00:20 < bridge_> Hi, 00:20 < bridge_> 00:20 < bridge_> Are you tired of hearing how easy it is to make Crypto and to find out that nothing works? 00:20 < bridge_> 00:20 < bridge_> Do you want to grow your Crypto and generate BTC daily? 00:20 < bridge_> 00:20 < bridge_> If so, then look no further! - CLICK HERE 00:20 < bridge_> 👇 👇 👇 👇 00:20 < bridge_> https://t.me/PROFITSWITHSTEVE 00:20 < bridge_> 00:20 < bridge_> To your success! 00:20 < bridge_> 00:20 < bridge_> Ps. 100% Hands-Free, High QUALITY Traffic 00:33 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1134976943452860496/image.png 00:33 < bridge_> ??? xD 00:42 < bridge_> i.. guess 02:13 < bridge_> call the cops 08:37 < bridge_> everything i say is china moment 08:38 < bridge_> i am china 08:57 < bridge_> hi china im rust 09:04 < bridge_> hi rust im legal adult 09:14 < bridge_> happy birthday (?) 09:42 < bridge_> yeah 09:42 < bridge_> thanks 14:00 < bridge_> tf is that 15:01 < bridge_> i think that's (connecting) players 15:02 < bridge_> i see like 3 different turkey servers that have some kind of "whitelist" and all 3 have a different name 15:05 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1135196411567284254/image.png 15:05 < bridge_> isn't this like faking player count 15:06 < bridge_> if you dont have "filter connecting players" on 15:28 < bridge_> it is 15:28 < bridge_> @heinrich5991 15:46 < ChillerDragon> is there any issue about adding more slots i could not find one 15:46 < ChillerDragon> i can not belive nobody ever requested more slots in the ddnet issues 15:51 < bridge_> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/3453#issuecomment-758105354 15:51 < bridge_> it was sort of requested 15:52 < bridge_> but idk whats coming out of it 15:53 < ChillerDragon> i mean a dedicated issues discussing if we want it or not and if yes how and what needs to be done 15:53 < bridge_> ``` 15:53 < bridge_> error[E0793]: reference to packed field is unaligned 15:53 < bridge_> --> C:\Users\Matodor\.cargo\registry\src\index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f\ntapi-0.3.7\src\ntexapi.rs:2783:52 15:53 < bridge_> | 15:53 < bridge_> 2783 | *tick_count.QuadPart_mut() = read_volatile(&(*USER_SHARED_DATA).u.TickCountQuad); 15:53 < bridge_> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 15:53 < bridge_> | 15:53 < bridge_> = note: packed structs are only aligned by one byte, and many modern architectures penalize unaligned field accesses 15:53 < bridge_> = note: creating a misaligned reference is undefined behavior (even if that reference is never dereferenced) 15:53 < bridge_> = help: copy the field contents to a local variable, or replace the reference with a raw pointer and use `read_unaligned`/`write_unaligned` (loads and stores via `*p` must be properly aligned even when using raw pointers) 15:53 < bridge_> 15:53 < bridge_> error[E0793]: reference to packed field is unaligned 15:53 < bridge_> --> C:\Users\Matodor\.cargo\registry\src\index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f\ntapi-0.3.7\src\ntexapi.rs:2807:25 15:53 < bridge_> | 15:53 < bridge_> 2807 | ((read_volatile(&(*USER_SHARED_DATA).u.TickCountQuad) 15:53 < bridge_> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 15:53 < bridge_> | 15:53 < bridge_> = note: packed structs are only aligned by one byte, and many modern architectures penalize unaligned field accesses 15:53 < bridge_> = note: creating a misaligned reference is undefined behavior (even if that reference is never dereferenced) 15:53 < bridge_> = help: copy the field contents to a local variable, or replace the reference with a raw pointer and use `read_unaligned`/`write_unaligned` (loads and stores via `*p` must be properly aligned even when using raw pointers) 15:53 < bridge_> 15:53 < bridge_> For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0793`. 15:54 < bridge_> error: could not compile `ntapi` (lib) due to 2 previous errors 15:54 < bridge_> warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... 15:54 < bridge_> ``` 15:54 < bridge_> compiling mastersrv (windows) 15:57 < bridge_> rust packages not compiling 😱 16:01 < bridge_> fixed by `cargo update` 16:47 < bridge_> @heinrich5991 i fix it by change 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> let socket = Arc::new(tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind("[::]:0").await.unwrap()); 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> let socket = Arc::new(tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind("").await.unwrap()); 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> let's rewrite it in go 16:47 < bridge_> @heinrich5991 i fix it by change 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> let socket = Arc::new(tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind("[::]:0").await.unwrap()); 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> to 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 16:47 < bridge_> let socket = Arc::new(tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind("").await.unwrap()); 16:47 < bridge_> ``` 17:43 < bridge_> do u have ipv6 enabled 17:50 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1135237901802807347/image.png 19:09 < bridge_> what db is ddnet using ? 19:11 < bridge_> MariaDB 19:12 < bridge_> Though I think if we were to do it again I think we have consensus that we'd use postgres 19:12 < bridge_> definitly 19:13 < bridge_> if i wasnt lazy i would have already made a script to export data xd 19:13 < bridge_> Exporting the data is trivial compared to implementing the backend imo 19:13 < bridge_> i know 19:14 < bridge_> but thats the level of my lazyness 19:14 < bridge_> but well its also that 19:14 < bridge_> importing the mariadb db 19:14 < bridge_> takes ages 19:14 < bridge_> even without indexes 19:14 < bridge_> so i just lose my will 19:14 < bridge_> I wonder why, we dont even have constraints 19:15 < bridge_> idk theorically 20M ranks aint much 19:15 < bridge_> i should try again 19:15 < bridge_> why am i having so many darn issues implementing stuff into it then.. - the entire ddnet setup reminds me that i suck at coding >-< 19:15 < bridge_> its normal cuz its a big codebase 19:15 < bridge_> and u dont know most of it 19:15 < bridge_> i also felt lost 19:15 < bridge_> I wonder if there is a way to reserve the space with innodb, the file growing might be an issue 19:15 < bridge_> my sv has 64gb ram 19:16 < bridge_> maybe i can make a tmpfs db 19:16 < bridge_> just for importing i mean 19:16 < bridge_> Wym, implementing stuff into ddnet? 19:16 < bridge_> i have a few blog posts about ddnet https://edgarluque.com/categories/ddracenetwork/ 19:17 < bridge_> Ddnet is a huge mess of legacy code, it's not very easy to learn where what goes. And our way of coding is also a little outdated. We have singletons and stuff that most modern coders detest 19:17 < bridge_> And no boost 19:17 < bridge_> i think thats a win 19:17 < bridge_> But if you go ask on any medium how to do X in C++ you'll always get the answer oh just use boost 19:18 < bridge_> well i would say, oh just use rust 19:18 < bridge_> :pepeW: 19:18 < bridge_> i wanna store account data on a server using mariaDB, with access to it through php 19:18 < bridge_> idk if it makes sense what i just wrote 19:18 < bridge_> look at score.cpp 19:18 < bridge_> and more 19:18 < bridge_> My favourite emoji 19:18 < bridge_> i know xd 19:19 < bridge_> It's a perfect depiction of how I always feel 19:28 < bridge_> no boost 19:42 < bridge_> It’s definitely rare for a C++ project 19:42 < bridge_> is it? 19:42 < bridge_> i havent touched many cpp projects 19:42 < bridge_> xd 19:43 < bridge_> well llvm doesnt use boost iir 19:43 < bridge_> iirc 19:43 < bridge_> i wish cranelift wasnt just JIT oriented 19:43 < bridge_> it has a good rust api cuz its made in rust 19:44 < bridge_> https://docs.rs/cranelift-frontend/0.98.1/cranelift_frontend/index.html 19:44 < bridge_> (cranelift powers wasmtime) 19:44 < bridge_> iirc 19:45 < bridge_> https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/main/cranelift/rustc.md 19:47 < bridge_> @chairn hey Remember the sticky block idea? 19:47 < bridge_> tile* 19:49 < bridge_> When will you answer me there? 20:03 < ChillerDragon> @ryozuki ryo btw official ruby repo includes rust while python's does not 20:05 < bridge_> what u talking about 20:05 < bridge_> im lost 20:05 < ChillerDragon> https://github.com/ruby/ruby 20:05 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1690740385.png 20:06 < ChillerDragon> ROST 20:06 < bridge_> lol 20:06 < bridge_> why is rust used? 20:06 < ChillerDragon> because ruby pog 20:09 < ChillerDragon> seems like they rewrote the just in time compiler in rust 20:09 < ChillerDragon> https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/yjit/yjit_md.html 20:20 < bridge_> nice 20:20 < bridge_> that's one way to stay relevant 20:21 < ChillerDragon> blazingly rust 20:22 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1690741361.png 20:22 < ChillerDragon> blazingly half the performance of the C version xd 20:22 < ChillerDragon> average rust moment making everything slower axaxax 20:23 < bridge_> bruv 20:23 < bridge_> its cuz it must be new 20:23 < bridge_> not optimized 20:24 < ChillerDragon> ye its new 20:24 < bridge_> is default ruby also JIT? 20:24 < ChillerDragon> yea think so 20:24 < bridge_> jit benefits from code caching 20:24 < bridge_> aka the second time u run a function will be way faster 20:24 < bridge_> still slower than native tho 20:24 < bridge_> most of time 20:25 < ChillerDragon> since yjit is yet another jit 20:25 < ChillerDragon> i assume cruby is also jit 20:25 < ChillerDragon> i dont think its compiled like python 20:31 < bridge_> ruby sounds shiny 20:31 < bridge_> rust sounds dirty 20:31 < bridge_> checkmate 20:32 < ChillerDragon> xd 20:53 < bridge_> when i want/can 20:54 < bridge_> have you tried on a real algorithm ? 20:55 < bridge_> based 20:59 < bridge_> Will a development team be recruited? 21:01 < bridge_> well, @essigautomat is already working on it 21:15 < ChillerDragon> omg my r/place ripoff is not very webscale 21:15 < ChillerDragon> time to rewrite in rust 21:15 < bridge_> :justatest: 21:18 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/453632644207476746/1135288427223461948/discord-no-way-2.gif 21:23 < bridge_> I also archived the reddit pixelart thread: https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet-events/2022-reddit-pixelart.html 21:24 < bridge_> chillerdragon: ^ 21:25 < bridge_> hm, there is a new reddit pixelart 😅 21:27 < bridge_> yeah xd 21:35 < bridge_> downloading to https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet-events/2023-reddit-pixelart.html 21:45 < bridge_> what???? 21:49 < bridge_> ahh, this is already merged and will be in the next update, at least you can do it with a tuning layer then. 21:49 < bridge_> Just adjust ground_elasticity_x or ground_elasticity_y 21:49 < bridge_> 21:49 < bridge_> The block update will probably never come, since it's a lot of code and hard to manage by one person. 21:49 < bridge_> Maybe If we make it an own branch on ddnet where I can send multiple PRs, where other people look over I would be more motivated, but at this stage it's hard to split this feature up in smaller PRs. Also I asked other people for help with sound and graphics, and they promised they would help me and never responded to me again, so my motivation might be in the mud 21:55 < bridge_> What to do if an official server crashed and the backtrace is millions of lines? 😄 These weird unexplainable crashes always seem to happen on RUS, I think we might have broken hardware there. 21:55 < bridge_> gdb seems to be in an endless loop 21:56 < bridge_> are the top/bottom lines interesting? 21:56 < bridge_> Judge for yourself ^ 21:57 < bridge_> The sound of sticking and walking can be taken from minecraft and modified 21:59 < bridge_> If there is progress let me know. 21:59 < bridge_> No, this could lead to a copyright claim and cost a lot, that is the worst idea 22:00 < bridge_> Ok 22:01 < bridge_> I will, but you should be able to start it as soon as the new download updates button is availabe 😉 22:06 < bridge_> Ok 22:07 < bridge_> Can you communicate in other languages ​​well? 22:09 < bridge_> Are you recruiting for this? 22:10 < bridge_> Comand 22:13 < bridge_> And also make it so that there is a Velcro on one side, and a regular one on the other. 22:14 < bridge_> i wanna help but im too busy 22:15 < bridge_> When you are free, you can help. 22:16 < bridge_> iam not recuriting, i am busy myself 22:16 < bridge_> i dont know 22:16 < bridge_> i have a job and several personal projects 22:20 < bridge_> Ok 22:22 < bridge_> What is your time zone? 22:23 < bridge_> My gmt +4 22:26 < bridge_> What is your time zone? 22:26 < bridge_> And you 22:30 < bridge_> I am sleeping good night. 22:48 < bridge_> they might be under attack. have you tried contacting the server admins? 22:54 < bridge_> chillerdragon: no way to search the archive yet, and I don't know a good way to do that. 23:03 < bridge_> issue created ^ 23:12 < bridge_> i dont know who the admin is and how i should contact them 23:18 < bridge_> thx ❤️ 23:30 < bridge_> sometimes joining a server can reveal contact information somewhere, e.g. in the motd 23:36 < bridge_> i dont wanna leak my ip 23:58 < bridge_> can someone explain me what the units are, or show me a resource? what is the unit of `cl_mouse_max_distance` and what is the unit of `zoom` 23:58 < bridge_> and how do they relate to eachother