01:14 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> I'm super new to Regex... I'm trying to repurpose old, converted javascript code into actual array code, but I don't know how to detect it properly. 01:14 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Ex: 01:14 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ```goto((itemOf(points.x, point2 - 1)), (itemOf(points.y, point2 - 1))); ---> goto(points.x[point2 - 1], points.y[point2 - 1]);``` 01:14 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149482887020814487/image.png 01:15 < bridge> the general case is not doable with regexes 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> I'm super new to Regex... I'm trying to repurpose old, converted javascript code into actual array code, but I don't know how to detect it properly. 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Ex: 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ```js 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> let points = [{x: 1, y:2}, {x:3, y:4}]; 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> goto((itemOf(points.x, point2 - 1)), (itemOf(points.y, point2 - 1))); 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> #converted to 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> goto(points.x[point2 - 1], points.y[point2 - 1]);``` 01:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149482887020814487/image.png 01:16 < bridge> best would be using a JS parser 01:16 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> I'm trying to find and replace in VSCode 01:16 < bridge> do you only have simple expressions as the index? 01:16 < bridge> `itemOf\(([^(),]*), ([^(),]*)\)` 01:18 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Yeah, that works perfectly! Thanks! 01:18 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> I'm using (regex101)[https://regex101.com/] to understand this better 01:18 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> Yeah, that works perfectly! Thanks! 01:18 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> I'm using https://regex101.com/ to understand this better 07:07 < bridge> fun fact, vscode uses ripgrep made in rust 07:08 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ok 07:08 < bridge> so ur using rust made software 07:09 < bridge> :gigachad: 07:09 < bridge> no im not 07:11 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ❌ 07:11 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> typescript 07:14 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> if i had the time and energy rn id continue chipping at the thing i was doing but its 1 am 07:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i love making pointlesa adobe jsfls 07:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i love making pointless adobe jsfls 08:39 < ChillerDragon> oof running clang tidy on arch is messy af seems like the new version doesnt like the use of static functions 08:43 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks did u prepare todays question 08:44 < bridge> 08:44 < ChillerDragon> rost fridai 09:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149603383150391317/image.png 09:13 < bridge> its firefox update day 09:13 < bridge> Mhh 09:13 < bridge> What is the best library you recently found 09:14 < bridge> https://github.com/moka-rs/moka 09:15 < bridge> there is also https://docs.rs/cached/latest/cached/ but its diferent 09:15 < bridge> cached is more for memoizing 09:34 < bridge> > Wasmer is the most popular WebAssembly runtime for Rust. It supports JIT (Just In Time) and AOT (Ahead Of Time) compilation as well as pluggable compilers suited to your needs. 09:34 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks nice wasmer supports AOT too 09:34 < bridge> im gonna tinker with it 09:41 < bridge> I'm more surprised it supports jit.. never seen an example for that xd 09:42 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks to make wasm modules with rust u use wasm-pack?= 09:43 < bridge> No, why? 09:44 < bridge> wasm-bindgen? 09:44 < bridge> what do u use 09:44 < bridge> i want to know to test with wasmer 09:44 < bridge> xd 09:45 < bridge> They are all for JavaScript or not? 09:45 < bridge> ah i see 09:45 < bridge> so how u do it 09:45 < bridge> u simply declare extern functions? 09:45 < bridge> and target wasm32? 09:46 < bridge> today rust friday is for me xd 09:47 < bridge> No. Wasm runtime has a completely separated memory model.You cannot really just call it. 09:47 < bridge> 09:47 < bridge> I share memory over a serializer, and call the function of the wasmer API 09:48 < bridge> im just asking 09:48 < bridge> how u make a wasm module 09:48 < bridge> oh 09:48 < bridge> so u dont call host functions? 09:48 < bridge> i do, in wasmer you export host functions 09:48 < bridge> so yes, host functions are basically external functions 09:49 < bridge> i thought u meant calling a guest function 09:50 < bridge> https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/master/examples/imports_exports.rs 09:50 < bridge> i mean u can do that too 09:50 < bridge> in the export you also bind a environment (Arc>) and that gets called as well. So over that env you basically modify whatever you want to modify 09:50 < bridge> 09:50 < bridge> calling a guest 09:50 < bridge> yes 09:51 < bridge> ```rust 09:51 < bridge> let sum_typed: TypedFunction<(i32, i32), i32> = sum.typed(&mut store)?; 09:51 < bridge> 09:51 < bridge> println!("Calling `sum` function (natively)..."); 09:51 < bridge> // Let's call the `sum` exported function. The parameters are 09:51 < bridge> // statically typed Rust values of type `i32` and `i32`. The 09:51 < bridge> // result, in this case particular case, in a unit of type `i32`. 09:51 < bridge> let result = sum_typed.call(&mut store, 3, 4)?; 09:51 < bridge> ``` 09:51 < bridge> sadly wasmer has no scoped call.. so i have to use unsafe for imports 09:51 < bridge> yeah i meant imports above* 09:51 < bridge> imported into the guest 09:52 < bridge> it's weird naming ^^ 09:55 < bridge> @ryozuki what do you want to use it for? 09:56 < bridge> i want to test a wasm host + guest 09:56 < bridge> i can only recommend from personal experience to move as much into the module as possible and don't do one call per function like system(so not that func1 calls func1 on wasm, func2 calls func2 etc.) 09:56 < bridge> to learn it 09:57 < bridge> i c. It's fun, but it would also be nice if it would be easier 😄 09:58 < bridge> the most important thing you need to know is, that the global memory of the guest is always called "memory". 09:58 < bridge> 09:58 < bridge> so: 09:58 < bridge> `instance.exports.get_memory("memory")` 09:58 < bridge> 09:58 < bridge> Will give you the guest memory export. 09:59 < bridge> WASM uses linear memory, so this memory export can grow 09:59 < bridge> i think generally understanding the memory model is important.. the rest is basically just calling functions by string names xd 09:59 < bridge> rn im just trying to figure out how to make 1 crate in a workspace compile to wasm32 and the other not 09:59 < bridge> xd 09:59 < bridge> xd 09:59 < bridge> i probs need nightly feature 10:00 < bridge> i don't build any wasm module automatically.. i don't want the wasm toolchain as must have to compile the client 10:00 < bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/unstable.html#per-package-target 10:00 < bridge> well for me its more like a nice workflow 10:00 < bridge> but ur right 10:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149622663413764127/RDT_20230908_1029351022476687481882556.jpg 10:30 < bridge> :justatest: 12:03 < bridge> look @learath2 they are removing you 12:03 < bridge> > We don't have any own C source files anymore. 12:09 < bridge> I may aswell resign :AnyaSob: 12:12 < bridge> ``` 12:12 < bridge> #[no_mangle] 12:12 < bridge> pub fn add(left: u32, right: u32) -> u32 { 12:12 < bridge> left + right 12:12 < bridge> } 12:12 < bridge> ``` 12:12 < bridge> ``` 12:12 < bridge> ❯ cargo r -- target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/guest.wasm 12:12 < bridge> Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s 12:12 < bridge> Running `target/debug/host target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/guest.wasm` 12:12 < bridge> [host/src/main.rs:20] &result = [ 12:12 < bridge> I32(4), 12:12 < bridge> ] 12:12 < bridge> ``` 12:12 < bridge> epic 12:12 < bridge> epic 12:12 < bridge> i32 but the comment says ints in wasm are sign agnostic 12:12 < bridge> the safest add two numbers ever 12:12 < bridge> xd 12:12 < bridge> safe rust compiled to wasm xd 12:13 < bridge> now create bindgen xd 12:13 < bridge> bindgen? 12:13 < bridge> create a macro that automates anything u done here by hand 12:14 < bridge> ah 12:14 < bridge> but i dont want the guest to just be rust 12:14 < bridge> but im interested in how to call a host function now 12:14 < bridge> let me try 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> #[no_mangle] 12:21 < bridge> pub fn add(left: i32, right: i32) -> i32 { 12:21 < bridge> unsafe { print_wasm(left) }; 12:21 < bridge> unsafe { print_wasm(right) }; 12:21 < bridge> left + right 12:21 < bridge> } 12:21 < bridge> 12:21 < bridge> extern { 12:21 < bridge> fn print_wasm(a: i32); 12:21 < bridge> } 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> this worked lol 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:21 < bridge> fn print_wasm(_env: FunctionEnvMut, a: i32) { 12:21 < bridge> println!("{a}"); 12:21 < bridge> } 12:21 < bridge> ``` 12:22 < bridge> (this is wasm) 12:23 < bridge> good project for FFR 12:28 < bridge> now do strings, I'm interested @ryozuki 12:28 < bridge> integers are cheating, they're native types 12:28 < bridge> yeah i was trying 12:28 < bridge> i cant put &str in signatur 12:38 < bridge> Hehe 12:38 < bridge> I hinted you some stuff. But yeah now the hard part starts 12:56 < bridge> ```rust 12:56 < bridge> pub fn host_import(mut env: FunctionEnvMut<()>, memory: Memory, ptr: WasmPtr) { 12:56 < bridge> let memory = memory.view(&env); 12:57 < bridge> let derefed_ptr = ptr.deref(&memory); 12:57 < bridge> let inner_val: u32 = derefed_ptr.read().expect("pointer in bounds"); 12:57 < bridge> println!("Got {} from Wasm memory address 0x{:X}", inner_val, ptr.offset()); 12:57 < bridge> // update the value being pointed to 12:57 < bridge> derefed_ptr.write(inner_val + 1).expect("pointer in bounds"); 12:57 < bridge> } 12:57 < bridge> ``` 12:57 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks the docs for WasmPtr show this 12:57 < bridge> but 12:57 < bridge> `fn accept_str(mut env: FunctionEnvMut<()>, memory: Memory, ptr: WasmPtr, len: u32) {` 12:57 < bridge> it wont accept me this signature lol 13:05 < bridge> ok i got the host side 13:06 < bridge> ``` 13:06 < bridge> ❯ cargo r -- target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/guest.wasm 13:06 < bridge> Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s 13:06 < bridge> Running `target/debug/host target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/guest.wasm` 13:06 < bridge> 2 13:06 < bridge> 2 13:06 < bridge> adding 2 to 2 13:06 < bridge> [host/src/main.rs:39] &result = [ 13:06 < bridge> I32(4), 13:06 < bridge> ] 13:06 < bridge> ``` 13:06 < bridge> ```rust 13:06 < bridge> #[no_mangle] 13:07 < bridge> pub fn add(left: i32, right: i32) -> i32 { 13:07 < bridge> unsafe { 13:07 < bridge> print_wasm(left); 13:07 < bridge> print_wasm(right); 13:07 < bridge> 13:07 < bridge> let str = format!("adding {} to {}", left, right); 13:07 < bridge> accept_str(str.as_ptr(), str.len() as u32); 13:07 < bridge> } 13:07 < bridge> left + right 13:07 < bridge> } 13:07 < bridge> 13:07 < bridge> extern { 13:07 < bridge> fn print_wasm(a: i32); 13:07 < bridge> fn accept_str(ptr: *const u8, len: u32); 13:07 < bridge> } 13:07 < bridge> ``` 13:07 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks i got it 13:07 < bridge> epyc 13:07 < bridge> the trick is a functionenv with a option field to memory 13:07 < bridge> ```rust 13:07 < bridge> let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &import_object)?; 13:07 < bridge> let env = env.as_mut(&mut store); 13:07 < bridge> let mem = instance.exports.get_memory("memory")?; 13:07 < bridge> env.memory = Some(mem.clone()); 13:08 < bridge> ``` 13:08 < bridge> and setting it after the instance 13:21 < bridge> this is it 13:21 < bridge> i love wasm now 13:21 < bridge> bye rust (joke) 13:21 < bridge> Xd 13:21 < bridge> lua has a compiler to wasm right 13:21 < bridge> i wonder how this would work 13:21 < bridge> are there pointers in lua 13:22 < bridge> Does it? 13:22 < bridge> u said there was a compiler to wasm 13:22 < bridge> no? 13:22 < bridge> I mean compiler 13:22 < bridge> i forgor 13:22 < bridge> I suggested to run the lua interpreter inside wasm 13:22 < bridge> ah 13:22 < bridge> the interpreter itself 13:22 < bridge> Yeah 13:23 < bridge> js compiles to wasm? 13:23 < bridge> Doubt. There is assemblyscript 13:23 < bridge> hm 13:23 < bridge> It's basically typescript for wasm 13:23 < bridge> so for modding we could only use c++, rust 13:23 < bridge> what else 13:23 < bridge> No, we can use all 13:23 < bridge> how 13:24 < bridge> U can compile most stuff to wasm 13:24 < bridge> So complete the interpreter to wasm 13:24 < bridge> And run it there 13:24 < bridge> Compile* 13:24 < bridge> meh 13:25 < bridge> Well its only a small overhead compared to directly using the interpreter 13:25 < bridge> whqt about python 13:25 < bridge> Same for any language xd 13:26 < bridge> You have to understand one thing anyway. A real python interpreter would be unsafe 13:26 < bridge> It can open files 13:27 < bridge> rust is better 13:27 < bridge> it wont compile if u do non wasmthings 13:27 < bridge> when targeting wasm 13:27 < bridge> the end result is: rust for all and all for rust 13:28 < bridge> thanks for coming to my ted talk 13:28 < bridge> Yep xd 13:29 < bridge> At least wasm offers okish perf 13:29 < bridge> That's where all script languages Fall behind 13:51 < bridge> lol u can spam notifications on apple devices with a flipper zero 15:13 < bridge> can do when I'm home, I do kinda try to keep the dependencies up-to-date 15:15 < bridge> Yeah you basically send bluetooth header packets that mimic apple products like airpods etc 15:33 < bridge> https://napi.rs/ 15:34 < bridge> @ryozuki have u heard of https://github.com/vercel/turbo 15:34 < bridge> to replace webpack 15:34 < bridge> written in rust 15:37 < bridge> ah 15:38 < bridge> hm no but nice 15:38 < bridge> i think today ppl use another thing 15:38 < bridge> called vite 15:38 < bridge> ah 15:38 < bridge> its a unrelated tool maybe 15:38 < bridge> https://github.com/vitejs/vite 15:38 < bridge> svelte uses vite 15:38 < bridge> no rust no trust 15:39 < bridge> vite uses https://rollupjs.org/ 15:39 < bridge> yeah turbo is probs faster if rust 15:40 < bridge> @ryozuki what rust crate do you recommend for creating https servers 15:40 < bridge> i want it simple if possible 15:41 < bridge> axum I heard 15:42 < bridge> http at least. for https, you usually use a reverse proxy 15:42 < bridge> axum 15:42 < bridge> i use axum always 15:42 < bridge> axum is made by tokio team 15:42 < bridge> okay 15:42 < bridge> i recommend axum having tried: axum, actix-web, rocket 15:44 < bridge> do you have an opinion on warp btw? 15:44 < bridge> i have a service i made for FFXIV, https://market.xivhub.org/ 15:44 < bridge> the backend for this is powered by axum 15:44 < bridge> i handle millions of requests achtually 15:44 < bridge> https://github.com/ZhyraPlugins/xivhub-market-api 15:44 < bridge> source code 15:44 < bridge> millions of requests per …? 15:45 < bridge> month 15:45 < bridge> XD 15:45 < bridge> sorry no hype 15:45 < bridge> that's what i wanted to hear 15:45 < bridge> let me check cloudflare 15:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149702149165547572/image.png 15:46 < bridge> ddstats has 300k 15:46 < bridge> well the ddnet wiki has way more requests tho 15:47 < bridge> i cant check cloudflare but i can check nginx logs 15:48 < bridge> what u doin btw 15:48 < bridge> i also recommend not using a ORM 15:48 < bridge> and instead use sqlx with sqlx-cli to handle migrations 15:48 < bridge> just want to test a simple http request -> image answer 15:48 < bridge> ohh 15:48 < bridge> tee renderer? 15:48 < bridge> LMAO 15:48 < bridge> i had my idea to do that but i haver to fix the tee 15:48 < bridge> have* 15:48 < bridge> well that's indeed my idea 15:48 < bridge> xD 15:49 < bridge> lmao 15:49 < bridge> do it please 15:49 < bridge> @ryozuki do you know warp? 15:49 < bridge> and make it open source 15:49 < bridge> but i don't really want it to work like you think 15:49 < bridge> @heinrich5991 i tried it long ago and i didnt like my xp with it 15:49 < bridge> it felt a bit confusing iirc 15:49 < bridge> i want to test to run vulkan on my server xD 15:49 < bridge> but i was also not as experienced 15:49 < bridge> but the warp author didnt discontinue it? 15:49 < bridge> he is just working on hyper iirc 15:49 < bridge> so not directly a pure tee renderer 15:49 < bridge> ah, i wanted a simple api service to render tee from skins on request 15:50 < bridge> more like a tw renderer 15:51 < bridge> i just bought nou.is 15:51 < bridge> this site can't be reached 15:52 < bridge> cuz i just bought it 15:52 < bridge> :kek: 15:52 < bridge> gm 15:52 < bridge> oh btw im migrating most of my domains from gandi to google domains 15:52 < bridge> as they expire 15:52 < bridge> its cheaper for some reason 15:52 < bridge> I wouldn't use google tbh 15:52 < bridge> the google illusion 15:52 < bridge> they lock you out, you have no recourse 15:53 < bridge> good afternoon 15:53 < bridge> isn't google domains sold to squarespace or something 15:53 < bridge> can they lock u out of ur own domain? i know they can do that from adsense and stuff 15:53 < bridge> yeah 15:53 < bridge> they sold it 15:53 < bridge> wdym it’s 7:53 15:53 < bridge> they lock you out of GCE, too, destroying businesses overnight 15:53 < bridge> 3:53 15:53 < bridge> i think locking out of ur domain has more legal implicaitons? 15:53 < bridge> Your timezone is wrong 15:53 < bridge> thats crazy 15:53 < bridge> @heinrich5991 what domain web u use? 15:53 < bridge> I use inwx.de 15:54 < bridge> yes, i live in future, bcs i'm future human 15:54 < bridge> :monkaStop: 15:54 < bridge> hello dear past human 15:54 < bridge> it's german, so maybe you don't like it 15:54 < bridge> i just love how clean google interface is 15:54 < bridge> someone recommended it to me, it worked well 15:54 < bridge> why good stuff is bad sage 15:54 < bridge> sadge 15:55 < bridge> well google domains wont exist 15:55 < bridge> oof, i forgot i had the ddrace ones :justatest: 15:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149704466094899200/image.png 15:55 < bridge> r they so cheap? 15:55 < bridge> i always find domains rather expensive 15:55 < bridge> german domains are like 6€/year 15:55 < bridge> yes 15:55 < bridge> expensive xd 15:56 < bridge> tencent gave me teel.ink for free (not really) 15:57 < bridge> on netcup u often get .de domains for 13 cents per month xd 15:57 < bridge> ink sounds expensive 15:57 < bridge> anyone tried cloudflare for domains? 15:57 < bridge> but anything not .de is expensive in my experience 15:57 < bridge> 1000000€ / year i bet xd 15:57 < bridge> i want .ar 15:57 < bridge> jupst 15:57 < bridge> but it's very expensive 15:57 < bridge> 😬 15:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149705253223141427/image.png 15:58 < bridge> 55 chinese characters 15:58 < bridge> 7 euro 15:58 < bridge> sounds ok 15:58 < bridge> if it's per year 15:58 < bridge> ye 15:58 < bridge> nou.is isn't cheap tho 15:59 < bridge> it's like 47 usd :justatest: 15:59 < bridge> what even is .is 15:59 < bridge> islamic state? 15:59 < bridge> u know there is .google 15:59 < bridge> iceland 15:59 < bridge> .org best anyway 15:59 < bridge> apparently 15:59 < bridge> i once heard u can buy TLD for like 100k 15:59 < bridge> not sure if true 15:59 < bridge> yeah 15:59 < bridge> google did 16:00 < bridge> let's collect donations xd 16:00 < bridge> there is .ee 16:00 < bridge> oh ok.. i mean from a german perspective it makes sense 16:00 < bridge> Island = iceland xd 16:00 < bridge> .weeb 16:00 < bridge> 😬 16:00 < bridge> i tried some ending with t, didn't find any good ones 16:00 < bridge> 😬 16:00 < bridge> when .rust 16:00 < bridge> @ryozuki u work for argentinians.. ask them for .ar domain xd 16:00 < bridge> why do i want one xd 16:01 < bridge> i want it 16:01 < bridge> u can buy it probs 16:01 < bridge> just likeu can buy .es 16:01 < bridge> >> 20€ is too much for a domain imo 16:01 < bridge> xd 16:01 < bridge> i mean it has no real value 16:01 < bridge> just go to a argentina registar 16:01 < bridge> xD 16:02 < bridge> some european domains check contacts i think? 16:03 < bridge> .cat says it checks the web has atleast a catalan version 16:03 < bridge> and it cant be used for cats 16:03 < bridge> tm 16:03 < bridge> :pepeW: 16:03 < bridge> http://nyan.cat/ 16:03 < bridge> the trick is 16:03 < bridge> to make it available in catalan 16:03 < bridge> there is a language selection 16:04 < bridge> so it can be used for cats? ^^ 16:04 < bridge> if it has text in catalan ye iirc 16:05 < bridge> kinda want a .no domain 16:05 < bridge> > The .cat TLD is intended to serve the needs of the Catalan Linguistic and Cultural Community on the Internet (the “Community”). 16:05 < bridge> > 16:05 < bridge> > The Community consists of those who use the Catalan language for their online communications, and/or promote the different aspects of Catalan culture online, and/or want to specifically address their online communications to that Community. 16:05 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ew theres nysn cat nfts? 16:05 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ew theres nyan cat nfts? 16:05 < bridge> i mean, are you really surprised 16:05 < bridge> > Registry’s policies may permit registrations in .cat TLD to the following: 16:05 < bridge> > 16:05 < bridge> > Universities, schools, research institutions and other academic entities that use Catalan in their academic activities or teach/promote aspects of Catalan culture. 16:05 < bridge> > public or private entities whose aim is promoting the Catalan culture. 16:05 < bridge> > writers, translators, correctors and journalists publishing (or contributing to) works in Catalan 16:05 < bridge> > publishing companies that publish works in the Catalan language or relating to the Catalan culture. 16:05 < bridge> > media using the Catalan language for their communications. 16:05 < bridge> > individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, entities or initiatives, however constituted, carrying online communications in Catalan. 16:06 < bridge> > individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, entities or initiatives, however constituted, proving their belonging to the Community by way of sponsorship from other members of the Community in the form established in the Registration Policies. 16:06 < bridge> > members of Fundació puntCAT 16:06 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> no 16:06 < bridge> this is the rule but idk how often enforced 16:36 < bridge> @learath2 do u know about the new BORE scheduler? 16:36 < bridge> do u know how to use it in gentoo 16:37 < bridge> https://github.com/firelzrd/bore-scheduler 16:38 < bridge> TIL 16:38 < bridge> rust depedency 16:38 < bridge> any_lib_inside_repo = { git = "file:///globalpath" } 16:39 < bridge> kinda funny u can specify git repos like that 16:42 < bridge> mm you'd usually use a path dependency for that 16:42 < bridge> but then i need to link the lib directly 16:42 < bridge> repos are fully scanned 16:42 < bridge> xd 16:44 < bridge> speaking of scheduler which one should I use 16:44 < bridge> wdym, link to the lib directly? 16:45 < bridge> the path to the lib directly, instead using the root 16:45 < bridge> `path = "/abc/def"` probably works, too, no? 16:45 < bridge> aah 16:45 < bridge> I get it 16:45 < bridge> not if i not use the direct path tolib 16:45 < bridge> xd 16:45 < bridge> you mean it doesn't work with the path to the workspace 16:45 < bridge> with `path = "…"` 16:47 < bridge> well it is indeed a different project. but yeah i just want to link to it's workspace so i don't have to find all paths for all libs 16:50 < bridge> i think u can only change scheduler by applying kernel patches 16:50 < bridge> iirc 16:50 < bridge> but i seen some videos 16:50 < bridge> TKG-pds seems the best specially for gaming 16:50 < bridge> but BORE is new 16:50 < bridge> and i havent seen benches 16:56 < bridge> Nope, haven't seen it yet 16:57 < bridge> If you want to try a new scheduler you'll need to use epatches 16:57 < bridge> Maybe someone already has a kernel package with this patchset in some overlay? 17:00 < bridge> i wasn’t gonna use the distribution kernel forever 17:00 < bridge> this is fine i think 18:05 < bridge> @robyt3 😬 18:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149737227392401508/image.png 18:05 < bridge> Yeah, when PR's for label changes? 18:05 < bridge> whats going on 18:05 < bridge> xDDD 18:05 < bridge> We edited tags at the same time and it conflicted 18:05 < bridge> xd 18:05 < bridge> race condition 18:06 < bridge> github moment 18:06 < bridge> chillerdragon: ^ 18:06 < bridge> Indeed 18:06 < bridge> Very GitHub 18:26 < bridge> @kaffeine0: oh no infclass is vanilla 0.6 based bro. You do all the refactorings haha. Reminds me of my humble 0.7 support beginnings of cherry picking random upstream commits into ddnet. 18:26 < bridge> 18:26 < bridge> I can’t imagine what it’s like porting that to ddnet. Good luck bro! 18:26 < bridge> 18:26 < bridge> Reminds me of the insane ddnet++ merge to ddnet. That was nuts. It was a seperate git repo. Where the initial commit was from me. And I somehow managed to get years of my history attached on the ddnet history and then merge back up to master. 18:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149742567303426180/ima_34f204a.jpeg 18:26 < bridge> Looked like this for days 18:26 < bridge> Was jumping from ddnet release to release and doing a lot of merges 18:27 < bridge> Which is also horrible because the troll deen force pushed away release tags 18:32 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> now that im thinking about it damn 18:32 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ddnet has been in some sort of update drought as of recently 18:33 < bridge> Still getting weekly conflicts in all my forks 18:33 < bridge> ddnet code base moves way too fast 18:33 < bridge> And teeworlds code base too slow 18:33 < bridge> @_voxeldoesart: ddnet is not Update dry! Did you see teeworlds? :D 18:34 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> no 18:34 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> oh wait OHHHH 18:35 < bridge> There was 1 feature release in my decade long playtime 18:35 < bridge> ddnet does crazy updates all the time. For example a lot of editor things happening right now 18:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> anyways i think ddnet is gonna become more backwards compat after 0.7 support releases 18:36 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> like, more and more old things will be supported 18:36 < bridge> Like 0.6 ? :D 18:36 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> isnt This 0.6 18:36 < bridge> That’s the joke 18:36 < bridge> It’s still old 18:42 < bridge> https://beta.tauri.app/blog/roadmap-to-tauri-2-0/ 18:43 < bridge> DDNet is backward compatible on the network level but on the codebase and API it is the Elusive Joe. Every patch release results in conflicts here and there (at least on the client side). 18:46 < bridge> https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-375 18:53 < bridge> Yeah but "This is the way". 18:53 < bridge> Infclass is huge — 24 entity types, 28 weapons, 22 player classes, custom map format with own external map editor, localization with "2 248 words to translate", statistics, classes menu, and the original author decided to refactor some base classes (CConsole) 🤯. 18:53 < bridge> 18:53 < bridge> I wrote own CMake file (so no, I don't benefit from https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7145) and build with conan, so everything is different. 18:54 < bridge> Initially everything was baked into the base classes (CServer, CCharacter, CPlayer, etc). 18:56 < bridge> the editor got changed like 30 times this month 18:58 < bridge> True. A few month ago I added initial infclass maps support to the client fork, and damn the implementation took twice less time than I already spent on the many rebases of the editor code. 🤯 😅 19:21 < bridge> Initially whole mod logic was baked into the base classes (CServer, CCharacter, CPlayer, etc). 19:37 < bridge> sometimes i am 😉 19:40 < bridge> i hope it wasn't too important 19:45 < bridge> No, I was just curious if you knew about how much leakage current modern mosfets have 😄 19:45 < bridge> depends on the feature size 19:47 < bridge> since 28nm node, leakage is rising again due to smaller gates, so 14nm is more leaky than 22nm for instance 19:47 < bridge> i think it's around 100pA to 1nA 19:50 < bridge> you have to account for dynamic power, i.e. switching activity which is proportionate to the square of frequency and to the voltage 19:51 < bridge> you have to account for dynamic power, i.e. switching activity which is proportionate to the frequency and to the square of voltage 19:51 < bridge> Pdyn = CV 2 f 19:51 < bridge> Pdyn = CV²f 19:52 < bridge> and then, you also need to account for line effects which are R and C 20:16 < bridge> ugh, mixing cyrillic into the latin serbian. i swear ill edit it myself some time soon 20:16 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149770367469101136/image.png 21:27 < bridge> since when is cyberfighter serbian 21:35 < bridge> since today 🥳 22:06 < bridge> he was like always serbian 22:06 < bridge> thats why he refuses to talk with me 🧌 22:06 < bridge> thats why he refuses to talk with me :troll: 22:55 < bridge> wth 22:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1149810149599490139/Screenshot_20230908-2254152.png 22:55 < bridge> yt goin wild 23:25 < bridge> When you’ve gone through all the english tutorials on youtube