05:18 < bridge> @Ryozuki why do rust projects get an insane number of github stars relative to their usefulness 09:29 < bridge> Because they are BLAZINGLY FAST 09:29 < bridge> and safe af 09:30 < bridge> :justatest: 09:48 <+ChillerDragon> @Mr.Gh0s7 where do i run this? from a tty or from gnome? 10:26 < bridge> ? 10:26 < bridge> most are rly useful 10:26 < bridge> but well stars dont mean much 10:27 < bridge> did u see these repos with lists of js npm packages 10:59 < bridge> Because rust is cool and hip 11:02 < bridge> ChillerDragon: from terminal 11:02 < ws-client> my gnome terminal in gnome? 11:03 < bridge> ye y not xD although I don't have a DE so not sure 11:03 < ws-client> ok doesnt work 11:03 < ws-client> alr ima nuke gnome sec 11:04 <+ChillerDragon> hm in a tty it also doesnt run 11:05 < bridge> does it throw an error or smt? 11:05 < ws-client> on gnome it says compositor alr running 11:06 < ws-client> on tty it cant find display 11:06 < ws-client> and on dwm it just does nothing xd 11:06 < ws-client> i assume its running now 11:06 < bridge> yeah 11:06 < ws-client> what does it do i dont get it 11:07 < ws-client> ? 11:07 < ws-client> ups i slipped xd 11:07 < bridge> it makes your desktop look nice but the `picom --backend glx --no-vsync` should use glx as backend but not sure for what xD. I just found that it boosted my fps so I thought I would mention it for you to try it out 11:08 < ws-client> look nice? 11:08 < ws-client> i dont see any difference 11:08 < ws-client> how should it look? 11:08 < bridge> do you have something against my favorite npm package is-odd 11:09 < ws-client> my fps are unaffected 11:09 < ws-client> but im actually happy with my 3k fps now 11:09 < ws-client> i have enough fps to do whatever i want 11:09 < ws-client> my game is smooth while recording on 4k and having minecraft open in the background 11:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112306833567260782/picom.png 11:10 < ws-client> woah! 11:10 < ws-client> your looks so nice 11:10 < ws-client> my looks ass 11:10 < bridge> xDD 11:10 < ws-client> how do i screenshot? xd 11:10 < bridge> chiller 11:10 < bridge> get maim 11:10 < ws-client> the screenshot tool? 11:10 < ws-client> i got that 11:10 < bridge> ```bash 11:10 < ws-client> buit i use gnome hotkeys to control maim xd 11:10 < bridge> bindsym --release Print exec maim -s --format=png /dev/stdout | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i 11:10 < bridge> bindsym --release $mod+o exec maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) --format=png /dev/stdout | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i 11:11 < bridge> bindsym --release $mod+u exec $HOME/scripts/upload_img.sh 11:11 < bridge> ``` 11:11 < bridge> u like pi 11:11 < ws-client> pi? 11:11 < bridge> there are also black ghosts 😂 11:11 < bridge> https://e1.pngegg.com/pngimages/632/833/png-clipart-halloween-hannak-black-ghost-illustration-thumbnail.png 11:11 < bridge> it was a reply 11:12 < bridge> pi? as in π? 11:12 < bridge> dude 11:12 < bridge> look at ur image 11:12 < bridge> xd 11:12 < bridge> :pepeH: 11:12 < ws-client> how do i arrange screens in dwm? 11:13 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/chat-is-dead-chat-dead-dear-diary-today-chat-is-dead-today-chat-is-dead-dead-chat-gif-24222927 11:13 < ws-client> xrandr i guess 11:13 < bridge> i have to go vote today 11:13 < bridge> exec xrandr --output DP-2 --primary --left-of DP-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 144.0 11:13 < bridge> exec xrandr --output DP-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 144.0 11:13 < bridge> ez 11:13 < bridge> ye or arandr (gui for xrandr) 11:13 < bridge> gui is bloat 11:13 < ws-client> pog gui 11:13 < bridge> so xrandr 11:14 < bridge> I mean the siplicity of gui is nice if you want to mess with stuff. But it's bloat. 11:14 < ws-client> omg azaing 11:14 < ws-client> arandr is awesome thanks for the share 11:15 < bridge> ;) 11:15 < ws-client> everybody at work uses these xrandr commands 11:15 < bridge> fake! 11:15 < ws-client> like in a meeting just to flex 11:15 < bridge> xD 11:15 < bridge> (for chiller (fake! was a reply to jup)) 11:15 < ws-client> WaIT leT me WriTe aScrIpT tO CoNneCt mY laPtoP tO ThE cOnFerEncE ScReeN 11:16 < bridge> :kek: 11:16 < ws-client> arandr is as convienient as gnome 11:17 < bridge> :justatest: 11:17 < ws-client> !ryo i do not have a bindsym command o.O 11:17 < ws-client> lets runn main from a terminal then xd 11:18 < bridge> it's L from DN with math equations. I had it and I liked it bcs it white-black 11:18 < bridge> ye i know 11:18 < ws-client> how do i fullscreen a pane in dwm? 11:18 < bridge> my name comes from death note 11:18 < bridge> ryuzaki 11:18 < bridge> but what did pi refer to? 11:19 < bridge> the image has pi 11:19 < bridge> xd 11:19 < bridge> i just woke up dont mind me :justatest: 11:19 < bridge> well most math equations do so I got confused 11:20 < bridge> btw Chiller for screenshot I use shotgun. Like `shotgun screenshot.png` 11:21 < ws-client> i use ``crapshot`` but i was wondering how to bind it to a key 11:21 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1685265481.png 11:22 < ws-client> anyways this is how ass my setup looks 11:22 < ws-client> how to make it hot like urs? 11:22 < ws-client> and i cant get my fakin browser bigger xd 11:22 < bridge> :). Mine looked like yours yesterday. But I changed it also yesterday 11:22 < ws-client> wowo pro 11:23 < ws-client> ok fak dis ima head back to gnome land 11:23 < ws-client> rq 11:23 < bridge> rq xD 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> oh yea one more question 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> how do i exit dwm? xd 11:24 < bridge> well shortcuts are configured in dwm/config.h (btw I didn't know how to customized it yesterday bcs I just had zogtib's conf) 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> last time i did it really ugly 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> so i have to restart my wm to update shortcuts? 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> like i recompile my terminal to increase the font? xd 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> its fun and cursed at the same time 11:25 < bridge> yeah but it compiles instantly 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> ye ikr 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> thats so pog 11:26 <+ChillerDragon> most of the pain is restarting it 11:26 < bridge> but ye if you restart dwm (after recompile) it throws all of the windows in the active screen 11:26 <+ChillerDragon> it keeps the windows? 11:26 < bridge> which is why when I configured it I only had 2-3 windows open 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> so how do i logout of dwm? xd 11:27 < bridge> hmm lemme see 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> even openbox had rightlick logout 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> how do you? 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> i can not tell which is less bloated dwm or openbox 11:27 < bridge> I just press win+alt+f4 (a zogtib's script) 11:28 <+ChillerDragon> ok thenn ill go with ``kill -9 $(pgrep dwm)`` 11:29 < bridge> xD 11:29 < ws-client> worked like a charm 11:29 < bridge> I don't know which was the default keybind because mine is heavily patched from zogtib 11:30 < ws-client> what is a zogtib 11:30 < ws-client> and where can i buy your config? 11:30 < bridge> @gotroyb 11:30 < ws-client> is he a tw player? 11:30 < bridge> my config is not upstream 11:30 < ws-client> should i know him? 11:30 < ws-client> send ur repo 11:30 < bridge> yeah he's my big brother 11:30 < ws-client> or riot 11:30 < bridge> :pepeH: 11:30 < ws-client> what skin does he play? 11:31 < bridge> he changes names but his mains are kj, ENOTME, ecp4 (or smt) 11:31 < ws-client> cring name changer 11:31 < ws-client> no wonder i dont know him 11:31 < bridge> xD 11:32 < bridge> you do know him in github I think https://github.com/gotroyb127 11:32 < bridge> maim best 11:32 < ws-client> i kept this uber cring name for a decade but at least ppl dont have to keep track of ma name changes 11:32 < ws-client> yes maim pog 11:33 < ws-client> I mean ``crapshot`` is just a wrapper around main to support different OSes and auto upload to zillyhuhn.com for irc share 11:33 < ws-client> https://github.com/gotroyb127/deeworlds 11:33 < ws-client> i know this 11:34 < bridge> ;) 11:34 < bridge> anyway I found the keybind to quit dwm. It is win+shift+q 11:34 < ws-client> good to know 11:35 < bridge> I tried it out and it works (also closed all my windows in the process :kek: ) 11:37 < bridge> > how to make it hot like urs? 11:37 < bridge> > send ur repo or riot 11:37 < bridge> gimme a sec 11:37 <+ChillerDragon> omg st is also so bugged 11:37 <+ChillerDragon> i can not delete via ssh xd 11:37 < bridge> xD my st is also heavily patched but idk in which parts 11:38 <+ChillerDragon> i guess everyone is supposed to patch in what they need 11:38 <+ChillerDragon> and enjoy minimal bloat due to having bugs in all sectors that they do not use on a daily basis anyways 11:51 < bridge> @Ryozuki Just a question when using cargo, it will just return the git repo of the crate you want to use right ? For eg I want to use a specific crate, I see its git repo, I can be sure it won't be something else when using it in a project 12:03 < bridge> i dont get ur question 12:04 < bridge> says the guy executing a command to change his screen setup 12:04 < bridge> what 12:05 < bridge> well, terminal is a gui 12:05 < bridge> 😂 12:05 < bridge> if you think this is bloat, please make sui (sound user interface) 12:05 < bridge> tui (telepathic user interface) 12:06 < bridge> "The graphical user interface, or GUI (/ˌdʒiːjuːˈaɪ/ JEE-yoo-EYE[1][Note 1] or /ˈɡuːi/[2] GOO-ee), is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based UIs, typed command labels or text navigation." 12:06 < bridge> from wikipedia 12:07 < bridge> then it's more than just graphic because it already includes audio 12:09 < bridge> I guess one could say: we don't have a better word 12:09 < bridge> to describe what we actually mean 12:11 < bridge> HCBUHPOSS - Hide complexity by using human perception of simple stuff 12:11 < bridge> that's my proposal 12:14 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIMP_(computing) 12:46 < bridge> I feel like our assigning of players to the closest Tutorial is not working particularly well 😄 This is on Persian server 12:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112330969643483177/Screenshot_2023-05-28_at_12.45.29.png 16:41 < bridge> @Ryozuki #📬submit-skins PUDGE!!!!!:poggers2: 16:41 < bridge> epic 17:14 < bridge> is there a list of libraries to download 17:24 < bridge> chiller you need compositor for transparency effects and blurs and efficient rounded corners and stuff 17:25 < bridge> this is by virtue of kwm’s compositor 17:26 < bridge> picom is just standalone 17:27 < ws-client> i see 17:27 < ws-client> so compositor is bloat 17:28 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/tree/8b316d50454be33057a9f1553d8b9926f51e03c2#dependencies-on-linux--macos 17:28 < ws-client> @cyberFighter ^ 17:30 < bridge> thanks 17:30 < ws-client> if you are on windows just get linux 17:31 < ws-client> as in real linux, wsl or the msys thingy for windows 17:32 < bridge> oh theres no wifi on that pc 17:32 < ws-client> F 17:32 < ws-client> wif is crap anyways use a cable 17:32 < bridge> no cables rn :justatest: 17:33 < bridge> i can only download through phone, then send it to pc 17:33 < ws-client> cable to phone? 17:33 < bridge> yeah 17:33 < ws-client> my iphone can hotspot my debian laptop via cable 17:33 < ws-client> probably ur devices can do that too 17:35 < bridge> oh lemme see if i can 17:47 < bridge> lmao 17:48 < ws-client> :p 17:49 < bridge> "zogtib" is the "official" ingame name I use and I generally play only solofng/dfng by different names most of the time (that means always) 17:50 < bridge> st actually is not patched 17:51 < bridge> perhaps an installation issue? terminfo entry not being used? 17:53 < ws-client> yea i fixed with setting TERM=xterm 18:00 < bridge> You can have `st` can use other font launchtime by setting its `-f` option, it also has keybinds for incrementing/decrementing font size runtime. 18:02 < bridge> You can have `st` use other font launchtime by setting its `-f` option, it also has keybinds for incrementing/decrementing font size runtime. 18:03 < ws-client> oh nice 18:03 < ws-client> but not ctrl and + 18:03 < bridge> man-page says `Ctrl-Shift-Page Up/Down` 18:08 < ws-client> what a fucked default 18:34 < bridge> chillerdragon it works 18:34 < bridge> ez 18:37 < ws-client> pog 18:37 < bridge> time to write that long ass command manually 18:38 < bridge> :troll: 18:45 < bridge> is there a difference in sudo apt and sudo apt-get? 18:47 < bridge> oh damn it didnt find any packages wtf 18:48 < ws-client> sudo apt update 18:49 < ws-client> both work fine apt-get is nicer for non interactive scripts and apt is less to type and more interactive 18:49 < ws-client> so use apt 18:49 < ws-client> dont write manually just copy paste 18:49 < ws-client> @cyberFighter why are u even compiling ddnet on a device w out internet what u hacking on? 18:58 < bridge> still no packages 18:58 < bridge> also its an old af pc 18:58 < bridge> i just wanna see it run ddnet 18:59 < bridge> like the newer versions 18:59 < ws-client> apt install ddnet 19:00 < bridge> no package ddnet 19:00 < ws-client> wtf what distro u on? 19:01 < bridge> sorry idk what u mean by distro 19:01 < ws-client> ``cat /etc/os-release`` 19:03 < bridge> ubuntu 14.04 19:04 < bridge> are packages maintained tho 19:04 < ws-client> u kidding right? 19:04 < ws-client> why are u running ubuntu 14? 19:05 < ws-client> get ubuntu 22 19:05 < ws-client> or better anything but ubuntu xd 19:06 < ws-client> how did you even end up installing ubuntu 14? 19:07 < ws-client> @gerdoe on ubuntu idk but for a quick test run its fine 19:07 < bridge> bro the pc is old as hell lol i didnt update it 19:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112426992751616040/image.png 19:07 < bridge> wrong one 19:08 < ws-client> so you installed ubuntu on this pc 10 years ago ? @cyberFighter 19:08 < bridge> my father* :troll: 19:08 < ws-client> he indeed is a troll 19:08 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 19:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112427217989943403/image.png 19:08 < ws-client> ok then wipe da shit 19:08 < ws-client> running ubuntu 14 is a bit pointless 19:09 < bridge> theres also ubuntu 10. something 19:09 < bridge> on it 19:09 < ws-client> no 19:09 < ws-client> get ubuntu 22 19:09 < bridge> im the gentoo maintainer 19:09 < ws-client> this windows user is not getting gentoo xd 19:09 < bridge> i see xd 19:09 < ws-client> or is gentoo install easy? 19:09 < ws-client> idk actually 19:34 < bridge> Doing some custom buttons for errors, I'll use multiple variations of buttons, so I can toggle which type of button layout should appear. Now building a console would be easier 19:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112433830553464983/image.png 19:45 < bridge> @Ryozuki are you affected ? https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/13txw2l/when_people_assume_open_source_also_means_open_to/ 19:55 < bridge> when u wake up from coma 20:39 < bridge> lmao 21:06 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ i added new security feature to web chat pog! This github looking url goes to zillyhuhn.com and steals your ip and wife! https:⁄⁄github.com⁄ddnet⁄ddnet⁄commits⁄author@zillyhuhn.com 21:08 < bridge> wtf 21:08 < bridge> wth 21:08 < ws-client> how does discord handle it? 21:08 < bridge> why does it even work xd 21:08 < ws-client> because of unicode and @ 21:08 < bridge> i sees that it is no URL 21:09 < bridge> yeah but i'd have thought @ isnt allowed 21:09 < bridge> ah lol firefox blocks it 21:09 < ws-client> prompts you yea 21:09 < bridge> but chrome is like. letse go 21:09 < ws-client> xd 21:10 < bridge> it sees that it is no URL 21:10 < ws-client> i just block all urls including an @ now just to be sure xd 21:11 < bridge> tbf on discord it looks like scam 21:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112458147903320094/image.png 21:11 < bridge> the slashes are weird af 21:11 < ws-client> ye maybe not the best unicode 21:11 < ws-client> xd 21:12 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commits@zillyhuhn.com 21:12 < ws-client> so weird w real slashes the browser be like yea lets ignore the @ xd 21:12 < bridge> yeah xd 21:14 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1685301246.png 21:14 < ws-client> why is css so hard 21:14 < ws-client> my old debian aged firefox does not like the page at all 21:14 < bridge> its ez af 21:14 < ws-client> fakof 21:14 < ws-client> css is real "works on my machine" moment 21:15 < bridge> use css grids 21:15 < ws-client> i do 21:15 < bridge> good afternoon 21:15 <+ChillerDragon> o/ 21:16 < bridge> good after afternoon 21:23 < bridge> https://projecteuclid.org/journals/notre-dame-journal-of-formal-logic/volume-47/issue-4/The-Halting-Problem-Is-Decidable-on-a-Set-of-Asymptotic/10.1305/ndjfl/1168352664.full 21:24 < bridge> no, only chiller prs on my repos and leaves comments 21:24 < bridge> well i got some prs here and there and they were good 21:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112462560822820944/image.png 21:37 < bridge> the sec is over (as in I finised it ⌛ ). I have a problem though ```warning: adding embedded git repository: slbuilds/dwm 21:38 < bridge> hint: You've added another git repository inside your current repository. 21:38 < bridge> hint: Clones of the outer repository will not contain the contents of 21:38 < bridge> hint: the embedded repository and will not know how to obtain it. 21:38 < bridge> hint: If you meant to add a submodule, use: 21:38 < bridge> hint: 21:38 < bridge> hint: git submodule add slbuilds/dwm 21:38 < bridge> hint: 21:38 < bridge> hint: If you added this path by mistake, you can remove it from the 21:38 < bridge> hint: index with: 21:38 < bridge> hint: 21:38 < bridge> hint: git rm --cached slbuilds/dwm 21:38 < bridge> hint: 21:38 < bridge> hint: See "git help submodule" for more information``` 21:38 < bridge> I created the repo in github and added the files but haven't pushed anything because of the above message though? 21:38 < bridge> Does anyone have any ideas? 21:50 < bridge> should I create a new repo on github named `dwm` add the slbuild as a submodule with `git submodule add slbuilds/dwm`? I don't know how submodules work but it seems like that they would. 22:08 < bridge> yes 23:06 < bridge> jeez how many chars is that in those screenshots 23:21 < bridge> ? 23:21 < bridge> (@cyberfighter) 23:22 < bridge> Oh the issue yea 23:22 < bridge> the issue 23:22 < bridge> sorry 23:43 < bridge> I've been trying for an hour now to upload the dwm repo to `https://github.com/Inateblig/dwm` but it gets stuck here```> git push -u Inateblig Inateblig 23:43 < bridge> Username for 'https://github.com': Inateblig 23:43 < bridge> Password for 'https://Inateblig@github.com': 23:43 < bridge> Enumerating objects: 6507, done. 23:43 < bridge> Counting objects: 100% (6507/6507), done. 23:43 < bridge> Delta compression using up to 12 threads 23:43 < bridge> Compressing objects: 100% (2737/2737), done. 23:43 < bridge> Writing objects: 100% (6507/6507), 5.86 MiB | 1.22 MiB/s, done. 23:43 < bridge> Total 6507 (delta 3772), reused 6498 (delta 3768), pack-reused 0``` every time :( 23:44 < bridge> searching it seemed that the main cause is a very large file but the largest file is in `dwm/.git/objects/pack/pack-.pack` which is 5.9MB 23:47 < bridge> searching in the internet* 23:52 < bridge> seems like it's working 23:53 < bridge> are you sure you're looking the correct branch on both github and lcoal 23:53 < bridge> are you sure you're looking the correct branch on both github and local? 23:55 < bridge> I created a branch with `git branch Inateblig` I switched to it with `git checkout Inateblig` I applied my changes `git apply mynew.diff` and then `git remote add Inateblig https://github.com/Inateblig/dwm.git` followed by `git push -u Inateblig Inateblig` 23:56 < bridge> btw the repo on https://github.com/Inateblig/dwm is empty