00:39 <+bridge> https://youtu.be/VkezQMb1DHw 00:41 <+bridge> rm -rf node_modules 00:48 <+bridge> `rm -rf --no-preserve-root /` 01:20 <+bridge> chillerpi reference 01:21 <+bridge> chillerpi incident 01:21 <+bridge> 08:00 <+ChillerDragon> F chilerpi 08:00 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686463212.png 08:00 <+ChillerDragon> wat did u send there? xd 08:00 <+ChillerDragon> why is there a emoji in your emote 08:15 <+bridge> “\:rage\:” 08:15 <+bridge> not from this discord 08:45 < ws-client> yo discord oosers wat dis arrow do? 08:45 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686465943.png 08:46 < ws-client> does it collapse the complete channel list pane? 08:46 < ws-client> or open server info? 08:46 <+bridge> server stuff 08:46 <+bridge> settings etc 08:46 < ws-client> can u collapse it? 08:46 < ws-client> to look like chat.zillyhuhn.com 08:46 <+bridge> its a callout 08:46 < ws-client> wats callout 08:46 < ws-client> click 08:46 < ws-client> on da icon= 08:47 <+bridge> like a dropdown 08:47 <+bridge> a new window 08:47 < ws-client> wot 08:47 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117344294362161182/image.png 08:47 < ws-client> is the ddnet banner there without clicking v 08:47 <+bridge> yes 08:47 <+bridge> the banner is always there 08:48 < ws-client> we need that too 08:48 < ws-client> banner hot 08:48 <+bridge> ddnet logo ugly 08:48 < ws-client> wot 08:48 <+bridge> but yeah banner cool 08:48 < ws-client> no 08:48 <+bridge> default tees with orange brown colors are not ugly? 08:48 < ws-client> yes 08:48 <+bridge> it should have some twinbops etc then it would look better 08:48 <+bridge> xd 08:48 < ws-client> not ugly 08:49 < ws-client> lets not sexualize ddnet banner 08:49 < ws-client> twinbops is top3 most sexualized default skins 08:49 < ws-client> it not brand safe 08:50 < ws-client1> wait wot where am i 08:50 < ws-client1> opsi i am in real channel xd 08:50 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1015979166534991892/gui_logo.png 08:50 <+bridge> voxel once trie a bit ddiferent one 08:51 < ws-client> dunno bout that 08:51 <+bridge> its still not perfect 08:51 <+bridge> but good direction 08:51 < ws-client> too many colors 08:51 <+bridge> yeah 08:51 <+bridge> black cat is overkill 08:51 <+bridge> he also didnt make it as logo tbf 08:52 < ws-client> shit why it posted here 08:52 <+bridge> i dont even know what u mean 08:52 <+ChillerDragon> oh boi thanks 08:53 <+ChillerDragon> it doesnt arrive on irc :D 08:53 <+ChillerDragon> webchat just has some cursed interchannel mix 08:53 <+ChillerDragon> i should stop testing my dev progress with nudes 09:03 <+bridge> @Voxel when do you try to make a ddnet logo. i like the simplism of the current. but if i wouldnt know ddnet. the logo would look too cheap to me. 09:03 <+bridge> maybe u disagree, thats ok. But i'd still like to see a try from you 😉 09:09 <+bridge> most logos from famous 2d games focus on the text mostly apparently 09:09 <+bridge> 09:10 <+bridge> https://www.raymanpc.com/wiki/script-en/images/thumb/e/eb/Rayman-legends-logo-full.png/345px-Rayman-legends-logo-full.png 09:10 <+bridge> 09:10 <+bridge> https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/terraria_gamepedia/images/a/a4/NewPromoLogo.png/revision/latest?cb=20200506135559 09:10 <+bridge> 09:10 <+bridge> https://stardewvalleywiki.com/mediawiki/images/6/68/Main_Logo.png 09:10 <+bridge> 09:10 <+bridge> https://media.printables.com/media/prints/5479/images/35579_8ae7463b-b83a-43b5-8cb1-1c84f49775e0/thumbs/inside/1280x960/png/factorio-logo-1300x.webp 09:10 <+bridge> i have to say, the rayman logo has charm, gj ubisoft 09:10 < ws-client> all those logos are ugly af and dealbreaker i would never install such a game 09:11 <+bridge> wtf 09:11 <+bridge> ddnet looks like paint against them xD 09:11 <+bridge> https://ddnet.org/ddnet2.png 09:11 < ws-client> no 09:11 <+bridge> look at this 09:11 < ws-client> looks very hot 09:11 <+bridge> trollerdragon 09:12 < ws-client> im serious 09:12 < ws-client> imo no game can compete with the design and visuals of tw 09:12 < ws-client> thats one of the reasons why its the best game 09:12 <+bridge> ingame has nothing to do with this logo 09:13 < ws-client> it does 09:13 < ws-client> its sharing a artstyle 09:13 <+bridge> I thought it was a consequence of the standard tbh 09:13 <+bridge> !c this logo looks to me 0% like the visuals ingame or represent them 09:13 < chillerbot1> ChillerDragon 09:13 < ws-client> for me it does 09:13 <+bridge> i think only our flags have these shadows 09:13 < ws-client> of course in cinnematic 09:14 <+bridge> `rm -rf /*` 09:14 < ws-client> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/51/Minecraft_cover.png 09:14 < ws-client> this is also not how minecraft looks 09:15 < ws-client> cinnematic freedom of a logo 09:15 <+bridge> well it comes close. but at least it looks better than ingame 😂 09:15 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686467728.png 09:15 < ws-client> hot af 09:15 <+bridge> totally 09:17 < ws-client> looks even better than in game 09:17 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686467857.png 09:18 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117352091569102899/image.png 09:18 < ws-client> e 09:18 < ws-client> hm 09:18 < ws-client> ok convinced 09:18 < ws-client> new ddnet logo 09:18 <+bridge> perfect 09:19 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686467961.png 09:19 < ws-client> update logo pls 09:19 < ws-client> thank 09:19 <+bridge> omg so perfect 09:19 <+bridge> the choice of color 09:20 <+bridge> ah btw i find teeworlds logo better 09:20 < ws-client> https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.ppbaR9fC_bF69972otzCfwHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=13e25cf8124ad9468f9dd4861f93f5df4d7cad78cefb5c4045e03568f316d151&ipo=images 09:20 <+bridge> https://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/TeeWorlds.jpg 09:20 <+bridge> LMAO 09:20 <+bridge> where did u find that xDDD 09:21 <+bridge> tw logo has weird proportions tho 09:21 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686468069.png 09:21 <+bridge> maybe needs an update 09:21 <+bridge> heinrich, when he moderates this chat: 09:21 <+bridge> https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/380840/header.jpg?t=1578354106 09:21 <+bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1113389951929810984 09:22 < ws-client> http://i.solidfiles.net/2626c4aaaf.png 09:22 < ws-client> <:ass:1010609071902171226> 09:22 <+bridge> 🚓 09:23 <+bridge> https://e1.pngegg.com/pngimages/63/1013/png-clipart-teeworlds-512x512-icon-512-teeworlds-04-ns-thumbnail.png 09:23 <+bridge> 😬 09:23 <+bridge> represents tw 99% 09:23 < ws-client> cute 09:23 < ws-client> edating 09:24 < ws-client> when put shorts on ddnet.org front page 09:24 < ws-client> gotta spice things up go with the time 09:24 < ws-client> make ddnet tiktok for young audience advertisement 09:24 < ws-client> check this :fire: out 09:24 < ws-client> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/h9qoyPN-azk 09:25 < ws-client> thatll get 2k new tiktokinger ddnet gamers 09:27 < ws-client> fossil deen probably still paying for facebook ads to get new ddnet players. Thats why average age these days is 32 on ddnet servers. 09:27 <+bridge> Delete this one, it's ableist 09:27 < ws-client> reply moment 09:28 <+bridge> i dont even know what ableist means 09:28 < ws-client> lerato pumping out da daily fancy english vocab 09:33 <+bridge> so ableist of u jop 09:33 <+bridge> 🥺 09:48 <+bridge> it means discriminatory to disabled people 09:48 <+bridge> as in learath is disabled when it comes to the women 09:49 <+bridge> i mean to which extend? 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> does rust spec _force_ the compiler to make Box be zero abstraction in all sceneraios where it makes sense? Or is the compiler simply written smart enough... 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> the cpp compiler can also optimize away a heap allocation completely if it wants to: 09:49 <+bridge> https://godbolt.org/z/qWY11azq1 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> i'd say that's literally zero abstraction ^^ (even the heap abstraction is gone) 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> generally with O3 and Ofast lot of stuff gets actually abstracted away or inlined. 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> But yes, it often doesn't and it probably depends a lot on where exactly you use these abstractions. 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> a member variable unique_ptr might not be optimizable bcs of some weird standard thing 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> GCC says Ofast is not standard compliant. Still (if u dont enable weird stuff like fast math) it will probably generate valid code if u didnt introduce UB. 09:49 <+bridge> kind of a bs term but it’s life 09:49 <+bridge> i mean to which extend? 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> does rust spec _force_ the compiler to make Option (or whatever u had as example) be zero abstraction in all sceneraios where it makes sense? Or is the compiler simply written smart enough... 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> the cpp compiler can also optimize away a heap allocation completely if it wants to: 09:49 <+bridge> https://godbolt.org/z/qWY11azq1 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> i'd say that's literally zero abstraction ^^ (even the heap abstraction is gone) 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> generally with O3 and Ofast lot of stuff gets actually abstracted away or inlined. 09:49 <+bridge> 09:49 <+bridge> But yes, it often doesn't and it probably depends a lot on where exactly you use these abstractions. 09:49 <+bridge> 09:50 <+bridge> a member variable unique_ptr might not be optimizable bcs of some weird standard thing 09:50 <+bridge> 09:50 <+bridge> GCC says Ofast is not standard compliant. Still (if u dont enable weird stuff like fast math) it will probably generate valid code if u didnt introduce UB. 09:50 <+bridge> :poggers2: 09:50 <+bridge> ah thanks for explaining 😄 09:50 <+bridge> really never heard it 09:50 <+bridge> dunno what shakespear learath read for that 09:50 <+bridge> twitter term 09:51 < ws-client> had to boot up fakin electron matrix to see ableist was referencing the tw cuddle image 09:51 <+bridge> xd 09:51 <+bridge> u are using element? 09:51 <+bridge> or do u mean discord 09:51 < ws-client> which is virus so only way to quit is ``kill $(pgrep -f element)`` 09:51 < ws-client> element spyware 09:51 <+bridge> damn 09:51 <+bridge> get a better matrix client 09:51 < ws-client> oh actually i do have one 09:51 <+bridge> there were good cpp ones last i looked into it 09:52 < ws-client> i guess old habbits 09:52 <+bridge> mobile is why i used element 09:52 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686469957.png 09:52 < ws-client> gomuks is pretty nice 09:52 < ws-client> idk why i dont use it more 09:53 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686469986.png 09:53 < ws-client> it does images in the terminal xd 09:53 < ws-client> but its still matrix so everything is slow and buggi 09:55 <+bridge> lol 09:57 <+bridge> i forgot you can use thunderbird to chat on matrix.. Damn 10:03 <+bridge> i mean to which extend? 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> does rust spec _force_ the compiler to make Option (or whatever u had as example) be zero abstraction in all sceneraios where it makes sense? Or is the compiler simply written smart enough... 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> the cpp compiler can also optimize away a heap allocation completely if it wants to: 10:03 <+bridge> https://godbolt.org/z/qWY11azq1 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> i'd say that's literally zero abstraction ^^ (even the heap abstraction is gone) 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> generally with O3 and Ofast lot of stuff gets actually abstracted away or inlined. 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> But yes, it often doesn't and it probably depends a lot on where exactly you use these abstractions. 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 < ws-client> lmao 10:03 <+bridge> a member variable unique_ptr might not be optimizable bcs of some weird standard thing 10:03 < ws-client> edit moment 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> GCC says Ofast is not standard compliant. Still (if u dont enable weird stuff like fast math) it will probably generate valid code if u didnt introduce UB. 10:03 < ws-client> !c when make edit not suck in irc 10:03 < chillerbot1> ChillerDragon 10:03 <+bridge> 10:03 <+bridge> (or do you talk about zero cost compile time, my answer was about runtime perf) 10:03 < ws-client> cant the bridge just ignore the edit xD 10:03 < ws-client> should i update messages based on levian distance resends? 10:04 < ws-client> eh wat, yeah just do something 10:04 < ws-client> this mf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance 10:05 < ws-client> if same author sends two similar messages replace first with second 10:05 < ws-client> i see 10:05 < ws-client> would be cool xd 10:05 < ws-client> might be cursed 10:05 < ws-client> totally not overkill 10:05 < ws-client> xd 10:05 < ws-client> it took so long to make the fake multiline messages xd 10:05 < ws-client> 😂 10:09 <+bridge> The as-if rule allows everything the compiler can prove. The issue is the halting problem, the compiler can't reduce every piece of code to it's optimal form 10:11 <+bridge> But there is no issue with it reducing some constructs to an optimal form, so if you design your language in such a way that it's easily provable to a compiler that it reduces, then you'll have a better time. Because a "sufficiently smart" compiler still can't cover every case 10:11 <+bridge> yeah you are right. I personally would not fight too much about these 2 instructions tho. You go crazy if you do such stuff 10:11 <+bridge> 10:11 <+bridge> use LTO, O3 and static linking 10:11 <+bridge> and the compiler will make good enough good probably^^ 10:11 <+bridge> sometimes it sounds like all devs are working on super computers where a single instruction actually costs smth 10:12 <+bridge> It's been a while since I watched the unique_ptr talk but iirc it was an ABI issue btw 10:12 <+bridge> yeah you are right. I personally would not fight too much about these 2 instructions tho. You go crazy if you do such stuff 10:12 <+bridge> 10:12 <+bridge> use LTO, O3 and static linking 10:12 <+bridge> and the compiler will make good enough binary probably^^ 10:12 <+bridge> We promise that a unique_ptr will be passed a certain way, that forces us to use a double indirection 10:13 <+bridge> yeah ^^ 10:13 <+bridge> 10:13 <+bridge> but in static linking it should™️ not matter, should it? 10:14 <+bridge> Static linking + LTO and the compiler is definitely allowed to generate optimal code. Though idk if any do 10:24 <+bridge> How is dev chat rn 10:25 <+bridge> gucci 10:29 <+bridge> Feeling more like learath every day 10:29 <+bridge> :bluekitty: 10:29 <+bridge> This emote is awesome 10:30 < ws-client> @learath2 do you work out? 10:35 <+bridge> Not anymore, I did for a month or so a month back 10:35 <+bridge> It just never felt good and I don't have time for it now 10:35 < ws-client> why no time 10:37 <+bridge> 🕳️ 10:40 <+bridge> Exam month. I'm too lazy to study properly so exam months are always very busy 10:40 <+bridge> Thank god I atleast absorb info rather quickly 10:41 < ws-client> when leak university images alr 10:46 <+bridge> here ChillerDragon: Learaths university 10:46 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117374194984951828/learas.png 10:46 < ws-client> ai 10:46 <+bridge> 😬 10:46 < ws-client> lerato u got so mani grils in ur class 10:46 < ws-client> go ask one out 10:46 <+bridge> 😬 😬 😬 10:47 <+bridge> You have exams 10:47 <+bridge> School 10:47 <+bridge> Social outings 10:47 <+bridge> :justatest: 10:48 <+bridge> I have mom and dog and grocery store sometimes 10:48 < ws-client> i also have some grocery stores 10:48 < ws-client> they make me good profits 10:48 <+bridge> need to spend more time 10:48 < ws-client> 💵 10:48 <+bridge> the indont have time is the first excuse u need to get rid of :p 10:48 < ws-client> u dont have time 10:48 < ws-client> you make time 10:48 <+bridge> True 10:49 < ws-client> so leave this chat and do push ups! 10:49 <+bridge> Lol 10:49 <+bridge> Apt complex has one-room gym in the leasing office down the street but it’s closed after 6:00 and on weekends 10:50 <+bridge> Like 10:50 <+bridge> I can’t do much with those times 10:50 < ws-client> no need to blame gym times when you can do push ups at home 10:51 <+bridge> Home is boring 10:51 < ws-client> u pay for gym to motivate ur self? 10:51 <+bridge> I don’t pay 10:51 <+bridge> It’s in leasing office 10:51 <+bridge> Free for tenants 10:51 < ws-client> watever that is 10:51 < ws-client> o 10:51 < ws-client> cool 10:51 <+bridge> not guaranteed by any rust standard, but its pretty agressive optimizing enums, with option box u can be sure it will use the null ptr value as a tag for none 10:51 < ws-client> mr fancy pants building 10:52 < ws-client> @Ewan leak ur home 10:52 <+bridge> yep and thats also good like that 😄 10:52 <+bridge> all in for perf 10:52 <+bridge> Complex is less than 2 yrs old and destroyed by the residents 10:52 < ws-client> new af 10:52 <+bridge> cpp should go more all in too and break stupid old stuff 10:52 < ws-client> send images 10:52 <+bridge> It’s a dump 10:52 < ws-client> dont be shy 10:52 < ws-client> this is private environment 10:53 <+bridge> Ewan leak whole biography.. dont be shy 10:53 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117376011575775272/IMG_2612.JPG 10:53 <+bridge> All i got 10:53 <+bridge> No other fotos 10:53 < ws-client> good 10:53 <+bridge> Sry for dm leak broken 10:54 <+bridge> i think only like 4-5 people, except companies, i don't know in real life know my real identity. and deen is one of them 10:54 <+bridge> 😬 10:54 <+bridge> Deen could google maps me rn 10:54 <+bridge> deen knows everybody :pepechill: 10:54 <+bridge> i know someone who knows chillerdragon in realife 10:54 <+bridge> even me 10:54 <+bridge> ez 10:54 < ws-client> i know someone in real life that knows jupsti 10:54 < ws-client> ez 10:54 <+bridge> ez 10:54 <+bridge> konsti :justatest: 10:54 <+bridge> It was awesome when it was built but nothing is sacred to poor people so we get litter and broken shit 10:55 <+bridge> I havent met him, but he sent me pictures of himself 10:55 <+bridge> They opened the pool last week and within a day they had an incident with a glass bottle so they had to close it again 10:55 < ws-client> > i think only like 4-5 people, except companies, i don't know in real life know my real identity. and deen is one of them 10:55 <+bridge> Fuck section 8 10:55 < ws-client> you mean online? 10:55 <+bridge> fun ruined 10:55 < ws-client> imagine doxing ur self to deen 10:56 <+bridge> I got a magnet bro there was no question 10:56 <+bridge> !c yeah i mean like ppl i know over the internet 10:56 < chillerbot1> ChillerDragon 10:56 <+bridge> like u guys 10:56 <+bridge> u know 10:56 <+bridge> Anything for a sticker 10:56 <+bridge> like not actual ppl 10:56 <+bridge> u could all be in my head 10:56 < ws-client> i can confirm i am not actual ppl 10:57 <+bridge> Ah yes, who would've thought it was AI chillerbot all along 10:57 < ws-client> 🤖 10:57 <+bridge> Lol 10:58 <+bridge> This apartment was a blessing though 10:58 <+bridge> First tenants and stuff 10:58 <+bridge> as if ryo is not my conscience, reminding me to use Linux and Rust every day 10:58 <+bridge> Lol 11:04 <+bridge> cpp cant do this cuz they respect the order of ur fields 11:04 <+bridge> and more 11:05 <+bridge> xd 11:06 <+bridge> No I actually don't have the time. With my focus deficiency I barely have enough time to learn everything by exam time. If I fail after getting this close because I was going to the gym I would give up on life 11:06 <+bridge> did u know a null pointer can be valid 11:06 <+bridge> if ur not talking about address space 0 that is 11:07 <+bridge> optional pointers. the future 11:07 <+bridge> Depends on how you define "valid" 11:07 <+bridge> u can deref it 11:07 <+bridge> my bad 11:07 <+bridge> just woke up 11:07 <+bridge> well im talking about llvm 11:07 <+bridge> int i = *nullptr 11:07 <+bridge> imy world is llvm 11:07 <+bridge> is not right 11:07 <+bridge> Address spaces in LLVM are an abstract concept and LLVM attaches no internal meaning to address spaces, apart from: - Location 0 in address space 0 is 'nullptr' and a pointer to this cannot be dereferenced in a well formed program. - pointers in different address spaces cannot alias. 11:07 <+bridge> Cuz rvalue 11:07 <+bridge> @Robyt3 on which vps does this cause lags, how do u even measure it? 11:08 <+bridge> im not talking about cpp 11:08 <+bridge> grag 11:08 <+bridge> why u always assumme everything is cpp xd 11:08 < ws-client> did you just assume my programming language?! 11:08 <+bridge> Even with this definition you can dereference a 0 pointer in an address space othet than address space 0 but not a nullptr, no? 11:08 <+bridge> > An address space is an identifier for a target-specific range of address values. An address space is a fundamental part of the type of a pointer value and the type of operations that manipulate memory. 11:08 <+bridge> > 11:09 <+bridge> > LLVM affords a default address space (numbered zero) and places a number of assumptions on pointer values within that address space: 11:09 <+bridge> > 11:09 <+bridge> > The pointer must have a fixed integral value 11:09 <+bridge> > The null pointer has a bit-value of 0 11:09 <+bridge> > 11:09 <+bridge> > These assumptions are not guaranteed to hold in any other address space. In particular, a target may allow pointers in non-default address spaces to have non-integral types. 11:09 <+bridge> I have cpp brain 11:09 <+bridge> learn llvm 11:09 <+bridge> u learn so much more 11:09 <+bridge> dont be limited by cpp 11:09 <+bridge> cpp only modern language with common real pointers anyway 11:09 <+bridge> safe assumption when not talking about low level 11:10 <+bridge> no? 11:10 <+bridge> It was on an official server 11:10 <+bridge> Measured by players saying "lag" 11:10 <+bridge> rust has pointers too 11:10 <+bridge> i said real 11:10 <+bridge> ye 11:10 <+bridge> u use references usually 11:10 <+bridge> they real as can be 11:11 <+bridge> you have pointers too? 11:11 <+bridge> in cpp u have references too 11:11 <+bridge> ```rust 11:11 <+bridge> extern crate libc; 11:11 <+bridge> 11:11 <+bridge> use std::mem; 11:11 <+bridge> 11:11 <+bridge> unsafe { 11:11 <+bridge> let my_num: *mut i32 = libc::malloc(mem::size_of::()) as *mut i32; 11:11 <+bridge> if my_num.is_null() { 11:11 <+bridge> panic!("failed to allocate memory"); 11:11 <+bridge> } 11:11 <+bridge> libc::free(my_num as *mut libc::c_void); 11:11 <+bridge> } 11:11 <+bridge> ``` 11:11 <+bridge> we c kek 11:11 <+bridge> they say that the whole day 11:12 <+bridge> mod recorded a demo of it happening 11:12 <+bridge> ye that is real ptr but it’s in unsafe. which I don’t know how oftenyou actually use but hopefully rarely 11:12 <+bridge> where is the demo? 11:12 <+bridge> but why how often matters here? 11:12 <+bridge> it has real pointers 11:12 <+bridge> idk 11:12 <+bridge> was the server up to date? 11:12 <+bridge> u right 11:12 <+bridge> idk why u make it matter 11:12 <+bridge> there are so many questions 11:12 <+bridge> im arguing about nothing 11:12 <+bridge> xd 11:12 <+bridge> how late is it in murica 11:12 <+bridge> The server was at 632b6216be78dd60 11:13 <+bridge> 3 am 11:13 <+bridge> :NekoDrink: 11:13 <+bridge> :bluekitty: 11:13 <+bridge> we should add perf instrumentation to ddnet 11:13 <+bridge> ok idk what that means 11:13 <+bridge> ok i do 11:14 <+bridge> @uwu Do you mind sharing the demo and/or video with @Jupeyy_Keks in DM? 11:14 <+bridge> does it rly lag cuz emotes 11:14 <+bridge> @uwu Do you mind sharing the demo and/or video showing the emote spam lag with @Jupeyy_Keks in DM? 11:14 <+bridge> learath is writing a bible 11:14 <+bridge> I always wanted a profiler builtin, but don't need a profiler to understand that sending 50n packets per second per player spamming is causes lag 11:15 <+bridge> lol 11:15 <+bridge> network stuff eludes me 11:15 <+bridge> s\/is// 11:15 <+bridge> no review on my pr in 24 hours. i smell death 11:15 <+bridge> should have made it smaller 11:16 <+bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ptr/fn.copy_nonoverlapping.html 11:16 <+bridge> i think this uses llvm intrinsic memcpy 11:16 <+bridge> 🧠 11:17 <+bridge> You can rebase it on master to fix the Windows build 11:17 <+bridge> Or libc memcpy, if they do use libc in rust std 11:17 <+bridge> ``` 11:17 <+bridge> Behavior is undefined if any of the following conditions are violated: 11:17 <+bridge> 11:17 <+bridge> src must be valid for reads of count * size_of::() bytes. 11:17 <+bridge> 11:17 <+bridge> dst must be valid for writes of count * size_of::() bytes. 11:17 <+bridge> 11:18 <+bridge> Both src and dst must be properly aligned. 11:18 <+bridge> 11:18 <+bridge> The region of memory beginning at src with a size of count * size_of::() bytes must not overlap with the region of memory beginning at dst with the same size. 11:18 <+bridge> ``` 11:18 <+bridge> i like how rust cares about UB and they list it clearly on the method 11:18 <+bridge> okay, i took a look and it was complaining about std function which I’m using. if it said the source file of origin I didn’t see, i assumed it was my thing and I can’t fix rn cuz I can’t get vs rn 11:18 <+bridge> if rebase fixes tho sweet 11:19 <+bridge> it probably doesn’t like my type alias ufh 11:20 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117382714857885826/IMG_3129.png 11:20 <+bridge> stupid 11:21 <+bridge> and the mac fail seems like some crap i forgot i changed 11:21 <+bridge> I’ll deal with it tomorrow but it should build on gcc of all flavors if that’s your concern 11:33 <+bridge> https://youtube.com/shorts/CRzA9R2LLUA?feature=share 11:33 <+bridge> Important 11:34 < ws-client> lmao 11:36 <+bridge> I love joeyy 11:36 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117386827964362762/IMG_3124.jpg 11:36 <+bridge> Inspiring 11:52 <+bridge> is our packet header 42 bytes long? 11:53 <+bridge> !c u work on this the whole day 11:53 < chillerbot1> ChillerDragon 11:53 <+bridge> ur time to shine 11:53 < ws-client> no 11:54 <+bridge> enlighten me on the netcode 11:54 < ws-client> https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/06/packet_layout.html 11:54 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117391380868775936/image.png 11:54 <+bridge> where does this 42 come from then? 11:54 <+bridge> dont we send in udp 11:54 < ws-client> whcih code is that 11:54 < ws-client> seems like the answer to everything 11:54 <+bridge> CClient::DebugRender 11:55 <+bridge> Lol 11:55 < ws-client> 42 / 8 = 5 11:55 < ws-client> which is closer to the packet header size xd 11:55 < ws-client> maybe some drunk thought its bits? 11:56 < ws-client> seems random to me 11:56 <+bridge> mh ok 11:56 <+bridge> so i cant trust these values 11:56 < ws-client> no 11:56 < ws-client> what you want to know? 11:56 <+bridge> an estimate overhead of emoticons 11:56 < ws-client> xd 11:56 < ws-client> still? 11:56 < ws-client> isnt it fast again? 11:56 <+bridge> but it was way too much, but it sends many packets 11:56 <+bridge> bro i doubt Ger servers cant handle 11:57 < ws-client> just open wireshark 11:57 <+bridge> but deen and robster want to destroy my beloved game 11:57 <+bridge> ;~; 11:59 <+bridge> !c when i have filter active, is it also active in the IO graph? 11:59 < chillerbot1> ChillerDragon 11:59 <+bridge> i dont use wireshark so often 11:59 < ws-client> whats IO graph 11:59 < ws-client> xd 11:59 <+bridge> the stats tool 11:59 <+bridge> inside wireshark 11:59 < ws-client> never used it 11:59 < ws-client> i would look at the timestamps xd 11:59 < ws-client> but graph sounds good 11:59 < ws-client> but dont rec with wireshark 12:00 < ws-client> ``tcpdump -i lo -w emotes.pcap "port 8303"`` then spam emotes on local server and then analyse the pcap file w wireshark 12:00 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks Have you tried your normal emote spam with the new delay? Even if I use a bind for one emote I never hit the delay. Only if I use one bind that sends multiple emotes does it hit the delay. 12:00 < ws-client> ye wat robi said 12:00 < ws-client> emote fin eon ddnet rn no? 12:00 <+bridge> no, currently it's too fast so it causes lags 12:01 <+bridge> i tested the 4 tick delay your change would introduce and its defs noticable with that 12:01 < ws-client> oh 12:01 <+bridge> it's so fast that it causes lags on some russian server 12:01 <+bridge> no proof no happen 12:01 < ws-client> robi leak tcpdump of lags 12:01 <+bridge> as if i have to endure pain bcs russia lives in 1980 12:01 < ws-client> or didnt happen 12:01 <+bridge> 😂 12:03 <+bridge> the client also shows it in kilobits 12:03 <+bridge> such a troll 12:03 < ws-client> stats always rigged 12:09 <+bridge> Sure, im not near pc rn, if you need demo as well, tell me, so i will try to send it as soon as possible 12:10 <+bridge> Okay, thanks, please DM the .demo to me or @Jupeyy_Keks later when you have time 12:10 <+bridge> we can edit whatsapp messages now 12:11 <+bridge> u still use this bloat 12:11 <+bridge> yup 12:11 < ws-client> wat u usin jupsti 12:11 <+bridge> SiGnAL 12:12 < ws-client> signal more spyware than discord 12:12 < ws-client> it straight up forces you to connect a phone 12:12 < ws-client> might as well use tiktok messenger 12:13 < ws-client> also is whatsapp even bloat? 12:13 < ws-client> def slimmer than discord 12:13 <+bridge> i have to use telegram for friends 12:13 < ws-client> telegram is super shady imo 12:13 <+bridge> else matrix only actually.. ok matrix big bloat too 12:13 <+bridge> not gonna deny xd 12:13 < ws-client> also doubt telegram is less bloat than whatsapp 12:14 <+bridge> my brother just forced my whole family to use matrix 😂 12:14 < ws-client> pog 12:14 < ws-client> but element no multi user 12:14 < ws-client> so u text ur parents under the name jupsti? 12:15 < ws-client> element sucks so hard you can not sep identities 12:15 <+bridge> better than wire 12:16 < ws-client> element no? 12:16 < ws-client> wire supports multi acc 12:16 <+bridge> and yet it sux 12:16 < ws-client> is faster and less buggy 12:16 <+bridge> full buggy 12:16 <+bridge> most buggy messenger ive seen in a while 12:16 < ws-client> maybe on android 12:16 <+bridge> also windows 12:16 < ws-client> garbage oses 12:16 < ws-client> runs smooth as botter on iOS and linux 12:17 <+bridge> ur botter 12:17 < ws-client> 🤖 12:17 < ws-client> no proof 12:17 <+bridge> :BOT: 12:17 <+bridge> this is proof 12:17 < ws-client> <:justatest:572499997178986510> 12:17 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117397178458062878/image.png 12:17 <+bridge> full proof 12:18 < ws-client> fool proof? 12:18 <+bridge> ur the fool 12:18 < ws-client> ur the proof 12:18 <+bridge> xd 12:19 <+bridge> convokillerdragon 12:28 < ws-client> !pig 12:28 < chillerbot1> pog 12:29 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1686479342.png 12:29 < ws-client> is the screenshot from discord or webchat? who knows 12:29 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 when bridge off-topic 12:35 <+bridge> pig :Zzz_7062057890308424505: 13:31 <+bridge> its from webchat 13:31 <+bridge> its obvious 13:31 <+bridge> @keb 14:54 <+bridge> i vote for breaking back compat 14:58 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks ddnet 2 will start thanks to emotes 15:08 <+bridge> better than having no emotes 😂 15:09 <+bridge> Do we really still care about Teeworlds ? :justatest: 15:09 <+bridge> @Pipou its also backcompat with ddnet iself 15:09 <+bridge> 16.8 vs 16.9 15:09 <+bridge> Ah 15:09 <+bridge> loooots 15:09 <+bridge> of hacks 15:10 <+bridge> to keep backcompat 15:10 <+bridge> Force everyone to update :gigachad: 15:10 <+bridge> i am pro that 15:10 <+bridge> but rage will ensure 15:10 <+bridge> god i wanna help with ddnet 2 so badly 15:10 <+bridge> i can give out so many ideas 15:11 <+bridge> for example: complete emotes rehaul 15:11 <+bridge> we dont need 3 angry emotes 15:12 <+bridge> Agreed 15:12 <+bridge> I don't even understand the point of having an outdated client 15:13 <+bridge> There will always be happy and angry people no matter what happens 15:13 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/958476112550305912/1046910627865698324/image.png 15:14 <+bridge> Looks nice 15:15 <+bridge> Is that a sprite ? 15:15 <+bridge> yeah but its now from a defunct pr 15:16 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/958476112550305912/1046931008873840660/image.png 15:16 <+bridge> Is there a place where I can put feature requests for the DDNet client?? 15:16 <+bridge> whats a tornado supposed to mean 15:16 <+bridge> dizzy 15:17 <+bridge> or mildly annoyed 15:17 <+bridge> up to interpretatiob 15:17 <+bridge> or mildly annoyed 15:17 <+bridge> up to interpretation 15:17 < ws-client> @nostr0 yes here https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/ 15:19 <+bridge> Animated emoticons would be fun 15:19 <+bridge> and then super reactions 15:19 <+bridge> 😂 15:20 < ws-client> also i want fortnite dances for ma tee 15:20 <+bridge> so a tile of pngs? 15:20 < ws-client> gif 15:20 <+bridge> dont gifs like 15:20 <+bridge> not work in games 15:20 <+bridge> sprays?????? 15:21 <+bridge> I have no idea, would be good if it could play sprites directly 15:23 < ws-client> yes sprays! xd 15:23 <+bridge> ANIMATED WEAPONS TOO??? 15:23 <+bridge> HELL YES DOOD 15:23 <+bridge> raytraced ;) 15:24 <+bridge> Weapons game skins working like tee skins 15:24 <+bridge> like when we inevitably split apart the game sprites, the weapons could be their own pngs 15:24 <+bridge> and if you wanted them to be animated you could attach a python script that specifies all the coords and timing and states 15:24 <+bridge> map shaders 15:24 <+bridge> i want rtx rifle with bouncing lights from the shot 15:25 <+bridge> different game.png so others can see yours 15:25 <+bridge> @RonIn ☯ 15:25 <+bridge> i saw his vid 15:25 <+bridge> ^ 15:25 <+bridge> but its postfx 15:25 <+bridge> ik 15:25 <+bridge> proximity voice chat guys 🤯 15:25 <+bridge> yes 15:26 <+bridge> HEAR ME OUT 15:26 <+bridge> AN ACTUAL INGAME AUTOMAPPER CREATION TOOL 15:26 <+bridge> accounts :justatest: 15:26 <+bridge> #addaccounts 15:26 <+bridge> Already thought of the proximity voice chat, would be fun in t0 when people scream when falling down in front of you 15:26 <+bridge> @Voxel 15:26 <+bridge> don't be unrealistic 15:26 <+bridge> interactive smoke physics and particle emitters in maps 15:27 <+bridge> :cammo: 15:27 <+bridge> Mapping assisted by AI 15:27 <+bridge> :kek: 15:27 <+bridge> AI DUMMY 15:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1009728757512278116/1039792177456353321/image.png 15:27 <+bridge> :fuckyousnail: 15:28 <+bridge> @Robyt3 15:28 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117445154438135909/image.png 15:28 <+bridge> wait what does interactive smoke physics mean :thonk: 15:28 <+bridge> doesn't require breaking backwards compatibility, old clients would simply not use any smoke emitters 15:28 <+bridge> we already have interactive smoke physics 15:28 <+bridge> but they are hardly noticable because smoke last for less than half a second 15:28 <+bridge> god tauri required me to add a gtk webkit dep 15:28 <+bridge> gentoo time 15:29 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117445390761988157/image.png 15:29 <+bridge> i remember seeing an old video about there being a fire and theres smoke 15:29 <+bridge> and the tee jumping through it 15:29 <+bridge> i want that back 15:29 <+bridge> it's all still there 15:29 <+bridge> just add smoke 15:29 <+bridge> 🤔 15:29 <+bridge> will try to integrate into maps soon 15:29 <+bridge> volumetric smoke = 10 fps 15:30 <+bridge> it's not very advanced but it works well enough considering there isn't much smoke 15:30 < ws-client> we also need flashbangs 15:30 <+bridge> lets add map bosses!!!!! 15:30 <+bridge> we need to drop windows support too 15:31 < ws-client> and quicksand 15:31 <+bridge> no 15:31 <+bridge> Don't need a lot of fps if you can't see anything anyway 15:31 <+bridge> too far 15:31 <+bridge> shoo penquin shoo 15:31 < ws-client> yes new ddnet 2 please appstore only 15:31 < ws-client> metal and apple first 15:31 <+bridge> half your playerbase will die :troll: 15:31 <+bridge> Switch support 15:34 <+bridge> damn thia topic died fast 15:34 <+bridge> xpanic 15:34 <+bridge> diep.io 15:34 <+bridge> damn this topic died fast 15:34 <+bridge> true 15:34 <+bridge> sprite sheet would be weird 15:35 <+bridge> but dont game engines hate gifs 15:35 <+bridge> nvm its like 15:35 <+bridge> the only solution 15:35 <+bridge> yea 15:35 <+bridge> either that or png for each frame 15:35 <+bridge> gifs just suck 15:35 <+bridge> tbh 15:40 <+bridge> ddnet 2.0 entities 15:40 <+bridge> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/852963051664834601/992566892692779018/unknown.png 15:58 <+bridge> ooo thats really cool 15:58 <+bridge> do this when 16:25 <+bridge> :justatest: we would need to separate parts of the weapon 16:26 <+bridge> in 0.7 this would be ez af for you 16:26 <+bridge> When 0.7 Asset support, so it's possible? :greenthing: 17:17 <+bridge> u press 6 to take out a bong and then mouse 1 to rip it 17:32 <+bridge> ~~louis is too young to know this much about a bong~~ 17:48 <+bridge> :troll: 17:58 <+bridge> @Voxel I was wrong, the flow component is currently disabled, but it doesn't take much code to enable again: https://github.com/Robyt3/ddnet/tree/Client-Flow-Activate (for testing I increased the smoke lifespan from 0.5-0.9 seconds to 50-90 seconds) 17:58 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117482944903250011/Base_Profile_2023.06.11_-_17.52.12.02-1.mp4 17:58 <+bridge> yeah i thought so 17:58 <+bridge> i hope i can make this work without a thousand errors 17:59 <+bridge> you mean smoke source tiles? 17:59 <+bridge> yeah 18:00 <+bridge> tiles you can place in maps that make their own smoke 18:00 <+bridge> or something like that 18:00 <+bridge> id see if mappers would want this tho 18:00 <+bridge> we should probably add a completely new "Effects" layers for this 18:01 <+bridge> but for your prototype to see how it looks in maps it's not necessary 18:02 <+bridge> thats reasonable 18:02 <+bridge> theres a lot i want to do to make maps more immersive but i doubt any will see the light of day 18:28 <+bridge> @learath2 thankies!!! 18:35 <+bridge> yeah! there was a video where matricks showed flow feature out 18:54 <+bridge> cool 18:55 <+bridge> why specifically smoke 18:55 <+bridge> just particles or something 18:55 <+bridge> and use the smoke image 18:55 <+bridge> :troll: 19:06 <+bridge> maybe 19:06 <+bridge> yoo what if we could have rain type particles 19:18 <+bridge> a nice addition for visuals would actually be custom lasers 19:18 <+bridge> laser/sg shots 20:26 <+bridge> you mean like the actual laser? 20:27 <+bridge> maybe but idk how itd work 20:40 <+bridge> the thing we clearly need for ddnet 2 are curved lasers 20:42 <+bridge> ye and curved hooks too :feelsamazingman: 20:42 <+bridge> light sabers 20:43 <+bridge> @fokkonaut 20:49 <+bridge> add smoke grenades 20:49 <+bridge> flashbang 20:50 <+bridge> add smoke grenades, all possible weapons, go 3d, 5 players per team, bombs, cts and ts 20:50 <+bridge> rename game 21:02 <+bridge> When will we have hooks that bend around terrain? 21:04 <+bridge> harpoon 21:04 <+bridge> Would it be possible to have your custom laser/sg colours visible to other players? 21:04 <+bridge> <小鹿亂撞> Hi 21:05 <+bridge> It would be a mess, so no, but if you forked ddnet it would be indeed possible to implement 21:05 <+bridge> https://nohello.net/en/ 21:05 <+bridge> :troll: 21:06 <+bridge> I think it may be interesting for customisation aspect colour coordinate stuff etc 21:06 <+bridge> ++ able to see who is shooting which laser clearer ig 21:07 <+bridge> when send literally everything through the server? gameskin, particles, laser colors 21:07 <+bridge> Ezez 21:07 <+bridge> Make total user customisation 21:08 <+bridge> maybe even custom sounds too 21:13 <+bridge> <小鹿亂撞> guys i need dd code 21:14 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet ? 21:18 <+bridge> i say ddnet should break backwards compatibility 21:24 <+bridge> If there is a good enough reason for it we could but I doubt such a reason exists 21:26 <+bridge> better new features 21:27 <+bridge> and also less barrier for new devs/prs 21:27 <+bridge> i mainly mean compatibility with vanilla 21:27 <+bridge> yeah vanilla compat is worth dropping probably 21:28 <+bridge> id be up for it, ddnet needs a rework anyways 21:33 <+bridge> im not sure if anyone else could agree but i feel like ddnet has had a content drought for a while 21:33 <+bridge> the only new content is really maps 21:34 <+bridge> the super high skill ceiling helps too 21:39 <+bridge> I think new customisation options would be great for the game ^^ if we are able to make it so tees can be seen by all then why not game skins etc 21:39 <+bridge> i mean i guess the graphical changes also count as content but idk 21:40 <+bridge> @cyberfighter hows the progress on that gamemode 21:40 <+bridge> i meant gameplay content 21:40 <+bridge> if u know 21:40 <+bridge> Ah gameplay content 21:40 <+bridge> New gun when 21:41 <+bridge> harpoon 21:41 <+bridge> I see 21:41 <+bridge> How will@I work 21:41 <+bridge> How will itwork 21:42 <+bridge> i forgot what harpoon does 21:42 <+bridge> It is for killing fish I thought 21:42 <+bridge> Manual gravity inverter could be cool 21:43 <+bridge> its just like a longer hook i tgink 21:43 <+bridge> i dont rly tnjnk it has tooo much application in ddnet 21:43 <+bridge> OH SHIT I REMEMBER YOYO 21:44 <+bridge> https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/342454474117218334/1010788357346955318 21:44 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1117539782428459050/Screenshot_20230611_154340_Discord.jpg 21:44 <+bridge> Interesting idea also 21:46 <+bridge> i was thinking diff blocks as content 21:47 <+bridge> there was a wip for ice, slime, some others 21:47 <+bridge> what gamemode 21:47 <+bridge> which 21:47 <+bridge> and interact-able objects 21:47 <+bridge> would be huge 21:47 <+bridge> the uhhhh 21:47 <+bridge> clan fight 21:47 <+bridge> clanwar is pretty much done i think 21:47 <+bridge> oh yea TRUE 21:47 <+bridge> many lands 21:48 <+bridge> you know what would be AWESOME? tunes that trigger envelopes 21:48 <+bridge> switches 21:48 <+bridge> yes 21:48 <+bridge> thats what i mean 21:48 <+bridge> like envelopes can be stopped, started, played from beginning and stuff 21:48 <+bridge> itd only be client sided 21:52 <+bridge> shit you know what would also be cool? logic blocks 21:52 <+bridge> like if switch 1 is on go to TO3 else TO5 21:52 <+bridge> itd make games like volleyball much more compact 23:22 <+bridge> yooo hello!