00:23 <+bridge> USA! USA! 00:28 <+bridge> huh 11:31 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 what a good day to bridge more channels 11:32 <+ChillerDragon> heinrich am i top10 most demanding persons in your life? xd 11:32 <+bridge> When rewrite ddnet 11:32 < ws-client> jopstinger is on it 11:33 < ws-client> ddnet 2 in rust 11:33 <+bridge> Is there a public repo? 11:33 < ws-client> no 11:33 <+bridge> twrust is coming :poggers2: 11:33 < ws-client> he is ashamed of his poc code 11:33 <+bridge> there is, but its a bit outdated xd 11:33 <+bridge> ChillerDragon i even shared it here 11:33 <+bridge> lmao 11:33 <+bridge> after u asked 11:33 < ws-client> ok i forgot 11:33 < ws-client> xd 11:34 < ws-client> omg how did i manage to break highliting text in webchat 11:34 < ws-client> this project is getting out of hand 11:34 < ws-client> time to abandon it 11:34 <+bridge> xD 11:34 <+bridge> xd 11:36 < ws-client> <22> @neben there are actually a lot of projects 11:36 < ws-client> <22> watf why my name 22 11:36 <+bridge> real 22 11:36 < ws-client> there is stuff by zwelf that is game logic 11:36 < ws-client> there is ancient nim rewrite by deen 11:37 < ws-client> there is 3d version of da game 11:37 < ws-client> there is teeworlds on switch 11:37 <+bridge> huh? 11:37 <+bridge> Omg tw on Switch 11:37 < ws-client> https://github.com/Byebyesky/teeworlds-switch 11:37 < ws-client> wip 11:37 < ws-client> not playable yet 11:38 < ws-client> none of the projects hit a useful maturity but there are a lot 11:38 <+bridge> Ah thats a shame 11:38 <+bridge> They all sound good 11:39 < ws-client> the best of them all 11:39 < ws-client> is ofc my rewrite of tw client 11:39 < ws-client> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/video.php?t=ruby_tw_gui.mp4&u=chiller 11:40 < ws-client> who needs teeish textures when you can have green squares 11:40 < ws-client> or my rewrite in rust 11:40 < ws-client> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/video.php?t=tw_in_rust.mp4&u=chiller 11:41 < ws-client> tw in nim: https://hookrace.net/public/platformer/platformer-finished.mp4 11:45 <+bridge> Thats very nice projets 11:46 <+bridge> Thats very nice projects 12:33 <+bridge> i don't understand 12:33 <+bridge> why does chiller bot change everyday 12:34 <+bridge> hes very anon 12:35 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: nice projects xd 12:35 <+bridge> epic xd https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/index.php?u=Animepdf 12:36 <+bridge> in my ddnet project i mostly focused on performance xddd 12:36 <+bridge> effective performance 12:36 <+bridge> and im way to inactive sadly 12:36 <+bridge> here sneakpeak :lol: 12:36 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119576404485476383/comp.mp4 12:37 <+bridge> arctic frost is relatively big map 12:37 <+bridge> 12:37 <+bridge> and it always loads so slow on ddnet 12:37 <+bridge> so i wanted the fastest map loading xddd 12:37 <+bridge> ddnet and ddnet-pg both also connect to a server 12:37 <+bridge> twgpu only loads the map 12:38 <+bridge> so ddnet vs twgpu is probably not a fair comparision, since ddnet's network code is so bad 12:39 <+bridge> pg? 12:39 <+bridge> "playground" 12:39 <+bridge> i call it like that for less confusion 12:39 <+bridge> ah 12:39 <+bridge> you comparing your project twgpu and reference impl 12:40 <+bridge> got it 12:40 <+bridge> yeah 😄 12:42 <+ChillerDragon> pog loading speed 12:42 <+ChillerDragon> @ChillerDragon what changed where? 12:43 <+bridge> idk 12:44 <+bridge> what backend do you use? 12:45 <+bridge> vulkan? 12:45 <+bridge> yes 12:45 <+bridge> i ported the vk backend to rust 12:45 <+bridge> 😬 12:45 <+bridge> huh xd 12:45 <+bridge> try hard, bcs no auto tools yet 12:45 <+bridge> the funny thing is, i had to fight the borrow checker relatively few times ^^ 12:46 <+bridge> does webgpu mean website can secretly mine cryptos or crunch AI using user's machine now 12:46 <+bridge> but ok the vk API is unsafe 12:46 <+bridge> yes 12:46 <+bridge> epic 12:46 <+bridge> my brain comes up with vulkano (https://vulkano.rs/) when it hears rust and vulkan xd 12:46 <+bridge> what a time we live in xd 12:47 <+bridge> yeah, but i prefer real vulkan. bcs im low level enjoyer 12:47 <+bridge> Yes, they could always mine, any way of calculation can do it, pure javascript too 12:48 <+bridge> so you didn't make any wrapping around vk api? epic 12:48 <+bridge> webgpu could make them take more resources i assume? 12:48 <+bridge> yes, probably a bit faster 12:49 <+bridge> yep i used `ash` 12:49 <+bridge> https://github.com/ash-rs/ash 12:49 <+bridge> oh no, rust again 12:50 <+bridge> it is more like the c++ vk bindings probably tho 12:50 <+bridge> bcs of type safeties 12:50 <+bridge> every time i see rust i would just hate myself 12:50 <+bridge> ddnet uses tru c-vulkan-api 12:50 <+bridge> 😂 12:51 <+bridge> hate rust not yourself 12:51 <+bridge> but hate c 12:51 <+bridge> more 12:51 <+bridge> k, back to work 12:51 <+bridge> and java even more 12:52 <+bridge> and delete python from your brain, since u hate it most 12:52 <+bridge> gl, i hope the next 16h are nice for you 12:52 <+bridge> working 12:52 <+bridge> << 12:52 <+bridge> i still use python for somethings 12:52 <+bridge> :justatest: 12:52 <+bridge> :banhammer: 12:52 <+bridge> no 14 hours work day pls 12:52 <+bridge> python string is a tiny easier to work wtih 12:52 <+bridge> py what? 12:52 <+bridge> never heard of it 12:53 <+bridge> compared to javascript i guess 12:53 <+bridge> i don't usually work 10+ during weekends 12:53 <+bridge> in javascript, everything is a string xD 12:53 <+bridge> i kinda like the negative index in python 12:54 <+bridge> and the range index 12:54 <+bridge> don't know what they are actually called 12:54 <+bridge> yeah pretty good sugar for len(arr)-n 12:54 <+bridge> besides QOL stuff & bad generics & missing async closures and stuff like that (list is long) 12:54 <+bridge> i'd say rust is best language... at least it has the potential 12:54 <+bridge> len(arr)-n-1 12:54 <+bridge> sadly 99% of all features are nightly 12:54 <+bridge> :lol: 12:55 <+bridge> im waiting for stable rust abi 12:55 <+bridge> i just found out C# has the negative index things like last month 12:56 <+bridge> mhh, i guess u can operator overload in rust and cpp 12:56 <+bridge> so u could do the same 12:56 <+bridge> ok in rust its no overload 12:56 <+bridge> :kek: 12:56 <+bridge> before @ryozuki kills me 12:56 <+bridge> its implementing a trait 12:56 <+bridge> what is a trait 12:57 <+bridge> basically an interface 12:57 <+bridge> like C# interface or TS interface 12:57 <+bridge> or none of them, just an rust interface 12:57 <+bridge> its not directly comparable to any c-like language i think 12:57 <+bridge> but its also no real magic 12:57 <+bridge> fair enough 12:58 <+bridge> some "global" traits like add 12:58 <+bridge> are just there to tell the compiler "hi, when i use + i actually mean add-trait" 12:58 <+bridge> k 12:59 <+bridge> yeah, so now in your 30 minutes free time u have daily 12:59 <+bridge> learn rust 12:59 <+bridge> UI leak 12:59 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119581990430187670/image.png 12:59 <+bridge> i like the background, well done midjourney 12:59 <+bridge> 😬 12:59 <+bridge> here midjourney generated: 12:59 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119582181111635978/bg.png 12:59 <+bridge> just some skybox someone bought 12:59 <+bridge> xDD 13:00 <+bridge> i don't think it is midjourney 13:00 <+bridge> yeah, but i acutally like it 13:00 <+bridge> i like space stuff 13:02 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119582758231081071/image.png 13:31 <+bridge> <_voxeldoesart> remember the "looking for group" channel? i think we need a "looking for unban" channel more 13:31 <+bridge> <_voxeldoesart> or somethinf 13:38 <+bridge> It's in the works 14:36 <+bridge> not true 14:36 <+bridge> it’s just dynamic types 14:36 <+bridge> you have numbers, strings, and objects 14:39 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119607137916682321/image.png 14:39 <+bridge> how can i solve these problem when i update my system 14:41 <+bridge> everything 14:41 <+bridge> No idea, we downgraded the Windows version used in the CI for this in #6725 14:41 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6725 14:42 <+bridge> why these problem appear 14:43 <+bridge> Libs in windows mismatch what the linker looks for 14:43 <+bridge> Version discrepancy or something 14:43 <+bridge> Mysterious 14:45 <+bridge> i dont want to del this version 14:46 <+bridge> the message said "xxx.lib.rule" is not generate successfuly 14:46 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119609094261723137/image.png 14:50 <+bridge> @ChillerDragon did you timeout ? 14:51 <+ChillerDragon> @chairn no i pro 15:08 <+bridge> how can i solve this 15:09 <+bridge> He suck 15:09 <+bridge> (@chairn) 15:09 <+bridge> ask chinese developer 15:09 <+bridge> (@vinson7987) 15:33 <+bridge> This change fixes it, no need to downgrade VS: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commit/2c03973dac21615fb600f69ae771e1e54e3e1e8f 15:36 <+bridge> Wait, really? :thonk: 15:37 <+bridge> Did you give up on it in the last 2 weeks or so? 😄 15:37 <+bridge> The ticket system? 15:37 <+bridge> yep 15:38 <+bridge> No it's pretty much done and works. I just didn't get any feedback on it, so I assumed it's not something we want :/ 15:43 <+bridge> my goal was to reduce our workload, and if it's not utilized for that purpose, it would merely be another location that requires monitoring 15:55 <+bridge> should I report this somewhere? there was a guy that joined the server posted some link and left 15:55 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhFXji3kVuA 15:55 <+bridge> I think this is not allowed 15:58 <+bridge> Doesn't look like a bot to me 15:58 <+bridge> @murpi so it's only a joke? 15:58 <+bridge> idk, I opened a ticket on kog I think it's a botter 15:59 <+bridge> xd 15:59 <+bridge> this guy just compares himself to a bot cuz he's too pro 16:19 <+bridge> ask n9, hes a master at this joke :troll: 16:20 <+bridge> idk it seems like slats is a well known hacker in kog 16:24 <+bridge> just like n9 16:25 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119633992086466692/Screenshot_2023-06-17_162504.png 16:27 <+bridge> hn okey 16:27 <+bridge> seems he is unknown botter in ddnet :greenthing: 16:29 <+bridge> yeah lol, but that's impressive even for a bot even if it's not a bot it's impressive 19:09 <+bridge> @ChillerDragon 19:09 <+bridge> !c 19:09 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119675292496167053/image.png 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> :robot: 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> @ryozuki ye heinrich told me to remove !c :c 19:47 <+bridge> image.png 19:47 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119684638529568799/image.png 19:47 <+bridge> @beautemps 2020 may i found u 19:47 <+bridge> im banned from the discordo btw 19:47 <+bridge> probably because of the things i tend to say 19:48 <+bridge> its the end of my journey 19:48 <+bridge> thank 19:48 <+bridge> bye 19:48 <+bridge> <_voxeldoesart> @ChillerDragon wtf why no !c 19:49 <+bridge> heinrichs likes to have rules that destroy fun of others 19:49 <+bridge> xd 19:50 <+bridge> chillerdragon has no revolutionary blood sadly 19:50 <+bridge> ;~; 19:50 <+bridge> still waiting for options 19:50 <+bridge> yeah i started tw in 2020 😄 19:52 <+bridge> no idea what was that but if it was benevolent, then it's sad 20:13 <+ChillerDragon> wot 2020 20:13 <+ChillerDragon> newfag 20:53 <+bridge> surprised you only have 700 ddnet points 20:54 <+bridge> still not a noname \:/ 21:05 <+bridge> There is suspicion that he could be cheating but nothing proved. He is a good player either way. 22:39 <+bridge> doubt it is 22:39 <+bridge> A bot doesnt move their aim so slow 22:43 <+ChillerDragon> ye its either an impressive bot or a average pro 22:45 <+bridge> depends on how many tries he needed 22:45 <+bridge> the afk king is defs hard 22:45 <+bridge> even as pro 22:51 <+bridge> <_voxeldoesart> konsti: 22:51 <+bridge> yo guys, im going crazy trying to make my own component that draws stuff. For some reason, even though I am using the right coordinates, when I call the IGraphics routines, they are drawn elsewhere. 22:51 <+bridge> For example I try drawing a circle in players.cpp:CPlayers::RenderHookCollLine and it draws it correctly, i write the same code and it gets the same coordinates in my own component, but it is drawn elsewhere. Anyone help me with this? 22:51 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119731140253724792/image.png 22:52 <+bridge> yo guys, im going crazy trying to make my own component that draws stuff. For some reason, even though I am using the right coordinates, when I call the IGraphics routines, they are drawn elsewhere. 22:52 <+bridge> For example I try drawing a circle in players.cpp:CPlayers::RenderHookCollLine and it draws it correctly, i write the same code and it gets the same coordinates in my own component, but it is drawn elsewhere. Anyone help me with this? 22:52 <+bridge> u need to set the screen 22:52 <+bridge> over mapscreen 22:52 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119731323532222696/image.png 22:52 <+bridge> ahh 22:52 <+bridge> weird I don't see it done anywhere else 22:52 <+bridge> most components rely on the one set by the maplayers 22:53 <+bridge> most components rely on the one set by the maplayers.cpp 22:54 <+bridge> Are you referring to this func? 22:54 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1119731778920390786/image.png 22:54 <+bridge> Or is there a corresponding SetScreen? 23:01 <+bridge> Thanks a lot brother, i was losing my sanity over this. Simple fix was to just change the render order of my component before the mapping changed. 23:48 <+bridge> cyber what now?