07:48 <+ChillerDragon> !sh feature=exploit 07:48 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo "new $feature" 07:48 < chillerbot1> new exploit 08:34 <+bridge> <Огурец> Who does python? I wrote a bot on after launching the "py" file with this code, it just crashes, where the TOKEN is, I entered my bot token, so don't consider it a mistake, so that you don't see 08:34 <+bridge> <Огурец> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1102120848913072238/telegram.py 08:35 <+ChillerDragon> bot? 08:35 <+ChillerDragon> sus 08:35 <+ChillerDragon> ew thats not teeworlds related 08:35 <+bridge> <Огурец> pip install python-telegram-bot I did 08:36 <+ChillerDragon> do you bridge telegram to teeworlds chat? 08:36 <+bridge> <Огурец> I'm not talking about the game like xd 08:36 <+bridge> does it change physics tho 09:04 <+bridge> @Avolicious i found new shiny container stuff in rust for you https://github.com/kuasar-io/kuasar 09:23 <+bridge> https://news.mit.edu/2023/mit-engineers-2d-materials-computer-chips-0427 09:23 <+bridge> !jop 09:23 < chillerbot1> _@Jupstar ✪ 09:24 <+ChillerDragon> does it still ping? 09:24 <+bridge> nice more performance 09:25 <+bridge> ChillerDragonBallTroll 09:25 <+bridge> Yes 09:25 <+ChillerDragon> ok nice 09:25 <+bridge> but it adds an underscore 09:25 <+bridge> in front 09:25 <+ChillerDragon> yes its for security xd 09:25 <+bridge> xDDD 10:04 <+ChillerDragon> !sh id 10:04 < chillerbot> uid=1001(pi) gid=1001(pi) groups=1001(pi) 10:04 <+ChillerDragon> added support for mkdir touch ls echo and variables 10:05 <+ChillerDragon> oh and cd 10:06 <+bridge> but i cant compile ddnet server? !feature_request 10:06 <+ChillerDragon> e 10:06 <+bridge> nah better do the quiz if u still motivated for the bot xD 10:07 <+ChillerDragon> i see 10:07 <+ChillerDragon> compiling would be fun tho huh 10:10 <+bridge> !sh make 10:10 < chillerbot> make: invalid option -- 'undefined' 10:10 <+bridge> !sh make love 10:10 < chillerbot> make: invalid option -- 'love' 10:10 <+bridge> how was the joke 10:10 <+bridge> i forgot 10:10 <+ChillerDragon> ``make: *** No rule to make target 'love'. Stop.`` 10:10 <+ChillerDragon> ? 10:10 <+bridge> ye 10:10 <+bridge> smth like this 10:11 <+bridge> ity was not love i think xd 10:14 <+bridge> !sh touch woman 10:15 <+ChillerDragon> yikes 10:15 <+bridge> !sh ls 10:15 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 10:15 < chillerbot> LICENSE 10:15 < chillerbot> README.md 10:15 < chillerbot> env.example 10:15 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 10:15 <+bridge> !sh curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh 10:15 < chillerbot> curl: invalid option -- '--proto' 10:15 <+bridge> !sh curl ipv4.icanhazip.com 10:15 < chillerbot> curl: invalid option -- 'ipv4.icanhazip.com' 10:15 <+ChillerDragon> xd 10:15 <+bridge> :troll: 10:15 <+bridge> wtf 10:15 <+bridge> you trollerdragon 10:15 <+bridge> !sh curl -- --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh 10:16 < chillerbot> curl: invalid option -- '--' 10:16 <+bridge> ah 10:16 <+bridge> its ur way to not allow args? 10:16 <+bridge> <Огурец> hui 10:16 <+ChillerDragon> its me failing the command not found regex xd 10:16 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm Dockerfile 10:17 <+bridge> !sh cd / 10:18 <+bridge> !sh ls 10:18 < chillerbot> bin 10:18 < chillerbot> boot 10:18 < chillerbot> dev 10:18 < chillerbot> etc 10:18 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 10:18 <+bridge> lul 10:18 <+ChillerDragon> !sh lul=wot 10:18 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm $lul 10:18 < chillerbot> rm: cannot remove 'wot': No such file or directory 10:19 <+bridge> !sh ls / 10:19 < chillerbot> bin 10:19 < chillerbot> boot 10:19 < chillerbot> dev 10:19 < chillerbot> etc 10:19 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 10:19 <+bridge> !sh ls /boot/ 10:19 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/boot': Permission denied 10:19 <+bridge> !sh git 10:19 < chillerbot> git: invalid option -- 'undefined' 10:19 <+ChillerDragon> :justatest: 10:19 <+bridge> !sh ls $HOME 10:19 < chillerbot> bin 10:19 < chillerbot> boot 10:19 <+bridge> :troll: 10:19 < chillerbot> dev 10:19 <+bridge> err 10:19 < chillerbot> etc 10:19 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 10:20 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo $HOME 10:20 <+bridge> !sh $HOME 10:20 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 10:20 <+bridge> I meant exho shiet 10:20 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo uset$HOME 10:20 <+bridge> !sh cwd 10:20 < chillerbot> uset 10:20 <+bridge> !sh exit 10:20 < chillerbot> cwd: invalid option -- 'undefined' 10:20 < chillerbot> exit: invalid option -- 'undefined' 10:20 <+ChillerDragon> a home is not set wtf 10:20 <+bridge> that is weird 10:20 <+ChillerDragon> !sh HOME=/home/pi 10:20 <+bridge> !sh ls $HOME 10:20 < chillerbot> LICENSE 10:20 < chillerbot> README.md 10:20 < chillerbot> env.example 10:20 < chillerbot> hex_to_pack.py 10:20 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 10:20 <+bridge> swag? 10:21 <+bridge> !bash python3 ./hex_to_pack.py 10:21 <+bridge> I think we need channel "hacking-chiller-drugon" 10:21 < chillerbot> python3: invalid option -- './hex_to_pack.py' 10:21 <+bridge> wug 10:21 <+bridge> <Огурец> loh 10:22 <+bridge> !sh echo “test” > ~/test 10:22 <+bridge> !sh cat ~/test 10:22 < chillerbot> cat: invalid option -- 'undefined' 10:22 <+bridge> broken :( 10:22 <+ChillerDragon> secure 10:22 <+ChillerDragon> but yea broken too 10:23 <+bridge> Best secure, just broken xd 10:24 <+bridge> <Огурец> loh 10:24 <+bridge> @Discord Mod ^ 10:29 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: why would / commands be a problem? 10:30 <+ChillerDragon> im scared someone runs some irc commands idk 10:30 <+bridge> there are no IRC commands 10:30 <+ChillerDragon> quakenet commands? 10:30 <+bridge> IRC commands are a lie ^^ 10:30 <+ChillerDragon> woow 10:30 * ChillerDragon test 10:30 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo /me 10:30 < chillerbot> _/me 10:30 <+bridge> unless your IRC bot library interprets your sent chat messages 10:31 <+bridge> which is unlikely 10:31 <+ChillerDragon> u never know 10:31 <+ChillerDragon> u just wanna hax me .-. 10:31 <@heinrich5991> /join #abc 10:31 <+ChillerDragon> ! 10:32 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1682843513.png 10:32 <+bridge> its the irc client that sends the commands 10:32 <+bridge> in a way 10:32 <+bridge> it does it for u 10:32 <+ChillerDragon> but my client lib might actually do it 10:32 <+bridge> nah 10:32 <+bridge> that would be very stupid 10:32 <+ChillerDragon> ok ill allow leading slashes 10:32 <+ChillerDragon> maybe leading everything 10:33 <@heinrich5991> /kick #ddnet ChillerDragon 10:33 <@heinrich5991> (it's your IRC client that turns / messages into non-chat messages) 10:34 <+ChillerDragon> banhammer5991 10:35 <+ChillerDragon> yeye i get it i was just trying to be safe here xd 10:35 <@heinrich5991> seems sensible 10:35 <+ChillerDragon> thanks tho TIL 11:05 <+bridge> !sh :(){ :|:& };: 11:05 < chillerbot> bash error 11:05 < chillerbot> bash error 11:05 < chillerbot> bash error 11:05 <+bridge> lmao tf 11:05 <+ChillerDragon> xd 11:05 <+bridge> Ohhhh thanks! Gonna Test in a few days 11:13 <+ChillerDragon> !jup i added !quiz xd 11:13 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 11:13 <+bridge> !quiz 11:13 < chillerbot> quiz off 11:13 <+ChillerDragon> a forgot to turn it on xd 11:13 <+bridge> !quiz on 11:13 < chillerbot> quiz off 11:13 <+ChillerDragon> sec 11:14 <+ChillerDragon> !ping 11:14 < chillerbot> pong 11:15 <+bridge> !quiz 11:15 < chillerbot> Started quizzle answer with !a (your answer) 11:15 < chillerbot> Q: is this valid python code? ``a = 2, 2`` 11:15 <+bridge> !a python is never valid 11:15 < chillerbot> do '!quiz solve' to check the answer 11:15 <+bridge> !quiz solve 11:15 < chillerbot> quiz over! u all nob nobodi solvinger it 11:15 < chillerbot> The quiz answer was: (yes|tuple) 11:16 <+bridge> !quiz 11:16 < chillerbot> Started quizzle answer with !a (your answer) 11:16 < chillerbot> Q: is this valid C code? ``int x = 6,6;`` 11:17 <+bridge> !a no 11:17 < chillerbot> do '!quiz solve' to check the answer 11:17 <+bridge> !quiz solve 11:17 < chillerbot> quiz over! these pro quizzzers quizzled the quiz: Jupstar ✪ 11:17 < chillerbot> The quiz answer was: (no|error) 11:17 <+bridge> epic 11:17 <+bridge> !quiz 11:17 < chillerbot> Started quizzle answer with !a (your answer) 11:17 < chillerbot> Q: is this valid python code? ``a = 2, 2`` 11:17 <+bridge> !quiz 11:17 < chillerbot> quizzle running: is this valid python code? ``a = 2, 2`` 11:17 <+bridge> !quiz solve 11:17 < chillerbot> quiz over! u all nob nobodi solvinger it 11:17 < chillerbot> The quiz answer was: (yes|tuple) 11:17 <+bridge> !quiz 11:17 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 11:18 <+bridge> !quiz reset 11:18 < chillerbot> Invalid quiz arg. Usage: !quiz [solve] 11:18 <+bridge> !quiz 11:18 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 11:18 <+bridge> !quiz solve 11:18 < chillerbot> no quiz running try !quiz 11:18 <+bridge> !a yes 11:18 < chillerbot> no quiz running start one w !quiz 11:18 <+bridge> !quiz 11:18 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 11:18 <+bridge> :c 11:18 <+ChillerDragon> yikes spam 11:18 <+bridge> it broke 11:19 <+bridge> is this valid C code? `int x; x = 6,6;` 11:19 <+bridge> but it has potential 11:19 <+bridge> i'd say yes 11:19 <+ChillerDragon> its not broken it turned it self off because there are only 2 questions .-. 11:19 <+bridge> make rust questions, so i can duel ryozoozki 11:20 <+ChillerDragon> soon 11:20 <+bridge> nice 11:21 <+bridge> ChillerDragon, nice would be categories 11:21 <+bridge> !quiz rust 11:21 < chillerbot> Invalid quiz arg. Usage: !quiz [solve] 12:52 <+bridge> It is quite the act building all our libraries. I think I should try to make it fully automatic. Spent a few hours yesterday getting it working. But the problem is with every new version some cross-compiling breaks in weird cases. 12:54 <+bridge> I mean I already did it with the build scripts for Android and wasm. Tho they currently don't use a specific version tag 12:54 <+bridge> !sh cat /proc/self/maps 12:54 < chillerbot> bash: cat: command not found 12:54 <+bridge> Wow 12:54 <+bridge> But yeah sometimes cmwke flags change 12:54 <+bridge> !cat echo $PATH 12:54 <+bridge> Hu 12:55 <+bridge> I had both curl and ffmpeg breaking cross-compilation with the new versions, super annoying, had to hack around in configure file directly.. 12:55 <+bridge> since no flag could fix it 12:55 <+bridge> Also, airplane wifi is better than expected 😄 12:55 <+bridge> !sh echo $PATH 12:55 <+bridge> chillerdead 13:00 <+bridge> !quiz 13:00 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 13:00 <+bridge> no i didn't 13:00 <+bridge> bad bot 13:01 <+bridge> Long haul flights get pretty good wifi since they fly so high. Atleast that's what I gather 13:01 <+bridge> wut? there's no correlation? 13:02 <+bridge> Yeah, I saw that wifi only works once we're above 10 km 13:03 <+bridge> They block Youtube and Github though, the first seems to make sense since it uses lots of data. 13:04 <+bridge> why github though? 13:04 <+bridge> are there that many developpers flying up there that it takes all available bandwidth? 13:05 <+bridge> is wifi free btw? 13:05 <+bridge> Github made no sense to me either, but through ssh proxy everything works anyway 13:05 <+bridge> 3 hours are free at Singapore Airlines 13:24 <+ChillerDragon> @ReiTW i added support for the commands you tried :) 13:32 <+bridge> !sh cat * 13:32 < chillerbot> bash: cat: command not found 13:32 <+bridge> !sh echo $PATH 13:33 <+bridge> !sh printenv 13:33 < chillerbot> bash: printenv: command not found 13:33 <+bridge> he doesn't like you @ReiTW 13:33 <+bridge> !sh echo $PATH 13:33 <+bridge> or just the echo command is expanding to empty string 13:34 <+bridge> !sh echo test$PATH 13:34 < chillerbot> test 13:34 <+bridge> ah 13:34 <+bridge> !sh /bin/cat /etc 13:34 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 13:34 <+bridge> !sh ls /bin 13:34 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/bin': Permission denied 13:34 <+bridge> !sh ls -alhrt . 13:34 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/home/pi/-alhrt': Permission denied 13:34 <+ChillerDragon> wot why path not set 13:35 <+bridge> !sh ls 13:35 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 13:35 < chillerbot> LICENSE 13:35 < chillerbot> README.md 13:35 < chillerbot> env.example 13:35 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 13:35 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat /proc/self/maps 13:35 < chillerbot> bash: cat: command not found 13:35 <+ChillerDragon> ah shit update dint work xd 13:35 <+ChillerDragon> sec 13:35 <+bridge> !sh ls | tr -d '\n' 13:35 <+bridge> !sh /bin/cat /proc/self/maps 13:35 <+ChillerDragon> HOLY FUk 13:35 <+ChillerDragon> u killed it chairn xd 13:35 <+bridge> how? 13:35 <+bridge> i just did ls 13:35 <+ChillerDragon> i have a regex bug again?! 13:35 <+bridge> i tried to pass options to ls though 13:36 <+bridge> what's weird is permission denied on non-existing file 13:36 <+ChillerDragon> it being weird is kinda the goal 13:37 <+bridge> ChillerDragon? 13:37 <+ChillerDragon> joel 13:37 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo troll") 13:37 <+ChillerDragon> it crashed sec 13:37 <+bridge> Do You think chatGPT is better then you 13:37 <+bridge> chatgpt sucks 13:37 <+ChillerDragon> as a language model i can not compare my self 13:38 <+bridge> why not ChillerDragon 13:38 <+bridge> is a point of view 13:38 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat /proc/self/maps 13:38 < chillerbot> 00400000-00406000 r-xp 00000000 b3:07 274828 /bin/cat 13:38 < chillerbot> 00415000-00416000 r--p 00005000 b3:07 274828 /bin/cat 13:38 < chillerbot> 00416000-00417000 rw-p 00006000 b3:07 274828 /bin/cat 13:38 <+bridge> when will society progress past the need for ai chatbots 13:38 < chillerbot> 020be000-020df000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 13:38 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 13:39 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo troll") 13:39 < chillerbot> bash: import: command not found 13:39 < chillerbot> troll 13:39 <+ChillerDragon> xd 13:39 <+bridge> stop trolling 13:39 <+ChillerDragon> that doesnt look right 13:39 <+bridge> it does 13:39 <+bridge> but i wanna 13:40 <+bridge> !sh /bin/bash 13:40 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 13:40 <+bridge> !sh /bin/sh 13:40 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 13:40 <+bridge> he 13:40 <+ChillerDragon> !sh zsh 13:40 <+ChillerDragon> xd 13:40 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo $SHELL 13:40 < chillerbot> /bin/bash 13:41 <+bridge> !sh /bin/* 13:41 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 13:41 <+bridge> !sh cat /* 13:41 < chillerbot> bash: cat: command not found 13:41 <+bridge> !sh /bin/cat /* 13:41 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 13:42 <+bridge> !sh rustc --version 13:42 < chillerbot> bash: rustc: command not found 15:51 <+bridge> !sh git 15:51 < chillerbot> bash: git: command not found 15:52 <+bridge> :feelsbadman: 16:24 <+bridge> !quiz 16:24 < chillerbot> Started quizzle answer with !a (your answer) 16:24 < chillerbot> Q: is this valid python code? ``a = 2, 2`` 16:24 <+bridge> !a pls no pyson quis tanks 16:24 < chillerbot> do '!quiz solve' to check the answer 16:24 <+bridge> !quiz solve 16:24 < chillerbot> quiz over! u all nob nobodi solvinger it 16:24 < chillerbot> The quiz answer was: (yes|tuple) 16:24 <+bridge> !quiz 16:24 < chillerbot> Started quizzle answer with !a (your answer) 16:24 < chillerbot> Q: is this valid C code? ``int x = 6,6;`` 16:24 <+bridge> !a error 16:24 < chillerbot> do '!quiz solve' to check the answer 16:24 <+bridge> !quiz solve 16:24 < chillerbot> quiz over! these pro quizzzers quizzled the quiz: Jupstar ✪ 16:24 < chillerbot> The quiz answer was: (no|error) 16:24 <+bridge> !quiz 16:24 < chillerbot> Started quizzle answer with !a (your answer) 16:24 < chillerbot> Q: is this valid C code? ``int x = 6,6;`` 16:25 <+bridge> !a troll 16:25 < chillerbot> do '!quiz solve' to check the answer 16:25 <+bridge> !quiz solve 16:25 < chillerbot> quiz over! u all nob nobodi solvinger it 16:25 < chillerbot> The quiz answer was: (no|error) 16:25 <+bridge> !quiz 16:25 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 16:25 <+bridge> damn, that bad hates me 16:25 <+bridge> bad bot 16:25 <+bridge> damn, that bot hates me 16:26 <+bridge> :happy: 16:26 <+bridge> best bot 17:04 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks 17:04 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1102249164131278898/RDT_20230430_1704278466448034213318012.jpg 17:04 <+bridge> :Blushie: 17:06 <+ChillerDragon> kek 17:15 <+bridge> !quiz 17:15 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 17:15 <+bridge> :kat: 17:18 <+bridge> !quiz solve 17:18 < chillerbot> no quiz running try !quiz 17:18 <+bridge> !quiz 17:18 < chillerbot> woah there you people already played enough quizzle 17:18 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1056533137343119440.png?quality=lossless&size=48 17:23 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1102253951333699594/IMG_20230430_182323_969.jpg 17:23 <+bridge> walking found this 17:23 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1102253988830777374/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_2acfdf1c-e641-47a9-9cd4-636d4f5f6395.jpg 17:28 <+bridge> nothing like the ddnet speedrunner? i get the reference 17:31 <+bridge> i dont xd 17:34 <+bridge> fake ddnet player 17:37 <+bridge> he is too new 18:03 <+bridge> traduciòn por favor? 18:04 <+bridge> chatgpt but human, try sending a message to see what happens 18:04 <+bridge> @Chairn 18:04 <+bridge> NHB stands for? 18:04 <+bridge> idk xd 18:05 <+bridge> N? Human Buddy 18:13 <+bridge> neural 18:13 <+bridge> ? 18:13 <+bridge> xd 18:27 <+bridge> haber 18:27 <+bridge> :troll: 19:10 <+bridge> :brownbear: 19:28 <+ChillerDragon> fuck i somehow got sidetracked an entire day rewriting bash in javascript!? 19:29 <+ChillerDragon> !sh kill 19:29 < chillerbot> -bash: kill: () - Operation not permitted 19:29 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat 19:29 < chillerbot> cat: : Is a directory 19:29 <+ChillerDragon> xd 19:30 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat *.json 19:30 < chillerbot> cat: package.json 19:30 < chillerbot> package-lock.json: No such file or directory 19:30 <+ChillerDragon> !sh which cat 19:30 < chillerbot> /usr/bin/cat 19:30 <+ChillerDragon> !sh PATH='' 19:30 < chillerbot> bash: PATH: command not found 19:30 <+bridge> fi 19:30 <+bridge> !sh cat animal 19:30 < chillerbot> cat: animal: No such file or directory 19:30 <+ChillerDragon> !sh touch animal 19:31 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo raaawwwr > animal 19:31 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat animal 19:31 < chillerbot> raaawwwr 19:31 <+bridge> !sh cat raw 19:31 < chillerbot> cat: raw: No such file or directory 19:31 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls -lah 19:31 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/home/pi/-lah': Permission denied 19:31 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls -lah . 19:31 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/home/pi/-lah': Permission denied 19:31 <+ChillerDragon> awuhduhawuhdi 19:31 <+ChillerDragon> x 19:32 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls -l 19:32 < chillerbot> ls: cannot access '/home/pi/-l': Permission denied 19:32 <+ChillerDragon> wtf 19:32 <+bridge> !chmod 000 -R / 19:32 <+bridge> !sh chmod 000 -R / 19:32 < chillerbot> chmod: cannot access '-R': No such file or directory 19:32 <+ChillerDragon> ye r flag not supported 19:32 <+ChillerDragon> !sh chmod 19:32 < chillerbot> chmod: missing operand after ‘’ 19:33 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ps 19:33 < chillerbot> PID TTY TIME CMD 19:33 < chillerbot> 24410 pts/1 00:00:00 bash 19:33 < chillerbot> 24442 pts/1 00:00:00 ps 19:33 <+ChillerDragon> !sh kill 24410 19:33 < chillerbot> bash error 19:34 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat /usr/bin/cat 19:34 < chillerbot> @@@88 q:q:```zx@|@888PDDStd888PPtdmmmQtdRtdz/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2@GNU GNU}#V8G<^wuGNU9a9a ELQ+/ 19:34 <+bridge> !sh sensors 19:34 < chillerbot> bash: sensors: command not found 19:34 <+bridge> !sh echo hi 19:34 < chillerbot> hi 19:34 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls /usr/bin 19:34 < chillerbot> apt 19:34 < chillerbot> bash 19:34 < chillerbot> cat 19:34 <+bridge> !sh echo ||hi|| 19:34 < chillerbot> chmod 19:34 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:34 < chillerbot> ||hi|| 19:35 <+bridge> !sh echo !sh echo 19:35 < chillerbot> !sh echo 19:35 <+bridge> NANI 19:35 <+ChillerDragon> !cd node_modules 19:35 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls 19:36 < chillerbot> .env 19:36 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 19:36 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:36 < chillerbot> README.md 19:36 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> ok that didnt work xd 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> ahg 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cd node_modules 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls 19:36 < chillerbot> dotenv/ 19:36 < chillerbot> irc-colors/ 19:36 < chillerbot> irc/ 19:36 < chillerbot> nan/ 19:36 <+bridge> !sh watch ls 19:36 < chillerbot> bash: watch: command not found 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> !sh mkdir gaming 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cd gaming 19:36 <+bridge> !sh ls 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo jupstr > nubs.txt 19:36 <+bridge> !sh cd DDNet 19:36 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: DDNet: No such file or directory 19:36 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls 19:37 < chillerbot> nubs.txt 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat *.txt 19:37 < chillerbot> jupstr 19:37 <+bridge> !sh echo "<3 chiller" >> nubs.txt 19:37 <+bridge> it ignores me 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> !echo $HOME >> nubs.txt 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> !cat nubs.txt 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> awdaw 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> di forget sh fuck 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo $HOME >> nubs.txt 19:38 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat nubs.txt 19:38 < chillerbot> jupstr "<3 chiller" >/home/pi > 19:38 <+ChillerDragon> newlines be like 19:38 <+bridge> !sh ls .. 19:38 < chillerbot> dotenv/ 19:38 < chillerbot> gaming/ 19:38 < chillerbot> irc-colors/ 19:38 < chillerbot> irc/ 19:38 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:38 <+bridge> !sh cd DDNet 19:38 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: DDNet: No such file or directory 19:39 <+bridge> !sh git clone https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 19:39 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'ddnet'...,remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done.,remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename : No space left on device,fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed,filename : No space left on device,fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed 19:39 <+bridge> lel 19:39 <+ChillerDragon> !sh df 19:39 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 19:39 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 7416 7491 99% / 19:39 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 19:39 <+ChillerDragon> gotta delete some files first 19:39 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 19:39 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:39 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm * 19:39 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cd .. 19:39 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm -rf * 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> !sh df 19:40 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 19:40 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 7023 7491 94% / 19:40 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 19:40 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> ye ez try clone now 19:40 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:40 <+bridge> !sh git clone https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 19:40 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'ddnet'...,remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done.,remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename : No space left on device,fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed,filename : No space left on device,fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> wtf 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> !sh /usr/bin 19:40 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cd /usr/bin 19:40 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: /usr/bin: Permission denied 19:40 <+bridge> !sh apt install watch 19:40 < chillerbot> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) 19:40 < chillerbot> E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root? 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> i think i need to give it more disk space xd 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cd $HOME 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls 19:41 < chillerbot> .env 19:41 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm * 19:41 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:41 < chillerbot> README.md 19:41 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> !sh df 19:41 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 19:41 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 6575 7491 88% / 19:41 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 19:41 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 19:41 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:42 <+bridge> !sh dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/root bs=1G 19:42 < chillerbot> bash: dd: command not found 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm /usr/bin/touch 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm /usr/bin/echo 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> lets delte the bloat xd 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm /usr/bin/grep 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm /usr/bin/zsh 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> !sh df 19:43 < chillerbot> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 19:43 < chillerbot> /dev/root 26679 6264 7491 84% / 19:43 < chillerbot> devtmpfs 9288 0 79288 0% /dev 19:43 < chillerbot> tmpfs 152 0 44152 0% /dev/shm 19:43 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> !sh git clone --recursive git@github.com:ddnet/ddnet 19:43 < chillerbot> Cloning into 'ddnet'... 19:43 < chillerbot> remote: Enumerating objects: 2483, done. 19:43 < chillerbot> remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done. 19:43 < chillerbot> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done. 19:43 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> ez 19:43 <+bridge> !sh ls 19:43 < chillerbot> ddnet/ 19:43 <+bridge> !sh cd ddnet 19:43 <+bridge> !sh pwd 19:43 < chillerbot> /home/pi/ddnet 19:43 <+bridge> !sh mkdir build 19:43 <+bridge> !sh cd build 19:43 <+bridge> !sh cmake .. 19:43 < chillerbot> bash: cmake: command not found 19:44 <+bridge> !sh ls .. 19:44 < chillerbot> .git/ 19:44 <+bridge> !sh cd .. 19:44 < chillerbot> .gitignore/ 19:44 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:44 < chillerbot> README.md 19:44 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:44 <+bridge> !sh du -h -s --max-depth=1 19:44 < chillerbot> bash: du: command not found 19:44 <+bridge> !sh cat LICENSE 19:44 < chillerbot> MIT License 19:44 < chillerbot> Copyright (c) 2023 Chiller Dragon 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> e 19:44 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:44 <+bridge> dang 19:45 <+bridge> since when ddnet is copyrighted Chiller Dragon? 19:45 <+bridge> troll af xD 19:45 <+bridge> u really wasted too much time chiller xDD 19:45 <+bridge> lol, we don't have a LICENSE file anyway 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> ikr 19:45 <+bridge> he wrote like half linux in javascript 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> yea its mostly pure js now 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> a bit actual bash execution with brokenly filtered userinput is still there tho 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> stuff like this 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> !sh uptime 19:46 < chillerbot> 17:46:47 up 1 day, 1:46, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls /proc/self 19:47 < chillerbot> attr 19:47 <+bridge> !sh shutdown 19:47 < chillerbot> autogroup 19:47 < chillerbot> auxv 19:47 < chillerbot> cgroup 19:47 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:47 < chillerbot> bash: shutdown: command not found 19:47 <+bridge> !quiz 19:47 < chillerbot> quiz off because im too lazy to come out with more questions 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("shutdown") 19:47 < chillerbot> bash: import: command not found 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> xd 19:47 < chillerbot> bash: shutdown: command not found 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> !sh reboot 19:47 < chillerbot> Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required. 19:47 < chillerbot> Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication required. 19:47 < chillerbot> Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied 19:47 < chillerbot> Failed to talk to init daemon. 19:54 <+bridge> !sh cd ~ 19:54 < chillerbot> -bash: cd: ~: No such file or directory 19:54 <+bridge> !sh cd $HOME 19:54 <+bridge> !sh mkdir jupstar 19:54 <+bridge> !sh ls 19:54 < chillerbot> ddnet/ 19:54 < chillerbot> jupstar/ 19:56 <+bridge> !sh vi test 19:56 < chillerbot> bash: vi: command not found 19:57 <+bridge> !sh gcc 19:57 < chillerbot> bash: gcc: command not found 19:58 <+bridge> !sh exit 19:58 < chillerbot> bash: exit: command not found 19:58 <+bridge> !sh ping google.com 19:58 < chillerbot> bash: ping: command not found 19:58 <+bridge> what would be funny is, if we get git access to gcc and all ddnet libs 19:58 <+bridge> 19:58 <+bridge> and then see how long it takes for us until we can compile ddnet without any compiler preinstalled 20:01 <+ChillerDragon> the javascript runtime calling the bash process will die 20:02 <+ChillerDragon> before a old raspi in docker could compile ddnet code beast 20:02 <+bridge> just give us more disk for swapfile 20:02 <+bridge> 20:02 <+bridge> then ez 20:02 <+bridge> takes 1-2 years but ez 20:07 <+bridge> !sh echo @cyberfighter 20:07 < chillerbot> @cyberfighter 20:07 <+bridge> hi 20:08 <+bridge> chillerdragon: 20:08 <+ChillerDragon> e 20:08 <+bridge> chillerdragon: 20:09 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo @cyberfighter > trol.txt 20:09 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls trol.txt 20:09 < chillerbot> trol.txt 20:09 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls -l trol.txt 20:09 < chillerbot> -rw-r--r-- pi pi Apr 30 10:10 trol.txt 20:10 <+ChillerDragon> !sh chmod +x trol.txt 20:10 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls -l trol.txt 20:10 < chillerbot> -rwxr-xr-x pi pi Apr 30 10:10 trol.txt 20:10 <+ChillerDragon> !sh cat trol.txt 20:10 < chillerbot> @cyberfighter 20:14 <+bridge> !sh echo @everyone > trol2.txt 20:14 <+bridge> ha hopefully this is fixed 20:14 <+ChillerDragon> !sh rm trol2.txt 20:14 <+bridge> xD 20:14 <+bridge> LOL 20:14 <+bridge> do u think it works or not 20:14 <+ChillerDragon> i think it was fixed 20:14 <+ChillerDragon> but i do not wanna test xd 20:14 <+bridge> lmaoo 20:16 <+bridge> why should it work 20:17 <+bridge> !sh echo @everyone 20:17 <+ChillerDragon> because it used to 20:17 < chillerbot> @everyone 20:17 <+bridge> well 3 years ago 20:17 <+ChillerDragon> i wasnt sure 20:17 <+bridge> You definitely shouldn't be able to highlight everyone from that webhook 20:17 <+bridge> !sh echo @@everyone 20:17 < chillerbot> @@everyone 20:18 <+bridge> !sh echo @ @everyone 20:18 < chillerbot> @ @everyone 20:18 <+bridge> too good 20:18 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo @everyone") 20:18 <+bridge> !sh echo **@everyone** 20:18 <+bridge> Maybe a bug in the bot will let you 20:18 <+ChillerDragon> im turning the more dangerous things off now becuase i go afk xd 20:18 <+bridge> lets fine it out 20:18 <+bridge> find 20:19 <+bridge> But I think the webhook needs to make a special request with allowed_mentions including everyone which it wont 20:19 <+bridge> hi 20:19 <+bridge> someone pinged me 20:19 <+ChillerDragon> trol 20:19 <+bridge> cant u simply disabled it in discord server? 20:19 <+bridge> completely for everyone 20:19 <+bridge> even admins 20:19 <+bridge> chillerdragon ur so stinky i smell sweat from my laptop 20:19 <+bridge> just from u being in the chat rn 20:19 <+ChillerDragon> watf 20:19 <+bridge> Webhooks don't have roles, so you can't for those 20:20 <+bridge> @cyberfighter how is your meme doing, are u already at knowyourmeme? 20:20 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo $HOME > UwU 20:20 <+bridge> which one 20:20 <+bridge> which one 20:20 <+bridge> ur skull meme 20:20 <+bridge> he got on ther elike a year ago 20:20 <+bridge> Let's panic the kernel on chillers rpi 20:20 <+ChillerDragon> ee 20:20 <+bridge> learath, the only person here that actually hacked chillerdragon 20:21 <+ChillerDragon> tru 20:21 <+ChillerDragon> uwu found the bug tho 20:21 <+bridge> panic like xpanic 20:21 <+bridge> @Voxel 20:21 <+bridge> lets git clone github.com/teeworlds/xpanic 20:21 <+bridge> 20:21 <+bridge> and execute 20:21 <+bridge> Let's try 20:21 <+bridge> ew xd 20:21 <+bridge> !sh echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger 20:28 <+bridge> @keb 20:29 <+bridge> hello 20:29 <+bridge> hi 20:31 <+bridge> i get it 20:38 <+bridge> fake, i managed to kill it somehow 20:39 <+bridge> !sh cat /proc/sysrq-trigger 20:39 < chillerbot> c 20:39 <+bridge> Xd 20:39 <+bridge> What’s this 20:43 <+bridge> !sh uptime 20:43 < chillerbot> unsafe bash broken because i got hacked 20:49 <+bridge> @Robyt3 is this fade out indented to look so weird? 20:49 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1102305815416807434/image.png 20:49 <+bridge> kinda looks like transparency is outline isnt respected 20:53 <+bridge> that's a way to force a kernel panic 20:53 <+bridge> <-StormAx> Im kinda started learn c++ 2mo ago, and want to create new category somewhere here? 20:53 <+bridge> <-StormAx> https://i.imgur.com/RhCEmJq.jpeg 20:53 <+bridge> <-StormAx> what im supposed to do? 20:54 <+bridge> <-StormAx> https://i.imgur.com/RhCEmJq.jpeg 20:54 <+bridge> maybe look at how other categories are coded 20:54 <+bridge> <-StormAx> i do 20:54 <+bridge> <-StormAx> i dont 20:54 <+bridge> <-StormAx> where is it? 20:54 <+bridge> <-StormAx> maybe u know? :p 20:54 <+bridge> used to work on server-side code 20:55 <+bridge> so dunno 20:55 <+bridge> look in menu files 20:55 <+bridge> <-StormAx> sadge 20:55 <+bridge> menus_settings.cpp 20:56 <+bridge> <-StormAx> thanks @Nouaa <3 21:46 <+bridge> <-StormAx> are exist some tuto for own client making? 21:57 <+bridge> guyz 21:57 <+bridge> archlinux lag 21:58 <+bridge> there are something that can i do to fix on linux? 21:58 <+bridge> im using nvidia getforce and vulkan in game 22:25 <+bridge> chiller have 22:26 <+bridge> <-StormAx> :poggers2: 22:57 <+bridge> What lags fps or network? 22:57 <+bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#Network_/_Connection_problems 22:57 <+bridge> 22:57 <+bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/GFX_Troubleshooting#Low_FPS,_stuttering_or_similar_problems 23:14 <+bridge> fps i thing 23:17 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1102342891050901534/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_e9c47253-cfda-46aa-88ac-7a28fa033ccb.jpg 23:17 <+bridge> And about this bug? 23:17 <+bridge> With stretched some GUI is cut 23:22 <+bridge> Dunno try opengl