02:45 <+bridge> who coded the ddnet bot? 02:45 <+bridge> the discord one 02:57 <+bridge> i think murpi 07:46 <+bridge> I think jao 07:48 <+bridge> original jao 07:48 <+bridge> A browser \:p 07:48 <+bridge> (@Ryozuki) 07:48 <+bridge> a browser is harder than anything 07:52 <+bridge> Ikr 07:53 <+bridge> U know serenityOS ? There is a lot on yt about it and those madlads do it all from scratch. OS, libc, JavaScript, css, browser, terminal, shell, gimp etc 07:55 <+bridge> what does this os has to offer that others dont 07:55 <+bridge> like in terms of other linux os systems 08:08 <+bridge> it’s more of a statement & proof of concept 08:08 <+bridge> it’s a very immature os 08:18 <+bridge> @Voxel many things arent done for something 08:20 <+bridge> @Voxel programming is art 08:20 <+bridge> :gigachad: 08:20 <+bridge> so true 08:20 <+bridge> its more beautiful when done with rust too :justatest: 08:21 <+bridge> such detail in memory safety :brownbear: 08:21 <+bridge> Nahhhh nothing will ever beat the natural beauty of =[](){} 08:49 <+bridge> 10000 updoots 08:49 <+bridge> [ Everyone liked that ] 08:49 <+bridge> ur obsessed with leddit lately 08:49 <+bridge> no u 08:50 <+bridge> thats besides the point 08:50 <+bridge> when whats the use 08:50 <+bridge> then whats the use 08:51 <+bridge> dude 08:51 <+bridge> do u make art for a "use"? 08:52 <+bridge> its use is to get rather someone else or myself feel better 08:52 <+bridge> something and use are similar in this context 08:52 <+bridge> but again barely anyone cares and i hate my art 08:52 <+bridge> then expect the author the same 08:53 <+bridge> except im sure they proud 08:53 <+bridge> kek 08:53 <+bridge> of course they are, they're dedicated linux users 08:53 <+bridge> nothing more chad than saying i made my own os 08:53 <+bridge> templeos 08:54 <+bridge> i think u misunderstood 08:54 <+bridge> serenityos is not linux 08:54 <+bridge> thats surprising 08:55 <+bridge> its a self made os 08:55 <+bridge> yea i understand now 08:55 <+bridge> not a linux distro 08:56 <+bridge> chiller u know about redox? 08:56 <+bridge> these madlads do it all from scratch 08:56 <+bridge> instead of libc there is a standard rust library 08:56 <+bridge> cuz the os is made with rust 08:57 <+bridge> and im gonna try and sleep now 08:57 <+bridge> Rust programs implicitly or explicitly call functions in the Rust standard library (libstd). 08:57 <+bridge> 08:57 <+bridge> The Rust libstd now includes an implementation of its system-dependent parts (such as file access and setting environment variables) for Redox, in src/libstd/sys/redox. Most of libstd works in Redox, so many command-line Rust programs can be compiled for Redox. 08:58 <+bridge> i read that as the Rust libtard 08:59 <+bridge> wait i dont think i can say that here 08:59 <+bridge> whstever 08:59 <+bridge> sweet 08:59 <+bridge> do they have libc emulation 09:00 <+bridge> or maybe they will just implement it alongside if/when they want/need it for other program compat… 09:21 <+bridge> ye 09:21 <+bridge> Redox includes a Rust implementation of the Standard C library called relibc. This is how programs such as Git can run on Redox. relibc has some POSIX compatibility. 09:21 <+bridge> 😃 09:21 <+bridge> https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch06-00-programs-libraries.html 09:34 <+bridge> https://store.steampowered.com/app/1448820/Hydrofoil_Generation/ 09:34 <+bridge> this game is made in rust 09:39 <+bridge> XD 09:41 <+bridge> Even if redox is a cool project and a system library with rust mangling would be cool. I still don't see it as a future os 09:41 <+bridge> At least not for desktop or high performance 09:42 <+bridge> Do you know what engine it uses? 09:42 <+bridge> Looks rather mature already 09:45 <+bridge> custom 09:45 <+bridge> so inhouse 09:46 <+bridge> reviews say it has excelent perf 09:46 <+bridge> 400+fos 09:46 <+bridge> fps xd 09:46 <+bridge> Ez 09:46 <+bridge> mimimimi 09:46 <+bridge> imagine a world where choosing ur os is not limited by program availability 09:47 <+bridge> we not ready for that future 09:54 <+bridge> The future is about high performance software^^ 09:55 <+bridge> Well if u trade performance u could say that emulators and virtual machines already offer this 09:59 <+bridge> yes, rust 10:00 <+bridge> 10:00 <+bridge> bored at work 10:02 <+bridge> True 10:03 <+bridge> Fanboy tho😂 10:03 <+bridge> In ddnet discord it's never boring 10:04 <+bridge> that's why i'm here now 10:04 <+bridge> U can always trigger a 5h discussion with an eye blink xd 10:06 <+bridge> I wanna make a game of rock paper scissors with just three buttons but you can see the other player's cursor for 5 seconds before the playfield was covered for another few seconds 10:07 <+bridge> Interesting psycho game xd 10:08 <+bridge> tournament / battle royal style matchmaking, win X in a row to get a "victory royal" 10:10 <+bridge> already bought an appid on steam for it 10:10 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101057774047215636/image.png 10:10 <+bridge> It costs money? 10:11 <+bridge> 100usd 10:11 <+bridge> One game? 10:11 <+bridge> per game ye 10:11 <+bridge> Oh wow 10:11 <+bridge> i believe deen paid for it too 10:11 <+bridge> Well that's not cheap xd 10:11 <+bridge> it's actually better than greenlight tho 10:11 <+bridge> I hope for u it will pay out 10:12 <+bridge> the old greenlight system you can spend 100usd to buy a greenlight pass and let people vote for your game to be on steam 10:12 <+bridge> so you spend 100usd with no guarantee to be on steam 10:12 <+bridge> Uff 10:13 <+bridge> I only released stuff on Google play yet 10:13 <+bridge> They give a shit xddd 10:13 <+bridge> also i believe they return you the 100usd if you made 1000usd revenue 10:14 <+bridge> google play banned my free app without ads and gave me a strike so i don't know about that 10:21 <+bridge> be like me i have today and tomorrow off 10:22 <+bridge> and monday is workers day so off too 10:22 <+bridge> :gigachad: 10:22 <+bridge> i think its only 100 once 10:22 <+bridge> not per game 10:22 <+bridge> unless they changed it 10:22 <+bridge> i'm pretty sure it's per game 10:23 <+bridge> greenlight was 100usd once with no garantee 10:23 <+bridge> i guess its cuz ppl uploaded too much shit xd 10:23 <+bridge> steam direct is 100usd per game 10:23 <+bridge> deen paid greenlight 10:23 <+bridge> oh right probably 10:23 <+bridge> i wanna release myo wn game on steam too 10:23 <+bridge> i forgot ddnet was greenlit 10:23 <+bridge> so i have the badge too 10:23 <+bridge> either way greenlight is dead 10:24 <+bridge> u are lit 10:24 <+bridge> also I paid my greenlight too, and they didn't even give me a free steam direct ID when they killed greenlight 10:24 <+bridge> stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu unchanged - rustc 1.69.0 (84c898d65 2023-04-16) 10:24 <+bridge> nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu updated - rustc 1.71.0-nightly (1c42cb4ef 2023-04-26) (from rustc 1.71.0-nightly (f5559e338 2023-04-24)) 10:24 <+bridge> nothing better than my daily rust nightly update 10:24 <+bridge> they probably would if I just asked, valve seems to be generally nice if you talk to them 10:25 <+bridge> i think the 100usd from greenlight went to charity maybe 10:25 <+bridge> i dont remember 10:26 <+bridge> no one does 10:26 <+bridge> it was history 10:27 <+bridge> should i make the rock paper scissors game using teeworlds as a theme 10:28 <+bridge> :kek: technically it's the only style I know how to make 10:28 <+bridge> Make it a teeworlds mod 10:29 <+bridge> but i want money 10:29 <+bridge> rock paper scissors < bot noby nouis 10:29 <+bridge> also ddnet exists 10:29 <+bridge> kinda wanna make the most pay to win rock paper scissors 10:29 <+bridge> but not really pay to win 10:30 <+bridge> like maybe you can buy markers and draw on the play field 10:30 <+bridge> :kek: 10:30 <+bridge> ur now following ur fellow chinese devs 10:30 <+bridge> lootboxes and microtransactions 10:30 <+bridge> gotta love them 10:31 <+bridge> also we did steal them from the japanese too be fair 10:31 <+bridge> contract a artist and make waifu paper rocks and scissors 10:31 <+bridge> then sell skins 10:31 <+bridge> also we did steal them from the japanese to be fair 10:31 <+bridge> of the waifus 10:31 <+bridge> in lootboxes 10:31 <+bridge> nah 10:31 <+bridge> u know who invented the battlepass? 10:31 <+bridge> valve 10:31 <+bridge> but battlepass is not lootboxes 10:32 <+bridge> xd 10:32 <+bridge> well valve invented those too kinda 10:32 <+bridge> csgo cases 10:32 <+bridge> i think gotcha exists before csgo 10:32 <+bridge> also valve battlepass is not a battlepass u can easily level 10:32 <+bridge> maybe to lvl 100 tryharding 10:32 <+bridge> but u gotta spend the $$ 10:32 <+bridge> and im all for it 10:32 <+bridge> for those juicy skins 10:32 <+bridge> i got to lvl 900 10:32 <+bridge> well obviously if Ti's price money is that high 10:32 <+bridge> but valve has smth special idk 10:33 <+bridge> csgo cases is what went crazy 10:33 <+bridge> half of the player base with double the money than lol 10:33 <+bridge> atleast in the west 10:33 <+bridge> the modern world kek 10:33 <+bridge> true 10:33 <+bridge> there is also a arab 10:33 <+bridge> and a chinese 10:33 <+bridge> extremely rich 10:33 <+bridge> they compete 10:33 <+bridge> they get to lvl 30.000 10:33 <+bridge> once 100.000 10:33 <+bridge> i wish i was rich 10:33 <+bridge> bruh teacher asking to use chatgpt for homework 10:33 <+bridge> https://afkgaming.com/dota2/news/4314-alleged-saudi-prince-levels-up-dota-2-battle-pass-to-over-50k 10:33 <+bridge> but chatgpt's login system sucks so much 10:34 <+bridge> use bing 10:34 <+bridge> it's free and it's just bing 10:34 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101063768114475058/image.png 10:34 <+bridge> https://stratz.com/battle-pass/leaderboards?eventId=36 10:34 <+bridge> bing sucks 10:34 <+bridge> or you can just use mine https://tsfreddie-chat.fly.dev/ 10:34 <+bridge> Some people have way too muxh money 10:35 <+bridge> locked content 10:35 <+bridge> ye 10:35 <+bridge> cuz it's mine 10:35 <+bridge> unlock it 10:35 <+bridge> not yours :troll: 10:35 <+bridge> can u self host chatgpt 10:35 <+bridge> Do you use chatgpt or do you have one of those other models running locally? 10:35 <+bridge> I don't wanna post the password here tho 10:35 <+bridge> openai's api 10:36 <+bridge> maaan 10:36 <+bridge> how can nodejs take fcking 13 mins to compile 10:36 <+bridge> when deno is nothing 10:36 <+bridge> and faster 10:36 <+bridge> you're just a hater 10:36 <+bridge> deno > nodejs 10:37 <+bridge> what about bun 10:37 <+bridge> ew 10:37 <+bridge> dont talk about zig here 10:37 <+bridge> well security wise it's worse 10:37 <+bridge> 10:37 <+bridge> yep i use it ad my svelte adapter 10:37 <+bridge> but actually bun is faster 10:37 <+bridge> well can handle more requests for eg 10:37 <+bridge> it probs has more memory issues 10:38 <+bridge> but benchmarks are hard 10:38 <+bridge> ok let me guess 10:38 <+bridge> deno is in rust 10:38 <+bridge> zig is not memory safe 10:38 <+bridge> Is the compiler written in js or what xd 10:38 <+bridge> its the new c hipster lang 10:38 <+bridge> deno is only slower cuz it uses v8 engine 10:38 <+bridge> yes, and its made by the nodejs author 10:38 <+bridge> it uses v8 10:38 <+bridge> v8 is ok 10:38 <+bridge> V8 = java? 10:39 <+bridge> v8 is like the js engine 10:39 <+bridge> madeb y google 10:39 <+bridge> Oh ok 10:39 <+bridge> https://v8.dev/ 10:39 <+bridge> https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/tree/main/Source/JavaScriptCore 10:39 <+bridge> bun uses that, also why it is faster 10:39 <+bridge> So they write a compiler in js and u need a js runtime to compile it? 10:39 <+bridge> how hard is it to make a js engine 10:40 <+bridge> i think i read that v8 does too many predictions when running code and it is getting slower because it tries to go too fast 10:40 <+bridge> Probably insanely hard with all the bloat 10:41 <+bridge> guys do u know if i have a jack aux splitter it reduces audio quality? 10:41 <+bridge> this 10:41 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101065648559362048/71zLhAg-rSL.png 10:42 <+bridge> i still use v8 in unity tho. javascript core is probably too hard to integrate so none of the unity js runtime use i 10:42 <+bridge> i still use v8 in unity tho. javascript core is probably too hard to integrate so none of the unity js runtime use it 10:42 <+bridge> do you have one? 10:42 <+bridge> not yet 10:42 <+bridge> i may wanna buy one 10:42 <+bridge> it's probably fine 10:42 <+bridge> i have my good speakers, and my headphones 10:42 <+bridge> right now i simply disconnect and connect from a large wire like this 10:42 <+bridge> buy a mixer if you have "good" stuff i would say 10:42 <+bridge> but i think connecting and disconnecting is bad 10:43 <+bridge> hmm never thought about it 10:43 <+bridge> dont they cost shitload 10:43 <+bridge> well ye 10:43 <+bridge> do u know any 10:43 <+bridge> 100-200 10:43 <+bridge> € 10:43 <+bridge> i mean if your audio equipment's aren't costing shitloads anyway, you should be fine using a splitter 10:43 <+bridge> xd 10:43 <+bridge> if they already did 10:44 <+bridge> i dont think im in the high end 10:44 <+bridge> my speakers costed 100€ 10:44 <+bridge> a mixer won't hurt 10:44 <+bridge> no 10:44 <+bridge> i'm cheap 10:44 <+bridge> also I use airpods so i probably doesn't care about audio quality 10:44 <+bridge> also I use airpods so i probably don't care about audio quality 10:45 <+bridge> when i get my own apartment 10:45 <+bridge> ill for sure get some good shit 10:45 <+bridge> and play weeb bangers kek 10:46 <+bridge> Dont you make a gorillion €? Just get one quicc 10:46 <+bridge> there is a combination of me being lazy and barcelona costing shitload if u live alone 10:46 <+bridge> ill probs go live with a friend 10:47 <+bridge> Do you also use js for your personal projects? 10:47 <+bridge> i only use js for personal projects 10:47 <+bridge> And unity 10:47 <+bridge> well ye 10:47 <+bridge> also while living with parents i can save quite a lot xd 10:47 <+bridge> I see 10:47 <+bridge> usually unity aren't my personal projects tho 10:47 <+bridge> ur rly the opposite of me 10:48 <+bridge> i would just use godot if I need something small, and something doesn't bite 10:48 <+bridge> godot 4 is out 10:48 <+bridge> Who needs bash if u have rust 10:48 <+bridge> i know 10:48 <+bridge> but godot 4 is so slow at cold launching right now. plus i only need 2d so godot 3 is fine 10:49 <+bridge> Hm, I doubt it's possible in Barcelona nowadays but if you have a good salary, boomer wisdom is to buy the house instead of renting. Your mortgage would be close enough to rent in sane cities 10:49 <+bridge> if you can dump all your rust knowledge into my brain in seconds, i would gladly just use rust in godot 10:49 <+bridge> Xd 10:50 <+bridge> but i think i really hate rust 10:51 <+bridge> because it makes me feel really dumb lol 10:51 <+bridge> yeah but im also young, i dont know if i wanna stay where i buy, and i hear banks dont like to give until 25y old 10:52 <+bridge> my sister got a house tho xd 10:52 <+bridge> I would buy a house but i still don't know where I want to live yet 10:52 <+bridge> and will have it paid in 5 years 10:52 <+bridge> or less 10:52 <+bridge> also chinese real estate is going insane 10:52 <+bridge> well, at least it feels like it 10:52 <+bridge> I have absolutely no clue where I'll be either 10:53 <+bridge> i think most chinese parent would buy a house for they kid 10:53 <+bridge> lets make a ddnet house 10:53 <+bridge> I also have no clue what I'll do after uni. I sorta don't feel like doing anything 😄 10:53 <+bridge> but my parent dump all their money for US/UK tuitions and cost of livings lol 10:54 <+bridge> and now technically i'm still owe my parent like 2,000,000cny 10:54 <+bridge> and now technically i still owe my parent like 2,000,000cny 10:54 <+bridge> how long have you been in uni 10:55 <+bridge> it feels like forever 10:55 <+bridge> 6 years I think 10:55 <+bridge> oof 10:55 <+bridge> I stayed at home for a year after uni i think 10:56 <+bridge> it's funny that I never really looked for a job 10:56 <+bridge> I still don't know how 10:56 <+bridge> :justatest: 10:56 <+bridge> damn wtf are u doing a thesis or wut 10:56 <+bridge> but I seem to have some extreme dumb luck 10:56 <+bridge> Noo, I'm just an awful student 😄 10:56 <+bridge> lmaoo 10:57 <+bridge> Still better than me 10:57 <+bridge> And covid happened. I did nothing for 2 years 10:57 <+bridge> this year is my last year, almost 5 years as a student & employee at my Uni 10:57 <+bridge> 10:57 <+bridge> If I wasn't too proud to cheat in exams during covid I'd be done 10:57 <+bridge> University is simply too boring. No real challenges. Boring homework tasks 10:58 <+bridge> I died by borigness 10:58 <+bridge> work is still boring tho 10:58 <+bridge> Yes personal projects are best 10:58 <+bridge> apprenticeship helps 10:58 <+bridge> The only challenging part of uni is the part that I don't give a shit about. Why would I want to learn multivariable calculus and electromagnetism? 10:59 <+bridge> I would like to live like that one dude who is getting crowdfunded to reverse engineer M1 macbooks to port linux onto them 10:59 <+bridge> this 10:59 <+bridge> i only lasted 1y in uni xd 10:59 <+bridge> It's also that even if they might be partially useful for some stuff. U cannot take some courses without them 10:59 <+bridge> oh, right, working for a "big" company sometime has some really funny things happen. 10:59 <+bridge> I prefer to learn it when I need it 10:59 <+bridge> IT noticed us we are getting C&D from postman 11:00 <+bridge> This one million % 11:01 <+bridge> we are not using postman for collaborate projects. I can't find terms on postman's pricing about local usage 11:01 <+bridge> Maybe I'll start a masters then drop out after a year or two without getting a degree 11:01 <+bridge> :kek: but we still can't just deal with them so we have to switch 11:02 <+bridge> we also got C&D from fiddler, but that's just someone using a pirated version of fiddler 11:02 <+bridge> it's kinda weird that they just knows exactly which team is using fiddler 11:02 <+bridge> Y u no mitmproxy? 11:02 <+bridge> C&D? 11:03 <+bridge> cease and desist 11:03 <+bridge> it wasn't me using it so idk 11:03 <+bridge> :kek: 11:04 <+bridge> I'm curious how do you detect pirated software being used in a company 11:04 <+bridge> or do they just send letters everywhere and hope a IT department do the detective job for them 11:05 <+bridge> Snitches? Phone home telemetry? 11:05 <+bridge> i doubt chinese crackers can't remove some telemetry if they can crack it. 11:06 <+bridge> They may have missed it. Old adobe products had some phonehome trigger only after 30 minutes 11:06 <+bridge> ye maybe 11:06 <+bridge> We used to block it in the hosts file so it couldn't resolve the telemetry server 😄 11:07 <+bridge> I mean my friends used to. I would never engage in any piracy 11:08 <+bridge> > I would never engage in any piracy 11:08 <+bridge> at least not in a publicly available chatlog 11:13 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101073511763689482/image.png 11:13 <+bridge> is that helix? 11:13 <+bridge> neovim 11:13 <+bridge> ah 11:13 <+bridge> damn good wt 11:13 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101073661617778759/image.png 11:13 <+bridge> cool people terminal 11:14 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101073813405433856/image.png 11:14 <+bridge> floating terminal inside neovim too 11:14 <+bridge> i still use mouse 11:16 <+bridge> why does it feel hard for me to make amultiplayer game while teeworlds is multiplayer already 11:17 <+bridge> 11:18 <+bridge> also why does teeworlds has better prediction than most of the unity networking libraries 11:19 <+bridge> pff, I paid 100 USD 11:19 <+bridge> :p 11:19 <+bridge> :poggers2: 11:20 <+bridge> epic 11:22 <+ChillerDragon> yikes github pipeline running since 30 minutes ddnet became such a bloatware 11:22 <+ChillerDragon> i also have the feeling my vscode intellisense can not keep up anymore 11:22 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6533 11:22 <+bridge> trying to reproduce this 11:22 <+bridge> idk how tho 11:22 <+ChillerDragon> all my autocompletions and hints seemed to lag beind anyone else? 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> watf how could this crash? 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> ``Kill.m_KillerRenderInfo = m_pClient->m_aClients[Kill.m_KillerID].m_RenderInfo;`` 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> ``if(Kill.m_KillerID >= 0 && Kill.m_KillerID < MAX_CLIENTS)`` 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> seems bound checked 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> cant be a nullptr since its not a pointer 11:24 <+bridge> TIL chiller uses vscode 11:25 <+bridge> so beautiful 11:25 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101076527296303154/image.png 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> @TsFreddie xd 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> ok ryo where can i buy ur neovim rc? 11:25 <+bridge> i was lazy 11:25 <+bridge> so 11:25 <+bridge> its this but changed/fixed 11:25 <+bridge> https://github.com/ntk148v/neovim-config 11:25 <+bridge> ez to reproduce 11:25 <+bridge> rly modern neovim tho 11:25 <+bridge> >0.8 11:25 <+bridge> it installs lsp servers rly ez 11:26 <+ChillerDragon> NVIM v0.9.0 11:26 <+ChillerDragon> i use arch btw 11:26 <+bridge> i got 0.9 too 11:26 <+bridge> fixed might be a keyword 11:26 <+bridge> u need to createa custom.lua here and there 11:26 <+bridge> its where ur supposed to put ur custom config 11:26 <+bridge> but without the file it will give u annoying warnings 11:26 <+bridge> and yeah modern neovim config is in lua 11:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101077037545955408/image.png 11:27 <+bridge> it uses lazy.nvim 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> sounds like work 11:27 <+bridge> a new package manager 11:27 <+bridge> it isnt 11:27 <+bridge> its 2 mins xd 11:27 <+bridge> unlike setting ur setup 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> wot 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> i click c++ extension 11:27 <+ChillerDragon> done 11:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101077267553189960/image.png 11:28 <+bridge> press i to install 11:28 <+bridge> done 11:28 <+ChillerDragon> u says 2mins and configs 11:28 <+bridge> i just said u need to create a file 11:28 <+bridge> as in touch 11:29 <+bridge> anyway idk why i try to convince u 11:29 <+bridge> just use ur vscode 11:32 <+ChillerDragon> lel this touch is so trol 11:32 <+ChillerDragon> also fak why i missing fonts again ._. i thought i got em all now 11:35 <+bridge> u need a nerd font 11:35 <+ChillerDragon> ye saw that 11:35 <+ChillerDragon> got it now 11:35 <+ChillerDragon> still borked ffs 11:35 <+bridge> did u change ur terminal to use it 11:36 <+ChillerDragon> yes 11:36 <+bridge> what font 11:36 <+bridge> name 11:36 <+ChillerDragon> alacritty works xd 11:36 <+ChillerDragon> gnome moment 11:36 <+bridge> ```yaml 11:36 <+bridge> font: 11:36 <+bridge> normal: 11:36 <+bridge> family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 11:36 <+bridge> style: Regular 11:36 <+bridge> 11:36 <+bridge> bold: 11:36 <+bridge> family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 11:36 <+bridge> style: Bold 11:36 <+bridge> 11:36 <+bridge> italic: 11:36 <+bridge> family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 11:36 <+bridge> style: Italic 11:36 <+bridge> 11:36 <+bridge> bold_italic: 11:36 <+bridge> family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 11:36 <+bridge> style: Bold Italic 11:36 <+bridge> 11:37 <+bridge> size: 11 11:37 <+bridge> ``` 12:14 <+ChillerDragon> bra 36 stars no issues xd 12:15 <+bridge> xd 12:15 <+ChillerDragon> which file do i even have to touch i tried lua/custom.lua and lua/custom/init.lua both still throw warnings 12:15 <+bridge> its nice anyway as a base config 12:15 <+bridge> u should edit it to ur liking 12:15 <+bridge> i wanted to know how modern vim worked so this is a nice point to start 12:15 <+bridge> i changed the space ff to control p 12:15 <+bridge> im so used to control p to find files 12:16 <+ChillerDragon> i was also about to do that 12:16 <+bridge> but the nicest part is the setup already done for LSP 12:16 <+ChillerDragon> i tihink ill just delete the line in the init.lua then xd 12:16 <+bridge> no 12:16 <+bridge> just remap it 12:16 <+bridge> edit 12:16 <+bridge> vim lua/config/keymaps.lua 12:16 <+bridge> .config/nvim/lua/config/keymaps.lua 12:16 <+ChillerDragon> i https://github.com/ntk148v/neovim-config/blob/5dad4f81417ac875e95ba8b4b4807e6dc38e4541/nvim/lua/config/init.lua#L26 12:17 <+ChillerDragon> i deleted this line xd 12:17 <+ChillerDragon> fk 12:17 <+bridge> why 12:17 <+ChillerDragon> it broke more 12:17 <+bridge> dont delete it 12:17 <+ChillerDragon> because it throws warnings at me idk 12:17 <+ChillerDragon> is ur fork open src? xd 12:17 <+bridge> just do touch ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/custom.lua 12:17 <+bridge> and 12:17 <+ChillerDragon> that still warned 12:18 <+bridge> ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/custom.lua 12:18 <+bridge> this one too 12:18 <+bridge> in this one u have to add this tho 12:18 <+bridge> ❯ cat plugins/custom.lua 12:18 <+bridge> return {{ 12:18 <+bridge> 12:18 <+bridge> }} 12:18 <+bridge> with this u get no warnings 12:18 <+ChillerDragon> nice ty 12:18 <+ChillerDragon> and this is clear how? xd 12:19 <+bridge> wdym 12:19 <+bridge> idk the guy probs missed to document this 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> how do u know that 12:19 <+bridge> i figured it myself 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> how to fix 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> how 12:19 <+bridge> like a good linux user 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> wtf 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> how 12:19 <+bridge> reading the warnings bruv 12:19 <+bridge> its just lua 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> warnings didnt mention plugins folder 12:19 <+bridge> it mentioned the lua import 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> warning made me create custom.lua 12:19 <+bridge> lua imports are like files 12:19 <+bridge> and folders 12:19 <+bridge> u nobo 12:19 <+bridge> just learn lua 12:19 <+ChillerDragon> i lua pro 12:20 <+ChillerDragon> everything is a table 12:20 <+bridge> put ur config 12:20 <+bridge> in custom 12:20 <+bridge> config/custom.lua 12:20 <+ChillerDragon> u made ctrl the leader? 12:20 <+bridge> no 12:20 <+bridge> i only changed control-p for that binding 12:21 <+bridge> under keymaps.lua 12:21 <+ChillerDragon> i se 12:21 <+bridge> vim.keymap.set("n", "", builtin.find_files, {}) 12:21 <+ChillerDragon> hax 12:58 <+bridge> did u end up using it chiller 12:58 <+bridge> this nvim 13:03 <+ChillerDragon> yea im kinda busy rn but im still on it kinda 13:03 <+ChillerDragon> how do i add plugins with pressing "i" ? xd 13:17 <+bridge> the i thing is for lsp servers 13:17 <+bridge> i think its :mason or smth 13:17 <+bridge> not home rn sey 13:17 <+bridge> sry 13:29 <+ChillerDragon> omg i just hacked ryo! 13:29 <+ChillerDragon> here proof i took a screenshot on his system: 13:29 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1682594828.png 13:31 <+bridge> xd 13:31 <+bridge> ChillerDragon: fake thats not Rust 13:31 <+bridge> i dont like much transparency on my term 13:32 <+bridge> i have 0.97 13:32 <+bridge> or smth 13:33 <+ChillerDragon> gotta show the UwU bg 14:27 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101122454581149816/IMG_20230427_132923_082.png 15:32 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:56 <+bridge> I'm home 16:39 <+bridge> chiller wtf is that background 17:02 <+ChillerDragon> xd 17:55 <+ChillerDragon> so the rewrite in rust is going well ... 17:55 <+ChillerDragon> https://tube.zillyhuhn.com/video.php?t=tw_in_rust.mp4&u=chiller 17:55 <+bridge> to be excel in all disciplines 17:56 <+bridge> this looks like a scratch game LOL 17:56 <+ChillerDragon> ikr xd 17:56 <+bridge> the way you solve these can probably help you in some other problems as well 17:56 <+bridge> omg epic, chillerdragonball 17:57 <+bridge> can be corrupt stack 17:57 <+ChillerDragon> imagine not gaming with asan on 17:57 <+bridge> 🙃 17:57 <+bridge> I'd rather be challenged by a problem that I care about which in turn forces me to learn these. Just randomly learning them with "trust me bro it'll be useful" is quite demotivating for me 17:58 <+bridge> to xcel in all disciplines 17:58 <+bridge> to excel in all disciplines 17:58 <+bridge> well, it's part of the cursus 17:58 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1682611111.png 17:58 <+bridge> so the diploma encompass these 17:59 <+bridge> if you get the diploma without being able to accomplish these problesm, the diploma loses value 18:05 <+bridge> i'm finally have a master degree recognized by china 18:05 <+bridge> learath value comes from knowing c 18:05 <+bridge> not the diploma 18:05 <+bridge> kek 18:06 <+bridge> what diploma 18:06 <+bridge> oh, you guys were talking about diploma apparently 18:07 <+bridge> i paid 400cny for china to accept my diploma 18:07 <+bridge> :kek: 18:07 <+bridge> what a great system 18:12 <+bridge> imagine having a diploma 18:14 <+bridge> just spend 2 million of your family's money, put your family in poverty. ez 18:21 <+bridge> finally someone who understands 18:21 <+bridge> Chairn is too academic to understand the struggles of us mere mortals 18:28 <+bridge> can someone check showroom: i think i crashed a server with /swap 18:30 <+bridge> i started with C too though 😄 18:30 <+bridge> as a self learner 18:32 <+bridge> I bet you are a pseudocode enjoyer now 18:32 <+bridge> @Learath2 there are 2 types of dev: those who end up coding in their job and those who dont 18:32 <+bridge> Does look like a crash, we can check the core dump later 18:33 <+bridge> that cts map is just giga cursed 18:33 <+bridge> actually ur real value lies in the job u can get most paid at (in a capitalistic sense) because u will pay more taxes 18:35 <+bridge> well value is trivial to measure in the capitalistic sense, you are worth exactly the amount of capital you have. your time is worth however much the market is willing to pay for it 18:36 <+bridge> hey 18:36 <+bridge> why there's a development chat here? 18:36 <+bridge> why not? 18:36 <+bridge> it's so we can chat about development 18:36 <+bridge> what kind of question is that 18:36 <+bridge> is there any way i can code or develop stuff on ddnet? 18:36 <+bridge> yeah 18:36 <+bridge> ddnet is free software 18:36 <+bridge> makes sense 18:36 <+bridge> its not a company 18:36 <+bridge> i mean, the maps 18:36 <+bridge> read https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Development 18:36 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 18:37 <+bridge> what? 18:37 <+bridge> aight 18:37 <+bridge> u want to be a mapper? 18:37 <+bridge> go to #📌info 18:38 <+bridge> you need to add lots of *** 18:38 <+bridge> or #mapping, though we don't really have a tutorial per se, people are pretty helpful 18:38 <+bridge> well that's it's primary purpose, so it is technically correct 18:38 <+bridge> * development may involve the discussion of phisolosophical, metaphysical or political subjects 18:38 <+bridge> ** rust 18:38 <+bridge> *** hating on c 18:39 <+bridge> :justatest: 18:47 <+bridge> how do i check for nulls in c++ 18:47 <+bridge> im trying to fix the thing i fucked up on 18:48 <+bridge> For testing you should probably try using ASAN and UBSAN 18:48 <+bridge> if its a pointer u add a if 18:48 <+bridge> if pp != nullptr 18:48 <+bridge> The crash log that we have doesn't make sense to me 18:48 <+bridge> he is probs on windows 18:48 <+bridge> and probs doesnt know asan or ubsan 18:48 <+bridge> im sure its pain 18:48 <+bridge> I think ASAN at least is possible with Visual Studio 18:48 <+bridge> 3 18:49 <+bridge> 2 18:49 <+bridge> 1 18:49 <+bridge> rust? 18:49 <+bridge> whats the countdown for 18:49 <+bridge> xd 18:49 <+bridge> With rust it would not have happened 18:49 <+bridge> Xd 18:49 <+bridge> lmao 18:49 <+bridge> but true 18:49 <+bridge> 😬😬 18:49 <+bridge> but if u check how to check in code 18:49 <+bridge> its the if i sent 18:49 <+bridge> but if u mean how to check in code 18:50 <+bridge> ancient times u would use NULL 18:50 <+bridge> but we are modern here 18:50 <+bridge> so nullptr 18:50 <+bridge> https://tenor.com/view/how-do-you-do-fellow-kids-steve-buscemi-30rock-fellow-kids-one-of-us-gif-21904018 18:51 <+bridge> ok jupstar 18:51 <+bridge> why not solve it yourself then 18:52 <+bridge> write your funny rust code and fix the bug yourself 18:52 <+bridge> someone is mad 18:52 <+bridge> :blobwhistle: 18:52 <+bridge> u didnt get the joke 18:52 <+bridge> ryo was about to say it 18:53 <+bridge> so i made the countdown 18:53 <+bridge> here the clear indication xD 18:53 <+bridge> ok then ryoz do it 18:53 <+bridge> @Voxel actually tried it this morning 18:53 <+bridge> but 18:53 <+bridge> i couldnt reproduce the crash 18:53 <+bridge> i went to a solo server 18:53 <+bridge> idk 18:54 <+bridge> if we knew how to reproduce it robyt would have fixed it anyway 18:54 <+bridge> :gigachad: 18:54 <+bridge> true 18:54 <+bridge> i'd say the crash log indeed makes no sense 18:54 <+bridge> but ngl i feel inclined to fixed this myself anyways, even if its mentally painful 18:55 <+bridge> i dont know how but i was the one who broke ddnet again 18:55 <+bridge> always breaking ddnet smh 18:55 <+bridge> 🤦 18:55 <+bridge> @Voxel whatever caused the bug, its not the lines mentioned here 18:56 <+bridge> i see 18:56 <+bridge> I dunno, it just feels very likely 18:56 <+bridge> the commit i tried with was 1 minute before the symbols were uploaded 18:56 <+bridge> so that's probably the reason 18:57 <+bridge> :justatest: i don't feel like doing academic stuff but graduating did got me 3000cny bonus per month from local gov 18:57 <+bridge> i think im going to lay down 18:57 <+bridge> im too stressed to code right now 18:57 <+bridge> mh ok but no code changes in these components 18:59 <+bridge> Yeah, but it makes a different 18:59 <+bridge> It's killmessages.cpp:135 with the symbols from the previous day 18:59 <+bridge> i know, c++ can be stressful 18:59 <+bridge> `Kill.m_VictimID = vStrongWeakSorted[0].first;` 18:59 <+bridge> @murpi can u send more crash logs? 19:00 <+bridge> So the vector is empty I guess 19:00 <+bridge> mh i see 19:00 <+bridge> so murpi didnt update his game for a day 19:00 <+bridge> quite possible 19:00 <+bridge> oh 19:00 <+bridge> so its fixed? 19:00 <+bridge> lemme guess, rust **isnt**? 19:00 <+bridge> as for values of going there. i think it was purely for better position and benefits in china, otherwise it didn't do much i guess. although I do enjoy the engineering courses that at least started me to work in a team. 19:00 <+bridge> i used latest master and couldnt reproduce 19:00 <+bridge> I only had one 19:00 <+bridge> it only explains why the crash log was wrong 19:00 <+bridge> u are learning 19:01 <+bridge> is the call stack fine? 19:01 <+bridge> it was too damn expensive for regular chinese people tho 19:01 <+bridge> do u remember the context 19:01 <+bridge> bencie has sent crash logs here somewhere as well, maybe they are related 19:01 <+bridge> e.g. do previous calls make sense 19:01 <+bridge> how many players 19:01 <+bridge> did they die 19:01 <+bridge> Solo server, around 30 players 19:01 <+bridge> that was sarcasm you one trick pony 19:01 <+bridge> god 19:01 <+bridge> lol i know, there are layers to this 19:01 <+bridge> my was sarcasm on ur sarcasm 19:01 <+bridge> Yeah 19:01 <+bridge> ``` 19:01 <+bridge> 0x0000000140073a35: CKillMessages::OnMessage(int, void*) at /home/deen/isos/ddnet/ddnet-source/src/game/client/components/killmessages.cpp:135 19:01 <+bridge> 0x00000001400deb52: CGameClient::OnMessage(int, CUnpacker*, int, bool) at /home/deen/isos/ddnet/ddnet-source/src/game/client/gameclient.cpp:774 19:01 <+bridge> 0x0000000140023930: CClient::ProcessServerPacket(CNetChunk*, int, bool) at /home/deen/isos/ddnet/ddnet-source/src/engine/client/client.cpp:2231 19:01 <+bridge> ``` 19:02 <+bridge> then please post that trace, bcs it clearly makes more sense 😉 19:02 <+bridge> wink wink 19:02 <+bridge> 😉 😉 19:02 <+bridge> /home/deen/isos/ddnet/ 19:02 <+bridge> we in boys 19:02 <+bridge> hacked deen 19:02 <+bridge> deen/ios 19:03 <+bridge> :WatameWink: 19:03 <+bridge> 19:04 <+bridge> 19:04 <+bridge> 😏 19:04 <+bridge> 19:05 <+bridge> i feel like discord is starting to copy features from chinese discord clones 19:07 <+bridge> chinese people are definitely no used to the discord styled channels 19:07 <+bridge> we have 4000+ members in our channels rn, but people rarely talk in channels. they still like the old chat group 19:08 <+bridge> yeah 19:08 <+bridge> but as a hobby 19:09 <+bridge> i wanna be the very best 19:09 <+bridge> like no one ever was 19:09 <+bridge> k 19:09 <+bridge> good luck 19:09 <+bridge> you can just learn the map editor 19:09 <+bridge> yeah but 19:09 <+bridge> i'm not a scratch programmer 19:09 <+bridge> ask in #mapping, we got mappers to help 19:09 <+bridge> mapping does not require coding 19:10 <+bridge> like at all 19:10 <+bridge> teeworlds mapping is easy than using paint 19:10 <+bridge> ik 19:10 <+bridge> i wouldn't say it is easier than using paint 19:10 <+bridge> it's a bit harder 19:10 <+bridge> but almost the same 19:10 <+bridge> anyway 19:11 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSh-amJVdXc 19:11 <+bridge> either way, just ask #mapping on how to get started. 19:11 <+bridge> the trick is, just start 19:11 <+bridge> also that 19:11 <+bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Mapping 19:11 <+bridge> i mean first map will suck anyway 19:11 <+bridge> here's almost everything you need 19:12 <+bridge> i used to make maps for fng 19:12 <+bridge> but then 19:12 <+bridge> and i ruined chinese fng 19:12 <+bridge> :justatest: 19:12 <+bridge> sad 19:13 <+bridge> they are still playing solofng5ez 19:13 <+bridge> lol this page is great 19:13 <+bridge> why 19:13 <+bridge> I didn't read it 19:13 <+bridge> it looks like an artist made it 19:13 <+bridge> ok wait 19:14 <+bridge> upon further read 19:14 <+bridge> if u compare it to ugly trouble shooting pages xD 19:14 <+bridge> i think this was translated from chinese 19:14 <+bridge> lol what 19:14 <+bridge> zwelf translated some stuff back xD 19:14 <+bridge> by accident 19:14 <+bridge> but the chinese version is not even translated 19:14 <+bridge> cuz it was not ported 19:14 <+bridge> so he translated it to chinese, just to translate it back 19:14 <+bridge> its archived 19:15 <+bridge> @TsFreddie https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Archive:Mapping/zh 19:15 <+bridge> oh 19:15 <+bridge> can i ask why this even happened? 19:15 <+bridge> now that looks very familar 19:15 <+bridge> we ididnt use the extension before because it lacked visual editor support 19:15 <+bridge> and now it has to some extend 19:15 <+bridge> the translate extension is nice because it makes translating easier 19:16 <+bridge> but did it make all sites to break compability? 19:16 <+bridge> it made the translated sites break compatiblity ye 19:16 <+bridge> nvm the twcn wiki is worse 19:16 <+bridge> cuz what we did initially was a monkey patch 19:16 <+bridge> we "emulated" a translated page xd 19:16 <+bridge> there is one chinese tryhard wiki contributor xD 19:16 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101195267157540874/image.png 19:16 <+bridge> i know that 19:16 <+bridge> oh ok 19:17 <+bridge> is https not allowed in 🇨🇳 ? 19:17 <+bridge> no, the cert expired 19:17 <+bridge> ok xD 19:17 <+bridge> I didn't host our wiki 19:17 <+bridge> so i don't know who's in charge with it 19:17 <+bridge> not that we need it anyway. ddnet got it better 19:17 <+bridge> do ur work in the ddnet wiki pls 19:17 <+bridge> better 19:17 <+bridge> ye 19:18 <+bridge> im the one hosting the wiki btw 19:18 <+bridge> ours existed since 15 tho 19:18 <+bridge> :poggers2: 19:18 <+bridge> ours existed since 2014 tho 19:18 <+bridge> this one technically since 2015 19:18 <+bridge> Oo 19:18 <+bridge> but it was dead long time 19:18 <+bridge> tsfreddie was ahead of chinas time 19:18 <+bridge> it was mostly just mod showcase at first 19:18 <+bridge> 2016-01-03 » DDRace Wiki by Ryozuki 19:18 <+bridge> https://ddnet.org/news/ddrace-wiki/ 19:18 <+bridge> ye i got our forums and everything 19:18 <+bridge> and i threw everything away before I went to US for college 19:19 <+bridge> twcn is a dead page rn 19:19 <+bridge> although I did get contacted by gov to fix my registration for teeworlds.cn 19:20 <+bridge> try to register teeworlds.tw from china xd 19:20 <+bridge> mainland.tw 19:20 <+bridge> xD 19:20 <+bridge> xdd 19:20 <+bridge> westtaiwan.tw 19:20 <+bridge> xD 19:20 <+bridge> also i'm surprised they let me live after seeing both the Discord and Telegram links on teeworlds.cn 19:20 <+bridge> lol 19:21 <+bridge> also what happened to http://teel.ink/ 19:22 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks https://www.anandtech.com/show/18832/tsmc-outlines-2nm-plans-n2p-brings-backside-power-delivery-in-2026-n2x-added-to-roadmap 19:22 <+bridge> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35726836 19:22 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101196734627053638/tsmc-n2-symposium-2023-1e_575px.png 19:22 <+bridge> @Ryozuki was it you that was hosting a link shortener 19:22 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101196761403490454/tsmc-n2-symposium-2023-2_575px.png 19:22 <+bridge> I totally forgot 19:22 <+bridge> yes 19:23 <+bridge> what happened to it 19:23 <+bridge> i deleted it because hetzner nullrouted my server cuz someone used a phish link 19:23 <+bridge> lol 19:23 <+bridge> epic 19:23 <+bridge> without taiwan my life has no sense anymore 🥹 19:23 <+bridge> no fun 19:23 <+bridge> do you still want the domain tho 19:23 <+bridge> i lost access to mail 19:23 <+bridge> during that time 19:23 <+bridge> I still got it until aug this year 19:23 <+bridge> hmm sure 19:23 <+bridge> but what i can i put there 19:24 <+bridge> idk 19:24 <+bridge> oh wait 19:24 <+bridge> i still owns ddrace.cn and ddrace.net.cn for some reason 19:24 <+bridge> i think hetzner knew it was mine cuz i didnt us cloudflare 19:24 <+bridge> behind cloudflare it should be safe? 19:24 <+bridge> xds 19:24 <+bridge> they're just sitting there 19:25 <+bridge> setup a cloudflare and i can tell u the ip 19:25 <+bridge> what was it 19:25 <+bridge> tee.ink? 19:25 <+bridge> teel.ink 19:25 <+bridge> how much does it cost 19:25 <+bridge> tee.ink probably worth a lot more 19:26 <+bridge> i forgot 19:26 <+bridge> probably like 20cny 19:26 <+bridge> it probably was free 19:26 <+bridge> 2.62 Euro 19:26 <+bridge> from buy vps 19:26 <+bridge> from buying vps 19:26 <+bridge> 55cny 19:26 <+bridge> for 1 year 19:27 <+bridge> it's pretty cheap 19:28 <+bridge> btw has anyone tried to add steam networking to ddnet 19:29 <+bridge> :justatest: i mean it's technically free relay. 19:29 <+bridge> can probably host some steam only servers without ever worry about exposing IPs. but they can only be played on steam tho. 20:02 <+bridge> there was a discussion about it if I remember 20:03 <+bridge> but thing is steam's stuff is kinda closed 20:06 <+bridge> we are already using steamworks sdk for getting names i think 20:32 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1101214410309107732/RDT_20230427_2032468683531025809997234.jpg 20:32 <+bridge> @ReiTW 20:39 <+bridge> LMAO 20:57 <+bridge> chinese will always be superior for numbers 21:00 <+bridge> 🇮🇳 21:01 <+bridge> For reading numbers i guess 21:01 <+bridge> One syllable per digit is really comfortable compared to english 21:02 <+bridge> one digit per digit is even more confortable 21:03 <+bridge> Not until you say it? 21:03 <+bridge> i communicate in binary 21:03 <+bridge> One billion five hundred and forty-six hundred and forty-five thousand three hundred and seventy-four = 十五亿四千六百三十四万五千三百七十四 21:03 <+bridge> telepathy 21:03 <+bridge> :poggers2: 21:03 <+bridge> uff 21:04 <+bridge> but which is easier to read? 21:04 <+bridge> If you can read chinese it's probably the same 21:05 <+bridge> Asian languages group numbers in 4 and you guys groups them in 3s 21:05 <+bridge> i only see, 21:05 <+bridge> DEAD random random Window with curtain, power pole, tent random random dead window with curtain random random power pole random random random dead, window with power pole 21:05 <+bridge> i only see, 21:05 <+bridge> DEAD random random Window with curtain, power pole, tent random random dead window with curtain random random power pole random random random dead, window with curtain 21:05 <+bridge> :brownbear: 21:06 <+bridge> 四 could also be a bed 21:06 <+bridge> Also just write arabic numbers. 21:06 <+bridge> I don't deny that 21:06 <+bridge> But when you read it out loud, chinese is definitely better 21:06 <+bridge> latin numbers 😬 21:06 <+bridge> MXXXVI 21:07 <+bridge> not even Japanese has one syllable per digit 21:07 <+bridge> chinese is cool bcs it has blocks 21:07 <+bridge> much easier to render xD 21:08 <+bridge> I do hate that we group numbers differently tho 21:08 <+bridge> Making translating numbers unnecessarily hard 21:08 <+bridge> the simple numbers trips me up too 21:08 <+bridge> Like a million 21:10 <+bridge> tsfreddie很酷,因为他能看懂中文。他可能是地球上唯一一个能够做到这一点的人。我是他的粉丝。 21:10 <+bridge> You guys have million = 1,000,000, and we have 万 = 1,0000. So 1 million = 100万 which always trip me up 21:12 <+bridge> i wonder where that come from 21:12 <+bridge> why europe uses 3 digit group? 21:12 <+bridge> and why china uses 4 digit group? 21:12 <+bridge> :justatest: 21:12 <+bridge> Who knows 21:13 <+bridge> the use of 4-digit groupings in China can be traced back to the traditional Chinese counting system, which is based on units of 10,000 rather than 1,000. This system was already in use before the introduction of Arabic numerals to China, and it continued to be used alongside them. As a result, it became customary to group numbers in sets of four digits, rather than three. 21:13 <+bridge> okay, now why 3? 21:13 <+bridge> In Europe, the use of 3-digit groupings dates back to the 15th century, when Arabic numerals were introduced to the region. At that time, it became customary to separate large numbers with spaces to make them easier to read. The spaces were typically placed every three digits, which eventually became the standard in Europe. 21:14 <+bridge> please link : 21:14 <+bridge> please link 😛 21:14 <+bridge> https://chat.openai.com 21:14 <+bridge> I think i'm more amazed that we came up with numbers separately yet both got based 10 and based 12 system 21:14 <+bridge> okay... 21:14 <+bridge> do you have reliable source? 21:14 <+bridge> 8-10-12 are good bases 21:14 <+bridge> it is reliable 21:14 <+bridge> 21:14 <+bridge> reliably wrong 21:14 <+bridge> 12 being the best 21:15 <+bridge> the more divider a base, the better it is 21:15 <+bridge> it eases all computing 21:15 <+bridge> the more divider a base has, the better it is 21:15 <+bridge> chinese did use base-16 for weight before 21:16 <+bridge> base 20 lying somewhere in middle age France 😄 21:16 <+bridge> yhea its a bit better in many cases ^^ 21:16 <+bridge> and base 60 in Mesopotamia 21:17 <+bridge> We still use base-12 for... emmm.. time i guess but that's just how time works i think 21:17 <+bridge> Idk what I'm talking about 21:17 <+bridge> good thing that 60 is a multiple of 12 then, conversion is easier i guess 21:18 <+bridge> what symbols do they even use there wtf 21:19 <+bridge> it wasnt a positioning system 21:20 <+bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexagesimal#Origin 21:20 <+bridge> base65536 master race 21:22 <+bridge> obv ternary number system is best 21:22 <+bridge> just as triangles are best 21:22 <+bridge> 21:23 <+bridge> Can we just make up a base-anynumber encoding and claim to be the first library for it 21:23 <+bridge> hexagons are the bestagons 21:23 <+bridge> Flood npm with base-n packages 21:43 <+bridge> base 1 master race 21:50 <+bridge> huh? i thought std::vector will throw an exception with clear message like "hey dum there's nothing in me" 21:58 <+bridge> not in release 23:41 <+bridge> damn robyt already fixed it 23:41 <+bridge> #1 coder