00:22 < bridge> hey has anyone found a fix for the weird font cutting when using a different resolution ingame than the monitor is set to? 00:40 < bridge> what does this mean 01:29 < bridge> hi, is it me or https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5829 is not fully implemented ? 01:29 < bridge> 01:29 < bridge> `Msg.AddString("", 0); // HTTPS map download URL` 01:36 < bridge> that is definitely not what i said 01:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154561735378870302/image.png 01:52 < bridge> their --help is out of date... 01:52 < bridge> ``` 01:52 < bridge> ./configure --help | grep pcre 01:52 < bridge> -pcre ................ Select used libpcre2 [system/qt/no] 01:52 < bridge> ``` 01:52 < bridge> Yea ddnet does not implement it. It’s more a placeholder for other who want to use it. 01:52 < bridge> but online doc says: 01:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154565961593143366/image.png 01:53 < bridge> Put your http map download endpoint there to enable faster downloads for your users 03:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ooh whats the sound refactor gonna change 06:03 < bridge> a refactor usually doesnt change functionality it just makes code better 06:17 < bridge> i got my static qt build working 06:17 < bridge> 20MB with LTOs 06:18 < bridge> not bad at all 06:18 < bridge> executable linked against it is 20MB with LTOs 06:18 < bridge> executable linked against it is 20MB with LTOs & -Oz -s 07:53 < bridge> yo chillerdragon ^^ 08:36 < bridge> welcome to ddnet friday rust 08:49 < bridge> morning 🍡 08:49 < bridge> baguette πŸ₯– 09:36 < bridge> ramen 🍜 09:48 < bridge> β˜• 10:07 < bridge> wait ill send video in a few hours 10:07 < bridge> gppd ,prmogmg 10:07 < bridge> good morning 10:09 < bridge> u 11:23 < bridge> Can i have ddnet friday gentoo 12:26 < bridge> does ddnet run on a raspberry pi zero w? xd 12:28 < bridge> Thursday night is for gentoo. idk but Donnerstag nachts somehow fits to gentoo 12:30 < bridge> You can try, should be fine. 64 players might be a challenge depending on single core performance 12:30 < bridge> :brownbear: nice 12:31 < bridge> I used to run Teeworlds servers on a much weaker CPU before starting DDNet: https://www.pcengines.ch/alix1e.htm 12:31 < bridge> I don't mean a server. I mean the literal client xd 12:32 < bridge> Oh, didn't realize that Raspi has graphics output, should have looked closer πŸ˜„ 12:32 < bridge> Probably fine too 12:32 < bridge> If you install something like Debian, they have arm builds of DDNet 12:32 < bridge> Our official site doesn't provide arm builds for Linux 12:33 < bridge> https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-zero-w/ 12:44 < bridge> The hell is donnerstag nachts 12:44 < bridge> The hell is donnerstag nachts? 12:44 < bridge> Ask chiller 12:44 < bridge> Idk how to ping him :pepeW: 12:45 < bridge> can't explain. It's kind of a feeling 12:46 < bridge> That tomorrow is the last day of the week and you know you should get to bed early but then you somehow stay up until 4am on a Friday and thats Donnerstag nachts. 12:46 < bridge> rly? is it hard to cross compile 12:46 < bridge> Im sure @jupeyy_keks can explain it better 12:47 < bridge> i should make a gh mirror that tracks releases and compiles on my server too, for fun 12:47 < bridge> That tomorrow is the last day of the week and you know you should get to bed early but then you somehow stay up until 4am and thats Donnerstag nachts. 12:47 < bridge> reproducible builds amirite 13:16 < bridge> Never heard of it either 13:17 < bridge> cross compiling is reasonably easy 13:17 < bridge> it’d just be a cmake toolchain file in this case 13:18 < bridge> as long as the compiler, utils and dependencies for aarch64 are installed 15:08 < bridge> @ryozuki rust question of today: 15:08 < bridge> have u already used vulkan with rust finally 😬 15:12 < bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/875490045316968538/1154304866882162718/IMG_8028.jpg 15:12 < bridge> XD 15:14 < bridge> the funny thing is. i recently thought: 15:14 < bridge> If china would be really communistic. there should be more open source projects from china πŸ˜‚ 15:15 < bridge> but i want to hear @learath2 's humble opinion 15:25 < bridge> ye vulkano 15:27 < bridge> Everytime I look into my gh recommendations I see at least one Chinese random project that has 3000 stars and all the docs are in Chinese xd 15:29 < bridge> Everytime I look into my gh recommendations I see at least one chinese project that has 3000 stars and all the docs are in chinese xd 15:44 < bridge> on what? 15:45 < ChillerDragon> @teero777 well its your recommendations so you must have starred some of those... gh algo knows what you want! My github for you page is full of hot girls 15:46 < ChillerDragon> oh and endless minecraft hack clients xd 16:02 < bridge> shouldn't we _only_ see OSS projects from them? ^^ 16:03 < bridge> China is pretty big fan of capitalism 16:04 < bridge> They’ve been flirting with the neolibs since mr xiaoping 16:17 < bridge> there are OSS projects in china 16:17 < bridge> i think most are ML 16:17 < bridge> rust is also widely used 16:18 < bridge> i seen some of my blogpost translated to chinese in some sites 16:21 < bridge> fame 16:22 < bridge> ye 16:22 < bridge> fame 16:22 < bridge> suffering from success 16:22 < bridge> i found out thansk to google search console 16:22 < bridge> it tells backlinks 16:31 < bridge> Fastjson is the one big oss project I can think of out of china 16:42 < bridge> Java 16:42 < bridge> fast & java in one setence 16:45 < bridge> i'd need to touch so many images again for #7169 16:45 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7169 16:46 < bridge> does git support smth like a "from this commit, treat the repo as new" function? xd 16:50 < bridge> @ryozuki rust should make a `take` like that from Option for Vec xd 16:50 < bridge> 16:50 < bridge> makes it easy to move Vecs if moving itself is not possible 16:51 < bridge> how would a take for vecs work 16:51 < bridge> isnt it that simply pop 16:51 < bridge> but the thing is a vector has the requirements that it needs to have the elements be contiguous 16:51 < bridge> take the whole vector and leave default 16:51 < bridge> so new vector 16:51 < bridge> basically a mem_swap 16:51 < bridge> i mean 16:52 < bridge> u can do that 16:52 < bridge> let me wip up code 16:53 < bridge> well i use std::mem::take.. that's good enough 16:53 < bridge> ``` 16:53 < bridge> fn main() { 16:53 < bridge> let mut a = vec![2, 3, 4]; 16:53 < bridge> let mut b = vec![]; 16:53 < bridge> std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b); 16:53 < bridge> } 16:53 < bridge> 16:53 < bridge> ``` 16:53 < bridge> u need to leave something 16:53 < bridge> so here u use swap 16:53 < bridge> the default vector as u mentioned 16:53 < bridge> which here is b 16:53 < bridge> yes 16:53 < bridge> this does not look verbose to you? xd 16:53 < bridge> if u want to be able to leave "uninitialized" vector u need to use MaybeUninit 16:54 < bridge> std::mem::take is at least 1-liner πŸ˜„ 16:54 < bridge> i mean, u should just .clone 16:54 < bridge> and then .clear 16:54 < bridge> and if u wanna make sure the vector doesnt use the size 16:54 < bridge> clone is expensive xd 16:54 < bridge> .shrink_to_fit 16:54 < bridge> wdym 16:54 < bridge> then i have the same vec twice 16:55 < bridge> but if u dont need that same vec twice 16:55 < bridge> i just need to move it around basically, but moving itself not possible 16:55 < bridge> just "move" 16:55 < bridge> the original vector 16:55 < bridge> anyway u can do what i meantioned about swap 16:55 < bridge> Vec::new doesnt allocate btw 16:55 < bridge> it allocates on the first insert 16:55 < bridge> ^ 16:56 < bridge> if u want one liners use python 16:56 < bridge> it is a 1-liner 16:56 < bridge> lmao 16:56 < bridge> it already exists 16:56 < bridge> xd 16:56 < bridge> it's just not a call to Vec, like Option 16:56 < bridge> ohh 16:56 < bridge> yeah 16:56 < bridge> take does this 16:56 < bridge> i better make this 1000 lines of code, rather than using python πŸ˜‚ 16:57 < bridge> well i guess u can simply use mem take 16:57 < bridge> so they decided to not put the method 16:57 < bridge> but why did they with option 😬 16:57 < bridge> less methods = less api surface to maintain 16:57 < bridge> i guess cuz take in option is rly common 16:57 < bridge> and it makes more sense 16:57 < bridge> because the default for option is none 16:57 < bridge> u take on some 16:58 < bridge> it has more meaning to it 16:59 < bridge> @ryozuki do u prefer .iter().foreach 16:59 < bridge> or 16:59 < bridge> for .. in .. 16:59 < bridge> for in 16:59 < bridge> hmm i usually dont rly use iterators for foreach 16:59 < bridge> mostly filter,map,etc 16:59 < bridge> but i wonder maybe in some cases foreach is faster 17:00 < bridge> "The implementations of closures and iterators are such that runtime performance is not affected. This is part of Rust’s goal to strive to provide zero-cost abstractions." 17:00 < bridge> this is arguign against iterators being slower 17:01 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks btw i think ..= is slower in iterators 17:01 < bridge> than .. 17:01 < bridge> x..y 17:01 < bridge> x..=y 17:01 < bridge> i mean it's one iteration more xd 17:01 < bridge> or is it slower than x..(y+1) 17:21 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> @ryozuki whats your plan to expand rust in the ddnet code 20:27 < bridge> does this cause the server to shut down if u close your client 20:30 < bridge> No, that was already the case before, if you started the server from the client 21:18 < bridge> Zillyhuhn real 21:18 < bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/295908390956433410/1154858469661351997 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> LOL 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154869968761012335/image.png 22:01 < bridge> πŸ₯Ή 23:31 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> time to get flamed for this update too 23:32 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> (i hope i got all the afk checks right please tell me if i forgot anything) 23:32 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> (i hope i got all the json checks right please tell me if i forgot anything) 23:33 < bridge> everything's wrong. you're fired! 23:36 < bridge> seems fine 23:36 < bridge> good change 23:51 < bridge> Looks nice, but I think variables with `AFK` in them should be changed to `Afk` instead. It's like that in other places :) 23:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Alright will do 23:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> why is this a merge conflict? 23:58 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154899667474202696/image.png