?ex=651849aa&is=6516f82a&hm=6ff550c315331fec5beb6ef0a82acbf3b582832be4d7a87c81c1f0c20389bb04& 18:16 < bridge> The rust gods just don't like you, you'll not have autocomplete, sorry 18:16 < bridge> im going back to grug languages 18:16 < bridge> gonna learn go 18:16 < bridge> Should have used a language that doesn't require an entire IDE to code 18:16 < bridge> I suggest C :Gigachad: 18:17 < bridge> im checking twmap like this for 2 days 18:18 < bridge> at least it shows me structs 18:18 < bridge> otherwise just use telescope :pepeW: 18:18 < bridge> I'm using vim to code ^^ 18:18 < bridge> I'm using vim to code rust ^^ 18:20 < bridge> I hate these people with a passion 18:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157351081551089745/image.png?ex=65184ab0&is=6516f930&hm=81f21d8f2ef4ecea1e148058fb7b5932578af8cb0d285486b71482c912a51b44& 18:20 < bridge> old tho 18:20 < bridge> I want a client side database, I didn't ask your opinion on whether it's a good idea. I asked for a database, that works on the client 18:21 < bridge> link for context? 18:22 < bridge> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4777968/i-need-a-client-side-browser-database-what-are-my-options 18:42 < bridge> nowadays browsers support this 18:42 < bridge> i think its called indexdb or smth 18:42 < bridge> it supports sqlite like queries iirc 18:42 < bridge> otherwise wasm to the rescue 18:43 < bridge> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API 18:43 < bridge> not sure if existed in 2011 18:44 < bridge> there are libs built on top of thos 18:44 < bridge> to make it easier 18:44 < bridge> cuz this is fairly low lvl 18:53 < bridge> My usecase was a little different. I don't need it stored at all. I was thinking of shipping a blob db and abusing sqlite or something similar for querying 19:23 < bridge> client.cpp 19:23 < bridge> 19:23 < bridge> sry, im bread 19:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157367127150432379/image.png?ex=651859a1&is=65170821&hm=f11f0c9dd93cdeeab1947330dd7e7d53d7bdeb75b7d8493aafbe4ad60084e1b8& 19:24 < bridge> 🍞 19:24 < bridge> 🍞 19:27 < bridge> @robyt3 :gigachad: 19:28 < bridge> use `pSelf` instead of `Client()` 19:28 < bridge> i cant 19:28 < bridge> why not? 19:28 < bridge> ?? 19:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157368368827998228/image.png?ex=65185ac9&is=65170949&hm=ef07b9fb0f6d2b5c8c4591506a2bd5d807b99d5db3e171d727d925c1a1b48480& 19:28 < bridge> idk 19:28 < bridge> instead 19:29 < bridge> `pClient->LatestVersion()` 19:29 < bridge> a 19:29 < bridge> `pSelf->LatestVersion()` 19:29 < bridge> :poggers2: 19:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1157368553780031619/image.png?ex=65185af6&is=65170976&hm=445db2fd16250a5d73f22e2994605d3233bd4d284185451731ad6a9d6787ecb9& 19:29 < bridge> I'm the real bread. 19:31 < bridge> no { } near if statement :justatest: 19:32 < bridge> 1 action is performed; why use {}? 19:32 < bridge> idk, i always use {} 19:33 < bridge> Can be used, but not necessarily if it is followed by 1 line 19:33 < bridge> i usually forget about {}, add more lines and everything is fukced 19:34 < bridge> :owo: 19:35 < bridge> How do I change the name and icon of the exe being compiled? 19:36 < bridge> history has shown that omitting these can lead to bugs because of what @milkeeycat said 19:36 < bridge> so I just always use them 20:03 < bridge> I've never had any errors :kek: 20:25 < bridge> and smoke 20:26 < bridge> indeed unrelated, you can drive with a permit if accompanied by someone 21 or older with a license. a federal minimum time of 1 year with the permit is required before you can take your driving test & actually get your license. sometimes you can get the permit earlier (still can't get the license until 16) if there's driving school involved 20:54 < bridge> i have to fix this error somehow. any ideas? :owo: `[ERROR rust_analyzer::main_loop] flycheck 0: File with cargo diagnostic not found in VFS: file not found: /rustc/eb26296b556cef10fb713a38f3d16b9886080f26/library/std/src/panic.rs\n` 20:57 < bridge> why do you need to fix this error? 20:57 < bridge> it seems harmless from first glance 20:58 < bridge> coz my rust-analyzer doesnt work 20:58 < bridge> :D 20:58 < bridge> that seems unrelated to this error 20:58 < bridge> hm 20:58 < bridge> theres nothing else in logs 20:58 < bridge> :pepeW: 20:59 < bridge> akshually i always knew i wouldnt use rust. go is the way to go 20:59 < bridge> akshually i always knew i wouldnt use rust. golang is the way to go 20:59 < bridge> both are interesting languages πŸ™‚ 21:00 < bridge> better than js on servers :pepeW: 21:01 < bridge> you can try intellij+rust plugin for rust btw 21:01 < bridge> that's what I use when I want to have an IDE 21:01 < bridge> they are making a rust ide 21:01 < bridge> yep, that too 21:01 < bridge> @milkeeycat look at date of the log 21:01 < bridge> im pretty happy with neovim 21:01 < bridge> its unrelated 21:01 < bridge> it is. i just have wrong time xD 21:01 < bridge> xd 21:02 < bridge> and i dont want to read 40 horus manual how to set it correctly 21:02 < bridge> but one day i will 21:02 < bridge> and i need different keyboard layouts :pepeW: 21:02 < bridge> that's what intellij+rust plugin gives you; no 40 hours manual 21:02 < bridge> you can even have somewhat accurate vim keys inside, there's an extension 21:02 < bridge> and here u are using gentoo 21:02 < bridge> How do I change the name and icon of the exe being compiled? 21:02 < bridge> change the project name in cmake 21:02 < bridge> iifc 21:03 < bridge> easy way aint fun :pepeW: 21:03 < bridge> iirc 21:03 < bridge> or target name 21:03 < bridge> Thx <3 21:03 < bridge> why not? πŸ™‚ 21:04 < bridge> things being hard is not good in itself 21:04 < bridge> i was talking about time btw 21:05 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> rust ide? 21:05 < bridge> yes? 21:05 < bridge> https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/ 21:05 < bridge> https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/ 21:05 < bridge> fock 21:05 < bridge> first 21:05 < bridge> ez 21:05 < bridge> :ez: 21:06 < bridge> so is that thing related to rust-analyzer being dumb? 21:07 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> oh yea i forgot jetbrains was a thing LOL 21:08 < bridge> line number pls :justatest: 21:09 < bridge> `set(CLIENT_EXECUTABLE …)` 21:14 < bridge> no its not, i opened another project and it doesnt show that message. and still doesnt work 22:30 < bridge> chillerdragon: hi 23:19 < bridge> hi