00:55 < bridge> Fisted the top tw influencer 00:55 < bridge> (@Jupeyy_Keks) 00:55 < bridge> Drunks 00:55 < bridge> (@Ryozuki) 11:03 < ws-client> i think ill switch to openbox 11:03 < ws-client> i just tried dwm and got 400 fps there too xd 11:04 < ws-client> wait maybe its a setting somewhere 11:05 < bridge> 😂 11:05 < bridge> openbox master race 11:06 < ws-client> i thought maybe refresh rate config 11:06 < ws-client> but i set it to infinite 11:06 < bridge> even the biggest win95 fans know, openbox is the future 11:06 < ws-client> and omg fakin suckless terminal cant run my irc xd 11:06 < ws-client> this webchat is amazing fallback 11:07 < bridge> hi chiller 11:07 < ws-client> but i gotta admit gnome is the most performant when it comes to starting firefox 11:07 < ws-client> dwm took like half a minute xd 11:07 < ws-client> yo fredson 11:08 < bridge> for me it takes 1 second 11:08 < ws-client> on gnome for me too 11:08 < ws-client> gnome masterrace 11:08 < ws-client> @Mr.Gh0s7 dwm is scam it as bad as gnome xd 11:09 < bridge> xD 11:10 < bridge> dwm by scamfull.org 11:11 < bridge> well I get 2 300 fps with dwm and no dgpu so idk 11:11 < bridge> i get 1000 fps with my phone 11:11 <+ChillerDragon> oh nvm 11:12 <+ChillerDragon> openbox back at 400 fps too 11:12 <+ChillerDragon> so its a setting for sure 11:12 < bridge> send me your hardware, i'll test 11:12 < bridge> if it aint work, i keep the hardware 11:12 < bridge> np 11:12 < bridge> :kek: 11:12 <+ChillerDragon> xd 11:12 <+ChillerDragon> shit ddnet minimized 11:12 <+ChillerDragon> how to get it back 11:13 < bridge> alt tab 11:13 <+ChillerDragon> wow openbox is very usable! 11:13 <+ChillerDragon> do people actually use it as daily driver? 11:14 < bridge> SDL_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR=1 ./DDNet 11:14 < bridge> its kind of the base for other WMs 11:14 <+ChillerDragon> hat was your speedy command again? 11:14 <+ChillerDragon> the 17k fps command 11:15 < bridge> uff let me search 11:15 < bridge> ``` 11:15 < bridge> gfx_refresh_rate 0; cl_refresh_rate 0; gfx_asyncrender_old 1; gfx_vsync 0; gfx_backend Vulkan; cl_showhud_ddrace 0; cl_showhud_dummy_actions 0; cl_showhud_healthammo 0; cl_showhud_jumps_indicator 0; cl_showhud_player_angle 0; cl_showhud_player_position 0; cl_showhud_score 0; cl_showhud_player_speed 0; cl_showfps 1; cl_overlay_entities 100; gfx_fullscreen 1; cl_background_entities "" 11:15 < bridge> ``` 11:15 <+ChillerDragon> Can i reorder my screens ._. 11:15 <+ChillerDragon> openbox put em randomly 11:16 <+ChillerDragon> wait is there no copy paste? xd 11:16 < bridge> i dunno, i used it like 3 times, when i tried some stuff 11:16 < bridge> bcs that shit just starts, without any delay or whatever 11:16 < bridge> enough to open a browser and search the internet xD 11:16 <+ChillerDragon> yes very unbloated indeed 11:17 <+ChillerDragon> so unbloated it doesnt even render a background x 11:17 < bridge> yeah xd 11:17 <+ChillerDragon> which is some bloat i actually miss 11:20 < bridge> but bro no joke 11:20 < bridge> it runs so fck smooth xD 11:20 < bridge> resize is completly instant with it 11:20 < bridge> also look at this beatiful design when u move around windows 11:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111947116479250432/image.png 11:21 < bridge> bcs it gives a fuck about redrawing the background 11:21 < bridge> like the old WinXP days 11:21 < bridge> lol 11:24 < ws-client> ah u openboxing too now? 11:24 < ws-client> im gaming a bit 11:24 < bridge> yeah i switched for u 11:24 < bridge> so we the cool kids 11:25 < ws-client> i lost 90% of my tw skill due to setup issues 11:25 < bridge> and the remaining 10% are your bots? :^) 11:25 < ws-client> yes 11:25 < ws-client> also wtf where is my healthbar?! 11:26 < bridge> bloat 11:26 < bridge> ok on a 4090 u probs also get 17k without entities 11:26 < ws-client> i have 2k fps 11:26 < ws-client> xd 11:27 < bridge> 2k fps bro 11:27 < bridge> even with nuoveuoum drivers u get more 11:27 < bridge> speaking of drivers have you installed any? 11:27 < bridge> he has nvidias 11:28 < bridge> he also hit 17k FPS once 11:28 < bridge> but somehow he destroyed it again 11:28 < bridge> xD lol 11:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1110987446897881088/image.png 11:28 < bridge> the winner pose 11:29 < bridge> if nvidia would support wayland without bugs he probs would have more 11:43 < ws-client> ok f it if everything is shit might as well use gnome xd 11:44 < bridge> but srsly, there must be a reason 11:44 < bridge> did u change nvidia settings or smth 11:44 < bridge> set everything to max performance 11:44 < bridge> 2k fps is ridiculous 11:46 < ws-client> it was 3k 11:46 < ws-client> and i was on a 4k screen so its fair i guess 11:46 < bridge> no xd 11:46 < ws-client> ok xd 11:47 < ws-client> skill issue then 11:47 < bridge> yes and no 11:48 < ws-client> a 11:48 < ws-client> 3k fps gnome 11:48 < ws-client> ez 11:48 < ws-client> but i cant play with this setting 11:49 < ws-client> honestly i think gnome was never the issue 11:49 < ws-client> very pog gnome best 11:50 < bridge> mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 11:50 < bridge> 11:50 < bridge> don't blame software you dislike is an option? 11:50 < ws-client> ok but srsly were did my hud go? xd 11:51 < bridge> it went to invisibility 11:51 < ws-client> yes! 11:51 < ws-client> is that ur config? xd 11:51 < bridge> yeah 11:52 < ws-client> lel how 11:52 < bridge> ah and nameplates off 11:52 < ws-client> ``cl_showhud 1`` 11:52 < bridge> i forgot 11:52 < bridge> i didnt disable the full hud 11:52 < bridge> only stuff nobody needs 11:52 < ws-client> i need it ! 11:52 < ws-client> xd 11:52 < bridge> t0 ganster 11:52 < ws-client> ok ima revert u scam command 11:52 < bridge> gangster 11:52 < bridge> it's for pros 11:53 < bridge> if u can't remember what happens u picked up, u should play less t0 😂 11:53 < ws-client> ?xd 11:53 < ws-client> i need to see my taser ammo bru 11:54 < bridge> i c, then train vanilla without hud 11:54 < ws-client> oh boi 11:54 < ws-client> there is no taser in vanilla 11:54 < ws-client> kulturbanause 11:54 < bridge> thought u meant laser and misspelled 😄 11:54 < ws-client> i wood never muissplee sometuhi 11:56 < ws-client> okay fk fps more important is i am very happy with how it actually feels now and its smooth as botter 11:56 < ws-client> just one thing missing getting internet 11:57 < ws-client> then i can finally rq coding again and play tw all day 12:43 < bridge> <~Myata> 1 13:29 < bridge> https://servo.org/ 13:29 < bridge> this looks like it got updated 13:29 < bridge> redesignewd 13:30 < bridge> redesignewd 13:31 < bridge> ai becoming troll 13:31 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/13szj8a/gpt4_is_becoming_too_real/ 13:38 < bridge> 13:44 < bridge> <-StormAx> :Lmaocry: 14:06 < bridge> chillerdragon: 14:11 <+ChillerDragon> @cyberFighter 14:14 < bridge> chillerdragon: 14:14 < bridge> hey chiller 14:16 < bridge> chill take the blue pill 14:48 < bridge> Optimization gang :pepebooming: 14:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111999428904099900/image.png 14:49 < bridge> now my sorting function won't look for valid positions and will do it's task faster, stonks 14:49 < bridge> (only 6 empty positions are there and the function only sorts out 6, success) 14:52 < bridge> Now all is left is to make a nice GUI for making entities and... programming all 256 entity data... oh fuck I forgot that one 14:54 < bridge> when leak game 14:55 < bridge> I'm making the Teeworlds map editor in godot 14:56 < bridge> I wanna read all the maps we have in Teeworlds onto my own map editor and making it better 14:56 < bridge> :kek: 14:57 < bridge> ez 15:13 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pOd7Fk84VA 15:13 < bridge> @Ryozuki :justatest: 15:14 < bridge> joke video 15:14 < bridge> look desc 15:16 < bridge> I know 15:16 < bridge> I thought you'll be offended :kekW: 15:22 < bridge> im making edlang 16:44 < bridge> just discovered there is something called `git worktree` allowing me to not duplicate git folders but still have different folders with different branches 16:52 < bridge> sounds useful indeed 17:38 < bridge> rust is bad because I still don't have the patients and skill to learn it 18:03 < bridge> I used picom --benchmark-wid and I get 2 700 fps now 18:04 < bridge> ChillerDragon do you use a compositor? 18:17 < bridge> bra the space is so confusing xxd 18:17 < bridge> in ur prev message i thought it was a typo 18:18 < bridge> what is your hardware tho? 18:18 < bridge> ryzen 5 5600G 16GB ram no dgpu 18:19 < bridge> oh nice 18:29 < bridge> same 18:30 < bridge> plus i wouldnt even know what to make so.lawl 18:53 < bridge> you could try to do advent of code in rust :D 20:08 < bridge> good afternoon ddnet 20:09 < bridge> your dwm may be fast but mine has mica and acrylic blurs 😃 20:09 < bridge> beat that 20:21 < bridge> kde has so many weird effects u can enable xDD 20:21 < bridge> https://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/2/23/Wobbly_windows_effect_kde_plasma.webm 20:21 < bridge> https://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/c/ca/Fall_apart_explode_effect_kde_plasma.webm 20:22 < bridge> lmfao 20:22 < bridge> yeah 20:22 < bridge> they are good 21:18 < bridge> I do get annoyed about Rust being relatively immature still. Lots of necessary features are still in discussion, so a bit annoying to build some important software on top of it 21:19 < bridge> I'm releasing DDNet 17.0.1 if no one complains soon 21:26 < bridge> a balance between being safe and not releasing smth u cant fix due to backwards compat contract 21:26 < bridge> i think they take what cpp did wrong seroously 21:27 < bridge> but well, this is like ddnet imho, you want smth, u gotta push for it urself first 21:27 < bridge> like new features 21:27 < bridge> xd 21:29 < bridge> is there a need to add getplayer alias and getplayerunchecked alias for bound checked getplayer and just m_apPlayers[id] 21:47 < bridge> yeah they should simply make no backward compability changes, every here and then 21:47 < bridge> 21:47 < bridge> it's not like a breaking change means a lot of effort to adapt most of the time 21:47 < bridge> in worst case some crate can compensate it by emulating the old behavior 21:47 < bridge> 21:47 < bridge> i'd in fact claim cpp's biggest problem is that they hold back for too long 21:47 < bridge> i mean cpp99 and cpp11 are like two different languages xD 21:48 < bridge> nothing is ever perfect anyway 21:51 < bridge> White Theme (cause ghost + labcoad). The one ss is with circular corners and the other with 90 degree corners 21:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112105797246259230/withcorners.png 21:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112105797749588019/withoutcorners.png 22:51 < bridge> Is this an intended feature? sometimes after creating a dummy world (for simulation purposes) with `CGameWorld::CopyWorld` then destructing it crashes. 22:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112121027762331824/image.png 22:52 < bridge> Is this an intended feature? sometimes after creating a dummy world (for simulation purposes) with `CGameWorld::CopyWorld` then destructing it segfaults. 22:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112121027762331824/image.png 22:57 < bridge> The gameworld really isn’t intended to be copied. It contains references it doesn’t own and frees stuff it doesn’t own 23:01 < bridge> hmm ye makes sense if you think about antiping 23:04 < bridge> wow I didn’t know anyone actually used artix 23:04 < bridge> how is it 23:14 < bridge> rust 2 23:24 < bridge> Ez 23:24 < bridge> Rust++ 23:24 < bridge> 😬 23:27 < bridge> Progress progress, everything to not finish making 256 entity data :kek: 23:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112129937663598633/image.png 23:28 < bridge> You coded it so quickly? 23:28 < bridge> Actually really fun to make UI, unless there is a Godot developer who hides variables inside signals, so that the only way you can access it is to fucking ask for the variable via signals 23:28 < bridge> :poggers2: :poggers2: :poggers2: 23:28 < bridge> Fast af 23:28 < bridge> I wanna kill that dev so bad, here is the code 23:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112130338790051840/image.png 23:29 < bridge> FOR A FUCKING BACKGROUND VAR 23:29 < bridge> Did u inject Godot into tw or other way around 23:29 < bridge> I replicate the stuff from it 23:29 < bridge> most things I can achieve in Godot, besides memory management 23:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1112130464052953188/image.png 23:29 < bridge> this is all i got 23:29 < bridge> But is it just gui yet or functional editor xd 23:30 < bridge> If I add the conditions to the popups, then it is functional 23:30 < bridge> yet I still need to code in more stuff, like the save / load, the groups and the envelopes 23:30 < bridge> the buttons above can be from the same object but with different scripts, so it's ez 23:31 < bridge> then it's mostly done, I watched a godot youtuber making a Teeworlds like map editor and I'll inject it into mine :toptri: 23:31 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr2sruWHAkg 23:32 < bridge> Then gg 23:32 < bridge> That was quick 23:32 < bridge> :feelsbossman: 23:32 < bridge> a bit buggy, a bit more difficult than Arch but enjoyable 23:34 < bridge> Well, see you in a month when the editor is ready xd 23:34 < bridge> I don't think it would take so much time, the guy made a fucking good job with the editor 23:38 < bridge> I tried gnome, openbox and dwm with x11 no idea what a compositor really is 23:38 < bridge> (@Reteah) 23:39 < bridge> can you try `picom --backend glx --no-vsync`? 23:41 < bridge> no reaction to my screenshot. crazy 23:41 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing_window_manager 23:41 < bridge> :O I didn't mb 23:43 < bridge> Not today I will go to sleep now and tomorrow I might forget \:p 23:46 < bridge> ;) ok gn 23:46 < bridge> :O it's late