00:23 < bridge_> boring ending 01:39 < bridge_> barbenheimer 02:59 < bridge_> 🤩🤩🤩 06:21 < bridge_> Imo could be really important to add different variation of rotation on quads, like not just using the red squares for example like in photoshop 06:21 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1144124251553669201/d.png 06:21 < bridge_> the mouse cant be seen so i added that xd 06:22 < bridge_> maybe with the same quick keys ctrl + T 06:22 < bridge_> so in that way both things can be done instead of one replacing the other one 06:48 < bridge_> why can i no longer find dates on commits on the GH website 06:48 < bridge_> annoying 06:57 < bridge_> i have to git log logl 06:57 < bridge_> lol 06:57 < bridge_> loglgolgolgolglg 09:23 < bridge_> btw is anyone else having issues with the demo player keybinds? 09:24 < bridge_> They don't work for me anymore. 09:24 < bridge_> idk might be my fault somewhere 09:29 < bridge_> Did you disable them using the button? 09:40 < bridge_> what Button? 09:40 < bridge_> what button? 09:42 < bridge_> On the right side next to the button that exits the demo player 09:42 < bridge_> k I'll test later ty 10:34 < bridge_> just some kind of slider or how could that be made nicely? 12:06 < bridge_> yahh its rewind time 12:59 < bridge_> I feel like we need a knob 13:03 < ChillerDragon> knob 16:07 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1144271879079735306/image.png 16:07 < bridge_> chiller i can spy u 16:08 < bridge_> https://ddstats.org/players 16:08 < bridge_> :gigachad: 16:08 < bridge_> some bugs here and there tho xd 16:19 < ChillerDragon> epic ryo! 16:19 < ChillerDragon> btw you can also spy me on sv_register 0 servers using https://chillerbot.zillyhuhn.com/api/v1/users 16:19 < ChillerDragon> xd 16:20 < ChillerDragon> holy shit @ryozuki what kind of AI search is that? 16:20 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1692886819.png 16:21 < ChillerDragon> btw it doesnt show my skin as greensward :C 16:21 < ChillerDragon> and enter doesnt submit the form :c 16:39 < bridge_> its fuse.js i think 16:39 < bridge_> https://www.fusejs.io/ 16:41 < bridge_> ye 16:41 < bridge_> fuzzy search 16:42 < bridge_> as i said a lil buggy xd 16:42 < bridge_> send ur skin 16:43 < bridge_> https://assets.ddstats.org/ 16:43 < bridge_> check if its here 16:43 < bridge_> or send it to me 16:43 < bridge_> cool tech stack 16:43 < bridge_> love it 16:43 < bridge_> thanks 16:44 < bridge_> src is here btw https://github.com/edg-l/ddstats 16:44 < bridge_> its agpl 16:44 < bridge_> im not a pro web dev tho 16:45 < bridge_> lot of ideas but also lot of lazyness 16:47 < bridge_> i think ur pro at rust 16:47 < bridge_> as i see 16:48 < bridge_> r u new here? 16:48 < bridge_> yes 16:48 < bridge_> i guess thats why u asked that haha 16:49 < ChillerDragon> greensward 16:49 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1144282303959421048/image.png 16:49 < bridge_> everytime i am learning something new in coding i secretly pray to Ryo, Chiller and Heinrich to give me their strength 16:49 < ChillerDragon> https://assets.ddstats.org/skins/greensward.png 16:49 < ChillerDragon> this is my skin 16:49 < bridge_> 💀 16:49 < ChillerDragon> dont pray to me fr 16:49 < bridge_> why it doesnt show it then? 16:49 < bridge_> i show what master reports 16:49 < ChillerDragon> skill issue 16:50 < ChillerDragon> no wqy master report wrong 16:50 < bridge_> why not just Import all standard skins? 16:50 < bridge_> why does chillerdragon have the "bot" badge 16:50 < ChillerDragon> make enter do search ffs 16:50 < bridge_> they should be there i think 16:50 < ChillerDragon> imagine using mouse 16:50 < ChillerDragon> i have to fakin tab+enter 16:50 < ChillerDragon> instead of enter like any normal site 16:50 < ChillerDragon> aaaa 16:50 < bridge_> xdd 16:51 < bridge_> ill do when i finish a dungeon 16:51 < bridge_> @ryozuki when search players by clan? 16:52 < bridge_> chiller is the master rly correct? 16:52 < bridge_> did u check it 16:52 < bridge_> @h.kaan chiller is speaking from matrix/irc 16:53 < bridge_> so the bot is a bridge 16:53 < ChillerDragon> curl https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json | jq . | grep -C 6 ChillerDragon 16:53 < ChillerDragon> yes 16:53 < ChillerDragon> it correct 16:53 < bridge_> good luck escapin the matrix 16:53 < bridge_> lol 16:53 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1692888826.png 16:54 < bridge_> @ryozuki do you know react? 16:54 < ChillerDragon> ryo webdev 16:54 < bridge_> yes 16:54 < bridge_> but i prefer svelte 16:54 < bridge_> well let me say this instead: since i use svelte i dont use react 16:54 < bridge_> i guess im not that good at react anymore 16:54 < bridge_> xd 16:55 < bridge_> oh xd 16:55 < bridge_> i only use frontend stuff for hobby projects 16:55 < bridge_> im more backend oriented 16:55 < bridge_> whats your favorite unstable rust feature? :santatrollet: 16:55 < bridge_> hmm 16:55 < bridge_> polonius 16:55 < bridge_> why svelte over react tho 16:55 < bridge_> did u use svelte ever 16:56 < bridge_> its a question that answers by u trying svelte 16:56 < bridge_> oh i get it 16:56 < bridge_> will try it someday 16:56 < bridge_> coming from react 16:56 < bridge_> it all feels like it falls in places 16:56 < bridge_> its like they learnt from react 16:56 < bridge_> also svelte is way way faster 16:56 < bridge_> and lightweight 16:56 < bridge_> thats for sure 16:57 < bridge_> what do you think about react native 16:57 < bridge_> that counter point against svelte is there arent many good frameworks 16:57 < bridge_> i use tailwindcss so im fine with that 16:57 < bridge_> @ryozuki can you compile from rust to wasm btw? 16:57 < bridge_> ofc, rust has wasm as tier 1 target 16:57 < bridge_> ok 16:57 < bridge_> its tier 3 16:57 < bridge_> but ye 16:57 < bridge_> xd 16:58 < bridge_> xd 16:59 < bridge_> wasm32-unknown-unknown is tier 2 16:59 < bridge_> "guaranteed to build" 16:59 < bridge_> wasm64-unknown-unknown 16:59 < bridge_> is tier 3 16:59 < bridge_> but wasm32 is widely used 17:00 < bridge_> @teero777 check out https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/book/ 17:02 < bridge_> havent rly tried it 17:03 < bridge_> are u a frontend dev? 17:03 < bridge_> if u are a pro designer i dont mind help on ddstats xd 17:04 < bridge_> full stack, my friend designes the project in figma then i code it 17:06 < bridge_> ah Chiller i know why 17:06 < bridge_> i am not a designer but am not bad at frontd 17:06 < bridge_> i am not a designer but am not bad at frontend 17:09 < bridge_> react bad 17:09 < bridge_> ez clap 17:11 < ChillerDragon> pog 17:11 < bridge_> 🤷 17:12 < bridge_> solid.js, svelte - :gigachad: 17:13 < bridge_> will try one of them 17:18 < bridge_> ChillerDragon 17:18 < bridge_> go to ddstats 17:18 < bridge_> hard refresh 17:18 < bridge_> and try again 17:18 < bridge_> also enter search 17:26 < bridge_> clan search now works too 17:28 < bridge_> added 36 new skins i scrapped 17:47 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1692892067.png 17:47 < ChillerDragon> epic 17:47 < ChillerDragon> thanks ryowo 17:48 < ChillerDragon> veri greensward such cute 17:49 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1692892141.png 17:49 < ChillerDragon> axaxaxax search "ryowozuki" finds bulgi 17:49 < ChillerDragon> @BulgarianTee 17:49 < ChillerDragon> @Axi 17:50 < bridge_> xd 17:57 < bridge_> pog 18:33 < bridge_> @jupeyy_keks i got 1 more rust follower 18:33 < bridge_> saint rust grows 18:44 < bridge_> :banhammer: 18:44 < bridge_> whom did u convert 18:44 < bridge_> @h.kaan 18:44 < bridge_> epic 18:44 < bridge_> epyc 18:45 < bridge_> wake up today as a c++ enjoyer gonna sleep as a rust fan 18:45 < bridge_> woke up today as a c++ enjoyer gonna sleep as a rust fan 18:45 < bridge_> u can become a vulkan fan too 18:45 < bridge_> and jupstar will be ur fan 18:45 < bridge_> he already loves vulkan 18:46 < bridge_> how u know 18:46 < bridge_> he had no choice 18:46 < bridge_> yes because i have an amd card 18:46 < bridge_> vulcan better 18:46 < bridge_> ez 18:46 < bridge_> thats a bogus reason tho 18:46 < bridge_> vulkan good 18:46 < bridge_> but nvidia works nice with vulkan too xd 18:46 < bridge_> i play bg3 with vulkan 18:47 < bridge_> maybe he wanted to say, opengl sucks on amd 18:47 < bridge_> xd 18:47 < bridge_> @h.kaan once u know advanced rust and wanna check vulkan check out https://vulkano.rs/ 18:47 < bridge_> https://github.com/ash-rs/ash 18:47 < bridge_> vulkano is better to learn imho 18:48 < bridge_> ash better to master 18:48 < bridge_> if u know what ur doing 18:48 < bridge_> xd 18:48 < bridge_> guys 18:48 < bridge_> what does vulkan do 18:48 < bridge_> its the graphics api 18:48 < bridge_> everything 18:48 < bridge_> a game uses vulkan 18:48 < bridge_> to render 18:48 < bridge_> the images 18:48 < bridge_> so i can build ddnet 3 18:48 < bridge_> all 18:48 < bridge_> noted 18:50 < bridge_> now that we are talking about cults 18:50 < bridge_> if u use a database 18:50 < bridge_> use postgres 18:50 < bridge_> and linux best ofc 18:50 < bridge_> firefox > chrome 18:50 < bridge_> tabs > spaces 18:50 < bridge_> udp > tcp :TrollDespair: 18:51 < bridge_> xd 18:51 < bridge_> agpl > mit 18:51 < bridge_> :gigachad: 18:51 < Huu> I have a question is it possible that speed up can produce more speed on a tee when u get lucky with the tickrate? 18:51 < bridge_> modern > compability 18:51 < bridge_> speedups are weird 18:51 < bridge_> try holding d on a speedup going right 18:51 < Huu> Like the speed arrow* to the site 18:51 < bridge_> u can "hold" the momentum 18:51 < bridge_> or smth 18:51 < bridge_> xd 18:52 < Huu> Playing atm nyan cat and i noticed when i like save 0.2ms on the start i wont get that big of a speed boost on first gate 18:52 < Huu> Not sure if its 0.2 exact actually 18:53 < Huu> I am saving time but then my speed up at the arrow is less then normal 18:54 < bridge_> i am everywhere 18:54 < bridge_> at any time 18:54 < bridge_> i know everything 18:54 < bridge_> you call me many names 18:54 < bridge_> but i mostly go by "God" 18:57 < bridge_> postgresql + prisma my fav 18:58 < bridge_> ```rust 18:58 < bridge_> fn main() { 18:58 < bridge_> for constant in std::f64::consts::iter() { 18:58 < bridge_> println!("{constant"); 18:58 < bridge_> } 18:58 < bridge_> } 18:58 < bridge_> ``` 18:58 < bridge_> wanted to iterate over all constant values in there but i cant 19:09 < bridge_> i guess its not possible 19:12 < bridge_> not possible 19:21 < bridge_> ```rust 19:21 < bridge_> fn main() { 19:21 < bridge_> for constant in std::f64::consts::iter() { 19:21 < bridge_> println!("{constant}"); 19:21 < bridge_> } 19:21 < bridge_> } 19:22 < bridge_> ``` 19:22 < bridge_> wanted to iterate over all constant values in there but i cant 19:26 < bridge_> *sad TOR noises* 19:39 < bridge_> Hi, is there a way I can display special chars in the scoreboard, and also in the clan section? Just booted a server and got minimal basic settings set up, and I'm having this issue 19:39 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1144325039144050708/screenshot_2023-08-24_14-35-17.png 19:40 < bridge_> on what CPU architecture is your server running? 19:41 < bridge_> Oracle VPS, Ampere 4CPUs 24g RAM, ubuntu 20.04 image 19:41 < bridge_> so ARM 19:42 < bridge_> compile with `-fsigned-char` 19:42 < ChillerDragon> pog he got the free vps 19:42 < bridge_> better than the paid ones lmao 19:42 < ChillerDragon> epic 19:42 < ChillerDragon> i want em too! 19:43 < bridge_> Should I modify any file? 19:43 < bridge_> ``` 19:43 < bridge_> cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fsigned-char" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fsigned-char" 19:43 < bridge_> ``` 19:46 < bridge_> do i have to install GTest to run it? 19:46 < bridge_> no 19:46 < bridge_> how exactly did you compile your current server? 19:46 < bridge_> simply replace the cmake of that build with this 19:46 < bridge_> the cmake step 19:47 < bridge_> okey 19:57 < Huuu> I have one question is it possible to get double speed boost when u right inbetween them 19:57 < Huuu> At that tick 19:59 < bridge_> normally no 20:00 < ChillerDragon> inbetween speedups? 20:14 < bridge_> yeey, it works thanks 20:14 < bridge_> now question, what if i want to increase the player cap 20:14 < bridge_> is there a way i can do that? 20:17 < bridge_> not easily, what do you plan to have more than 64p? 20:19 < bridge_> still thinking about but like, something like a lobby 21:00 < bridge_> https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/08/24/Rust-1.72.0.html 21:01 < bridge_> "In a future release we're planning to increase the minimum supported Windows version to 10. The accepted proposal in compiler MCP 651 is that Rust 1.75 will be the last to officially support Windows 7, 8, and 8.1. " 21:01 < bridge_> HUGE 21:03 < bridge_> when upgrade 21:03 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1144346162455908352/image.png 21:03 < bridge_> xDD 21:03 < bridge_> oh no 21:04 < bridge_> bye bye chairn 21:04 < bridge_> xd 21:04 < bridge_> was good with u 21:04 < bridge_> @jupeyy_keks String::leak 21:04 < bridge_> good thing i just realized i should stop spending so much time on my computer 21:04 < bridge_> ```rust 21:04 < bridge_> let x = String::from("bucket"); 21:04 < bridge_> let static_ref: &'static mut str = x.leak(); 21:04 < bridge_> assert_eq!(static_ref, "bucket"); 21:04 < bridge_> ``` 21:04 < bridge_> go to gym 21:05 < bridge_> at least on your current computer 😉 21:05 < bridge_> not on your GAMER PC 21:05 < bridge_> no, im more of an open space kind of guy 21:05 < bridge_> i guess 21:05 < bridge_> this is my gamer pc 21:05 < bridge_> for running go outside 21:05 < bridge_> thx sherlock 21:05 < bridge_> but doing strength training is kinda nice 21:05 < bridge_> and for me its what currently distracts from pc 21:06 < bridge_> next week is sport club forum, i wanna try archery and rowing 21:06 < bridge_> ohh 21:06 < bridge_> i also wanna try archery someday 21:06 < bridge_> but japanese style 21:06 < bridge_> not the fancy ones they use 21:07 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/tsurune-tsurune-kazemai-koukou-kyudoubu-minato-narumiya-archery-kyoto-animation-gif-15237883 21:07 < bridge_> this anime is nice btw 21:09 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/archery-bullseye-arrow-target-10-gif-20522370 21:09 < bridge_> look how fancy they are now 21:10 < bridge_> top is C 21:10 < bridge_> bottom is rust 21:14 < bridge_> wheres c++ 21:18 < bridge_> C is more OG 21:23 < bridge_> ChillerDragon: "whisper: ← chillerbot-zx: Go further right for the kill to count" what does this mean? your bot has gone sentient and randomly sent me a whisper 21:39 < bridge_> @ryozuki i dont get kt 21:39 < bridge_> @ryozuki i dont get it 21:43 < bridge_> the bottom is safer 🤓 21:45 < bridge_> what the hell is going on with that bow 21:45 < bridge_> bloated 21:45 < bridge_> is that a tripod for a bow? 21:45 < bridge_> lol? 21:45 < bridge_> mounted bow 21:46 < bridge_> true 21:46 < bridge_> Why do we make more advanced bows when we have guns? 21:47 < bridge_> Why would you level up a bad weapon 21:49 < bridge_> which language would the gun be 21:52 < bridge_> upgrading the starter weapon to max level 21:54 < bridge_> Maybe it's 21:54 < bridge_> Bow -> C 21:54 < bridge_> Leveled up bow -> C++ 21:54 < bridge_> Gun -> rust 21:54 < bridge_> ah yes because guns are TOTALLY SAFE to hold and TOTALLY SAFER than a BOW 21:54 < bridge_> 👁️ 21:55 < bridge_> wouldnt it be the opposite 21:55 < bridge_> c++ for power but not safe 21:55 < bridge_> rust for efficiency and safety but also takes longer to master 21:56 < bridge_> c++ probably takes longer to master than rust 21:57 < bridge_> i can read a lot of c++ just fine, rust code looks super cryptic 21:58 < bridge_> I find it harder to spot bugs in C++ than in rust 21:59 < bridge_> yeah because it wont compile if there is a bug 21:59 < bridge_> it wont compile if you do literally anything 21:59 < bridge_> I think they're are safe? Especially when they're illegal for most people to own 22:00 < bridge_> not in murica 22:02 < bridge_> because america's quirky 22:03 < ChillerDragon> @Iza did you get that in the race or in the block area? 22:03 < ChillerDragon> @Iza are you spawn camping? 22:07 < bridge_> i was afk in spawn 22:09 < ChillerDragon> odd 22:10 < ChillerDragon> yea i got a lot of complaints that the bot encourages spawn camping so i started counting kills further into the block area 22:10 < ChillerDragon> and during the transtion phase i still warn all people that still spawn camp to discourage it 22:40 < bridge_> the first line is equal to this right? 22:40 < bridge_> ```typescript 22:40 < bridge_> const x: string = "bucket"; 22:40 < bridge_> ``` 22:41 < bridge_> ... 22:45 < bridge_> naah 22:45 < bridge_> ur line is allocated on the stack (qctually on the program itself at compile time) 22:46 < bridge_> String is heap allocated 23:24 < bridge_> @nori5 23:24 < bridge_> https://www.phoronix.com/news/Mesa-VLK-WSI-Wayland-IMMEDIATE 23:24 < bridge_> 23:24 < bridge_> One of the prs got finally merged after 1000 years xd 23:28 < bridge_> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/19125 23:28 < bridge_> 23:28 < bridge_> 23:28 < bridge_> I guess the other is only for xwayland?