00:29 < bridge> ```py 00:29 < bridge> >>> "".join([chr(int(x, 2)) for x in "01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01100111 01110101 01111001 01110011 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100111 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00111111".split()]) 00:29 < bridge> "hello guys how's your day?" 00:29 < bridge> ``` 00:35 < bridge> hi o/ 00:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150562447040716840/image.png 00:58 < bridge> magic 00:58 < bridge> nice 😄 04:49 < bridge> yea plasma does it pretty well 04:49 < bridge> shoot 07:48 < bridge> magic o.0 lerato pro ctf player 08:30 < bridge> morning 09:20 < bridge> morning 12:32 < bridge> morning 12:34 < bridge> morning 12:44 < bridge> morning 13:02 < bridge> morning 13:11 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/did-you-know-no-one-gif-24072009 15:10 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i asked 15:26 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks we should make monday special 15:26 < bridge> friday for rust 15:26 < bridge> monday for ?? 15:28 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> its windows monday! 15:28 < bridge> nah 15:28 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yah 15:46 < bridge> plot twist this is actually the moment i went to sleep 15:46 < bridge> morning 15:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150790219210162206/RDT_20230911_1549167586274251033066942.jpg 15:49 < bridge> Lmfao 15:51 < bridge> xd 15:52 < bridge> :f3: 15:52 < bridge> ✅ 15:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150792069565136936/pull_request_2023_version_V6bz7tgY.mp4 15:59 < bridge> damn 17:26 < bridge> morning (still morning here) 17:26 < bridge> bro monday = -inf motivation 17:26 < bridge> but we can do TFR and WFR and TFR and SFR and SFR 17:27 < bridge> you in china? ^^ 17:27 < bridge> just deens clock 17:27 < bridge> xd 17:28 < bridge> deen on a trip 17:29 < bridge> @heinrich5991 you in asia? 17:29 < bridge> can u explain those words 17:30 < bridge> tuesday for rust, wednessday for rust, thursday for rust, saturday for rust and sunday for rust 17:30 < bridge> xd 17:30 < bridge> but then friday loses value 17:30 < bridge> it needs to be smth else 17:30 < bridge> ah 17:30 < bridge> u want tuesday for vulkan 17:30 < bridge> good idea 18:01 < bridge> it’s morning here. i think he’s in the western hemisphere 18:04 < bridge> is there a ytb version of it or some sort of link of this short? 18:08 < bridge> yeah asia rn is in the evening/night 18:13 < bridge> yeah 19:01 < bridge> Manhattan, work 19:09 < bridge> business man 19:45 < bridge> https://bun.sh/ this looks quite interesting 19:46 < bridge> i refuse 19:46 < bridge> joking if its good its good 19:47 < bridge> but i believe same can be made with zig 19:47 < bridge> iirc deno is not as fast cuz it uses v8 19:47 < bridge> but i think bun made its own 19:48 < bridge> but i believe same can be made with rust instead of zig 20:00 < bridge> <0xfaulty> Could somebody explain why m_ReckoningCore updating each tick? When one tee on server stand still, no direction moves, no cursor moves. Seems should no be so or am I misunderstanding something? (tested on latest master) 20:00 < bridge> <0xfaulty> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150853428818493480/image.png 20:00 < bridge> <0xfaulty> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150853429065945230/image.png 20:00 < bridge> <0xfaulty> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150853429309231144/image.png 21:38 < bridge> Bun uses WebKit the apple stuff 21:41 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/live/j_77WGOWa-8 21:41 < bridge> The own they made is the 60 star project I made fun of because of merge conflict 21:41 < bridge> Harvard still teaching the best language 21:43 < bridge> C enjoyer 21:43 < bridge> Is this live live? 21:43 < bridge> Or recycle live? 21:44 < bridge> Live live 21:44 < bridge> Who is this for ? 21:44 < bridge> It’s starter level CS for harvard undergrad 21:45 < bridge> So Harvard Students are watching this right now in person? 21:45 < bridge> And us online at the same time? 21:46 < bridge> @learath2: how even did you come across this? 21:47 < bridge> Yes 21:47 < bridge> Youtube algorithm 21:48 < bridge> Lmao 21:48 < bridge> Looks fun ngl 21:51 < bridge> Im so Stuck in the video lerato help 21:52 < bridge> Love how he said you have to configure Linux to support arrow key up in the terminal to cycle back your history. He must be using a truly minimal history where this is not the default xD 21:52 < bridge> Distro \* 21:53 < bridge> Love how he said you have to configure Linux to support arrow key up in the terminal to cycle back your history. He must be using a truly minimal distro where this is not the default xD 21:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150882345684058273/image.png 21:55 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/you-shall-not-pass-lord-of-the-ring-gif-5234772 21:55 < bridge> Rust moment 21:55 < bridge> 😬 21:56 < bridge> Rust so unstable it break all ddnet pipelines 21:56 < bridge> when selfhosted pipelines 21:56 < bridge> 😏 21:56 < bridge> Would it even fix? 21:56 < bridge> If we switch to GitLab I’d share my runner with ddnet 21:57 < bridge> GitHub is becoming slowly unusable anyways 21:57 < bridge> The new GitHub feed is so bad might as well switch to Netherlands libre alternative 21:58 < bridge> let's open a vscode server instance and code all in the same vscode instance 21:58 < bridge> probs fun 21:58 < bridge> You host 21:58 < bridge> just bcs it has terminal access? don't be so shy 21:58 < bridge> Dude lerato is a thing 21:59 < bridge> This CS50 dude is fun I wonder if they also have x86 assembly 22:00 < bridge> xd 22:00 < bridge> i bet that's learath 22:01 < bridge> Xd imagine 22:01 < bridge> He fits the age I assume lerato to be 22:01 < bridge> you think he is 12? 22:01 < bridge> crazy 22:01 < bridge> But his English is not fancy enough and lerato is also more hacker 22:02 < bridge> Dude the guy in the video is a fossil 22:02 < bridge> 12 years old fossil 22:02 < bridge> Ryo is 12 and lerato is 40 22:02 < bridge> Change my mind 22:02 < bridge> from code languages they use it probably fits xd 22:02 < bridge> harvard is top of the top right 22:03 < bridge> they should teach rust 22:03 < bridge> :BASEDHALT: 22:03 < bridge> Not for computer science, but still way up there yeah 22:03 < bridge> Dude the stream changed from building super Mario to building a calculator … what a downer 22:03 < bridge> he is actually not teaching general stuff tho 22:03 < bridge> it's fucking boring 22:03 < bridge> but C specific printf subteities 22:04 < bridge> it's like lower grades highschool stuff 22:04 < bridge> go to uni to learn this 22:04 < bridge> i learned this 14y old 22:04 < bridge> i thought havard is the elite 😂 22:04 < bridge> this is more like a noob class 22:05 < bridge> I mean what do you expect, it’s the first lecture of their first years first computer science class. We all have a decade of experience in C 😄 22:05 < bridge> one would guess elite unis require entry level knowledge 22:05 < bridge> of the most famous language 22:05 < bridge> well i expect them not to start at 0 xD 22:05 < bridge> It’s far better than the sad excuse my uni had for a first C lecture 22:05 < bridge> You’d be surprised how many people enrolled in a CS/CEng program have no clue about programming when they start out 22:06 < bridge> but 22:06 < bridge> they do be getting in debt 22:06 < bridge> to go there 22:06 < bridge> in that uni 22:06 < bridge> 100k€ debt 22:06 < bridge> student loans 22:06 < bridge> america dream 22:06 < bridge> xDD 22:06 < bridge> Most harvard students don’t pay iirc, very few don’t get a scholarship at harvard and mit in STEM 22:07 < bridge> well if im honest i dont really believe in elite uni stuff 22:07 < bridge> the elite programmers are more like transgender anime freaks xd 22:07 < bridge> im not trans tho 22:07 < bridge> :EZ: 22:07 < bridge> Xd 22:08 < bridge> chillerdragon is elite too 22:08 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/live/XG9xUxIf73o?si=iVstSn48fgNKHs8A 22:08 < bridge> Elite 22:08 < bridge> 😏 22:09 < bridge> KDE 22:09 < bridge> the spirit 22:09 < bridge> Thought it’s windows 22:10 < bridge> Similar uglyness 22:10 < bridge> busy city 22:10 < bridge> when i was young i loved manhattan 22:11 < bridge> now even münster is too big for me xd 22:11 < bridge> do u live in new york? 22:11 < bridge> Xd 22:13 < bridge> rly 22:13 < bridge> why was not invited 22:13 < bridge> its cuz im not murican right 22:13 < bridge> racist 22:13 < bridge> :gigachad: 22:13 < bridge> nope 22:13 < bridge> visited new york city once though 22:13 < bridge> btw today is catalonia day celebration 22:14 < bridge> meh 22:14 < bridge> not 11 sept america thing 22:14 < bridge> its a big split in most top colleges here 22:14 < bridge> lots of lower class, lots of upper class 22:14 < bridge> 🇨🇦 22:14 < bridge> a lot of top colleges don't give scholarships, only financial aid (so they pay what your family is unable to pay) 22:14 < bridge> so lower class gets full scholarships, middle class gets sorta fucked, and upper class can pay it all anyways 22:14 < bridge> top schools like those dont rly matter for teaching, they are for making connections because the sons of influential people go to them 22:14 < bridge> Who even is able to pay 90k$ a year anyway? 😄 22:15 < bridge> i believe uni is not rly for the sake of knowledge much anymore tbh 22:15 < bridge> its just politics 22:15 < bridge> deen 22:15 < bridge> Yes, it’s very good for your future if your deskmates dad owns exxon 22:15 < bridge> xd 22:15 < bridge> Im sure mr Manhattan is making 200k 22:15 < bridge> my parents 😰 22:16 < bridge> well we are upper middle class and my parents don't mind taking a chunk out of their retirement ig 22:16 < bridge> wat 22:16 < bridge> i mean you'll get a good education wherever u go 22:16 < bridge> but yeah a lot of top schools are better for networking 22:16 < bridge> Make them disown you so you qualify for financial aid 22:16 < bridge> or if u go to a culty school (a&m) 22:16 < bridge> uni should be about state of the art knowledge 22:16 < bridge> but 22:16 < bridge> many if not all 22:16 < bridge> are stuck in old ways 22:16 < bridge> and old knowledge 22:17 < bridge> they should be teached more novel stuff than rust even 22:17 < bridge> become unemployed for the 2 years before you send your kids off 🧠 22:17 < bridge> u lose out on $200k but u make $300k in saved tuition 22:17 < bridge> Stonks 22:17 < bridge> yep, same for schools generally 22:17 < bridge> well 22:17 < bridge> i dont think any beginner can just jump into rust 22:17 < bridge> actually 22:17 < bridge> my bro is teacher.. and the older teachers don't want to share any material (like papers) 22:18 < bridge> u need to build up foundational knowledeg 22:18 < bridge> they should be teached new type theory, things like the borrow checker itself 22:18 < bridge> that's so 18 century thinking 22:18 < bridge> why would i bother paying so much money 22:18 < bridge> to learn generic stuff 22:18 < bridge> they should be teaching new type theory, things like the borrow checker itself 22:18 < bridge> but well u also need foundations 22:18 < bridge> also i believe exams shouldnt rly be a thing 22:18 < bridge> but i also believe diplomas shouldnt be a thing 22:18 < bridge> You are spoiled selfthought 22:18 < bridge> You get bleeding edge for free 22:19 < bridge> if there are no certificate exams are pointless 22:19 < bridge> and people do it for the sake of knowledge 22:19 < bridge> and well companies just need to test the knowledge itself 22:19 < bridge> not check if u have a checkmark certificate 22:19 < bridge> thats my ideal wolrd 22:19 < bridge> thanks for coming 22:19 < bridge> to my ted talkw 22:19 < bridge> not every employer has the ability to throughly test for all of that 22:19 < bridge> unless u make some standardized shit 22:19 < bridge> Ryo Ted 22:19 < bridge> its not that hard, most companies dont do novel stuff 22:20 < bridge> i dont have a uni certificate cuz i didnt finish it 22:20 < bridge> yet i got a nice work 22:20 < bridge> i feel like its different for cs / tech 22:20 < bridge> thanks to this company not only believing in a paper saying u know x by some random mofo 22:20 < bridge> imagine if ur a molecular biologist or smth 22:20 < bridge> or engineer or doctor 22:20 < bridge> imho rn the only ones who need oficial certified knowledge are doctors 22:20 < bridge> and maybe lawyers, but because laws themselves are stiff 22:21 < bridge> and well any person workign in a place that can endanger themselves or others 22:21 < bridge> should also need stricter revision 22:21 < bridge> i'd defs say there a specific areas 22:21 < bridge> like building a plain 22:21 < bridge> everywhere, where life is on play 22:21 < bridge> Rocket science 22:21 < bridge> oh yeah 22:21 < bridge> elon 22:22 < bridge> our certified rocket scientist 22:22 < bridge> Xd 22:22 < bridge> u know the best 22:22 < bridge> he even has a checkmark on X.com 22:22 < bridge> elon is a royal fellow in uk 22:22 < bridge> he must be legit 22:22 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fellow_of_the_Royal_Society 22:22 < bridge> Bought for 8 bucks 22:22 < bridge> xd 22:22 < bridge> I’m watching this accounting lecture, the dude asked “Why doesn’t land depreciate?” I was genuinely curious. Some kid answered “Land doesn’t lose value” and he said “Exactly, land doesn’t lose value” and just kept going with the lecture. 22:22 < bridge> tf 22:22 < bridge> royal fellows are newton, faraday, darawin, ramanujan, einstein, and in this group 22:22 < bridge> elon 22:23 < bridge> its such a joke 22:23 < bridge> Land doesn’t depreciate because land doesn’t depreciate, thanks boss 22:23 < bridge> i laughed when i found out 22:23 < bridge> lol 22:23 < bridge> > 22:23 < bridge> > Contents 22:23 < bridge> > (Top) 22:23 < bridge> > Fellowships 22:23 < bridge> > 22:23 < bridge> > Fellow 22:23 < bridge> > Foreign member 22:23 < bridge> > Honorary fellow 22:23 < bridge> > Former statute 12 fellowships 22:23 < bridge> > Royal Fellow 22:23 < bridge> > 22:23 < bridge> > Election of new fellows 22:23 < bridge> > 22:23 < bridge> > Nomination 22:23 < bridge> > Selection 22:23 < bridge> > Admission 22:23 < bridge> > Research Fellowships and other awards 22:23 < bridge> > See also 22:23 < bridge> > References 22:23 < bridge> > External links 22:23 < bridge> > 22:23 < bridge> > Fellow of the Royal Society 22:23 < bridge> > 22:23 < bridge> > Article 22:23 < bridge> > Talk 22:23 < bridge> > 22:24 < bridge> > Read 22:24 < bridge> > Edit 22:24 < bridge> > View history 22:24 < bridge> > 22:24 < bridge> > Tools 22:24 < bridge> > 22:24 < bridge> > Fellowship of the Society, the oldest known scientific academy in continuous existence, is a significant honour. It has been awarded to many eminent scientists throughout history, including Isaac Newton (1672),[2] Charles Babbage (1816), [2] Michael Faraday (1824),[2] Charles Darwin (1839),[2] Ernest Rutherford (1903),[3] Srinivasa Ramanujan (1918),[4] Albert Einstein (1921),[5] Paul Dirac (1930), Winston Churchill (1941), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekha 22:24 < bridge> What you watch account lectures? Wot? 22:24 < bridge> ops 22:24 < bridge> copied wrong 22:24 < bridge> he gave them a blue checkmark in exchange for becoming a fellow 22:24 < bridge> im sry cvhiller 22:24 < bridge> u will die 22:24 < bridge> My second elective class 22:24 < bridge> not until we get moon real estate 😼 22:24 < bridge> imagine naming einstein and musk in the same wikipedia article 22:24 < bridge> Im on Matrix i Even edited my message earlier xd 22:24 < bridge> lmao 22:24 < bridge> land can lose value by global effects or effects in its vicinity 22:24 < bridge> for example if u have land u farm and someone makes a toxic thing nearby 22:24 < bridge> u lose value 22:24 < bridge> Apparently as far as accounting is concerned we pretend it never loses value, idk why, and he didn’t explain 22:24 < bridge> ye its a joke 22:25 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> aint no way they're putting elon on the same pedistal as stephen hawking 22:25 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :justatest: 22:25 < bridge> Money loses value faster than land 22:25 < bridge> Money is printed Land is not 22:25 < bridge> Basic supply and demand 22:25 < bridge> tell the arabs 22:25 < bridge> Yeah wtf, Hawking didn’t send cool internet satellites into space 22:25 < bridge> they print islands 22:25 < bridge> Xd 22:25 < bridge> i mean land is limited supply no 22:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> hawking did not boost dogecoin for one day 22:26 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annus_mirabilis_papers 22:26 < bridge> and population increase so theres always going to be a constant/rising demand for land 22:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> imagine being named annus 22:26 < bridge> Exactly, Hawking is basically a nobody compared to Elon 22:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> oh i thougbt that was a person 22:27 < bridge> What if population starts to decrease and we go to the mars too? 22:27 < bridge> https://news.ucsb.edu/2023/021198/wifi-can-read-through-walls 22:27 < bridge> Random ryo tab 22:27 < bridge> Sure but we don’t consider an increase either. Land value is recorded at book value and is always static 22:28 < bridge> accounting should be a thing done in HS 22:28 < bridge> its a shame they never teached me how to handle my money 22:29 < bridge> It’s actually quite simple and ingenious how double entry bookkeeping works 22:29 < bridge> i can teach you how to give me your money 22:29 < bridge> im good teacher 22:29 < bridge> That’s what we have financial advisor jopsiti for 22:29 < bridge> gnu has a program 22:29 < bridge> thanks for recommending me 22:29 < bridge> https://www.gnucash.org/ 22:29 < bridge> :D 22:29 < bridge> xd 22:30 < bridge> i learned my skillz here 22:30 < bridge> https://www.openttd.org/ 22:30 < bridge> http://phylactery.org/antimirov/ 22:30 < bridge> Calculate the difference and intersection of any two regexes (phylactery.org) 22:35 < bridge> but i like crust 22:36 < bridge> give me dev role now 👹 22:36 < bridge> same but only on pizzas 22:37 < bridge> have u run optimizer? 22:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150893095383224320/default.png 22:38 < bridge> 5.3KiB 22:40 < bridge> optimizer for what 22:41 < bridge> png 22:41 < bridge> is there one shipped with client or smth 22:42 < bridge> or do you want me to update it with the file u sent just now 22:42 < bridge> yes, have u ran dilate? 22:42 < bridge> no, we used zopflipng for most stuff 22:42 < bridge> yes 22:43 < bridge> if its just dilate i already ran that 22:43 < bridge> ill dl the file u sent though, i wasnt aware of zopflipng 22:43 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks should update dilate to set empty pixels to black 22:43 < bridge> it does that since years 22:44 < bridge> ask deen to update the website tool 22:44 < bridge> if that is still wrong 22:44 < bridge> does it? not the one I've been using 22:44 < bridge> well i think tools for website are generated seperatelly 22:45 < bridge> newer versions of inkscape save fully transparent pixels as background color instead of black, so usually white or so 22:53 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks I tried the dilate.exe that comes with 17.2.1, still white pixels 22:54 < bridge> optimally, this should indeed not happen 22:56 < bridge> mh ok 22:56 < bridge> then let me remove it 22:57 < bridge> also connecting you to like-minded people 22:57 < bridge> like-minded and in the same class range 22:58 < bridge> you shouldn't have to pay, education should be free 22:58 < bridge> yeah 22:58 < bridge> i agree 22:58 < bridge> like CS people? ^^ 22:58 < bridge> wait but what does that even mean? 22:58 < bridge> knowledge should be global, universal, freely accessible, not tied to ads or data collection 22:59 < bridge> that's just wrong though, some land does depreciate 22:59 < bridge> the alpha threshold as far as i can see only affects the calculation for transparent pixels 22:59 < bridge> but it never leaves behind wrong alpha values 22:59 < bridge> @ravie_ravie can u send me a skin? 22:59 < bridge> it means zeroing out invisible pixels so you don't get this mess 22:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150898558707449959/image.png 23:00 < bridge> ah lol 23:00 < bridge> well that's not an issue with the dilate tool tho 23:00 < bridge> land in general, no, don't think we're close to using all of the land 23:00 < bridge> not in germany for the last 20 years 23:01 < bridge> yeah but it should clean it up for more optimized files 23:01 < bridge> still globally 23:01 < bridge> we're close to using all the "usable" land no? 23:01 < bridge> ofc not places like antarctica or the deserts 23:02 < bridge> yes, but that shouldn't have an effect on places where the population doesn't grow 23:03 < bridge> even if a population doesn't grow land still provides value 23:03 < bridge> wdym by usable? I don't think that we're anywhere close to using all usable land 23:03 < bridge> yes, but the reason "population increases hence it's more scarce" doens't apply then 23:04 < bridge> <0xfaulty> based on the data in the Predicted character (on my screenshot) the data is always wrong and because of this it always doesn't match and do re-send, maybe need to create an issue if this is really a bug 23:04 < bridge> yes, please do 23:04 < bridge> where's an example of usable land that's not being used in some form 23:05 < bridge> i guess. but i think in the long term it will apply 23:09 < bridge> I don't think our models all say that population is going to increase 23:09 < bridge> what do you mean "used"? it's hard to find something unless you define what you mean by that 23:09 < bridge> @louis.place 23:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1150901059104022608/default.png 23:10 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i already uploaded the one u sent earlier? 23:10 < bridge> but this is without white pixels 23:10 < bridge> as ravie suggested 23:11 < bridge> does it not already have no white pixels 23:11 < bridge> since i dilated 23:11 < bridge> your past version looked fine in-game 23:11 < bridge> well the tool never did smth like that 23:11 < bridge> it only did what it was designed for xd 23:11 < bridge> it didnt clear transparent pixels 23:12 < bridge> yet but even if population stagnates or decreases some amount, land will be in demand 23:12 < bridge> for farming, production, etc. 23:12 < bridge> yes, but it won't increase in value due to more scarcity then 23:12 < bridge> rather, it should decrease, if population shrinks 23:12 < bridge> yeah i acknowledged that 23:13 < bridge> even if population shrinks i dont' think land will necessarily decrease in value 23:13 < bridge> because land can always provide some sort of monetary value 23:13 < bridge> i'm confused 23:14 < bridge> @louis.place 23:14 < bridge> this is what it looked like 23:14 < bridge> enough to show correct ingame 23:14 < bridge> bcs the white transparent pixels dont matter 23:14 < bridge> but for file size they do 23:15 < bridge> esp for skins, which have black border 23:15 < bridge> that doesn't sound like an argument that supports the thesis. even if something can always provide monetary value, it might decrease in value. in fact, it should, if it provides less value 23:18 < bridge> ok ill just replace it again i guess? 23:18 < bridge> does it affect anything network related? 23:18 < bridge> ig xd 23:20 < bridge> <0xfaulty> just looks like what was supposed to save bandwidth doesn't do that. 23:22 < bridge> i don't think land will decrease in value in the near future 23:22 < bridge> unless population decreases by a significant amount 23:22 < bridge> land where? 23:23 < bridge> any land currently on earth used for some commercial purpose 23:23 < bridge> I mean that sounds trivially disprovable 23:23 < bridge> there's probably lots of land that decreased in value in the last 5 years 23:24 < bridge> let me rephrase it to all land currently on earth then instead of any 23:24 < bridge> of course specific places will decrease in value due to circumstance 23:37 < bridge> I can imagine that as well, especially since the current population will increase a little at least in the next decades 23:38 < bridge> but I also feel that statement is different from "land does not decrease in value" 23:38 < bridge> because that sounds to me like I can own a piece of land and its value will never decrease