01:32 < KINGKONG> THIS CHANNEL SMELLS LIKE SHIT! GET ON 𝖨𝖱𝖢𝖣.𝖢𝖧𝖠𝖳 #𝖳𝖢𝖯𝖣𝖨𝖱𝖤𝖢𝖳 FOR HARD CHATS 01:32 < KINGKONG> █ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▄ - █▀▀ █-█ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ 08:58 < ChillerDragon> !mods 08:58 < ChillerDragon> fuck it crashed 08:58 < ChillerDragon> multimap ger10 [D] Angelina back at spawnblocking 08:59 < ChillerDragon> !mods 09:00 < ChillerDragon> !mods 09:00 < chillerbot> <@&252523225810993153> chiler is one one of those servers ddnet://, ddnet:// send help to this poor soul in danger 09:01 < bridge> spammer 09:01 < bridge> :giga_chad: 09:06 < ChillerDragon> where are the mods? ._. 09:06 < ChillerDragon> votes dont get through on multi 09:17 < ChillerDragon> @ReD are you mod? 09:17 < ChillerDragon> zillyhuhn.com/tmp/ange_sb.demo 09:17 < bridge> yes 09:18 < bridge> I watch angelina from anonymous if she blocks 09:18 < ChillerDragon> check the demo 09:18 < ChillerDragon> also he is famouse for sb im surprised you dont know him 09:19 < bridge> I banned for the funvote 09:19 < bridge> I know them 09:19 < bridge> ok I will watch the demo as well 09:20 < ChillerDragon> thanks 09:21 < bridge> I see it, changed the ban to 3h because of the spawn blocking 09:21 < bridge> np 09:22 < ChillerDragon> :) 11:08 < bridge> I did nothing today 11:08 < bridge> great 11:20 < ChillerDragon> buy better timezone then my day just started :p 11:21 < ChillerDragon> any arch user can recommend some font packages? I would like to see all the unicode fancyness inlcuding chinese symbols etc without having to install 100gb of virus fonts xd 11:23 < bridge> wdym virus fonts 11:24 < bridge> I use `adobe-source-han-fonts` 11:24 < bridge> source han sans and source han serif are the standard CJK fonts rn 11:24 < bridge> also unifont i guess 11:24 < bridge> `adobe-source-han-sans-fonts` actually 😛 11:25 < bridge> Oh and `noto-fonts-emoji` for the emoji 11:25 < bridge> :poggers2: I'm making my own pixelated cjk fonts 11:25 < bridge> for my (unexisting) next game 11:25 < bridge> For a game? 11:25 < bridge> Aha 11:25 < bridge> lol 11:25 < bridge> not sure if it is even possible for one person to do 11:26 < bridge> Yeah ngl cjk is too many characters 11:26 < bridge> there was one guy making 12px cjk font and still haven't finished it two years later 11:26 < bridge> for 16px there's unifont 11:28 < bridge> there are no stylized cjk fonts for pixel style at all. i really want to try to make a standard 14px or 16px font and just make filters to transform them into different styles 11:28 < bridge> paper's please used like 20 different fonts while the chinese and japanese translation just had the same font everywhere 11:28 < bridge> How many characters did you decide to do? 11:29 < bridge> The entire unicode cjk plane would be a little too ambitious I think 😛 11:29 < bridge> at least 20000 to cover GBK probably 11:30 < bridge> a font can only has 65535 glyphs, so I guess no font covers the entire unicode 11:30 < ChillerDragon> @TsFreddie by virus fonts i mean if i randomly go to the aur and install all "free font home made" packages ill get some sketchy stuff xd 11:30 < bridge> there are IDS database tho, so maybe some of them can be generated just by radicals 11:31 < bridge> there are IDS database tho, so maybe some of them can be generated just by radicals (i think) 11:32 < bridge> anyway just use source han sans 11:32 < bridge> everything use source han sans now 11:32 < bridge> including ddnet and teeworlds :kek: 11:33 < bridge> source han serif is very pleasing to look at with heavier weight 11:33 < bridge> highly recommended just to use it to read 11:34 < ChillerDragon> yea emojis i already got somehow xd but thanks fredi and lerato got the fonts look gud :) 11:35 < bridge> source han serif 11:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099267255914733589/image.png 11:36 < ChillerDragon> ok nice my broken crack client handles cjk better than my vscode now xd 11:36 < bridge> I actually never checked how fonts handle differences between simplified c, traditional c, j and k. I think you share the codepoints but the strokes are different 11:36 < bridge> you just switch fonts depends on the user 11:37 < bridge> i mean you're supposed to. i know lots of game just stick to j glyphs 11:37 < bridge> we can read them anyway. just some stroke are different, they didn't mix simplified glyphs and traditional glyphs 11:38 < ChillerDragon> oh btw @heinrich5991 i managed to reduce the cmakelists diff by a lot using cmakes `include()` and overwriting the variables i wanted to change instead of creating git conflict surface in place 11:38 < bridge> microsoft made 4 version of the same font and have different names for them depends on the glyph type 11:39 < ChillerDragon> omg i got a compile error because syntax error in a comment!? 11:39 < ChillerDragon> rust moment xd 11:39 < bridge> btw traditional c has at least two types too, hong kong and taiwan glyphs are different too. 11:40 < bridge> simplified only has one tho, singapore chinese and malaysia chinese just use the same one with us. 11:41 < bridge> Ah. Okay, so they just don't have a mechanism for this 11:42 < bridge> nope 11:42 < bridge> they just expect you to see the ones you read, handled by the operating system 11:52 < bridge> taiwan :justatest: 11:54 < bridge> yes it is a place 11:56 < ChillerDragon> yo @Ryozuki do u use alacritty? 11:56 < bridge> i did 11:56 < bridge> Chinese Taipei surely is a fascinating place 11:56 < bridge> then windows terminal came out 11:56 < ChillerDragon> xd 11:56 < bridge> :justatest: 11:56 < ChillerDragon> ye windows terminal is kinda cool ngl 11:57 < ChillerDragon> i like uing stuff the os ships thats also why im having a hard time dropping my gnome terminal 12:13 < bridge> Include guards > pragma once gang member disapproves this pr :greenthing: 12:14 < bridge> what is better with guards? 12:14 < ChillerDragon> @Jupstar ✪ daily ddnet code base quiz is the string "Hallöchen" in the git history of ddnet/ddnet? 12:15 < ChillerDragon> no checking allowed! just thinking! 12:18 < bridge> y 12:27 < ChillerDragon> ok jopsti missed the deadline 12:27 < ChillerDragon> and ryo won the daily ddnet code base quiz 12:28 < ChillerDragon> running `git log -S'Hallöchen'` yields some commits from german trol heinrich adding some german umlaute in a sample string in the rust docs 13:16 < bridge> :PES_ReeePing: 13:31 < bridge> He didn't even answer to your quiz xd 13:50 < ChillerDragon> Ah fk 13:50 < ChillerDragon> irc moment 13:52 < bridge> #50 13:52 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/50 13:52 < bridge> #49 13:53 < ChillerDragon> huh? 13:53 < bridge> #69 13:53 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/69 13:53 < ChillerDragon> i gotta add this feature to chillerbot so irc ppl can do too 13:54 < bridge> ```#50``` 13:54 < bridge> test 13:54 < bridge> ```#51``` 13:54 < ChillerDragon> how do i get rid of this annoying warning spam ._. ``/usr/bin/ld.gold: warning: Cannot export local symbol '__asan_check_load_add_1_R15'`` 13:54 < ChillerDragon> im not a big fan of the gold linker 13:54 < bridge> ```#50``` 13:54 < bridge> 13:54 < bridge> test 13:54 < bridge> ```#51``` 13:54 < bridge> #52 13:54 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/52 13:54 < bridge> Sorry ^^ 13:55 < bridge> $build_status #6523 13:55 < bridge> 🟢 13:56 < bridge> $build_status #3954 13:56 < bridge> 🔴 13:56 < bridge> this is kinda stupid with no context about the build tho lol 13:56 < bridge> Don't think anyone ever used it either 14:00 < ChillerDragon> #52 14:00 < chillerbot> https://github.com(ddnet/ddnet/52 14:00 < ChillerDragon> xd omg 14:00 < bridge> ( 14:00 < ChillerDragon> yeye fakof 14:01 < ChillerDragon> #420 14:01 < chillerbot> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/420 14:01 < ChillerDragon> wat 14:01 < ChillerDragon> #1337 14:01 < chillerbot> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/1337 14:01 < ChillerDragon> ez i dont even have to detect if its pr or issue cuz smort gh redirects 14:11 < bridge> $build_status #9999 14:11 < bridge> Couldn't find that 14:12 < bridge> $build_status #-1 14:12 < bridge> Invalid reference 14:12 < bridge> le tester 14:12 < bridge> Where is the exploit xd 14:12 < bridge> $build_status #jupstar 14:12 < bridge> Invalid reference 14:12 < bridge> $build_status #321abc 14:12 < bridge> Invalid reference 14:12 < bridge> $build_status #' exit 14:12 < bridge> Invalid reference 14:12 < bridge> $build_status all 14:13 < bridge> Couldn't find that 14:13 < bridge> $build_status #0xff 14:13 < bridge> Invalid reference 14:13 < bridge> $help 14:13 < bridge> Use `$help [command]` for more info on a command. 14:13 < bridge> You can also use `$help [category]` for more info on a category. 14:13 < bridge> 14:13 < bridge> __**DDNet Status**__ 14:13 < bridge> ddos 14:13 < bridge> __**Github**__ 14:13 < bridge> build_status 14:13 < bridge> __**Memes**__ 14:13 < bridge> angry clown drake happy sleep teebob teeward 14:13 < bridge> __**Misc**__ 14:13 < bridge> about avatar commandstats emojis invite time weather 14:13 < bridge> __**PlayerFinder**__ 14:13 < bridge> find 14:13 < bridge> __**Profile**__ 14:13 < bridge> hours map points profile total_time 14:13 < bridge> __**Votes**__ 14:13 < bridge> kick 14:13 < bridge> __**​No Category**__ 14:13 < bridge> help 14:13 < bridge> $build_status #1337 14:13 < bridge> ❔ 14:13 < bridge> $help build_status 14:14 < bridge> $build_status [pr|commit] 14:14 < bridge> 14:14 < bridge> Show the build status of a PR/commit 14:14 < bridge> lol, i thoguht the bot was confused 14:14 < bridge> $build_status 1234 14:14 < bridge> Couldn't find that 14:14 < bridge> not sure it's really useful though 14:14 < bridge> #developer will just become spammed 14:15 < bridge> should be fine 14:16 < bridge> it's not that useful anyway 14:18 < bridge> FYI, this is not a new addition. 14:26 < bridge> #69 14:26 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/69 16:14 < bridge> @deen I think ingame news haven't been updated to 16.9 yet. Still shows 16.8 for me 16:36 < bridge> @Learath2 https://raymii.org/s/blog/Vim_as_PID_1_Boot_to_Vim.html 16:36 < bridge> pid 1 vim 16:36 < bridge> no more systemd 16:45 < ChillerDragon> emacs wanna be trying to become a whole os 16:46 < ChillerDragon> Uff how did merging in the kill msg stuff from voxel break the teehistorian tests in my fork? xd https://github.com/chillerbot/chillerbot-ux/commit/32e6ad60131a42d6ec04b954396feec8f5468051 16:47 < ChillerDragon> `TeeHistorian.DDNetVersion` and `TeeHistorian.Auth` started to fail with that merge?! xd 16:49 < ChillerDragon> Hm it fails on buffer error hmm maybe the new net message messed with it. But why did the pipeline not fail for ddnet? xd 17:30 < bridge> Better option 17:52 < ChillerDragon> !mods 17:52 < chillerbot> <@&252523225810993153> chiler is one one of those servers ddnet://, ddnet:// send help to this poor soul in danger 17:52 < ChillerDragon> nameless tee spawnblocking on stronghold 3 17:52 < bridge> chiler? 17:55 < ChillerDragon> thanks red :) moderator of the day! 17:56 < bridge> I felt intrigued by the automated cry for help by the bot 17:56 < ChillerDragon> hehe ez worth it to build a bot 17:56 < bridge> $meme teebob saying words like map still compresses the text 17:56 < bridge> wrong channel 17:57 < bridge> #bot-cmds 18:47 < bridge> thx 19:27 < bridge> Is there code for a teeworlds client without gui that just joins a server and spectate ? 19:29 < bridge> But if you have no gui, how do you wanna spectate? 19:31 < bridge> If you mean without any graphics: compile the headless client. 19:31 < bridge> If you mean no HUD: just disable all the HUD when starting with the config options 19:32 < bridge> Where is the headless client ? 19:37 < bridge> You need to compile ddnet yourself. Follow the instructions at https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet and set HEADLESS_CLIENT=ON with cmake 19:39 < bridge> Will it be able to connect to regular teeworlds servers as well ? 19:41 < bridge> To regular 0.6 vanilla servers, yes 19:43 < bridge> reddit avatar on discord 19:44 < bridge> Not 0.7 ? 19:45 < bridge> DDNet client can only connect to 0.6 servers 19:49 < bridge> Vanilla client is also available in headless mode, but I don't know how well it works 19:49 < bridge> So you could use vanilla client if you want to connect to 0.7 servers 19:53 < bridge> There is mention of HEADLESS_CLIENT in cmakelist in the vanilla client but idk how to activate that 19:55 < bridge> Add `-DHEADLESS_CLIENT=ON` as an argument when calling `cmake` (or set `HEADLESS_CLIENT` to `ON` in a cmake GUI if you are using one) 19:56 < bridge> When support of 0.7 servers in ddnet :troll: 19:57 < bridge> I'm over my head 19:57 < bridge> Maybe someone here would be interested in writing a dummy headless client that records the scoreboard of every game in a database to be displayed in a teeworlds stats website 19:57 < bridge> I can take care of the website part 19:58 < bridge> https://www.npmjs.com/package/teeworlds 19:59 < bridge> This is headless teeworlds client written in JS, you can use this for collecting scoreboard 20:00 < bridge> https://status.tw/ 20:00 < bridge> Would you not be able to use this API? 20:02 < bridge> Wow, js rewrite, impressive 20:04 < bridge> Status.tw only crawls the masterserver, i woul get more detailed info with a headless client 20:07 < bridge> @Swarfey would you be interested in recording the scoreboards if i take care of the website part ? 20:11 < bridge> What information would you need? You can crawl the https master too 20:11 < bridge> https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json 20:13 < bridge> That info is already availâble for ddnet 20:13 < bridge> For vanilla tw it would be interesting to record the scoreboards at the end of the game 20:14 < bridge> That's not included in the master server crawls 20:14 < bridge> Ask the server providers if they allow this 20:14 < bridge> If you connect on the server with a "bot", you might get banned of their servers 20:15 < bridge> So be it, no harm in trying 20:21 < bridge> # is this new or wut ? # 20:21 < bridge> # is this new or wut # 20:21 < bridge> ah yes 20:37 < bridge> @deen Did you forget to merge #6521 or should someone else review as well? 20:37 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6521 20:39 < bridge> How can we check if #4537 is resolved with latest SDL version? @Jupeyy_Keks @Learath2 20:39 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/4537 20:43 < bridge> done 20:44 < bridge> weird that key_first and key_unknown are same value 21:05 < bridge> i dunno, install win11? xd 21:05 < bridge> pls no 21:06 < bridge> drop support for windows 21:13 < bridge> Only support blackberry 21:13 < bridge> Market share < 0.1 21:14 < ChillerDragon> the headless client option should work as well in vanilla as in ddnet last time i checked both were working equally functional @Robyt3 21:14 < bridge> would solve some issues 21:43 < bridge> hi fred @TsFreddie 21:46 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099420924513620078/m2vqxi32ahva1.webp 21:46 < bridge> would you work with me to record and publish the vanilla scoreboards ? 21:48 < bridge> mJ2P7Wuf 22:13 < bridge> even better idea 22:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099427661375353003/Untitled15_20230422161224.png 22:13 < bridge> srong channel 22:27 < bridge> yes.