00:03 < bridge> time to cache 00:16 < bridge> checking all 296 online players :pepekek: 00:18 < bridge> :justatest: 00:20 < bridge> do you have ME friended? 00:57 < bridge> Time to not do that every frame 😛 01:02 < bridge> why every frame? 01:16 < bridge> https://anvaka.github.io/map-of-github/#11.8/31.96908/-25.33289 02:36 < bridge> I wonder if anyone have a blmapV2 map?? 02:44 < bridge> this option seems kind of useless with the way people use clans. maybe the clan should always be ignored if not explicitly requested 02:46 < bridge> this is roughly how it looks like in compact mode 02:50 < bridge> ChillerDragon: probably never 0.6.5 dissector support. you can manually mark it as tw traffic 02:55 < bridge> I don't see individual packets in the screenshots though 04:23 < bridge> huh? 07:10 < bridge> do you think it would be plausible to multithread resource access so the whole game does not have to wait on skins or assets to reload 07:10 < bridge> do you think it would be plausible to multithread image resource access so the whole game does not have to wait on skins or assets to reload 07:48 < bridge> A clicked decode as tw and that screenshot is the result. It does not detect most of the packets 07:48 < bridge> (@heinrich5991) 09:31 < bridge> how to make funvote (vote what does nothing) 09:34 < bridge> add_vote "" 09:34 < bridge> if it was that order 09:34 < bridge> btw better ask in #questions 09:43 <+ChillerDragon> I think ddnet.org/discord invite link expired or they ban tor idk 09:43 < bridge> nice, u wanted to join dark side 09:43 <+ChillerDragon> no i wanted to see the server logo 09:44 <+ChillerDragon> but somehow it doesnt let me in with tor i guess 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> ah no its a tor thing 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> ok 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> they say invite invalid everywhere its weird 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> but its discord idk what i expected xd 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> could someone leak the server icon pls? 09:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/banners/252358080522747904/0d354d2eed749ac614eb09ef34ac6370.webp?size=480 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> wow a banner? 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> looks nice 09:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/252358080522747904/6099774a59eac2e4196415cf96be4b35.webp?size=96 09:45 <+ChillerDragon> ah 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> where do banners even go? 09:46 < bridge> what is a logo for u 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> the one in the servers list 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> top left 09:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109386601521496084/image.png 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> are these banners new? 09:46 < bridge> not really 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> i meant the one on the very left ty 09:46 < bridge> but for u maybe xd 09:46 < bridge> i already sent it bro 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> yes i know thanks 09:46 <+ChillerDragon> who made the banner? 09:47 <+ChillerDragon> it hot 09:47 < bridge> i dunno i guess ravie? 09:47 < bridge> its hot except the ugly orange tees :^) 09:48 <+ChillerDragon> lol 09:48 < bridge> here chiller 09:48 < bridge> since u missed all fun 09:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295908390956433410/1051596901163741234/TEEWORLDS_BANNER.png 09:48 < bridge> from voxel 09:48 <+ChillerDragon> pog but not very clean 09:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295908390956433410/1051596901503483974/LOUIS_BANNER.png 09:48 <+ChillerDragon> thats nice! 09:48 <+ChillerDragon> good bg 09:49 < bridge> https://i.imgur.com/sMNF9St.png 09:49 <+ChillerDragon> cring hallo 09:49 < bridge> ^ insanity 09:49 < bridge> https://i.imgur.com/VtsHvdG.jpeg 09:49 <+ChillerDragon> looks like the art style from da one yter 09:49 <+ChillerDragon> yes 09:49 < bridge> ManniK 09:49 <+ChillerDragon> ty for sharing all dis 09:50 <+ChillerDragon> @nouis u got ur banner in a higher res too? 09:50 <+ChillerDragon> i wanna buy 09:51 < bridge> https://i.imgur.com/elzbuXJ.png 09:51 < bridge> from insanity too 09:51 <+ChillerDragon> thats looks familiar 09:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109388256140865536/co.gif 09:53 <+ChillerDragon> wtf xd 09:54 < bridge> my photo has been mangles 09:54 < bridge> my photo has been mangled 10:00 < bridge> itd not look as good if it was clean 10:00 < bridge> refering to my image 10:26 < bridge> i add some file in the project 10:27 < bridge> and i try to compile the progject and 10:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109396847736406027/image.png 10:27 < bridge> how to solve this 10:27 < bridge> LNK2001 errer 10:27 < bridge> LNK2001 error 10:27 < bridge> thanks for help 10:28 < bridge> if you’re declaring a variable as extern, you need to provide it a definition as well 10:29 < bridge> ok i will look for the error 10:29 < bridge> do you have any new extern variables? 10:29 < bridge> and for the record I can’t read any of this 10:30 < bridge> also, if you’re using CMake, you need to regenerate your solution with cmake -G or the GUI (with the new files in your cmakelists) 10:32 < bridge> where are the kill tiles handled? cant seem to find it 10:32 < bridge> what about the kill tiles 10:33 < ws-client> o/ this message was sent from https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 10:33 < ws-client> !jup thats what i needed the logo for xd i built discord lokking frontend for irc 10:33 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 10:33 < bridge> like what file 10:34 < bridge> i wanna toy around with making them /r if you are in practice 10:34 < bridge> epic xd 10:34 < ws-client> on irc its instant im sure there is a bit delay to discord 10:35 < ws-client> try sending a message xd 10:35 < bridge> i can’t remember what /r does 10:36 < ws-client> 10:36 < bridge> xd 10:38 < bridge> i have a confession 10:38 < bridge> i only code in ddnet because im better at editing code than writing my own code 10:38 < ws-client> 10:38 < ws-client> a FUCK 10:38 < ws-client> all green now xd 10:38 < bridge> greem 10:42 < ws-client> UwU 10:51 < bridge> it tps u to the last spot u were alive and unfreezes u 10:52 < bridge> in theory i could learn rust by editing preexisting rust code 10:52 < bridge> but it still hurts my head 11:02 < bridge> i looked around a bit and for whatever reason it doesn't look like its determination is as simple as something like a freeze tile is 11:02 < bridge> `CCharacter::HandleTiles` does most of it like this/ 11:03 < bridge> ```cpp 11:03 < bridge> if(((m_TileIndex == TILE_FREEZE) || (m_TileFIndex == TILE_FREEZE)) && !m_Core.m_Super && !m_Core.m_DeepFrozen) 11:03 < bridge> { 11:03 < bridge> Freeze(); 11:03 < bridge> } 11:03 < bridge> else if(((m_TileIndex == TILE_UNFREEZE) || (m_TileFIndex == TILE_UNFREEZE)) && !m_Core.m_DeepFrozen) 11:03 < bridge> UnFreeze(); 11:03 < bridge> ``` 11:04 < bridge> this is at the start of `CCharacter::HandleSkippableTiles` in game/server/entities/character.cpp and is probably what you want 11:04 < bridge> ```cpp 11:04 < bridge> // handle death-tiles and leaving gamelayer 11:04 < bridge> if((Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetFCollisionAt(m_Pos.x + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetFCollisionAt(m_Pos.x + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetFCollisionAt(m_Pos.x - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH || 11:04 < bridge> Collision()->GetFCollisionAt(m_Pos.x - GetProximityRadius() / 3.f, m_Pos.y + GetProximityRadius() / 3.f) == TILE_DEATH) && 11:04 < bridge> !m_Core.m_Super && !(Team() && Teams()->TeeFinished(m_pPlayer->GetCID()))) 11:04 < bridge> { 11:04 < bridge> Die(m_pPlayer->GetCID(), WEAPON_WORLD); 11:04 < bridge> return; 11:04 < bridge> } 11:04 < bridge> 11:04 < ws-client> lul 11:04 < bridge> if(GameLayerClipped(m_Pos)) 11:04 < bridge> { 11:04 < bridge> Die(m_pPlayer->GetCID(), WEAPON_WORLD); 11:04 < bridge> return; 11:04 < bridge> } 11:04 < bridge> ``` 11:04 < ws-client> check out rust 11:04 < bridge> nice code guys 😃 11:04 < ws-client> the best lang 11:05 < bridge> rust doesn't fix that 11:05 < bridge> that was me 11:05 < bridge> trying the chat 11:05 < bridge> ```cpp 11:05 < bridge> if(condition) { 11:05 < bridge> doOneThing(); 11:05 < bridge> } 11:05 < bridge> if(otherCondition) 11:05 < bridge> doOneOtherThing(); 11:05 < bridge> ``` 11:05 < bridge> oic 11:05 < bridge> in that chat i didnt even see ur code properly 11:05 < bridge> since it spam line per line or smth 11:05 < bridge> xd 11:05 <+ChillerDragon> @Ewan please stop sending code snippets 11:06 < bridge> lul he hates it 11:06 < bridge> your bridge getting blown up im sure 11:06 <+ChillerDragon> !ryo maybe one day ill add code snippet thingy but u like it so far? xd 11:06 < chillerbot> @Ryozuki 11:06 < bridge> what if i were to... edit some indentation...... 11:06 < bridge> i forgot to ping you @Broso56 11:07 < bridge> chiller 11:07 < bridge> check out edlang 11:07 <+ChillerDragon> ye 11:07 <+ChillerDragon> oof 11:07 < bridge> edlang 11:07 < bridge> today i added rly basic type inference 11:07 <+ChillerDragon> im not sure why i should 11:07 < bridge> you gotta sell it more 11:07 < bridge> cuz i made it 11:07 <+ChillerDragon> sounds like work idk what to do with it 11:07 < bridge> does it do my laundry 11:07 < bridge> u cant do much rn 11:07 < bridge> just fiddle with numbers 11:07 < bridge> i didnt even add a print yet 11:07 < bridge> what's 9+10 11:08 <+ChillerDragon> yea ill try when u added print xd 11:08 < bridge> xd 11:08 < bridge> ye meeu pointed me in the same direction, should hopefully be good enough to implement it idk 11:08 < bridge> ty though 11:08 < bridge> meeu know code? 11:08 <+ChillerDragon> !ryo wat are the lang goals? 11:08 < chillerbot> @Ryozuki 11:08 < bridge> GitHub search for relevant issues: `is:issue sort:updated-desc is:open -label:needs-discussion -label:to-reproduce -label:incomplete -label:"3rd party" -label:meta-discussion` 11:08 < bridge> idk yet 11:08 <+ChillerDragon> will it be safe or sumsin? 11:08 < bridge> gotta figure out 11:08 < bridge> probs not safe, idk how to code a borrow checker 11:08 < bridge> yes 11:09 < bridge> swag 11:09 <+ChillerDragon> !ryo make it so its safe for me to include !edlang eval into chilerbot 11:09 < chillerbot> @Ryozuki 11:09 < bridge> reference check 11:09 < bridge> ez 11:09 < bridge> i gotta figure out how type inference works if i ever add generics 11:09 < bridge> type inference is a joke 11:09 < bridge> in cpp it's carried by literal disambiguators 11:09 < bridge> auto e = 10u; unsigned int 11:09 < bridge> yadda 11:09 < bridge> basic stuff should be ez tho 11:10 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindley%E2%80%93Milner_type_system 11:12 < bridge> yesterday i added basic CFG 11:12 < bridge> so i can do if else now 11:12 < bridge> smiley 11:36 < bridge> Раздаю скины на халяву в CSGO 11:36 < bridge> Разные: калаши, диглы, глоки и.т.д 11:36 < bridge> Просто эта игра уже не для меня 11:36 < bridge> Забрать можешь в тг канале: @csgoke 11:36 < bridge> 24/7 в сети, принимаю трейды 11:37 < bridge> what 12:55 <+ChillerDragon> ruski csgo 13:12 <+ChillerDragon> !:justatest: 13:12 < chillerbot> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/justatest.png 13:12 <+ChillerDragon> omg pog 13:12 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1684581127.png 13:13 < bridge> !😢 13:13 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1684581191.png 13:13 < bridge> lol nice 13:13 < ws-client> ikr 13:14 < ws-client> !rust ```fn foo(): str { return "hello"; }``` 13:14 < chillerbot> @Ryozuki 13:14 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1684581244.png 13:14 <+ChillerDragon> literally discord with irc as backend 13:16 <+ChillerDragon> ok ima put build real discord in half a day on my CV now 13:41 < bridge> i add sth that defined in my own file. 13:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109445771448823879/image.png 13:41 < bridge> i add sth that defined in my own file. 13:41 < bridge> and i add it in the gameclient.cpp 13:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109445904131436585/image.png 13:42 < bridge> and LNK2019 13:42 < bridge> and LNK2001 13:42 < bridge> and error LNK2001 13:42 < bridge> Has it always been the case that players here are sorted by their time descending? The player with the worst time is at the top. Both on nightly and 16.9 13:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109446087296692225/image.png 13:44 < bridge> i did not declar any var as extern 13:52 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109448518457884722/image.png 13:52 < bridge> these files with g_pData have the LNK errors 13:52 < bridge> how to solve 13:55 < bridge> maybe it was forgotten when time scores were added 14:03 < bridge> @heinrich5991 14:04 < bridge> anyone help me 14:06 < bridge> With what? 14:06 < bridge> (@Vinson) 14:07 < bridge> the problem i send 14:18 <+ChillerDragon> u mean the one from 13:41 i dont get it what is LNK2001? xd do you get a compile error? can you show the full error or even share your repo? 14:37 < bridge> its a bug i think, it started happening the same time the other bugs happened 14:37 < bridge> like scrambled order in scoreboard ingame, not updating scoreboard time for a while after finish, etc 16:05 < bridge> Did you create new .h or .cpp files? If so then you gotta add that to the CMakeLists.txt i think 17:21 < bridge> where is the /r check for if the player is in the air/freeze? wanted to add another check for kill but i cant find where thats done, tried looking in the rescue function and Load but cant really find anything related to it 17:48 <+ChillerDragon> !jup new screen arrived and is boring af xd 17:48 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 17:48 <+ChillerDragon> total waste of money xd 17:48 <+ChillerDragon> well ok to be fair i did buy it to feel exactly like my old one and just fix the tearing and indeed it did xd 17:49 <+ChillerDragon> it doesnt look any sharper or nicer xd which is fair i guess but it also doesnt feel any smoother than my suuuuuper old cheaper 60hz monitor xd 17:49 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1684597779.png 17:49 <+ChillerDragon> do u know why the menu does not offer more than 60hz? 17:51 <+ChillerDragon> but buy this screen comes with his own set of problems xd freeze is so washy feels like i am drunk xd 17:52 <+ChillerDragon> nvm it glitchy af xd good i also ordered a new pc just in case xd 17:57 < bridge> search for `m_Core.m_IsInFreeze = false` in `character.cpp` (server-side). it remembers the location for rescue when the tee is not in freeze and not in the air with `SetRescue();` 17:58 < bridge> doing rescue for kill tiles would be harder, because kill immediately ends the run as far as I know, so you need to make the tee spec and give them a choice to rescue or restart when they hit a kill tile 18:02 < bridge> i mean my testing was fairly limited but for the most part the feature worked fine, the only reason i need that check is because you can get tped inside of a kill tile which makes you unable to move and spams /r infinitely, so unless i would have to refactor how thats done that part already works 18:02 < bridge> but ye ty ill look into that 18:07 < bridge> !c no hate but if u cant feel difference between 60hz and 144hz then u lost af xD 18:07 < chillerbot> ChillerDragon 18:08 < bridge> if menu doesnt offer more than 60hz then u didnt even set it to 144hz yet lmao 18:11 < bridge> undefined behavior sanitizer as anime 😬 18:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109513703931510904/image.png 18:11 < ws-client> xd 18:12 <+ChillerDragon> !jup yea maybe the screen is 60hz by default would be weird tho rght? 18:12 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 18:12 < bridge> i dont trust gnome 18:12 < bridge> xrandr -r 144 18:12 <+ChillerDragon> i did notice a hughe diff when i bought my new laptop with 120hz its so much more smooth even on gnome desktop 18:12 < bridge> if it fails then pc issue 18:12 <+ChillerDragon> but this screen is borin af 18:13 <+ChillerDragon> Rate 144.00 Hz not available for this size 18:13 <+ChillerDragon> i got scammed xd 18:13 < bridge> lmao, but tbf 18:13 < bridge> could be ur GPU 18:13 <+ChillerDragon> rly? 18:13 < bridge> with 4090 it should work 18:13 < bridge> yes 18:13 <+ChillerDragon> gpu can say no? 18:13 < bridge> yep 18:13 <+ChillerDragon> watf 18:13 <+ChillerDragon> ok good that i bought new one then 18:13 < bridge> display port also has limitations 18:13 < bridge> and hdmi 18:14 <+ChillerDragon> i mean 980 is kinda top of the line 18:14 <+ChillerDragon> or was 10yrs ago 18:17 <+ChillerDragon> !jup jup japster check out my new setup!!! it loooks wastly different than my old one 18:17 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 18:17 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1684599427.png 18:18 < bridge> lmao 18:18 < bridge> 1:1 same 18:18 <+ChillerDragon> ikr 18:18 <+ChillerDragon> also irl it feels 99% same 18:18 <+ChillerDragon> just colors are worse 18:18 <+ChillerDragon> and even on max birghtness this lumen suck ass 18:19 <+ChillerDragon> funny after how many years later i can buy the same screen in more expensive and its worse. 18:19 <+ChillerDragon> gotta love inflation 18:20 < bridge> !c here AI generated your dream setup for u 18:20 < chillerbot> ChillerDragon 18:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109515977097478314/chiller.png 18:20 < ws-client> wotefek 18:20 < ws-client> hot 18:20 < ws-client> go green vape nation 18:20 < bridge> wtf is ws-client 18:21 <+ChillerDragon> https://chat.zillyhuhn.com/ 18:21 <+ChillerDragon> its nicer for image viewing than weechat xd 18:21 <+ChillerDragon> eventho i have gotten really good at imagining how the image would look like based on the discord cdn url 18:21 < ws-client> the heck these pfps lmfao 18:21 < ws-client> they're high af 18:21 <+ChillerDragon> yea.. its placeholders for now xd 18:22 <+ChillerDragon> high? 18:22 < ws-client> test 18:22 <+ChillerDragon> its teeish 18:22 < ws-client> ah lol u can simply type in, nice 18:22 <+ChillerDragon> yes its free to use 18:22 <+ChillerDragon> no accounts no nothing 18:22 <+ChillerDragon> as it should be 18:24 < ws-client> and beatiful af 18:25 < ws-client> discord is almost as good as this 18:25 < bridge> buggy 18:25 <+ChillerDragon> wot? 18:25 <+ChillerDragon> how 18:25 < bridge> does it allow multi-line btw 18:25 <+ChillerDragon> no its irc based xd 18:26 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/ratio-gif-10659919215624036811 18:26 < ws-client> foo bar 18:27 < ws-client> foo\n bar 18:35 < bridge> seems to work fine, ty lmao 18:36 < bridge> i just had to copy the killtile collision code which probably isnt the best idea but it works xd 18:53 < ws-client> test 18:53 < bridge> anyone can send msges from there? 18:53 < bridge> :justatest: 18:53 < bridge> yup 18:53 < bridge> seems like a disaster waiting to happen once 1 person abuses it 18:53 < bridge> ez spam 18:55 <+ChillerDragon> yes pls dont abuse ._. 18:55 <+ChillerDragon> i can trust u guys 18:55 <+ChillerDragon> .. right? 18:55 <+ChillerDragon> worked wonderfully last time when lerato deleted the drive of my raspberry pi xd 18:59 < bridge> yes trust me 19:03 < bridge> You can trust my bot. It only malfunctioned that one time and honestly it won't miss those files. 👻 🎩 19:04 < bridge> yup 19:17 < bridge> I don't think this is a good idea. instead, you should have to manually press /r after you die in /practice IMO 19:17 < bridge> that's AMAZING, everyone will love you for this ^^ people usually say the opposite thing 19:19 < bridge> i mean that would work as well but i dont really see much of an issue with it auto rescuing you 19:19 < bridge> by doing it automatically, you might get weird effects 19:20 < bridge> e.g. constantly being pushed into death tiles after /r 19:20 < bridge> or pushing other tees away from the place where you spawn with /r 19:20 < bridge> i guess yea 19:20 < bridge> but if it becomes too much of an issue they can /tp out no? 19:21 < bridge> the main thing that annoyed me was if someone didnt react fast enough they would have to /practice again and then /tp back to the spot they died 19:21 < bridge> tping out of a spot isnt as annoying 19:22 < bridge> just put the player that hit death tiles in a special state where they can spectate and use /r to rescue 19:26 < bridge> that special state might also be good for death tiles after finishing in etam 19:26 < bridge> so that you're out of the world, but not killed 19:26 < bridge> the kill immunity is really just a source of bugs ^^ 19:26 < bridge> also, it'd fix the problem of falling outside the map after finishing 21:17 < bridge> i have want a make own client but i know nothing and where need i start? 21:17 < bridge> hi i want a make own client but i know nothing and where need i start? 21:19 < bridge> wait, really? i always thought it was more of a flex when you coded your own prpjects 21:26 < bridge> It's more of a flex, but flex isn't appreciated as much as help 21:26 < bridge> can somebody help me :shy: 21:26 < bridge> depends on what you need help with 21:27 < bridge> how can i make own client 21:27 < bridge> and which language use for this 21:27 < bridge> Only option is C++ 21:28 < bridge> You just learn C++, clone the source and start modifying it 21:29 < bridge> oh ok thx 21:30 < bridge> look at Robyt3 21:30 < bridge> he's literally shaping out this 20 years old project 21:32 < bridge> yea this puts it all into perspective 21:32 < bridge> i guess its easier for me to recognize patterns than create patterns 21:33 < bridge> its like looking at somebody's artwork 21:33 < bridge> you see every problematic piece 21:34 < bridge> if you can understand process of art tho 21:36 < bridge> yeah definitely 21:36 < bridge> i guess my next step is to look at more complex code 21:38 < bridge> like i know how to send and recieve packets now, i know how to work namespaces, i know a tiny bit about how to treat classes 21:45 < bridge> I still think you'd benefit from doing a couple formal exercises. Like implementing a data structure, implementing an algorithm + making one program that you think might be useful 21:45 < bridge> learn more about packet packing, data compressing and snapshot system in tw 21:45 < bridge> they're quake alike 21:45 < bridge> doesn't have to be a massive program either, a lot of the people I tutor go for a todo program e.g. 21:46 < bridge> so i mean they're not that hard to understand 21:55 < bridge> is packet packing different than creating and sending a packet 21:57 < bridge> if you think that filling up *netmsg is packet packing its not 21:58 < bridge> im interested in these new terms :o 21:58 < bridge> afair there's packer.h/cpp 22:00 < bridge> thats because u need more xp 22:17 < bridge> i cant wait to become good at cpp and rust so i can help make ddnet 2.0 22:18 < bridge> since i know rust will become a heavy part of ddnet soon 22:18 < bridge> why so? 22:19 < bridge> just ask ryoz 22:19 < bridge> ah I see xD 23:08 < bridge> idk why im getting so curious over rust now 23:19 < bridge> just learn it 23:19 < bridge> :kek: 23:19 < bridge> but its sooo complicated!!!! 23:20 < bridge> and idek what to make 23:20 < bridge> if anything i thought itd be funny to transcribe the vulkan code into rust 23:23 < bridge> I'm having fun getting entity data :YEP: 23:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109592322016039052/nobyfngmaprender1.png 23:24 < bridge> I need to program all of the rest gamemode entities too 23:24 < bridge> I wanna kms 23:24 < bridge> have you looked into tutorials 23:26 < bridge> read the web book 23:26 < bridge> the rust by example thing is sweet 23:26 < bridge> Just Do It 23:26 < bridge> no because they're all "hiii heres how to write hello world!" 23:26 < bridge> you need to move yourself out of the mindset that you're above that 23:26 < bridge> here is how to write "hello world" with results in segfault 23:27 < bridge> here is how to write "hello world" which results in segfault 23:27 < bridge> your expectations of a guide can't be met because nobody knows your experience level in other languages & what you will and won't understand about this one 23:27 < bridge> so unfortunately you will have to learn about stuff you think you already know 23:27 < bridge> sometimes you will be surprised about what you thought you knew that is actually different in x scenario 23:28 < bridge> u need to learn programming as is too 23:28 < bridge> do u truly understand for loop,s do u know what arrays are, how to deal with em, etc 23:28 < bridge> idk if u rly know that 23:28 < bridge> known issue? 23:28 < bridge> 23:28 < bridge> 14 seconds worse on a 13 seconds finish makes no sense 23:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1109593577165693038/image.png 23:28 < bridge> i think there have been time related issues jup 23:29 < bridge> something to do with client version 23:29 < bridge> no because tutorials online dont teach that 23:29 < bridge> "hiii heres how to make a guessing game!!! 😁😁" 23:29 < bridge> you're saying online tutorials don't teach you about loops & arrays 23:30 < bridge> not the ones i see 23:30 < bridge> tell me the server is old 23:30 < bridge> i fixed this 23:31 < bridge> search the commit 23:31 < bridge> . /info 23:31 < bridge> which ver did the fix come out with 23:31 < bridge> ddnet servers are not deployed on a tag 23:31 < bridge> rather master at a current time 23:32 < bridge> iirc 23:32 < bridge> mine has both 23:32 < bridge> 16.9 and hash 23:32 < bridge> usa1 23:32 < bridge> but yea ig if they are re-rolled by commit and not tag that wouldn't matter 23:32 < bridge> 2023-05-20 23:32:24 I chat: *** DDraceNetwork Mod. Version: 0.6.4, 16.9 23:32 < bridge> 2023-05-20 23:32:24 I chat: *** Git revision hash: 3f890d1c08715624 23:33 < bridge> search the 3f890d1c08715624 23:34 < bridge> ah its old i think 23:34 < bridge> blessed 23:34 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commits/3f890d1c08715624 23:34 < bridge> ye 23:34 < bridge> which server? 23:34 < bridge> it doesnt have my commit 23:34 < bridge> soi its broken cuz it hasnt updated 23:42 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks how do recommend learning Vulkan? Or do you recommend learning OpenGL first? 23:43 < bridge> vk is harder, so opengl helps, but in the end i'd recommend to just getting startet 23:43 < bridge> https://vulkan-tutorial.com/ 23:43 < bridge> best website 23:43 < bridge> the first week is random anyway, ur brain will not understand everything directly 23:43 < bridge> i wanna retake vulkan someday 23:43 < bridge> in rust 23:43 < bridge> after using it a bit the concepts start to make sense 23:44 < bridge> yeah i used this for example too 23:44 < bridge> also depends if u want to target desktop computers 23:45 < bridge> then u can skip the "static" rendering pipeline, and use the modern dynamic one which is easier and more intuitive to start with 23:46 < bridge> "This extension allows applications to create single-pass render pass instances without needing to create render pass objects or framebuffers. Dynamic render passes can also span across multiple primary command buffers, rather than relying on secondary command buffers." 23:46 < bridge> https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering.html 23:49 < bridge> cool gonna get started right away then :) 23:49 < bridge> isn't starting with opengl makes it easier to understand vulkan in the future 23:50 < bridge> bruh my english is so broken 23:51 < bridge> well what do u even want to understand is the question 23:51 < bridge> opengl wont teach u anything about math 23:51 < bridge> it teaches u how to combine buffers with shaders basically 23:52 < bridge> so if u want to focus on getting started then yes opengl is good 23:52 < bridge> vulkan will teach you about memory management from GPUs/drivers etc 23:52 < bridge> multithreaded in mind 23:53 < bridge> in theory u could simply write a OpenGL wrapper in VK 😄 23:53 < bridge> 23:53 < bridge> so OpenGL is kinda a subset 23:54 < bridge> hmm... I think I'm gonna read vulkan till I give up and read opengl after xD 23:54 < bridge> u cant betray vulkan 23:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/252358080522747904/1109599218198401094/image.png 23:54 < bridge> u can't 23:55 < bridge> I can knot