01:28 < bridge> Is a score of 0 even a possibility, we use this score thing in such a bizarre way 😄 04:45 < bridge> lmao, some people thought we made a inferior IME into ddnet and they are now asking me how to turn it off cuz they thought it wasn't smart compared to their system IME 04:52 < bridge> And is that true? 04:53 < bridge> I'd have thought it's exactly the same from the suggestions 04:59 < bridge> what suggestions 05:13 < bridge> oh candidates 05:13 < bridge> It should be the same as their IME 05:13 < bridge> We couldn't possibly built-in multi-language IMEs directly into ddnet 05:14 < bridge> It's probably just the look that is throwing people off 07:27 < bridge> Ok, then they will get used to it^^ 07:31 < bridge> that's what i thought 07:31 < bridge> But some people just can't understand they are using their exact IME 07:31 < bridge> They insist we made a dumber version of chinese input lol 07:46 < bridge> it is, and before it didnt show in info, but i made it show 08:15 < bridge> make sure u test this properly 08:15 < bridge> i wont fix i t 08:16 < bridge> point based has to work too 08:16 < bridge> it looks good on a quick look 08:26 < bridge> @Robyt3 sir, I forgot about the people who uses arrow key to select candidates 08:26 < bridge> :justatest: 08:31 < bridge> I'd also do that 😂 08:32 < bridge> you'd use arrow keys or forget them 08:32 < bridge> Use arrow key 08:32 < bridge> Oooo 08:35 < bridge> Do you not do so when using Google or coding ? ^^ 08:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111546121328799765/61f2fe1c3a542848.jpg 08:47 < bridge> I don't need to select candidates on my own ime 08:47 < bridge> But if i do i just use numbers 08:48 < bridge> Hi fred 08:50 < bridge> do we have a config to turn off candidate window 08:50 < bridge> People are asking for it 08:50 < bridge> Wtf. Even the fps are overlapped 08:51 < bridge> Idk what happened, just forwarding bug reports 08:51 < bridge> It's ok. Just never seen such a bug ^^ 08:53 < bridge> Oh wait i think arrow key works 08:53 < bridge> It's just not what they used to 08:54 < bridge> Maybe we should collect all these issues 08:55 < bridge> Is any of them at least happy to be able to play in Fullscreen 08:55 < bridge> I dont think the arrow key can be adjusted 08:55 < bridge> It's entirely handled by ime 08:55 < bridge> Playing windowed under windows must suck hard ^^ 08:55 < bridge> Probably but the happy ones don't talk 08:55 < bridge> Xd 08:55 < bridge> That's normal i think 08:59 < bridge> I think the background was no clear 08:59 < bridge> Without anything drawn on it 09:02 < bridge> Maybe driver bug? 09:03 < bridge> Generally looks really buggy to me 09:15 < bridge> why are there so many driver bug that we keep getting 09:15 < bridge> :justatest: 09:16 < bridge> Because it's cheaper to produce shitty drivers 09:17 < bridge> ~~Let's replace our renderer with Godot's graphic server~~ 09:17 < bridge> I wonder how much work around they have 09:17 < bridge> And black listing 09:18 < bridge> I randomly scanned throw some steam games a while ago. We are definitely not the only ones with these problems 09:18 < bridge> Through 09:19 < bridge> Is it generally better using latest drivers on windows? 09:19 < bridge> Most of the time yes. But not always 09:19 < bridge> I still don't quite understand how we manage to hit so many while rendering a 2d game 😄 09:19 < bridge> Should i tell them to update drivers? 09:19 < bridge> But windows often has drivers shortly after the hardware released xD 09:19 < bridge> They often suck 09:20 < bridge> Are there so many reports like this? 09:20 < bridge> Sounds weird to me as well but I'm not the graphic guy so idk 09:20 < bridge> Just one 09:20 < bridge> Doubt it. So what us the issue anyway? They don't like that we render the candidates? 09:20 < bridge> I just told them to reset their custom background if they can 09:20 < bridge> I guess u could ask if it happened after alt tab or smth 09:20 < bridge> Some people don't like it 09:22 < bridge> Hm, I wonder what we are missing. We can certainly add q config for it but maybe ask them what the issue is? 09:22 < bridge> Or ask them to show their nornal ime completion in other applications.m 09:23 < bridge> I can imagine there being some extra information about the candidate in the window maybe but that's about it 09:23 < bridge> We are missing nothing 09:23 < bridge> They want their ime "skins" back 09:24 < bridge> For the windowed users 09:24 < bridge> I don't feel like it's many. It's just that every person having trouble reports it. If all ppl without problem would say smth u'd get a feeling for it.. most annoying is if discord overlay or similar destroys the game for no reason ^^ 09:24 < bridge> From 0 to 100 how sure are you? 😛 09:24 < bridge> 20 09:24 < bridge> Users are rarely completely wrong when reporting regressions in usability 09:25 < bridge> We can add input state where it shows which language you are currently typing 09:25 < bridge> We can add ime state where it shows which language you are currently typing 09:25 < bridge> But lots of third party ime misreport that 09:25 < bridge> It's a feature paradigm shift 09:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111556019273859152/-6c18cab31aa38140.jpg 09:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111556019487772673/-471c170505cecf64.jpg 09:26 < bridge> Some people just want their waifu back 09:27 < bridge> There is ofc bias there but still. Even the variety of bugs we manage to hit is impressive. I'd think we were using only the tiniest part of the driver which probably gets tested a lot in QA 09:28 < bridge> It's not like we hit some insane codepath while using a vk extension that is only standardized by one vendor 09:28 < bridge> Yep. I'm also impressed. Especially about stuff like hibernate or alt tab, which often cause trouble 09:29 < bridge> Okay. Now I understand. The config is of utmost importance, this is indeed a regression 09:30 < bridge> but we can't bring the window back with unmodified SDL 09:30 < bridge> we have to patch SDL more to get it togglable 09:31 < bridge> Huuh? What needs to change in sdl? 09:31 < bridge> we shut-off sdl's input method handling before to stop the window capturing the input method state and goes into headless ime mode 09:32 < bridge> we shut-off sdl's input method handling before to stop the game window from capturing the input method state and goes into headless ime mode 09:32 < bridge> that was just a hack to let windows do it's normal IME things 09:32 < bridge> we can bring back the hack and make it togglable some how 09:34 < bridge> but I'm pretty sure half of the users are experiencing flashing screen during IME inputs before. the current solution works for most people and just make it look ugly for 5% of the people who has a older dual GPUs and plays in windowed mode 09:34 < bridge> the older hack only works if they have an older style dual GPUs setup on laptops 09:35 < bridge> Hm, my knowledge of the IME mess has grown hazy but I thought IMEs didn't even attempt to render if sdl text input wasn't active 09:36 < bridge> it was active always 09:36 < bridge> with the hack 09:36 < bridge> Wouldn't it work for everyone playing windowed or borderless? I thought the dual gpu thing was only for fullscreen to not flash 09:36 < bridge> because sdl didn't tell windows to stop listening to text input 09:36 < bridge> And how did we stop it from triggering on, say movement keys? 09:37 < bridge> nothing 09:37 < bridge> user turns off their IME 09:37 < bridge> And they liked that workflow better :confusion: 09:37 < bridge> i think they just think it is ugly 09:37 < bridge> i'm 95% sure 09:37 < bridge> on this one 09:38 < bridge> Ok does winapi provide a `GetCandidateWindowWaifu_Ex`? 09:38 < bridge> i would've gone that route in teeworlds 0.7 if i could 09:39 < bridge> Or we can commission Voxel to draw us a ddnet waifu to put on our candidate window 09:39 < bridge> Xd 09:39 < bridge> :justatest: non-weeb would be furious 09:39 < bridge> I can also draw waifus now 09:39 < bridge> i mean we could make the candidate window skinable 09:39 < bridge> It's easy to config gate 😄 09:39 < bridge> but is that what we REALLY need? 09:40 < bridge> I'd happily take on the skin config development if we really need that 09:40 < bridge> Idk, I would also be furious if you took away my waifu and cute rabbit thing 09:40 < bridge> at least a horizontal mode would be nice, since windows does not report that, we could just make it a skinning feature 09:41 < bridge> If possible please poll around a bit, make sure the issue is indeed only a looks issue. Then we can focus in on a fix to make the 5% happy-ish-er 09:42 < bridge> are we sure we know they know what they want tho 09:42 < bridge> I mean they should have an idea why they don't like it, no? People who genuinely only hate the looks will usually just say so 09:43 < bridge> they say they don't like the look and want their own ime window back 09:44 < bridge> the four people complaining are pretty clear about that 09:45 < bridge> some do they they forgot how to type with a different looking candidate window 09:45 < bridge> Okay so wait, don't we now toggle the sdl input mode properly? Why isn't their IME triggering? How are we blocking that? 09:46 < bridge> this was one of them, but i think the feature parity is there. they're just not familiar with the interafce 09:46 < bridge> sdl tell windows to use headless ime mode 09:46 < bridge> Is that hardcoded in SDL? 09:46 < bridge> i think so 09:47 < bridge> let me pull out sdl code 09:47 < bridge> Wait is it SDL providing us the candidates? 09:47 < bridge> yes 09:47 < bridge> well no 09:47 < bridge> Ah cute, this wasn't a thing back when I last checked 09:47 < bridge> but we are getting the window message through SDL 09:47 < bridge> iirc 09:47 < bridge> it's been a while 09:48 < bridge> I can't imagine a lot of games draw their own IME, maybe there is a way to make sdl not do that? 09:48 < bridge> there was a candidate window thing in SDL that is just empty. but i think we are getting WM_MSG or something using SDL's event 09:48 < bridge> a lot of games don't care about IME 09:49 < bridge> the ones that care (i.e. source engine) draws their own 09:49 < bridge> unity does not do anything with candidate, fullscreen = no candidates 09:50 < bridge> I'm pretty sure I've done the research when I was working on it years ago. :kek: 09:51 < bridge> Eh. Just take a quick look, see if you can either override sdl asking for headless mode (maybe by a call to winapi on our side) or better tell sdl not to do that. If neither looks feasible I guess people will have to live without their waifu for a sec 09:51 < bridge> i'm doing that 09:51 < bridge> at work 09:51 < bridge> with my boss looking at me 09:52 < bridge> Maybe could be worth asking the players that complain that if a horizontal mode would help 09:52 < bridge> This is capital theft. Please stop it 09:53 < bridge> I think sdl recently changed it so candidates are send 09:53 < bridge> That's why we updated sdl 09:53 < bridge> I should try out kde ime again. But as always in Linux. I can use it in Fullscreen without problems 09:54 < bridge> So it's not needed there xd 09:54 < bridge> I bet they don't support linux properly anyway 09:54 < bridge> SDL was mainly build with Linux in mind 09:54 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/a5332f0b1177406610c819636850525549186d60/src/engine/client/input.cpp#LL789C28-L789C30 09:54 < bridge> It's sponsored by valve xd 09:54 < bridge> we are grabbing windows event 09:54 < bridge> Yeah but none of the linux imes expose their candidates ever 09:55 < bridge> i think linux IMEs are just a bunch of different user space programs doing hacks 09:55 < bridge> Mh ok, sucks 09:56 < bridge> True😂 09:56 < bridge> there's no way we could know what the IME is doing 09:56 < bridge> Yeah so sdl basically just added that headless mode thing and allowed wm events to passthrough? 09:56 < bridge> I always used the smiley ime popup window xd 09:56 < bridge> they didn't add it, it was there since SDL2 09:57 < bridge> we removed it in our custom SDL before 09:57 < bridge> they did also tell windows when to stop activating text input / ime so that's good. but we did also removed that before 09:58 < bridge> That is not how I remember that piece of code at all, but if we are being honest I spent more time on the macOS part of that code anyway so maybe I just missed it 09:59 < bridge> Ok so we only need the new sdl for passthrough wm events? 09:59 < bridge> macOS can draw candidate window on top of fullscreen application tho 09:59 < bridge> i actually don't know what we're needed for the new SDL. robyt3 knows more about that. it was always working in teeworlds, so I didn't know if they are using a newer SDL 10:01 < bridge> I think candidate was working fine in macos. MacOS only needs a drawing position other than the StartInput and StopInput thing which we are providing through SDL. 10:01 < bridge> I think candidate was working fine in macos. MacOS only needs a drawing position which we are providing through SDL, other than the StartInput and StopInput thing 10:01 < bridge> I think candidate was working fine for teeworlds 0.7 in MacOS. MacOS only needs a drawing position which we are providing through SDL, other than the StartInput and StopInput thing 10:01 < bridge> sorry IRC 10:02 < bridge> macOS had a massive issue with sdl not allowing access to the underlying fake textinput container they create to trigger the candidate window 10:02 < ws-client> SDL version-specific issues 2.26.5, 2.24.2, 2.0.22: IME candidates work. But there are minor bugs when moving the composition cursor. 2.0.18, 2.0.20: IME candidates work. 2.0.16 (our current version): IME candidates cannot be determined with Windows API. Windows tries to draw the composition window like before, so this does not work in fullscreen mode. 2.0.8 (upstream 0.7): IME candidates work. But this SDL 10:02 < ws-client> version is too old for us. 10:02 < ws-client> from #6530 10:02 < chillerbot1> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6 10:02 < ws-client> chillerdragon: ^ fix bot 10:02 < bridge> bad bot 10:03 < bridge> The textediting events you got refered to nonsense offsets for the small PressAndHoldIME 10:04 < bridge> 10:04 < bridge> I guess the question is what 2.0.16 was doing 10:04 < bridge> Though I wonder if robyt was referring to our patched version of 2.0.16 10:05 < ws-client> i mean whats the problem, lets just use the current SDL version 10:05 < ws-client> what would it help to downgrade again 10:06 < bridge> 2 concerns 10:06 < bridge> 1) weren't some people complaining of input lag? 10:06 < bridge> 2) we took away peoples waifus 10:06 < ws-client> 1.) is bcs of mouseold 10:06 < ws-client> we should simply remove it 10:06 < ws-client> 2.) we can still make it config 10:06 < bridge> Damn mouseold... 10:06 < ws-client> how does old version help here 10:07 < bridge> I was about to say that TODO comment looks wacky 10:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111566236241903626/image.png 10:07 < bridge> ah, damn it 10:07 < bridge> 2) Seems something changed after 2.0.16 which makes windows no longer trigger normal imes idk 10:08 < ws-client> but we do that on purpose dont we? 10:08 < ws-client> we probably dont set the input rect 10:08 < bridge> oh wait, is it possible robyt3 is unaware of our hacked IME patch 10:08 < bridge> so he just thought it was broken in our current version 10:08 < ws-client> @Robyt3 ? 10:08 < bridge> It is indeed possible 10:08 < ws-client> enlighten us 10:09 < bridge> because we did turn off all IME stuff in our custom SDL just to make IME show up in windowed mode 10:09 < bridge> that would be my fault 10:09 < bridge> Anyway, did you manage to check? Does sdl unconditionally enable the headless thing? 10:09 < bridge> oh 10:09 < bridge> still trying to find the code 10:09 < ws-client> i just dont understand why SDL prevents it, if they clearly have an API function to tell where to render the candidate list 10:10 < bridge> it was for multi-platform, macos need it 10:10 < ws-client> Note: If you want to use the system native IME window, try setting hint SDL_HINT_IME_SHOW_UI to 1, otherwise this function won't give you any feedback. 10:10 < bridge> also they might have did the windows one before they decided to grab candidate themselves 10:10 < ws-client> its all only for macos? xd 10:11 < ws-client> https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/SDL_SetTextInputRect 10:12 < ws-client> we have so many #ifdef WINDOWS.. why do we even use SDL in first place :joy: 10:12 < bridge> That hint sounds about what we want, but idk if they wired it up properly 10:16 < bridge> found it https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/d4bc393efebdd45a95430397df106b69b1c26df3/src/video/windows/SDL_windowskeyboard.c#LL412C9-L412C31 10:16 < bridge> `return SDL_GetHintBoolean(SDL_HINT_IME_SHOW_UI, SDL_FALSE);` 10:16 < bridge> ok so it is a SDL_HINT 10:17 < bridge> I guess we can add a config for it if it does what we want 10:17 < bridge> it would probably require a restart after the config change 10:17 < bridge> but it might be possible 10:18 < bridge> I heard many people say that. did anyone make a benchmark of how long common things take? 10:19 < bridge> It's an ancient meme at this point. It's probably a couple microseconds faster on everything but this isn't the early 2000s anymore 10:20 < bridge> Maybe you can get it up to a couple millis if you are brave enough to enable systemwide O3 and LTO 10:20 < bridge> But a couple of microseconds that add up to each ither 10:20 < bridge> I once read around 5-10% more perf can be expected 10:20 < bridge> Sometimes also degrations 10:21 < bridge> I mean fedora enabled system wide lto 10:21 < bridge> And opt out when pkgs broke 10:21 < bridge> From systemwide o3 and lto? 10:22 < bridge> Or just one or the other? 10:22 < bridge> Can't remember, but smrh with cpu native etc march native 10:22 < bridge> the kernel also has a option to enable zen3 optimizations 10:22 < bridge> But can't be hard to find benchmark. But do u know Intel clear Linux? 10:22 < bridge> It's basically that 10:22 < bridge> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Ryzen 10:22 < bridge> And it often is a bit faster 10:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111570201775972352/image.png 10:24 < ws-client> ^ i think phoronix had an article about that once and results were mixed, sometimes faster sometimes slower 10:25 < ws-client> https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-5.19-O3-March-Native 10:25 < ws-client> ok was about kernel 10:26 < ws-client> https://www.phoronix.com/benchmark/result/core_i5_12600k_kernel_build_optimizations/35ca2579382e.svgz 10:26 < ws-client> ufs xd 10:26 < ws-client> https://www.phoronix.com/review/gcc-10900k-compiler 10:26 < ws-client> side doesnt load for me 10:26 < ws-client> but that sounds promising 10:27 < bridge> site doesn't load for me either 10:27 < bridge> but it's not quite what I was aiming for 10:27 < bridge> I wanted to see whether tools on gentoo are typically faster than tools on arch 10:28 < ws-client> https://web.archive.org/web/20221110002751/https://www.phoronix.com/review/gcc-10900k-compiler/2 10:28 < ws-client> tools = build tools? 10:28 < bridge> I wasn't aware of this, but I think I downloaded all 2.0.18 directly from github, so it should be without our own changes, unless they were also in upstream SDL 10:29 < bridge> Mh, I can only theorize, we can maybe test. But I imagine every single tool is a couple millis or micros faster for all tasks 10:30 < ws-client> i mean if benchmarks are faster, then tools are too xdd. except its heavily IO dependent or smth 10:31 < ws-client> ok u could measure the startup time of the tools, but lto is probably unbeatable here too, esp if u static link as much as possible 10:32 < ws-client> fyi: jupsti im quickly restarting the backend 10:33 < bridge> > i mean if benchmarks are faster, then tools are too xdd. except its heavily IO dependent or smth 10:33 < bridge> only if you assume that the distros ship everything the same except for the compilation flags 10:33 < bridge> perhaps gentoo is disabling the systemd integration of cat, which makes things go slower for whatever reason 😄 10:34 < ws-client> . 10:34 < bridge> https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/05/25/new-playground--memory-spy/ 10:34 < bridge> Ah well that's true ^^ 10:34 < bridge> systemd-catd 10:34 < bridge> @deen did you try the IP selection thing for cn or did it fixed itself 10:34 < bridge> Mention systemd, summon Learath 10:35 < bridge> I mean there **is** systemd-cat 10:35 < bridge> but it's doing something that you're probably not unhappy about ^^ 10:35 < bridge> Please tell me it's not replacing coreutils cat 10:35 < bridge> correct 10:35 < bridge> I'm thinking if we could build-in a IP tester in engine, could it also fix clients not be able to get serverlist without we having to setup a hk serverlist without CDN 10:35 < bridge> it's not doing anything related to coreutils `cat` 10:36 < ws-client> jupsti how are you always online? dont you have a job or something? 10:36 < bridge> what's a IP tester? 10:36 < bridge> what's an IP tester? 10:36 < ws-client> chiller i could ask the same about you 10:36 < ws-client> :justatest: 10:36 < ws-client> i am at work rn ._. 10:37 < bridge> Randomly testing different cloudflare ips and force curl to use that instead of rely on DNS 10:37 < bridge> In china 10:37 < bridge> Randomly testing different cloudflare ips and force curl to use one in good condition instead of rely on DNS 10:38 < bridge> ah 10:38 < bridge> DNS can not tell whether china is corporating but we might be able to test it ourselves 10:38 < bridge> I would be surprised if everyone isn't shipping the exact same e.g. coreutils barring maybe a version difference 10:38 < bridge> our current setup isn't bad for that either, no? 10:39 < bridge> I don't think everyone is shipping it in the same configuration 10:39 < bridge> Occasionally some one has to wait for half and hour before they can grab a serverlist when the list server is down 10:39 < bridge> And there were some map downloading issues 10:40 < bridge> because we can't keep up our serverlist server? 10:40 < bridge> Occasionally some one has to wait for half and hour before they can grab a serverlist when the hk list server is down 10:40 < bridge> I think maps are downloaded from somewhere else in china, no? 10:40 < bridge> because we can't keep our serverlist server up? 10:41 < bridge> yes but I'm not sure if which way they were going with only screenshot reports 10:41 < bridge> Also might cut some cost for cn if cloudflare could just work better 10:42 < bridge> Just a thought tho, might be worth a experiment 10:43 < bridge> Btw occasionally = roughly one per week 10:44 < bridge> why is the list server down so often? 😮 10:44 < bridge> One report per week 10:44 < bridge> ah 10:44 < bridge> The server was ddosed twice for the last month i think 10:44 < bridge> is there something like object storage in china? 10:45 < bridge> Yes map were using it 10:45 < bridge> can you link it (in DM if it's sensitive)? 10:45 < bridge> But we couldn't use master2.ddnet.org for that 10:45 < bridge> why not? upload a servers.json every 5 seconds 10:46 < bridge> or is that too expensive? 10:46 < bridge> we have to claim ddnet.org and register it with gov to bind cdn or obejct storage to a custom domain 10:46 < bridge> If we can just use other domains then it should be fine 10:47 < bridge> hmm, using other domains doesn't seem so trivial 10:47 < bridge> Ye i just don't think it looks good for ddnet tho 10:48 < bridge> Que someone exposing ddnet is phonehoming data to china 10:49 < bridge> A target registered with chinese gov no less 10:49 < bridge> so in order to use master3.ddnet.org in china with a big CDN, we'd need to do some stuff we're not willing to do? 10:49 < bridge> ye 10:49 < bridge> If it's data premier Xi demands, data we'll send :peepoSalute: 10:50 < bridge> we could use teeworlds.cn however we want cuz we did registered it 10:50 < bridge> Why not make master3 a CNAME then 10:50 < bridge> Then u can use a domain 10:50 < bridge> how does CNAME interact with HTTPS? 10:50 < bridge> probably still needs a certificate for the original domain 10:50 < bridge> ? 10:50 < bridge> which won't be possible in china with big CDNS 10:50 < bridge> Actually no idea 10:51 < bridge> Just use same certificate for both 10:51 < bridge> can we upload our own certificate to the cloud vendor, @TsFreddie? 10:51 < bridge> this would solve the problem and we wouldn't even need a CNAME 10:52 < bridge> at what point does the CDN require you to have control of the domain in china? 10:52 < bridge> let me check 10:52 < ws-client> jupsti xxdddd my cheap work laptop attached to a 2560x1440 screen on gnome reaches the same fps as my 4090 desktop at home xd (400fps on average all maps) 10:53 < ws-client> blame nvidia for bad interaction with gnome, but also blame gnome 10:53 < ws-client> bcs in openbox it works :D 10:53 < ws-client> good meme 10:53 < ws-client> yes 10:53 < ws-client> im so gonna switch away from gnome 10:53 < ws-client> epic gamer moment 10:56 < bridge> zzz 10:56 < bridge> try xfce 10:56 < ws-client> pls 10:56 < bridge> I feel a little uneasy trying to loop around the backs of the chinese govt 10:57 < bridge> where do u have to do this 10:57 < bridge> Chiller use i3 or bspwm. Convert to the tiled wm religion 10:57 < bridge> @heinrich5991 are you planning on uploading to storage using master1 btw 10:57 < ws-client> Lea: KDE also has tiling support :joy: 10:57 < bridge> or cdn a master2 10:58 < bridge> or either 10:59 < bridge> Fwiw I still think this just cache kinda approach to the master server is a bit lackluster except for a fallback. Servers in china won't be able to register through these fake masters 10:59 < bridge> cdn just doesn't want to use unregistered domain 10:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111579282796445756/image.png 10:59 < bridge> it doesn't matter what cert it uses 10:59 < ws-client> but if u register a random one 10:59 < bridge> i think if the final destination is tencent then they can just refuse to set it up 11:00 < bridge> oh i get it 11:01 < bridge> ye we probably can 11:02 < ws-client> i think first ill try dwm 11:03 < ws-client> omg my work internet is smooth af. And here i was unsure for months if my home net is laggy or if it is in my head 11:03 < ws-client> my home setup is broken in every way while my work setup is perfect gaming moment 11:03 < ws-client> i hate my life 11:05 < bridge> lol 11:05 < bridge> dwm is a lot of setup iirc 11:05 < bridge> moreso than i3 11:05 < bridge> i3 is good start 11:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111581005720064091/image.png 11:06 < ws-client> from gnome to dwm xd 11:06 < bridge> how can we try tho 11:06 < bridge> what are u doing fred i missed it 11:06 < bridge> Create cert for master 3 and upload it there xd 11:07 < bridge> hmm, interesting idea 11:07 < bridge> @heinrich5991 do you have a rough idea how many request we are getting per day 11:07 < bridge> no 11:07 < bridge> ah 11:07 < bridge> let me check if cloudflare tells me something 11:08 < bridge> ah right, can't, because my password manager locked me out 11:08 < bridge> 😄 11:08 < bridge> we are looking at 0.2cny per 10k requests 11:09 < bridge> thats 0.026€ per 10k requests 11:09 < bridge> if it is less than 100 per month i can just eat it 11:10 < bridge> @TsFreddie I'd guess they'll just refuse to serve requests that have a `Host: ` that wasn't registered 11:10 < bridge> so CNAME wouldn't really be an option 11:10 < bridge> they can, but i don't know if they would yet 11:11 < ws-client> i guess they only want the cert to spy, dont they? 11:11 < bridge> well they probably would 11:11 < bridge> the cert is necessary to function as a CDN ^^ 11:11 < bridge> cloudflare also has a cert 11:11 < bridge> for ddnet.org 11:12 < bridge> that's 1000 online players all day averaging 6 requests per hour per player 11:13 < bridge> they can do what? 11:13 < bridge> they serve requests with a `Host: ` that wasn't registered in china like that? 11:14 < bridge> they can refuse 11:14 < bridge> :justatest: 11:14 < bridge> `Host:` header only has one domain right? 11:14 < ws-client> mh who is the CA here btw? Let's encrypt or the chinese gov? i dunno how internet works in china xd 11:15 < bridge> `Host: master3.ddnet.org` will be how it looks like 11:15 < bridge> with CNAME e.g. 11:15 < bridge> ah, then that would just not work 11:15 < bridge> ok 11:15 < bridge> ye, for that to work we'd have to register ddnet.org with gov 11:16 < ws-client> but why do they want the domain itself to be registered there? 11:16 < ws-client> what control do they get from this 11:16 < bridge> master.teeworlds.cn can work, but i don't think adding it do ddnet client is a good idea either 11:16 < bridge> plus we are terrible at managing our domains and services and stuff 11:21 < bridge> I suppose one could try making it work with HTTP redirects 11:21 < bridge> but then we'd have to make the client cache those for okayish performance 11:21 < ws-client> @heinrich5991 and if we update the client to resolve CNAME so, that they send the request to the actual domain instead? 11:21 < ws-client> so bascially resolve the first level only 11:22 < bridge> then we can also update the client to cache HTTP redirects 11:22 < bridge> the CNAME thing would open up the client to MITM 11:22 < bridge> because the CNAME comes from an unauthenticated DNS packet 11:22 < ws-client> dns over https 11:23 < ws-client> but we'd force a dns server, thats probs also not nice 11:23 < ws-client> ^^ 11:25 < bridge> at that point we could also handle the HTTP redirect, and it'd be standards conformant ^^ 11:27 < bridge> Can u add domains afterwards xd. What happens if u let the domain run out and buy it outside of china 11:27 < bridge> As if they made sure all edge cases work xd 11:28 < bridge> you can't add CDN without a domain? 11:28 < ws-client> but do u buy the domain from them? 11:29 < bridge> buy from them or transfer to them 11:29 < ws-client> ah i see, so they are the gov? 11:29 < bridge> no 11:30 < bridge> might just be a technicality for them to enforce the law 11:30 < ws-client> i c, then soz for my confusion xd 11:30 < bridge> might just be a technicality for them to conform with the law 11:33 < bridge> I don't remember why I haven't set up a real server in china, perhaps I'll give it a shot again 11:35 < bridge> I thought the masterserver just wasn't ready to be multihomed 11:35 < bridge> Codewise that is 11:35 < bridge> thought so too, maybe that's why I didn't 11:35 < bridge> but all the parts are there 11:36 < bridge> thought so too a while ago, maybe that's why I didn't 11:36 < bridge> the thing outputs its state 11:36 < ws-client> btw just out of interest, does steam allow package different software based on the geolocation? :D 11:36 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks we could just have a boolean flag inside the client that runs different code based on geolocation 11:37 < ws-client> yeah, i was just thinking about hosting a custom master server cfg xD, but just hypthetically 11:37 < ws-client> not actually 11:37 < bridge> you can transmit the state using https://github.com/heinrich5991/twmaster-collect 11:38 < bridge> and the other mastersrv is able to read the state and merge it with its own 11:38 < bridge> it's maybe a bit bare-bones, but it should™ work 11:38 < bridge> Merge is the part I thought didn't exist 11:38 < bridge> it exists because the merge is also how the backcompat is handled 11:38 < bridge> the backcompat is pretending to be another mastersrv 11:38 < bridge> Servers register on one master only, righr? 11:38 < bridge> correct 11:38 < bridge> Right* 11:39 < bridge> china might have problem connecting with master1 if it is needed in the past-future 11:39 < bridge> not sure how it works right now 11:39 < bridge> I can't parse that sentence 😄 I was talking about making master2.ddnet.org a real masterserver 11:40 < bridge> that reminds me, we maybe also wanted to do secret mastersrvs 🥷 11:40 < bridge> I think i was worrying about communication between master servers so I just provided a hk one 11:40 < bridge> I'm not sure if we need inter master server communication tho 11:40 < bridge> I assumed 11:41 < bridge> we need it 11:41 < bridge> but it currently works, right? 11:41 < bridge> oh i misread that 11:41 < bridge> i thought you mean you don't remember you didn't set up a china one 11:41 < bridge> didn't realize by the china master you just mean the current hk one 11:41 < bridge> ah yea 11:55 < bridge> can I grab a group of player and do a cloudflare tester test with them if we can improve master1 connection without the hk one 11:55 < bridge> hk server keep raising prices 11:56 < bridge> when we first bought it it was around 60cny/month. and we did two data cap upgraded not it is 100/month. the next upgrade if we ever need it would go straight to 300 now 11:56 < bridge> when we first bought it it was around 60cny/month. and we did two data cap upgrade now it is 100/month. the next upgrade if we ever need it would go straight to 300 now 12:00 < bridge> ah, you want to get rid of the hk server 12:00 < bridge> can foreigners buy a server there? 12:03 < bridge> probably not 12:03 < bridge> we had this conversation about buying servers and deen sending me money a few times already lol 12:03 < bridge> I mean yea, we can try this 12:04 < bridge> I don't really like it, but it doesn't hurt to run an experiment 12:04 < bridge> it feels like we're trying to start an arm's race with the chinese censors 12:04 < bridge> it is a quite a common thing to do in china 12:04 < bridge> but it is weird to built it in the client 12:04 < bridge> singapore is probably not as reachable as hongkong? 12:04 < bridge> I can make a side project and release it as tsfreddie tho. 12:05 < bridge> ye 12:05 < bridge> sure, no problem with that 12:05 < bridge> although that would only reach people that are in the community 12:08 < bridge> when I try to buy a server @ https://www.vpshosting.com.hk/, I get to the point where I can enter my payment info 12:08 < bridge> so maybe foreigners can actually order servers in hongkong? 12:08 < bridge> oh you definitely can 12:09 < bridge> but they would almost certainly blocked in china 12:11 < bridge> how does that happen? because I don't buy at one of the providers that aren't blocked? or because the provider tells china that a foreigner bought it 12:12 < bridge> cuz people just buy them for proxy 12:12 < bridge> i only buy hk servers from tencent 12:13 < bridge> as a chinese company they would at least make sure they track their users and ban anyone trying to setting up proxies so they can keep their IP range unblocked. and maybe they had deals with gov, i don't exactly know 12:14 < bridge> I just know the tencent ones work (to a certain degree), and you can't buy hk servers that are targeted to chinese customers as a foreigner 12:14 < bridge> from tencent 12:15 < bridge> again, i thought we had this conversation before 12:15 < bridge> probably, I'm just forgetful 😦 12:15 < bridge> sorry about that 12:16 < bridge> it's fine. the point is i think hk jp and sg VPSs have a higher chance of being straight up blocked because way too many people buy them for proxies 12:18 < bridge> if it is not blocked, then it is probably bad for proxies. if it is bad for proxies, then it is probably bad for masters too 12:18 < bridge> Can we really not send you the money for it in any way? 12:19 < bridge> you can send them to my uk bank account 12:19 < bridge> I thought china would be all for foreign currency getting into their economy 😄 12:19 < bridge> but I can't use them 12:20 < bridge> you can swift transfer globally to china, but I don't think the fee is worth the effort 12:20 < bridge> how much is the fee? 12:20 < bridge> plus it would eat up my foreign currency allowence 12:20 < bridge> make it harder for me to sell stuff oversea 12:20 < bridge> ah 😦 12:20 < bridge> How complicated can they make it bro xD 12:21 < bridge> yes, we have foreign currency cap for personals 12:21 < bridge> are you working for a small firm? 12:21 < bridge> are you working for a small company? 12:21 < bridge> Can't u take donations from the Chinese community? 12:22 < bridge> cryptocurrencies probably banned in china? 12:22 < bridge> i can 12:22 < bridge> i thought about it 12:23 < ws-client> crypto just got unbanned again in china for the 90th time 12:24 < bridge> can we buy CNY and send them your way without foreign currency cap? 12:24 < bridge> So legal ways are banned. But non controllable grey zone currencies are ok for China ? 12:25 < ws-client> crypto gets banned every 2 weeks in china 12:25 < bridge> It's not a horrible idea, it should be fine as long as it's @TsFreddie that controls the account and we get to log the donations like we log the ones we collect outside china 12:25 < ws-client> just use steam gift cards xd 12:27 < bridge> @TsFreddie https://wise.com/us/send-money/send-money-to-china 12:27 < bridge> this doesn't work? 12:27 < bridge> I have a wise account. It doesn't have withdrawal 12:27 < bridge> Lol wat? Wise account without withdrawal? 12:28 < ws-client> Is there cash in china? or only digital currencys allowed? Could one send you an evelope with euros or is that useless? 12:28 < bridge> I actually know a way to make this happen. It's how people in turkey sent money to their relatives abroad for decades when there was currency control in place 12:28 < bridge> I have a Payoneer account that has withdrawal but it only takes business payments like google, unity and steam 12:28 < ws-client> steam xd 12:29 < ws-client> told you 12:29 < bridge> Oh you can indeed send me steam gift cards 12:29 < bridge> We just need someone chinese outside china with relatives still in china. We pay them, their relatives pay you 12:29 < bridge> I can resell skins to turn them into cny 12:29 < ws-client> ok its confirmed tsfreddie is scammer 12:29 < ws-client> he is asking for steam gift cards xd 12:29 < bridge> But that's literally money laundering i think 12:30 < bridge> Worst case you get sent to some reform camp and we never hear from you again, is that not worth the master servers being up? 12:30 < ws-client> dark lerato 12:30 < ws-client> yo fred is there cash now or not? 12:31 < ws-client> and which cash currencys are functional 12:31 < bridge> wdym 12:31 < bridge> how does that work? 12:31 < ws-client> do you have physical cash? 12:31 < bridge> why does the chinese expat help? 12:31 < ws-client> im just curious 12:31 < bridge> You pay them usd, they wechat me cny 12:31 < bridge> They either charge a commission or they do it out of the kindness of their hearts 12:31 < bridge> Private currency exchange 12:31 < bridge> Ye 12:31 < bridge> Use CSGO skins 12:31 < ws-client> xd 12:31 < bridge> It's a relative or friend thing 12:32 < bridge> I would never ask anyone to do it for me cuz it is a huge scam market 12:33 < bridge> I also have a payoneer account. how can I try sending money to you? 12:33 < bridge> ah god damn it, password manager 😦 12:33 < bridge> Back in the days of strict currency control in turkey there used to be lots of people who did this semi-professionally, they worked on a referral basis 12:33 < bridge> 👀 I can happily to spend 1000 per month for ddnet no problems tho, but it would still be nice to manage the cost 12:33 < ws-client> :dollar: 12:33 < bridge> it'd also be nice to have a way to fund the china side tbh 12:34 < ws-client> hm idk discord emote names .-. 12:34 < ws-client> Is the chinese community not donating? 12:34 < bridge> In order to reduce transaction fee's I would also send the money to you for the CHN transaction 12:34 < bridge> Fwiw the best way would be if they collected donations in china in CNY directly 12:34 < bridge> actually 12:34 < bridge> it would also be nice if chinese players can fund the game too 12:35 < bridge> but i need to work out a way to manage the fund without over taking 12:35 < ws-client> i can lend you my financial advisor he is good at fund managing 12:36 < bridge> "without overtaking"? wdym? 12:36 < bridge> "taking more donation than needed to maintain server" 12:36 < bridge> without that^ 12:36 < bridge> ah 12:36 < bridge> I don't even know how much we spend for servers yet 12:36 < bridge> also multiple people are donating servers 12:37 < ws-client> just close donations if too much money comes in and then keep them for furture server costs 12:37 < bridge> need to make sure everyone's on the same page 12:37 < bridge> This is what we do if previous years are all covered 12:37 < bridge> i see 12:41 < bridge> @deen said he's fine with a chn funding source before while we were trying to find a way to send money to me, if every admin agrees to open a chn funding source. I can grab our server owners together and talk 12:41 < bridge> although I'm pretty sure Tom want's nothing to do with it, he expressed against it before 12:42 < bridge> @T.Charlie never said anything about it before. 12:42 < bridge> I have to ask the rest 12:48 < ws-client> wow i just found this gem! 12:48 < ws-client> > This required adding a finish tile using gdb on the already running servers, so that players could finish in the middle of the map already. Thanks to heinrich5991 for helping out with this. 12:48 < ws-client> https://ddnet.org/news/advent-of-ddnet-2022-recap/ 12:48 < ws-client> that sounds amazing! Can we get a blog post for that? @heinrich5991 12:49 < bridge> yea, that was a fun 12:49 < ws-client> How did you manage to figure something like that out so fast? 12:49 < ws-client> during a players run!? 12:49 < ws-client> holy shit 12:49 < ws-client> advanced teeworlds CTF 12:49 < bridge> well, you need to get a reference to the map data somehow 12:49 < bridge> figure out the coordinates 12:50 < bridge> and set the tile to a finish tile 12:50 < ws-client> insane 12:50 < ws-client> please please do a writeup on this 12:50 < ws-client> this is amazing 12:51 < bridge> having dinner, later 12:52 < ws-client> timezone moment 12:55 < bridge> its hilarious that sending money to someone in china is so hard 12:56 < bridge> It's not if you are sending tuitions or yearly spending 12:56 < bridge> ~~Too bad the server are so cheap~~ 12:59 < bridge> tbh swift transfer probably isn't so bad. I might be able to sell stuff in the future by setting up a company so it wouldn't matter if I'm receiving too many foreign currencies 13:00 < bridge> Let me double check swift fees tho 13:01 < bridge> Ah it varies from banks to banks 13:06 < bridge> I'm paying 12.5€ 13:07 < bridge> My bank deduct 150cny per transaction for recieving 13:10 < bridge> So it's like 2.5% for a 1k euro transaction 13:14 < bridge> so another 25€ 13:14 < bridge> so we'd be at ~40€ for a 1000€ transaction 13:14 < bridge> not too bad for something thought to be impossible 13:19 < bridge> In Skrill, once you have enough Skrill points, you'll get a premium service, which lets you send money to another Skrill account without fees 13:19 < bridge> I also looked up afdian 13:19 < bridge> Skrill doesn't have cny withdrawal either 13:20 < bridge> if the sent account has that service, only then 13:20 < bridge> it has 3 tiers 13:21 < bridge> A Chinese donation site. They have webhook you can subscribe to to know how much is going through us if you guys want to take cny donations too. 13:22 < bridge> And we can do a substraction 13:22 < bridge> Ok, I looked at my services on Skrill, it has no monthly fees, but has fees for sending money to another bank, especially if it's not a Skrill account. If it's a Skrill account, then the fee is 1.45% and for higher tears, it's free 13:24 < bridge> from Skrill account to Bank account, it's free, from Bank account to Skrill is dependent on Bank account fees 13:24 < bridge> from Skrill account to Skrill account is 1.45% for sender if they are first tier 13:24 < bridge> above first tier is free 13:24 < bridge> what do you do to have a premium skrill account lol 13:25 < bridge> I think buying stuff or sending money (or crypto :pepedead: ) will get you points 13:25 < bridge> oh i thought you have one 13:25 < bridge> So for example if that money (from ddnet funds) will go to servers, they'll reward you for spending that money 13:26 < bridge> well i can't pay for servers with skrill tho 13:26 < bridge> 13:26 < bridge> It has a virtual debit card 13:26 < bridge> they only accept local bank transfer and wechat 13:26 < bridge> It has a virtual credit card 13:26 < bridge> i don't think chinese business take visa 13:27 < bridge> well what do you expect? It's from Paysafe 13:27 < bridge> ye they don't 13:27 < bridge> unless there is like a chinese Skrill, you cannot do it without fees 13:28 < bridge> but the fee is actually surprisingly low, from what fees you guys have 13:29 < bridge> Maybe a chinese Paysafe? 13:29 < bridge> that's not a thing i think 13:30 < bridge> :justatest: 13:30 < bridge> I don't know what services we could have, that the eastern countries also have 13:32 < bridge> it's just a chinese thing where they controls the economy and market so much 13:32 < bridge> it's probably fine spending money between europe and japan however you want 13:32 < bridge> it's probably fine sending money between europe and japan however you want 13:32 < bridge> makes sense 13:33 < bridge> don't quote me on that tho, i don't live in japan so i don't actually know. i'm just imagining so 13:33 < bridge> I don't think we have a Japanese person in this community that could help in this case 13:33 < bridge> we have a korean guy tho 13:34 < bridge> not close enough 13:34 < bridge> i mean, probably equally valuable, if we are talking how strict china is 13:34 < bridge> well fee's a fee 13:35 < bridge> ye I know that, but there must be a easier way to spend money to other eastern countries than china. 13:36 < bridge> @cheeser0613 can you receive euros in malaysia 👀 13:36 < bridge> I expect that there is no easier way 13:36 < bridge> no 13:36 < bridge> is there a malaysia paypal 13:36 < bridge> yes but no one use 13:36 < bridge> that's a start 13:36 < bridge> Most of them dont even know what tf is that 13:36 < bridge> so you can't pay anything using it 13:37 < bridge> I think he could, but related to the internet, and not real world activities 13:37 < bridge> What topic 13:37 < bridge> money 13:37 < bridge> paying servers 13:37 < bridge> I think 13:37 < bridge> not really relevant to you tho. i'm just curious 13:43 < bridge> just checking, do you mean if someone pay something with euro cash, does the man accept or not? 13:44 < bridge> i'm asking if people can send you money from europe 13:44 < bridge> by bank, yes 13:44 < bridge> ye but other than just global bank transfer 13:44 < bridge> :kek: 13:44 < bridge> paypal 13:44 < bridge> can you withdraw on paypal 13:44 < bridge> like take money out of paypal and put it on your bank account 13:45 < bridge> yes 13:45 < bridge> then it is already better than china 13:45 < bridge> :justatest: 13:45 < bridge> eh 13:45 < bridge> u have to be careful 13:45 < bridge> :kek: 13:45 < bridge> witrh paypal withdrawals 13:45 < bridge> if its too much, u look sus cuz u are not declaring it 13:45 < bridge> unless u declare it 13:45 < bridge> ye, but at least he can. 13:46 < bridge> where is he from 13:46 < bridge> malaysia 13:46 < bridge> i chuckled at euro cash 13:46 < bridge> first time i hear it 13:46 < bridge> china paypal doesn't have a withdraw function 13:46 < bridge> 💶 💶 💶 13:46 < bridge> we do have a paypal tho 13:46 < bridge> 💶 > 💵 13:46 < bridge> and most business don't take chinese paypal 13:47 < bridge> it's literally useless 13:47 < bridge> i don't know why paypal still bother to exists in china 13:47 < bridge> alipay.exe 13:48 < bridge> fun fact, some store in malaysia accept alipay 13:48 < bridge> some store in japan takes alipay as well i've heard 13:48 < bridge> @Learath2 13:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111621979024400465/image.png 13:48 < bridge> u got a crash 13:48 < bridge> in turkey 13:48 < bridge> btw 13:49 < bridge> https://www.ft.com/content/2d25afa2-a178-48fb-8974-c0ca32044ac5 13:49 < bridge> You sure? 13:49 < bridge> > 13:49 < bridge> > Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at https://www.ft.com/tour. 13:49 < bridge> > https://www.ft.com/content/2d25afa2-a178-48fb-8974-c0ca32044ac5 13:49 < bridge> > 13:49 < bridge> > Market jitters push Turkish lira to fresh low ahead of presidential vote 13:49 < bridge> > Currency falls to 20 to the dollar for the first time as polls predict Erdoğan victory at runoff election 13:49 < bridge> omg 13:49 < bridge> stupid site 13:49 < bridge> Get rekt 13:49 < bridge> https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-23/bets-against-turkish-lira-hit-record-with-controls-under-strain 13:49 < bridge> ok 13:49 < bridge> thats old 13:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111622256804769844/image.png 13:50 < bridge> this is from today 13:50 < bridge> I would also bet against the turkish lira 13:50 < bridge> xd 13:50 < bridge> This is only the official rate the central bank says. You can't buy $ at that rate anywhere. The real rate is about 24 tl for 1 usd 13:50 < bridge> @Learath2 meanwhile northern 13:50 < bridge> https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/13rsqg2/electricity_prices_in_finland_flipped_negative_a/ 13:51 < bridge> > Electricity prices in Finland flipped negative — a huge oversupply of clean, hydroelectric power meant suppliers were almost giving it away 13:51 < bridge> speaking about china 13:51 < bridge> https://wccftech.com/china-powerstar-x86-cpus-confirmed-rebadged-intel-10th-gen-comet-lake-chips/ 13:52 < bridge> It's about to get very very very bad in Turkey. 2 different conversion rates developing is a telltale sign of impending complete economic collapse 13:52 < bridge> Oh also this is #developer, this belongs in #off-topic 😄 13:52 < bridge> xd 13:52 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/developers-gif-13292051 13:52 < bridge> there 13:52 < bridge> with this gif we back 15:15 < bridge> mr steve 15:37 < bridge> @Ewan Green oh wait did I forget to answer your question before 15:37 < bridge> Yes you hurt my feelings 15:37 < bridge> I cried for like 20 hours 15:37 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 15:37 < bridge> what was it again? 15:38 < bridge> IDK 15:38 < bridge> 15:38 < bridge> lol 15:38 < bridge> @TsFreddie what time is it there 15:38 < bridge> are u partying friday night 15:38 < bridge> 9pm 15:38 < bridge> we can't 15:38 < bridge> oof 15:38 < bridge> it is illegal to party 15:38 < bridge> lmao 15:38 < bridge> gatherings? 15:39 < bridge> no, it's 30 degrees in the living room 15:39 < bridge> people will die if we party in there 15:40 < bridge> i know guangdong is hot, but I didn't know it was this hot before I work here 15:40 < bridge> 30+ degrees at night is ridiculous 15:41 < bridge> they said this is just the beginning of the summer 15:41 < bridge> they say it'll get hotter 15:41 < bridge> xd 15:41 < bridge> i know the pain 15:41 < bridge> some nights in barcelona are same 15:41 < bridge> but thats why u party in summer 15:41 < bridge> cuz u cant sleep 15:41 < bridge> trust me 15:41 < bridge> by party i mean just go out 15:41 < bridge> and drink with friends 15:42 < bridge> idk 15:42 < bridge> im not a social expert 15:42 < bridge> i don't drink 15:42 < bridge> and chinese people don't really do that 15:42 < bridge> damn 15:42 < bridge> sounds boring 15:42 < bridge> thats the time where u talk shit, and politics, and life, and social stuff 15:42 < bridge> idk 15:42 < bridge> we sit outside, eat chinese barbecues and drink 15:43 < bridge> but usually it's just three or four of them 15:43 < bridge> well yeah 15:43 < bridge> i dont mean big parties 15:43 < bridge> i also go with 2-4 friends 15:43 < bridge> oh then ye we do do that 15:43 < bridge> i don't tho 15:44 < bridge> i don't have friends 15:44 < bridge> sadge 15:44 < bridge> im glad i kept contact 15:44 < bridge> otherwise i wouldnt either 15:44 < bridge> @Robyt3 dude how are you so fast 15:44 < bridge> I'm still considering cloning ddnet and you are done already :kek: 15:44 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/hackerman-break-computer-programming-hacking-gif-7263541 15:48 < bridge> lol 15:48 < bridge> Fred is work looking up 15:51 < bridge> oh boy i think i forgot how ddnet works 15:51 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6667#issuecomment-1564423625 15:51 < bridge> rip 15:52 < bridge> embarrassment moment 15:53 < bridge> Imagine my embarrassment 15:53 < bridge> 15:53 < bridge> tater dev :poggers2: 15:53 < bridge> He was picking up the slack while tater was gone ig 15:53 < bridge> i have plans to re-do the whole thing based on tater's tater version 15:54 < bridge> now that i am a bit more intimate with the ddnet codebase 15:56 < bridge> I have something I want to do in ddnet as well, but not until we improve our workflow at work so I don't have to work 13 hours per day 15:57 < bridge> i'd say u should work 3 hours for ddnet 15:57 < bridge> and then sleep 15:57 < bridge> and then repeat that 15:57 < bridge> the project management goes to hell at work because we don't really have a project manager 15:57 < bridge> who needs a life 15:57 < bridge> actually 15:57 < bridge> maybe i'm just bad at working 15:58 < bridge> since last company have the same problem 15:58 < bridge> lmao 15:58 < bridge> but at least this time I'm allowed to fix it 15:58 < bridge> **attempt to fix it** 15:59 < bridge> so u actually work 13h bcs u want to? 15:59 < bridge> yes and no 15:59 < bridge> im glad i dont work at ur company 16:00 < bridge> i mean nobody can work 13h for a long time 16:00 < bridge> i cant work 8h full hours coding 16:00 < bridge> His company is hell last i heard 16:00 < bridge> i work 13hours to wrap up the current mess so I can replan the whole workflow and share it with the team without the deadline constraint 16:00 < bridge> when i am absolute full try hard mode, i can do that for 1-2 weeks maybe 16:00 < bridge> there is a reason why u see me a lot on dc 16:00 < bridge> but after that im done af 16:00 < bridge> :justatest: 16:00 < bridge> 😂 16:00 < bridge> 😂 16:01 < bridge> but for now we have a strict deadline to hit due to other department is ready to take the project for marketing and integration 16:01 < bridge> but for now we have a strict deadline to hit due to other department is scheduled to take the project for marketing and integration 16:02 < bridge> i don't do 13 hours coding 16:02 < bridge> I code for like 3 hours top 16:03 < bridge> the rest is just making the actual "content" like visual effects, sound effects, music and animation 16:03 < bridge> game dev 16:03 < bridge> sounds harsh 16:03 < bridge> i code 3 hours top 16:03 < bridge> and talking to my colleagues to make sure it works on other maps and stuff 16:03 < bridge> then i play 16:04 < bridge> :NekoDrink: 16:04 < bridge> it is clearly a problem when everyone (to be fair it's just a team of three) is so busy to the point we can not pull 10 minutes to make sure we are still on the same page is clearly problematic 16:05 < bridge> what even is that sentence lol 16:05 < bridge> it's clearly a problem when it's clearly problematic 16:05 < bridge> -freddy 2023 16:05 < bridge> freddie* 16:05 < bridge> you are freddy like the benson 16:05 < bridge> benson is dead 16:06 < bridge> this is clearly problematic 16:06 < bridge> where even is that server, did nibs just gone 16:06 < bridge> yeah dude 16:06 < bridge> he nuked it 16:06 < bridge> thought so 16:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111656711632212109/image.png 16:07 < bridge> oh lmao he literally went gone 16:07 < bridge> awol 16:08 < bridge> they say mossad has killed him already 16:08 < bridge> nah he's actually alive i still talk to him sometimes but there is a bemani CN shaped hole in my heart 16:08 < bridge> there were still a bcn telegram group 16:09 < bridge> bcn? 16:10 < bridge> barcelona? 16:10 < bridge> xd 16:10 < bridge> nah, it's a secret code for an agency me and ewan worked for 16:10 < bridge> lmao 16:11 < bridge> what happened lol 16:11 < bridge> must have: 16:11 < bridge> https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/65991 16:11 < bridge> why is so much stuff experimental ;~; 16:13 < bridge> u always find the weird stuff 16:13 < bridge> but it does hurt my head when I know ewans' from my other online presents and shows up in ddnet like a veteran players and I don't even know if I should ask if we know each other 16:13 < bridge> (i havent looked at the issue yet) 16:13 < bridge> but it does hurt my head when I know ewans' from my other online presences and shows up in ddnet like a veteran players and I don't even know if I should ask if we know each other 16:13 < bridge> :pepeW: we can do discord parties 16:13 < bridge> weird 16:13 < bridge> its useful 16:14 < bridge> Yes very weird 16:14 < bridge> But the game is fun 16:14 < bridge> it's fine, i'll wait for you coming here to have a chinese barbeque sit out 16:14 < bridge> alternatively rust should allow 16:14 < bridge> 16:14 < bridge> bla: &mut dyn Trait1 + Trait2, 16:14 < bridge> lets party 16:14 < bridge> bcs that sucks too xD 16:14 < bridge> in genericore 3 16:14 < bridge> fun enough for you to do client dev apparently 16:14 < bridge> I like to developing the client 16:14 < bridge> only client? 16:15 < bridge> i like to develop ddnet 16:15 < bridge> also its kind of nice to leave your mark 16:15 < bridge> cuz i know ddnet itself will last 16:15 < bridge> learn server dev and help twcn revive the pvp servers 16:15 < bridge> :kek: 16:15 < bridge> nooooo 16:15 < bridge> i dont like pvp so 16:15 < bridge> protocol looks horrific 16:15 < bridge> i was going to put some work into the unique games 16:16 < bridge> but idk tw server 16:16 < bridge> Protocol is excellent wym 16:16 < bridge> protocol is fine, you barely need to touch it 16:16 < bridge> i hear you are packing raw structs into packet data 16:16 < bridge> but i hav enver seen it 16:16 < bridge> ~~cuz you literally can't not touch it normally for compatibility reasons~~ 16:17 < bridge> Yeah 16:17 < bridge> checkout https://github.com/teeworldscn/ddnet-pvp tho 16:17 < bridge> i don't have any idea what i would do to add to the game other than client side enhancements tho 16:18 < bridge> i will check it out 16:18 < bridge> the project is dead but the spirit is still there 16:18 < bridge> This is neat 16:18 < bridge> how do the weapons work 16:18 < bridge> in teeworlds? 16:18 < bridge> In this 16:18 < bridge> ddnet based pvp 16:19 < bridge> are they ddrace weapons or vanilla 16:19 < bridge> or is it broader than that 16:19 < bridge> i abstracted a weapon class 16:19 < bridge> you can do whatever you want 16:19 < bridge> excellent 16:19 < bridge> I haven't remade ddnet's weapon back into my abstracted weapon class tho 16:20 < bridge> but it doesn't seem useful at this early stage anyway 16:21 < bridge> the codebase works, but the serverlist registering process is old, so it breaks quite easily it seems 16:21 < bridge> I made it so you can code a gamemode class without having to modify anything else 16:21 < bridge> that's the goal at least 16:21 < bridge> https://github.com/TeeworldsCN/ddnet-pvp/blob/master/src/game/server/gamemodes/catch.cpp 16:21 < bridge> Have you implemented any gamemodes 16:22 < bridge> ^ this one 16:22 < bridge> catch i c 16:22 < bridge> ye, i just thought if a classic mode works it's a good start 16:22 < bridge> yea 16:23 < bridge> The patch for this is rather small and compact iirc, heinrich kept it very clean 16:23 < bridge> i know but i haven't even read it 16:24 < bridge> It is time I learn about lorentz force, cya’ll 16:24 < bridge> good luck 16:25 < bridge> i would love to see modern pvp 16:25 < bridge> how modern 16:25 < bridge> it's all old gamemodes and old servers 16:25 < bridge> or modern how 16:25 < bridge> feature wise 16:25 < bridge> oh 16:25 < bridge> not like entirely new modes 16:26 < bridge> people just plays fng and infc 16:26 < bridge> yea it stinks 16:26 < bridge> i mean, do you have ideas 16:27 < bridge> or do you just want new stuff but don't know what new stuff 16:27 < bridge> it would just be updating old gamemodes to support newer ddnet features 16:27 < bridge> the ones so old they don't support /pause and whatever 16:27 < bridge> it gets annoying playing on such servers 16:28 < bridge> and some gamemodes are not predicted properly by the client 16:28 < bridge> why do you need /pause in pvp servers 16:28 < bridge> oh there aren't many things we can do for prediction 16:29 < bridge> unless we can send character code to clients and run them, but that sounds like a bad idea 16:29 < bridge> client would have to be updated 16:29 < bridge> it's not realistic 16:30 < bridge> for that it'd be more reasonable to make a teeworlds rip-off than teeworlds mod tho 16:31 < bridge> idk 16:31 < bridge> i dont have ideas 16:31 < bridge> :kek: 16:31 < bridge> if you have one we can make that happen 16:31 < bridge> maybe 16:32 < bridge> ddnet amogus 16:32 < bridge> yea something like that 16:32 < bridge> it's definitely possible tho, you just need to make minigames into different region of maps 16:32 < bridge> the field of view thing might be hard 16:33 < bridge> but you don't necessarily need one if the map is designed around it 16:33 < bridge> wdym fov 16:33 < bridge> wall occlusion and shadows thing 16:33 < bridge> oh yeah 16:34 < bridge> i am surprised that at this point ddnet doesn't support moving tiles 16:34 < bridge> kog does 16:34 < bridge> kog has this weird half-assed moving tile stuff 16:34 < bridge> but it doesn't work in entities 16:34 < bridge> ye 16:34 < bridge> i mean proper moving tiles 16:35 < bridge> or really any sort of dynamic tiles 16:35 < bridge> it's be tough without a protocol overhaul 16:35 < bridge> we are still supporting old teeworlds clients i believe? 16:35 < bridge> i am not sure 16:36 < bridge> i hate run guy 25 16:36 < bridge> the good old run guy 25 16:37 < bridge> i save and quit 16:37 < bridge> my patience has been tested 16:37 < bridge> now i go to race 16:37 < bridge> i don't think i've finished that map 16:37 < bridge> not that I play ddnet that much anyway 16:37 < bridge> yea 16:37 < bridge> ur ign is TsFreddie or what 16:37 < bridge> yes 16:38 < bridge> i played that map in 2015 when we first got chn ddnet serversi think? 16:38 < bridge> wow 16:38 < bridge> actually maybe even before that 16:39 < bridge> I stopped playing ddnet at 700 or so points 16:39 < bridge> when i play the game now i have such a short fuse 16:39 < bridge> now i have 900 16:39 < bridge> teecity 16:39 < bridge> lol 16:39 < bridge> i just stop caring and leave the game 16:39 < bridge> https://github.com/edg-l/teecity 16:39 < bridge> need to continue it 16:39 < bridge> i am 1850 something 16:39 < bridge> not too many points 16:40 < bridge> lol ryozuki what is it 16:40 < bridge> i can’t glean much from the readme 16:40 < bridge> i think people who are really good have someone to consistently play with 16:40 < bridge> it is a teeworld MeTaVeRsE? 16:40 < bridge> u don’t? i do i just am impatient 16:41 < bridge> i have a 5 hour save in barren I haven’t touched in a week 16:41 < bridge> oh i don't 16:41 < bridge> i just play with dummies cuz i don't like wasting other people's time 16:41 < bridge> dang 16:41 < bridge> also i have ADHD, i get bored in 5 minutes and want to quit 16:41 < bridge> and I can't just quit if i'm playing with real people 16:41 < bridge> yeah 16:42 < bridge> it took willpower not to quit earlier 16:42 < bridge> same reason i don't like CSGO and DOTA or any game that requires a team 16:42 < bridge> fng are fine cuz i can leave and no one cares 16:42 < bridge> and rhythm games are great cuz i can just open it and be bored after one song and it is fine 16:43 < bridge> yeah 16:43 < bridge> fng i like to play sometimes but it’s hard to have fun when no-lifers are on it 24/7 16:43 < bridge> and are toxic 16:43 < bridge> I have to really enjoy an RPG to be able to hyperfocus on the game 16:43 < bridge> I play solofng 16:44 < bridge> which i accidentally made popular in china and now that's all they plays 16:44 < bridge> oh wow 16:44 < bridge> i host solofng server for unique among others 16:44 < bridge> still never olayed it 16:44 < bridge> if i want to play fng with lasers i go to the noby servers because they are stable and good and modern and whatever 16:45 < bridge> but i wish they said all ur base are belong to us 16:45 < bridge> until you get banned for no reason 16:45 < bridge> xd 16:45 < bridge> bcs of the weird anticheat 16:45 < bridge> I had that one time 16:45 < bridge> i was playing pretty good 16:45 < bridge> killed@my vibe 16:45 < bridge> killed my vibe 16:45 < bridge> asian people are so good now that some people just can't play on noby servers 16:46 < bridge> damn 16:46 < bridge> i don't know why higher level players enjoy short mouse distance and high sens 16:46 < bridge> but noby's server really doesn't like that 16:46 < bridge> it’s funny because USA players will think they’re good at something but the sheer difference in people that play the game between places like europe and china is too big 16:46 < bridge> there are just not enough mouse sample points to tell anything 16:46 < bridge> there are always better players 16:47 < bridge> dang 16:47 < bridge> the server just see they snaps everywhere, and bans them 16:47 < bridge> yeah 16:47 < bridge> I think 100 md is problematic. I have switched to 200 and I have yet to be banned :) 16:48 < bridge> fbg lobby in usa is dead recently 16:48 < bridge> i told them to increase their md 16:48 < bridge> they don't want to 16:48 < bridge> lol 16:48 < bridge> block was dead for a while but it’s back again ish 16:48 < bridge> maybe they're bots :banhammer: 16:48 < bridge> maybe 16:48 < bridge> but i know two of them aren't for sure 16:49 < bridge> are you american or canadian 16:49 < bridge> or neither :kek: 16:50 < bridge> usa 16:50 < bridge> erm acthually canadian is still american because it’s in north america 🤓 16:50 < bridge> ye, tell that to citizens of the all powerful usa 16:50 < bridge> murica 16:51 < bridge> Please stick to development relevant topics =) 16:51 < bridge> right 16:51 < bridge> hell nah that just happened 😭 16:51 < bridge> but i mean, we were just talking about mods 5 minutes ago 16:52 < bridge> I sense a disturbance in the pointless bureaucracy….. must… interrupt… perfectly chill conversation… 16:52 < bridge> anyway, i'd love to see new gamemodes with ddnet-pvp 16:53 < bridge> Lol i just saw you guys having a dialog and the last messages were about usa, didnt know you just switched, dont feel offended just keep on 16:54 < bridge> yeah 16:54 < bridge> any variations on the weapon behavior would be nice 16:54 < bridge> only mods i've seen do that are monster and teesmash 16:54 < bridge> well infc has different weapons 16:54 < bridge> oh does it 16:54 < bridge> never played it 16:54 < bridge> infection with classes 16:54 < bridge> infc 16:54 < bridge> oh actually 16:54 < bridge> i tried it one time 16:54 < bridge> and it was fun but the others were not vibing 16:54 < bridge> i was laying down mines though it was fun 16:54 < bridge> i don't like the chaos 16:55 < bridge> i like something that's a little bit more technical 16:55 < bridge> we were playing on an EU or CHN where the ping really gets you... can't remember which 16:55 < bridge> that made it bad 16:55 < bridge> ~~but not so technical that I lose everytime i play it~~ 16:55 < bridge> yea 16:55 < bridge> i wish boomfng was popular 16:55 < bridge> probably CHN since the infc community is huge here 16:56 < bridge> yeah it was probably china 16:56 < bridge> people don't like boomfng bcs it was too spammy 16:56 < bridge> sad 16:56 < bridge> i really like rocket movement 16:56 < bridge> fred we should play rn 16:56 < bridge> something 16:56 < bridge> emm 16:56 < bridge> sure 16:56 < bridge> i will play on chn servers idc 16:57 < bridge> i used to think playing well on high ping was a myth but some guys do it really well on USA 16:57 < bridge> novashock and rage from south africa 16:57 < bridge> and savage from chile(?) 16:57 < bridge> what do you want to play tho 16:57 < bridge> moderates? 16:57 < bridge> or a pvp 16:57 < bridge> ah 16:57 < bridge> i will play whatever 16:57 < bridge> i don't have ethernet cable plugged in 16:57 < bridge> rip 16:57 < bridge> it'd be tough on wifi 16:57 < bridge> lol 16:57 < bridge> yeah 16:58 < bridge> if u don't want to that's fine. another time 16:58 < bridge> the router is too far away, and i keep forget to route it 16:58 < bridge> ddnet is the only game that really needs a ethernet cable tho 16:58 < bridge> i was trying to route some ethernet recently but i was sorely disappointed when i found out that my cat5 is stapled to the studs of the wall 16:58 < bridge> so i couldn't use it to fish more through 16:59 < bridge> it doesn't really matter though i was just trying to get a second line to my room because i wanted to put some stuff in the closet without running it all the way across the room 16:59 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111670035816132718/image.png 16:59 < bridge> this is what i have to work with rn 16:59 < bridge> half of these people afk 17:01 < bridge> @Ewan Green try find TsFreddi 17:01 < bridge> no e 17:01 < bridge> not this map 17:01 < bridge> horrible map 17:40 < bridge> and angell from china 17:48 < bridge> ✝️ ‼️ 18:07 < bridge> hi 18:07 < bridge> what's the anticheat of fng server 18:07 < bridge> i need it on my own server 18:07 < bridge> what's the anticheat of fng server 18:08 < bridge> i need it on my own teeworlds server 18:10 < bridge> It's closed source. 18:18 < bridge> a brainfuck interpreter works on the lang i made a compiler for, feels nice :sip: 18:20 < bridge> use of unstable library feature 'slice_as_chunks' 18:20 < bridge> see issue #74985 for more information 18:20 < bridge> classic 18:20 < bridge> i swear once per day 18:20 < bridge> i hit at least one unstable feature xD 18:21 < bridge> xd 18:21 < bridge> i think its cuz ur on nightly 18:21 < bridge> so autocomplete knows about them 18:21 < bridge> but they are behind feature flag 18:21 < bridge> or idk 18:21 < bridge> use of unstable library feature 'iter_advance_by': recently added 18:21 < bridge> see issue #77404 for more information 18:21 < bridge> lmao 18:22 < bridge> is smth stable bro 18:22 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks u can use itertools for all this 18:22 < bridge> many itertools get stabilized into std 18:22 < bridge> ok then i'll use that xd 18:22 < bridge> yeah use it 18:22 < bridge> itertools is amazing 18:22 < bridge> ```rust 18:22 < bridge> use itertools::Itertools; 18:22 < bridge> 18:22 < bridge> let data = vec![1, 1, 2, -2, 6, 0, 3, 1]; 18:22 < bridge> //chunk size=3 |------->|-------->|--->| 18:22 < bridge> 18:22 < bridge> // Note: The `&` is significant here, `IntoChunks` is iterable 18:22 < bridge> // only by reference. You can also call `.into_iter()` explicitly. 18:22 < bridge> for chunk in &data.into_iter().chunks(3) { 18:23 < bridge> // Check that the sum of each chunk is 4. 18:23 < bridge> assert_eq!(4, chunk.sum()); 18:23 < bridge> } 18:23 < bridge> ``` 18:26 < bridge> i dunno, doesnt implement what i need it seems 18:26 < bridge> i can *almost* know how that works 18:48 < bridge> you can work around `slice_as_chunks` quite well I think. you could use `slice::chunks` and .try_into().unwrap() the slices into the array. I assume the compiler is smart enough to see through that 18:48 < bridge> (ofc it is nice-to-have to get functions like this into std ^^) 18:57 < bridge> i just did it the oldschool way by using indices and create a slice and copied manually xd 19:12 < bridge> maybe because the people developing drivers focus more on 3D ? 19:24 < bridge> That could be it yeah 19:25 < bridge> i can easily imagine a division by 0 when doing 2D and they didn't think it thoroughly 19:26 < bridge> ? 19:26 < bridge> why should 3d work better than 2d 19:26 < bridge> the graphics API generally only takes 3d 19:26 < bridge> there is nothing like 2d 19:26 < bridge> the rasterizer etc 19:26 < bridge> yeah, but for 2D, you set `z` to 0 which might trigger some edge case 19:27 < bridge> in 2d the z is used for whats on top right? 19:27 < bridge> then set it to 1 19:27 < bridge> u use a orthographic camera 19:27 < bridge> or smth 19:27 < bridge> all coordinates are in normalized device coordinates 19:27 < bridge> tell that to gpu driver developer, not me 19:27 < bridge> forgot name 19:27 < bridge> orthonormée in french 19:27 < bridge> i mean u can literally set it to 1 in the shaders 19:27 < bridge> orthonormal @Ryozuki 19:27 < bridge> ty 19:29 < bridge> ortho is for orthogonal, so perpendicular vectors 19:30 < bridge> normal means that each base vector has a unit length 19:38 <+ChillerDragon> @Ewan shebang should be in line 1 https://gist.github.com/ewancg/f51336b92f6d69d3becb7d552aee95b8#file-aur-sh-L12 19:39 < bridge> Oops 19:39 <+ChillerDragon> nice script yay and paru are indeed bloat 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> rewrite all rust in bash 19:40 < bridge> fixed 19:40 < bridge> and thanks 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> faster than robi 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> be careful now https://gist.github.com/ewancg/f51336b92f6d69d3becb7d552aee95b8#file-aur-sh-L100 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> u dont wanna reach more than 100 lines 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> otherwise bloat 19:42 < bridge> lmfao 19:42 < bridge> the script is not airtight 19:42 < bridge> ChillerDragon you stole my friend 19:42 < bridge> i remember it having some issues but i don't remember what they are & i'm not on anymore to use it 19:42 < bridge> lol 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> fred? ewan? 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> wot frend 19:43 < bridge> ye i was saying bye to ewan in game 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> oh 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> i pingered him 19:43 < bridge> thief 19:43 < bridge> :kek: 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> imagine getting notifications 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> if i close irc the world is silent 19:43 < bridge> lol 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> discord is full of distractions 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> always on 19:44 < bridge> i mean if i close discord it doesn't ping either 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> fakin gen Z 19:44 < bridge> im always on do not disturb so lol 19:44 < bridge> does your irc have mention sound tho 19:44 < bridge> ChillerDragon 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> back in the days i would go to ma frints house and ask if steve can come out an play 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> mom would stay gtfo steve has to do homework 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> and then i go home 19:45 < bridge> dude ddnet reference 19:45 < bridge> back in the days 19:45 < bridge> boo 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> no fakin discord dms all day always on 19:45 < bridge> yea i mean i only get pings on discord for pings and a single digit number of channels that are important to me 19:45 < bridge> equivalent to getting a text or email 19:45 < bridge> which i also get sounds for 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> @TsFreddie i have no sounds for sure i run a terminal client over ssh it doesnt even do the beep sound 19:45 < bridge> yea i mean i only get pings on discord for @ pings and a single digit number of channels that are important to me 19:46 < bridge> 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1685123168.png 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> the broidge bg is as highlight as it gets 19:46 < bridge> dang 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> its very calming 19:46 < bridge> do you even listen to music 19:46 < bridge> I’m not a tui diehard though I understand why some are 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> yes @Voxel a lot 19:46 < bridge> did u fix audio btw? 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> no 19:47 < bridge> i forgot 19:47 < bridge> rip 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> i ordered new sound system xd 19:47 < bridge> i wonder what else we can try 19:47 < bridge> oh good 19:47 < bridge> is it usb 19:47 < bridge> do you use brow.sh 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> idk 19:47 < bridge> instead of a browser 19:47 < bridge> lol 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> its only one speaker so it cant go wrong xd 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> is that a real thing freddy? 19:48 < bridge> i believe so? 19:48 < bridge> no way you went from 5.1 surround sound to mono just cuz of a small difficulty lol 19:48 < bridge> there are other tui browsers 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> xd 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> there is one insane tui browser 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> which is 1:1 real browser 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> its nuts 19:48 < bridge> lynx and stuff 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> nono 19:48 < bridge> and another I can not remember the name of 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> i mean full 100% css support etc 19:48 < bridge> oh wow 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> yes 19:48 < bridge> that’s cool 19:48 < bridge> i think browsh has css support 19:48 <+ChillerDragon> its just chromium 19:49 <+ChillerDragon> with diff render engine 19:49 < bridge> yeah wow they already have keyboard selection and everything there for accessibility anyway 19:49 < bridge> never thought about it 19:49 < bridge> it's probably just browsh but i remember it being firefox 19:49 <+ChillerDragon> idk browsh also dont find it 19:49 < bridge> i don't remember tho 19:49 < bridge> it's literally https://brow.sh 19:50 < bridge> how does it perform chiller? is the rendering all software or do they just render to tui after fb composed 19:50 <+ChillerDragon> ah yea like that 19:50 <+ChillerDragon> i meant carbonyl tho 19:50 <+ChillerDragon> i thought brow.sh is written in bash 19:50 < bridge> probably not 19:50 < bridge> ye it has a firefox dependency 19:50 <+ChillerDragon> ah nice ``ssh brow.sh`` 19:51 <+ChillerDragon> down but amazing he used to offer that 19:51 < bridge> So, today's painful session: 19:51 < bridge> - Make variable data (5 exactly) for 256 entities, making it 1000+ lines of pure variables, because I cannot use classes for the task I want. 19:51 < bridge> - I have to load all 256 variables into their respective Array positions :YEP: 🔫 19:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111713254700503111/image.png 19:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111713255061205033/image.png 19:51 < bridge> I love godot 19:51 <+ChillerDragon> ``ssh sshtron.zachlatta.com `` 19:51 <+ChillerDragon> this is amazing xd 19:51 < bridge> What the hell 19:52 < bridge> :justatest: 19:52 < bridge> would that be considered as browser as a service 19:52 < bridge> i love godot too 19:53 < bridge> is that a real godot constraint? i would be surprised if you can’t find a way to loop that or macro it 19:53 < bridge> Gotta love, that in Godot, I cannot create Inspector variables which target a specific variable, but rather targets a variable, that is the **same fucking name** as the inspector variable, making it impossible to just for loop variables 19:53 < bridge> although by that point i would probably just use C++ or rust bindings if i know rust 19:54 < bridge> I would've rather used C# or C++ with the native language compiler in Godot to make my dataset 19:54 < bridge> This is more painful, but it's gonna be done only once, it's only for making entities. 19:55 < bridge> For modders, this will be fine, for devs who want to use that, they'll experience worse pain 19:55 < bridge> Cellegen you run skins.tw right? 19:55 < bridge> nope, Nexus runs it 19:55 < bridge> hmm 19:55 < bridge> I'm a manager in there 19:56 < bridge> can you make a way for me to download all skins 19:56 < bridge> seems like a big bandwidth hog but if the user has the skins that means they'll never query the api again until they encounter a new skin 19:56 < bridge> would be wroth 19:56 < bridge> why would you need that 19:56 < bridge> would be worth 19:56 < bridge> i hoard 19:56 < bridge> I could, the github repo on the skins are built with the Teeskins API, so in theory using Teeskins API, you can download all the skins 19:57 < bridge> i am pretty sure it has a max of 100 cellegen 19:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111714751756640350/image.png 19:57 < bridge> And I'm sure, that you'll exceed your VRAM xd 19:57 < bridge> Nope 19:58 < bridge> it would be slow to load tho 19:58 < bridge> It already is 19:58 < bridge> it is slow 19:58 < bridge> idc my disk is fast 19:58 < bridge> and i'm thinking of multithreading it anyway 19:58 < bridge> expensive ssd guy 19:58 < bridge> can you PR that when you done :kek: 19:58 < bridge> only if DDNet client allows for better PNG support, I could've already compressed PNGs to be more acceptable 19:58 < bridge> well yeah... 19:59 < bridge> saving hundreds of MBs of VRAM 19:59 < bridge> i don't know what you mean cellegen, once it reaches vram it's no longer a png & is raw pixel data 19:59 < bridge> it will equate to the same size in vram, only take longer to decompress 19:59 < bridge> unless it was hardware compressed but they usually looks bad 19:59 < bridge> then ddnet's compression system has it's limitations 19:59 < bridge> directly compress from memory sucks 20:00 < bridge> ddnet has to upload the texture in a pixel format that the graphics backend is familiar with 20:00 < bridge> it's out of their control 20:00 < bridge> I can use compress image formats in Vulkan and OpenGL, it's just that the engine is not built for that png data use 20:01 < bridge> the tw engine i mean 20:01 < bridge> in godot or directly 20:01 < bridge> both, I wondered if Godot just used a native library from OpenGL 20:02 < bridge> I looked at documents from OpenGL on how they use PNG compression 20:02 < bridge> and my brain hurts 20:02 < bridge> unrelated but i'm not super privy to how modern desktops work when it comes to fancy CPU features. i want to enable hibernation but powercfg says the firmware doesn't support it, but all relevant settings are on in the bios 20:02 < bridge> am i missing something 20:03 < bridge> a better bios 20:03 < bridge> this is the motherboard that fish sold me 20:03 < bridge> Windows API issue I think 20:03 < bridge> in linux you have a package for that :kek: 20:03 < bridge> THE fish? or just a fish 20:03 < bridge> Windows API redirecting to BIOS settings are never a good idea 20:04 < bridge> it used to be an armored princess cabinet xd 20:04 < bridge> our bud fsh 20:04 < bridge> cool 20:05 < bridge> ah the memory ~~that i don't remember exactly~~ 20:05 < bridge> xd 20:05 < bridge> ya he sold me mobo (matx supermicro hybrid thing) + cpu (i5 9400f) + 16gb ram for $300 cad 20:05 < bridge> which was 200 something usd 20:05 < bridge> good deal 20:06 < bridge> is it that easy to ship across canada border 20:06 < bridge> Shipping definitely wasn't much 20:06 < bridge> it's all continental 20:06 < bridge> but yeah truckers go through borders multiple times a day sometimes 20:06 < bridge> it's a normal thing 20:06 < bridge> cool 20:06 < bridge> i really should go to bed now 20:06 < bridge> lol 20:07 < bridge> gn fred 20:07 < bridge> 2am already 20:07 < bridge> i think i'm gonna try a cmos flush 20:07 < bridge> it totally could be a firmware thing. i've poked in there a lot the past year and a half i've had it 20:07 < bridge> it totally could be a firmware thing. i've poked around in there a lot the past year and a half i've had it 20:14 < bridge> i think my GPU is covering it though so i have to find the jumper 20:15 < bridge> ☕ 20:17 < bridge> hi ryozuki 20:17 < bridge> hi ewan 20:17 < bridge> do u know my problem 20:17 < bridge> i didnt read chat 20:18 < bridge> omg 20:18 < bridge> r u on windows 20:19 < bridge> ya 20:19 < bridge> cant help 20:19 < bridge> sadness lives within me 20:19 < bridge> u can always switch to linux 20:19 < bridge> also hibernation is not even needed 20:19 < bridge> do u think this functionality is enabled on a live cd 20:19 < bridge> idk 20:19 < bridge> i want to leave my pc on without the fan spinning. it's very loud recently 20:19 < bridge> just power it down 20:20 < bridge> yea but i lose my contexts in apps and stuff :( big productivity hit 20:20 < bridge> i forget i was doing stuff 20:20 < bridge> cuz u use bloated software 20:20 < bridge> :justatest: 20:20 < bridge> wdym 20:21 < bridge> idk i always close without issue 20:21 < bridge> and no hit 20:21 < bridge> but well my life is simple 20:21 < bridge> open editor code 20:21 < bridge> my issue is remembering i even had a particular app open 20:21 < bridge> close 20:21 < bridge> my ide has projects open and i hop between stuff a lot so when i wake up i like to see where i left off 20:21 < bridge> past few days i've been forgetting i've been using figma for smth 20:21 < bridge> it's just a pain in the ass 20:22 < bridge> i never used to shut down but it's so stupidly loud now 20:22 < bridge> hm 20:22 < bridge> why is it loud now 20:22 < bridge> age probably 20:22 < bridge> u can tweak fans on bios 20:22 < bridge> well on mine i can 20:22 < bridge> its a 170€ mobo tho 20:22 < bridge> yeah i can control fan speeds but idk if i can do curves or anything 20:22 < bridge> it's very barebones 20:22 < bridge> i can do curves 20:22 < bridge> buy better fans 20:22 < bridge> i generally replace them every summer 20:23 < bridge> i want to but my hyper 212 mounting nuts are lost so i have to use intel stock cooler 20:23 < bridge> but this time i bought higher quality ones 20:23 < bridge> noctua 20:23 < bridge> they are silend 20:23 < bridge> yea i was gonna splurge 20:23 < bridge> but each one costs 30€ 20:23 < bridge> but i went to actually install my hyper 212 after putting it off for months only to find out that i don't have the nuts 20:23 < bridge> so i have to buy a new cooler altogether 20:23 < bridge> a sad situation 20:23 < bridge> xd 20:23 < bridge> i had that cooler too 20:23 < bridge> i have noctua now 20:24 < bridge> which 20:24 < bridge> https://noctua.at/en/nh-u12a-chromax-black 20:24 < bridge> this 20:24 < bridge> it fits if u had a 212 20:25 < bridge> also you should not have to replace your fans, the ones immediately above the cheapest option usually have lubricant reservoirs 20:25 < bridge> this one has 3 more pipes 20:25 < bridge> or 4 20:25 < bridge> iirc 20:25 < bridge> nice but my cpu kinda sips so i don't need anything too performant 20:25 < bridge> yeah but i used to buy rly cheap ones 20:25 < bridge> cuz i didnt have as much money as now 20:25 < bridge> life 20:25 < bridge> dev life 20:25 < bridge> i want to make the bucks 20:25 < bridge> can only go up 20:25 < bridge> good thing about this job 20:26 < bridge> u have a upwards future 20:26 < bridge> in most ur stuck at ur range 20:26 < bridge> xd 20:26 < bridge> in 5 years all junior roles will be filled by AI 20:26 < bridge> i went from 18k to 25k to 33k 20:26 < bridge> i know not much 20:26 < bridge> damn 20:26 < bridge> for a murican 20:26 < bridge> but im above avg in spain 20:26 < bridge> nice 20:26 < bridge> and i got offers for 50k now 20:26 < bridge> i think us lacks smart people so good devs are rarer xd 20:26 < bridge> they get paid more 20:26 < bridge> but i like where i am quite a lot 20:27 < bridge> yea you are euros right 20:27 < bridge> 💶 20:27 < bridge> basically equivalent to usd 20:27 < bridge> ye 20:27 < bridge> we make 2x u do on this side of the ocean lol 20:27 < bridge> but idk things are costlier in US 20:27 < bridge> @Ewan Green how much is a big sized good coffee 20:27 < bridge> yeah very expensive 20:27 < bridge> mine comes out to $11 ish 20:27 < bridge> here a big one is 2€ a normal 1€ 20:27 < bridge> LMAO 20:27 < bridge> xd 20:27 < bridge> what a world 20:28 < bridge> here ppl would be beyond crazy 20:28 < bridge> if 11€ for 1 coffee 20:28 < bridge> trust me 20:28 < bridge> i went to paris 20:28 < bridge> and found it weird it costs 6€ 20:28 < bridge> coffee + croisant here is like 3€ 20:28 < bridge> mine is a little bit extra cuz i get extra espresso shots, but on its own it's still absurd 20:28 < bridge> coffee + croissant is such an awesome combo 20:28 < bridge> ofc 20:29 < bridge> my internship fell through 20:29 < bridge> so i'm boned for now 20:29 < bridge> gotta wait until july 30 20:29 < bridge> very catalan 20:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111722882985365504/pan-tumaca-41-815x458.jpg 20:29 < bridge> :justatest: 20:29 < bridge> looks delicious 20:30 < bridge> it is 20:30 < bridge> all of it 20:30 < bridge> also there is a weird but delicious combo with this "jamon" 20:30 < bridge> not big on the super cured aged hams but otherwise yea 20:30 < bridge> the ham with melon 20:30 < bridge> the contrast of salad and it 20:30 < bridge> nothing like it 20:30 < bridge> wow usually i try to do something savory with it 20:31 < bridge> and when i compare it to a salami i don't like it 20:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111723217300758678/melon-con-jamon-preparado-con-palillos.jpg 20:31 < bridge> but i never thought about putting it with something sweeter 20:31 < bridge> if u ever come here 20:31 < bridge> try this 20:31 < bridge> yea looks awesome 20:31 < bridge> best summer food 20:31 < bridge> xd 20:31 < bridge> there are qualities to aged hams 20:31 < bridge> and trust me 20:31 < bridge> it changes a lot 20:31 < bridge> from a bad one to good 20:32 < bridge> yea i've never had anything better than grocery store deli 20:32 < bridge> how many J it has 20:32 < bridge> dictates the quallity 20:32 < bridge> https://www.elpaladar.es/es/jamon-de-bellota-100-iberico-cinco-jotas-5j_p728350.htm 20:32 < bridge> and well cutting it is an art 20:32 < bridge> needs to be fine 20:32 < bridge> yea food internet has introduced me to this jamon stuff but never seen it irl 20:33 < bridge> igot one 20:33 < bridge> as a present 20:33 < bridge> in christmas 20:33 < bridge> oh man 20:33 < bridge> from company 20:33 < bridge> xd 20:33 < bridge> awesome 20:33 < bridge> we don't have gestures like that around here 20:33 < bridge> here its rly common 20:33 < bridge> all spanish companies do it 20:33 < bridge> wine, etc 20:33 < bridge> yea here u might do wine if you're old and/or rich 20:33 < bridge> xd 20:34 < bridge> most likely trying to imitate what you guys have going on 20:34 < bridge> idk 20:34 < bridge> i might look again for those damn nuts 20:34 < bridge> smth like this 20:34 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1111724101749440634/lote-de-navidad-lote-355-22-bandeja-madera-blanco_9300912_xxl.jpg 20:34 < bridge> depends on the company if its better or worse xd 20:35 < bridge> dang 20:35 < bridge> delicacies 20:35 < bridge> yeye 20:35 < bridge> christmas best 20:35 < bridge> idc about religion 20:35 < bridge> i want free stuffs 20:35 < bridge> lol 20:36 < bridge> im at an age now where i can't just take 20:36 < bridge> i have to give 20:36 < bridge> sux 20:36 < bridge> why u sound old 20:36 < bridge> how old 20:36 < bridge> im 23 in 3 days 20:36 < bridge> im not old but usually ppl my age have jobs and are buying their family shit on the holidays 20:36 < bridge> if they love them that is 20:36 < bridge> me 17 20:36 < bridge> lol 20:36 < bridge> ppl ur age dont have jobs 20:36 < bridge> i would say 20% maybe 20:36 < bridge> and they are jobs to pay uni or smth 20:37 < bridge> dont worry xd 20:37 < bridge> i mean 20:37 < bridge> i guess 20:37 < bridge> trust me 20:37 < bridge> i don't like being a freeloader 20:37 < bridge> i also used to be worried xd 20:37 < bridge> r u going to uni 20:37 < bridge> it sucks to be in debt at 18 already xd 20:37 < bridge> nah 20:37 < bridge> (i didnt go to uni) 20:38 < bridge> i was going to be set with this internship but they really pulled the rug out on me 20:38 < bridge> i went to the site to get a run down on how things were and days go by waiting for them to send me things to sign and laptop and whatever 20:38 < bridge> @Learath2 did u ever try this 20:38 < bridge> i reach out and bossman says HR changed their mind, no longer comfortable hiring a minor 20:38 < bridge> lmao 20:39 < bridge> even though according to my state law I'm not 20:39 < bridge> pussy hr 20:39 < bridge> since i have a high school diploma or equivalent 20:39 < bridge> i told him and i got no response 20:39 < bridge> its not like u work a high risk job 20:39 < bridge> shady shit 20:39 < bridge> yea 20:39 < bridge> they probs just didnt want u 20:39 < bridge> excuses 20:39 < bridge> could be 20:39 < bridge> its normal 20:39 < bridge> u will be rejected even if ur mr perfect 20:39 < bridge> looking for a job 20:40 < bridge> though i got interviews with them through a contact of mine, he knows the guy who would have been my boss & contact said boss was really thrilled with me 20:40 < bridge> i don't think they would just say that, right 20:40 < bridge> fucked up if so 20:40 < bridge> maybe it is a way to deal with comp science egos 20:40 < bridge> break them down lol 20:41 < bridge> this may sound like a joke but 20:41 < bridge> maybe learn rust 20:41 < bridge> lately there are way more jobs 20:41 < bridge> yeah rust is a goal of mine 20:41 < bridge> and ppl calling me to interview xd 20:41 < bridge> but well i got lucky cuz i found a job with rust 20:41 < bridge> so now i got the xp 20:41 < bridge> thats hard to get 20:42 < bridge> anyway rust is the future 20:42 < bridge> but well web dev pays a lot too 20:42 < bridge> web dev is very saturated 20:42 < bridge> and i'm not interested anywya 20:42 < bridge> and i'm not interested anyway 20:42 < bridge> yeah 20:42 < bridge> but most jobs are web dev too 20:43 < bridge> yeah 20:43 < bridge> im completely uninterested in web dev at the momeny 20:43 < bridge> im completely uninterested in web dev at the moment 20:43 < bridge> it's just not intuitive to me, the way they do things 20:45 < bridge> i also think the company's issue was a miscommunication 20:45 < bridge> because i think the boss interpreted their initial warning as them saying to beware, instead of just trying to be gentle as a hard denial 20:45 < bridge> and then we got further through the process and when it came time for them to have more input 20:45 < bridge> they clarified? 20:46 < bridge> i am just pissed because this was my way forward and now i have no idea what to do 20:48 < bridge> We removed compressed image formats: 20:48 < bridge> 1. They are not standardized,they are not lossless or might affect performance 20:48 < bridge> 2. They were buggy on some computers when textures were update 20:48 < bridge> 3. Since some impl weren't losless they made the game look like trash and ppl didn't understand why 20:48 < bridge> I couldn't name a game that used them anyway xd 20:48 < bridge> @Ewan Green i would rework ur web 20:48 < bridge> and put gh link front 20:48 < bridge> and do more stuffs 20:49 < bridge> but thats how i work 20:49 < bridge> i know some ppl dont use gh to show their work 20:49 < bridge> they love their private sources 20:49 < bridge> stuff has been slow for me lately 20:49 < bridge> also having a blog greatly helps 20:49 < bridge> just write 20:49 < bridge> since at first i thought i would be able to put less effort into impressing employers through gh stats & stuff 20:49 < bridge> and now afterwards i am just in a pit 20:50 < bridge> yeah i might make a blog 20:50 < bridge> i don't know what i would write about 20:50 < bridge> Ofc, it's a classic combo 20:50 < bridge> @Ewan Green u write about stuff u made, you seen, you had troubbles with but solved 20:51 < bridge> or anything u find interesting 20:51 < bridge> i also thought at first, who would read my shit 20:51 < bridge> but look 20:51 < bridge> some ppl even link it here 20:51 < bridge> xdxd 20:51 < bridge> nice u know well 20:51 < bridge> my grandma prepares it 20:51 < bridge> best 20:51 < bridge> with ham from local market 20:51 < bridge> yep 20:52 < bridge> https://edgarluque.com/ 20:52 < bridge> maybe a blog would be better than running my friends' ears off 20:52 < bridge> :justatest: 20:52 < bridge> for example 20:52 < bridge> u just learnt about std::optional 20:52 < bridge> write about it 20:52 < bridge> i did 20:52 < bridge> ? 20:52 < bridge> its an example 20:53 < bridge> hypothetical 20:53 < bridge> oic 20:53 < bridge> lol 20:53 < bridge> u just learn about how rust is better than c and cpp combined, u write about it 20:53 < bridge> i thought u were talking about rust std option 20:53 < bridge> ye 20:53 < bridge> ye 20:53 < bridge> no 20:53 < bridge> i said optional 20:53 < bridge> so its cpp 20:53 < bridge> ya 20:53 < bridge> in rust its Option 20:53 < bridge> ya 20:53 < bridge> we talked about this a week or more ago, when talking about protocol stuff 20:53 < bridge> xd 20:53 < bridge> i thought that may have been what u were saying 20:53 < bridge> but i understand now it's hypothetical 20:53 < bridge> hope i am clear 20:53 < bridge> yeah sry i didnt have much cpp in my head 20:54 < bridge> so i just remembered that 20:54 < bridge> ye 20:54 < bridge> maybe about the weak ordering from learath 20:54 < bridge> xdxd 20:54 < bridge> yea that sizeof ptr stuff was a mindfuck 20:54 < bridge> but i don't work with pointers unless i'm doign cursed stuff or working with lots of deeta 20:55 < bridge> another thing to write a lot about is threading 20:55 < bridge> since nobody understands it 20:55 < bridge> i should write more but im lazy 20:55 < bridge> it is a tricky topic 20:55 < bridge> https://edgarluque.com/blog/sdl2-cmake/ 20:55 < bridge> this is my first post 20:55 < bridge> xddd 20:55 < bridge> yea i even saw that and was like geez that's pretty basic 20:55 < bridge> but if it works i'll try 20:56 < bridge> and for some reason 20:56 < bridge> its one with most traffic 20:56 < bridge> yea 20:56 < bridge> ppl suck at cmake 20:56 < bridge> most googled 20:56 < bridge> right lmfao 20:56 < bridge> cmake sucks it's kind of just trial and error to begin 20:56 < bridge> there are no good guides 20:56 < bridge> i guess i shoud add that to my resume i forgot about it 20:58 < bridge> stupid mounting nuts are nowhere to be found 20:58 < bridge> it's over 20:58 < bridge> xd 20:58 < bridge> i have spare of all the shit i bought 20:58 < bridge> i don't know when i would have done it but i fear they are on my cousin's motherboard 21:00 < bridge> i have too many cords and misc pieces of tech 21:00 < bridge> ugh 21:04 < bridge> why i have microsoft visual c++ 6.0 professional edition box in my closet 21:26 < bridge> @Robyt3 when i select text in a text input, then press ctrl + backspace, it does not delete the text but jump to start instead xd 22:03 < bridge> lmao i actually used your tutorial to start messing around with ddnet 22:12 < bridge> epic 22:12 < bridge> ddnet: https://edgarluque.com/categories/ddracenetwork/ 22:49 < bridge> discords cross linking is still the must stupid thing 22:50 <+ChillerDragon> yo fstd ? 22:50 < bridge> ? 22:50 < bridge> githubs cross linking is still the must stupid thing 22:51 < bridge> **f**ile **s** (ystem|**t**andar**d**) 22:51 < bridge> like this? 22:53 < bridge> yo 22:54 < bridge> moin 22:54 < bridge> wie gehts wie stehts 23:01 < bridge> what 23:01 < bridge> im a bit not goodf 23:01 < bridge>