07:35 < bridge> kill whoever invented webkit-gtk 07:35 < bridge> it takes longer to compile than firefox 07:36 < bridge> i just wanted to use gnucash to keep track of my accounting, it requires for some reason webkit-gtk 07:49 < bridge> sad 09:33 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/developers-gif-13292051 10:02 < bridge> :f3: 10:14 < bridge> @mpft go sleep 13:11 < bridge> Wat? 13:12 < bridge> Is it like an electron app but they didn't want to use electron so they made their own? 13:12 < bridge> idk xD 13:12 < bridge> gnucash predates electron 13:12 < bridge> https://www.gnucash.org/ 13:12 < bridge> Make your own, accounting is simple 13:13 < bridge> made in 1999 13:13 < bridge> actually 13:13 < bridge> nah 13:13 < bridge> i already compiled it 13:13 < bridge> hm 13:13 < bridge> maybe i should use a cli one 13:13 < bridge> but i like that gnucash makes graphics and stuff 13:14 < bridge> 13:14 < bridge> Assets = Liabilities + Equity, just do it by hand like in the olden times 13:14 < bridge> oh 13:14 < bridge> i think they use webkit for the plots and stuff 13:14 < bridge> Wow that is ancient. So it predates webkit too 13:15 < bridge> Why not just output dot? 13:15 < bridge> dont ask me 13:15 < bridge> im mad at this 13:15 < bridge> xd 13:15 < bridge> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Webkit 13:16 < bridge> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2015-December/063233.html 13:16 < bridge> > > On Dec 28, 2015, at 5:01 AM, Arno wrote: 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > Dear GNUCash developers, 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > I have a question: 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > Wouldn't it be possible to compile GNUCash 2.6.10 without WebKit support ? I have been using GNUcash for 10+ years now, but since the switch to WebKit only (no other rendering options any more) I cannot get GNUcash to compile any more on my RedHat based Linux systems. 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > For me a simple a simple switch like '--with-html-engine: none' would also be great, why not have the generated HTML files opened in Firefox ? It would be fine for me. 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > Showing the content in tabs looks great, but if it makes compiling GNUcash on any other system than Ubuntu almost impossible. So I would suggest to have the option for an external HTML viewer. 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > I've been trying to compile GNUcash (even the older 2.4 versions) for days on CentOS 7, but to no avail. Been trying to tweak the configure system to use webkitgtk-3, qtwebkit, etc, but it all fails. 13:16 < bridge> > > 13:16 < bridge> > > At the moment I see not many other options than running GNUcash in a virtual machine running Win7 or leaving GNUcash behind. 13:16 < bridge> > 13:16 < bridge> > GnuCash 2.4 can be compiled with the old GtkHTML library. Support for that was removed in 2.6 as it's no longer being maintained. 13:17 < bridge> > 13:17 < bridge> > The development team use Debian stable and Fedora systems routinely for development, so it's clearly not the case that it compiles only on Ubuntu. GnuCash uses Gtk2 for its GUI, so you must use WebKitGtk-2. `yum-builddep gnucash` should get you everything you need, though you may need to include a Fedora rpm repository in your list as IIRC Centos/RHEL doesn't support GnuCash. 13:17 < bridge> > 13:17 < bridge> > Regards, 13:17 < bridge> > John Ralls 13:17 < bridge> so 13:17 < bridge> I see, let's add Webkit to DDNet to render the server browser etc? 13:17 < bridge> they want to show generated html reports in the app itself 13:17 < bridge> instead of delegating that work to firefox for example 13:17 < bridge> xd 13:17 < bridge> yes, so ddnet with deps will compile in 1 hour 13:17 < bridge> on a good system 13:17 < bridge> xd 13:18 < bridge> ❯ sudo genlop -t webkit-gtk 13:18 < bridge> * net-libs/webkit-gtk 13:18 < bridge> 13:18 < bridge> Wed Sep 20 07:56:23 2023 >>> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.40.5-r410 13:18 < bridge> merge time: 25 minutes and 41 seconds. 13:18 < bridge> 25 mins with a ryzen 5800x 13:18 < bridge> Mon Sep 18 18:35:02 2023 >>> www-client/firefox-117.0.1 13:18 < bridge> merge time: 15 minutes and 35 seconds. 13:18 < bridge> xd 13:18 < bridge> they did smth rly wrong there 13:18 < bridge> gtk is up to bad 13:19 < bridge> @learath2 u know the best 13:19 < bridge> webkit-gtk has 3!!! slots 13:19 < bridge> in gentoo 13:20 < bridge> so if u end up with 3 binaries that use a different slot 13:20 < bridge> u compile it 3 times!! 13:20 < bridge> :pepeW: 13:21 < bridge> https://bugs.gentoo.org/893668 13:21 < bridge> https://bugs.gentoo.org/526998 13:24 < bridge> @deen is https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6552 still not possible? 13:24 < bridge> I gave up on using crosstool-ng 13:25 < bridge> seems complicated 13:25 < bridge> @learath2 wasnt zig the best cross compiler 13:25 < bridge> u know if it works here 13:25 < bridge> @deen can u do cross builds using docker? 13:26 < bridge> https://github.com/cross-rs/cross does that somewhat 13:26 < bridge> Maybe not following https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/16270 13:27 < bridge> How does it matter if it's docker, a VM or a chroot? The problem is that there is no distribution that has an old enough glibc version and a new enough C++ compiler to make this work 13:27 < bridge> ah 13:27 < bridge> which is what crosstool-ng is supposed to solve 13:27 < bridge> well do we rly need to support those old glibcs 13:28 < bridge> First you complain about long compile times, then you want to use fancy new C++ features which will probably increase our compile times 😄 13:28 < bridge> I care, and so do people using non-rolling release distros 13:28 < bridge> i mean we are talking different orders of magnitudes xD 13:29 < bridge> I think the more modern C++ usage is the main reason webkit takes longer than compile than firefox 13:29 < bridge> to* 13:29 < bridge> is it? 13:29 < bridge> what version do they use 13:30 < bridge> altho in part firefox uses nodejs 13:30 < bridge> which takes another 15min to compile 13:30 < bridge> also arent modules simplifying compilation 13:30 < bridge> iirc, compile times arent due to parsing c++ 13:30 < bridge> they are from codegen 13:30 < bridge> Not using a more recent standard, but fancy features like templates 13:30 < bridge> It's probably less the fact that it's C++20 but that the modern way of writing C++ is jusr very very slow to compile 13:31 < bridge> why? 13:31 < bridge> Templates and SFINAE 13:31 < bridge> template heavy stuff? 13:31 < bridge> Templates live in header, have to be handled again in each cpp file that includes the header 13:31 < bridge> is template heavy c++ slower to compile than rust? 13:31 < bridge> xd 13:31 < bridge> No, Rust is probably even worse 13:32 < bridge> i wonder 13:32 < bridge> deno compiles in 4 mins for me 13:32 < bridge> If rust werent compiling everything it might be faster 13:32 < bridge> it does the same as nodejs 13:32 < bridge> No templatemagic 13:32 < bridge> true, we include deps when compiling in rust 13:32 < bridge> so its a mixed bag 13:32 < bridge> Yes 13:33 < bridge> but i feel rust has better paralelization when compiling? 13:33 < bridge> No header files no problems xd 13:33 < bridge> xd 13:33 < bridge> That's what i hate just about cpp tbh 13:33 < bridge> Having to write functions twice 13:33 < bridge> I don't even think about it nowadays 13:34 < bridge> The biggest annoyance for me is not being able to declare templates in headers 13:34 < bridge> You end up with this weird asymmetric case 13:34 < bridge> one thing i always found curious is 13:34 < bridge> c++ forward declarations 13:34 < bridge> u simply dont have them in rust 13:35 < bridge> and i think they are beginner unfriendly 13:35 < bridge> i wont tell u how much i struggled to understand em when learning xd 13:36 < bridge> It's necessary to have with the way C++ is parsed 13:36 < bridge> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/definition 13:36 < bridge> ODR 13:36 < bridge> iirc 13:37 < bridge> https://twitter.com/gf_256/status/1285217798642454531 13:37 < bridge> reposting a meme heinrich shared time ago 13:37 < bridge> xd 13:38 < bridge> Just go back to Pascal, large scale programs compiled before your finger is off the key you pressed to start the compilation 😄 13:38 < bridge> wasnt pascal a 1 pass compiler or smth 13:38 < bridge> xD 13:38 < bridge> There is an article on my to read list about how pascal compiled so fast 13:39 < bridge> dont build an ast 4head 13:39 < bridge> @learath2 have u seen what clang ast looks like 13:39 < bridge> :justatest: 13:39 < bridge> I've only barely interacted with it to parse ddnet source to extract a relationship graph 13:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154019051631300618/oOCGS.png 13:39 < bridge> > The Turbo name alluded to the speed of compiling and of the executables produced. The edit/compile/run cycle was fast compared to other Pascal implementations because everything related to building the program was stored in RAM, and because it was a one-pass compiler written in assembly language. Compiling was much faster than compilers for other languages (even Borland's own later compilers for C),[citation needed] and other Pascal compilers, and p 13:39 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_Pascal 13:40 < bridge> Probably this article: https://prog21.dadgum.com/45.html 13:41 < bridge> (Part 2 about Pascal: https://prog21.dadgum.com/47.html?repost=true) 13:41 < bridge> Could be, not home to check 13:41 < bridge> oh nice 13:42 < bridge> These computers they make us take exams on are so damn slow. Matlab runs at a snails pace 13:42 < bridge> i used once the rust clang crate (bindings to clang itself) to inspect a c++ library to generate bindings xd 13:49 < bridge> Just buy more cores 13:49 < bridge> Soon we compile on gpu, xd 13:50 < bridge> i always forget that if u have a var of type `[uX; N]` it is Copy 13:50 < bridge> [u8; 32] 13:50 < bridge> That's one thing gpus would probably never be good at 13:51 < bridge> idk if compilers do this, but i think the future would be to make function dependency graphs 13:51 < bridge> and analyze it 13:51 < bridge> then find paralelization opportunities 13:51 < bridge> when compiling 13:51 < bridge> iirc rn most langs just paralelize modules 13:52 < bridge> but im not much into this i may be bullshitting 13:52 < bridge> Solving these graphs might take longer than just compiling. It's not exactly trivial 13:54 < bridge> https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/18/microsoft-ai-researchers-accidentally-exposed-terabytes-of-internal-sensitive-data/?guccounter=1 13:54 < bridge> Lmao 13:55 < bridge> That's a big oof 13:55 < bridge> 35TB :issou: 13:55 < bridge> xd 14:02 < bridge> Why not. If your project is big enough 14:02 < bridge> Like many translation units 14:07 < bridge> Idk if modern compute units are flexible enough but parsing through code isn't exactly what they are good at 14:10 < bridge> Well i guess they are flexible enough, but probably is still rather slow 14:10 < bridge> Maybe if u somehow group similar compilation tasks together 14:11 < bridge> Would defs be a funny experience 14:11 < bridge> Experiment 14:20 < bridge> https://prog21.dadgum.com/30.html 14:20 < bridge> this blogger is nice 15:06 < bridge> https://github.com/kantord/SeaGOAT 15:12 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :justatest: 15:13 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> imagine datamining terabytes just to make investors interested in you 15:29 < bridge> https://github.com/AdRoll/rustenstein 15:32 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> whos nextroll 15:32 < bridge> any ideas how to fix this? :D 15:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154047559850004583/image.png 15:35 < bridge> Buy a GPU 15:36 < bridge> oke 15:36 < bridge> Somehow u made your sdl go into an offscreen mode 15:37 < bridge> when im root all works but when i change user it doesnt :pepeW: 15:37 < bridge> Is this Wayland? 15:37 < bridge> It sounds like u arent in the video group 15:37 < bridge> And thus have no access to your gpu 15:38 < bridge> x11 15:38 < bridge> i chose what ive seen in wiki :D 15:39 < bridge> Why do you all choose gentoo if u don't know how Linux works lmao 15:39 < bridge> Gentoo is for no lifers 15:39 < bridge> Like ryo 15:40 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 15:40 < bridge> thanks for advice anyways 15:41 < bridge> Search the wiki about the video user group 15:41 < bridge> That could be the problem here 15:48 < bridge> are u in gentoo 15:48 < bridge> video group 15:48 < bridge> yep 15:49 < bridge> they are following my cult 15:49 < bridge> actually yes 15:49 < bridge> To follow the path: 15:49 < bridge> look to the master, 15:49 < bridge> follow the master, 15:49 < bridge> walk with the master, 15:49 < bridge> see through the master, 15:49 < bridge> become the master. 15:51 < bridge> Maybe write a gentoo blog where this wouldn't have happened 15:52 < bridge> xd 15:52 < bridge> but ur right they should learn more 15:52 < bridge> the video group is actually on the wiki 15:52 < bridge> and its general linux knowledge 15:52 < bridge> ❯ groups 15:52 < bridge> wheel audio video kvm users edgar 15:52 < bridge> there are my groups btw 15:53 < bridge> @milkeeycat 15:53 < bridge> btw nice hostname 15:53 < bridge> daddy 15:53 < bridge> i recommend u setup gento oguru 15:54 < bridge> and emerge ddnet 15:54 < bridge> i even recommend u unmask ddnet 9999 version 15:54 < bridge> so u emerge ddnet from latest git 15:54 < bridge> u just gotta remember to re emerge every now and then 15:54 < bridge> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU/Information_for_End_Users 15:55 < bridge> thanks for coming to my ted talk 15:55 < bridge> again 15:55 < bridge> i have same 15:56 < bridge> it doesnt work? 15:56 < bridge> did u just add urself? 15:56 < bridge> maybe try relogin 15:56 < bridge> or restart 15:56 < bridge> are u using nvidia? 16:03 < bridge> atleast u can do this now 16:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154055225766846555/image.png 16:09 < bridge> Initially i was solving the problem that i couldn't run startx as non root to open i3 but now ive no fucking clue what's wrong and what's correct. I shouldve just installed Ubuntu :pepeW: 16:09 < bridge> Or Mint 16:12 < bridge> Xdd 16:12 < bridge> Did u try to search the Internet for your problem 16:13 < bridge> Yep 16:18 < bridge> @milkeeycat whats ur bash_profile 16:18 < bridge> ```bash 16:18 < bridge> ❯ cat .bash_profile 16:18 < bridge> # /etc/skel/.bash_profile 16:18 < bridge> 16:18 < bridge> if shopt -q login_shell; then 16:18 < bridge> [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && source ~/.bashrc 16:18 < bridge> [[ -t 0 && $(tty) == /dev/tty1 && ! $DISPLAY ]] && exec startx 16:18 < bridge> else 16:18 < bridge> exit 1 # Somehow this is a non-bash or non-login shell. 16:18 < bridge> fi 16:18 < bridge> ``` 16:18 < bridge> u use a login manager? 16:18 < bridge> ```bash 16:18 < bridge> ❯ cat .xinitrc 16:18 < bridge> xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources 16:19 < bridge> 16:19 < bridge> if [ -n "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]; then 16:19 < bridge> kill $(echo ${GPG_AGENT_INFO} | cut -d':' -f 2) >/dev/null 2>&1 16:19 < bridge> fi 16:19 < bridge> 16:19 < bridge> gentoo-pipewire-launcher & 16:19 < bridge> 16:19 < bridge> exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session ssh-agent i3 16:19 < bridge> ``` 16:20 < bridge> but yeah if its too hard and u dont wanna deal with it use debian 16:20 < bridge> or mint 16:20 < bridge> or whathever 16:20 < bridge> but u cant be in the gentoo ddnet club then 16:20 < bridge> Nah, i installed it, ill make it work 16:20 < bridge> thats the spiri 16:20 < bridge> t 16:20 < bridge> XD 16:23 < Ryozuki> make sure to install and configure weechat 16:23 < Ryozuki> and join quakenet 16:23 < bridge> @milkeeycat what gpu? 16:23 < bridge> I have some goofy ahh laptop's gpu 16:23 < bridge> Wait a sec 16:25 < bridge> Did u check if it even has a working driver? 16:26 < bridge> Thats.. a good question 16:26 < bridge> But as root ddnet worked right ? 16:26 < bridge> Ye 16:27 < bridge> Nvidia GeForce MX130 😎 16:27 < bridge> Uff 16:50 < bridge> I'm so not built for time deadlines. I need to find a job with very loose ones for my sanity 16:52 < bridge> mine doesnt have tight deadlines 16:52 < bridge> actually good management makes deadlines inexistant 16:53 < bridge> never had to rly care 16:53 < bridge> just deliver 17:00 < bridge> Hire me 17:05 < bridge> my company hates c++ we dont use much C, but we use Rust, erlang, elixir and maybe some julia 17:05 < bridge> actually the bossman used rust since 2015 17:05 < bridge> also its anti haskell 17:07 < bridge> one of my coworkers is in the rustlang group in gh 17:08 < bridge> I can become a rustacean 17:08 < bridge> :justatest: 17:21 < bridge> It worked 🥹 17:22 < bridge> what worked 17:22 < bridge> Everything 17:22 < bridge> Startx works 17:22 < bridge> Ddnet works 17:23 < bridge> All i did is added 2 groups 19:02 < bridge> Are you also doing the gentoo moment? 19:13 < bridge> maybe 19:14 < bridge> gentoo btw 19:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154103402423406663/image.png 19:16 < bridge> i have a bg but cropping this shit on a laptop is pain 19:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154103679830474752/image.png 19:19 < bridge> bruv 19:19 < bridge> remove borders from i3 19:20 < bridge> and use this awesome purple color theme 19:20 < bridge> xd 19:20 < bridge> @milkeeycat if u want a lightweight file browser that doesnt require bloat gtk, i recommend xfe 19:21 < bridge> welcome to 1995 19:21 < bridge> but its fast af 19:21 < bridge> and lightweight 19:23 < bridge> who couldve though if u login with one name but then change it, you wouldnt be able to run startx :pep 19:23 < bridge> who couldve though if u login with one name but then change it, you wouldnt be able to run startx :pepeW: 19:24 < bridge> I use lf https://github.com/gokcehan/lf 19:24 < bridge> i use tree 19:26 < bridge> @mr.gh0s7 i only use gui file manager cuz some programs want drag and drop 19:26 < bridge> otherwise i use ls cd 19:26 < bridge> xd 19:28 < bridge> I copy the file path from lf in such cases and paste it from there (in the gui one) so in the end it's faster 19:29 < bridge> Also, lf is very extendable via shell scripts. 19:32 < bridge> @ryozuki can i be in gentoo ddnet club? :justatest: 19:35 < bridge> u gotta use it for a month 19:35 < bridge> ur daily driver 19:35 < bridge> cuz u wont find "problems" if u dont use it 19:35 < bridge> btw what terminal u use 19:36 < bridge> btw i recommend this 19:36 < bridge> I use xterm 19:36 < bridge> But u use alacrity 19:37 < bridge> Coz its written in rust btw 19:37 < bridge> i3config, i do it gapless 19:37 < bridge> ``` 19:37 < bridge> # Smart Gaps 19:37 < bridge> smart_gaps on 19:37 < bridge> 19:37 < bridge> # Smart Borders 19:37 < bridge> smart_borders on 19:37 < bridge> hide_edge_borders both 19:37 < bridge> 19:37 < bridge> # Set inner/outer gaps 19:37 < bridge> gaps inner 0 19:37 < bridge> gaps outer 0 19:37 < bridge> 19:37 < bridge> for_window [window_role="pop-up"] floating enable 19:37 < bridge> for_window [window_role="bubble"] floating enable 19:37 < bridge> for_window [window_role="task_dialog"] floating enable 19:37 < bridge> for_window [window_role="Preferences"] floating enable 19:37 < bridge> for_window [window_role="About"] floating enable 19:37 < bridge> ``` 19:37 < bridge> use alacritty bro 19:37 < bridge> its faster 19:37 < bridge> my modifier key is the windows key 19:37 < bridge> xd 19:37 < bridge> or where the windows icon usually is 19:37 < bridge> Ill probably switch terminal coz i cant even paste shit in Terminal 19:38 < bridge> :pepeW: 19:38 < bridge> I use alt 19:38 < bridge> ye xterm is not best 19:38 < bridge> alt is not the best modifier 19:38 < bridge> cuz u use alt in programs 19:38 < bridge> u dont use win key 19:38 < bridge> but its personal 19:38 < bridge> Fair 19:38 < bridge> btw i use i3blocks for the bar 19:38 < bridge> check out https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks-contrib 19:38 < bridge> to config 19:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154109458528600155/image.png 19:38 < bridge> my bar 19:39 < bridge> I have much less things 19:39 < bridge> Xd 19:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154109615722741891/image.png 19:40 < bridge> i have 2 displays too xd 19:40 < bridge> i wonder if i can have per display workspace 19:40 < bridge> then i can use 20 19:40 < bridge> I can finally build client code 🥹 19:41 < bridge> Dats cool 19:41 < bridge> did u setup gentoo guru 19:41 < bridge> Not yet 19:41 < bridge> do it 19:41 < bridge> also learn portage 19:41 < bridge> its the heart of gentoo 19:41 < bridge> learn what a package mask is 19:41 < bridge> I was setting up tmux 19:41 < bridge> learn what use flags are 19:41 < bridge> :p 19:41 < bridge> hm does tmux make sense locally 19:42 < bridge> u just split 19:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154110302451929141/image.png 19:43 < bridge> I like having 2 full screen terminals sometimes 19:44 < bridge> And i have cool ass script for tmux 19:44 < bridge> I didn't make it but just yoinked 19:44 < bridge> But still 19:45 < bridge> What is [FSP] and why do I need it? 19:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154111041907720223/image.png 19:49 < bridge> I assume it's an empty space that has the same width as a number, so all numbers align 19:49 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_space 19:49 < bridge> I don't get it, thx ^^ 19:49 < bridge> ooooo 19:49 < bridge> cool 19:58 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks https://openai.com/dall-e-3 20:01 < bridge> epic 20:12 < bridge> eyo im kinda confused rn. im on hyprland and ddnet is telling me my maximum resolution is 1280x720. im on a 1920x1080@60hz display and everything else is working. i do have xrandr installed as it is a dependency of hyperland somehow. just doing `xrandr` gives me: 20:12 < bridge> ```Screen 0: minimum 16 x 16, current 1280 x 720, maximum 32767 x 32767 20:12 < bridge> eDP-1 connected 1280x720+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 310mm x 170mm 20:12 < bridge> 1280x720 59.86*+ 20:12 < bridge> 800x600 59.86 20:12 < bridge> 640x480 59.38 20:12 < bridge> 320x240 59.52 20:12 < bridge> 1152x720 59.97 20:12 < bridge> 960x600 59.96 20:12 < bridge> 928x580 59.88 20:12 < bridge> 800x500 59.50 20:12 < bridge> 768x480 59.90 20:12 < bridge> 720x480 59.71 20:12 < bridge> 640x400 59.95 20:12 < bridge> 320x200 58.96 20:12 < bridge> 1024x576 59.90 20:12 < bridge> 864x486 59.92 20:12 < bridge> 720x400 59.55 20:12 < bridge> 640x350 59.77``` 20:12 < bridge> xrandr obviously cant control the the screen and `inxi -CGxxIM` gives me: 20:12 < bridge> ``` 20:12 < bridge> Graphics: 20:12 < bridge> Device-1: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] vendor: Dell Latitude E7470 20:12 < bridge> driver: i915 v: kernel arch: Gen-9 ports: active: eDP-1 20:12 < bridge> empty: DP-1,HDMI-A-1,HDMI-A-2 bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:1916 20:13 < bridge> Device-2: CNFEH63N0370600025C2 Integrated_Webcam_HD driver: uvcvideo 20:13 < bridge> type: USB rev: 2.0 speed: 480 Mb/s lanes: 1 bus-ID: 1-2:2 chip-ID: 1bcf:2b91 20:13 < bridge> Display: wayland server: Xwayland v: 23.2.0 compositor: Hyprland driver: 20:13 < bridge> gpu: i915 display-ID: 1 20:13 < bridge> Monitor-1: eDP-1 model: AU Optronics 0x133d res: 1920x1080 dpi: 158 20:13 < bridge> diag: 354mm (13.9") 20:13 < bridge> so ddnet is getting its information somehow wrong 20:13 < bridge> eyo im kinda confused rn. im on hyprland and ddnet is telling me my maximum resolution is 1280x720. im on a 1920x1080@60hz display and everything else is working. i do have xrandr installed as it is a dependency of hyperland somehow. just doing `xrandr` gives me: 20:13 < bridge> ```Screen 0: minimum 16 x 16, current 1280 x 720, maximum 32767 x 32767 20:13 < bridge> eDP-1 connected 1280x720+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 310mm x 170mm 20:13 < bridge> 1280x720 59.86*+ 20:13 < bridge> 800x600 59.86 20:13 < bridge> 640x480 59.38 20:13 < bridge> 320x240 59.52 20:13 < bridge> 1152x720 59.97 20:13 < bridge> 960x600 59.96 20:13 < bridge> 928x580 59.88 20:14 < bridge> 800x500 59.50 20:14 < bridge> 768x480 59.90 20:14 < bridge> 720x480 59.71 20:14 < bridge> 640x400 59.95 20:14 < bridge> 320x200 58.96 20:14 < bridge> 1024x576 59.90 20:14 < bridge> 864x486 59.92 20:14 < bridge> 720x400 59.55 20:14 < bridge> 640x350 59.77``` 20:14 < bridge> xrandr obviously cant control the the screen since im on wayland. `inxi -CGxxIM` gives me: 20:14 < bridge> ``` 20:14 < bridge> Graphics: 20:14 < bridge> Device-1: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] vendor: Dell Latitude E7470 20:14 < bridge> driver: i915 v: kernel arch: Gen-9 ports: active: eDP-1 20:14 < bridge> empty: DP-1,HDMI-A-1,HDMI-A-2 bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:1916 20:14 < bridge> Device-2: CNFEH63N0370600025C2 Integrated_Webcam_HD driver: uvcvideo 20:14 < bridge> type: USB rev: 2.0 speed: 480 Mb/s lanes: 1 bus-ID: 1-2:2 chip-ID: 1bcf:2b91 20:14 < bridge> Display: wayland server: Xwayland v: 23.2.0 compositor: Hyprland driver: 20:14 < bridge> gpu: i915 display-ID: 1 20:14 < bridge> Monitor-1: eDP-1 model: AU Optronics 0x133d res: 1920x1080 dpi: 158 20:14 < bridge> diag: 354mm (13.9") 20:17 < bridge> Have you set the correct environment variables? You can try running DDNet with `SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland` () 20:24 < bridge> doesnt seem to work.. 20:28 < bridge> seems like no diffrence 20:32 < bridge> need sdl3 20:35 < bridge> k 20:35 < bridge> https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/XWayland/ 20:35 < bridge> this fixed it 20:52 < bridge> mm i have lags every 30 sec. i think it is cus overloaded cpu. so any tips how to fix that 20:52 < bridge> mm i have lags every 30 sec. i think it is cus overloaded cpu. so any tips how to fix that? 20:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154128016755142736/image.png 20:53 < bridge> on screen i miminizate tw 20:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154128016755142736/image.png 21:07 < bridge> did have this before? 21:07 < bridge> else try to restart windows over "Restart" first.. this often helps 21:08 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i see window 21:08 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> windows reference (based) 21:09 < bridge> ❓ 21:19 < bridge> jus a joke 21:46 < bridge> Nice 21:47 < bridge> But 21:47 < bridge> We already have many image generators 21:48 < bridge> ~~Specifically for generating anime girls~~ 21:48 < bridge> question is how well it works together with gpt 21:48 < bridge> that could make it very powerful 21:48 < bridge> e.g. 21:48 < bridge> https://images.openai.com/blob/54facbbb-c94c-4884-8c94-5b984b19749c/dalle-image-map.png?trim=0,0,0,0&width=2600 21:49 < bridge> if that is true. would be completely insane 21:49 < bridge> midjourney was the best draw in the world. but it was stupid af 21:49 < bridge> understanding text 21:53 < bridge> I wonder what they did to make it more precise 21:53 < bridge> Is this just a diffusion model with better training? 21:54 < bridge> i guess they somehow combined it with gpt intelligence. 21:55 < bridge> e.g. maybe descripe the individual details first, then combine it into a final image 21:58 < bridge> I think gpt can use this tool 21:58 < bridge> So it's not exactly integrated into it 21:58 < bridge> It's hard to tell 22:00 < bridge> i could imagine it's a model that actually is connected to gpt3 22:00 < bridge> similar to our brain.. but ofc still very different xd 22:00 < bridge> I wonder if chatgpt could communicate with the diffusion model using some "ai language" and not english 22:01 < bridge> yeah maybe it doesnt really communicate over text 22:01 < bridge> but over "neurons" 22:01 < bridge> I guess it depends on how you train the models 22:02 < bridge> i just come back after 1 year drop 22:03 < bridge> i jsut need some how reduce single cpu, if possible do multicore 22:05 < bridge> u can change the thread schedular.. but no idea how under windows 22:14 < bridge> i think it is possible just by change game settings, but i change fps and no reaction at all 22:14 < bridge> i think it is possible just by change game settings, but i try change fps and no reaction at all 22:14 < bridge> u can limit cpu usage 22:15 < bridge> over cl_refresh_rate 22:15 < bridge> it might affect input tho 22:15 < bridge> ye i aready tried that 22:16 < bridge> like i said before, no reaction at all 22:16 < bridge> what did u set it to? 22:16 < bridge> `cl_refresh_rate 60` should almost eliminate all usage 22:16 < bridge> 30 fps and still overloaded cpu 22:17 < bridge> u sure u used CL 22:17 < bridge> not gfx 22:17 < bridge> what is it 22:17 < bridge> CL refresh rate 22:17 < bridge> not GFX refresh rate 22:18 < bridge> it sis gfx or cl 22:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154149513905315962/image.png 22:18 < bridge> it is gfx or cl 22:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154149513905315962/image.png 22:18 < bridge> if its in graphics settings 22:18 < bridge> its gfx 22:18 < bridge> the other is in general 22:20 < bridge> lol ye its help 22:20 < bridge> but what diff? 22:20 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks 22:21 < bridge> cl = the whole game loop: simulation + input + prepare gfx calls 22:21 < bridge> gfx = only gfx calls 22:21 < bridge> 1 unlimited 22:21 < bridge> 2 320 22:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154150289448915105/image.png 22:21 < bridge> why why it is set up so cringe on default? 22:22 < bridge> have u played with 320 22:22 < bridge> it changes the input 22:22 < bridge> i personally can't play with it 22:22 < bridge> feels weird 22:22 < bridge> i sure some one too lag cus too have unlimited 22:22 < bridge> i dont think so 22:22 < bridge> lags = overheating 22:22 < bridge> most ppl have good coolers 22:23 < bridge> wtf it is like mining 22:24 < bridge> it's a single core on 100% "only" 22:24 < bridge> if i run any game it is dont have any lags. 22:24 < bridge> but tw lag 22:24 < bridge> good, but that doesnt mean its tws fault xD 22:24 < bridge> it's your setup that causes it 22:24 < bridge> idk i have 5.1 ghz 22:24 < bridge> and no overheat at all 22:25 < bridge> u can also have 8ghz and no lags 😄 22:25 < bridge> i think 22:25 < bridge> if it lags, it must be either some software bug. or some hardware bug 22:25 < bridge> ofc cus its more powerfull 22:25 < bridge> and cooling is pretty likely 😄 22:28 < bridge> fck it is frezze some times 22:28 < bridge> fck it is still frezze some times 22:28 < bridge> fck it is still frezzed some times 22:29 < bridge> ^ did u try this already 22:29 < bridge> it imagen how 2d game have always lags 22:29 < bridge> it;s imagen how 2d game have always lags 22:29 < bridge> it's imagen how 2d game have always lags 22:30 < bridge> no matter which computer i try.. not even my android phone (1000+ fps) i ever had any lags 22:30 < bridge> last 5 years always need dance with settings for have "unlag tw" 22:30 < bridge> last 5 years always need dance with settings for have "no lag tw" 22:31 < bridge> my debug graph 22:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154152823475412992/image.png 22:31 < bridge> if u want to compare 22:31 < bridge> but i have cl refresh rate 0 22:31 < bridge> and gfx refresh rate 1440 22:31 < bridge> i cange 3 pc and every time its better and still lags. 22:31 < bridge> i change 3 pc and every time its better and still lags. 22:31 < bridge> LAN server ofc 22:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154153872223391917/image.png 22:37 < bridge> this is unlimited 22:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1154154415142477834/image.png 22:38 < bridge> the only problem i could slightly imagine is #1996 22:38 < bridge> 22:38 < bridge> since i'm on linux i dont have this problem 22:38 < bridge> 22:38 < bridge> but most ppl don't complain about lags, so it would be weird if this is really the issue 22:38 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/1996 22:38 < bridge> yeah i mean doesn't look too bad to me tbh 22:39 < bridge> does LAN server also lag? 22:39 < bridge> if u play there 22:40 < bridge> idk didnt play 22:40 < bridge> why if i set 60 fps its lagg like 20 fps 22:41 < bridge> newest client? 22:41 < bridge> 17 2 1 22:42 < bridge> then dunno 22:43 < bridge> when i change Hz my mouse change speed when i move 22:43 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks this is so confusing 22:43 < bridge> You can try: 22:43 < bridge> `cl_refresh_rate 60; gfx_refresh_rate 0; gfx_asyncrender_old 0` 22:45 < bridge> anyway sleep is awaiting me. have a good one 22:45 < bridge> 22:45 < bridge> u can reset all config variables with `reset ` 22:45 < bridge> on any other game if u change fps this is no effect on mouse sentivity. 22:47 < bridge> idk i smth change and feel like my mouse have more smooth moves and it is annoyng 22:47 < bridge> and ye it is lag 22:47 < bridge> still 22:48 < bridge> after alt+ tab when back into game it is have fps like 20 23:05 < bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/GFX_Troubleshooting#Low_FPS,_stuttering_or_similar_problems 23:05 < bridge> 23:05 < bridge> Btw this is all the trouble shooting i collected over the years that helped somebody 23:05 < bridge> lol 23:07 < bridge> what about smooth mouse move? 23:07 < bridge> how to fix that? 23:07 < bridge> Smother is always better 23:07 < bridge> Just get used to it 23:08 < bridge> nope 23:08 < bridge> Trust me 23:08 < bridge> Source: Internet 23:09 < bridge> trust me, i swa some video about game desing and smooth is problem on new games 23:10 < bridge> if u need more realistic video u need smooth but on CS GO it will kill her on tw same 23:10 < bridge> if u need more realistic video u need smooth but on CS GO it will kill game on tw same 23:10 < bridge> Well with smooth i don't mean motion blur or some weird effects. But if it feels faster. It's better 23:11 < bridge> im now about clear. i wanna fast change my mouse but i cant cus it is smooth 23:12 < bridge> im not about clear. i wanna fast change my mouse but i cant cus it is smooth 23:12 < bridge> im not about clear. i wanna fast change my mouse but i cant cus it is smooth look like delay but it is not delay 23:16 < bridge> Do you have vsync enabled? 23:16 < bridge> тщзу 23:16 < bridge> Nope 23:17 < bridge> hmm okay