01:56 < bridge> ENVÍEME EL NOMBRE DE SU PAÍS ESTAMOS BENDICIENDO A ALGUIEN ANTES DE LA MEDIANOCHE $300 $500 - $800 Y $1200 04:21 < bridge> for indie dev i highly recommend existing solution (like microsoft's playfab), less effort, not that much more expensive than hosting your own server for the user base you're expecting to have. 04:25 < bridge> or if you expect to publish on a single platform (like steam), using the platform's service directly (usually for free) is a good idea too. 04:28 < bridge> <𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐋> thanks i will look into it 05:09 < bridge> fred how r u doing 05:54 < bridge> Ok 05:54 < bridge> I'm waiting for my KFC 06:01 < bridge> Epic 06:01 < bridge> Haven’t had KFC in a minute 08:30 < ChillerDragon> @Robyt3 do you play ddnet? if yes under which name? 08:35 < bridge> woah i never even thought of that 09:00 < bridge> Robyt3 in-game is Robyt3 09:02 < bridge> 09:16 < ChillerDragon> rly jopsti? 09:17 < ChillerDragon> but does he play? 09:17 < ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1682406985.png 09:17 < ChillerDragon> where did my c++ line numbers go :( 09:17 < ChillerDragon> `` CC=clang CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DHEADLESS_CLIENT=ON -DCURSES_CLIENT=ON 09:18 < ChillerDragon> a 09:18 < ChillerDragon> fk 09:18 < ChillerDragon> i compiled like this `` CC=clang CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DHEADLESS_CLIENT=ON`` 09:18 < ChillerDragon> yesterday i still had line numbers xd 09:19 < ChillerDragon> ``DDNet: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 4.4.0, BuildID[sha1]=f4622ec1ca0e2802458ccca060d681619257dfc8, with debug_info, not stripped`` 09:19 < ChillerDragon> not stripped they say 09:19 < ChillerDragon> and yet asan giving me the full lap dance 09:20 < ChillerDragon> watf 09:20 < ChillerDragon> @Robyt3 you dont play very much then i assume? whats your motivation for working so much on the code base then? 09:28 < bridge> Maybe he plays lan server 24/7 xd 09:45 < bridge> I almost never play race. Used to play vanilla or some other PVP mods like Insta or Catch if there are enough players. I mostly just like to code nowadays. 09:57 < bridge> Honorable 09:57 < bridge> Chiller u compiled as pie 09:58 < bridge> I dunno if the sanitizers can handle address randomization 09:58 < bridge> Mh but u in debug mode. Weird weird 10:23 < bridge> I See. Well thanks for doing it \:) 10:23 < bridge> (@Robyt3) 11:51 < bridge> who coded this bot 11:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100358393803309056/image.png 11:55 < bridge> @ChillerDragon hey random, apperantly all people here are stupid 11:56 < bridge> :Ray: 11:56 < bridge> shots fired 12:07 < bridge> note for future self: design a table you know will have a lot of records based on a date using psql partitioning, because later on will be a chore to migrate to partitioned tables 12:07 < bridge> and cuz im lazy i just deleted old data 12:12 < bridge> Partitioning is about where my knowledge of SQL ends. I can sort of see it help with the issue you mentioned this morning but I also don't see why your original query performed so badly 12:13 < bridge> no index 12:14 < bridge> or outdated index 12:14 < bridge> or outdated index (when you insert/updated a lot on an indexed table, you have to recreate the index from time to time) 12:15 < bridge> idk it had 7million rows 12:15 < bridge> that's nothing 12:15 < bridge> He already had an index on the date 12:15 < bridge> dude if u dont know what utalk about better stfu 12:15 < bridge> the explain literally says it 12:15 < bridge> I do know what I am talking about 12:15 < bridge> sometimes u rly make me mad 12:15 < bridge> no u dont know shit 12:15 < bridge> u just blabber 12:15 < bridge> my company does the documents for most german companies 12:16 < bridge> we have at least 50 million entries in a table 12:16 < bridge> recreating the index from time to time helps 12:16 < bridge> :fuckyousnail: 12:16 < bridge> if you were smart enough to create an index in the first place 12:16 < bridge> my god 12:16 < bridge> im done 12:17 < bridge> not my fault you are not as smart 12:18 < bridge> (timeouted both for insulting each other) 12:33 < DefaultO> Don't wanna complain. But Heinrich banned me from the ddnet Server for things that happened outside of it. 12:33 < bridge> you timed him out and he left the server :kekW: 12:33 < DefaultO> Nah I have been banned @spur 12:33 < bridge> wat 12:33 < bridge> how u talkin 12:33 < DefaultO> irc chat 12:33 < bridge> wtf is irc chat 12:33 < DefaultO> heinrich got no power here 12:33 < DefaultO> https://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=ddnet&uio=d4 12:34 < bridge> ah 12:34 < bridge> heinrich is an odd person, have you ever seen him in a happy mood? 12:35 < DefaultO> he was visibly interested when I talked with him about Teeworlds bot in our dms 12:35 < bridge> he gets interested in things besides moderating this discord? 12:37 < bridge> Well he might be bit strict very often, which makes normal conversations hard sometimes, but he is also very intelligent and does a lot for ddnet. 12:37 < bridge> 12:37 < bridge> If I assume right, he plays the role of a ddnet discord mod after rules he set himself and is pretty consistent about them. So basically like a robot xd 12:38 < bridge> He can time out the bridge too default0 12:38 < bridge> Poor chiller dragon 12:39 < bridge> Normal conversation is easy, discussions are where we have an issue usually. People get way too heated 12:39 < DefaultO> Would he take away every method for support 12:39 < DefaultO> I already don't have any access to the reports channel anymore 12:39 < DefaultO> I think 12:40 < bridge> Just say sorry and he will unban 12:40 < bridge> Can't be so hard 12:44 < DefaultO> Meh 12:45 < DefaultO> #freeryo 12:45 < DefaultO> He is innocent 12:45 < DefaultO> But I still believe that rebuilding the indexes was the smart move 12:46 < bridge> Aren't indices kept up to date 12:46 < bridge> What would be the sense of them else 12:46 < DefaultO> I don't think so 12:46 < DefaultO> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/indexes/reorganize-and-rebuild-indexes?view=sql-server-ver16 12:46 < bridge> Would be surprising to me, but i am not biggest SQL/database lover 12:46 < bridge> They are, but they aren't guaranteed to be optimal when updated on the go 12:47 < bridge> Ah makes sense 12:47 < bridge> Some things get fragmented 12:50 < DefaultO> I just know that we run even bigger Databases 12:50 < DefaultO> And there is no way a proper table with 5M entries should be slow 12:51 < DefaultO> But I have no knowledge on Ryos case 12:51 < DefaultO> It was just mentioned by someone else 12:52 < bridge> Is still the question if indices are the problem here tho. Sounds more like the query is inefficient then 12:52 < DefaultO> could be the case if the query contains sql that checks (nearly) every entry - such as string comparisons 12:53 < bridge> I'd have assumed even without rebuilding the indices would be reasonable fast 12:54 < bridge> Rebuilding sounds like a on top optimization of u know u are reading often and writing rarely 12:54 < DefaultO> Can't scroll up in this IRC chat to quote the other one. But the wording slow query was dropped. 12:54 < DefaultO> rebuilding is not needed if you only read, rebuilding should be done nightly or when not used if you are inserting new entries to the table and update entries in general 13:00 <+bridge> Anyway, i doubt ryo uses Ms stuff. So it this isn't a useful discussion without him anyway 13:01 < DefaultO> it would only be useless if that doesn't apply to SQL databases in general 13:03 <+bridge> I cannot imagine that it is much less of a problem than it sounds from you. Ryo did vacuum and analyze do he probably is suspecting something already 13:04 <+bridge> I cannot imagine that it is as much of a problem than it sounds from you. Ryo did vacuum and analyze do he probably is suspecting something already 13:04 < DefaultO> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 13:06 < DefaultO> Also just checked. Rebuilding is done in other databases with the ``ANALYZE TABLE table_name;`` command 13:07 < DefaultO> Some also have the ``OPTIMIZE TABLE tbl;`` command 13:28 <+bridge> finally free 13:28 <+bridge> next time when i ask for something i will exclude this guy from it 13:28 <+bridge> since i dont enjoy convos with it 13:28 <+bridge> thats all ill say 13:29 < DefaultO> you can ignore me, but I will never be gone 13:29 < DefaultO> :ghost: 13:30 <+bridge> @Learath2 i suggest u simply make a special case for chiller on matrix, and disable irc 13:30 <+bridge> nobody uses it anyway 13:32 <+bridge> Chiller cries in pain. He hates element BCS Js bloat XD. 13:32 <+bridge> Btw chiller, did u ever try a terminal client? 13:33 <+bridge> i think he tried weechat 13:33 <+bridge> with the matrix extension i told him 13:33 <+bridge> probs didnt like it 13:33 <+bridge> I see 13:33 <+bridge> I like having a method to join the developer chat without proprietary software 13:33 <+bridge> true 13:33 <+bridge> then simply not let ban evaders abuse it 13:33 <+bridge> Is matrix proprietary? 13:33 <+bridge> not that i know 13:33 <+bridge> maybe the client 13:33 <+bridge> I was offline 13:33 <+bridge> matrix is open, irc is (more?) open 13:34 <+bridge> i know its ok, told learath bu he has no perms 13:34 <+bridge> he is +o on IRC 13:34 <+bridge> irc is the most open, but also insecure 13:34 <+bridge> Damn. thought u ra 13:34 <+bridge> maybe he forgot the credentials? 13:34 <+bridge> Damn. thought u rq 13:34 <+bridge> probably xd 13:34 <+bridge> but irc with the OTR extension is nice 13:34 <+bridge> <-StormAx> he became a fucking web-hook 13:34 <+bridge> only works for private convos tho 13:34 <+bridge> Why tho, i can fully self host it. Or BCS of other reasons? 13:34 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks i think matrix can be federated 13:34 <+bridge> the problem its more complicated to setup 13:35 <+bridge> IRC is a standard, matrix aims to be a standard but a lot of it is still "whatever synapse does" 13:35 <+bridge> iu used to host a irc server 13:35 <+bridge> ircv3 13:35 <+bridge> https://github.com/inspircd/inspircd 13:35 <+bridge> i think most networks use this 13:35 <+bridge> i used it too 13:36 <+bridge> unrealircd also exists I think 13:36 <+bridge> also twitch uses it IIRC 13:36 <+bridge> ah ye 13:37 <+bridge> So the development is less open? 13:38 <+bridge> well irc is rly open in that there are lot of implementors right 13:38 <+bridge> idk how many matrix implementors are there 13:38 <+bridge> element is the dominant right 13:38 <+bridge> yes, basically 13:39 <+bridge> @heinrich5991 do u prefer mpv or vlc 13:39 <+bridge> there are a couple of alternative clients. last I checked (couple of years ago) they were far from usable with encryption 13:39 <+bridge> I see. That explains why they need two million years to implement webrtc correctly lmao 13:39 <+bridge> in the linux weeb world i heard many ppl say mpv is better than vlc 13:39 <+bridge> I use mpv, I liked that it doesn't show user interface 13:39 <+bridge> The only fast client i know is the CPP one. The web apps are all so slow when decrypting. Very avoiding 13:40 <+bridge> Annoying 13:40 <+bridge> I think it generally has less problems(for me) but also less settings, at least over ui 13:41 <+bridge> i had to use mpv to watch anime rn cuz i stopped emerge mid-qt 13:41 <+bridge> and vlc needs qt 13:41 <+bridge> its nice too yeah 13:41 <+bridge> i need to integrate it with rofi tho 13:41 <+bridge> it also plays better with syncplay 13:41 <+bridge> i.. lack a file browser 13:41 <+bridge> xD 13:42 <+bridge> I use ffplay to replay streams tho. Seems to be the only player that minimized delay for rtmp 13:42 <+bridge> does it work with twitch? 13:43 <+bridge> I dunno, my friends and I use rtmp with nginx 13:43 <+bridge> xd 13:43 <+bridge> It's nice BCS higher quality streams 13:45 <+bridge> YouTube has a rtmp backend tho 13:45 <+bridge> At least for the stream upload 13:47 <+bridge> > VLC is not recommended because it often displays wrong colours, introduces visual artifacts, and breaks intensive subtitles. Here are some comparisons showing these issues - 13:47 <+bridge> > 13:47 <+bridge> > https://slow.pics/c/XhbmrYgU (Spice and Wolf by MTBB) https://slow.pics/c/vH560pvp 13:47 <+bridge> from thewiki.moe 13:48 <+bridge> i see 13:49 <+bridge> mpv 13:49 <+bridge> a quick read 13:49 <+bridge> on windows it also links an ancient version of libass so some subtitles are broken, though I guess that's not a problem on linux 13:49 <+bridge> it says it also decodes better with nvidia on linux, which i have 13:49 <+bridge> though font caching is still weird 13:49 <+bridge> and works better with tiling 13:49 <+bridge> which i have 13:50 <+bridge> libass is a good library name 13:50 <+bridge> vlc would also upscale chroma with point for a long time, not sure if it still does that 13:56 <+bridge> $drake vlc mpv 13:56 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100389961578061874/drake.png 13:58 <+bridge> `mpv "$(ls -1 | rofi -dmenu)"` 13:58 <+bridge> nice this works 13:59 <+bridge> i just realized im not using the full power of rofi 13:59 <+bridge> Fake ryo. Where is rust alternative 13:59 <+bridge> https://github.com/davatorium/rofi 14:00 <+bridge> idk anything as good as rofi in rust 14:01 <+bridge> `bindsym --release Print exec maim -s --format=png /dev/stdout | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i` 14:01 <+bridge> this is my way to take screenshots 14:01 <+bridge> `bindsym --release $mod+o exec maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) --format=png /dev/stdout | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i` to take a perfect screenshot of the active window 14:02 <+bridge> Mhh 14:02 <+bridge> i3 powa 14:02 <+bridge> `bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id rofi -show drun` 14:02 <+bridge> and my program launcher 14:02 <+bridge> Too nerdy for my workflow 14:04 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks im the fastest at opening firefox in the west 14:04 <+bridge> Xd 14:05 <+bridge> Sad only that browsers are bloated slow software 14:06 <+bridge> true 14:06 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100392354894073856/image.png 14:06 <+bridge> bloat time 14:06 <+bridge> worst offenders, cuz they take a lot to compile and they update a lot due to security issues i think 14:07 <+bridge> thats why i always run "upgrade --exclude "firefox"" 14:07 <+bridge> upgrade is my script 14:08 <+bridge> `alias upgrade='sudo emerge -avuDN @world'` 14:09 <+bridge> https://micahflee.com/2023/04/capturing-the-flag-with-gpt-4/ 14:09 <+bridge> ctf 14:09 <+bridge> Just remove js :brownbear: 14:09 <+bridge> I tested gpt4. Indeed a lot better than chatgpt.. but much slower 14:10 <+bridge> Good progress xd 14:10 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100393293721915443/chatgpt-sss.png 14:12 <+bridge> looks like it doesn't any more 14:14 <+bridge> @arch1t3cht do u know if u can advance to delay subs 14:14 <+bridge> in vlc i know how to 14:14 <+bridge> sometimes i need that cuz unsync subs 14:14 <+bridge> `z` and `Z` 14:14 <+bridge> oh nice 14:15 <+bridge> there's a nice hotkey cheat sheet somewhere 14:15 <+bridge> I think it was this one https://i.imgur.com/LNGJf4u.png 14:19 <+bridge> matrix is just such a complicated thing, I honestly never quite enjoyed it 14:19 <+bridge> with homeservers and stuff it just makes my brain melt 14:21 <+bridge> Make sure you configure it properly, it didn't want to use nvenc by default for me 14:21 <+bridge> well nvdec in this case but yeah 14:21 <+bridge> how to xD 14:21 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks what do u think about https://www.amazon.es/Noctua-NH-U12A-chromax-Black-Disipador-Torre/dp/B098XP1Y38 14:22 <+bridge> Well first check if it works out of the box 14:23 <+bridge> it did 14:23 <+bridge> i watched a anime while eating 14:23 <+bridge> I mean if it is using your gpu out of the box 14:23 <+bridge> Why is it so expensive? 14:23 <+bridge> it said gpu 14:23 <+bridge> i mean noctua is the best brand for this 14:24 <+bridge> Mh i dunno, but very expensive for a air cooler 14:24 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks which do u have 14:24 <+bridge> what temps 14:24 <+bridge> i reached 88 compiling gcc 14:24 <+bridge> xd 14:24 <+bridge> so idk anymore 14:24 <+bridge> i guess i need new cooler 14:24 <+bridge> the hyper 212 suxs 14:25 <+bridge> i read the 5800x is hard to cool cuz small die 14:25 <+bridge> or smth 14:26 <+bridge> I have dark rock pro 3 14:26 <+bridge> And V4 costs like 80€ 14:26 <+bridge> @Ryozuki if it doesn't say `nvdec` or `vdpau` on the gpu line it's not using your gpu 14:26 <+bridge> I doubt my cpu was ever over 70° 14:27 <+bridge> AO: [pulse] 44100Hz stereo 2ch float 14:27 <+bridge> VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p 14:27 <+bridge> AV: 00:00:02 / 00:24:00 (0%) A-V: 0.000 14:27 <+bridge> Even with 16 cores. But maybe depends on fan target 14:28 <+bridge> `gpu` there is the video output driver, gpu is the modern one 14:28 <+bridge> Yeah, that's not hardware decoding 14:28 <+bridge> Try starting with --hwdec 14:29 <+bridge> hm same 14:29 <+bridge> @Learath2 do i need any flags 14:29 <+bridge> on gentoo 14:29 <+bridge> oh there is nvenc 14:30 <+bridge> Yeah you want nvenc on gentoo 14:30 <+bridge> I also have `vdpau` enabled, not all applications can use nvenc/nvdec 14:32 <+bridge> There is one big problem with firefox on linux, it can't use vdpau or nvdec, only vaapi, so videos don't get decoded on gpu and it annoys me very much 14:33 <+bridge> Sounds annoying indeed. I mostly use Firefox for exactly that^^ video Playback is awesome 14:33 <+bridge> Do you have it working on linux with hardware accelerated decoding? 14:33 <+bridge> Yes but amd 14:34 <+bridge> It has vaapi backend 14:34 <+bridge> do you like xmpp? 14:34 <+bridge> ``` 14:34 <+bridge> ❯ rg vdpau 14:34 <+bridge> make.conf 14:34 <+bridge> 21:USE="X -wayland lm-sensors contrib mount alsa pulseaudio xinerama opengl vulkan udev elogind -systemd fontconfig vorbis opus vdpau bluetooth" 14:34 <+bridge> 14:34 <+bridge> package.use/vlc 14:34 <+bridge> 214:# required by media-libs/mesa-22.1.7::gentoo[vdpau] 14:34 <+bridge> 218:x11-libs/libvdpau abi_x86_32 dri 14:34 <+bridge> ``` 14:34 <+bridge> i have this 14:34 <+bridge> no vaapi in sight xd 14:34 <+bridge> Ok you have vdpau, nvidia doesn't support vaapi anyway 14:35 <+bridge> There used to be a weird stub driver that redirected vaapi requests to vdpau but it was a buggy mess so every distro removed it 14:35 <+bridge> > Core mpv functionality can be extended with Lua or JavaScript scripts or C plugins. 14:35 <+bridge> lol js but no rust 14:35 <+bridge> Not particularly. I don't mind the wire protocol, but the homeserver thing is a little weird still, atleast in my mind 14:36 <+bridge> hmm, that's kinda what makes email good though 14:36 <+bridge> i need to remember why i have qt deps in gentoo 14:36 <+bridge> I like a little federation 14:36 <+bridge> i wonder what uses it 14:36 <+bridge> vlc? 14:36 <+bridge> oh true 14:36 <+bridge> vlc does 14:36 <+bridge> I only use it BCS home server actually xdd 14:39 <+bridge> if you have `equery` you can do `equery d ` to find out what depends on it 14:41 <+bridge> oh 14:41 <+bridge> equery poggers 14:42 <+bridge> `equery d dev-qt/qtcore` 😛 14:42 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100401419565146152/image.png 14:42 <+bridge> Those ones with the pink qt5 thing mean it's only dependent if the qt5 useflag is enabled 14:42 <+bridge> ok i added nvenc and vdpau 14:43 <+bridge> also libcaca 14:43 <+bridge> funny name 14:43 <+bridge> caca = shit in spanish 14:43 <+bridge> Now when you do `--hwdec` in mpv what happens? 14:43 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100401672573948004/image.png 14:43 <+bridge> For me it was still only decoding on gpu but then copying back to the cpu 14:44 <+bridge> Using hardware decoding (nvdec). 14:44 <+bridge> AO: [pulse] 44100Hz stereo 2ch float 14:44 <+bridge> VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 cuda[nv12] 14:44 <+bridge> AV: 00:01:54 / 00:49:25 (4%) A-V: 0.000 14:44 <+bridge> Okay, seems it's not copying back for you 14:44 <+bridge> how to make it default 14:45 <+bridge> mpv.conf 14:45 <+bridge> ye but what option xD 14:46 <+bridge> `hwdec=auto` 14:46 <+bridge> you can copy the example config from `/usr/share/doc/mpv...` 14:46 <+bridge> you can usually just copy the options you set on the cli one to one 14:47 <+bridge> so just `hwdec`? 14:48 <+bridge> auto worked 14:48 <+bridge> does mpv display it always at max quality or whathever 14:48 <+bridge> or do i need to config it too 14:49 <+bridge> wdym max quality 14:49 <+bridge> profile=gpu-hq 14:49 <+bridge> You can do `profile=gpu-hq` it'll set the scaler and a couple other things 14:49 <+bridge> if you use profile=gpu-hq then disable deband 14:49 <+bridge> deband just makes existing banding worse more often than not 14:50 <+bridge> ok looking good 14:50 <+bridge> some more advanced config guides (custom upscalers and whatnot) here: 14:50 <+bridge> 14:50 <+bridge> 14:50 <+bridge> 14:50 <+bridge> i have a nerdy anime setup now too 14:52 <+bridge> You can also mess around with the scaler afterwards, I think I heard `ewa_lanczossharp` is better if you have a beastgpu 14:52 <+bridge> It's actually quite impressive how configurable mpv is, they support so many things, you can change like everything 14:53 <+bridge> the only missing thing is someday to leave pulseaudio and use pipewire 14:53 <+bridge> I did it on both my machines, it's actually trivial to switch 14:53 <+bridge> took me 20 mins max 14:53 <+bridge> ohh 14:53 <+bridge> ill do it after the work metting i have in 10 mins xd 14:53 <+bridge> meeting* 14:54 <+bridge> and mpv is a native pipewire client, so it doesn't rely on the pulseaudio plugin and you get nice nodes in the graph 😄 14:54 <+bridge> nice 14:54 <+bridge> I was listening to a lecture with bad audio, ran it through an AI denoiser node and an EQ to cut out a buzz 14:54 <+bridge> are we a native pipewire client 14:54 <+bridge> ddnet 14:55 <+bridge> doubt it, we use SDL and I don't think they do native pipewire yet 14:56 <+bridge> boo 14:56 <+bridge> https://www.phoronix.com/news/SDL2-Lands-PipeWire-Audio nvm they did 14:59 <+bridge> what is native pipewire? 14:59 <+bridge> I thought pipewire only offered jack/pulseaudo APIs? 15:00 <+bridge> pipewire offered a pulseaudio and jack api through plugins 15:00 <+bridge> it has an api of it's own that is pretty easy to translate to, which is what the plugins do iirc 15:05 <+bridge> And in the end it is all alsa? Xd 15:05 <+bridge> alsa is both the name of the kernel API and the name of a library 15:05 <+bridge> it's all alsa the kernel API, but not alsa the library 15:05 <+bridge> AFAIK 15:05 <+bridge> Ok 15:06 <+bridge> hm, I don't remember if pulseaudio and pipewire rely on libalsa 15:06 <+bridge> I thought that no 15:07 <+bridge> pulseaudio depends on alsa-lib on archlinux 15:07 <+bridge> pipewire doesn't 15:07 <+bridge> I just want obs to finally support audio per application. Shouldn't it be easy to implement with pipewire 15:07 <+bridge> And webrtc too 15:08 <+bridge> should also be doable with pulseaudio 15:08 <+bridge> I remember doign that 15:09 <+bridge> Mh k. Will later look 15:09 <+bridge> hm, in gentoo both pipewire and pulseaudio depend on alsa-lib 15:09 <+bridge> even with the alsa plugin disabled 15:10 <+bridge> should be pretty trivial if obs is a native pipewire client, it just needs to create a sink and get the stream from the application 15:11 <+bridge> Yeah probably it already works. Maybe more hidden. On windows u have window audio source and select window 15:14 <+bridge> You can probably already just wire it by hand in qpwgraph or using the pw-cli 15:15 <+bridge> Yep 15:15 <+bridge> I have a dummy source for that rn 15:15 <+bridge> But easier in obs directly 15:34 <+bridge> this so much 15:34 <+bridge> imagine being able to watch hentai while streaming 15:34 <+bridge> (joke xd) 15:34 <+bridge> on windows u need a shady program for split desktop adudio 15:35 <+bridge> i need to learn this stuff 15:35 <+bridge> @Learath2 do u have a tldr on migrating 15:35 <+bridge> my meeting is over so i can mess with my audio now 15:36 <+bridge> https://www.gentoo.org/support/news-items/2022-07-29-pipewire-sound-server.html 15:36 <+bridge> found this 15:36 <+bridge> Best part is that you really dont need to learn anything if you dont want to, the out of the box experience is the same as pulseaudio 15:37 <+bridge> I used this and the pipewire page on the gentoo wiki 15:40 <+bridge> One problem I had was that audio was low out of the box, but I just had to set the ALSA volume to 100% 15:40 <+bridge> pavucontrol will work? 15:40 <+bridge> its a nice tool xd 15:41 <+bridge> or whats the pipewire alt 15:41 <+bridge> pavucontrol does still work 15:41 <+bridge> pulseaudio plugin is very very complete 15:41 <+bridge> nice 15:41 <+bridge> does firefox has native pipewire 15:42 <+bridge> ``` 15:42 <+bridge> ❯ rg pulseaudio 15:42 <+bridge> make.conf 15:42 <+bridge> 21:USE="X -wayland lm-sensors contrib mount alsa pulseaudio xinerama opengl vulkan udev elogind -systemd fontconfig vorbis opus vdpau bluetooth" 15:42 <+bridge> 15:42 <+bridge> package.use/00cpu-flags 15:42 <+bridge> 2:# required by media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon-16.1::gentoo[alsa,alsa-plugin] 15:42 <+bridge> 4:# required by media-sound/pulseaudio-16.1::gentoo 15:42 <+bridge> 5:# required by www-client/firefox-bin-105.0.3::gentoo[pulseaudio] 15:42 <+bridge> 7:>=media-plugins/alsa-plugins- pulseaudio 15:42 <+bridge> ``` 15:43 <+bridge> III think they still go through the pulseaudio plugin 15:44 <+bridge> firefox is extremely slow when adopting stuff like this 15:44 <+bridge> They still haven't started using vdpau because they were fighting about whether they should wait for vulkan video or not for half a decade 15:45 <+bridge> xd 15:45 <+bridge> ah there is also something thats been bugging me but unrelated 15:46 <+bridge> i dont like login display managers 15:46 <+bridge> but i didnt know how to get the bus or udev right 15:46 <+bridge> i have xdm without anything 15:46 <+bridge> so when i login in the tty it works but it always says a warning xd 15:46 <+bridge> i wonder how to get the logs 15:46 <+bridge> i have XDM 15:46 <+bridge> but wanna get rid of it 15:47 <+bridge> startx logs 15:49 <+bridge> idk what you mean, I never used a dm so it certainly is possible 15:49 <+bridge> tldr when setting up gentoo i guess i messed up a bit my config 15:49 <+bridge> Are you having an issue starting a dbus session? 15:49 <+bridge> and idk if im using xdm or not, i login through the tty tho xd 15:49 <+bridge> i remember having a issue with it if not using a display manager 15:50 <+bridge> You login through a tty, then how do you start x? 15:50 <+bridge> i forgot 15:51 <+bridge> this is like programming 15:51 <+bridge> a setup u made ages age is not urs anymore 15:51 <+bridge> xd 15:51 <+bridge> i guess x gets started by XDM but it doesnt have any "frontend" configured? 15:52 <+bridge> When you log in, does it automatically get you into a gui? 15:52 <+bridge> no 15:52 <+bridge> my .xinit looks like this 15:52 <+bridge> ``` 15:52 <+bridge> xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources 15:52 <+bridge> 15:52 <+bridge> if [ -n "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]; then 15:52 <+bridge> kill $(echo ${GPG_AGENT_INFO} | cut -d':' -f 2) >/dev/null 2>&1 15:52 <+bridge> fi 15:52 <+bridge> 15:52 <+bridge> exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session ssh-agent i3 15:52 <+bridge> ``` 15:52 <+bridge> So you do `startx`? 15:52 <+bridge> i dont run startx 15:52 <+bridge> i guess if i remove xdm 15:52 <+bridge> i should do that 15:53 <+bridge> ill remove it 15:53 <+bridge> I wonder what even starts x for you, I thought display managers were started by the init system 15:53 <+bridge> it is 15:53 <+bridge> rc-update shows it 15:54 <+bridge> display-manager | default 15:54 <+bridge> ah 15:54 <+bridge> but you log in on a tty you said 15:54 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100419665005649982/image.png 15:54 <+bridge> i have this 15:54 <+bridge> but with xdm 15:54 <+bridge> but xdm is not there 15:55 <+bridge> so its a weird thing it does 15:55 <+bridge> probs 15:55 <+bridge> xd 15:55 <+bridge> ye 15:55 <+bridge> do you maybe have an exec startx in your bashrc or bash_profile? 15:55 <+bridge> I remember gentoo suggesting that in a wiki page 15:55 <+bridge> no i dont 15:55 <+bridge> i nver read that 15:55 <+bridge> so my dumb self thought, ok ill use a display manager to make startx auto 15:56 <+bridge> I mean there is no harm to a dm 😄 15:56 <+bridge> its bloat 15:56 <+bridge> i like my tty login 15:57 <+bridge> do i put exec startx 15:57 <+bridge> in bashrc or profile 15:57 <+bridge> oh wait 15:57 <+bridge> i have it in my profile 15:57 <+bridge> Ah, that explains it 15:57 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100420435650285618/image.png 15:58 <+bridge> what's the point in doing 'native' pipewire if it also supports the pulseaudio API? 15:58 <+bridge> You aren't using XDM at all 15:58 <+bridge> yeah im not xd 15:58 <+bridge> i disabled the display manager in rc-update 15:58 <+bridge> Honestly, nothing much for most applications, there is some pipewire specific stuff exposed in the pipewire api, but mostly advanced stuff 15:59 <+bridge> I've been using this for a long time if you are interested in taking a look 😉 https://github.com/gotroyb127/dotfiles/blob/5d72589137d0218ae8990fe8e9185c02b62f70ce/.profile#L50 16:00 <+bridge> ur not someones alt right? 16:00 <+bridge> ok ill check 16:00 <+bridge> @Ryozuki don't forget to add `gentoo-pipewire-launcher &` to your i3 config 16:00 <+bridge> @Learath2 do u have ur tmp in a tmpfs 16:00 <+bridge> i do 16:00 <+bridge> :BASEDHALT: 16:00 <+bridge> portage tmp too 16:01 <+bridge> just need 12gb ram for firefox tmp files 16:01 <+bridge> Nope, I do sometimes mount a tmpfs there though 16:01 <+bridge> Maybe I should always have it on tmpfs 16:01 <+bridge> it saves lots of writes 16:01 <+bridge> and good use of ram 16:02 <+bridge> otherwise i hardly reach 10gb 16:02 <+bridge> usage 16:02 <+bridge> No, I'm not, I'm me ;). I've been silent generally. 16:03 <+bridge> It'd probably help if I got /nicked to zogtib. 16:03 <+bridge> with or without the full stop? 16:03 <+bridge> without 16:03 <+bridge> not to be pedantic, but a alt saying "im me" is also correct 16:03 <+bridge> after all you are always u :p 16:04 <+bridge> (im joking anyways) 16:04 <+bridge> That's right, but I'm not an alt. 16:04 <+bridge> This is a cute idea, I'll steal it 16:04 <+bridge> (oh and thanks for /nicking me) 16:05 <+bridge> oh 16:05 <+bridge> i havent thought about goign full tty only 16:05 <+bridge> zen mode 16:05 <+bridge> I don't have `exec startx` so I can stay in tty if I'd like 16:07 <+bridge> https://chompie.rip/Blog+Posts/Put+an+io_uring+on+it+-+Exploiting+the+Linux+Kernel 16:07 <+bridge> nice explanation of io_uring, too 16:07 <+bridge> @Learath2 can u tell me ur use flags for pipe 16:08 <+bridge> and do i need alsa-plugins 16:09 <+bridge> ddnet.org seems down 16:09 <+bridge> `media-video/pipewire sound-server extra` I don't have anything else 16:10 <+bridge> media-video/pipewire X dbus extra ffmpeg pipewire-alsa sound-server ssl v4l 16:10 <+bridge> gstreamer might be fun to mess around with too if you want 16:10 <+bridge> no pipewire-alsa ? 16:10 <+bridge> Oh yeah, `X dbus readline ssl` from my `USE` too 16:10 <+bridge> Nope 16:10 <+bridge> pipewire-alsa Replace PulseAudio's ALSA plugin with PipeWire's plugin 16:10 <+bridge> You can use it though if you like 16:11 <+bridge> I don't have any ALSA clients left so I didn't even think about it 16:11 <+bridge> tbh im a bit confused with whats alsa and whatnot 16:11 <+bridge> xd 16:11 <+bridge> do i have alsa clients 16:11 <+bridge> Yeah it is confusing, I think when we say "alsa client" we mean clients that use libalsa directly for their sound output 16:12 <+bridge> I guess there is no harm in enabling pipewire-alsa too just in case you do 16:12 <+bridge> No need for those to go through the pulseaudio plugin 16:13 <+bridge> @Learath2 poke dm 16:13 <+bridge> saved 16:16 <+bridge> [blocks B ] media-video/pipewire[sound-server(+)] ("media-video/pipewire[sound-server(+)]" is soft blocking media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon-16.1-r6) 16:16 <+bridge> [blocks B ] media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon ("media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon" is soft blocking media-video/pipewire-0.3.67) 16:16 <+bridge> odd 16:16 <+bridge> ❯ sudo emerge --deselect media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon 16:16 <+bridge> > No matching atoms found in "world" favorites file... 16:16 <+bridge> i shouldnt have it xd 16:17 <+bridge> ❯ equery d pulseaudio-daemon 16:17 <+bridge> * These packages depend on pulseaudio-daemon: 16:17 <+bridge> media-libs/libpulse-16.1-r2 (media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon) 16:17 <+bridge> media-sound/paprefs-1.2-r3 (media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon[glib]) 16:17 <+bridge> media-sound/pulseaudio-16.1 (daemon ? >=media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon-16.1[bluetooth?,glib?,jack?,ofono-headset?]) 16:17 <+bridge> i guess i need to remove those 16:19 <+bridge> @Learath2 do u have a global use flag with pulseaudio? or pipewire 16:19 <+bridge> i have alsa pulseaudio there 16:24 <+bridge> Yeah, you need to keep the pulseaudio useflag, I also enabled pipewire so I can get native clients where supported 16:25 <+bridge> did you set `-sound-server` on pulseaudio as suggested on the migration guide? 16:25 <+bridge> `-daemon` actually sorry 16:26 <+bridge> Yeah, that's why you have it, you didn't set `-daemon` 16:29 <+bridge> i fixed it 16:29 <+bridge> i had to deselect a library 16:29 <+bridge> sudo emerge --deselect media-sound/paprefs 16:29 <+bridge> > Removing media-sound/paprefs from "world" favorites file... 16:30 <+bridge> @Learath2 i found some unholy thing in my rc-update 16:30 <+bridge> sudo emerge --deselect media-sound/paprefs 16:30 <+bridge> > Removing media-sound/paprefs from "world" favorites file... 16:30 <+bridge> eww 16:30 <+bridge> do u use udev btw? 16:30 <+bridge> but you are supposed to have it 😄 16:30 <+bridge> xD 16:30 <+bridge> added global pipewire 16:30 <+bridge> the only things that support it 16:30 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100428740879716494/image.png 16:30 <+bridge> sad world 16:31 <+bridge> also added the session thing 16:31 <+bridge> ill reboot and hope for the best, after obs finishes compiling 16:32 <+bridge> yeah, I've been meaning to migrate to eudev but didn't have time to mess around with it 16:32 <+bridge> udev breaking is more than a 20 minute issue to debug 😄 16:33 <+bridge> ye xd 16:34 <+bridge> hello from the unbloated world 16:34 <+bridge> pipewire 16:34 <+bridge> it works 16:34 <+bridge> my audio was at 40 but i put it at 100 16:35 <+bridge> i control my audio from my bose speakers 16:35 <+bridge> :gigachad: 16:35 <+bridge> 2023-04-25 16:35:37 I client/sound: sound init successful using audio driver 'pulseaudio' 16:35 <+bridge> ddnet says this tho 16:35 <+bridge> i guess ddnet being ddnet 16:36 <+bridge> it is possible our sdl2 is too old, maybe compile a new one? 16:36 <+bridge> oh 16:36 <+bridge> i recompiled sdl2 with the flag but not ddnet 16:37 <+bridge> same 16:37 <+bridge> hmm 16:38 <+bridge> ``` 16:38 <+bridge> ❯ mpv \[SubsPlease\]\ Vinland\ Saga\ S2\ -\ 12\ \(1080p\)\ \[CDAA6C02\].mkv 16:38 <+bridge> (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 23.976fps) 16:38 <+bridge> (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=jpn (*) (aac 2ch 44100Hz) 16:38 <+bridge> (+) Subs --sid=1 --slang=eng (*) 'English subs' (ass) 16:38 <+bridge> Using hardware decoding (nvdec). 16:38 <+bridge> AO: [pipewire] 44100Hz stereo 2ch floatp 16:38 <+bridge> VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 cuda[nv12] 16:38 <+bridge> AV: 00:00:04 / 00:25:55 (0%) A-V: 0.000 16:38 <+bridge> ``` 16:38 <+bridge> hehe 16:38 <+bridge> i know it works thanks to mpv 16:40 <+bridge> Ah apparently SDL2 uses pulseaudio if it's available always 16:40 <+bridge> Try `SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pipewire ./DDNet` 16:44 <+bridge> 2023-04-25 16:44:49 I client/sound: sound init successful using audio driver 'pipewire' 16:44 <+bridge> oh nice 16:45 <+bridge> should i export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pipewire 16:45 <+bridge> i will do it 17:04 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T6ClX-y2AE&t=2611s 17:29 <+bridge> i got my cgit mirror up again 17:29 <+bridge> https://git.edgarluque.com/ 17:29 <+bridge> im no longer affected by microsoft closing github 17:29 <+bridge> :BASEDHALT: 17:30 <+bridge> don't hold your breath, sourceforge is still up 17:34 <+bridge> if github would be shutdown today, i wonder if gitlab could even handle it at all xD 17:35 <+bridge> They probably have good enough automation that they’ll scale without problem 17:35 <+bridge> Running more gitlab nodes isn’t too hard 17:35 <+bridge> i wonder if gitlab is even that scalable 17:35 <+bridge> i mean how many users does gitlab have, they probs never tested it with like 20times the amount xD 17:36 <+bridge> I think I remember some sharding in the code if needed 17:36 <+bridge> or much more probably 17:36 <+bridge> cgit interface is so much faster 17:36 <+bridge> than github 17:36 <+bridge> no js bloat 17:37 <+bridge> but it also has basically no functionalty xd 17:37 <+bridge> so rewrite github in rust to compile it to wasm 17:38 <+bridge> and hope that browsers will do more wasm optimizations soon 17:40 <+bridge> that's the best problem to have, everyone would be pumped to work on making it scale 17:40 <+bridge> ^^ true 17:40 <+bridge> this reminded me of this 17:40 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2F-DItXtZs&pp=ygUJd2ViIHNjYWxl 17:40 <+bridge> troll 17:51 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T6ClX-y2AE&t=2611s 17:55 <+bridge> (rust is mentioned there @Ryozuki :p ) 17:55 <+bridge> oh nice 17:56 <+bridge> what if ur file is only named \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.mkv 17:56 <+bridge> what if ur file is only named ()[]()()()()()[]()()]()[)]([].mkv 18:06 <+bridge> wtf bors big spammer 18:08 <+bridge> amazing PR @Robyt3 18:09 <+bridge> gotta try out the IME again ^^ 18:33 <+bridge> The newest version of Tater-Client crash if you try to load a map in map editor. 18:33 <+bridge> Someone got this error too or was this a one of the last changes and i miss merged it? 18:41 <+bridge> any specific map? 18:41 <+bridge> 18:41 <+bridge> does ddnet not crash? 18:42 <+bridge> The exception implies that a file has no modified date or it could not be determined 18:46 <+bridge> nah you cant get to the map select.. if you click on file-> load ... then it crashes 18:46 <+bridge> 18:46 <+bridge> the person who told me this said that the newest ddnet version dont crash 18:47 <+bridge> yea i understand the error message but i dont want to some new handling into system.cpp or other functions what is extra changes to the main branch 18:47 <+bridge> I don't really understand this exception though. Here is the only result on the internet for it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71345845/assertion-timeptr-nullptr 18:47 <+bridge> Does Tater-Client have the same `str_timestamp_ex` implementation as ddnet? 18:49 <+bridge> since tater-client don't need to change it this should be the same 18:58 <+bridge> looks great 19:42 <+bridge> weechat is trash for Matrix but best for irc. I use gomuks for Matrix it’s quite solid 19:42 <+bridge> (@Jupeyy_Keks) 19:52 <+bridge> nheko is fast, but not terminal based. and kinda looks like telegram xD 19:54 <+bridge> Matrix is bad eitherway 19:54 <+bridge> send from matrix 19:54 <+bridge> The protocol is just bloat. And the main china controlled spynet matrix.org instance is slow af. And the federation is just annoying 19:55 <+bridge> Okay gotta admit on iOS Matrix crap beats irc clients 19:55 <+bridge> so what else can we use 19:56 <+bridge> Which is also fair since real OGs don’t own phones 19:56 <+bridge> i need smth that is as good as discord, and matrix is the only thing close 19:56 <+bridge> irc all the way 19:56 <+bridge> Better than Matrix and discord combined 19:56 <+bridge> 🤪 20:06 <+bridge> There used to be fosscord which apparently rebranded and took down their website that made it look like a Fortune 500 company https://github.com/spacebarchat/spacebarchat 20:07 <+bridge> xd 20:07 <+bridge> good to know tho 20:08 <+bridge> Idk how good it is. Honestly their good design and marketing scared me away. 20:09 <+bridge> For me every average corp marketing speech and modern front end seems like a scam site to me. 20:10 <+bridge> If you have a good product why would you need to advertise it. If your product is a scam or can’t speak for it self you need to rely on shiny ads banners and designs 20:23 <+bridge> https://gizmodo.com/the-eu-suppressed-a-300-page-study-that-found-piracy-do-1818629537 20:23 <+bridge> kekw 20:23 <+bridge> > The EU Suppressed a 300-Page Study That Found Piracy Doesn’t Harm Sales 20:43 <+bridge> @Learath2 https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2218380120 20:43 <+bridge> future 20:43 <+bridge> or past 20:44 <+bridge> Electrical current modulation in wood electrochemical transistor 20:44 <+bridge> wood transistors 20:44 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1100492554115498044/pnas.2218380120fig01.jpg